Colourrs of Love | Latest Hindi Movie | 2024

  • 21 hours ago
Colourrs of Love 2024 Indian romantic drama directed by Divyesh Limbani Avee is a young doctor who seeks help for his depression that he struggles with after an emotionally draining breakup. His mother approaches a psychologist Rajat (Gulshan) to help him heal. Through his emotional meddle, Avee stumbles upon a woman who changes the way he looks at love and relationships; this forces him to take a whole new journey in finding happiness annd connection. Traversing the realms of heartbreak, mental health, and love in its many facets, the movie offers a glimpse into Avee's life as we witness how his career as a sex therapist intersects with his own personal demons. It is deliberated by actors such as Smaran Sahu and Bhakti Kubavat.

Watch now - Colourrs of Love | Latest Hindi Movie | 2024
