Cosmic Sin 2021 - Movie Recap

  • 2 days ago
Seven rogue soldiers launch a preemptive strike against a newly discovered alien civilization in the hopes of ending an interstellar war before it starts.
00:00Back in the year 2031, humans had successfully colonized Mars.
00:04This momentous event would lead to the discovery of quantum propulsion
00:07which enabled humans to efficiently travel the vastness of space.
00:11However, it would also lead to a string of war and destruction.
00:14One instance of this was the atrocity committed by the bloody General James Ford
00:18who dropped a quantum bomb on a space colony, killing millions of people.
00:22Because of this, Ford is stripped of his rank and duties as General.
00:26Fast forward to the year 2524,
00:28a group of soldiers that are stationed on a distant planet
00:31encounter an alien civilization for the first time.
00:34One of the soldiers, Judah, attempts to call the Alliance to report this first contact.
00:38But before she can say whether it is a positive or negative kind of first contact,
00:42the aliens silence her.
00:44Since this encounter signifies the discovery of life outside Earth,
00:48a general named Ryle is immediately summoned back to the Alliance's headquarters
00:52to meet the survivors of the encounter.
00:54This is despite that night being his rest day.
00:57However, he has no choice but to comply.
01:00Before turning around back to the headquarters, he asks for Ford's presence.
01:04Meanwhile, Ford has just entered a bar where a former soldier of his dash
01:08offers him a job that involves money.
01:10However, before Ford can answer the offer,
01:13a random patron of the bar tells the former general to his face to leave the place
01:17due to being a dishonorable figure.
01:19But Ford does not move away, deciding instead to assault the patron.
01:23This leads to an all-out brawl between the patron's friend and Ford's supporters.
01:27Immediately, this fight is halted by the arrival of a group of soldiers
01:31led by a man named Marcus.
01:33The enthusiastic soldier tells Ford that he is being summoned
01:36by the Alliance for an undisclosed reason,
01:38adding that Ford's help might lead to his reinstatement as general
01:41despite his grave crime.
01:43Initially, Ford refuses the offer,
01:45but the prospect of reinstatement is just too great to reject.
01:48And so, without a word being uttered, Ford accepts the Alliance's summon
01:52with his loyal supporter Dash following him in his decision.
01:55Some minutes later, Ford, Dash, and Marcus arrive at the headquarters.
01:59There, Ford reunites with his ex-wife Gost who separated from him
02:03due to his horrible crime and his prioritizing of being a soldier more than a husband.
02:07Despite Gost's obvious disgust towards him,
02:10Ford doesn't care because it is an important mission and it can save his tarnished career.
02:14Marcus reveals to Ford and Dash that this mission involves a first contact with an alien lifeform,
02:20surprising the two of them.
02:21Being an enthusiastic and jolly soldier,
02:24Marcus jokes around with Dash about the alien's physiology and interests,
02:28something which disturbs Gost due to his nonchalance about the situation.
02:32Due to the possible danger of the encounter,
02:34Ford asks for a quantum bomb as a safe and preventive measure.
02:38Marcus obliges and quickly asks for the creation of one.
02:41As such, a woman named Ardine, who is supposed to leave for a well-deserved break,
02:46is requested to create a quantum bomb.
02:49Having no choice, Ardine creates it, although she is skeptical and worried about its further use.
02:54While making it, she asks her surgeon for the reason why a quantum bomb has to be created.
02:59However, her surgeon also does not know the reason for this.
03:02Afterward, the surgeon scolds a soldier named Braxton, General Ryle's nephew,
03:07who is smoking on a landing bay even though it is not allowed.
03:10Since Braxton is a lowly soldier, he quickly follows his superior's command.
03:14While this happens, the survivors from the mining planet arrive in a spaceship.
03:18At first glance, it is already noticeable that there is something wrong with them.
03:22The caller from earlier, Judah, is included in this group and she is constantly twitching her head.
03:27As they head to the contamination room to decontaminate,
03:30Gost wants to interview them to ask if the first contact was positive or negative for either race.
03:35However, the surgeon tells her that it is their protocol to decontaminate them first.
03:40Despite being told to hold his position, Braxton follows Gost and the surgeon.
03:44After the brief decontamination of the survivors,
03:47Judah approaches a nearby guard and spits something acidic on his face.
03:51She then vomits a black liquid from her mouth in a gruesome display as well as a dark orb.
03:56With this, she signals the other possessed survivors
03:59to also start attacking the other guards inside the decontamination room.
04:03It is now clear that they are not humans anymore.
04:05Braxton has no choice but to shoot one of the survivors who is fast approaching them.
04:09He shoots right through the enemy's eyes, killing her immediately.
04:12Afterward, Lee, Braxton, and the surgeon close the room.
04:16Despite seeing their violent tendencies,
04:18Gost still wants to establish communication with the aliens, seeing them as fascinating.
04:22With the aliens learning to use guns, the soldiers are now having a hard time fighting them.
04:27In just a short period of time, the whole headquarters descend into chaos
04:31as the aliens spread their forces parasitically by a blood.
04:35Amidst the chaos, Ford heads to the base's weapons room to acquire one of the big guns.
04:40While this is happening, Ryle has just arrived at the base.
04:43Seeing the drastic state of his fellow soldiers, he orders a complete lockdown of the whole base.
04:48Eventually, Ryle also joins the fight against the aliens
04:51who are slowly spreading by infecting other soldiers in the base.
04:55The aliens have the upper hand against them but Ford shows up with his rocket launcher,
04:59effectively blasting their foes and tilting the fight in their favor.
05:02In the end, the soldiers emerge victorious.
05:05But despite this victory, the many deaths of their allies, including the surgeon,
05:09are too heartbreaking and demotivating for the soldiers to take.
05:12As such, except for Gost, the remaining survivors of the base decide to eliminate the alien threat
05:18even without approval from the Alliance,
05:20especially because they have seen firsthand how the aliens manage to adapt quickly in using their guns.
05:25Ryle calls this extermination mission Operation Cosmic Sin.
05:29Gosta wants them to reconsider their position regarding the aliens
05:32and that she thinks there is still a chance to peacefully negotiate with them.
05:36But Ford, Ryle, and others have already made up their mind to exterminate their new foes.
05:41Braxton also wants to join the upcoming fight but his uncle Ryle does not want to endanger him.
05:46Eventually, Braxton manages to convince his uncle to sign him up.
05:49Afterward, the soldiers wear their battle armor.
05:52Most notably, Ford wears his old battle armor, prompting Ryle to comment about its ancient appearance.
05:58However, the smart Ardine warns them that the black object vomited earlier by Judah
06:02might be used as a tracking device by the aliens.
06:05She adds that they should be careful with the handling of the very fragile quantum bomb
06:09because its explosion can take out their whole solar system if handled wrong.
06:13Due to needing someone that can handle the quantum bomb
06:16as well as provide knowledge about technologies, Marcus orders her to come with them.
06:20Ardine accepts the rogue mission even though she does not want to.
06:24And so the soldiers consisting of Ford, Ryle, Marcus, Dash, Braxton, Lee, and Ardine make their preparation.
06:31While this happens, the soldiers talk and bond even though some of them do not know each other that well.
06:37Here, Ford and Goss find this opportunity to talk with each other about their storied past.
06:42Goss tells Ford that if they ever survive their ordeal, he can buy her a drink at the bar.
06:47At the same time, Dash inquires to Ardine about the teleportation that they will do.
06:52Ardine nonchalantly warns him that there is a slim possibility that the teleportation process can go wrong,
06:57enough to scare Dash.
06:59On the other hand, Marcus wonders why Ryle calls for Ford's presence earlier
07:03despite his infamous reputation as the Blood General.
07:06Ryle believes that Ford's skills in decision-making can be useful in dealing with the aliens.
07:11After preparing, the band of soldiers finally teleports to the planet called Allora
07:15where a space battle between humans and aliens is currently happening.
07:19Because the teleportation is slightly off, the six soldiers have to pass through the space battle.
07:24Although they manage to come right through the debris and projectiles from the space battle,
07:28they still encounter a problem upon entering the planet.
07:31At first, only Marcus, Braxton, and Ardine manage to land on the planet safely.
07:36Ryle, Ford, and Goss are nowhere to be found and their communications are offline.
07:41They then get ambushed by some aliens, managing to fatally wound Marcus in the surprise attack.
07:46Here, some survivors from the space battle help Marcus and others defeat their enemies.
07:51However, tension arises between the two groups
07:54because they are both skeptical about whether the other is infected or not.
07:57After identifying each other, the two groups combine for the time being
08:01and Braxton decides to lead this group.
08:03Because the area is said to be surrounded by aliens,
08:06Braxton and a yellow-haired soldier named Saul scout the vicinity to check for enemies
08:10while the rest retreat to the nearby medical bay.
08:13There, they stumble upon an enemy ship.
08:15While observing the aliens from afar, Braxton is alerted that Ford might have survived the earlier re-entry.
08:21Hearing his legendary and infamous name, Saul feels relieved that the Blood General is on their side.
08:26Because Braxton's communication is busted,
08:29Saul suggests that they should head to the nearby orbital cannon
08:32where a communication bay is located so Braxton can re-establish the signal.
08:36Meanwhile, Ford has just landed on the planet.
08:39Immediately, he is surrounded by the hooded aliens.
08:42However, instead of attacking him, they perform a gesture for Ford to enter their cave.
08:47Due to being on enemy territory, Ford has no choice but to comply with their wishes.
08:52Inside the cave, he sees a figure in white.
08:55He begins to hallucinate, seeing Goss instead in place of the figure.
08:58Fortunately, Braxton arrives just in time to save Ford from his illusion by shooting the figure down.
09:04Despite knowing that the figure was an alien disguised as his wife,
09:07Ford is still left dazed and confused with what he had seen and felt at that moment.
09:11With Ford rescued, Braxton and Saul walk alongside the Blood General toward the orbital cannon.
09:16After a while of walking, the three finally arrive at the orbital cannon.
09:20Ardyn and the others are already there.
09:23There, Ardyn informs Braxton that they have to fire the quantum bomb manually at the planet's orbit
09:28because there is too much interference in their signal that prevents them from using teleportation.
09:33This information enrages Braxton.
09:36Ford checks in on Marcus' health because he is visibly in pain
09:39and the usually strong-willed Marcus tells him that he is afraid.
09:42Seeing that he is not going to make it, Ford decides to mercy kill the soldier,
09:46something which Marcus does not even protest.
09:49As such, Marcus swiftly dies.
09:52Braxton confronts Ford about this, and Ford tells him that Marcus is going to die anyway from his wound.
09:57Braxton then takes Marcus' dog tags as a sign of respect.
10:01Just then, Dash walks into the room, confirming that he has survived the earlier fall.
10:06He concludes from the somber atmosphere that someone must have died.
10:09Later, Ardyn sees that the aliens have created a gigantic quantum space gate right above the planet.
10:15Since the space gate can be used to travel from one point in the universe to another,
10:19the aliens can teleport their army to the planet, thereby dooming the soldiers there.
10:23Because of this, Braxton proposes that they should just use the quantum bomb to eliminate both them and the aliens.
10:29However, due to his earlier interaction with the aliens,
10:32Ford tells them that the aliens do not want to destroy them because the aliens need them like some sort of colonization.
10:38Ardyn proposes that they shoot the quantum bomb toward the space gate instead.
10:42The worst case scenario is that if they fail, they will get sucked in by the black hole which the quantum bomb will produce.
10:48Since it is part of their job to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, they accept this risk.
10:53Afterward, Dash takes Ford aside and secretly tells him that they should abandon the mission.
10:58However, Ford refuses this, telling Dash instead that he is free to do whatever he wants.
11:04Due to his former superior's conviction, Dash is inspired to follow through with the mission.
11:09Dash later encounters a child who is one of the survivors.
11:12Seeing this bright-faced girl is enough to motivate Dash to protect her and the rest of humanity.
11:17As such, the soldiers, along with the other survivors of the space battle,
11:21gather at the gate of the orbital cannon to defend the outpost from the aliens.
11:25They are doing this until the outpost system turns online again.
11:28Once it turns online, they can now use the orbital cannons to fire the quantum bomb toward the space gate.
11:34Saul explains that opening the outpost doors will cause the aliens to charge in,
11:38surely turning the corridor where they are standing into some sort of bloody room.
11:42As they all wait for the attack, Ford talks with Ardyn,
11:45advising her that she should keep her soldierly life a secret from the people she loves back home or else they will despise her.
11:52With this advice, Ardyn walks back alone to the systems room to reconfigure the system
11:56and attach the quantum bomb to the orbital cannon.
11:59Just then, she hears Ryle communicating with the outpost, confirming that he is actually still alive.
12:05It turns out that Ryle failed to enter the planet and is just currently floating right outside Allura.
12:10He asks Ardyn if his nephew is still alive.
12:13After confirming that Braxton has survived the entry earlier,
12:16Ryle tells Ardyn that he will head to the quantum gate and trigger its self-destruction,
12:20killing him in the process.
12:22His only request is for Ardyn not to tell Braxton about this plan
12:26because he knows that his nephew will prevent him from following through with his fatal plan.
12:30Besides, Braxton thinks that his uncle is dead anyway.
12:33Later, Ford and the others assemble that the doors have finally opened it.
12:37However, to their surprise, Goss walks out from the shadows.
12:40She is now infected by the leader of the aliens.
12:43The one that is most shocked by this is Ford who was taken aback by what he had just seen.
12:47The alien possessing Goss mocks Ford,
12:49telling him that Goss' body is suitable for possession because it agrees with the aliens.
12:53All of a sudden, Goss temporarily regains control of her body
12:57and informs her allies that the parasitic aliens use their bodies as vessels to control.
13:02But this is only brief as the alien overtakes Goss' consciousness again,
13:06explaining to the soldiers that their alien race is called Sigia
13:09and that it is built around the concepts of war and domination.
13:13She offers them a chance to surrender while there is still an opportunity to do so.
13:17Not wanting to succumb to the aliens' demands of domination,
13:21Dash quickly rejects the idea of being colonized by the aliens.
13:24With this rejection, the aliens launch an all-out attack against the soldiers,
13:28which even includes some advanced alien drones.
13:31A battle has finally commenced between the two sides.
13:34With numbers and experience on their side, the aliens make quick work of the survivors.
13:39They immediately get inside the outpost with ease.
13:42Only the battle-hardened soldiers such as Braxton and Saul manage to survive the onslaught.
13:46But even then, the aliens are too powerful and many for them.
13:50Even Braxton almost dies against one of the aliens.
13:53Later, Ford holds onto one of the drones that are hovering away.
13:57This drone in particular is carrying the infected Lee.
14:00Meanwhile, Ryle is now floating in front of the space gate.
14:03At this exact moment, the orbital cannon system is now back in action.
14:07Ardine has now loaded the quantum bomb into the orbital cannon
14:11and all she has to do is to confirm the launch coordinates.
14:14Simultaneously, Goss' drone reaches the space gate.
14:17Because Ford has been holding onto the drone,
14:19he comes face to face with his infected ex-wife who is now leading the alien army.
14:24At this point, Ardine has launched the quantum bomb into the space gate.
14:28Due to Goss' presence there, the bomb is stopped before it comes through the space gate using some sort of force field.
14:34Ford tries to approach Goss, but he is pushed back into the dark space by his infected ex-wife.
14:39Meanwhile, Ryle tells Ardine that he cannot make the remaining fuel in his battle armor explode.
14:44As such, he asks Ardine to just point the orbital cannon toward him,
14:48which will then trigger a chain reaction that will cause a great explosion in the space gate.
14:52Here, the wounded Braxton walks in and hears their conversation.
14:56Seeing him, Ryle says goodbye to his nephew.
14:58Braxton refuses this, but he knows that there is nothing that he can do.
15:02Having no choice, both Braxton and Ardine emotionally direct the orbital cannon toward Ryle and use it to launch a rocket.
15:08The rocket hits Ryle point blank, causing an explosion that is large enough to destroy the space gate.
15:13Due to the explosion, the space gate immediately collapses in itself, creating a black hole.
15:18Fortunately, it closes before it can affect Elora and everything nearby,
15:22which means that the black hole has opened instead on the alien side of the universe.
15:26This effectively destroys the whole Sijin fleet that is waiting behind the space gate.
15:30With this, it turns out that Goss' push is actually a blessing in disguise for Ford who is now floating back toward Elora.
15:36Meanwhile, Braxton walks back to the bloody corridor where many survivors and aliens alike were killed.
15:41He sees a surviving alien, and Braxton pours all of his pent-up anger and rage toward the alien, beating the alien to a pulp.
15:48Seven days later after the first contact with the Sijins,
15:51the Alliance's Senate leader back on Earth finally reveals to the people the notable yet violent event that had just transpired a week ago.
15:58The announcement speaks of the Sijin's unconditional surrender
16:01due to the actions of the heroic soldiers who managed to curb the alien threat before it got worse.
16:06The remaining soldiers from Operation Cosmic Sin get back to the bar to silently celebrate their collective achievement.
16:12However, it is also evident on their faces that the operation scurried them for life.
16:16In the background, the Alliance's Senate leader is continuing his rousing speech
16:20that talks about how their empire and the human race as a whole would last for a thousand years more.
16:25There, Ford remembers his ex-wife's words about buying her a drink if they managed to survive.
16:30For this reason, Ford decides to honor her memory by drinking one last alcohol before walking away from the bar.
