Muppet Babies Season 6 Episode 1 This Old Nursery

  • hier
01:00Écoute, tu as juste touché la balle !
01:03Et tu l'as juste tiré, maintenant !
01:11Piggy frappe un long tir !
01:14Hein ? J'ai touché ?
01:16Oh, Kermit, j'ai touché !
01:19Euh, Piggy, tu devrais courir !
01:23Je n'ai pas besoin de courir !
01:25Kermit court pour moi, tu vois ?
01:27Quoi ?
01:28Outfielder Kermit court en arrière ! En arrière !
01:31Il saute !
01:32Je l'ai eu ! Je l'ai eu !
01:36Oh, mon Dieu !
01:38Quelle merveilleuse...
01:41Qu'est-ce que tu appelles ça ?
01:43Je... Je l'ai eu !
01:45Je ne le crois pas !
01:47Ouais ! Il l'a eu !
01:50Maintenant, on va l'avoir ! Regarde !
01:53Oh oh !
01:56Oh, mon Dieu ! Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé ?
01:58Les enfants, ça va ?
02:00Euh, on va bien, Nanny, mais je...
02:03Je ne crois pas que le mur soit...
02:06Eh bien, merci, personne n'a été blessé !
02:09Oh, c'est vraiment un grand trou, Nanny !
02:12Hey ! Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:19Hein ?
02:20Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:21C'est une vieille casserole.
02:25Oh, je suis sûre qu'il n'y a pas de pâtes ici, animal !
02:28Eh bien, il y a quelque chose dedans !
02:31Oh, tu as raison, Piggy !
02:34Kermit, tu et Ralph gardez le bas, je vais tirer sur le toit.
02:41Hey ! Qu'est-ce que c'est que tout ça ?
02:44Et qui sont ces gens drôles ?
02:47Oh, quel planète sont-ils de, Nanny ?
02:50Les enfants, regardez !
02:51Ces images ont été prises juste dans cette pièce.
02:54Elles l'ont ?
02:55Wow, c'est la boulangerie !
02:58Mais elles sont si vieilles !
03:00Vous savez, je pense que cette boîte est une capsule de temps.
03:04Une capsule de temps ?
03:06Une capsule de temps.
03:07Des images et des choses qui sont restées par les gens qui ont vécu ici il y a longtemps.
03:11Alors, nous les avons trouvés et nous savons ce que leur vie était comme.
03:15Hein ?
03:16Tu veux dire que quelqu'un a vécu ici avant nous ?
03:19Oh oui, beaucoup de gens.
03:21Vraiment ?
03:22Wow !
03:23Oh mon Dieu ! Shirley Temple !
03:28Qui est Shirley Temple ?
03:30Elle était une grande star de cinéma que toutes les petites filles voulaient être comme elle.
03:34Même cette petite fille qui vivait ici dans la boulangerie, vous voyez ?
03:38Elle !
03:39Oh mon Dieu, regardez le temps !
03:41Il vaut mieux que j'appelle le repère pour que nous puissions réparer le mur.
03:49Hé, Nancy Temple !
03:52C'est Shirley !
03:54Ok, Nancy Shirley !
03:56Peu importe !
04:00Oh, euh...
04:01Comment je vais devenir une star si personne ne sait combien je suis adorable ?
04:07Bonjour, amis, voisins et adorables petits bébés sur la crotte de terre !
04:12Hein ?
04:14Bienvenue à la première livraison en direct de Ralph Valentin et ses Muppets Baby Bams !
04:20Oh, c'est la radio !
04:22Pas beaucoup à regarder, hein ?
04:26C'est mieux !
04:28Et maintenant, les cartes vocales de Skeeter Skediddle, notre adorable petite chanteuse !
04:35Adorable petite chanteuse ?
04:37Skeeter ?
04:39Mais je pensais que j'allais chanter !
04:42Hé, non, non, Piggy ! Tu auras ta chance !
04:45Donc, sans plus tarder, Skeeter...
04:48Skediddle !
04:50Merci, merci !
04:53J'aimerais dédier mon premier numéro de ce soir à tous ceux qui chantent la chanson stupide !
05:00Pour que nous puissions arriver à mon partage !
05:02Ok, ok !
05:04Ahem !
05:05Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi !
05:07Oh, Miss Donald had a fart !
05:14Est-ce qu'elle est mauvaise ou quoi ?
05:16Excusez-moi, Miss Smarty Pants, mais j'ai juste eu l'occasion de chanter comme ça pour un but !
05:22Pour que vous puissiez avoir votre grande chance, vous vous souvenez ?
05:25Ahem !
05:27Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi !
05:28And on this farm there was a...
05:34You're weak !
05:35Hey, that's bad enough, Skeeter !
05:40Gee, Skeeter Skediddle seems to have lost her voice !
05:43Will she ever sing again ?
05:45Will we find someone to take her place ?
05:47Some young adorable singer out there who can hurry down to the studio and hopefully have their own transportation !
05:54Are you kidding ?
05:55He's back, my boy !
06:20I'm here !
06:26Good drummer !
06:31Hit it, boys !
06:35Excuse me, Piggy, but the old clock on the wall says we're out of time !
06:40We're out of time !
06:41See ?
06:42Huh ? You mean I only get to say one word ?
06:46Sorry, Piggy !
06:47Telegrams !
06:49Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa !
06:52Hold it, Piggy ! That one word was enough !
06:55Your fans have spoken ! They want you to come back next week !
06:59But, too bad, you can't come back !
07:01What do you mean I can't come back ?
07:03Because in the last two minutes, you've become so popular, you're going to Hollywood !
07:08Piggy, you're a star !
07:11People adore you !
07:14And you'll be remembered !
07:16Just a little more !
07:18Index of love forever !
07:23Oh, thank you, my wonderful fans ! Thank you !
07:28Pretty neat ending, huh ?
07:36Wow ! What are we celebrating here ?
07:40Wow ! What are we celebrating here ?
07:43Hi, Nanny ! We're pretending to be the first people who ever lived in the nursery !
07:47You know, the ones in that time collapsible ?
07:50That's time capsule, Fozzie !
07:53And those weren't the first people. Lots of people lived here before that !
07:58They did ?
07:59I told the repairman about the time capsule we found.
08:02And he says he knows all about this house !
08:06Maybe when he gets here, he can tell you more about the people who lived here !
08:10Really ?
08:16What are you looking for, Gonzo ?
08:18Maybe some other people who lived here left something neat, too !
08:22Gee ! What kind of stuff ?
08:24I don't know ! Maybe something like...
08:28Like this !
08:30A wishbone ?
08:32Wishbone ? Are you kidding ?
08:35I'll bet this is a bone from the most feared dinosaur of all time !
08:42The dreaded Colocosaurus !
08:49Gonzo, would you please not eat with your mouth open ?
08:56And don't talk with your mouth full, either !
08:59And with you monkey brains, take that beach boulder outside before you ruin the nursery !
09:12Ooga ! Ooga !
09:14Clocka-googa !
09:16Ooga ?
09:18Clocka-googa !
09:20Clocka-googa !
09:22Clocka-googa !
09:38C'est ridicule!
09:40Maintenant, nous allons jouer au caveman charade!
09:48Ok, passez-y!
09:50Des lèvres!
09:52Des yeux!
09:54Quatre yeux!
09:56Et... Deux têtes!
10:00Quatre têtes!
10:02Des lèvres!
10:04Knight Rider!
10:06Je n'ai jamais pu résister à un jeu de charades!
10:08Peu importe combien de stupides!
10:16Knight Rider est habillé comme un poulet!
10:18Ça ne peut pas être vrai!
10:24Mais qu'est-ce que c'est?
10:28Ça va être mon prochain déjeuner!
10:34Qu'est-ce que t'es si effrayé?
10:36J'ai pensé qu'il était un peu mignon!
10:40Mais un peu légèrement!
10:42Peut-être qu'on devrait essayer de l'aider!
10:44Non, pas du tout!
10:46Non, pas du tout!
10:50Maintenant, vous et vos amis Ooga-Ooga
10:52Je vais ramener le petit gars!
10:56Hé! Ooga! Ooga-Booga!
11:02Et ne flottez pas!
11:04Pas sûr!
11:22Qu'est-ce que c'est?
11:24C'est Ooga-Googa!
11:26Je suis Ooga-Gonna!
11:28Oh, regarde Ooga!
11:38Oh, mon garçon!
11:40C'est un petit bébé que vous avez ici, maman!
11:44Quelque chose me dit que je devrais me déplacer!
11:46C'est trop tard! Cours!
11:50C'est trop tard! Cours!
12:00On va dans cette cave!
12:34Oh, mon garçon!
12:40Vivant dans une cave
12:52Oh, mon garçon!
14:02See, nanny!
14:04They are acting like monkeys and talking
14:06baby talk!
14:08Come on out kids, there's someone I want you to meet.
14:14This is Mr. Johnson, the repairman. He's here to fix the hole in the wall.
14:18Hi kids!
14:21Well, that's a nice neat hole you made there, Kermit.
14:25Um, thanks.
14:27It's his first one!
14:30Well, the first thing we'll have to do is take out the broken part of the wall and...
14:35Say, what's this?
14:37What's what?
14:38Oh boy! Another time spatula!
14:41Well, not exactly, but I'd say somebody left this behind a long time ago.
14:47It looks like a key.
14:49Gosh, it sure is big.
14:51Yep, and old too.
14:53Can I see it?
14:56Gee, this looks like the kind Benjamin Franklin has in my picture book.
15:02Oh, come look, Scooter! More rain!
15:05And lightning too.
15:15Scooter? Scooterman Franklin? What are you doing?
15:19Um, inventing electricity.
15:22Electricity? Huh. Why don't you invent something important?
15:27Like French vanilla pistachio ice cream with whipped cream and nuts on top.
15:31Or a yo-yo.
15:33Huh? What are you making, Piggy Ross?
15:36Just a first American flag, that's all.
15:39What do you think?
15:41Well, isn't it supposed to be red, white and blue?
15:47That was the back.
15:49Oh, who can that be?
15:51Oh, my friends are here.
15:52What for?
15:53We're signing the Declaration of Independence today.
15:57We are?
15:59Hi, Kermit Washington.
16:01Scooterman? Phew. Boy, am I bushed. Mind if I take a nap?
16:05Sure. Go ahead.
16:07Oh, goody. Now I can say Kermit Washington slept here.
16:14Who are you?
16:15Abraham Lincoln. Say, nice place you got here, Scooterman.
16:20Sure beats my old log cabin.
16:22Hi, Elvis Rolfe.
16:25Hey, Scooterman.
16:27Say, how long before you invent electricity so I can plug in my guitar?
16:33See, it's just not the same.
16:35Wait a minute, Scooterman.
16:37Ed Lincoln and Elvis didn't sign the Declaration of Independence.
16:42They didn't?
16:44Well, these are the only famous Americans we can think of.
16:48Right, guys?
16:56Phew. Now what?
16:59Come in.
17:01Who are you supposed to be?
17:03I don't know. But isn't this a neat outfit?
17:06Gonzo helped me.
17:07It looks like it.
17:09The 49ers are coming! The 49ers are coming!
17:14The 49ers?
17:16The 49ers? I thought the Redcoats were coming.
17:20Nah, they couldn't make it.
17:22Got a big game in Cleveland tonight.
17:24We get the 49ers.
17:26And here they come!
17:34There's a million of them!
17:37Oh, this isn't right at all.
17:39Now he notices.
17:41Who cares? I'm getting out of here!
17:45And I'm off to Las Vegas.
17:47And I gotta be going. See ya. Bye.
17:52I think I'll go sleep somewhere where it's a little quieter.
17:55Wait! What about the Declaration of Independence?
17:59We forgot to sign it!
18:02Sign what, Scooter?
18:04Oh, sign up for Little League Baseball.
18:12Phew. Real solid building, this one.
18:15Seems like it's been here since before the flood, I reckon.
18:18The flood?
18:20Well, kids, are you having fun watching Mr. Johnson?
18:23Yes, Annie.
18:24He works hard.
18:26These youngsters tell the darndest stories.
18:29Sometimes I forget what I'm doing.
18:31I see.
18:33Maybe you kids should play somewhere else so Mr. Johnson can get his work done.
18:37Okay, Annie.
18:39Okay, let's go. Come on.
18:41See you later.
18:45Oh, I love the attic.
18:47Yeah, it's so old and little.
18:50Gosh, it's sure raining loud.
18:58Hey, look at these tools.
19:00They must be ancient.
19:02Yeah, and old.
19:04I wonder who they belong to.
19:06Gee, Mr. Johnson said the house is as old as the flood.
19:10Maybe they belong to Noah.
19:16Who are you?
19:18My name must be Noah.
19:20Well, what's all the banging about?
19:22Oh, I'm building-us an ark-us.
19:24Building-us an ark-us?
19:26What's wrong with your mouth, Kermit?
19:28What do you mean-us?
19:30I mean you're talking funny.
19:32That's how they talked in olden times, Piggy.
19:34It is?
19:36Well, if you ask me, it sounds screwy-us.
19:38Hey, how's the ark coming, Noah?
19:40Need some help?
19:42No, there beeth only one hammer.
19:44So, what you gonna put in this ark, Noah?
19:48We must go forth and bring-us back two of everything.
19:54Hmm, maybe it be too late to say with everything.
20:00I know. Go forth and collect-us two of every toy
20:04and bring-us them back to the ark.
20:10Two? But there's only one Camilla.
20:13And one Whoopie Cushion.
20:15Okay, okay. Bring-us what you can.
20:22Boy, did Willard Scott ever blow-us this one.
20:27You can say-us that again.
20:32Camilla! Camilla!
20:37I can't find-us my Whoopie Cushion.
20:41There it is-it.
20:44Here's your computer, Scooter. Have you seen my piano?
20:48Yeah, it is.
20:50Camilla! Where have you been-us? Come on!
20:57Come on, let's go.
21:00Have we forgotten-us anything?
21:04Are you sure? Are we missing somebody?
21:09Nanny! A flood!
21:11What flood?
21:13From the rain, Nanny.
21:15Well, it looks like it stopped raining, Kermit.
21:19Uh-huh. The sun is out.
21:23And Mr. Johnson is just about done with the wall downstairs.
21:26The hole is almost fixed.
21:28Gee, Nanny, maybe we should make our own time-cocker spaniel.
21:33Why, Fozzie, that's a wonderful idea.
21:36Why don't you kids pick out some special things,
21:39and we'll put them back in the wall.
21:41Then someday, whoever finds them can know-us too.
21:47I know what I'm picking.
21:49Me too.
21:50Boy, is this gonna be great or what?
21:53I'll say.
21:55Those kids about ready?
21:57Sounds like it to me.
22:00Hi, kids. Where's the stuff for the time capsule?
22:04Here it is, Nanny.
22:10Oh, my. I think you brought too much, kids.
22:13Aw, gee.
22:15Sorry, Nanny.
22:17Now what do we do?
22:19I know. I'll take a picture of you with all this stuff,
22:22and we'll put that in the time capsule.
22:25Okay, kids. Stand together and hold up your stuff.
22:29I wanna be next to you, sis.
22:31I wanna be next to you, Cooney.
22:34Come on, Fozzie, Rolf.
22:36Can I be next to you, Piggy?
22:39Well, okay.
22:41Hey, where's the animals?
22:45That's better. Now, ready?
22:48Say cheese.
23:09Don't bother me.
23:12But don't you go by my...
