Reacting to my Wife's baby memes

  • 2 days ago
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00:00All right, Ken. Hello. I play Amnesia. You play Amnesia. Yes. I grow a beard. You grow a beard. Oh, yeah
00:07Okay. Yeah sure, but for once you bested me the first time ever you had a child before me
00:13I will give you that Ken. I thought he's gonna say you have a kid. I have a kid
00:20I'm finally part of that gang. Yeah
00:24How many kids do you have now Ken do you even care
00:28I'm starting my own like League of Legends team. So one more, right? Are you gonna be a sport team?
00:35You're not even gonna play. Okay, I'll just be the coach they can they can take care of it. I love that
00:39Okay. Well because of that finally I can laugh at
00:43Child memes for the first time ever. Yeah
00:48So today we're gonna react to
00:50Children meme and I will finally understand the joke all the time. I've been fake laughing this whole time
00:55It's true. Nobody gets dad jokes until they become a dad then you're just like wow. I didn't think I could laugh this much
01:01How is it possible?
01:02Starting off. Oh, by the way, this is cute Marzia curated. She sent me all of these. So we'll see what she got
01:16Sorry, I shouldn't swear right away shame on you those reflexes you did a cartoon fall
01:25Careful with your language cuz one day your child will literally repeat everything you say all of it
01:30I was listening on some bad some non child appropriate stuff
01:34I guess I was listening to a podcast and was like you can't listen to that in front of your they're swearing way too much
01:41It's not that they'll just repeat what you say they'll repeat what you say to strangers
01:46Somebody completely you never known and they'd be like my dad wiped my bum today and you're like
01:52Sure, dad. Hi, buddy. Yeah
01:55Tell me you're married a couple that just put your kids to bed without telling me
02:05Silence I need to reply to all these messages. No one says anything. No one's cuddling. Everyone's like
02:14I can relate to this. I get it now, but it's just pain. It's not even like do you want to watch anything?
02:19There's just no there's nothing
02:21Hold on one second Mary's yelling outside the door. Hold on. Thank you the hand
02:25I gotta hold a baby for a minute. You know, I if this was old me I'd be like
02:31Let's Felix kids. Don't care if you're about to record a video
02:38Like Mary's back out again, she she she needed a hand for a second Hank one more minute
02:44Are you there? I am. I'm back. Sorry about that. How dare you have a child? I would never do such thing
02:49No, right shame on me jeez
03:03Look there ain't on a minute. It's very cute. Very much. Yeah. Oh
03:09You get to go through like the terrible twos and the three nature. No, I've heard about it. No
03:15Like right that moment where they learn like a little bit of freedom, but they they're still limited by their little baby selves
03:21So frustrating, isn't it funny though?
03:25Yeah, but in the moment you're just like oh my god, please
03:29All I said was no you can't jump off the balcony and kill yourself. No, you can't why are you so mad at me for that?
03:37You'll be trying to do something but then new yeah
03:47Also need to do other things
03:49This skill I've gained from the one-hand actions. My god. I done things. I didn't know it was possible one-handed everything man
03:57Yeah, everything I can't do the old baby stuff that I can't do with one hand
04:01I just change it out get rid of it. I'm useless to me. I think I get like the backpack the baby carrier
04:06It's strapping to you. Oh, yeah, we do that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah
04:11Seriously like you set him down to do anything. It's like oh my stomach. Oh, I shouldn't hate that
04:16I came to the bathroom and your baby's like
04:20You come back and he's got like tiny tears now running down his face. Oh, I'm so sorry
04:26I I had to go to the bathroom for two seconds
05:06Yeah, especially when there's poop everywhere as well, come on
05:10Little bitty baby to wait until they get a little stronger and they're just like, oh god, they get stronger
05:15He's already so powerful
05:18Well, it really bothers me as well as the poops. They don't get smaller. Oh, no, it's already bad enough. Oh
05:25Don't tell me I know I don't wanna okay
05:30Interrupting video to announce an historical day
05:34They said he wouldn't come but he did first of all as a newborn parent I want to give my sincerest
05:41Thank you to the one that stood by my side
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05:58Yes, it looked incredible
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07:56Thank you. Do you feel for saving my life and let's go on with this video. You don't need it Sakai
08:01That's a pass you have use a baby
08:09Don't hate son we tried once he just spat it out
08:12I'm like how dare you insult me with these I think when they're so young like they know you what they won't take him
08:18But eventually our kids started liking them, but we do we do it to where we only give it to him when it's nap time
08:23It's like a almost like a treat not like something they need all the time. That's good parenting tips
08:34God damn, they spit out so much doesn't matter a burp or whatever technique people say. Yeah
08:41And then they're like, oh, I'm hungry. Yes
08:44It's like they finally
08:46Finished and everything is perfect. And then they're like Oh food in my mouth. I would like more of that food in my mouth
08:51Thank you. Now, please. I won't wait
08:55I'm not your uber eats. Oh, dude
09:04He's gonna be a youtuber he's got their reactions down
09:06That's what you have to play through that same part of the game the second time because your footage failed
09:15I play horror games for years and somehow still get scared from them. I didn't see it coming
09:23What the hell is ace
09:25Oh, yeah, I was a puppet, okay, of course my sister says this is cursed
09:41God stop it. No. Yeah Martin loves to like I'm trying to share photos of beer and I'm like Martin
09:47Do you have any cute ones and she loves to take like ugly pictures of him?
09:50you know when you do like the
09:52Lowest focal length on the camera. It'll really close up and you look
10:05Always feel like they are whistling when they do that though. I'm like, what did you humming boy? What you working on there?
10:10There's this great point of when they're two maybe you can teach them things and they're just happy that you're happy
10:17So if they do something like yeah
10:19Then they'll do it over and over and over again so you can teach them just like he does like this little thing
10:23He goes, yeah, like points at you like he's a kid. What's up?
10:25And so every time I come out of the office these he's he's like
10:31He thinks it's hilarious my brain just went to like, oh he's taking out the trash. Yeah
10:36Well, you can do that too like what the floors
10:42Clean up your plate when you're done eating and they'll like bring it to you and you like yeah
10:45Thank you, and they'll do it until they get to about four. They're like
10:49Wait a minute
10:52It takes him two years to realize
10:56Free laborers all day
10:59Then it goes from like yeah do it to do it cuz I said so
11:05Here comes
11:09What did you do with the maracas play the maracas song? Oh, oh god. Oh god
11:16They don't crawl like that do they Oh God
11:20What the hell is that demon?
11:23No, well, you know not every baby learns how to crawl the same. It's unfortunate our first kid Layla
11:29She had like a Quasimodo crawl that she would like sit down and like one hand like scoot across the floor at you
11:34I didn't know that. I thought they all like instinct thing
11:43They figured they figured out eventually but sometimes when they learn to move in a certain way they just kind of keep doing it
12:05What the hell it's like the ring, you know when they lose their jaw, oh my god
12:12That's terrifying. Oh my god. Yeah
12:26Gee look at him go
12:44Feel like I know where this is going
12:49Yeah, there it is
12:52Fine. Yeah, of course, of course, of course. Yeah. Thank you mindset. Very good memes
12:59Very nice. Very nice. All right switching over to my memes that I've gathered. This little guy was ready to fight
13:10Once again, oh
13:13Ready to fight
13:19You what you do that again, right?
13:23Have you noticed that you're your baby just randomly feels like he's falling and freaks out from time to time for no reason
13:28Yeah, what is that?
13:30I'm I think myself told me what it was, but I forgot but I always imagine it's like they wake up and they realize they're
13:35Not in the womb anymore and they're like
13:40My favorite baby of all time no
13:52Can't get over it now now it's even better
13:55Everything about this for me. I put this out of my mind and you brought it. You reminded me of this lady
14:01No, yeah, apparently she made an apology. I didn't I didn't know she did that. Have you saw did she? Yeah, she danced
14:07I understand people are upset
14:10With the video that was me just trying to be positive. What do you think about that Ken? She was being positive
14:15I'll tell you what I think about that
14:20Now that I'm a dad I can finally answer this question would I slap him for 100 billion
14:27Yes, yeah
14:31I would slap that baby brother million years
14:34Well, that was that was really fun. Yeah, we're watching memes with Ken check out Ken's channel
14:39Yeah, if you haven't already for some reason and mine 112 million, please
14:43Can we hit it and I'll see you guys in the next one. Hey, baby
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