Dora the Explorer - 405 - La Maestra De Musica

  • 2 days ago


00:00Are you ready to explore? Come on!
00:02Come on, let's do it!
00:04All right!
00:12Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:16Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:20Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:22Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:24Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:26Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:28Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:30Dora, dora, dora, the explorer!
00:32Oh man!
00:34Dora the Explorer!
00:36Hola! Soy Dora.
00:38And I'm Boots.
00:40Boots and I are on our way to school.
00:42Do you like to go to school?
00:44Me too!
00:46I love school!
00:48My music teacher always sings a special song.
00:50It's the Hola Hola song!
00:52That's my favorite school song!
00:54It's a lady on a bike!
00:56That's my music teacher!
00:58La maestra de musica!
01:00¡Hola, maestra!
01:26Maestra, this is my best friend Dora!
01:31Hola Dora, mucho gusto!
01:35Mucho gusto, maestra.
01:37Maestra, you were singing my favorite song ever!
01:41I love that song too, Boots.
01:43Do you want to sing the song with me?
01:46Will you sing the Hola Hola song with us?
01:51You sing what I sing!
01:56Say hola, hola
01:59Hello, hello
02:02What a great day for school, you know
02:04Say hola, hola
02:07Hello, hello
02:10Time to get started, let's go, go, go!
02:17Great singing, chicos!
02:19Que bien, Dora y Boots!
02:23I have to hurry!
02:24I have to get to school before the children do!
02:33Ay, ay, ay!
02:42Maestra, your bicycle is broken!
02:45Ay, no! Mi bicicleta no anda!
02:48And I need to get to school in a hurry!
02:50Que cosa! I need to figure out the quickest way to get to school!
02:55If I only had a map!
03:00Maestra, we have a map!
03:02De veras? Maravilloso!
03:05Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?
03:09Map, right!
03:11Will you check the map to find the quickest way to school?
03:14You have to say map!
03:23Who's the guy you need to know when you've got a place to go?
03:26What's my name?
03:27The map!
03:28Say it again!
03:29The map!
03:30Who can help you say, hey, I figured out the way!
03:33What's my name?
03:34The map!
03:35Say it again!
03:36The map!
03:37I'm the map, I'm the map
03:38Super map, super map
03:39I'm the map!
03:41Dora, Boots and La Maestra have to get to school in a hurry!
03:47Jeepers! There's the bell!
03:49To get to the school, we have to go through the town!
03:54Over Musical Mountain!
04:01And that's how we get to the school, La Escuela!
04:05So remember, town, mountain, school!
04:10Say it with me!
04:12Town, mountain, school!
04:17Town, mountain, school!
04:22Town, mountain, school!
04:27So you tell Dora, first we go to the town!
04:31Where do we go first?
04:34The town!
04:36So first, we have to find the town!
04:39But I don't see the town!
04:41I have an idea! I'll climb that tree to get a better look!
04:48I'm climbing up the tree, so I can look and see!
04:52Wow! My teacher can climb up trees, just like me!
04:58Now do you see the town?
05:04Yeah! There it is! Fantastico!
05:10Uh-oh! That's the third bell!
05:12We better hurry! I have to get to the school before the children arrive!
05:17Dora, we need to get to the town fast!
05:20Do you see something that can take us to the town fast?
05:28The bus! The bus!
05:30Right! The bus will take us to the town!
05:35Autobus, autobus, me llamo autobus!
05:37Autobus, autobus, me llamo autobus!
05:42But we have to tell the bus to stop!
05:44We need to say, fare!
05:47Say fare!
05:53It worked! He stopped!
05:55Thanks for saying fare!
05:58Buenos dias, amigos!
06:00Buenos dias, autobus!
06:02Dora, ask him if he can take us to the town!
06:05Autobus, nos puede llevar al pueblo?
06:08Con mucho gusto! Todos a bordo!
06:12All aboard!
06:16Thank you, Boots!
06:18You're welcome!
06:19I have so many instruments to carry!
06:22If only I had a backpack!
06:26Maestra, I have a backpack!
06:28Una mochila! Que bien!
06:31Can she hold my instruments?
06:33Si, por supuesto!
06:40Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Delicioso!
06:43Excelente mochila!
06:48Beep, beep! Todos a bordo!
07:02Whoa! We've got to hurry!
07:04I know a song that will help el autobus go rápido through town!
07:09The Wheels on the Bus song!
07:11I know that song! Let's sing it!
07:14Will you help us sing The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round?
07:20Autobus speaks Spanish, so instead of saying wheels, we'll say llantas!
07:27Can you say llantas?
07:31Say llantas!
07:34Great! Now sing with me!
07:38Las llantas on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round
07:43Las llantas on the bus go round and round, all through the town
07:48Great! Now we need to help el autobus honk his horn!
07:51We'll sing The Horn on the Bus Goes Beep, Beep, Beep!
07:54But instead of horn, we can say bocina!
07:57Say bocina!
08:00Great! Now sing with me!
08:02La bocina on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep
08:07La bocina on the bus goes beep, beep, beep, all through the town
08:13Great singing!
08:18We made it through the traffic!
08:20And through the town!
08:30Gracias, autobus!
08:31De nada!
08:35Listen! That's the school bell!
08:37Chicos, we have to hurry! Rapido!
08:40We have to figure out where to go next!
08:42Say map!
08:47We went through the town! Check!
08:50Where do we go next?
08:55Right! Musical Mountain!
08:57I see three mountains!
08:59We need to figure out which one is Musical Mountain!
09:03Musical Mountain sounds like this!
09:11Let's listen!
09:15We went through the town! Check!
09:18Where do we go next?
09:20Right! Musical Mountain!
09:23I see three mountains!
09:27Musical Mountain sounds like this!
09:38Which one's Musical Mountain?
09:44Si, allá está!
09:46Good listening!
09:48We need to get over Musical Mountain fast!
09:51Who can give us a ride over the mountain fast?
09:57El tren!
09:59That's our friend Azul!
10:02Hola Azul!
10:03Hola amigos!
10:05Can you take us over the mountain?
10:07Sure! But first I have to put my cars in the right order.
10:11They need to go from biggest to smallest.
10:16I need your help to put the train cars from biggest to smallest.
10:21Do you see the biggest car?
10:27Yeah! There it is!
10:32Now which one's the biggest car?
10:42Now which one's the biggest car?
10:51Now which one's the biggest car?
10:59And which one is the smallest car?
11:07Muy bien! Good sorting!
11:10Now Azul can give us a ride!
11:12Come on! Let's hurry to school!
11:15All aboard!
11:20To climb Musical Mountain, we need to sing the numbers.
11:24Count and sing with us!
11:271, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
11:34That's great! We made it to the top of the mountain!
11:37La cima de la montaña!
11:39All right!
11:41Now let's count backwards as we go down!
11:44Count backwards with me! Start with 8!
11:478, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
11:56I can't be late for class! We have to tell Azul to go fast!
12:01To tell Azul fast, we say rápido!
12:05Say rápido!
12:13Look! Azul heard you!
12:15He's going so fast!
12:17Oh no! Look! Another train!
12:21We have to tell Azul to go slow!
12:24To tell Azul slow, we say despacio!
12:27Say despacio!
12:41That was close!
12:43All right! Now we can go fast again!
12:46Say rápido!
13:00We made it over Musical Mountain!
13:06That's the last bell!
13:08Chicos, we have to hurry so I can get to school in time to sing the school song!
13:13We have to figure out where to go next!
13:16Say map!
13:24We went through the town! Check!
13:27We rode over the mountain! Check!
13:31So where do we go next?
13:35The school! La escuela!
13:39So you tell Dora, next we go to the school!
13:43Where do we go next?
13:47The school! Right! La escuela!
13:53We need to find the school! La escuela!
13:56¿Dónde está la escuela?
13:58La escuela!
14:03Sí, ahí está!
14:05But look! There's the school bus!
14:08We've got to get to the school before the children!
14:11But how are we going to get through all these trees?
14:14If only we had a cord that would zip us through the trees!
14:19Hi! It's Diego on a zip cord!
14:22Hola, amigos! Grab on to the zip cord and we'll get to school bien rápido!
14:32Uh-oh! We have to watch out for the animals in the trees!
14:36Look! Up ahead!
14:40We have to warn las culebras that we're coming!
14:43Can you say culebras?
14:47Great! Now let's sing!
14:50Las culebras in the trees go his-his-his, his-his-his, his-his-his
14:55Las culebras in the trees go his-his-his all through the forest!
15:01We got past the snakes!
15:06Uh-oh! Bees! Avejas!
15:08We have to warn the avejas that we're coming!
15:11Can you say avejas?
15:14Great! Now let's sing!
15:17Las avejas in the trees go buzz-buzz-buzz, buzz-buzz-buzz, buzz-buzz-buzz
15:22Las avejas in the trees go buzz-buzz-buzz all through the forest!
15:29We got past the bees! Thanks for helping!
15:36There's the schoolhouse!
15:38Quick! We have to run inside and set up the instruments before the children come in!
15:47Did you hear that?
15:49That sounds like Swiper!
15:50That sneaky fox!
15:51He'll try to swipe la maestra's guitarra!
15:54Do you see Swiper?
16:01He's behind the bushes!
16:06Yeah! There he is!
16:09Say it with us!
16:10Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!
16:15Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, man!
16:22Thanks for helping us stop Swiper!
16:29Now we can set up the instruments for the music class!
16:32The instruments?
16:33The instruments!
16:35Where are the instruments?
16:37Where did we put la maestra's instruments?
16:41In backpack, right!
16:43Will you check my backpack to find la maestra's instruments?
16:47You have to say backpack!
16:50Say backpack!
16:55Backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, yeah!
17:00Hola chicos! Rapido!
17:02We need all of maestra's instruments!
17:05¿Dónde están los instrumentos?
17:13Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! ¡Delicioso!
17:20I hear mis estudiantes!
17:23Here they come!
17:24Let's sing to them as they arrive!
17:26Roots, you can lead the band!
17:29Really? Cool!
17:31Are you ready to sing the Hola Hola song?
17:34Sing after me!
17:38Say hola, hola, hola, hola, hello, hello, hello, hello!
17:43What a great day for school, you know!
17:46Say hola, hola, hola, hola, hello, hello, hello, hello!
17:51Time to get started, let's go, go, go!
17:59Great singing, everybody!
18:01Muy bien, Roots!
18:03And a special thanks to you for helping me get to school on time!
18:10We did it!
18:14We did it! We did it! We did it! Yay!
18:17Go Isimo! We did it!
18:19Today we helped maestra get to school on time!
18:22We did it! We did it! We did it! Hooray!
18:25We all rode on a zip cord as I saw my teacher climb!
18:28We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it!
18:31We helped our maestra spin las llantas through the town!
18:34We went up the mountain and now we're getting down!
18:37Yay! Hooray!
18:39We did it!
18:43We had such a fun trip today!
18:45What was your favorite part of the trip?
18:53I like that too!
18:55My favorite part was singing my favorite song!
18:58Hola, hola, hello, hello!
19:01My favorite part was singing
19:03Las llantas on the bus go round and round
19:05All through the town!
19:10We couldn't have done it without you!
19:12Thanks for helping! Gracias!
19:16Hey look! It's Boots! Find Boots!
19:28Try and catch me!
19:40You can't find me!
