• last year
The Trouble with Jessica (2023)

Sarah and Tom are in deep financial trouble. Their situation takes a terrifying nosedive with the shocking behavior of uninvited dinner guest, Jessica.
00:00:15They've accepted the price
00:00:20You think we can still exchange on Thursday, that's great. Listen, I just need to take another call
00:00:30Talk soon. Bye. Hey
00:00:33What you bringing who?
00:00:37Okay, nice
00:00:40It's fine it is fine
00:00:44It is
00:00:47No, of course fine. Hey, I'm saying it's fine. That's how you know, it's fine
00:00:52Well, there's plenty of food so I'll see you soon, okay, bye
00:01:02They're bringing Jessica
00:01:06Why are they bringing Jessica
00:01:08Why not bring Jessica? She was flirts with you. She flirts with everyone. Oh fine, then we can all flirt with little miss aren't I?
00:01:16Fascinating, you know, she just wrote this bestseller 400 pages of confession porn
00:01:20I know and now she's coming over and it's going to be oh, hi, Jessica. Sorry. I haven't read your book
00:01:27It's not that big of a deal
00:01:31It's just I wanted this evening to be special. It will be special
00:01:38This is going to be our last dinner in this house
00:01:42Won't be that bad. Yeah, you always think it won't be that bad
00:01:48I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I can say it. Yeah
00:02:00You look gorgeous
00:02:03Crashing your party. You don't mind. I'm late
00:02:08Smells promising. Hi Tom. Hey, Jessica
00:02:11That's hoping you'd make the clafoutis. You try Tom's clafoutis. I've never tried Tom's clafoutis
00:02:17You know, all you should do is just make clafoutis for the rest of your life. Seriously
00:02:23Okay, okay
00:02:27Mmm, well, it's gonna be an occasion. Don't forget tonight the Tom's clafoutis. How are the kids?
00:02:32Ben has become a born-again Christian. What?
00:02:35Yeah, he says he needs faith in his life
00:02:39Last night before dinner. He tried to make us hold hands and pray. Hopefully he'll just get bored and become a anarchist or something
00:02:46Well, poppy just came out. Really?
00:02:49You don't have to worry about getting pregnant
00:02:51I hear your books being well. Yeah, I haven't read it yet
00:02:57That's okay. I've read it
00:02:58Brilliant. Well, what's it about? It's a kind of memoir of my misspent life
00:03:04Reviews have been amazing. You should read it. Absolutely. I will read it
00:03:08You know, I've never actually been to your house before. You haven't? No, I haven't. You've never invited me. Oh, well
00:03:14Why don't you show me around?
00:03:22Let's start upstairs
00:03:27Everyone is reading your book
00:03:29Not your wife. I hope you don't mind my bringing Jessica. She was tagging along a minute before I knew it. It's fine
00:03:36No, it isn't fine. I can see it isn't
00:03:41What's up there? That's my office
00:03:48What's this then? Just a project I've been working on. All those sharp edges. Are people supposed to live in it? Hopefully
00:03:57Hmm what?
00:04:03Never forgotten that night. Do you ever think about it?
00:04:19I was just showing Jessica the Napier Street project. Hmm. The food's burning. You might want to get back to it before dinner's ruined
00:04:39Jesus doesn't it bother you defending someone like that?
00:04:43Yeah, I just don't know what has to be you
00:04:45Do we have to have this argument again?
00:04:46Well, if you dealt with as many domestic violence victims if I have to every day you simply wouldn't do it
00:04:52And if I didn't you wouldn't enjoy the lifestyle that you do a domestic violence counselling salary
00:04:56Well, I just don't know why you have to do so many rape cases
00:04:59Actually, what I really like to do is get out of rape back into murder
00:05:02the thing about rapists
00:05:05Is they're all
00:05:07Arseholes. No kidding. Murderers aren't arseholes?
00:05:11No, it's a type of arsehole. Plus I fucking hate cross-examining rape victims. It's impossible not to look like a cunt
00:05:18I defy anyone to cross-examine a rape victim and not look like a cunt. My husband the cunt everyone?
00:05:24Well, it's not easy being a cunt. You have no idea
00:05:27I was raped once
00:05:32Oh, that was years ago straight after college
00:05:36Why did you never tell me?
00:05:39I didn't tell anyone
00:05:42I suppose I just thought he'd get some clever lawyer and I'd get humiliated in court and
00:05:48And he'd get off anyway
00:05:52I now really do feel like a cunt
00:05:55Well now you see what you really are. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
00:06:15You weren't raped, were you?
00:06:17I'm just fucking with you
00:06:21I can't believe you just made a joke about being raped
00:06:24Well, you all didn't seem to mind when he was joking about it
00:06:40Sarah, are you alright?
00:06:50Napier Street's become a succession for Tom
00:06:53I think no one's ever taken him seriously and this is going to change everything
00:06:59The main investor pulled out
00:07:02So Tom took out a loan without telling me
00:07:06Oh my god
00:07:07And now it's way over budget
00:07:09He's run out of money and
00:07:11Oh shit
00:07:14I'm afraid your grandma's in bed because it's grey in the middle
00:07:19I didn't find out what was going on until I started doing this year's tax returns
00:07:23And of course by then it was too fucking late
00:07:27There we are, it's fine
00:07:37Yeah, well, everyone settled down and got boring, eh?
00:07:41Except Jessica, of course
00:07:43You never got boring
00:07:44Crazy gets boring after a while
00:07:46We're all crazy about you
00:07:48Do you remember that last night after finals?
00:07:51All you did was talk about buildings and I just wanted you to take me home and fuck me
00:07:58Oh for fuck's sake
00:07:59You just had us all wrapped around your little finger, didn't you?
00:08:02But you married Ben
00:08:03I did?
00:08:04Yeah, don't you forget it
00:08:06You two would never have made each other happy
00:08:09Sam never made men happy
00:08:10What about Mr. X?
00:08:12Mr. X?
00:08:13Well I wouldn't say I made him happy
00:08:15He made me happy
00:08:16He's from the book
00:08:17Married Man, apparently
00:08:19Do we know him?
00:08:20She won't tell me
00:08:21Well I hope his wife doesn't find out
00:08:23Well she won't from me, I'm not going to burst their bubble
00:08:26Maybe it's not a bubble, maybe what it is is a marriage
00:08:32Well it's kind of the same thing, isn't it?
00:08:37How about the clafoutis?
00:08:42Yeah, I have to try this clafoutis
00:08:43For God's sake, can we stop going on about this fucking clafoutis?
00:08:46Jess, love
00:08:48He was just trying to
00:08:49I know, I'm sorry
00:08:56So sometimes you get tired of all the bullshit
00:08:59What bullshit?
00:09:00Why don't we just
00:09:01No, no, no, I'd like to know what bullshit
00:09:05The roles we've all chosen
00:09:08Charming amoralist
00:09:10Po-faced do-gooder
00:09:13Pathological dreamer
00:09:15Grown up
00:09:16Fuck up
00:09:18Maybe the bullshit he's telling us that our lives are bullshit
00:09:21I mean who made you the arbiter of what's bullshit and what isn't?
00:09:24You asked me what I meant
00:09:26Who made you the arbiter of what's bullshit and what isn't?
00:09:29You asked me what I meant
00:09:30I shouldn't have had to, Jessica
00:09:31This is my house, you're sitting at my table
00:09:33And I don't need you telling me that my life is bullshit
00:09:36Fine, fine
00:09:37I'm sorry I was rude about your perfect house
00:09:39And your perfect life
00:09:40And your perfect clafoutis
00:09:43We should all be so fucking lucky as you
00:09:46Oh, that's a good one
00:09:50We're having to sell the house
00:09:57Believe it or not, other people have problems
00:09:59Real problems
00:10:00Not just about who they're going to flirt with
00:10:04Get high with
00:10:06It's amazing, you've led this life of zero responsibility
00:10:09And you get a bestseller out of it
00:10:11Now you have to sit here and be a total narcissist
00:10:14And just for one evening
00:10:15Can you just not flirt with my fucking husband?
00:10:20You're selling the house?
00:10:22Yeah, we have to
00:10:23Well, what happened?
00:10:28We got into trouble
00:10:30Oh, shit
00:10:32Can we help?
00:10:34No, what? Of course we can
00:10:35No, it's too much
00:10:37You helped us when we ran into trouble
00:10:39We don't know what we'd have done if you hadn't
00:10:41Do you happen to have a spare million?
00:10:45We'll manage, we have a buyer
00:10:46As long as we exchange contracts this week, we'll be fine
00:10:51I'm sorry I went off on her
00:10:53She always manages to get to me and I don't know why
00:10:57I should never have brought her
00:10:59She kind of insisted it was weird
00:11:01Well, maybe she's right, maybe it is all bullshit
00:11:05I mean, you try to build a life, a home
00:11:08A future for your kids, no?
00:11:10What the fuck is wrong with that?
00:11:12And then one day something happens
00:11:14And you wonder if the effort
00:11:16All the fucking effort that you put into the life that you built
00:11:18You wonder if someone is just playing a fucking joke on you
00:11:21You'll bounce back, of course you'll bounce back
00:11:24Yes, we'll bounce back
00:11:26As long as we sell the house
00:11:28You'll sell this house, it's a great fucking house
00:11:36I'm sorry
00:11:38It's all right
00:11:42It's all right, darling, don't worry about it
00:11:49You probably all want dessert
00:11:52Well, now that you mention it
00:11:55What? I can't help myself, what do you want me to say?
00:11:57All right
00:11:59Probably time for a bit of clafoutis
00:12:11Oh, it looks fucking amazing
00:12:16Always looks amazing, ma'am
00:12:20Wait a minute, we should get Jessica
00:12:22Oh yes, obviously
00:12:23Where's she gone?
00:12:24I'll get her, wait a minute
00:12:26There's always something with Jessica
00:12:28Well, it was me too
00:12:30No, no, no it wasn't
00:12:33It wasn't you
00:12:38I'll make it up to her when she comes back
00:12:44Hurry up!
00:12:45Oh God!
00:12:48Get a knife!
00:12:49Get a knife to cut her down
00:12:52Help me!
00:12:53Oh my God
00:12:56Cut her up!
00:12:57Cut free!
00:12:59Take the weight!
00:13:00Jesus Christ!
00:13:01Fucking use, get her higher!
00:13:04She's not breathing
00:13:06I've got a cramp, I've got a cramp
00:13:08I've got a cramp
00:13:09I'm in the middle of a fire
00:13:15Cut her down, cut her down
00:13:17Just cut, just go, just cut it
00:13:19Cut it!
00:13:21She's choking!
00:13:23Get the knife!
00:13:25Get the knife!
00:13:26Fucking hell
00:13:27Okay, just cut
00:13:31Oh my God
00:13:32Oh my God
00:13:34Oh my God
00:13:39Is she?
00:14:11When I am laid,
00:14:18I'm laid in us
00:14:26May my wrath
00:14:30I knew something like this was going to happen
00:14:32But I didn't think she'd actually fucking do it
00:14:36I mean, her book's doing really well
00:14:38Finally everything's coming together
00:14:40And this, I mean, why?
00:14:42Why would you come to someone's house for dinner
00:14:44And then go into the garden?
00:14:48I mean, how exactly is that supposed to make any fucking sense?
00:14:59Want to get you a drink?
00:15:00No, I don't want a fucking drink
00:15:02I just want this not to happen
00:15:07It's my fault
00:15:11I shouldn't have shouted at her
00:15:12I overreacted
00:15:13Come on, you can't blame yourself for this
00:15:15It's crazy
00:15:16It's nobody's fault
00:15:27I guess we'd better call someone
00:15:29Who do you call when someone...
00:15:31The police
00:15:34The police?
00:15:37Then we'd better call someone
00:15:40I'll do it
00:16:00Put the phone down
00:16:02Oh, hi
00:16:03Okay, put the phone down
00:16:05What did you do that for?
00:16:07You can't call the police
00:16:08I was calling an ambulance
00:16:09You can't call an ambulance either
00:16:11Why not?
00:16:12Think about it
00:16:15I've been following you
00:16:16The buyer
00:16:17What buyer?
00:16:18Our buyer
00:16:20The house
00:16:21What does this have to do with our buyer?
00:16:24Well, when he finds out what just happened
00:16:26He won't buy the house, right?
00:16:30We don't know
00:16:31Well, that's the point
00:16:34He might not care
00:16:35He might
00:16:36He might not
00:16:38But he might
00:16:39He might
00:16:44What are we... I mean, what...
00:16:46I mean
00:16:48It's possible he won't mind
00:16:50That someone just hung themselves in his brand new house
00:16:52He might think it's cool
00:16:54On the other hand
00:16:55He might be totally normal
00:16:59He could very easily be
00:17:04If we don't sell the house this week
00:17:06We're going to lose everything
00:17:09Right, but why...
00:17:11Why would the buyer find out?
00:17:13By the time this comes out, it'll all be done
00:17:17It'll be all over the internet in the morning
00:17:19Best-selling author commits suicide in friend's garden
00:17:22Tragedy of the North London elite
00:17:24She was a columnist for the Daily Mail
00:17:26Don't you fucking get it?
00:17:31Well, what are we supposed to do?
00:17:33Keep her here until the buyer signs?
00:17:35Do you have any idea how bad a decomposing body smells?
00:17:38And how are we supposed to explain not reporting it?
00:17:41That's a crime
00:17:42That has to be a crime
00:17:43That's a bad crime
00:17:44I know
00:17:46We're not going to do that
00:17:48No, we're not going to do that
00:17:52What if she hadn't done it here?
00:17:54She did it here
00:17:57What if she hadn't?
00:17:58She did it
00:17:59How is this relevant?
00:18:00Oh, what if she'd done it at her place?
00:18:03You can't be serious
00:18:04Why not?
00:18:08What, you're saying we move the body?
00:18:11To her place?
00:18:12And then what?
00:18:13We work it out
00:18:15That's insane
00:18:17It's doable
00:18:20Driving to the West End in under two hours on a Friday night
00:18:23That is doable
00:18:24This is not doable
00:18:25Why not?
00:18:26Because it is wrong
00:18:31I'm sorry
00:18:39We're in this situation because of you
00:18:42You don't have the luxury of a conscience right now
00:18:45You want us to lose everything we work for
00:18:47You want to pull Ben and Sophie out of school
00:18:51You went to a state school
00:18:52That was then
00:18:53If we don't sell, we won't be able to afford a place in a decent catchment area
00:18:57They'll end up somewhere like Crosley
00:18:59Fucking Park
00:19:00They've had tree stabbing since Christmas
00:19:05We have to deal with the situation, Tom
00:19:08What about Beth and Richard?
00:19:10We've talked to them
00:19:14They're not going to come, are they?
00:19:17They're our oldest friends
00:19:25I can't believe we're even discussing this
00:19:27Look, you must surely realise
00:19:29that you can't just move a body if it's dead
00:19:34That would be illegal
00:19:36Yes, that too, wrong
00:19:38I know
00:19:39It sounds crazy
00:19:41No, it is crazy
00:19:43Guys, come on
00:19:45Let me ask you something
00:19:47What would be the harm?
00:19:48What do you mean, what would be the harm?
00:19:50We're talking about Jessica
00:19:52How can you even ask that?
00:19:53Just tell me, what harm would it do?
00:19:56Jessica just killed herself in your garden
00:19:58That seems like quite a lot of harm to me
00:20:00I mean, we should be thinking about her
00:20:05Can you fucking hear yourself right now?
00:20:07Yeah, what I'm saying is there's another side to this
00:20:12There are going to be consequences for Tom and me
00:20:14Consequences for everything
00:20:16And Ben and Sophie
00:20:17Don't you dare bring them into this
00:20:18Why not?
00:20:19This is going to affect them
00:20:21What about Jessica's parents?
00:20:23So we're just going to lie to them now?
00:20:25What difference is it going to make to them
00:20:27Whether she did it here or at her place?
00:20:29How would you feel if you were them?
00:20:31How would I feel if I didn't know it had happened?
00:20:33It's lying
00:20:34It is lying
00:20:35We're asking you to lie about this
00:20:36So that our lives don't get totally fucked
00:20:39I can't believe you're asking us to do this
00:20:44She was our friend
00:20:45Well, she was more our friend, really
00:20:47Yes, she was such a great friend
00:20:49She decided to kill herself in our garden
00:20:50Right when we were trying to sell the house
00:20:51I mean, who does that?
00:20:52Who goes and kills themselves in someone else's garden?
00:20:54Why couldn't she just have killed herself in her own fucking garden?
00:20:58She'd never garden
00:20:59Look, let's just try to be reasonable here
00:21:02I know this is a tough situation for you guys
00:21:04But, you know, sometimes life's just like that
00:21:07You've just got to take the hit
00:21:08You know what? You just try taking the hit
00:21:10No, I wasn't trying to minimise what's at stake for you
00:21:12No, but you did anyway
00:21:15Listen, whatever you do next is going to hurt someone
00:21:21Who the fuck is that?
00:21:22It's just fucking calls this time of night
00:21:24Right, who does that?
00:21:26That's just not answers at all
00:21:28Right, if we move the body
00:21:29If someone saw something, we're fucked
00:21:31Nobody's moving the body
00:21:33And it's not a body, for fuck's sake
00:21:35It's Jessica
00:21:36It's Jessica who just fucked us
00:21:39Let's just all calm down, right?
00:21:41Let's just see who it is
00:22:04It's what's-her-name from next door
00:22:11Do you think she saw something?
00:22:13It's a bit of a coincidence her just turning up now
00:22:16Yeah, who does that?
00:22:17Look, if she saw something, you definitely wouldn't want to move the body
00:22:20Stop calling her the body!
00:22:23He's right
00:22:25Let's just see what she wants
00:22:37Oh, hello
00:22:38I'm sorry to bother you so late
00:22:40It's just that I think I saw Jessica Debbie in your garden
00:22:47Jessica Debbie?
00:22:49She wrote this book
00:22:50Have you read it?
00:22:53Oh, it's wonderful
00:22:54It's so moving
00:22:56The part where she talks about making friends with her depression
00:23:02Well, I was hoping
00:23:05She might sign my copy
00:23:07If she's not too busy
00:23:12Is she here?
00:23:15Oh, she is here
00:23:17But she's indisposed
00:23:21Well, could you just ask her?
00:23:23It would only take a minute
00:23:28Could you just wait a moment?
00:23:34She wants Jessica to sign her fucking book
00:23:38Just tell her to fuck off
00:23:39She won't fuck off
00:23:40Just tell her
00:23:41It might look suspicious
00:23:43Tom, Sarah
00:23:44Sarah, this is getting ridiculous
00:23:46Just a minute
00:23:47What are you...
00:23:51That's her bag
00:23:52You can't just be rifling through her bag and...
00:24:07I'm sorry to bother you so late
00:24:08Jessica doesn't want to come out
00:24:10Oh, she doesn't want
00:24:11She's shy
00:24:13But she'll sign your book
00:24:15She will?
00:24:16Give it to me
00:24:19She won't come out?
00:24:20She hates signing books
00:24:22But I got her to make an exception in your case
00:24:27Unless you don't want it signed
00:24:28No, no, I do
00:24:34Well, OK
00:24:42No, you can't be about to do what I think you're about to do
00:24:45Why not?
00:24:51No, stop!
00:24:54Just kidding
00:24:56How does that look?
00:24:58This is insane!
00:25:02Here you are
00:25:03Oh, thank you
00:25:04OK, then
00:25:05Would have been nice to meet her
00:25:07No, you wouldn't want to meet her
00:25:10She hates fans
00:25:14You know what these creative types are like
00:25:16I see
00:25:17Well, it's a wonderful book
00:25:18So I hear
00:25:19You should read it
00:25:20Yes, I will
00:25:21Good night, then
00:25:23Good night
00:25:30Have you any idea how crazy what you just did is?
00:25:33We had to get rid of her
00:25:34But that could be used as evidence
00:25:36If you go through with it
00:25:37They're not going through with it
00:25:38No one is going through with it
00:25:39I think that you two have gone mad
00:25:41You're asking us to take an enormous risk
00:25:44I mean, you understand that, right?
00:25:46That's assuming we get caught
00:25:47If we're smart about it, we won't get caught
00:25:49You can't rule out getting caught
00:25:52Yeah, all right, we can't
00:25:54But we are desperate
00:25:55We need your help
00:25:56I understand that, but...
00:25:57You're our oldest friend
00:26:00No, yeah, we are
00:26:02Your oldest friends
00:26:03And we will do anything we can to help, except...
00:26:06There's no helping us if we don't sell the house
00:26:09We are going to lose everything
00:26:10No, you don't know that
00:26:13We helped you
00:26:15You said it yourself
00:26:16You don't know what you would have done if we hadn't
00:26:18You did, but I helped you after that
00:26:21You know, when you needed those documents
00:26:23Counter-signed for the Mero Street project
00:26:25No, I had to be a little bit naughty on that one
00:26:27Yes, but this is different
00:26:28You're fucking right it's different
00:26:29Look, we want to help you
00:26:31And we want to help you
00:26:32You know we do
00:26:33We do
00:26:34But with this, we can't
00:26:35It's not reasonable
00:26:37So that's it then
00:26:42I am sorry
00:26:50Now remember Mero Street?
00:26:53You did take a risk for us then
00:26:55You said you'd get disbarred if anyone found out
00:26:59We were all younger then
00:27:00We were
00:27:01It's funny how that became a badge of our friendship
00:27:06Because it never would have come up
00:27:07If Tom hadn't been so useless at paperwork
00:27:09Well, he is pretty bloody useless
00:27:11Of course, when I have to do the taxes for Tom's company
00:27:13He just hands everything over to me
00:27:15I have to sort it all out
00:27:17Because he's so useless at paperwork
00:27:19Because he just hands everything over to me
00:27:22That's how I know that I'll still have it all
00:27:25In my files
00:27:26That naughty thing you did
00:27:28Sarah, what are you...
00:27:29If that file just happens to find its way to the Bar Council
00:27:32Then that might be a hit
00:27:34You have to take
00:27:36Sarah, you can't be serious
00:27:38Richard is our friend
00:27:39Yes, yes, we're all friends here, aren't we?
00:27:42You fucking bitch
00:27:44Okay, just wait a minute
00:27:46No, don't tell me to wait a minute
00:27:48Your wife just tried to blackmail us
00:27:53You didn't mean
00:27:55What you just said
00:27:56I mean, what kind of people are we?
00:27:58Well, I don't know about you, Tom
00:28:00But I'm the kind of person that wants to protect my family
00:28:03I mean, we can all stand around here and talk about what nice, reasonable people we are
00:28:07God, I'd love to call the police
00:28:08So that I don't have to look at my oldest friends hating me
00:28:10Or have my husband wonder who he's been
00:28:12Who he's been married to all these years
00:28:16I know that if I did that
00:28:18I know that if I did that
00:28:36What do you think happens when you lose everything?
00:28:38Do you think someone's just going to give Tom another job?
00:28:40Do you think someone's just going to give us another fucking mortgage?
00:28:44Fuck you
00:28:45It's going to be survival
00:28:46That's what happens when
00:28:49You know, that's that
00:28:50That's what
00:28:52That's what being poor is
00:28:54I've been there, unlike you
00:28:56Don't sell me your sob story
00:28:59You'd be sobbing if it was your story
00:29:02Call it protecting your children or whatever you like
00:29:04But in the end, ultimately, it is just bullshit
00:29:08Yeah, I didn't ask to be put in this position
00:29:10Jessica put us all in this position
00:29:12And I'm sorry she felt she had to do what she did
00:29:15But what she did, she did to us too
00:29:19I have to deal with this in the best way that I know how
00:29:24So you're happy with this, are you?
00:29:29I wouldn't exactly describe myself as happy, no
00:29:34But if you're happy to just stand by and watch us lose everything
00:29:38Oh, tell me it is not that fucking woman again
00:29:46Good evening, madam
00:29:50Is everything all right?
00:29:53Is there any reason why everything wouldn't be all right?
00:29:56Well, someone dug 999 from this house
00:29:59They did?
00:30:00They did, yes
00:30:04Did you call 999?
00:30:06Did you call 999?
00:30:09Yes, madam
00:30:12Did someone else call 999?
00:30:17I did
00:30:21I thought I saw some kids breaking into the neighbour's car
00:30:26Which car was that?
00:30:27The blue
00:30:28Morning, morning
00:30:31Thought you saw or saw?
00:30:33No, saw
00:30:35Definitely saw
00:30:36Thought you didn't complete the call?
00:30:38Well, they saw me
00:30:40I was looking at them
00:30:42And I was on the phone
00:30:44So they ran away
00:30:49They ran away?
00:30:50Yeah, I didn't want to waste your time, so I put down the phone
00:30:53Never a wasted time calling the police if you witness a crime, sir
00:30:56That's what we're here for
00:30:58Of course
00:31:00Are you sure everything's all right?
00:31:02Absolutely everything is just great
00:31:06Maybe we should take a quick look inside
00:31:09Just to make sure
00:31:10Everything is all right, so
00:31:13Maybe just take a little look
00:31:14You want to come in?
00:31:15Okay, yeah
00:31:16Thank you
00:31:17Okay, okay
00:31:33Having dinner?
00:31:34That's right, yeah
00:31:41Is that Clefoutis?
00:31:43It is, yes
00:31:47You got five places, say?
00:31:50Is someone else here?
00:31:52There was
00:31:54She wasn't feeling well and
00:31:55She left
00:31:56Well, looks like everything here's okay
00:32:01There is one thing
00:32:04What's that, then?
00:32:09I'd like to say
00:32:16Thank you for taking the trouble
00:32:19It's all right
00:32:21It's all right
00:32:23It's all right
00:32:24Thank you for taking the trouble
00:32:27No trouble at all, madam
00:32:30All right, then
00:32:31Sorry to have bothered you
00:32:33It's all right
00:32:41That is a lovely looking Clefoutis
00:32:44Made one myself the other day
00:32:48Looks like you browned the top off just about perfect
00:32:51Come, Paul
00:33:04Sorry to have bothered you
00:33:05Obviously, you have to check these things out
00:33:07If anything else happens
00:33:08If you see any more kids up to no good
00:33:11Feel free to give us a call
00:33:17I can't help feeling like
00:33:18I can't help feeling like
00:33:19There's something you might want to tell me, sir
00:33:27Nothing I can think of
00:33:35All right, then
00:33:36Good night
00:33:37Good night
00:33:39Good night
00:33:41Oh, fuck
00:33:43They've gone
00:33:45Jesus fuck
00:33:48We all just concealed a dead body from the police
00:33:53I'm a member of the fucking bar
00:33:56For fuck's sake
00:33:57Calm down
00:33:58Don't tell me to calm down
00:33:59Okay, okay
00:34:00Look, you realise what happens if this comes out?
00:34:02This isn't just some paperwork from the fucking past
00:34:05This will be the end of me
00:34:07The absolute fucking end
00:34:09It won't be the end if we keep our heads and see this through
00:34:12Oh, great
00:34:13Oh, fantastic
00:34:14So all we have to do is carry a dead body across the street
00:34:17Put it in the car, drive it all the way to her flat
00:34:19Get her up the stairs
00:34:20And all without being seen
00:34:21What could possibly go wrong?
00:34:22I'm so sorry, I'm actually going along with this now
00:34:24We have to
00:34:25We're fucked if we don't
00:34:27We haven't done anything
00:34:28We just did
00:34:32I, no
00:34:35I wanted to say something
00:34:36And you stopped me
00:34:37And you were dragging me across the room by the hand
00:34:40And you hurt my hand, it's still hurting
00:34:42Oh, I'm sorry about your fucking hand
00:34:44No, you're not
00:34:45You are not sorry about anything
00:34:47The only thing you care about is your precious career
00:34:49Cavorting around the old Bailey in a wig
00:34:52Letting rapists roam the streets
00:34:53As long as we're all standing around saying how marvellous you are
00:34:56What the fuck has that got to do with anything?
00:34:59If you don't know what it has to do with everything
00:35:01Then you're not as clever as you think you are
00:35:03Well, I wasn't clever enough to anticipate the toxic fucking sanctimony
00:35:07You managed to dish out every day
00:35:08No, no, I was not
00:35:10That came as a fucking surprise, I have to say
00:35:12Okay, guys
00:35:13For God's sake
00:35:14You try living with God's representative of moral perfection on earth
00:35:19It's easy for us fucking ordinary mortals
00:35:21You're weak
00:35:22You're just weak, you know you are
00:35:23Come on, run away
00:35:44An hour ago we were just fucking having dinner
00:35:46Now I feel like I've got a fucking gun to my head
00:35:49Well, we're locked in now
00:35:52How would it be so terrible to just move the body?
00:36:00No, what would be the harm though, really?
00:36:05Beth'll come around
00:36:07She's a reasonable person
00:36:12Stark, did you not hear what she just said?
00:36:14All I care about is my wig
00:36:16Do you think I like rapists?
00:36:18I fucking hate rapists
00:36:20But what else am I supposed to do?
00:36:21I'm good at rapists
00:36:23I love her, but she's impossible sometimes
00:36:28We'll never have sex anymore
00:36:31That's marriage though, isn't it?
00:36:34It just goes away
00:36:36The whole thing's ridiculous
00:36:38I don't know what we're supposed to mate for life
00:36:40We only really want to do it for the first couple of years
00:36:42Then all we want is to do it with other people
00:36:45I mean, whose fucking brilliant idea was that?
00:36:51Jessica was different though
00:36:53She never changed
00:36:57I'll never make men happy
00:36:59What about Mr. X?
00:37:00Mr. X?
00:37:01Well, I wouldn't say I made him happy
00:37:03He made me happy
00:37:04He's from the book
00:37:05Do we know him?
00:37:06She won't tell me
00:37:10She never stopped living
00:37:13She didn't
00:37:15What if we just went off?
00:37:19Morocco or Brazil
00:37:28We should get back to them
00:37:30We need to decide what we're going to do together
00:37:34Just leave them for a bit
00:37:36Sarah and Beth, they love each other
00:37:38They'll work it out
00:37:43I'm sorry
00:37:44I'm so sorry
00:37:45It's okay, I'll clear it up
00:37:47No, no, I'll clear it up
00:37:49Can I help?
00:37:50No, fuck off, I'm still angry with you
00:37:56I'm so sorry
00:38:01It's fine
00:38:02Will you help?
00:38:06It's fine
00:38:07Will you help?
00:38:29Oh, hello
00:38:31You what?
00:38:34As in tonight?
00:38:37No, it's just that
00:38:40The thing is
00:38:42This is the only night
00:38:50It's the estate agent
00:38:52The buyer wants to come over
00:38:54She wants to show her husband the house
00:38:57They said ten minutes
00:38:59That's fucking, that's ridiculous
00:39:01He spends most of his time abroad
00:39:03He was letting her pick out the house
00:39:04Now suddenly he wants to see it?
00:39:06This is the only night that he can do it
00:39:09Until he flies out again
00:39:11He can't just announce he's turning up in the middle of the night
00:39:13That's unreasonable
00:39:14He's rich
00:39:16Rich people are unreasonable
00:39:18We can't say no
00:39:20What about, um
00:39:24We'll have to move her
00:39:25No way
00:39:26It's what we were going to do anyway
00:39:28I am having no part in this
00:39:56Alright, give me your hand
00:39:59I'm sorry
00:40:00I can't
00:40:02I can't, I can't
00:40:07What do you mean really?
00:40:08I can't, okay?
00:40:09What does that mean?
00:40:10I'm not a real man or something?
00:40:11Give me your tongue for fuck's sake
00:40:19Careful, careful, careful
00:40:25Can you at least open your fucking door?
00:40:46Up, where?
00:40:49That was not
00:40:50That was not ten minutes
00:40:52Okay, in there
00:40:54Open the door
00:40:55Richard, Richard
00:41:01Is this where the toilet is?
00:41:03It's slipping, slipping
00:41:04Get up
00:41:06There we are, that's it
00:41:07It's okay, it's fine, it's fine
00:41:13What if they want to look?
00:41:15They won't want to look in there
00:41:16It's just a toilet
00:41:34Hi, sorry
00:41:36Husband and sister, I'm taking a look
00:41:37Kind of a tricky type, but I think this will nail it
00:41:40Wait for five minutes, in and out
00:41:41Hi, I'm so sorry about this
00:41:43No, no, it's fine
00:41:44I hope we're not disturbing you
00:41:46No, not at all
00:41:47It's just, Klaus is in town, he's always away
00:41:49And since he's here
00:41:51Just wanted to see what I'm buying
00:41:53Of course, come in
00:41:56You remember my husband, Tom?
00:41:58It's Helen
00:42:00Helen, Helen
00:42:01It's Helen, isn't it?
00:42:06I'm so sorry, having dinner
00:42:09That is what people do
00:42:12At dinner time
00:42:13We're pretty much finished
00:42:14Yes, we're finished
00:42:16Is that Cliffordie?
00:42:18Yes, it's actually a specialty of mine
00:42:21How funny, I love Cliffordie
00:42:24Well, help yourself
00:42:26Oh, I'm on a diet
00:42:29So, this is the kitchen
00:42:32You know, I love what you've done with this
00:42:34Is that Friedrichsen?
00:42:36Yes, that's serious value to a kitchen
00:42:39What do you think, honey?
00:42:41That's nice
00:42:50Oh, I didn't see it
00:42:52Dr. Becker, don't talk to Peterson
00:42:55I told you
00:42:56I don't want them to do anything
00:42:58Till the lawyers have seen it, okay?
00:43:03Maybe if we take a look at the rest
00:43:05Yes, sure
00:43:06Here, follow me
00:43:12Come here
00:43:22Oh, I just love these old fireplaces
00:43:26People used to rip them out
00:43:27Now they pay thousands to put them back in
00:43:46That's a nice house
00:43:48Thank you
00:43:49When did you buy it?
00:43:53You did well then, didn't you?
00:43:55Yes, we got lucky
00:43:57Yes, you did
00:44:06Don't listen to Herbert
00:44:08Don't send the drafts
00:44:10Don't listen to Herbert
00:44:11Don't send the drafts to the DIT
00:44:13I don't want any of these busybodies
00:44:16Getting their hands on it
00:44:17Before the contracts are signed, okay?
00:44:21So what line are you in?
00:44:24I do consulting
00:44:27Consulting for what exactly?
00:44:29For the energy industry
00:44:32Oh, you're a lobbyist for oil companies
00:44:35Gas companies too
00:44:37It's a nice way to make a living
00:44:39It's a good living
00:44:40That depends on your definition of good, doesn't it?
00:44:44You think you don't make compromises?
00:44:50At least I'm well paid for it
00:44:56I think we've seen everything
00:45:00We didn't look in there
00:45:03Oh, that's just the toilet
00:45:05Throw it away
00:45:06You're not going to show us?
00:45:08The toilet
00:45:10You want to see the toilet?
00:45:11You showed us your other toilet
00:45:13Did we?
00:45:14Yes, you did
00:45:15Or is there something in there you don't want us to see?
00:45:37Hang on, I don't understand
00:45:39Yeah, it's better now
00:45:41Now I can hear you
00:45:42You know, I'm not sure you've seen the garden at night time
00:45:46I guess the light really fades off the landscape
00:45:50So, hey, there it is all tossed in limestone
00:45:56We've got to move
00:45:58Wait, come now
00:46:06Maybe dinner, yeah
00:46:33Just go
00:46:34Go, go, go
00:46:36Okay, put your legs down
00:46:38Put your legs down on the floor
00:46:39Get the fuck out of the way
00:46:40Now get out of the way
00:46:57Do you have a good phone call?
00:47:25So we have three wonderful primary schools in the area
00:47:28Oh, I can imagine
00:47:29It must have been terrific for the children
00:47:31Oh yes, yes
00:47:32You know, Klaus and I are planning to have children at some point
00:47:34when he spends more time in London
00:47:37Aren't we, honey?
00:47:38Of course we are
00:47:40Well, I think I've seen all I needed to see
00:47:42Great, great
00:47:45We're all set then
00:47:46Yeah, obviously we'll be in touch
00:47:49Thank you so much
00:47:52Good night
00:47:54What the fuck do you think you were doing back there?
00:47:57You work for evil oil companies
00:47:59You're one of Satan's minions
00:48:01Yeah, I hate people
00:48:03Fine, but is it strictly necessary to fuck up our sale
00:48:06just so you get to express yourself?
00:48:08Oh, your sale, your sale, your sale
00:48:10All you think about is this
00:48:12Your elephant's breath countertops
00:48:14and your Friedrichsen oven
00:48:15and your lamb from Hapstead Organics
00:48:17Oh, you've got to be kidding me
00:48:19You've got to be fucking kidding me
00:48:22Oh, you go there too
00:48:25The truth is you don't give a shit about our friend Jessica
00:48:28who you drag up and down stairs like an old mattress
00:48:30To be honest, I don't know why you're taking her side over us
00:48:34Someone has to
00:48:35Do they?
00:48:36What if it was her in our position?
00:48:37Do you think she'd put us before herself?
00:48:40She never thought of anyone but herself
00:48:42How much did she borrow from you over the years, Beth?
00:48:44And did she ever pay you back a penny?
00:48:46She was going to when the book came out
00:48:48Really? Whenever she had money, she spent it on herself
00:48:50Then when she ran out, she came to you again
00:48:52You told me so yourself
00:48:54I don't care about the money
00:48:56Fine, forget about the money
00:48:58How many of your boyfriends did she sleep with just because she could?
00:49:01Only two, and I forgave her
00:49:03You were always bloody forgiving her
00:49:05Meantime, I was the one who had to console you for weeks
00:49:08I never asked you to
00:49:09You were having a breakdown
00:49:11What else was I supposed to do?
00:49:13You always resented her
00:49:14Her looks and her charm
00:49:16And you worshipped her
00:49:17I don't know which of us was more pathetic
00:49:19Maybe I was pathetic
00:49:21But at least I'm trying to be a good person
00:49:23Good person? You know what a good person does?
00:49:25They don't go on and on about being a good person
00:49:27They don't use being a good person to beat up everybody else
00:49:30They don't get off on feeling morally fucking superior
00:49:33That's not fair
00:49:34Isn't it? Your own husband can't take it anymore
00:49:36What? Wait a minute
00:49:38What did you call it earlier? Toxic sanctimony?
00:49:41That was in the heat of the moment
00:49:43Yeah, but you meant it, didn't you?
00:49:45You know what?
00:49:46Fuck all three of you!
00:49:49No, Beth, me!
00:49:50If you think I'm so sanctimonious, that is exactly what I'm going to be
00:49:53What are you doing?
00:49:54I'm calling the police
00:50:04No, no, that was my phone
00:50:06What are you doing?
00:50:07You have lost it
00:50:10No, no
00:50:12Tom, I want to leave
00:50:15Beth, please, come on, be reasonable
00:50:17Reasonable? I am the only person trying to do the right thing
00:50:20Okay, Beth
00:50:23Where the fuck have you been?
00:50:24Get off me! Let go!
00:50:26Why haven't you been answering my calls?
00:50:28Don't touch me! Let me go!
00:50:30Richard, it's over
00:50:31Come on
00:50:32Can you let go, please?
00:50:33Let go of me!
00:50:34Beth, I miscorrect
00:50:47I misdirected
00:50:51From Jessica's book
00:50:54That misdirect?
00:50:58When did it start?
00:50:59I don't know, a couple of years ago
00:51:01It was on and off, about two years ago
00:51:04Don't know
00:51:05No, no, we stopped it
00:51:07Did you love her?
00:51:08No, it was just...
00:51:11It was a mistake
00:51:14So you just told me this
00:51:15because you thought it would make me hate Jessica
00:51:17and then I wouldn't go to the police
00:51:18You were going to have me disbarred
00:51:19What was I supposed to do?
00:51:20You didn't care if I'd hate you too
00:51:22I don't care
00:51:23Neither of you care
00:51:24I do, I love you, I'm sorry
00:51:25I want a divorce
00:51:30You better hang on to that job of yours
00:51:31because you're going to be paying me a fuckload of alimony
00:51:33for the rest of your life
00:51:38Let's get this fucking thing done
00:51:43Come on
00:51:45Come on
00:52:11In the back or the boot?
00:52:14Where are we putting her?
00:52:15We can't be seen putting a body in the boot of a car
00:52:20What if we wrapped her in a rug?
00:52:23We can use one from the spare room
00:52:25What, when we get there?
00:52:27Four adults carrying a rug up the fucking stairs
00:52:30in the middle of the night
00:52:31What we need to do
00:52:33is to make her look like she's drunk
00:52:35when we're helping her home
00:52:36God knows I've done it enough times
00:52:38What about her face?
00:52:40Look at that
00:52:44What if we
00:52:46just push her tongue in?
00:52:49Just a minute
00:52:53What about this?
00:52:54That's mine
00:52:56You're fifteen
00:52:57But I use it for my high intensity intervals
00:53:02When he's wearing it
00:53:03you can barely see his face
00:53:13Come on
00:53:32Alright, I'll get you in here
00:53:37Hello again
00:53:39You all going out?
00:53:41Is that Jessica in there?
00:53:43No, she went earlier
00:53:44She did?
00:53:46I don't believe you
00:53:47That's her in there, isn't it?
00:53:50Why is she wearing a hoodie?
00:53:52Well, I told you she doesn't like to meet fans
00:53:55I just wanted to tell her I love her book
00:53:57There's not much to ask
00:53:59That's just how she feels about it
00:54:02Well, it's rude
00:54:03That's what it is
00:54:05You're rude
00:54:07You're a bad person
00:54:09And your book wasn't even that good
00:54:40Oh fuck, do you see that guy?
00:54:42What guy?
00:54:43I think he just looked straight in the car
00:54:45Could you lift her head up?
00:54:50No, that's worse
00:54:53Can you get her to lean up against one of you?
00:54:57No, not me
00:54:58She's your girlfriend
00:55:12Okay, let's leave her like that
00:55:22Don't look
00:55:23I'm not looking
00:55:26Don't be too obvious about not looking
00:55:28It's the kind of thing they pick up on
00:55:30Do you want me to look at them or not look at them?
00:55:33Look at me
00:55:34Look at me like I'm talking to you
00:55:36You are talking to me
00:55:40They're still looking
00:55:41Well, that's just nice
00:56:06It's just up here on the right
00:56:08They're having a party
00:56:09Trendy fucking cunts
00:56:11Oh fuck
00:56:15Pull in on the gate, pull in on the gate
00:56:29Now what?
00:56:30We'll just have to wait
00:56:32How long?
00:56:33As long as it takes
00:57:14Mark, tell me they're still out here
00:57:20How long's it been?
00:57:22At least an hour
00:57:24They call it a night, won't you?
00:57:26Maybe they're having fun
00:57:28How much fun do they need for fuck's sake?
00:57:31I don't know, maybe they're just having a normal evening
00:57:34There's still this thing out there called normal
00:57:37That people get to be if they're not us
00:57:43Hey, come on babe
00:57:45Nobody move
00:58:08Fuck, sorry, no, you don't do that
00:58:21Excuse me, could you do your fucking on someone else's fucking car please?
00:58:26Go on, fuck off
00:58:31Right, can we just do this now?
00:58:53Come on, come on
00:58:54Quick, get in there, come on
00:59:12There's one on the right
00:59:14Fuck, fuck
00:59:20I don't know which one it is
00:59:22Yeah, look, hold it there
00:59:24What the fuck?
00:59:29It's not that one, it's the square one
00:59:31How many times have you been here?
00:59:34Maybe ten
00:59:35Fucking arsehole
00:59:50Come on, we're going to be late
01:00:01Sorry, I've got it in my back
01:00:04Here, here, here
01:00:06Fucking hell
01:00:15We need to find a secure suspension point
01:00:18What about that?
01:00:19Yeah, that'll do it
01:00:21And what are we going to use?
01:00:24To hang her
01:00:35Um, Sarah
01:00:37Make sure you put it in the same groove
01:00:42You know what I mean
01:01:04I don't
01:01:09Are you okay?
01:01:10I don't, I don't think I can
01:01:11I think I can handle it
01:01:22Got it?
01:01:23Oh no
01:01:25Okay, okay
01:02:18It's okay
01:02:33Why did she do it?
01:02:35Why now?
01:02:39She seemed happy tonight
01:02:45She's a great liar
01:02:49She once told me she envied us
01:02:52She said we had a place in this world and she didn't
01:03:01I hear your book's doing really well
01:03:04At least all that coping sex was good for some things
01:03:08Now you've all got your Thergo's Jessica faces on
01:03:15Why didn't she talk to us?
01:03:21We were supposed to be her friends
01:03:23You didn't want to talk
01:03:26But you made her mind up
01:03:28Shall we drop you off?
01:03:55I need a drink
01:03:56And I need a drink.
01:04:26What if we just went off together?
01:04:42Just leave?
01:04:43Why not live?
01:04:44Does anyone...
01:04:46What's this?
01:05:07It's from Jessica.
01:05:16What did she say?
01:05:21If you're reading this, sorry about the trouble.
01:05:26I'm always causing trouble.
01:05:29I thought the book was going to change everything.
01:05:31In fact, it's made me realise nothing changes.
01:05:35As long as I can remember, I've been a ball bearing, rolling around in a hot pan, trying to get out.
01:05:40But I could never get out.
01:05:42And now I have to.
01:05:44It's funny, it doesn't go the fear of dying.
01:05:47But the truth is, I'm more frightened of living.
01:05:51Sorry to dump this on you, but I couldn't do it on my own.
01:05:55And you are, after all, my oldest friend.
01:06:00I know it's going to be a kind of bitch to deal with.
01:06:04But I'm sure you won't let it spoil your evening.
01:06:08I love you, goodbye.
01:06:28She came here to do it.
01:06:32She planned it.
01:06:34We're going to have to live with this.
01:06:38She's cursed us.
01:06:42We've cursed ourselves.
01:06:52You should probably go.
01:06:54We're not going anywhere.
01:06:56As far as I'm concerned, you live somewhere else now.
01:07:00What am I supposed to...
01:07:01I don't care.
01:07:11I'll see you out.
01:07:13I'm calling the police.
01:07:20I'm going to tell them.
01:07:22Tell them what?
01:07:25What happened tonight.
01:07:26What we did.
01:07:33You're upset.
01:07:35We all are.
01:07:36It's been an upsetting evening.
01:07:43You can't call the police.
01:07:46Why not?
01:07:47Because it affects all of us.
01:07:52Do you want to tell us what's going on?
01:07:55Nothing's going on.
01:07:56I'm just going to tell the police what we did.
01:07:58This is nuts.
01:07:59You asked us to help you.
01:08:03You shouldn't have agreed.
01:08:06You blackmailed us!
01:08:08Yes, I did.
01:08:10Look, maybe this is a good time to talk about Ben and Sophie.
01:08:15How does this help them?
01:08:17It doesn't.
01:08:18Tom, no.
01:08:19This is nuts.
01:08:20Do something.
01:08:21What do you want me to do?
01:08:22Oh, fuck!
01:08:24This isn't fair!
01:08:26I have done fucking nothing to deserve the shit that I've got this evening.
01:08:31Calm down!
01:08:32You fucking calm down.
01:08:33I've been the only rational one this entire fucking evening,
01:08:36and this is the thanks I get?
01:08:38You know what?
01:08:39Fuck this.
01:08:40Fuck you.
01:08:41Fuck the law.
01:08:42Richard, if you don't shut your mouth...
01:08:43Oh, what?
01:08:44How exactly are you going to impose your will on this cluster of...
01:08:51What did you do that for?
01:08:52It just felt like the right thing to do.
01:08:54I wasn't even ready for it.
01:08:56I'm sorry.
01:08:57Well, I'm going to have to hit you now.
01:08:59Well, no, it's only fair.
01:09:00No, that's ridiculous.
01:09:01Take my gun.
01:09:02Please stop!
01:09:03What are you talking about?
01:09:04Come on!
01:09:22Sorry to bother you so late, but I'd like to conclude our business now.
01:09:28Why not now?
01:09:29Let him in.
01:09:31Okay, come in.
01:09:51How is Bate?
01:09:58Ellen loves your house.
01:10:00I'm heading to Dubai in two hours,
01:10:02so I'd like to finalize our business now.
01:10:05I had our lawyers send over the final contracts.
01:10:07Do you have the copy of yours?
01:10:11Hold on.
01:10:32It's right over here.
01:10:42Shall we?
01:10:45You should...
01:10:46You should know something.
01:10:49Earlier this evening, our friend killed herself in the garden.
01:10:53We moved her body back to her place,
01:10:55so you wouldn't...
01:10:57not buy a house.
01:11:00We moved her body back to her place,
01:11:02so you wouldn't...
01:11:04not buy a house.
01:11:18I knew something strange was going on here.
01:11:21That was bold.
01:11:27Look at them.
01:11:30They're terrified.
01:11:35And now you don't want me to buy a house.
01:11:37Is that right?
01:11:39You want to go to jail.
01:11:51That's interesting.
01:11:54I wonder what I should do.
01:12:00Your friend here,
01:12:03she thinks I'm a bad person.
01:12:07I work for evil oil companies.
01:12:11No, I...
01:12:13I didn't mean...
01:12:14Yes, you did.
01:12:17Let's see.
01:12:18What would an evil man do here?
01:12:22Probably call the police.
01:12:28waiting for you to run out of money?
01:12:31Reduce my offers?
01:12:33A lot.
01:12:38I don't think you're such an evil guy.
01:12:44I bet...
01:12:45I bet...
01:12:47sometimes you're even a nice guy.
01:12:51Life is short.
01:12:53Why not be nice?
01:12:56Sometimes it's nice...
01:12:59to be the nice guy.
01:13:03You're right.
01:13:05Sometimes, as you say,
01:13:07it's nice to be the nice guy.
01:13:15I'm not the nice guy.
01:13:23But you know what?
01:13:26I think my wife would prefer
01:13:27not to know about all this.
01:13:30So, let's go on.
01:13:33I'm still calling the police.
01:13:38He was being nice!
01:13:43Just a moment.
01:13:44Just a moment, okay?
01:13:47fucking believe it!
01:13:49So now you're having a crisis of conscience,
01:13:51and yet when I would have a crisis of conscience,
01:13:53everyone told me to fucking suck it up!
01:13:57Well, I'm not gonna suck it up!
01:13:59Don't you dare call the police!
01:14:05Sarah, stop!
01:14:06Let me go! Let me go!
01:14:08What is the matter with all of you?
01:14:11Don't you understand?
01:14:13We can't take back what we did!
01:14:15We can't be forgiven!
01:14:30You all right, sir?
01:14:31I'm fine.
01:14:32You sure, sir?
01:14:34I think we'd better come in.
01:14:54What's been going on here, then?
01:14:56Yeah, we've been...
01:14:58Playing a game.
01:14:59What sort of a game?
01:15:03I'll tell you exactly what's been going on.
01:15:07No, I'll tell you.
01:15:10I'm Mr. X.
01:15:13What do you mean, you're Mr. X?
01:15:15I'm Mr. X.
01:15:17No, I'm...
01:15:18I'm afraid it's me.
01:15:20There's nothing in the book to suggest that you're Mr. X.
01:15:22Nothing in the book to suggest you're Mr. X, either.
01:15:25Who is Mr. X?
01:15:26It's me.
01:15:27Why exactly makes you think that you're Mr. X?
01:15:30I mean...
01:15:33Because Jessica told me.
01:15:37So you're Mr. X?
01:15:41All those years flirting with you in front of me...
01:15:44Because you were fucking her.
01:15:45I wasn't fucking her.
01:15:46You just said you were.
01:15:48It was one night after our last finals exam.
01:15:52Before we got together.
01:15:54How can I believe anything you say?
01:15:56You even lied about reading her fucking book.
01:15:59I didn't want you to get upset.
01:16:01I'm sorry.
01:16:02I'm sorry.
01:16:03Don't ever get tired of saying I'm sorry.
01:16:05Yes, I do, actually.
01:16:07How about not fucking everything up all the time?
01:16:11Well, how about not holding my mistakes over my head for eternity?
01:16:15How about accepting me for who I am?
01:16:18How can I when you've been in love with someone else for the last 20 years?
01:16:23I've been in love with you, you idiot.
01:16:28I didn't choose her.
01:16:31I chose you.
01:16:32I chose you.
01:16:37Right then.
01:16:39Is that everything?
01:16:46Ordinarily, we'd need to make a report.
01:16:48Or we could let the matter go.
01:16:51If I could have a little try of that clafoutis.
01:16:54Of course.
01:17:02Come here.
01:17:08There you go.
01:17:15Terry, you've got to try some of this.
01:17:28Oh, fuck me.
01:17:29No, it's good.
01:17:31Well, we're probably done here.
01:17:39We're all open-minded these days, sir.
01:17:41But maybe keep it nice and chill, eh?
01:17:44I'll keep that in mind.
01:18:01That was interesting.
01:18:05Shall we conclude our business now?
01:18:52I assume there are no more dead people I need to know about.
01:19:18Are you okay?
01:19:27How about you?
01:19:29Oh, that's great.
01:19:34Preparing to spend a lifetime...
01:19:37...paying off how many of my defending fucking rapists.
01:19:42I don't know.
01:19:52All right?
01:19:55I thought you wanted a divorce.
01:19:58Who wants a divorce?
01:20:00What am I supposed to do with a divorce?
01:20:06I want to punish you.
01:20:09You don't understand.
01:20:10No, you don't understand.
01:20:13But you will.
01:20:19Richard and I...
01:20:21Richard and I...
01:20:24...are going home now.
01:20:30I should never have brought her over.
01:20:33It's okay.
01:20:38If I hadn't...
01:20:41...we'd still be who we used to be.
01:21:51You were always the one, Tom.
01:21:54You're Mr. X.
01:21:56I am?
01:22:02Sarah, I...
01:22:12Almost had you, didn't I?
01:22:14Almost had you, didn't I?
01:22:19It would have been fun, wouldn't it?
01:22:22You know, I'm starving.
01:22:48I, uh, decided to come home.
01:22:51Did something happen?
01:22:52No, I just felt like being here tonight.
01:22:55Okay, I'm going to bed.
01:22:58Goodnight, sweetheart.
01:23:24Jessica was right.
01:23:27We are lucky.
01:23:29We're so lucky.
01:23:41I'm sorry.
01:23:42I'm sorry.
01:23:43I'm sorry.
01:23:44I'm sorry.
01:23:45I'm sorry.
01:23:46I'm sorry.
01:23:47I'm sorry.
01:23:48I'm sorry.
01:23:49I'm sorry.
01:23:50I'm sorry.
01:23:51I'm sorry.
01:23:52I'm sorry.
01:23:53I'm sorry.
01:23:54I'm sorry.
01:23:55I'm sorry.
01:23:56I'm sorry.
01:23:57I'm sorry.
01:23:58I'm sorry.
01:23:59I'm sorry.
01:24:00I'm sorry.
01:24:01I'm sorry.
01:24:02I'm sorry.
01:24:03I'm sorry.
01:24:04I'm sorry.
01:24:05I'm sorry.
01:24:06I'm sorry.
01:24:07I'm sorry.
01:24:08I'm sorry.
01:24:09I'm sorry.
