• 2 months ago
Jason Manford calls audience member's boyfriend who didn't attend show after argumentJason Manford


00:00I feel like someone didn't arrive so was this for somebody else this seat boyfriend and where's he
00:04he's at home what what did he go ah can't be arsed you've fallen out
00:11fair play well i'm going we'll go then and he is uh sat next to an empty seat all night but you're
00:18still saying boyfriend you're not saying ex-boyfriend so it's not it's not that serious
00:23who decided he won't come in that's what i want to know him is he that much of a
00:27in stubborn bastard i feel like he should ring himself and i'll speak so i feel like
00:31i feel like i can fix this so
00:35johnny there is an empty seat on my front row
00:39oh no yeah well sophie said you had a bit of a row and you i've deduced that you're just a
00:45stubborn f***er and you thought right i'd rather not go at all yeah that's pretty much how it went
00:50yeah you've got i can't believe it where are you can't you get here i'm on for another hour
00:54i'd have to get changed and everything you know it'd be a bit of a farce wouldn't it
00:58i'll get changed why what are you dressed in when sophie leaves
01:01i might make an appearance all right it's only johnny everybody
