
  • yesterday


00:00But we are here, the past is too strong, it's all the plot of the plot
00:11Because the eternal oath becomes a lie, as time goes by, it should have changed
00:20When the night turns the memory over, it seems to still have everything
00:27But when I look back, I realize that the story has ended
00:57Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
01:27Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
01:58Yue'er, what are you doing?
02:01Stand up
02:03How did you get hurt?
02:06My second uncle shot me on the altar to fight for Yang Hao
02:15Then, at the White Gate, he was humiliated
02:23He almost...
02:24Ouyang Yue, she is your niece
02:28How could you do that?
02:29She, she...
02:30She did it on purpose
02:32Who's daughter would do such a thing?
02:35My second uncle, if you want to fight for Yang Hao, I won't fight with you
02:41But you use Yang Hao to do smuggling business and protect your power
02:46For my father, for all the uncles and aunts
02:50I can't stand by
02:53Why did she do that?
02:55All the money in Ouyang Shanhai's account is recorded
02:59You can check it one by one
03:01There is her seal on it, please have a look
03:04The seal is real
03:06It's okay, it's okay
03:35My second uncle, do you still want to shut everyone's mouth?
03:43Ouyang Shanhai, we know you are the boss of the Red Gang
03:47But you are too naive to play tricks here
03:50Come on, drive Ouyang Shanhai out of Yang Hao
03:59I'll go by myself
04:24My father always said
04:27I'll be loyal to Yang Hao, I won't make any trouble
04:30I won't do anything bad
04:32I'll be pure and innocent
04:35I hope I can inherit my father's will
04:38and run Yang Hao with justice
04:43Please take charge of Yang Hao, Miss Ouyang
04:47Please take charge of Yang Hao, Miss Ouyang
04:56Please take charge of Yang Hao, Miss Ouyang
05:26Please take charge of Yang Hao, Miss Ouyang
05:56Yang Hao
06:13Yang Hao
06:19Let's play the zither
06:26Let's go
06:57想念是一个没有床的房间 Missing you is a room without a bed
07:05塞满了幸福的幻觉 It's filled with the illusion of happiness
07:11人生若只如初见 If life is just like the first meeting
07:18爱过又何必埋怨 Why complain about having loved
07:26回忆若隐约有些心酸味 Memories will make you sad
07:33就藏在心里面 I'll hide them in my heart
07:39不让你发现 I won't let you find out
07:44想念是一个没有床的房间 Missing you is a room without a bed
07:52想念是一个没有床的房间 Missing you is a room without a bed
08:03我早晚都会让你们一个一个都死得很难堪 I'll make you all die a terrible death sooner or later
08:14大人 您消息还真灵通啊 Sir, you are really well-informed
08:24我刚从洋行被赶了出来 I was just kicked out of the bank
08:27您就大驾光临 and you came to me
08:30这是要对我动手了吗 Are you going to kill me?
08:34我想大人应该不会对我动手 I think you won't kill me
08:47大哥给大人写了一封信 My brother wrote a letter to you
08:51要是我有什么三长两短 If anything happens to me
08:55大人 您也不想惹得一身骚吧 Sir, you don't want to get into trouble, do you?
09:04开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑开个玩笑咱们是一条船上的很快我就让欧阳月这个丫头从红城消失 I'm just kidding. We're on the same boat. Soon I'll make this girl, Ouyang Yue, disappear from the Red City
09:35小姐 这么晚了我们来这儿干什么 Miss, what are we doing here so late at night?
09:39我约了家昊 I have an appointment with Jiahao
09:43你在这儿等我就好 我自己进去 You can wait here for me. I'll go in by myself
09:46好 Okay
10:00家昊 Jiahao
10:05小月 你终于来了 Xiaoyue, you're finally here
10:11对不起啊 我来晚了 Sorry, I'm late
10:14没事 来了就好 我给你准备 It's okay. It's good that you're here. I've prepared...
10:18家昊 今天珊儿叔突然召开董事会想要继承杨航 Jiahao, today Uncle Shan suddenly held a board meeting to inherit Yang Hang
10:25所以我来不及通知你 就带着他走私军火的黑杖赶过去了 把他赶出了杨航 So I didn't have time to inform you, so I rushed over with his smuggling of arms and drove him out of Yang Hang
10:34你去了杨航 赶走了欧阳山海 你知不知道这样很危险 你应该告诉我一声 让我带人一起过去 一起收拾欧阳山海那个老家伙 You went to Yang Hang and drove Ouyang Shanhai away? Do you know how dangerous it is? You should have told me and let me take someone with me to clean up Ouyang Shanhai together
10:51家昊 想要拿回杨航 我只能靠我自己 Jiahao, I can only rely on myself to get Yang Hang back
11:05我知道了 I know
11:07家昊 我知道你也是担心我 但是拿回杨航 我 我知道了 Jiahao, I know you're worried about me, but getting Yang Hang back...
11:15小悦 自己有本事 不用我帮忙 Xiao Yue, you're capable. You don't need my help
11:23不是这个意思 我 It's not what I mean. I...
11:25时候不早了 我送你回去吧 It's getting late. I'll walk you home
11:34家昊 你怎么在这儿 Jiahao, you're here?
11:43家昊 今天是他陪我去的杨航 他帮我 Jiahao, he went to Yang Hang with me today. He helped me...
11:48我不是说别让我再看见你 我不是说别让我再看见你 我不是说别让我再看见你 我不是说别让我再看见你 我不是说别让我再看见你 你怎么敢回来的 我不是跟你说过了吗 我是小雪的保镖 只听命于小雪一人 I'm not saying you can't see me again. How dare you come back?
11:52我不是跟你说过了吗 我是小雪的保镖 只听命于小雪一人 我不是跟你说过了吗 我是小雪的保镖 只听命于小雪一人 I'm not saying you can't see me again. I'm not saying you can't see me again. How dare you come back here?
12:13家昊 Jiahao