After We Collided 2020

  • 2 days ago
After We Collided 2020
00:00The entire world is a collection of m-
00:08But I've always had a flair for the dramatic pendants, free from the bonds of her oppressive
00:12parents. And promised to a boy she clearly doesn't need. Even though he represents everything
00:20like I've said, a story you've heard before. Only difference is, this isn't that story.
00:30Woo, sure don't seem like Christmas out here. All this heat we've been having. You know,
00:47I hate the heat. Heat make people do some crazy things.
01:00Hey, thank you. Sorry. Excuse me, sir, can you hold that elevator, please?
01:16Asswipe! Thank you.
01:26Did you call me an asswipe? Excuse me? You just called me an asswipe.
01:33Uh, no, I don't. Yeah, I guess I just imagined it.
01:38Guess so. You know, I was trying to hold the elevator for you.
01:43Sure you were.
01:48Look, I'm sorry, it's my first date. I'm just trying to make a confession.
01:52Oh, certainly succeeded at that.
02:08You work here?
02:10Tessa, welcome to Vance Publishing.
02:13Kimberly, right? Excellent memory, I'm impressed.
02:16Yes, she makes quite the impression.
02:17You two know each other?
02:18Oh, we're old friends. Now, if you ladies will excuse me.
02:23You excited to get going?
02:25Let's introduce you to the boss.
02:27Shut the fuck up and listen to me.
02:31This might not be the best time for introductions. Why don't I show you your office?
02:45I apologize for the mess. We've been short on interns lately and we're a bit backlogged.
02:50That seems crazy to me. People I know would kill for an internship here.
02:54I know, it's just that Vance has this small problem with firing them after a day.
02:59But that's not going to happen to you. I've got a good feeling about this.
03:03But like I said during the interview, your job is to read five manuscripts a week,
03:06and if you like them, just forward them on to me.
03:09Okay, the kitchen is right down the hall. Feel free to place any order for lunch.
03:13Any questions?
03:14Uh, no, I'm good.
03:16You got this.
04:06Um, um, I'm so sorry. I must have dozed off. What time is it?
04:27925? Am I fired?
04:31Sit down.
04:32You mean to tell me you read three books and did coverage on all of them last night,
04:37and you think Carnival of Light by Nico Tanaka is a great read?
04:42Yeah, it is. It's, uh, she has a really original voice. It's
04:45a lot like an early Margaret Atwood. Uh, the edible woman, surfacing...
04:49I'm coming down now.
04:50Everything's coming to me.
05:01Morning, sir.
05:02Mr. Vance, I was just, I was wondering if we had time to go back to...
05:05Get in.
05:07Because I have to get my phone charger in it, but I...
05:09Oh, we're closing the door.
05:13Little work tip.
05:16It helps if you don't wear the suit.
05:17Little work tip.
05:19It helps if you don't wear the same clothes every day.
05:21That and showering.
05:26Um, where are we going?
05:29There's a digital publishing conference and I need to secure some funding for my expansion.
05:37Fuck off!
05:40Well, Potter, we're closed. Don't...
05:45Kind of in the middle of something, so, you know, why don't you come back tomorrow?
05:51We'll just come in right now.
05:58Welcome back to the Montgomery, Mr. Vance. I have your rooms ready for you.
06:02We had a printer delivered to Mr. Trevor Matthews' room.
06:05Unfortunately, Miss Young's room wasn't ready,
06:06so we had her upgraded to a suite with compliments of the management.
06:09Has Mr. Jang checked in yet?
06:11I do believe he's at the bar.
06:12Of course he is.
06:14So I get a printer and you get a suite.
06:16You're enjoying this, aren't you?
06:19Hon, do you mind taking Tessa shopping? She needs something for tonight.
06:23Trust you.
06:26Let's go have some fun.
06:40Wow, clean up nicely.
06:44Gee, Trevor, you sure know how to charm the ladies.
06:46Tessa, you look stunning.
06:50On the move.
07:03So what books have you written?
07:05None of this and that.
07:13I feel like I'm sitting at the kids' table.
07:17No, that's not what I meant. Sorry.
07:20I hate nightclubs.
07:22Probably because I suck at dancing.
07:23I love Ohio football, but I hate nightclubs.
07:25Why are we here?
07:28Him. Mr. Jang.
07:32His family owns a hedge fund worth $800 million
07:34and he's considering investing in Vance's expansion.
07:38Do you want me to get you a drink?
07:39I'm gonna stick to water.
07:41Don't my budget really allow these things?
07:43I thought you were a paid intern.
07:45You know, you'd be surprised how much Uber charges can add up.
07:48I mean, I'd be lucky to break even.
07:54What is it?
07:58Sex on the beach.
08:01It's quite a beach.
08:05Grab a straw. On your mark, get set, go.
08:12That was really good.
08:17Mr. Jang, have you had a chance to look at my numbers yet?
08:19Forecasts of rising interest rates...
08:23Again, just on your mark, get set, go.
08:29We're gonna get fucked up tonight.
08:42Wait, I don't get it.
08:46Of course you don't.
08:50Wait, this is great.
08:54I feel like dancing.
09:06Guess who?
09:08Okay, I'll give you a hint.
09:09She's super fucking hot, a lot of fun, and loves to fuck.
09:13Mother Teresa.
09:15No, ew.
09:19I know I look amazing.
09:20I've had like no carbs in eight weeks, but I'm feeling fucking fantastic.
09:23Yeah, it's from the lack of carbs and not all the blow.
09:26Don't you have some carpets to munch on?
09:27Don't you have some dick to suck?
09:29What the fuck, Hardin?
09:33You didn't mind fucking me before though, right?
09:35Oh, let me guess.
09:37You're still moping over that stuck-up bitch.
09:39Don't fucking talk about her, okay?
09:41Look at you.
09:42You look like a lost little puppy over some virgin-married turnskank who doesn't even want you.
09:53What the fuck are you looking at, freshman?
09:54You want me to steal your boyfriend?
09:56So turn the fuck around.
10:00I look hot.
10:08That's all about me.
10:13Hi, I just, uh, I just wanted to inform you that I look hot and you're missing it.
10:20Tessa, where are you?
10:23Somewhere that you're not.
10:24Tessa, I have your location.
10:26I can find you.
10:28How much have you had to drink?
10:30I don't know, like five?
10:32Five what?
10:33Uh, sex on the beaches.
10:36Or is it sexes on the beaches?
10:39That could have been fun.
10:41You are wasted.
10:43Hey, Hardin, I'm the commander.
10:46I've been the commander all night.
10:49What's it called?
10:51I'm not wearing any underwear.
10:55Tessa, who are you with?
10:56Why haven't you called me?
10:58I've texted you a hundred times, you haven't replied.
11:01I actually have to go, but it was nice chatting with you, Mr. Hardin Scott.
11:05So, bye-bye.
11:06Don't fuck Tessa!
11:14I'm drunk, uncomfortable, and I saw a tampon on the ground.
11:16I'm leaving.
11:17Yeah, no, me too.
11:18Can we order room service?
11:20I, I want fresh fries and ice cream.
11:36I'm a dick!
11:41I'm not the one taking advantage of drunk girls!
11:44You, you do know that not every guy is trying to get into my pants, right?
11:48You'd be surprised.
11:49You can't tell me who I can and can't have sex with,
11:52because that's none of your business anymore!
11:53Well, you're going to have sex with him.
11:55Oh my god!
11:56You're insane!
11:57You're avoiding the question!
12:06What if I was?
12:08What did you say?
12:08I didn't say anything.
12:09You said kissing that guy.
12:22Got us some lattes.
12:27Oh, thank you.
12:30So, interesting night.
12:32Trevor, I'm so sorry about what happened.
12:35Don't be.
12:36If I showed up to my girlfriend's hotel room
12:38and I saw a half-naked, incredibly handsome man there,
12:41I'd react the same way.
12:43Is he still lurking around?
12:44Should I be hiding in the van?
12:47He's the one that should be hiding, and we are not together.
12:53How do you two know each other?
12:55Horton worked advance last year.
12:57He did?
12:58Yeah, same position as you, actually.
13:01Kind of a sad story.
13:02We were best of friends, and then we became lovers.
13:07And then I found a red hair on my pillow.
13:13You know, I didn't peg you as a bad boy type.
13:15We'll save that for another time.
13:18My hero.
13:20Anyone else feel like death?
13:22I don't know what you two said or did to Neil last night,
13:25but he just wrote a humongous check to finance our expansion.
13:28Good job.
13:33I got it.
13:43What are you doing here?
13:45I need some advice.
13:49You want advice from me?
13:51I'm not desperate.
13:53Oh, insults.
13:56I thought you were an imposter for a second.
13:58Look, bro, I know when-
13:59No, step bro.
14:00I'm not your brother.
14:02You made that very clear, and if I was Tessa, I'd never speak to you again, Harden. It's unforgivable.
14:07You think I don't know that? I know I fucked up, I know. She won't return my calls or texts.
14:14I found out she kissed some guy, and I told her I fucked Molly.
14:19You slept with Molly?
14:20No, I said I did. That's the point. I didn't. I said it to get back at her,
14:24and I realized how stupid that was.
14:27Yeah. Oh, fuck this. So you're just gonna run away like you do from everything?
14:32Right? Where are you going?
14:34London. I was going to take her with me. I'll see you next year.
14:39Harden, do you really love her? No bullshit.
14:45Yes. Of course I fucking love her. I've never felt this way about anyone before.
14:52I just wish I didn't fuck the whole thing up.
15:35Knock, knock. Hi.
15:37Hi. You're probably going out of town for a break, so I just want to say
15:42happy holidays and happy birthday. It's your birthday, right?
15:45Tomorrow. I made you something.
15:51What's... what's this?
15:54It is a cost analysis breakdown of your weekly Uber expenditure versus owning a used car.
16:00I know. It's just, it turns out you're wasting a lot of money.
16:04I did a little research, and I found a 2013 Toyota Corolla in town in excellent condition.
16:10I went down to the dealership, negotiated terms, and you put no money down.
16:14You only pay $150 a month. Vance also agreed to put your auto insurance on company policy,
16:19so that's free. This is, of course, if you want to do it, I just like crunchy numbers.
16:23Oh my god!
16:25Oh my god!
16:28Oh my god! Thank you.
16:34Bye, Tessa.
16:42So, what do you think?
16:44Well, you know, it's, uh, it's very Tessa.
16:49I will take that as a compliment.
16:51I'm right up there.
16:52How's Dakota?
16:54No, I'm actually looking at your, uh, birthday horoscope.
16:57So, first off, you share birthday with Joseph Stalin.
17:04You are a proud, idealistic person.
17:06Like Stalin.
17:08You are more emotional than is obvious.
17:11You may solidify a romantic relationship or become involved with a mature woman.
17:19Solidify a romantic relationship or become involved with a mature partner.
17:24Mature, that doesn't really sound like...
17:26No, it doesn't.
17:28He left for London.
17:30Have you heard from him?
17:32I haven't because I blocked him.
17:35That'll work.
18:14Whose place is this?
19:29you could draw me to fire, you could draw me to water,
19:33you could draw me to the gallows, you could draw me to any death.
20:12well, here we are.
20:14Uh, I could run you a bath if you'd like to get more comfortable.
20:16I would love that.
20:19I remember when you and I used to take baths together.
20:25Oh my goodness, Tessa?
20:28Harden's mother.
20:29Harden said you were going to be out of town.
20:30I didn't think I was going to meet you.
20:32Oh my gosh, I cannot believe how pretty you are.
20:36I mean, Harden said you were the most beautiful girl in the world, but honestly,
20:39I thought you were going to be covered in tattoos, green hair, and a piercing on your bean.
20:43A wet bean.
20:44Don't be so melodramatic, Harden.
20:46You and I are going to be the best of friends.
20:48Do you mind if I use the loo?
20:49Yeah, of course.
20:54Why are you here?
20:55I came to get the rest of my stuff.
20:57You were supposed to be in London.
20:58I know.
20:58I didn't want to go without you, so she came here.
21:01Why didn't you tell her that we broke up?
21:02She was so excited when I told her first.
21:04I couldn't ruin it for her.
21:06She's my mom.
21:06I couldn't tell her about the stupid bet, okay?
21:08I'm sorry.
21:10I don't expect you to pretend we're still together.
21:14It's fine.
21:16What's fine?
21:16I said it's fine.
21:17I'll play along.
21:20Thank you, Tessa.
21:20Thank you so much.
21:22Thanks for the Kindle.
21:25Happy birthday!
21:26Is it your birthday?
21:27Yeah, it is.
21:28Why are we not celebrating?
21:30Well, I was just about to head out.
21:34Yeah, I'm going to see my mom.
21:35Oh, can I be selfish and ask you to stay another night?
21:41Uh, well, my mom's sort of...
21:43We don't know when we're going to see each other again.
21:47Yeah, I, uh, I mean, I guess it'll be tomorrow.
21:50Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
21:51I am going to whip you up a homemade birthday cake
21:53that is going to blow your mind.
22:06I know I'm biased because I'm his mom,
22:07but isn't that just the cutest little thing?
22:09Oh, my God.
22:10Mom, please.
22:11It's a pretty cute bum.
22:15All right, well, uh, you guys are obviously having
22:16lots of fun, so I'm just going to clear up
22:20and then set myself on fire.
22:23So Hodden tells me you're an English major as well.
22:26Uh, I am in the process of switching from econ.
22:29I actually just got an internship at Vance Publishing.
22:34Vance as in Christian Vance?
22:39Hodden and I stayed with Vance for a few years
22:42when Ken and I broke up.
22:47Hodden never mentioned that.
22:48Never mentioned what?
22:50Nothing, darling.
22:51Just girl talk.
23:16I'm just gonna grab a blanket and sleep on the floor.
23:24You don't think we could share the bed or not?
23:28You know?
23:29Do you?
23:31Well, I'd like to think that we're not total Neanderthals.