Sunday Podcast 100 with Bro Mike 100624 Redeeming the Outcasts-HD 720p

  • 2 days ago
00:00I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
00:30Jesus heals broken hearts, mends the soul, gives fresh starts
00:43We cast out devils, heal the lame, there is power in His name, name
00:57Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
01:12Heal the sick, make them whole, Jesus' blood redeems the soul, in His name we break the chains, cast out devils and heal the lame
01:32Jesus, this very day, He will save you and lead the way, receive eternal life, don't delay
01:59Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
02:16Hardcore Christianity
02:26Hardcore Christianity
02:30All on Jesus, this very day, He will save you and lead the way, receive eternal life, don't delay
02:55Jesus saves, Jesus heals, Jesus loves, His word reveals, Jesus delivers, He sets us free, hardcore Christianity
03:25Say good morning friends. Hi, it's Sunday morning brother Mike back on the Sunday morning podcast got another good one for you today
03:35Sure, thank you for tuning in a couple of quick announcements. Please remember that we have at the Arizona Deliverance Center
03:43Two live services every week Thursday and Friday evenings at 7 o'clock
03:49Those services are broadcast on our YouTube teaching channel go to slash house of healing AZ
03:57And we also have three zoom services per week Mondays at 6 30 for the ladies and then we've got Wednesday and Saturday for everybody
04:13That's at 6 6 p.m. Arizona Pacific time. Hope you'll join and please remember our women's seminar coming up
04:26This month it's going to be remarkable to say the least these women's seminars are the bomb
04:35It's on the 19th. I hope you can make it a lot of people are flying in from out of state to go to the seminar
04:42Our healing house is full. We don't have any beds left for that seminar. So you'll have to get a hotel if you come in from out of state
04:52And we hope you're able to make it it's going to be really great and
05:01If you turn with me in your Bibles real quickly
05:05Luke chapter 17
05:08This story is like
05:11Off the chain spectacular
05:15What a great story this is
05:17I'll read it to you starting at verse 11 Luke chapter chapter 17
05:23It is truly remarkable. It says it came to pass as
05:27Jesus went to Jerusalem
05:30That he passed through the middle of
05:34Samaria and
05:36Galilee now remember Samaria was an area that was off-limits to Jews
05:43Why because
05:46Samaritans hated Jews
05:49They were worshipped at Mount Gerson and the Jews hated the Samaritans
05:55Because they were half breeds. They were Jewish people who had intermingled with
06:00the Gentiles or the other nations and
06:04These two groups did not get along
06:08You know, they
06:10Did not like each other. In fact, there was some hatred
06:14There was intense hatred between the two groups
06:20Jesus as you know
06:24Did not have that kind of hate for Samaritans or anybody else
06:29in fact, Jesus had
06:31Passed through Samaria on
06:34other occasions and had ministered to people
06:37And the Jews would not go there
06:41For example the woman at the well
06:44Was one trip through Samaria
06:47But going through Samaria from the north to the south to Jerusalem
06:51That was a shorter way to go. It was better to go through Samaria
06:54But Jews went around it and put an extra two days on their trip coming from the north
07:02Because they wouldn't go through that area they hated their neighbors
07:05Because they wouldn't go through that area they hated their guts
07:09Hatred is a funny thing. Isn't it's the world's strongest emotion
07:14Hatreds frightening actually because it's the it lays the foundation for
07:23And murder
07:26And war
07:30And so Jesus went through Samaria and met the woman at the well John chapter 4
07:36One time Jesus was going to go through Samaria and he was going to stop off and hold a Holy Ghost
07:45that's in Luke chapter 9 do you remember that and
07:49When he went in there to help them the Samaritans came out and said hey, we hate your guts get out of here and
07:57James and John
08:00John in particular the Apostle of Love
08:03Asked the Lord if he wanted to rain down fire from heaven and
08:09Fry them
08:11Make a giant Samaritan barbecue out of them and Jesus said you don't know what manner of spirit you are of
08:21Amazing Luke 9 56. What he was he saying there were these these
08:28Disciples were once again manifesting demons
08:34Jesus said the Son of Man didn't come to destroy men's lives. He came to save them. So now he's going through
08:40Samaria again in Luke 17 and
08:44It says when he entered a certain area
08:47Ten lepers
08:50Met him as
08:53He was passing through Samaria again with his disciples
08:59As you know in Leviticus chapter 13 numbers chapter 5
09:07Lepers in Israel
09:11Second second Kings 15 also had it
09:14lepers were
09:16not allowed to live with
09:19the normal population
09:22in fact, they had a social distancing rule in the Old Testament of
09:27300 feet
09:29Lepers could not come near a non-leprosy leprous person
09:36They couldn't get within 300 feet when I was okay during kovat, I think it was six feet they had these stickers on the floor and
09:45We go we later found out this social distancing was something the CDC just made up, you know
09:52They just cooked it up in their brain
09:54But anyway, they had a 300 feet social distancing there so these lepers
10:00Heard about Jesus passing through Samaria
10:06They stood afar off. They didn't want to come up to him because of that
10:10rule in the Bible and
10:13They started yelling at him and they yelled at him and they said Jesus master
10:21Epistasis is the Greek word. It means commander. They saw Jesus as the commander of
10:28sin sickness and death
10:31They cried out to the Lord and what a spectacular prayer. This thing's flat-out awesome
10:38Have mercy on us
10:41I'll tell you what the Holy Ghost
10:44That gets his attention
10:46When you're looking to Jesus as the author and finisher of your faith and you're crying out for mercy
10:54he just
10:56comes alive
10:58It is spectacular to say the least
11:02Last Friday night at the service
11:04we just had a whole lineup of people being delivered from demons because
11:08They were crying out for mercy other people sat in the back and didn't do anything. They didn't cry out for mercy and they
11:16They got nothing
11:19What a show
11:22Mercy crying out for mercy always
11:26Causes the ear of the Lord to
11:30Move toward you
11:33Jesus looked up it says in verse 14. He saw them and he said to them
11:39He says to them go
11:42Show yourself to the priests
11:46Okay, that's in Leviticus 14 go show yourself to the priests
11:53They immediately obeyed just like that. Boom
11:57Wow, you can tell these these weren't born-again Christians in the 21st century, right?
12:02I mean if the Lord tells a Christian something now, they got to think about it analyze it go over it cross-referencing
12:09Then go to five different churches trying to get a word from somebody
12:13Now not these guys
12:15the commander
12:17told them
12:19Go show yourself to the priests and they just like that obeyed
12:24See Jesus said you are my friends if you do what I tell you
12:31You could be born-again Christian, but not be a friend of God
12:35You can have the love of God all over you, but not be his friend
12:40That's very true a parent can
12:44Have deep love for a child
12:47But the child is not the parents friend. They don't do what they're asked
12:52They disobey they cause all kinds of problems yet. They are still loved
12:57Born-again Christians are very loved
13:00Unconditionally by God, but that doesn't mean that your friends say
13:05Friendships a different thing
13:08And he said go to the priests and
13:12It came to pass it as they went as
13:17They went see that Mark chapter 11, you know
13:22You like this fig tree?
13:24Well, you will not only do what is done to the fig tree, but you'll do greater works than these
13:31How did Jesus curse the fig tree he did something
13:35Doing something triggers the supernatural power of faith and miracles happen and
13:43he said
13:46As they went they were what
13:49Cleanse katharine zone is a Greek word. It means
13:53Exactly the way it was translated
13:55They got cleaned up
13:59Were made clean and
14:01They looked down and like Naaman the warrior in the Old Testament
14:06Their skin was better than when they were a baby
14:10They had baby soft skin
14:15Can you imagine that
14:17Your skin is falling off. You got sores all over you. They're bleeding
14:22Bloods dripping off your body
14:25these scabs
14:28Flake off and they leave exposed skin under there. Then they get infected. I mean these people were walking toilets
14:36They were walking toilets. Okay, they were walking latrines
14:43Filthy like you can't believe
14:47Dirty and
14:50Suddenly miraculously supernaturally as soon as they obeyed and started to go to the priest a
14:57Few seconds later, they're all healed
15:03They're all cleansed but it says verse 15
15:09But one of them
15:12When he saw that he was healed look at my arms unbelievable
15:18Turned back and didn't go to the priest anymore
15:26He turns back and then starts doing something that's not allowed in church
15:34He starts yelling out praises to God
15:39Yeah, you start yelling praises to God I'm telling you what you're gonna the ushers are gonna come for you
15:46You'll be out in the hall real quick
15:49But all lukewarm carnal Christian churches are like that
15:52They don't want anybody screaming yelling praises to God or being exceptionally graceful makes the
15:59Makes the board members and the pastoral staff nervous
16:04They came with a loud voice that says and he glorified God
16:10That was number one
16:12number two
16:15He fell down on
16:19His face
16:21He does a Peter pan boom lands on his face at the feet of Jesus it says
16:29There's no better place to be than the feet of Jesus
16:38After you've yelled out your praises to God
16:41You head for the feet of Jesus
16:44You following this pattern here?
16:47immediate obedience
16:53Thankfulness, isn't that amazing?
16:57You want to something funny in second second Timothy chapter 3
17:03What humanity is going to be like in the latter days?
17:08at the end of the world and
17:10Right now we're we're in the pre-tribulation and we're nearing the end. We've only got a few years left before the rapture hits
17:18This ain't going to be over quickly
17:23As Paul said to Timothy in the latter times
17:27Men shall be lovers of their own selves. They will be covetous
17:38Disobedient to parents they will be unthankful and unholy now, you notice something funny there
17:45Unthankfulness is right next to unholiness
17:59You know what the biggest problem with born-again Christians is why they can't get any miracles unthankfulness
18:10It's a worse thing
18:13When I do my devotionals in the morning, and this is just me I'm not telling you to do what I do
18:18Maybe you're doing something better than me
18:21Many of you I'm sure are
18:24But in my morning devotionals, I have a little book
18:27That I start with and then I go through different things in the book
18:32but in the page one is
18:34The grateful list and I have a lump number down the list I go down that list
18:39giving God thanks for
18:42All the different things he's done for me my family the ministry all of it. It's all on the list there
18:48I go through it every morning. I
18:53Need to do it more often too, of course, I'm certainly not perfect. Oh far from it. But here we go
18:59Unthankfulness is next to unholiness in Paul's horrible list of sin
19:06Human sin 2nd Timothy chapter 3 he itemizes it
19:10I've done a Bible study on and I broke down each one of those words. It's really quite revealing. It's a revelatory section
19:20Unthankfulness is similar to unholiness. It's it's it's it's you relapsing on porn alcohol
19:29Drugs food
19:33Sex all of it porn all the it's the same unthankfulness
19:39Make a list of all the stuff God's done for you and
19:44When you get up in the morning take five minutes five, that's it. Okay, one two, three, four five five minutes
19:51that's all you need to do and
19:53you go down the list there and
19:57Just make sure that he knows you remember
20:02That you're thankful for what he did
20:04Thank you for what he did. I
20:07Go down my list I start with my best girl Tracy and I
20:13Hit the thank-yous for her
20:15Then I go to all my ex-wives and my current wife. I go down that list
20:21Thankfulness, I just go through the whole thing. You make your own list and I'm sure shoot your list probably better than mine. That's okay
20:30He fell down on his face see that immediate obedience they went
20:39Screaming out your praises to God meaning it's coming from the depth of your soul
20:43You don't have to yell yell every time but it comes out of the soul in desperation
20:49praising the Lord number three
20:52You fall down at the feet of the Lord Jesus the Son of God the commander as the as the lepers called him
20:59the commander
21:04And you give thanks while you're on your face
21:10The point of the story again was he was a Samaritan
21:14Again, the Jews hated these people
21:17but God is speaking to us today and he's telling us I
21:23love people other people hate I
21:29Love people who are who have been rejected by others
21:35Those are the ones I accept
21:39See your church may have bagged you your friends may have dumped you
21:43Your family may have buried you alive
21:46That's got nothing to do with God
21:50Your Heavenly Father
21:52Treats you like a Samaritan
21:56Everybody hates Samaritans. No, sorry
22:00Not the Lord
22:02Then Jesus answered and he says while the guys on the ground they're face down
22:12He says were there not nine cleansed
22:19Catherine's Oh made clean cleaned up. We're not one that we're not
22:23Wasn't there ten of them clean? Where where are the other nine?
22:29Where are they verse 17 verse 18
22:35They are not found
22:39That return to give give glory to God
22:42now remember
22:45It doesn't say God doesn't love them because they didn't give him. Thanks
22:50It doesn't say that God's going to give them the leprosy back
22:55Because they didn't give thanks
22:57The point of that verse is
23:00It was noticed
23:05I've missed mornings occasionally on my devotions and I haven't done them once in a while. I
23:15Screw up and miss it or get involved in something else and I
23:19Bungle the job. Well, God doesn't hate my guts because I
23:24Forgot a morning devotion last week or last month
23:29But he does notice it
23:31He does notice it
23:36And he's noticing you he notices
23:41Do you remember what I did for you, are you grateful for what I did for you?
23:48See, here's the great thing
23:50Demons are trying to control your mind by putting negative thoughts in there. They can't do that when you're grateful
23:55Because your mind has shut down the negative thoughts and is now preoccupied with gratefulness
24:03And the demons are frozen they've lost they can't do it a
24:10Grateful mind can't be overrun by demons
24:16And the demons hate it by the way, they don't like it
24:18And the demons hate it by the way, they don't want to hear you do that it's like
24:23Fingernails on a chalkboard to them. They're just creeping out while you're giving. Thanks and
24:30The point of the story was he said the only person that came back to give thanks and give glory to God it says
24:37Was a stranger
24:39Translation people that everybody hates
24:45God accepts
24:48Particularly when he hears I'm yelling out
24:52Glory to you Lord
24:54Thank you
24:56For what you did for me
24:59Thank you for helping me. Thank you for caring
25:06That's what Paul told the Philippians didn't he and everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus our Lord
25:13in everything give thanks that means
25:16Crap that happens to you and blessings that happens to you if you can learn to thank God for your trials and tribulations
25:22You will become a spiritual monster in Christ. I
25:28mean totally different from all of the Christians
25:32Then in verse verse 19, he drops it on the bomb on us
25:39Jesus looks at the guy and says stand up
25:42He said arise
25:45On feasting me means to stand up on your feet stand up here
25:52Go your way
25:56Now, you know that guy was a leper and had been for who knows how long
26:02And I mean that guy couldn't wait to get back to his family. He couldn't get wait to get back to his friends
26:07He couldn't wait to go home
26:13Unlike modern-day Christians
26:16Who are carnal lukewarm losers?
26:19this guy this guy postponed what he wanted to do and
26:25Prioritized his praise I
26:33Want to go home I can't wait to see my wife I want my kids so bad but I
26:39Got to do something for the Lord first
26:43Jesus once said he that loves
26:46mother and father son or daughter husband or wife more than me is
26:51Not worthy of
26:58This guy put off his personal life
27:01That he craved and that he had lost and it had been restored
27:07See this healing of leprosy had ramifications that were enormous
27:13All the people that these lepers knew
27:16family and friends
27:23People all of them
27:25They had lost
27:27They had lost everything their jobs their life their money their family their kids. Everything was gone
27:35Well, the other nine couldn't wait to get home which would be a normal human feeling absolutely
27:42There's nothing sinful or wrong about that. That would be a normal desire of a person who had lost everything and then had it restored
27:50perfectly normal not a sin no problem there, but
27:55It's the priority of life putting your kids ahead of God. Ouch
28:01Putting your career ahead of God. Ow
28:06Putting your spouse ahead of God. Oh, no
28:09It's a priority
28:13That most Christians have not learned. Well this dying leper
28:19learned it and
28:23Then Jesus said stand up now go your way you can go home to your family now and rejoice I
28:31Mean they had a party that night. You wouldn't even believe
28:34And he says to him your faith
28:38has made
28:40You whole your faith
28:44Did you see that oh
28:47I know you didn't miss that
28:49You didn't miss it. Well, that was God's sovereign will he just came out of a cloud with a bowl to let know
28:58Those ten lepers none of them would have been healed if they did not do what obey
29:04They all obeyed
29:06Instantly triggering a miracle you are my friends if you do what I tell you
29:12But this leper didn't want to just be cleansed he wanted to be made
29:22Completely whole
29:24And here's what it says go your way your faith your faith has made you whole Greek word
29:31Check this out sozo
29:37Being cleansed of leprosy
29:41Did not sozo deliver those other nine lepers
29:48But the tenth leper
29:50The only one that came back. He wanted to be delivered and
29:55He went through the deliverance process
29:59Giving glorious praise to God falling down at the feet of Jesus
30:04giving thanks to the Lord
30:08triggered sozo
30:20All you got to do is make the adjustment
30:24It's easy to do yeah, you just pull out a piece of paper
30:28There you go
30:29Pull that paper and write down your morning gratefulness items
30:35itemize them and
30:38Then you spend some time
30:41Telling the Lord
30:44Lord here's column one all the good things you've done for me all the good things that happened to me. Thank you
30:50Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
30:52Here's column two
30:54The crap in my life I got crap
30:57City here crap city there puke city there and puke city here. Thank you. I
31:03Know you're gonna fix this. I know you're gonna come through
31:08Column one thank thanking God for things that have happened in your past
31:14Column two thankful for things that are going to happen in your future
31:19Now you're going to become a very dangerous person spiritually
31:24That's what Mickey said to rocky if you can if you can learn to move with this string on your feet
31:29He said hey rocky Marciano had the same problem and this string cured it he said
31:35See if you learn to move and you learn to punch with inside the confines of your footwork and this string
31:43You become a very dangerous poison
31:46Well, you can become a very dangerous poison to the devil
31:53But you got to become like a dying leper to do it
31:58You can't just assume things you can't take things for granted
32:02Because remember in the latter times
32:04You know what's going to happen men will become lovers of themselves
32:08They will be unthankful and unholy
32:12Both put on the same level unholy Christians living in sin are unholy
32:18Unthankfulness same level right next to each other. Yikes
32:29See your praise is one thing the devil cannot overcome he can't he can't take it there's nothing to do about it
32:37He takes it for granted
32:39Nothing to do about
32:41He turns into a heavy bag in the gym and all he does is take shots boom boom boom
32:47As an amateur boxer often on for 10 years when I was young I started in eighth grade I
32:55Loved and I wanted to be the champion of the world and I wanted to be famous and I wanted to have all kinds of
33:01Girlfriends and all kinds of money had all these big dreams in eighth grade
33:05It was all you know obviously
33:07Flushy stuff
33:10Well, I used to work out in the gym
33:13Every day after I got out of school, I'd head down to the gym on weekends. I was there like all day Saturday and Sundays
33:21And I used to work out on the heavy bag
33:24Boom, boom, boom. Boom. You know what? I never lost a fight at the heavy bag. I
33:32Was like 1500 and oh
33:37You know what the problem there was the heavy bag wasn't punching back, you know
33:43I was winning because I had no competition. Well
33:49that's exactly what the devil turns into a
33:52Punching bag a heavy bag in the gym. That's what he becomes when you
33:57Let your praise go and you crank it from your guts
34:02Like the dying leper
34:04He came back and he was yelling
34:07Glory to God. He fell on his face
34:11Now that's some serious praying friend
34:17remember that story with praying hide he went to the
34:20Went to the church
34:21That morning to pray and the pastor of the church said do you mind if I go with you? He said no, I don't mind
34:28Praying hide goes down to the front of the church
34:30Kneels down at the altar never says a word for 25 minutes 30 minutes didn't say one word
34:37After half an hour, he lets out this big sigh
34:44Right after that the pastor who was sitting four or five rows behind him on the aisle
34:51section of the pew
34:53Watching him
34:55Kind of sitting there praying himself
34:57He felt someone walk past him going down to hide
35:01he felt a
35:02Something like an angel or something passing him
35:06Going down to see hide
35:10See hide hide wasn't content just to have a cleansing that wasn't good enough for hide
35:20He wanted in into the holy of holies
35:23He wanted in into the holy of holies he wanted to get into the inner sanctum, how do you do that praise?
35:34Where the other nine at where are you today? Where are you? What are you doing? Where's that list?
35:44Thankful for your past blessings thankful for your future ones
35:48Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap pew pew pew pew pew pew pew future victory. Thank you
35:56Thank you
36:01Friend you can't lose this way and that's why this the Holy Ghost put this story in the Bible. That's why he did it
36:07He said now here's the road map to miracles from God. Here it is
36:13Follow this road map. Are you an outcast?
36:17Have you been rejected did your spouse leave you did your
36:21Kids tell you to go suck on something. Did they tell you that good?
36:31Because you're a Samaritan
36:35Did you know that no
36:37Jewish lepers got healed that day. Did you know that?
36:42God's chosen people God's chosen people
36:46Nobody got healed
36:49Don't you see faith crosses all boundaries
36:53The Centurion was not Jewish his son got healed
37:00The mother from Syria
37:04Was not Jewish
37:07Her daughter got delivered I
37:10I hope I'm helping somebody today. I'm hoping that you will see yourself as someone
37:20Prime cut
37:22Even though you were tossed in the trash
37:26By family friends and society and your church
37:30Even you were tossed out
37:33You are still prime cut
37:37You are a Samaritan
37:43Can you imagine that
37:47God called you because you're a Samaritan
37:56Man you a killer now
37:59Your mediocre Christian life dies on my podcast today, it's dead. We're gonna commit suicide
38:10I am no longer a carnal useless lukewarm mediocre common Christian. No
38:19I'm gonna stand up
38:24And I'm gonna go my way
38:27Just like that dying leper
38:30Were there not ten lepers healed? Where's the other nine?
38:34God's asking you the same question today. Where are you? I
38:38Mean how many more years are you gonna waste?
38:41Well, brother Mike, I've wasted 30 or 40 now. I don't know. It's just not I know. Yes
38:47I do know you wasted 40 years you screwed up drop it and move forward
38:54Why waste the rest of your life and on your dead deathbed die with a
38:59titanic load of great
39:02Regrets, why do that?
39:04Well, why do it you shouldn't be doing it don't do it God doesn't want you to do it
39:10Did you waste 40 years? Okay. Yeah, I did too. I wasted 40 years
39:16God's got something great for you
39:19and he wants you to
39:23act like
39:24The one leper that came back the other nine got healed because they obeyed
39:31The 10th leper got healed because he obeyed but he wanted to be delivered so Joe and
39:38That's the same way with you. You don't want to just be healed. Do you if you do?
39:43You know, I hope you're healed and God bless you
39:45But let me talk to the other people who are are not like the nine. I want
39:50The person on the podcast today who's like the one
39:54The one came back to be delivered not just cleansed. I
39:58Don't want to just be cleansed. I want to be delivered
40:05The great warrior Naaman from Syria what happened to him he dipped in the river he came out he was healed
40:13Did he go home ungrateful? No
40:17He went back to the Prophet of God
40:20Wanted to give him all kinds of gifts not why cuz he's bribing him. No, he was grateful
40:26For what Jehovah the Hebrew God had done for him
40:31He was thankful because none of the Syrian gods could have ever done that
40:35He knew he was in another league to say the least
40:40And the great prophet of God would not accept any gifts because
40:47All the miracles of God and the blessings of God are all free
40:52Paid bought and paid for it Calvary not with money. That's ridiculous absurd
40:59We don't buy miracles like these phony gutless useless TV preachers tell you
41:06You got a so here to get that. He's so X amount you get that amount
41:11You so then you get a hundredfold that's all that's all what they call horse crap at the stable
41:18They use a different term, but it's still it's just a horse grunting it out. That's all that is. That's all crap
41:26Real money in life is not
41:30dollar bills it's
41:33Gratefulness here in you being expressed
41:39Is it what God knows I'm graceful I'm good. No, you're not good. He likes to hear it
41:44Okay, you like certain music right because you like to hear it
41:52Your is music to God's ears
41:55Not the guys on the worship team they come and sing for the Lord. Oh
42:00Then they go live a sinful life, you know, I don't don't get me started on I
42:05Don't want to get myself started on worship teams. Those things are absolutely horrible
42:11God really likes
42:22That's what he likes music to his ears he likes people who are thankful and grateful those people he can trust
42:34Were there not ten cleansed where are the nine?
42:42Where are you I
42:46Love you. See you next week. Okay
