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00:04-♪ Nos hemos quedado todos pasmados en la casa ♪
00:10-♪ Ay, aquí están las dos manzanillas ♪
00:15-♪ ¿En qué anda?
00:18Ay, ¿se está escribiendo el testamento de Amiago?
00:22-♪ Como no quieras las enaguas ♪
00:23-♪ Una bata buena, yo tengo cintura de avispa
00:25y piernas de bailarina ♪
00:27-♪ Le estaba escribiendo una carta a mis virtudes
00:29-♪ Oh
00:31-♪ Podrás recuerdar de mi parte, ¿eh?
00:33-♪ Y dile que a mí cuando nos hace una visitita con el chiquillo
00:37-♪ Eso es lo primero que le he pedido
00:39-♪ Y ahora le estaba contando todo lo que ha pasado con Doña Pía
00:43-♪ No sé si se lo va a creer porque es todo un floca molesto
00:47-♪ A mí aún me cuesta
00:49-♪ Sí, porque es como cosa de follotín
00:51-♪ Pero mira, por lo menos no ha terminado mal
00:53y lo importante es que Doña Pía está viva
00:56Es una de las alegrías más grandes que me ha llevado en los últimos años
00:59Seguro que Virtudes se alegra porque ella la aprecia mucho
01:02Como todos
01:04Todos menos la Mari Mandrago
01:06La Marquesa tampoco es que le tenga mucho cariño
01:08La Marquesa no le tiene cariño a nadie, salvo a ella misma
01:13La Petra debe estar que hecha humo con el notición
01:16Porque se fastidie y trague guimán
01:18Que Doña Pía está vivita y coleando y un pronto va hasta aquí
01:23A ver cómo llega, ¿eh?
01:24Porque no la ha tenido que pasar muy bien con todo este embolado
01:28Qué mal trago tuvo que vivir
01:30Haciéndose pasar por muerta delante de todos, menudo papelón
01:34Bueno, por lo visto estaba media adoptada
01:35Con el mejor jefe que le dio la gana
01:40Ay, tenía que estar muy desesperada para hacer algo así
01:45Temía por su vida y por la de su chiquillo
01:48Y en un apuro así, pues una hace lo que sea
01:51Vaya que se lo hizo
01:53Aunque mira, ahora tiene una tumba en su pueblo
01:55Eso que ya lo tiene adelantado, ¿que no?
01:58Visto así
02:00Aunque habrá que cambiar la fecha de la muerte porque ya no casa
02:04Siempre hay que buscar lo bueno en todo, Simona
02:07Hasta en las desgracias
02:10Pobrecita Doña Pía
02:13Si el mundo fuera mejor y no estuviera lleno de Petras y Gregorios
02:18Pero el mundo es como es
02:20Hay que apesugar, hay que plantarle cara a esa gente
02:23Aunque bueno, Doña Pía más bien huyó
02:27Escondió la cabeza en un agujero como una vestuz
02:30Escondió la cabeza y el cuerpo, que le hace raro que entera
02:33Bueno, voy a terminar la carta de mi hija que...
02:37Que la quiero mandar mañana cuando vaya al pueblo
02:38Espera, espera
02:39Te voy a dictar unas palabras para la virtude, apunta
02:43Pero no corras, que quiero hacer buena letra y yo voy muy despacito
02:46Voy, ¿eh? Voy
02:49Estimada virtude
02:52No, estimada no
02:56Querida virtude
02:57Aquí estoy, con tu madre en el comedor
03:01La vida es la promesa, sigue adelante
03:04Pasa un día, luego sigue otro, luego viene otro
03:08¿Sabes qué te digo?
03:10Que si le quieres decir algo a mi hija, te lo escribas tú
03:14Bueno tú, mandar el recuerdo de mi parte y ya está
03:18Ya pensaba hacerlo aunque no me dijeran nada
03:23Buenas tardes, Sgt. Rubén
03:25Pasa, siéntese
03:32¿Hay alguna novedad sobre don Manuel?
03:35No traigo ninguna nueva, solo vengo a hacer unas preguntas
03:39¿Otra vez?
03:40Esta vez será un interrogatorio, en toda regla
03:43¿Y los otros qué eran?
03:44Más bien charlas informales
03:46Pregúntele lo que quiera, cualquier cosa en la que pueda ayudar
03:50No me andaré por las ramas
03:52¿Por qué me mintió?
03:55Hace unos días me dijo que había sido usted el que entregó el sobre para el Sr. Castillo
04:00en la taberna de Luján y no fue así
04:03Tienes razón, no fui claro en ese asunto
04:06Todo era para... para que don Manuel no se hubiera involucrado en un asunto tan sórdido
04:12Ya veo, un fiel servidor
04:14Es mi trabajo, quería ahorrarle ese mal trago
04:17A costa de mentirle a un representante de la ley
04:20Lo lamento, pero yo no podía consentir que se acusara un inocente
04:25Lo de su inocencia está por determinar y no es usted quién para decidirlo
04:31Es más, conforme pasa los días parece más culpable
04:34¿Tiene alguna prueba contra él?
04:36¿Le parece poco con las que ya hay?
04:38Pues no, una carta en una taberna y poco más
04:42Dos cartas y la declaración de don Manuel de que habló con el Sr. Castillo
04:47Pero yo supongo que el Sr. Castillo hablaría también con otras personas del pueblo
04:51He de suponer que esas personas también son sospechosas
04:55Que yo sepa, los demás no le ofrecieron dinero ni se reunieron con él en un lugar apartado
04:59Justamente donde apareció el cadáver
05:02¿Quién no se cita a uno con un tipo de semejante calaña delante de todo el mundo?
05:07Al contrario, si uno se ve con un criminal siempre intenta que haya testigos de ese encuentro
05:13Yo no lo veo así
05:15Usted no va a ver nada que pueda perjudicar a don Manuel
05:20Dígame, ¿hay armas en la promesa?
05:24¿Sabe usted de algún palacio donde no las haya?
05:28¿Qué tipo de armas tienen?
05:30El Marqués es un gran aficionado a la caza y tiene escopetas para caza menor y rifles para caza mayor
05:36¿Dónde las guardan?
05:37En la armería
05:38Es un cuarto con una puerta reforzada de la cual solo yo tengo la llave
05:42Y si me va a preguntar si don Manuel me pidió algún arma ya le digo yo que no
05:48Vayamos a ver esa armería
05:51Y quiero que me dé un listado completo con todas las armas de la casa
05:55Por supuesto
06:00¿Guarda las llaves de la armería junto con el resto de llaves?
06:03Sí, suelen estar guardadas a buen recaudo
06:07Y sí, solo yo tengo la llave
06:11¿Y siempre tiene esa caja abierta?
06:15No, suele estar cerrada
06:18Ya, suele
06:23Vayamos a ver la armería
06:26Por favor
06:54Bueno sí, pero no seas impaciente
06:56Es que tardas horas para mover cada pieza
06:58Porque tengo que pensar en el próximo movimiento
07:01Oye, esa mujer
07:04¿Qué mujer?
07:05Esa de ahí
07:11No sé
07:13Martina, no seas niña
07:15Mi torre
07:17¿Qué torre?
07:22Está bien
07:25Tu torre
07:26Es que mira, si no quieres jugar mejor lo dejamos
07:29Es que no hay necesidad de hacer el tonto
07:32Que era una broma, no te pongas así que sí que ya, muevo
07:49¿Sabes? Hay una cosa que...
07:52Que quería hablar contigo desde hace tiempo
07:55¿El qué?
07:56¿Que esta partida se está alargando de más?
07:59Eso es evidente, pero no
08:01No, no es eso
08:04Bueno, di
08:10Que últimamente te noto muy...
08:14Seco, conmigo
08:17A ver, ahora solo quería intentar echar una partida en condiciones
08:20No, no me estoy refiriendo a esto
08:23Ayer mismo, por ejemplo, que estábamos hablando del pobre Manuel
08:27Estabas más pendiente de cómo se encontraba Julia que de cómo estaba yo
08:31No, no, eso es absurdo, Martina
08:33No, no lo es, no lo es
08:35Que yo sepa la que es familia de Manuel soy yo
08:38Ella ¿Cuántas veces habrá hablado con él?
08:40¿Dos? ¿Tres? ¿Veces?
08:42Mira que me dijiste que no querías parecer una novia celosa
08:47Te estoy hablando en serio
08:51Últimamente te noto...
08:54Muy cambiado
08:56Como si te hubieras alejado muchísimo de mí
08:59Como si no te conociera de nada
09:08No sé, Martina
09:12Esa vez que hablar con Julia me ha hecho recordar todo lo que viví en la guerra
09:19La muerte de Paco no...
09:22No la voy a olvidar nunca
09:26Es que...
09:28Si al menos te dejaras ayudar
09:31Es que me duele muchísimo verte sufrir así
09:34Es que es lo que me toca ahora
09:37Me toca sufrir
09:38Pero no tiene por qué ser así
09:41No sé, pídeme lo que sea, si hay algo que yo pueda hacer pídeme lo que tú quieras
09:51Mira, sí
09:52Hay algo que puedes hacer
09:58Dejar de estar tan pendiente de mí
10:02Estar observando con quién hablo
10:04O con quién dejo de hablar
10:07Qué hago
10:08O qué dejo de hacer
10:14¿Eso quieres?
10:18Ya te lo dije, Martina
10:24Al menos por un tiempo
10:27No sé, tienes que comprenderlo
10:32Lo entiendo
10:41Bueno, deja que mate
10:55¿Te sirvo más?
10:56Está bien así
10:58Este es el licor favorito de Manuel
11:00¿Podríamos hacer un brindis?
11:02No estoy para brindis, Lorenzo
11:04Ah, no me extraña
11:05Yo tampoco lo estaría si tuviera a mi hijo en el calabozo
11:08No es cierto, es que parece que le ha mirado un tuerto
11:10¿No crees que le ha mirado un tuerto?
11:12No creo que le haya mirado un tuerto
11:14¿No crees que le haya mirado un tuerto?
11:16No creo que le haya mirado un tuerto
11:18¿No crees que le haya mirado un tuerto?
11:20No creo que le haya mirado un tuerto
11:22Es que parece que le ha mirado un tuerto
11:24No creo en supersticiones
11:25Pues es para empezar a hacerlo
11:27Primero esos accidentes con el aeroplano
11:29La muerte de su mujer
11:30Y ahora la criada de tres al cuarto que te lo embelesa
11:32Ese ha morido, se va a terminar ya
11:34Eso espero
11:35Porque una cosa así puede acabar con el buen nombre de esta familia
11:38Y por si fuera poco lo que le pasa
11:39Ahora viene el sargento este de Pacotilla
11:41Y le acusa nada más y nada menos que de asesinato
11:44La verdad es que no sé qué más le podría pasar
11:47Lo que quieras
11:48Está en rocha
11:49¿Podéis callaros, por favor?
11:50Si no tenéis nada positivo que decir
11:52El silencio es la mejor opción
11:58Sí, sí, sigo aquí
12:01No puede
12:02¿Cómo que no?
12:05Pero usted no podría decirle
12:13Buenas noches
12:15¿No se pone el gobernador?
12:16Parece que está muy ocupado como para dedicarme cinco minutos
12:19Sí, ocupado, claro
12:21Pero te ha dicho que te va a atender, ¿no?
12:23Su secretario me ha dicho que me llamará en los próximos días
12:25A ver
12:26Menudo atajo de vividores dirige este país
12:29¿Has podido hablar con alguien?
12:31Estaba intentando hacerlo con el ministro de gracia y justicia
12:34Pero de momento nada
12:35¿Y las llamadas a tus amistades?
12:36Algunos me han respondido
12:38Pero creo que más que para ayudar
12:40Para saber qué le había pasado a Manuel
12:44Bueno, míralo por el lado positivo
12:46Al menos así podrás saber quién son tus verdaderos amigos
12:49No veo nada positivo en lo que está pasando
12:51Y no creo que nadie pueda verlo
12:52¿No te parece?
12:54Me refiero a que una situación así hace que la gente se retrate
12:58En eso tienes razón
12:59Estoy comprobando quién de verdad quiere ayudar
13:01Y quién como tú está disfrutando con todo esto
13:03Yo no disfruto de las desgracias ajenas
13:05Alonso, por favor
13:07Soy sincero
13:09Creo que tu amigo Ignacio se lo está pasando muy bien con todo esto
13:12Eso es un infundio
13:13Es evidente que la situación no te deja pensar con claridad
13:15Muy bien
13:16Gracias por ser condescendiente conmigo
13:18Será eso
13:19Que estoy superado por las circunstancias
13:20Creo, creo
13:22Que discutir entre nosotros no va a evitar que Manuel acabe en la cárcel
13:26Solo quería decir que una situación así
13:28Hace que sepas quiénes son tus verdaderos amigos
13:30Normalmente los puedes contar con los dedos de una mano
13:34Pero a ti te sobran cinco
13:36Y lo comprendo
13:40¿Pero qué le pasa a este hombre?
13:53¿Cómo está?
13:56Bueno, a veces aburrido
13:59Otras veces algo enfadado por esta injusticia
14:03Otras, ni una cosa ni la otra
14:05¿Qué pasa?
14:07¿Qué pasa?
14:09¿Qué pasa?
14:11¿Qué pasa?
14:13¿Qué pasa?
14:15Ni una cosa ni la otra
14:16Y yo aun así lo veo entero
14:18Procuro mantener el buen ánimo
14:23Sea difícil, en este agujero pestilente
14:25Sí, desde luego que lo es
14:27Si es que podría me iré al esto un poco
14:29He traído unas cuántas mudas
14:31Para que no tenga que llevar todo el tiempo la misma ropa
14:35Pues no sabe lo que se agradece tener ropa limpia y bien planchada aquí
14:38También le he traído una pastilla de jabón de lavanda
14:42A menos de que acaso hubiera algún sitio para bañarse
14:44I don't doubt it.
14:45She's doing well.
14:47Bathing here won't be possible.
14:49I'll have to settle for a bucket to clean myself.
14:52I can imagine.
14:53Well, let's hope it's for a short time.
14:56I've also brought you some freshly made cinnamon cookies
15:00that Mrs. Martínez and Mrs. García send you.
15:03They give you a lot of encouragement.
15:07You don't know how much I miss your stews.
15:11I'd give it for a good potage of pumpkin.
15:13There's no good food here.
15:16Calling food what they serve here is too much for you.
15:39Did you bring me a file with that trick?
15:41No, no.
15:42You have to go through the door with your head held high.
15:46Yes, that would be ideal.
15:48But if I tell you the truth,
15:49right now I'm content with going through any hole,
15:53even if it's a drag.
15:55I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your good humor.
15:58It's no use bittering me.
16:00That's a good philosophy.
16:02I should apply it.
16:04I have the feeling that all this is my fault.
16:07In the end, the one who's going to end up bitter is me.
16:10Mr. Baeza, it's not your fault at all.
16:12No, but I let you get involved in this matter.
16:15I'm a grown-up, Romulo.
16:17No one pushed me and I helped because I wanted to.
16:19Yes, but knowing you as I know you,
16:21you shouldn't have allowed me to go so far.
16:23So I wouldn't have gone to that tavern
16:25to look for that bastard Gregorio.
16:30The tavern, Peque de Torpe.
16:32Yes, no, I'm not very fine.
16:33Neither are you or I, but I'm not.
16:37You should have emphasized that I didn't go there
16:39because it was dangerous.
16:40Mr. Baeza, you reminded me of him almost every day.
16:43You don't listen to me.
16:45You already know me.
16:47You have a good heart and the will to help others.
16:52I don't know.
16:56What I do know is that now I've ended up harming myself
16:58and my whole family.
17:00How are my parents?
17:02Well, imagine it.
17:03Your mother is very upset.
17:04Your father is moving to Rome with Santiago
17:06to get him out of here.
17:07Today he was trying to talk to a minister.
17:10I hope his friends can help me.
17:12Yes, I trust that this will be the case.
17:15And Hanna?
17:17She's not poor, she's very sad.
17:21When you see her, tell her that ...
17:24that I'm in a good mood
17:25and that I really want to ...
17:30that I've missed her a lot.
17:31That's how I'll take care of her.
17:33I hope Sergeant Borena stops looking for where there is no one and releases him.
17:37Knowing him as I know him,
17:40that man is not going to get tired.
17:42But that's something that can benefit me.
17:47Because that man is so stubborn
17:49that he won't stop until he finds something to incriminate me with.
17:53And since I'm innocent, he won't find anything at all.
17:56And if he keeps looking, in the end he will find a thread to pull
17:59that will lead him to the real culprit.
18:01That's it.
18:04And he will have to set me free at once.
18:12What a rest I've had now that everyone knows that Doña Pia is alive.
18:18Well, yes, it has been a relief.
18:20Well, yes, because before I was always afraid
18:22that they would catch me in a resignation when it came to talking.
18:25That's true.
18:28And before I had to measure my words a lot.
18:30And you already know that if there is something that I don't like to measure,
18:32it's my words.
18:36And I was also afraid that ...
18:38that someone would cross paths with Doña Pia
18:40and think that she had seen a ghost.
18:42What a scare, huh?
18:43Yes, yes.
18:47Hanna, are you in what you are?
18:49Well, of course I'm in what I am.
18:51No, because I'm talking to you and you're in a hurry.
18:55María, if I'm answering everything to you.
18:57Yes, with a yes, with a no, with a it's not true.
18:59Hanna, please, I know you, huh?
19:01What's wrong with you?
19:04Do you have bad news about your Manuel?
19:06No, it has nothing to do with that.
19:10The Marquis has tried to buy me.
19:13Buy you what? Buy me?
19:15Offer me money so that I forget about Manuel and leave here.
19:20How much?
19:22What else, María? The gesture is the important thing.
19:24Yes, yes, the gesture and the quarters.
19:26The quarters.
19:28You're right, it's very ugly.
19:30It's very ugly.
19:31That a piece of furniture is bought, a piece of land is bought,
19:34but people are not bought.
19:39Well, honestly, I was expecting this from the Marquis,
19:41but not from the Marquis.
19:43Well, maybe it was his idea.
19:45Because she will be angry that her son wants to marry a maid.
19:49Yes, I understand that they don't have to be made any fun.
19:54They wanted another Ximena for their son.
19:57But another that lasts longer.
19:59Because this one lasted very little.
20:00María, for God's sake, don't be stupid.
20:02Well, is it a lie or what?
20:03They want a good family lady for their son,
20:07because that's how the world works.
20:10Well, Manuel and I love each other and we can't help it.
20:13Well, if you have to be together ...
20:15Come on, because I'm like the screw and the nut.
20:19That's not very romantic, but I understand you.
20:23What I mean is that you were born to be together.
20:27That's what Manuel says.
20:29He says that now we have to be selfish.
20:31We have to think about ourselves.
20:33Of course.
20:36And here he doesn't like to be made fun of,
20:38because you get married and each stick holds its candle.
20:41I don't know if Manuel is going to get out of jail soon.
20:45Well, he will.
20:47Because he hasn't done anything.
20:50I don't trust justice very much.
20:52Neither do I, but they are rich.
20:55And justice works best for the rich.
20:57That's also unfair, María.
20:59Well, but the important thing is that he gets out.
21:02And in the meantime, you can go visit him at the barracks.
21:07And that way the wait is shorter.
21:10I'm not going.
21:14Because Manuel doesn't want me to go.
21:17Who told you that?
21:19The Marquis.
21:21Well, let's see if it's going to be the Marquis who doesn't want you to go.
21:24Because I say that Manuel will be wishing.
21:28Well, you know what? I think you're right.
21:30I'm going to have to find out better about that.
21:36Good night.
21:38Good night.
21:48Hey, how much did the Marquis want to buy you?
21:51María, for God's sake.
21:53Well, I just want to know the price.
21:55In case they ever want to buy me.
22:09I'm afraid that at any moment the news will arrive in Madrid
22:12and a newspaper will publish that my son is in prison.
22:15Well, it won't be because we've kept our mouths shut.
22:17I haven't said anything.
22:18And I'm not going to.
22:20Catalina says that being innocent, Manuel, it doesn't matter what people think.
22:24But I don't think that.
22:26The less they think, the better.
22:28I don't think that.
22:30I don't think that.
22:32I don't think that.
22:34I don't think that.
22:36But I don't think that.
22:38The less they know, the better.
22:40Enough with all those who have found out because of our requests for help.
22:43Well, let's hope it works at least.
22:47It's just that an accusation like that about Manuel is ...
22:50It's a disrepute that we can't afford.
22:55Especially with everything that has happened in this house.
22:58Ximena's death.
23:00The young people in the war in Europe. The murder of the mayor.
23:03You don't have to make all our miseries bigger, dear.
23:06Well, forgive me Cruz, because I didn't want to bother you.
23:08You're getting it.
23:10Well, I think that all these inconveniences have to be faced with patience and resignation.
23:16How easy it is to talk about patience when it's not your son who is in jail.
23:20I don't know. I put myself in your place and ...
23:23I can't even imagine the suffering.
23:26In addition, people go to gossip like ...
23:28It's like the vultures to the carron.
23:30Well, some do. But I'm sure that with Manuel,
23:33many of those who are interested are simply because they value him.
23:37It's just that my cousin is loved by everyone who has met him.
23:40That's true.
23:42Which makes it even more inexplicable that he is accused of such a crime.
23:52Are you coming to talk to the cook of our wedding?
23:55I'm ashamed.
23:57You have to see the little word they have for you.
24:01I have never found anything like it.
24:03But what happened?
24:05A bastard. A tough guy.
24:07Don't tell me anymore. I'm sure he asked for more money.
24:10It is very difficult to find serious people in this country.
24:12No, no, no. Much worse than that.
24:14He has returned the signal that I gave him.
24:16We don't have a cook.
24:18But why? If he was going to earn some good quarters, right?
24:20Well, because he says he has to go to America,
24:22what is left of the year that he cannot cook for us.
24:25But I think they are pamplitas.
24:27So why do you think it is?
24:29Well, who knows?
24:31Maybe he got another job and they pay him better.
24:36Maybe it's because of everything that happened to Manuel.
24:43Yes, surely it must be because of that.
24:45After all, he cooks for the best houses in the country.
24:48And a matter as ugly as this ...
24:50Are you insinuating that what happened to Manuel is spreading out there?
24:53I wouldn't be surprised.
24:55Bad news flies.
24:57And the people of the town surely saw him enter the block but not leave.
25:01Well, I'm sure that's why this cook scared you.
25:04Yes, but it's unfair. We have nothing to do with this matter.
25:07More unfair is that my son is in prison for being innocent.
25:09I don't deny it.
25:11But that I run out of a cook for something like that ...
25:13You know how people are, Ignacio.
25:15They care more about what is said about them than anything else.
25:20Well, dear.
25:22Don't get like that.
25:24These inconveniences, it's best to face them with a lot of patience.
25:28Like you just said, right?
25:33Well, what are we going to do, Ignacio?
25:35Because now it is very difficult to find a cook who is up to the task.
25:38That very bastard has offered to leave everything in the hands of his assistant.
25:41Well, do you know if he has good references?
25:43I don't care about his references.
25:45I want a first-rate cook, not a fucking one.
25:48Well, yes, you're right.
25:50For a cloth, we already have the cooks of the promise.
25:53Hey, my kitchen is one of the best of these places, huh?
25:56Well, I don't deny it, Cruz.
25:59This is just the beginning.
26:01You don't see it.
26:02Now maybe some guest will back out.
26:05But they will still talk to each other and no one will come.
26:08This can only get worse, much worse.
26:11How different it is when you are the one who gets hurt, right?
26:15I don't want your scandals to affect our wedding.
26:32Do you have a second?
26:33For what?
26:35Have you already spoken to the man who left you in the state?
26:38You don't have to be so direct.
26:40Have you spoken to him, yes or no?
26:42He left the farm overnight.
26:44That's right, and that's precisely why I haven't been able to talk to him.
26:49Are you sure that man didn't know what he had done?
26:51Of course I am.
26:53The only one who could tell him is me and I haven't done it.
26:55Well, it seems to me that he has found out in some way and that's why he has taken so long.
26:59Are you sure Tadeo hasn't told him anything?
27:01No, Tadeo doesn't know, period.
27:05And how are you going to make Adriano find out?
27:08I'm not going to talk to him.
27:09And I'm not going to go crazy looking for him either.
27:11Catalina, he's going to be a father.
27:13I said no.
27:14You have to tell him.
27:15We weren't dating.
27:17We didn't have a serious relationship either.
27:19For God's sake, you're expecting your own child.
27:21But that was unexpected.
27:23For me he's a stranger and I'm not going to raise a child with a stranger.
27:25That man has the right to know that he's going to be a father.
27:28And you have the obligation to tell him.
27:31My only obligation is to raise that child as best I can.
27:35Aren't you going to give a father to that poor creature?
27:37I already told you, Pelayo.
27:39I want to give him a father, but I don't want it to be him.
27:46Look, this isn't easy.
27:48I've already made a decision.
27:50Now it's your turn to make it.
27:52I already told you that it's not a decision that can be made overnight.
27:56And I asked you not to make it too long.
27:58Because if I don't, I'll have no choice but to get it through on my own.
28:02You'd be a bitch, a slut.
28:04I already know that.
28:06But I prefer that to having to marry a man I barely know.
28:09Catalina, that's insensitivity.
28:11What would be insensitivity would be to give a life to a man I don't love.
28:15Pelayo, now it's your turn to make the decision.
28:20And you'd better make it soon.
28:42Mr. Manuel.
28:45Mrs. Pia.
28:48I'm so happy to see you.
28:50I'm also very happy to see you.
28:52I had to solve an issue with Sergeant Burdina and I asked for permission to visit him.
28:58Just for a moment.
29:00Don't tell me you also have problems with justice.
29:03Let's say less serious than yours.
29:05He made me sign a sworn statement explaining the reasons why I pretended to be dead.
29:12Of course.
29:16Knowing how scrupulous that man is, it's strange that he didn't make you sign a document in which he witnessed that you were alive.
29:21Of course, he's capable.
29:23You don't know how cunning he is.
29:25Believe me, I do.
29:27He made me detail the days I was in the cave, how my life was there, the visits I had, everything.
29:33He asked me questions for an hour.
29:35An hour?
29:37Mrs. Pia, if I told you...
29:40Anyway, I wanted to thank you for what you've done for me, for everything, Mr. Manuel.
29:48You don't deserve it.
29:50What I feel is that now you're in this situation.
29:56Mrs. Pia, actually, you're very wrong.
29:59Wrong in what?
30:01The world is a better place without that bastard.
30:04But I have nothing to do with his death.
30:07So you don't have to feel bad for me because I'm not in this jail for you.
30:11I'm locked up here for a series of, let's say, misunderstandings that will soon be resolved.
30:19The truth is that it relieves me to know.
30:22Although I also feel sorry that you are here for an injustice.
30:29Don't worry.
30:30I'm convinced that sooner or later he will find out the truth and the murderer.
30:35I'm sure he will.
30:39Well, now I'm leaving because I promised Sergeant Burdina that I would be a few minutes and that's it.
30:45And now I'm leaving because I promised Sergeant Burdina that I would be a few minutes and that's it.
30:50Yes, of course, of course.
30:52Mrs. Azar ...
30:57What if Diana can tell you that she has missed you?
31:02Of course.
31:03It will be very hard for you to be away from her.
31:09And more knowing that at this point we should be married.
31:12I've heard something like that.
31:14But I'm sure it will come out soon and you can get married right away, you'll see.
31:17I assure you that it is the first thing I will do as soon as I get out of here.
31:20Say what my parents say.
31:23Well, as long as they only say and don't do anything.
31:29I'm also afraid that my mother will retaliate against her.
31:33But you know something?
31:35No matter how many stones they put in your path, they will not be able to separate us.
31:39I am very happy to see you so encouraged, Mr. Manuel.
31:42I have a woman who loves me and I love her madly.
31:46And I think love is the most powerful weapon that exists.
32:13A few days later
32:26What are you up to?
32:28You seem very thoughtful.
32:31I've fallen asleep and ...
32:34and I tried to clear myself with the piano but ... without success.
32:39And that little smile you have?
32:42Has something funny happened that you should tell me?
32:47Do you think that if someone is happy about other people's misfortunes, they become a bad person?
32:54It depends on who is suffering more.
32:57And what about Ayala?
32:59She has run out of money for the wedding banquet and you don't know how she is.
33:04You are a bit malicious.
33:07Why are you so happy?
33:09I know the count is not a saint of your devotion, but in the end he is going to marry your mother.
33:13Yes, and I want my mother to be happy and I understand perfectly well that she does not want to remain a widow forever.
33:23Well, I've never trusted that man's intentions, to be honest.
33:28But apparently your mother does trust him and you can't do much against that.
33:33I think ...
33:35that my mother was so sad about my father's death that ...
33:39that she didn't see him coming at the time and now it's too late.
33:42And you couldn't do anything to open his eyes before?
33:45No. And look, I tried a thousand ways.
33:49What did you do?
33:52Right now I don't feel like talking about that topic, but I assure you that I did everything I could. Everything.
33:57Well, I don't blame you anymore. You know that whoever does what he can is not forced to do more.
34:01Well, yes, let's think about that.
34:04Besides, your mother is a sensible woman. If she is going to marry that man, it is because she thinks he will make her happy.
34:10And I hope so.
34:13My God, lately weddings have been driving us crazy in this palace.
34:18For me, my mother's wedding with Count Ayala and for my uncles, Manuel's wedding with Hanna.
34:26Do you think she will marry that maid?
34:30If my cousin has gotten between her eyebrows, I assure you that yes.
34:34I see.
34:36And what do you think of her? Have you treated her a lot?
34:41Well, what can be treated to a maid. But she is a good girl.
34:46And to trust?
34:48I would say yes.
34:50I see. And does she get along with everyone at La Promesa? With Catalina? With Curro?
34:57As far as I know, yes.
35:01Well, looking at Petra, but she is a very difficult woman to treat.
35:04She has dressed her like that.
35:07Although it is true that right now my uncles will not be able to see Hanna.
35:11Look, my aunt never swallowed her.
35:14And that?
35:16Because my aunt is like that. When someone goes through her, there is nothing to do.
35:20And Hanna went through her from the first moment.
35:23She said she was shameless.
35:27And she gets along with Curro.
35:30If you have asked me.
35:32Oh yeah?
35:34Sorry, I'm still half asleep. I think I need a coffee.
35:38But answering your question, I think Curro gets along better than well.
35:43Because, well, he was hurt in an accident during a hunt.
35:48And she donated her blood to save him.
35:52And she even helped the doctor during the operation.
35:55So you can say that she almost owes him her life.
35:59Of course.
36:01Well, then it is understandable that they get along so well.
36:06Come on, let's go get that coffee.
36:10Because I don't notice you very well.
36:12Let's go.
36:14And that's what you're going to do, Catalina.
36:16Don't tell your son's father anything.
36:19I suppose you understand my temper.
36:22I do, sir.
36:25What would you do in my place?
36:28Well, I don't dare to advise you on such a delicate matter, sir.
36:31I don't think it's the right person.
36:33But I'm interested in knowing your opinion.
36:36All right, then.
36:39If I had to tell you something, then ...
36:41Let him decide what he decides.
36:44Let him think it over.
36:46It's a step that will mark the rest of his life, sir.
36:49I'm aware of that.
36:50Becoming the father of someone else's child is not easy.
36:55No, at least not for me.
36:57No, not for anyone.
36:59Think that when you look at that child, you will not see his features in him.
37:03And that will remind you that he is the son of another.
37:06I know, I know.
37:07And paternity itself is complicated.
37:10I tell you from experience.
37:13Do you have problems with your son Santos?
37:15Well, we could get along better.
37:18That does not mean that I am not willing to do anything for him.
37:23Well, I guess like all parents.
37:25Yes, well, look at the madness that Mrs. Adarre has committed, right?
37:31Go on, go on.
37:33No, I was not going to say anything of interest, sir.
37:36Don Ricardo, if you think that I am not aware of Mrs. Adarre's bullshit, you are wrong.
37:42You know that?
37:43News like that runs like the dust.
37:46I suppose you will be happy on the ground floor, right?
37:49Yes, of course.
37:51And you are not happy?
37:53Of course.
37:55Only I would have liked Mrs. Adarre to have been aware of what was happening to me.
38:02You look hurt.
38:04Because I am, sir.
38:06Well, Mr. Ricardo, think that something like this should be known to a few people or it would not be feasible.
38:11I know, I know, sir.
38:13But I think I deserved to be one of those few people who were aware
38:17and have saved myself suffering everything I have suffered thinking that I had died.
38:20Did you have a lot of friendship with Mrs. Adarre?
38:26Let's say it was something more than friendship.
38:32She was not aware?
38:34Well, all this happened when you had already left.
38:37And it's not that we got to much.
38:41But I thought it was special.
38:43Although after discovering what Mrs. Adarre had done
38:47and that she had left me aside, well ...
38:51Well, I think I was wrong.
38:54I understand you perfectly.
38:58It is not always balanced in couples what they feel about each other.
39:02I feel ...
39:04betrayed, sir.
39:08We are two, Mr. Ricardo.
39:10We are two.
39:19Ah, Miss Expósito.
39:21Have you seen Mr. Pellicerijo?
39:24I'm looking for him to send him a message. I can't find him.
39:27No, no, sir.
39:29I'll go to the fire station to see if he's there.
39:31Has something happened?
39:33No, no, but hey.
39:35I want to take the opportunity to give you a message.
39:40A message? From whom?
39:42From Mr. Manuel.
39:45Have you visited Mr. Pellicerijo?
39:47Yes, I have. And I have seen him.
39:50And he has asked me to tell you that he misses you very much.
39:55And how did he find him?
39:57Well, in a good mood, given the circumstances.
40:01You are a strong man. It will be very difficult for him to leave.
40:05I wish I had his temper.
40:07I think you have it, miss.
40:09Well, lately not much.
40:12Has something happened?
40:15You know you can trust my discretion.
40:19It's ...
40:21It's Marquez.
40:23I would never have imagined that he was going to get so bad that his son would want to marry me.
40:28That's because he doesn't know the world of gentlemen.
40:31In that world they are dedicated to looking for good marriages for their children,
40:35to get alliances and to secure their lodgings.
40:39And I have squandered all his plans.
40:41That's it.
40:43I've been an illusion.
40:46You know that Mr. Marquez has tried to buy me and offer me money so that I leave here and forget about Manu.
40:52And I've also tried to lie to myself about one thing.
40:54About what?
40:56He told me that Manuel doesn't want to see me.
40:58And I think he told me to separate.
41:00I think in this case you are wrong, Miss Espósito.
41:03Marquez has told you the truth.
41:06Why wouldn't Manuel want to see me?
41:08I insisted on letting him visit him.
41:12But you know how proud he is.
41:14He didn't want to be seen in that circumstance.
41:17But if I just want to be with him, that's all.
41:20Soon you will be together.
41:22Manuel is innocent and this can't last long.
41:26God forbid.
41:28And I hope they find that man's murderer soon.
41:31Because they will, won't they, Mr. Hueso?
41:34It's possible.
41:36More than possible.
41:39I think it's certain.
41:43A few days later
41:51So we are left without a cook.
41:54You see how little seriousness people spend.
41:57Look, girl, it's a problem, but compared to everything that's going on at La Parmesa,
42:00I think it's a minority.
42:02Amen, cousin.
42:04Well, I know it's not serious, but we can't spend the day talking about Manuel either.
42:07Or his wedding, which you are the only one interested in.
42:10Well, and Andrés Ayala.
42:11Girl, don't be insolent, please.
42:12No, I'm honest.
42:14And also, let me tell you that that wedding is a little cursed.
42:17Because everything that can go wrong, goes wrong.
42:20Don't be silly.
42:21I'm serious.
42:22I think it's a sign that the universe is sending him to think it over.
42:25It turns out you believe in superstitions.
42:27Well, call it whatever you want, but I would give more thought to that wedding of his.
42:32No, don't go back with that Martingala.
42:34Are you listening to me, Catalina?
42:36Well, it's just that ...
42:40Do you think the same as your cousin?
42:42No, not exactly.
42:43But seeing how he got on when he found out he wasn't going to have a cook,
42:46well ...
42:47A story by Doña Emilia Pardo Bazán came to mind.
42:51Well, what does that story have to do with me?
42:54I'll summarize it for you.
42:56It's about a good family girlfriend who, on the day of the wedding, says no to the boyfriend.
43:02Well, I like how it starts, hey?
43:04Well, shut up.
43:06Let's see how that story continues.
43:08Well, it's a good scandal.
43:11Because no one knows why she refused to marry.
43:14More than anything, because she did not give explanations at the time.
43:17But she would end up giving them at some point, I say.
43:20Yes, at the end of her life she confessed that, before the wedding,
43:22she had been told that her boyfriend was a choleric man.
43:25But she had never seen him angry.
43:27So she thought they were infidels.
43:29And ... wasn't he?
43:31The point is that, on the day of the wedding, she put on the wedding dress that he had given her,
43:36got hooked and tore part of the lace.
43:40And he didn't take it well.
43:42He became a basilisk.
43:44Then she was able to prove that everything they had told her about him was true.
43:48And she refused to marry him.
43:50Are you comparing me to Ayala's anger for losing the cook with this?
43:54Well, yes, aunt.
43:56This comparison ends up losing the count because a dress on the day of the wedding cannot be fixed.
44:01But from now on, if you get married, you will find another cook.
44:05Very well said.
44:07Just think about it for a moment.
44:09If she gets like this because of that animosity, what will she do when the real evil comes?
44:57What is this?
45:18They will find out.
45:26A few days later.
45:31Hi, Maria.
45:33I'm going to take a nap.
45:36You know?
45:38This morning I read a joke in the newspaper yesterday, I'll tell you.
45:41Well, if you're looking forward to it.
45:43Well, look.
45:44There was a marriage, talking, and the woman says to her husband,
45:48Oh my God, what a strong character my sister has. She just likes to argue.
45:52To which the husband responds,
45:54Well, if she likes to argue so much, why doesn't she get married?
45:57No, it's funny.
46:01It's not bad.
46:02It doesn't seem like it because she hasn't laughed at you.
46:06I don't know, it's just that ...
46:09I'm not in the mood.
46:11And that?
46:12Did Mrs. Arcos give you a blowjob?
46:16It's just that today is one of those days in which I had stayed with my boyfriend Salvador.
46:20To see us.
46:21And in the end, nothing, nothing.
46:23And why did you meet?
46:25Well, because it happened to me to sign.
46:27And he too.
46:29And one by one I swept the house.
46:31And it's been a long time since you've seen him?
46:33Too long.
46:34Last week we were also going to see each other and ...
46:37It couldn't be either.
46:38And that?
46:39Well, because he only had a free time and ...
46:42And I didn't have a good time either and ...
46:44And we let him be.
46:46And I don't know if it was out of laziness or laziness, but ...
46:50The point is that we don't see each other.
46:53Well, what you have to do is ...
46:56Set a date and respect it.
46:58Yes, of course.
46:59If María Mandrajo respected the shifts ...
47:01And didn't show up from one day to the next with a new task ...
47:05Well, then yes.
47:07Well, I'm sure you'll meet next Sunday.
47:11I hope so.
47:12If he doesn't have a dinner, or a meal, or ...
47:15Or a trip.
47:17This is done.
47:19I'm going to see what they send me now.
47:26I wanted to thank you.
47:30Well, I know that Teresa has told you about ...
47:35You know.
47:36Yes, I know.
47:39Well, that's what I wanted to thank you for.
47:42That you haven't said anything and that you're so discreet.
47:45Well, of course I haven't said anything.
47:46I'm not even going to say it.
47:47I'm not naturally quiet, but I know how to keep a secret.
47:51Teresa already told me that she could trust you.
47:54Teresa is a very good friend of mine.
47:55And I deserve whatever I do for my friends.
47:59I'm glad to see that Teresa has good friends.
48:01She deserves it.
48:02She is a gem.
48:05I know that perfectly well.
48:16Do you rich people think you can buy everything with money?
48:20But how do you dare to enter my shabby room like this?
48:24I've come to return your rooms.
48:26Not everything is for sale, Marquesa.
48:28Of course I'm not.
48:35Good morning, Mrs. Arcos.
48:37What a surprise.
48:38I thought I could never see you again.
48:41Well, I'm very sorry to have disappointed you.
48:43I don't understand why you had to come to lighten up the whole service.
48:47And you shouldn't have been welcome at La Promesa.
48:49Even if it was only because between her and Mr. Baeza,
48:51they kept us all deceived.
48:53Have you seen her the same as me?
48:54It took Vera a long time to make the Duchess of Carril fall from a donkey.
48:58I don't know about that.
48:59But I admit that there is something strange about Vera.
49:01It's as if she had an eye for the Duchess of Carril.
49:05I'm going to get it.
49:06I'm going to get Manuel out of that dungeon.
49:08And I'm going to find a way for Hanna to leave La Promesa.
49:10As fast as you go, all you have to do is send a mercenary to scare him.
49:13Don't be ridiculous.
49:16But you just showed him the letters we have.
49:18I need you to talk to Miss Julia and make things clear.
49:22Now they can't find out that we are brothers.
49:24Yes, I know.
49:26Right now, with Manuel detained, it's not good for us to open new fronts.
49:29A network of lies has been woven around Mrs. Darre in this palace.
49:33Don't be silly.
49:34It has nothing to do with you.
49:36Why do you say that?
49:37It is obvious that it was you who brought here the undesirable Gregorio.
49:43Do you know what I'm telling you?
49:44That boy should kiss the ground you step on, okay?
49:49Things have happened that you don't know about.
49:54I have made a very serious mistake.
49:56I say, why do you always have to get into everything around you?
50:00You told your son that his mother ...
50:02I know exactly what I told my son.
50:04Tell my son why you have to get into a matter that neither goes nor comes to him.
50:09What does he need from me this time?
50:12Well, you'll see, Mr. Luján, there are a couple of matters that attract my attention.
50:20You, look ...
50:22I'm serious.
50:23Look, I was with Manuel in the front.
50:25And I know what he is capable of.
50:27And I would never do something like that.
50:29Unless he has no other choice.
50:31And it would have been logical for him to have done it.
50:33I shouldn't have allowed him to get so involved in this matter.
50:36No, not this matter, Mr. Baeza, my matter.
50:38My life and my son's were in danger.
50:40And now I'm worried about the luck that Mr. Manuel may have.
50:43Let's trust justice, although sometimes it doesn't give reasons for it.
50:47Are you insinuating something?
50:48I am stating that they have been carrying out management at the highest level.
50:53And I don't want them to get in the way.
50:56What do you mean exactly by that?
50:57Whatever they do,
50:59your son Manuel may spend a long time in jail.