Dora the Explorer - 401 - Star Catcher

  • 2 days ago
00:00Let's go! Jump in!
00:02Follow us!
00:03You can't leave the way!
00:06Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:09Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:12Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:15Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:18Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:21Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:24Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:27Dora! Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:30Oh, man!
00:32Dora! Dora! Dora!
00:35Hola, soy Dora.
00:37And I'm Boots.
00:38And this is mi abuela.
00:41Dora, I have a special present for you.
00:45Do you want to see it?
00:47Si, si!
00:51My grandmother gave this to me
00:54when I was your age, Dora.
00:57It is a star pocket.
01:00It is for catching stars.
01:05When I was a girl,
01:06I used to wear this star pocket
01:08and special stars would come.
01:11Estrellas especiales.
01:13You may even find explorer stars.
01:18But it's up to you to catch them.
01:21Dora! Dora! Dora!
01:25Now, you are ready to become a star catcher.
01:29A star catcher!
01:31I want to be a star catcher!
01:32I want to be a star catcher!
01:34Do you want to be a star catcher?
01:39Backpack, I need you to wear the star pocket.
01:43Okay, mochila?
01:44Si, claro! Gracias, Dora, gracias!
01:48Wow! Cool star pocket!
01:54Come on, vamonos! Let's go catch stars!
01:57Good luck!
02:03Something tells me there are stars around here.
02:06Will you help us find stars?
02:17Woo-hoo! I hear a star!
02:19Where? Where? Where?
02:22Do you see a star?
02:26Where's the star?
02:32Try and catch me! Try and catch me!
02:34Let's be star catchers!
02:36Reach up to catch the star!
02:39Reach up!
02:40Catch him! Catch him! Catch him!
02:44We caught Slu-hoo!
02:47Aw, look!
02:49Woo-hoo's a little baby star!
02:56Come on, let's play peek-a-boo with Woo-hoo!
02:59Put your hands over your eyes.
03:01Now take your hands away and say,
03:11He loves playing peek-a-boo with you!
03:13Star pocket, star pocket!
03:15He wants to go in the star pocket!
03:18The star pocket! Yippee!
03:22Whoa! What's going on in there?
03:24Let's see!
03:30It's so beautiful!
03:32Woo-hoo sure loves the star pocket!
03:39I feel like someone's sneaking up on us!
03:43Is someone sneaking up on us?
03:49Who's sneaking up on us?
03:54Swiper, no!
03:57You're too late!
04:00You'll never find your star pocket now!
04:05Oh, no!
04:07Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!
04:10Don't worry, we're coming for you, Woo-hoo!
04:12We're coming!
04:14See you soon!
04:18Don't worry, Boots!
04:19We're gonna get him back!
04:21But where are we going to go to find Woo-hoo?
04:24Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
04:30Map, that's right!
04:31You have to say map!
04:35I think you have to say it again!
04:39I'm the map!
04:40I'm the map!
04:41I'm the map!
04:42I'm the map!
04:45The balloon has taken Woo-hoo all the way to the Cloud Castle!
04:49To get to the Cloud Castle,
04:51first, we have to sail across the stormy water.
04:56Then, go over Dragon Mountain.
04:59And that's how we'll get to the Cloud Castle to rescue Woo-hoo!
05:05I see him!
05:08You're star catchers now!
05:10You have to try and catch stars along the way!
05:13The stars can help you save Woo-hoo!
05:16So remember, water, mountain, Cloud Castle!
05:22Say it with me!
05:24Water, mountain, Cloud Castle!
05:29Water, mountain, Cloud Castle!
05:34Water, mountain, Cloud Castle!
05:39So first we have to find the stormy water.
05:42Let's make a telescope with our hands!
05:45If you see the stormy water, say water!
05:51Stormy water!
05:53You found it!
05:55Come on, vamonos!
05:57Let's go get the star pocket and save Woo-hoo!
06:06Catch me, catch me!
06:08Let's be star catchers!
06:10We jump and catch the stars!
06:13Catch them, catch them, catch them!
06:16Look, we caught the stars!
06:18And we caught explorer stars!
06:21Sansa Thor, the jumping star!
06:26Noisy star, she's really loud!
06:30Glowy, the bright light star!
06:34And switchy, the explorer star that can change its shape!
06:38Square, triangle, circle!
06:41Good star catcher!
06:43Come on, vamonos!
06:45Let's go get the star pocket and save Woo-hoo!
06:48Here we come!
06:53I think we made it to the stormy water!
06:56What can we use to ride across the stormy water?
06:59El camion, el carro, o el barco?
07:07El barco!
07:10Life jackets!
07:12So we can be safe!
07:28It's getting dark!
07:30It's hard to see!
07:31Let's see if one of the explorer stars can help us see in the dark!
07:36Here's Sansa Thor, the jumping star!
07:41Here's noisy star, she's really loud!
07:46Here's glowy, the bright light star!
07:51Here's switchy, the explorer star that can change its shape!
07:55Square, triangle, circle!
07:58Which explorer star can help us see in the dark?
08:08Go glowy!
08:16Now we can see where we're going!
08:18Yay, glowy!
08:19Way to go!
08:26What's the matter? What's the matter?
08:28Now that we can see where we're going, we can see the...
08:34Dora, we're headed right for the sharks!
08:36What are we going to do?
08:38There's only one thing to do!
08:40We're going to have to jump over the sharks!
08:42Jump over the sharks? Jump over the sharks?
08:45How are we going to jump over the sharks?
08:47Explorer stars, come quick!
08:50Sansa Thor, noisy star, switchy!
08:54Which star can help us jump over the sharks?
09:01Saltador! Right!
09:03Rápido, Saltador!
09:09Saltador is ready to help us jump over the sharks!
09:13To tell Saltador to jump, we have to say, salta!
09:17Can you say salta?
09:20Say, salta!
09:32Say it with us!
09:41We jumped over all three sharks!
09:44Gracias, Saltador!
09:46Thanks for saying salta!
09:50Oops! Uh-oh!
09:56A sleeping whale!
09:58We're stuck!
10:00Which star can help us make a lot of noise and wake up the sleeping whale?
10:08Noisy star! Right!
10:10Go, noisy star!
10:15Let's go!
10:20Which star can help noisy star wake up the whale?
10:23Say, honk honk!
10:25Honk honk!
10:29Honk honk!
10:33Honk honk!
10:35Look! We woke up the sleeping whale!
10:39And she's swimming out of our way!
10:41Gracias, Explorer stars!
10:43And thank you for helping!
10:51Where do we go next?
10:57Cloud Castle.
10:59We sailed across the stormy water.
11:02Where do we go next?
11:07Mountain! Right!
11:09Dragon Mountain!
11:14So next we need to find Dragon Mountain!
11:17So next we need to find Dragon Mountain!
11:20I see a lot of mountains!
11:22Which one is Dragon Mountain?
11:28Si, aya, sa!
11:32I hear woo-hoo!
11:37Come on, follow us!
11:39Let's go get the star pocket and say woo-hoo!
11:48Dwarf, how are we going to get over Dragon Mountain?
11:52What can give us a ride over Dragon Mountain?
11:55El barco, el tren, o el submarino?
12:03El tren, si!
12:05Hey, that's our friend Azul, the blue train!
12:08Azul, can you give us a ride over Dragon Mountain?
12:12We need to save our friend Woo-hoo!
12:14Sure! Next stop, Dragon Mountain!
12:21Hey look, Dora, there's a pattern in the tracks.
12:24Square, triangle, circle!
12:27Let's say it with Azul!
12:29Square, triangle, circle!
12:33Square, triangle, circle!
12:36Square, triangle, circle!
12:40We made it to the top of Dragon Mountain!
12:44Way to go, Azul!
12:46But now we have to go down Dragon Mountain!
12:49And we have to go down fast because...
12:52Here comes the dragon!
12:57Oh no! There's some missing pieces in the tracks!
13:00We need an Explorer Star to help us!
13:02Noisita, saltador, glowy, switchy!
13:07Which Explorer Star can help us fill in the missing shapes?
13:14Switchy, right!
13:16Go, Switchy!
13:18Switchy will fill in the missing shapes!
13:21But we need to figure out which shape it should be!
13:24Let's look at the pattern!
13:26Square, triangle, circle!
13:28Square, triangle, circle!
13:31Square, triangle...
13:33What goes here?
13:38Circle, right!
13:41Tell Switchy, circle!
13:48Oh no! Another piece is missing!
13:50Let's look at the pattern!
13:52Square, triangle, circle!
13:54Square, triangle, circle!
13:57What goes here?
14:00Square, right!
14:03Tell Switchy, square!
14:07Square, triangle, circle!
14:10Square, triangle, circle!
14:13Yay, Switchy!
14:15Yay, Yooty!
14:20Wait! I was just trying to warn you!
14:23Those tracks are missing some pieces!
14:25He's a friendly dragon!
14:27Well, I'm glad you got down okay!
14:31You're welcome!
14:33That was close!
14:41Where do we go next?
14:47Cloud Castle!
14:49We sailed across the stormy water!
14:52We went over Dragon Mountain!
14:55Where do we go next?
14:59Cloud Castle, right!
15:03The Cloud Castle is on the highest cloud!
15:06So we need to find the highest cloud!
15:09There are lots of clouds!
15:11Which cloud is the highest?
15:16Sí, ahí está!
15:18And look! There's the Cloud Castle!
15:23Saltador can help us jump all the way to the Cloud Castle!
15:27Yeah! Salta!
15:41Come on! We've got to find Woohoo and the Star Pocket!
15:45Looking for this?
15:51The Star Pocket!
15:53He's got the Star Pocket!
15:55Woohoo! Woohoo!
15:57And he's got Woohoo!
16:02That's not your Star Pocket!
16:04It was! Her abuela gave that to her!
16:07I'm the Prince of the Castle and everything inside this castle belongs to me!
16:12Give us back our Star Pocket!
16:14No, no, no! I'm the Star Catcher now!
16:21You're not a real Star Catcher!
16:23My abuela told me that a real Star Catcher is a friend to the stars!
16:27I'll show you that I'm a real Star Catcher!
16:31We can have a contest!
16:33Whoever catches more stars can have this Star Pocket!
16:38Okay! You're on!
16:41Coojora! Coojora! You can do it!
16:46Here come the stars! We have to catch them to save Woohoo!
16:53Now, now! Let's be Star Catchers!
16:56Reach up to catch the stars!
16:58Reach up to catch the stars!
17:00Reach up! Reach up! And catch them! Catch them! Catch them!
17:04We caught them!
17:06Now, let's see who caught the most stars!
17:13We caught all the stars!
17:15Hooray! Yippee!
17:19Wow! You're a great Star Catcher!
17:25Yay! The Star Pocket!
17:28Yippee! Yippee! The Star Pocket! The Star Pocket!
17:32Thanks, Dora!
17:33You're welcome, Woohoo!
17:53I guess I was wrong to try to keep the Star Pocket.
17:56It's better to be a friend to the stars.
18:00We did it!
18:03We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
18:06Noisima! We did it!
18:09We got the Star Pocket from Abuela today!
18:12We did it! We did it! We did it! Hooray!
18:15Swiper came and swiped it away!
18:17He did it! He did it! I did it! He did it!
18:19Well, he helped us through the dark when we jumped over the shark!
18:22Switchy and Noisy star up, too, and we saved Woohoo!
18:25Yay! Woo! Hooray! We did it!
18:32We caught so many stars on our trip today!
18:35What was your favorite star?
18:39I like that star, too!
18:41Let's count to see how many stars we caught!
18:44To call the stars, say,
18:52Count with me in Spanish!
18:54Una, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce!
19:08Doce estrellas! Twelve stars!
19:12Great star catching! We couldn't have done it without you!
19:15Thanks for help! Gracias!
19:23Find Woohoo!
19:25Woohoo! Woohoo!
19:42Woohoo! Woohoo!
