• 2 days ago
Handy Manny Season 2 Episode 22 Bake Sale Camping Tools


00:00Bake Sale
00:04Careful, Squeeze, if you knock over one domino, it'll knock over the next, and the next one, and, oh! I can't even look!
00:16Careful, careful, careful, careful!
00:25Good job, Squeeze. OK, I'm next!
00:28Go, Pat, go!
00:31Go, go, where should I go? Uh-oh!
00:41Sorry, guys.
00:43Oh, it's OK, Pat. Now we get to build a brand new domino course!
00:53Hola, handyman's repair shop. You'll break it?
00:56We fix it!
00:58This is Manny.
00:59Hi, Manny. It's Miss Hillary.
01:01Hola, Miss Hillary. You're having a bake sale today, aren't you?
01:04Yes, we're getting ready to sell cookies and cakes to raise money for the school's music program.
01:10But we don't have enough folding tables. Do you have any we could borrow?
01:14Si, I have two tables you can use. The tools and I will bring them right over.
01:19Thanks, Manny. See you soon.
01:21Hasta luego. See you soon.
01:23All right, tools. Are you ready to deliver these tables to Mrs. Hillary's bake sale?
01:28You mean take a trip to a place filled with yummy desserts?
01:32Yep, I'd say we're ready.
01:34I hope Miss Hillary has some banana muffins. They're my favorite.
01:40Now, if everyone's ready, vamonos. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
01:50Hop, hop, jump in.
01:52Come on, let's go.
01:54Hop, hop, jump in.
01:56Si, vamonos.
01:58Hop, hop, jump in.
02:00Don't move too slow.
02:01Keep up.
02:02Let's get to work.
02:04Mi rapido.
02:07Hola, Miss Hillary.
02:21Manny, tools. Thank you for bringing the tables.
02:24No problemo, Miss Hillary. No problem at all. Should I set them up here?
02:29That would be perfect.
02:37You can see why we needed more tables.
02:40The students baked so many wonderful goodies, we have too many to fit on just one small table.
02:47Those look really good.
02:49They're walnut brownies. I made them with my grandpa.
02:52And my mom and I made the zucchini bread.
02:55Now I'll just put the lemon cake here and the apricot fruit bars here.
02:59Oh, and let's not forget the banana muffins.
03:02No, let's not forget the banana muffins.
03:06Your bake sale is going to be a big success, Miss Hillary.
03:10I hope so, Dusty, because we're holding this sale to raise money for the school's music program.
03:16If we sell every dessert we have, we'll have enough money to buy a new guitar for the school's mariachi band.
03:23That's right. I've been teaching my students about mariachi music.
03:27Mariachi is a type of traditional Mexican music with violins, trumpets, eduela, and guitars.
03:35Oh, hello, everybody.
03:37Oh, hello, Mr. Lopart.
03:39Well, well, everything looks scrumptious, doesn't it, Fluffy?
03:45But since I've got to make sure the old Lopart bod stays fit and trim, can you point me to your healthiest dessert, Miss Hillary?
03:53These fruit bars are low in sugar, but I'm afraid we can't sell you any until the bake sale starts at three o'clock.
04:00Oh, that's quite all right. Fluffy and I will just wait over here so we can be your very first customer.
04:09Fluffy, no!
04:11Oh, no! The big freeze!
04:14All the yummy banana muffins!
04:18Fluffy Lopart, come back here!
04:22Oh, I'm very sorry about this, Miss Hillary.
04:26Oh, no.
04:30Well, the good news is all we need is a bracket to fix this table.
04:34But so many postres, so many delicious desserts! Ruined!
04:39Now we only have half as many to sell.
04:42And that's not enough to raise money for a new guitar.
04:45Oh, dear.
04:47Maybe we can get more desserts from Kelly's store. She has everything.
04:52I'm sorry, Pat. Desserts are one thing I'm sure Kelly doesn't sell.
04:57But I do know someone who does.
05:00Mrs. Portillo!
05:02That's right, Dusty. Tools and I can go to her cafe right now.
05:07Thank you, Manny. We'll clean up this mess.
05:10It sure would be great if you could get back with more desserts by three o'clock.
05:15That's when the bake sale starts.
05:17We'll do our best.
05:27Hola, Manny. Hola, herramientas.
05:30What a nice surprise. Come, sit. I'll serve you lunch.
05:35Actually, Mrs. Portillo, we're not here to eat.
05:39We're here because we just came from Miss Hillary's bake sale.
05:42Oh, si, that's today. How is it going?
05:45Not very well, I'm afraid.
05:47There was a little accident with some of her desserts.
05:50A table broke and all the desserts on it got ruined.
05:54Oh, no.
05:56Well, I'd be happy to give her some post-it-es.
05:59Come, come. Let's see what I have to give you.
06:05I don't think three cookies are going to help very much.
06:08Si. It looks like I've sold almost all my desserts.
06:13Unless... I have an idea.
06:16Manny, Tools, why don't we bake some post-its right now?
06:21If you all help out, we can bake lots of desserts at once.
06:25That's a great idea, Mrs. Portillo.
06:28Follow me.
06:32Who wants to make a delicious Mexican sweet bread called pan de huevo?
06:37Oh, I do.
06:39Oh, make that another ooh-ooh.
06:42Dusty and I'll help.
06:46Felipe and Turner, will you make the galletas?
06:49Si. We'll make the galletas, the cookies.
06:52And Pat can help me make sopapillas.
06:56Uh, Manny, I don't think soap makes a very good dessert.
07:00No, Pat.
07:02Sopapillas are a Mexican dessert made of fried dough and honey.
07:06That sounds much more delicious than soap.
07:08Sure, I'll help.
07:11Stretch and Rusty, if you'll help me make the banana muffins, we can get to work.
07:16Did you say banana muffins?
07:21Come on, Tools, let's start baking.
07:25Let's keep going and fix it right.
07:27Twist and turn.
07:29Make it tight.
07:30Trabajamos juntos.
07:32We work together now.
07:35Cut and measure and tap and flap.
07:38Bend and twist.
07:39Just like that.
07:40Each of us has a special job.
07:43We work together.
07:44Todos juntos.
07:46We can fix it right.
07:49Great job, Tools. Everything looks and smells delicious.
07:53Señora Portillo, thank you so much for all your help.
07:56De nada.
07:58Now remember, Tools, we still need to stop at Kelly's to get a bracket to fix the table leg
08:03before we deliver the desserts.
08:06Thanks again, Señora Portillo. See you soon.
08:14Mmm, what smells so good?
08:16Lots of things. Pie and cookies and sopa...
08:21Sopapillas. They're fried dough with honey.
08:24Sounds delicious. Can I try one?
08:27Sorry, Kelly, all these treats are from Miss Hillary's bake sale.
08:31So she can buy a guitar for the school's mariachi band.
08:35Then I'll just have to stop by the bake sale later and buy myself a treat.
08:39So what can I help you guys with?
08:41Well, we need a bracket to strengthen a shaky table leg.
08:45I think I have one of those. Here.
08:48Gracias. We better hurry, everyone. Miss Hillary needs the desserts.
08:53See you at the bake sale, Kelly.
08:56Looks like the bake sale's started.
08:59Hi, Miss Hillary. We're back.
09:02And we brought you muchos postres, many desserts.
09:05We hope these help.
09:07Manny, Tools, you've saved the day.
09:10Well, not yet. First we need to fix that table.
09:13Turner, will you help me?
09:15Sure thing, Manny.
09:26Well, the table's as strong as ever.
09:28Come on, Tools, let's put the postres on it for Miss Hillary.
09:36Tools, everything looks delicious.
09:39I'll take a piece of cake.
09:41Here, postres are delicioso.
09:44Ay, all those delicious postres are going so fast.
09:49Oh, if only we knew how they tasted.
09:53The customers seem to think they taste good.
10:02Hello, everyone.
10:04Miss Hillary, I feel terrible about what happened earlier.
10:08And so does Fluffy.
10:10It's all right, Mr. Lopart. And you too, Fluffy.
10:14I know it was an accident.
10:16Well, to make up for it, I asked my mother to bake some cupcakes
10:21for you to sell at the bake sale.
10:23Oh, how nice.
10:25And just in time, we've almost sold out of everything.
10:28Well, these are very special cupcakes.
10:32They're pineapple with strawberry frosting
10:35covered with rainbow sprinkles.
10:37They're my favorite.
10:39I'm sure our customers will like them too.
10:43And if not, we can help you get rid of any leftovers.
10:47Hi, everyone.
10:49Did I hear you say you had pineapple cupcakes
10:52with strawberry frosting topped with rainbow sprinkles?
10:55Why, yes. Mother made them.
10:58I love that kind. I'll take all of them.
11:02Here you go.
11:04Miss Hillary, we're all sold out.
11:07Then that means we've made enough money to buy our guitars.
11:14Wow, Miss Hillary, that's great. Isn't it, Tools?
11:17Yeah, it's great.
11:20So there's not one banana muffin left?
11:24Or even half a muffin?
11:27Tools, we can eat dessert any time.
11:30The most important thing is that today we have the school music program.
11:34The desserts may have sold out,
11:36but that doesn't mean they can't be shared.
11:39Here, have some cupcakes.
11:41Really? For us?
11:44Sí, and so are these galletas.
11:46And these banana muffins.
11:48Yay, banana muffins.
11:53Wow, it's very nice of you to share your desserts with us.
11:57Of course. You guys deserve it after all your hard work today.
12:01Very true.
12:03Thanks to Manny and the Tools, the bake sale was saved.
12:07And don't forget, the school's mariachi band was saved, too.
12:11You also worked hard today, Miss Hillary. Have a cupcake.
12:15Well, how can I say no?
12:18Finally, it's dessert time for us.
12:22Dig in, everyone.
12:24Only one poster to each, Tools.
12:26Too many desserts aren't good for you.
12:40Camping Tools
12:46I think it's a bird.
12:49Or maybe an airplane.
12:52What is it, Manny?
12:54Sí, what are you making?
12:56I'm almost done, and then I'll show you.
12:58Maybe it's a kite.
13:00Is it a kite, Manny?
13:02No, Squeeze, it's not a kite.
13:08Completo. It's all complete.
13:12It's pretty.
13:15What is it?
13:17It's a star map.
13:19Oh, a star map.
13:21What's a star map?
13:23I could tell you, but I'd rather show you.
13:25Dusty, will you turn off the lights, por favor?
13:29Ay, hermoso. Beautiful.
13:36Yeah, I learned how to make a star map
13:38when I would go camping with mi familia, my family.
13:41What did you do when you went camping, Manny?
13:44We set up tents and slept outdoors,
13:46usually in the woods,
13:48and we played hide-and-seek.
13:50We played hide-and-seek,
13:52and we played hide-and-seek,
13:54and we played hide-and-seek,
13:56and we played hide-and-seek,
13:58and we played hide-and-seek,
14:00and we played hide-and-seek,
14:02and we played hide-and-seek.
14:04Can we go camping, Manny, please?
14:06Yeah, yeah, can we, Manny, can we?
14:08Ha ha ha. Maybe someday.
14:10Ha ha ha. Maybe someday.
14:12Ha ha ha.
14:18Hola, handyman's repair shop.
14:20You'll break it?
14:22We fix it!
14:24this is mrs. Lee. Hi Manny. Hola Nelson and buenas tardes mrs. Lee what can we do
14:31for you? Well Manny I seem to be having trouble with my garage door. I pushed the
14:36button on the remote control but it only went up a little bit. Kevin and Steve
14:42and I going on a camping trip with their friends and I can't get their tent out
14:46from the garage. No problem mrs. Lee we'll be right over.
14:50Thanks Manny. Okay tools we're off to mrs. Lee's house.
15:45Hola Mr. Lobo.
15:47I think you'll have to yell louder Manny. Hola Mr. Lobo. Oh hello Manny. Why is the music so loud?
15:56What's that Manny? I can't hear you. The music is really really loud. Why don't you turn it off?
16:06Did I cough? No I don't think so. I'm trying to turn off my radio. I think it's stuck.
16:14Would you like me to fix it? Do I have any licorice? Of course I do. After all this is a candy store.
16:22Not licorice. Would you like me to fix it? Ah that's okay Manny. I think I've almost got it figured out.
16:30I just need to loosen this dial.
16:45Oh right. The plug. I was just about to try that. Are you okay Mr. Lopar? Oh I'm fine Manny. Just fine.
16:55Do you need some help putting the radio back together? Oh that's okay Manny. I've got the manual right here.
17:03That's a comic book. Of course it is. I'll read this right after I fix the radio.
17:13Well I guess we better get going. See you later Mr. Lopar. See you later Manny.
17:19Now what did I do with that volume knob? Oh no. Oh Fluffy.
17:33Oh hi Manny. Thank you for coming so quickly. As you can see the garage is still stuck.
17:45And unfortunately we can't get the tent out with the door that way. It's just too big.
17:51And we need it for our camping trip. We're going to sleep by a river and go hiking and swimming.
17:56That sounds fantastical. We're going to go camping too. Someday. I want to go camping too Mom.
18:03Not this time Nelson. You're still a little too young to go camping with the older boys. But maybe next year.
18:12Nelson there's something you could do. You could help us fix the garage door. Okay Manny.
18:21Alright I need you to hold the linterna, the flashlight, while I go into the garage and see what the problem is.
18:39You're doing a great job with the linterna Nelson. Did you find the problem Manny?
18:45A small section of track that the door rides up and down on. It's bent. That's why the garage door won't open anymore.
18:52Can you fix it Manny? Si Steven. We just need to go to Kelly's and get a new piece of track.
18:57Then we should have it fixed in no time. That's awesome. Gracias Nelson.
19:16Hola Kelly. Hi Manny. Hi Tools. Hi Kelly. Hi Kelly. That's a fish. Si Squeeze. And the Spanish word for fish is pescado. Muy bien Kelly.
19:34That's a spoon. Cuchara. Spoon. Excelente Kelly. Are you practicing speaking Spanish?
19:42I sure am. And I'm using these new flashcards to help me learn some new words. Hey would you guys like to help me? Si. We'd love to.
19:52Oh I know what that is. That's a nail. I love nails. And the Spanish word for nail is clavo. Clavo. That's right. Muy bien. Here's one Kelly.
20:11It's a garage but I'm not sure I know what it is in Spanish. It's a karate. What's so funny? It's a garage. Oh. Which reminds me we have to get back to Mrs. Lee's and fix her garage.
20:38Well now it's my turn to help you guys. So what do you need today? Well we need a piece of track for the broken garage door. No problem Manny. Not a problem. Here you go. One section of garage door track. Gracias Kelly. De nada Manny. And gracias Tools. Thanks for the help with my Spanish.
21:03We're so glad you're back Manny. Stephen and Kevin's friends will be here any second. No problem Mrs. Lee. We've got a new track for the garage door. So we'll have the tent out in no time. Cool. Mom are you sure I'm not old enough to go camping? I'm sure sweetheart. But don't worry. You'll be old enough really soon.
21:33I feel bad for Nelson. He really wants to go camping with his older brothers. I know Dusty. I wish there was something we could do. Maybe there is. But first we've got a job to do. Come on Tools.
22:03It's pretty dark in here. Maybe I should wait outside. Don't worry Rusty. I think I found a light. So now we can get to work. Ready Tools?
22:17Let's get going and fix it right. Twist and turn. Make it tight. Trabajamos juntos. We work together now. Cut it, measure it. Tap it flat. Bend and twist. Just like that. Each of us has a special job. We work together. Todos juntos. We can fix it right.
22:42Now we can get our tent out. Thank you Manny and thank you Tools. Oh that's Joanna and Sam's mom. We gotta go. Bye mom. See you mom. Have a fun time camping you guys. And be safe.
23:12You know there is so much great stuff in the garage. You could probably make a really great campsite right here in the yard. We could? Si. I'll show you. If it's ok with your mom. Well it's ok with me Manny.
23:34Here are some blankets. If we fold them in half, they'll make great sleeping bags. And this cardboard box would make a great tent.
23:43This canvas is just long enough to make a cozy hammock. And here's a guitar so you can sing campfire songs. Wow. You're right. This is a perfect place to go camping. Thank you Manny. De nada Mrs. Lee. You're welcome.
24:11Well I guess we better get back to the shop. Aren't you gonna stay and camp with me? Well. Please Manny. Please. Manny please. What do you say Manny? Would you like to stay and camp with us? Us? You mean you're gonna camp too mom? Sure. I love camping. And we love camping too. We'd love to stay for a while.
24:41Wow. You'd need a pretty big flashlight to make a star map that big.
25:41Thanks for watching.
