Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 2 Stretchs Cookies Page Turner

  • 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 1 Episode 2 Stretchs Cookies Page Turner


00:00What a nice day for a drive, huh, Tools?
00:08Manny, do you ever get tired of driving?
00:12No, Felipe, I like to drive.
00:14Well, if you ever do get tired of it, I'll drive for you.
00:18Por favor, Manny, please. Yo quiero manejar.
00:21You want to drive? I've been riding in cars a lot longer.
00:25If anyone's going to drive, it's me.
00:27Turner's going to drive?
00:29I get to drive next!
00:31This doesn't sound very safe.
00:33Don't worry, Dusty. For right now, I'll do the driving.
00:37You guys can't even reach the pedals.
00:44Hey, it's Mrs. Portillo!
00:46Hi, Mrs. Portillo!
00:48Oh, I can't wait to see what she bakes for the baking contest today.
00:53Hello, Mrs. Portillo!
00:57I think she wants us to stop.
01:02Maybe she wants you to taste her cookies, Manny.
01:05Her cookies always smell the best.
01:13I don't smell anything.
01:15Hola, Manny. Hola, Tools.
01:19Oh, thank you so much for stopping.
01:22Is everything okay, Mrs. Portillo?
01:24I need help with my oven or I won't be able to bake my cookies to enter into the baking contest.
01:31No cookies?
01:33Ay, caramba!
01:34We can't let that happen!
01:37The Tools are right. The town will be very disappointed.
01:40Come on, Manny. Let's go!
01:45Come on, Tools. We got a job to do.
01:47Uno. Dos. Tres. Cuatro.
01:50Cinco. Siete. Ocho.
01:55Hop, hop, jump in!
01:58Come on, let's go!
02:00Hop, hop, jump in!
02:02Sí, vámonos!
02:04Hop, hop, jump in!
02:06Don't move too slow!
02:07Keep up!
02:08Let's get to work!
02:10Mi rápido!
02:15We're all ready to help.
02:18My ombligos have to be put into the oven soon or they will be ruined.
02:24Ombligos? Belly buttons?
02:27Manny, why is she baking belly buttons?
02:32Ombligos are sugar cookies, Felipe.
02:34They are called ombligos or belly buttons because the jelly in the middle makes them look like belly buttons.
02:42Don't worry, Señora Portillo. We'll have your oven fixed in no time.
02:48Hey, no wonder your oven doesn't work. It's on your porch.
02:53Yeah, it needs to be inside.
02:56Yes, my old oven is broken and I ordered this new one.
03:00I need your help to get it into my kitchen.
03:03I forgot when it was going to be delivered and I wasn't home.
03:07No problem. I'll just get my hand truck.
03:11Manny, we'll get your oven inside, Mrs. Portillo.
03:14Manny, we'll get your oven inside, Mrs. Portillo.
03:17Everything will be A-OK.
03:20Thank you, Stretch. You and Manny are always such a big help.
03:30There we go. Manny's almost got it inside.
03:33Yeah, and Mrs. Portillo can start baking.
03:38Uh-oh. Looks like trouble.
03:45The oven is too big to fit through the door, Mrs. Portillo.
03:49Oh, no. Don't tell me I bought an oven that's too big for the door.
03:54That's OK. We'll figure something out.
03:57Yeah, don't worry. I can get it through.
04:00I'm a hammer.
04:06That's it, Pat. You can do it.
04:08Go, Pat, go.
04:14Maybe I'll go inside and make sure I have enough fruity filling.
04:23We can't just push it through a door. It doesn't fit through, Pat.
04:26We have to find another way to get the oven into the house.
04:34I know just what to do.
04:37Come on, Turner. You can turn some of these screws, too.
04:40I'm on it.
04:45Felipe, Turner, don't take the screws out.
04:49We can't bring the oven in through a window.
04:52Sure we can. These windows are muy grande.
04:56Yes, Felipe, they are big, but we cannot lift the oven up and get it in.
05:01Yes, Felipe, they are big, but we cannot lift the oven up and get it in.
05:07It's too heavy.
05:09Oh, si.
05:11I knew that was a bad idea.
05:14I've got a great idea.
05:19We cut away a little from the door here, and cut a little from the door there,
05:25and the oven will go right through.
05:28That is a great idea. Start cutting, Dusty.
05:32No, Dusty, we cannot cut the doorway.
05:35We don't want to damage Mrs. Portillo's house.
05:40We need a better plan. Maybe we can bring it to the garage.
05:51Ah, this won't work either. This door is even smaller than the front door.
05:58I can't believe I was going to cut apart Mrs. Portillo's doorway.
06:03I thought it was a good idea.
06:05Sure. You tried to push the oven through the door with your head.
06:09Let's take it apart. Then we can bring the oven inside one piece at a time.
06:14But what if we can't put it back together again?
06:23Well, the door in the garage is too small, too.
06:28Squeeze, what are you doing?
06:30Taking apart the oven. We can put it back together inside.
06:35You can't take apart the oven.
06:38We'll never get it inside, Manny.
06:42That's not true, Squeeze. We just need to think it through.
06:45Look, you can't just rush to try every idea that comes to mind.
06:50I know. We should measure the oven.
06:53What if we turn it a different way? Maybe it'll fit inside.
06:57Muy bien. Good idea, Stretch.
07:18Well, it's just too big, Manny. No matter which way we turn it.
07:22Ah, but now you're onto a good idea, Stretch. At least you're thinking it through.
07:27Oh, dear. I won't be able to bake any cookies for the baking contest.
07:33I guess I'll have to return this oven.
07:36But it's okay, Manny. You all did your best.
07:40I'll just whip up a raisin pudding mold and enter that into the contest this year.
07:48Raisin pudding mold? That's not as good as cookies.
07:52There has to be some way to get your oven inside, Mrs. Portillo.
07:56We just have to take the time to find it.
07:58And Stretch has already given us a good start.
08:06Oh, Fluffy. You always look so pretty after your bath.
08:12Look, Fluffy. Manny and the tools are here.
08:15Let's go show them how pretty you look.
08:18Hello, Manny. Hello, Mrs. Portillo. Fluffy and I were just...
08:25No! Fluffy! Fluffy! Fluffy, you'll get all...
08:33Run away, cat! Run away, cat!
08:38It's okay. She just wants to play.
08:41But I don't want to play.
08:46Are you okay, Mr. Lawford?
08:48I'm fine. Fluffy just loves to play. Here, Fluffy.
08:54Oh, no!
09:17Fluffy! Here, Fluffy!
09:20Here, kitty!
09:23Fluffy, come back here!
09:25Here, kitty!
09:26Come, kitty!
09:36Oh, no! Fluffy, stay back! Fluffy, stop that! Fluffy, please!
09:41Oh, Fluffy, now you're all a mess. And I am, too.
09:47Come on, let's go get you another bath.
09:51Fluffy, are you okay?
09:54Yeah, I guess I was so scared I didn't see the door was closed.
10:06Manny, look! We can fit the oven through here.
10:10All we have to do is take out the doors, and then we can wheel the oven right into the kitchen.
10:16Excelente, Strange. I knew if we kept trying, we would find the answer.
10:21Okay, tools, we got a job to do.
10:26Let's get going and fix it right.
10:29Twist and turn.
10:30Make it tight.
10:31Trabajamos juntos.
10:34We work together now.
10:36Cut it, measure it.
10:38Pop it flat.
10:39Bend and twist.
10:40Just like that.
10:42Each of us has a special job.
10:44We work together.
10:46Todos juntos.
10:47We can fix it right.
10:58Thank you, Manny. Thank you, tools.
11:00You always find a way to fix everything.
11:05De nada, Mrs. Portillo. We just thought we could help.
11:09And you better get back in on those ombligos.
11:14Si, you are right.
11:23You tools did a great job today.
11:27And don't Mrs. Portillo's cookies smell great?
11:31That was nice of her to give us some.
11:33I told you we'd find a way to get the oven in.
11:36You were right, Manny.
11:38As usual.
11:40Hey, there's Callie.
11:42We should give her a cookie.
11:44Good idea, Pat.
11:47Hola, Manny. Hello, tools.
11:49Hola, Callie. We brought you a surprise.
11:52A surprise?
11:54She'll never guess what it is.
11:56Okay, okay. So, what's the surprise?
12:00Oh, Mrs. Portillo's ombligos.
12:04How did she know?
12:06Because she's amazing.
12:09Mmm. They're delicious. Thank you.
12:14Mrs. Portillo's sugar cookies are always the best.
12:18We almost didn't have any cookies this year.
12:20But we took our time and didn't give up.
12:36It's turn.
12:42And then, the mighty little toolbox heard a very scary sound
12:47coming from right behind him.
12:50Oh, yeah. Real scary.
12:52Holding his breath.
12:53Ah, holding his breath.
12:55He began to find himself staring right into the eyes of...
12:58Oh, I wonder what it is.
13:00Of what? Of what?
13:02I don't think I want to know, please.
13:04A very big and very angry dinosaur.
13:13Oh, I'm so scared.
13:17Manny, wait. Not now. I need to know what happens.
13:22Oh, come on. You heard this story a hundred times.
13:26He scares the dinosaur away, blah, blah, blah.
13:29Yeah, with a hammer.
13:31No, don't worry, Squeeze. I'll be right back.
13:34These stories are a waste of time, and I've got work to do.
13:37Besides, it's all just made-up stuff.
13:41You mean he didn't really scare him with a hammer?
13:46Hola, Honey Minis Repair Shop. You break it, we fix it.
13:49This is Manny.
13:50Hello, Manny.
13:51It's Mariam, the librarian.
13:53Oh, she's the one who gave me the book about the Mighty Little Toolbox.
13:58Mariam, the librarian. Mariam, the librarian.
14:03Yes, Mariam. How can we help you?
14:05The turnstile at the front door of the library is jammed, and it's the only way in.
14:11If it's not fixed in time, I won't be able to open today.
14:16Well, we can't have that. We'll be right over.
14:19A jammed turnstile. Probably just needs a good oiling.
14:23One oil can coming up.
14:28It's almost empty, Manny.
14:30Well, we better stop off at Kelly's on the way and pick up some more aceite.
14:36That's Spanish for oil.
14:39Come on, tools.
14:41Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:50Hop, hop, jump in.
14:52Come on, let's go.
14:54Hop, hop, jump in.
14:56Sí, vámonos.
14:58Hop, hop, jump in.
15:00Don't move too slow.
15:01Keep up.
15:02Let's get to work.
15:04Mi rápido.
15:18Morning, Mr. Lopart. Putting a new awning, I see.
15:21Need a hand?
15:22Nope, I've got it all under control.
15:26Okay, well, good luck. I'm sure it will look great.
15:30Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
15:48Hola, Kelly.
15:50Hola, Manny. Hi, tools.
15:54Well, it looks like delivery day.
15:58Sure is, so I have plenty of anything you need.
16:01How about some oil?
16:03No problem, Manny. It's right here.
16:11Don't worry, we'll help you find it, Kelly.
16:15Hey, over here.
16:17You found a box of oil?
16:19Nope, even better. I found a box of nails.
16:22I found some boards.
16:25I found the screws.
16:27What kind?
16:29Phillips head, naturally.
16:31Look, over here. Oil finder, oil finder.
16:37Nice work, Squeeze.
16:39Anytime you want a job here, let me know.
16:49Manny, thank you for coming so quickly, especially in the rain.
16:53No problem, Marion.
16:55Here's the turnstile I was telling you about.
16:59All of a sudden, it just stopped turning.
17:03But you can't have a turnstile that doesn't turn, right?
17:08Yeah, because then they'd have to call it a doesn't-turnstile.
17:16Oh, it's an old one.
17:18I haven't worked on one quite like this before.
17:22Oh, don't worry. That shouldn't be a problem.
17:24They usually all work the same way.
17:26Well, I'll let you get to work then.
17:29I've got a lot of books to put back on shelves.
17:32Well, at least I think they all work the same way.
17:36Okay, let's see what we got here.
17:42Well, que oyes?
17:44Yeah, Manny, what do you hear?
17:46Clankety clank.
17:48Uh-huh, just what we thought.
17:50Needs oil.
18:02All right!
18:04All right!
18:06Yay! Yay! Yay!
18:09Squeeze, be careful. It could...
18:16Oh, Manny, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
18:19It just looked fun, and I thought I could...
18:22Oh, now, Squeeze, it's not your fault.
18:25Yeah, it was probably going to break anyway, Squeeze.
18:29I guess it needed more than just oil.
18:32Well, we better open it up.
18:42Hey, look, extra parts.
18:45Hmm, this might take a while.
18:48Oh, dear.
18:51Is everything all right?
18:53It will be, eventually.
18:56Right, Tools?
18:58Si. Yeah, sure.
19:00I know you're doing your best, Manny,
19:02but I'm worried I won't be able to open the library.
19:06I've never had that happen before.
19:08Not to worry. We'll have it fixed in time.
19:11Then I better get these books back where they belong.
19:15Okay, Tools, we have to figure out how to do this fast.
19:19Yep, I got it.
19:21Let's just knock the whole thing down.
19:24Then everyone can get into the library.
19:26Oh, I can knock it down. I'm a hammer.
19:30I don't think we have to go quite that far.
19:33Hmm, looks like I'll need Felipe.
19:36Oh, brother, there's two reasons to knock it down.
19:39Yeah, let me know when you're done.
19:42Hmm, knock it down any way you want.
19:44I'll just be over here.
19:47Hmm, books.
19:49Oh, hi, Turner. I thought you were helping the others.
19:53I was, but they don't want to listen to any good ideas.
19:57Well, there are always plenty of good ideas in a library.
20:01Yeah, like toolboxes fighting dinosaurs.
20:05Yes, if that's what you like.
20:07But there's something for everyone here.
20:10Books that tell us stories.
20:12Books that show us pictures.
20:14Books that teach us things.
20:16Like this one, for instance.
20:18It shows you how to repair a computer.
20:22Or this one shows you how to fix motorcycles.
20:28And this one is all about the great tools of the world.
20:33Do you have more books like this?
20:35Uh-huh, on just about anything you can think of.
20:39Huh, uh, you wouldn't have a book about, uh, ah, nah.
20:44About what, Turner?
20:46Um, well, about, uh, turnstiles?
20:52Follow me.
20:54Yeah, all right.
21:01This is taking longer than we thought.
21:05Hey, Manny, you gotta see this.
21:08Uh, we're a little pressed for time right now, Turner.
21:11That's the point.
21:13Come on.
21:15Well, we better take a look.
21:19Turner with a libro?
21:21What's he doing with a book?
21:24Well, would you look at this.
21:27Turner found a repair manual for the turnstile.
21:31Good job, Turner.
21:32That's the right way to go.
21:34Turner found a repair manual.
21:37What's a repair manual?
21:39It's a book that shows you exactly how to fix something.
21:42See here?
21:43It shows you where all the parts go.
21:45Look, the big gear has to go in first.
21:50And we were trying to put the little gear in first.
21:54Well, no wonder we were having trouble.
21:58Well, we won't have any more, thanks to Turner.
22:02Come on, tools, let's get to work.
22:07Let's get going and fix it right.
22:09Twist and turn.
22:11Make it tight.
22:12Trabajamos juntos.
22:14We work together now.
22:17Cut and measure and tap and clap.
22:20Bend and twist.
22:21Just like that.
22:22Each of us has a special job.
22:25We work together.
22:27Todos juntos.
22:28We can fix it right.
22:32So, how's it going?
22:34Well, give it a try.
22:42You did it just in time, Manny.
22:45You're a genius.
22:47Well, a handyman is only as good as his tools.
22:50And his library.
22:53Manny, look!
22:54The mighty little toolbox.
22:56The one where we save the world from moon men.
22:59Can we get it?
23:00Can we get it?
23:01Yeah, Manny.
23:02Can we?
23:08Well, hey there, Manny.
23:10Told you I had everything under control.
23:12Pretty snazzy looking, huh?
23:14Uh, sure is.
23:17Got it up just before it started raining.
23:19Kept everything perfectly dry.
23:23Hmm, something doesn't look quite right here.
23:30That's it.
23:31It's upside down.
23:34What are you talking about?
23:36What are you talking about upside down?
23:39Oh, Manny.
23:41It's the instructions that are upside down.
23:45Gotta know how to read these things.
23:47Hmm, I don't think that's it.
23:49Well, time to close up for the day.
23:52Uh, Mr. Leopard, I don't think you should do that since it's upside down.
23:56It's collected all the rain.
24:06So, uh, I was thinking.
24:10How about we have story time?
24:12Yeah, let's read the new Mighty Little Toolbox book.
24:16I want to see how he gets rid of those moon men.
24:19I'll bet he uses a special moon hammer.
24:22Actually, I was thinking we could read one of my books this time.
24:27Is it scary?
24:32Oh, one of my favorites, Turner.
24:35How to Fix Broken Stuff
24:37Chapter One, Lawn Furniture
24:39Broken webbing on aluminum chairs is very easy to repair.
24:44Simply take a flathead screwdriver and carefully pry.
24:48What? What?
24:49Carefully pry what?
24:51The small retaining brackets along the frame.
24:55Then remove the webbing, being very careful not to tear it.
24:58Once all the webbing is removed,
25:01clean any dirt or oil from the frame with a soft, damp cloth.
25:06Ooh, keep reading, Manny.
25:12Chapter Two, Water
25:29Ha, ha, ha, ha!
