Strategi Maskapai Penerbangan Jaga Performa Jelang Akhir Tahun

  • 2 days ago
Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi mengakui, saat ini terdapat sejumlah tantangan yang dihadapi industri penerbangan nasional dan global. Tantangan tersebut meliputi meningkatnya harga bahan bakar dan rantai pasok, sehingga berdampak pada keterjangkauan tarif penerbangan.

Budi menambahkan, industri penerbangan di Indonesia juga masih dihadapkan pada berkurangnya jumlah pesawat yang beroperasi pascapandemi. Saat ini, jumlah pesawat yang beroperasi di Indonesia berkisar antara 420 hingga 430 unit, sementara sebelum pandemi, jumlah tersebut mencapai 650 pesawat.

Untuk mengatasi penurunan kinerja akibat pengurangan ini, perusahaan penerbangan berupaya meningkatkan efisiensi operasional pesawat yang ada. Langkah-langkah seperti pengoptimalan penggunaan bahan bakar dan peningkatan produktivitas menjadi prioritas.


00:00The programme you're watching is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
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00:34Let's start the market review
00:47The government admits that the aviation industry is still facing a number of challenges
00:52In order to face these challenges, the Indonesian Air Force is trying to be more efficient in aircraft operations
01:04The Ministry of Transportation admits that this year, the Indonesian aviation industry is facing a number of challenges
01:10in order to achieve the growth of the industry.
01:12These challenges are similar to those faced by the aviation industry on a global scale.
01:18The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karyasumadi, said that the challenges faced by the national aviation fleet at the moment
01:25include the increase in the price of fuel and the supply chain, so that it is easier to achieve the aviation tariff.
01:34Budi added that the other challenges faced by the aviation industry at the moment
01:38are the number of aircraft operating, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia a while ago.
01:46Currently, the number of aircraft units operating in Indonesia still ranges between 420 to 430 units.
01:54Meanwhile, before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of aircraft operating in Indonesia reached more than 650 aircraft units.
02:02Thus, there is a decrease in the number of aircraft fleets operating in the national aviation industry by 30%.
02:11To overcome this decline, the aviation fleet aims to increase the efficiency of existing aircraft operations.
02:18Steps such as optimizing the use of fuel and increasing productivity become a priority.
02:26However, the increase in the price of world oil affects the operational cost of aviation
02:31because the cost of the use of fuel after becomes more expensive.
03:10Mr. Irfan, what is the current situation of Garuda Indonesia and how is it compared to the same period in the previous year?
03:20We are quite happy and excited, especially about the growth and development of the business that we enjoy.
03:34This is the first time I use the word enjoyment in our discussion.
03:42What we have announced to the public is the results of the first semester of 2024.
03:49We have managed to increase the income by 18.27% in a group.
03:58Previously, USD 1.37 billion became USD 1.62 billion.
04:05Looking at this figure, I am very optimistic that we can break the record
04:12or our hope that we can receive an income of more than USD 3 billion throughout 2024.
04:21Our EBITDA also improved by 19.41%.
04:25This has always been our benchmark.
04:29In terms of EBITDA, the cost we pay compared to this income,
04:35whether it is positive or negative, positive or not, the improvement is at the level of 19.41%.
04:41So, in the first semester, we received an EBITDA of USD 362 million.
04:55So, this is all positive and we are very excited to face the third quarter and the fourth quarter.
05:04However, it is also known that there is an implication from our accounting system
05:11which ultimately causes financial burden that arises after EBITDA
05:17and other financial burdens as a result of the restructuring that we do.
05:23Okay. And if there is an economic growth, especially from the top line,
05:27as long as it becomes a boost, Mr. Irfan, it is said to be related to growth.
05:31And has the growth been in accordance with the work plan at the beginning of this year?
05:37Yes. So, first of all, it is due to the increase in the number of passengers, which is quite significant, 27.4%.
05:46So, in the first semester, the number of passengers we flew was 11.53 million passengers.
05:54This is a combination of Citilink and Garuda.
05:57Indeed, Citilink has more passengers, 6.27 million, while Garuda has 5.27 million.
06:05But overall, this is an increase of almost 30% compared to the number of passengers.
06:10And secondly, this scheduled flight grew 15.72% year-over-year.
06:18And we also got an unscheduled flight that grew 24.93%, almost 25%.
06:28But what is also very surprising to us, in addition to the increase in the number of passengers,
06:32is the growth of other income.
06:35Or what we call ancillary.
06:38And this is the income we got from Garuda Miles, our loyalty program,
06:44from XSP Gates, and some new products that we offer to passengers.
06:51And this grew 33%, which was, sorry, this became 167 million dollars.
07:01So, all of this indicates positive, and we are very optimistic about the future.
07:07Yes, Ruto, if we look at it, as a contributor related to the biggest income from Perseron, where is it?
07:13For Ruto, as usual, and this is Ruto that is always crowded,
07:18especially on weekends or holidays, it's a bit long.
07:21It's a bit long for our national holiday.
07:26So, Bali, Lombok, Medan, and Singapore are still favorites.
07:34Now many people complain that it's a bit difficult to book a flight to Bali using Garuda.
07:41Although we continue to increase the flight schedule.
07:45What we also monitor and show a good improvement is Japan,
07:52such as Jakarta, Haneda, as well as our direct flights from Tokyo, Narita, to Denpasar,
07:59which is 95% filled by tourists from Japan.
08:04These are interesting routes.
08:06Plus, Melbourne-Denpasar, and Sydney-Denpasar.
08:11So, there are three of them.
08:14There is an increase, not too significant, but it is quite pleasing from Incheon.
08:18So, there are four routes that we increase the frequency to add foreign tourists to Bali.
08:25So, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, and Seoul or Incheon.
08:33Okay. Related to the routes that have become favorites and supporters of Garuda,
08:37is there also a chance to increase the number of the team?
08:41We will discuss in the next segment.
08:42Mr. Irfan, we'll be right back.
08:44And, viewers, make sure you're still with us.
09:04It's getting more and more interesting to talk with Mr. Irfan Setia Putra,
09:07Director-General of PT Garuda Indonesia Persial Rotembe.
09:09Mr. Irfan, you were invited earlier.
09:10So, we talked about how the government also built many airports in Indonesia.
09:14Then, there are routes that are favorites from, I don't know,
09:19from the national level or from domestic itself.
09:21Is there also a plan for Garuda Indonesia to increase the number of teams, sir?
09:26Well, of course, at the beginning of the year, we plan to increase the number of teams.
09:32But, indeed, the increase in the number of teams must be summed up very crudely.
09:38It's easy to increase, but how to make sure that increasing the number of teams
09:43can increase our income and, of course, our profitability.
09:48So, the process, indeed, we have an internal agreement with the commissioner,
09:54it's also tighter, more questions, more reviews.
09:57But, God willing, there will be several additional teams by the end of the year.
10:03We can say that we have almost closed a deal with four additional teams.
10:08From the total, actually, we expect nine.
10:11Hopefully, from those four, there are at least two that we can operate by the end of the year
10:18to accelerate the growth of the demand of these passengers.
10:23So, the second problem is the global situation of the aviation industry.
10:31Maybe there are also many who follow in one of the manufacturing,
10:35namely Boeing, there was a strike that caused a delay in production.
10:41A strike that we don't know, a strike that we don't know when it will end,
10:47so that in one of the others, in Airbus, there is also a stockpiling of orders from all over the world.
10:53So, indeed, the demand is more than the supply of aircraft needs around the world.
11:01So, it is quite challenging about the name of the aircraft.
11:03Therefore, we are shortening it now by increasing the utilization.
11:09So, for example, usually, we can fly one aircraft for eight hours a day.
11:15At the moment, we are manipulating, in short,
11:21or we modify it in such a way that it can fly for 11 hours a day.
11:28As a result, with such a mechanism, we will get an additional frequency of domestic flights.
11:34For example, by increasing the utilization,
11:37we can add one flight back and forth to Jakarta.
11:42Okay. So, what about the business competition?
11:46Because we know that in the last few months, there have been new airlines in Indonesia,
11:52which is one thing that may be positive for air transportation consumers, Mr. Irfan.
11:58Yes. So, in this industry, I always divide it into two.
12:04The first is the international flight competition, the second is domestic.
12:10So, for the international, our value proposition is to fly to and from Indonesia directly.
12:19So, our competition with other airlines is that we make sure that if you want to go to Indonesia by Garuda,
12:28you don't have to stop by at other places.
12:31You don't have to see the fountain every time.
12:35It's like a fountain.
12:37Or you don't have to spend time in duty free, but you can go straight to Jakarta or Denpasar.
12:43Secondly, we increase the flights to Denpasar,
12:47because with the flights, of course, more foreign tourists will come in,
12:53so that the economy will be better.
12:58So, that's for international.
13:00For domestic, our value proposition is the timing, safety,
13:06and domestic and international, of course, we will always be known for our amazing service,
13:12which is always in the top three, based on cabin crew.
13:17So, if there is a new competitor, we are happy to welcome it.
13:27First, because the competition is always healthy.
13:31The competition always makes us lazy.
13:34The competition always makes us reflect on ourselves to continue to improve the product.
13:39But secondly, we also have confidence that our loyal customers will always stand by Garuda
13:45because we want to make sure that the service we provide, the safety we provide, is still number one.
13:53So, if there is a new player, we welcome it.
13:57Of course, with the statement, I wish you good luck.
14:01Hopefully, we can continue to compete. Don't come and go again.
14:05Just make a few mistakes for a while, but then it can't be sustained for a long time.
14:10So, this business is a business that we have to think about, not in the next 1-2 months,
14:14but in the next 5-10 years, how we can survive and continue to provide the best to our customers.
14:20Okay, on the business side, how about other things, such as tickets, after, etc.
14:25Is this a challenge in terms of the burden of operational expenses?
14:29Yes, on the passenger side, of course, the challenge is the price of the ticket.
14:36On our side, of course, it is how our income can cover operational costs and get benefits.
14:46So, these are two things that I don't think need to be formed,
14:50because if we can agree, it can work together.
14:53So, in the discussion about the price of the ticket, I always come up with the concept,
14:59this is the opening, this is the cost so that the price of the ticket reaches a certain point.
15:06Let's discuss together which is not appropriate and which is appropriate to be burdened to the passenger.
15:14That's what we agreed on first. So, there are many components in the price of the ticket.
15:20But one of the big components is the tariff that is burdened or determined by the government
15:28for certain routes to the fleet.
15:33So, that's what we call the determination of the upper limit tariff and the lower limit tariff.
15:38Finally, the upper limit tariff is defined by the numbers for certain routes.
15:45For each domestic route, the use of economy seats was last determined in 2019, 5 years ago.
15:54Until today, it hasn't changed.
15:58So, the dollar has changed, but the tariff hasn't changed.
16:03The dollar has changed, but the tariff hasn't changed.
16:08The salary of the workers, the inflation has happened for 5 years, but it hasn't changed.
16:14As a result, our operational burden has increased compared to 5 years ago.
16:19So, we to the Ministry of Transportation, who is the regulator,
16:24always continue the request for this limit tariff to be monitored and reviewed again.
16:32So, today we have several flights that even though we fly 100%,
16:38we are at a loss.
16:41So, why? Because the structure is not included.
16:49But besides that, for passengers, in addition to the tariff that we have determined,
16:55there are additional costs.
16:58First, the taxes, then the service insurance,
17:02then the PGP2U, or we call it EpoTax.
17:07EpoTax increased in 2022.
17:10And the price of EpoTax in each airport is different.
17:14Garuda in Suranohata is from Terminal 3.
17:19In Indonesia, the EpoTax is Rp168,000.
17:23In Terminal 2, the EpoTax is Rp120,000.
17:28In Halim, the EpoTax is Rp70,000.
17:31So, this is one of the factors, as well as the demand from many parties.
17:36From the beginning of next month, on November 1,
17:41we will start flying Garuda from Halim.
17:46Every day to Padang, Medan, and Surabaya.
17:51One flight a day.
17:53This is to meet the demand of passengers who happen to live and invest
17:59closer to Halim Airport.
18:02If this succeeds, of course, with the agreement of local authorities,
18:07we hope we can add several routes from Halim.
18:11So that friends in Jakarta have the option.
18:14Whether you go to Halim or you go to Cengkareng.
18:18Regarding Afto, there is a lot of discussion
18:22that this is due to the monopoly of Petamina.
18:25Because only Petamina provides.
18:27But please understand.
18:30Investors in Cengkareng, for example,
18:33who build tanks, whose price is billions,
18:35who build pipelines close to the airport,
18:38Petamina is the one who built it.
18:40So if there are other players who want to enter, Mongolia.
18:43First, you also build it.
18:46If you want to use the facilities of Petamina, you have to rent it.
18:50But besides that, don't just sell it in crowded places in Jakarta,
18:55please also sell it in Ternate,
18:57in Palu, in Ambon, in places where the cost must be high.
19:02Petamina, apart from that, is everywhere.
19:06So of course we are very grateful for the existence of Petamina.
19:10In terms of price, let's discuss.
19:12In terms of taxation and other costs,
19:16which do not need to be paid by investors.
19:19That's it. So various strategies have been applied
19:22to maintain the performance of Kineja from the operational side,
19:25then financial Kineja,
19:27at least until the end of 2024,
19:30it will continue to be positive, right, Mr. Irfan?
19:32Yes, so because Afto's price is rising,
19:34we do a lot of efficiency.
19:36We also ask friends at the airport, like in Jakarta,
19:40please don't land too far to the south,
19:42because if we land in the south,
19:44Garuda must spend Rp. 300,000.
19:46Afto, to travel around Cengkareng airport to park.
19:53So there are many things that we can agree on,
19:56but there are many fundamentals that must be agreed on
19:59at the level to be higher than us.
20:01My job is to provide input so that everything is fair,
20:05and also my job is to ensure that the passengers
20:09know where the fare is going.
20:11So don't Irfan continue to blame me.
20:14Okay, Mr. Irfan.
20:15There are so many fares that we just pass by.
20:18If there is a P2U2 or Epotex that rises,
20:22I will be scolded.
20:23In Indonesia, the airport is scolded, not me.
20:25Right, right. Okay, Mr. Irfan.
20:26That's it. The importance of education is also given to the community,
20:29for passengers to have an airplane.
20:31And one more thing,
20:32if you want to go to Bali,
20:33it's expensive to go to Bali.
20:35If you want to go to Garuda, go to Bali.
20:37Depart on Sunday, go home on Thursday.
20:40Oh, I see.
20:41So we make a lot of borders.
20:42Cheap moments, right?
20:44Yes, there is a fairly deep discount.
20:46Then you can fly to Bali.
20:49Don't all want to fly from Friday,
20:52want to go to the beach club together.
20:54But if you want to fly cheaply,
20:56but spend money at the beach club, it's expensive.
20:58It's also fair, right?
21:00Okay, if you want that,
21:02depart on Sunday, enjoy Bali at the beach club.
21:06At the beach club on Sunday night.
21:08Yes, okay.
21:09Maybe you can get a big discount,
21:11because it's not too crowded on Sunday.
21:13If it's on Friday, someone will give a discount, right?
21:15Right, right.
21:16Okay, Mr. Irfan.
21:17I want to stay here,
21:18but thank you very much.
21:19We will continue, of course,
21:20in another time,
21:21we will see how the development is
21:23for 2024.
21:25And you see the continuation in the future,
21:27maybe in another time,
21:29we will join, of course,
21:31with other sources,
21:32with Mr. Stephen Narendra,
21:34who is the President Director of Aviatory Indonesia.
21:36Thank you, see you again.
21:38Mr. Irfan, good health.
21:40Excuse me, don't leave your seat,
21:42because Mr. Stephen Narendra,
21:44President Director of Aviatory Indonesia,
21:46will be here again in the next segment.
21:48Aviatory Indonesia
22:03Okay, thank you for joining us
22:05in Market Review,
22:06and this time we will talk
22:08with Mr. Ziva Narendra,
22:10President Director of Aviatory Indonesia.
22:13Hello, good morning, Mr. Ziva.
22:15Good morning, see you again, Mr. Fastidio.
22:17Thank you, good health to you too.
22:19This is the first piece of information
22:21that has been conveyed by Garuda Indonesia
22:23related to the competition,
22:25then how the demand and opportunity
22:27which is actually still open
22:29throughout 2024.
22:31From the eyes of Mr. Ziva himself,
22:33what is the condition of the Irish world
22:35around us now?
22:37Yes, thank you.
22:38So indeed towards the end of the year,
22:40as usual,
22:41towards the holiday season,
22:43the closing of the year,
22:45the market will be rejuvenated again,
22:48very much towards enthusiasm,
22:51because of course there are a lot of things
22:53that are going towards the holiday season,
22:55both domestically and internationally,
22:57and that also opens up opportunities for
22:59the shipyard and other stakeholders,
23:01such as operators, tour operators,
23:03hotel operators, and also travel agents
23:05to open new programs,
23:07so as to expand the interest of the public
23:10to innovate with each other,
23:13and of course there is also competition
23:15for various choices,
23:17domestic and international tourism,
23:19but also for non-tourist trips,
23:22such as business trips,
23:24which we know,
23:25although after the closing of the year,
23:27it has decreased a bit,
23:28but there are still activities.
23:30Yes, from the demand side,
23:31it seems that the need for air transportation
23:33is getting higher,
23:35but how do you see the availability
23:37of the fleet itself,
23:39of the existing ships?
23:42If we look at it in a few months,
23:44especially in the last few years,
23:46the last 2-3 years,
23:48with the birth of new ships,
23:51or the return of the old ships
23:53that returned to the airline market,
23:55namely Pelita Air,
23:57then there was actually Super Airjet,
23:59and a few weeks ago
24:01we also saw the presence of BBN Airlines,
24:04which is the extension of BBN Cargo,
24:07which is part of the Avia Solutions Group,
24:10which is in Europe.
24:12This increases the dynamics
24:15of the fleet market
24:18as a competitor.
24:20However, if we look at the number of fleets
24:23per ship,
24:24we have not yet reached the optimal level,
24:26as we can see,
24:28especially from the two largest ships,
24:31mainly in Indonesia,
24:32this is from Garuda Indonesia,
24:34and also Lion Air,
24:35as well as its subsidiary,
24:37we see that the number of fleets
24:39has not yet returned to the optimal level
24:40as before the pandemic.
24:41However, of course, the demand,
24:43as Mr. Prasetyosan said earlier,
24:45is always high,
24:47throughout the year.
24:48However, in order for the demand to be served,
24:51and also served in a qualitative way,
24:53not only the availability of routes
24:55or the number of flights,
24:56but also how the service
24:58can also be optimal.
25:00Mitigation or maybe
25:02the strategic steps that need to be applied
25:04to cope with conditions like this,
25:05what should be the effect
25:07that you can give as a recommendation?
25:12What was said by the Director-General of the Indonesian Air Force,
25:15Mr. Irfan has already said
25:17quite clearly,
25:19namely the addition of promotions
25:21or, for example,
25:22marketing for overseas trips,
25:25especially in some very favorite destinations,
25:28such as Japan, Australia, Singapore, etc.
25:30But here I want to add
25:32there are three key points,
25:34which is to emphasize
25:36on the experience or customer experience.
25:38This customer experience
25:40not only
25:41rests on the experience of the flight,
25:44but also involves the airport,
25:46for example,
25:47the customer experience at the airport
25:48from the beginning of the check-in,
25:50then to the airport facilities,
25:52the process,
25:53then through the immigration,
25:55this is for international flight,
25:57and also from the comfort of the airport
25:59to the flight itself,
26:01and when it arrives at the destination.
26:03When it arrives at the destination,
26:04of course, what is meant by customer experience
26:08how the accommodation facilities,
26:10the accommodation, the hotel.
26:12This can open up job opportunities
26:14and collaboration between the airline
26:16as a provider of modes of transportation
26:18with other operators,
26:22such as airports and tourists,
26:24so that the customer experience
26:26is formed holistically.
26:30it creates new demands.
26:32However, the third point
26:34that I would like to say is
26:363M, which is marketing, marketing, marketing.
26:38So, no matter
26:40the dynamics of the market,
26:42marketing is very important.
26:44Innovation in marketing, of course,
26:46not only through the platform,
26:48but also the marketing technique
26:50is very important.
26:51Okay. How do you see the opportunity
26:53by the end of 2024
26:54with the airline industry?
26:56When the momentum of the holiday
26:58at the end of the year must be prepared
27:00or how?
27:02It must be prepared by the end of the year.
27:03However, I also press a little expectation
27:05on how we know the cost burden
27:07or the cost faced by
27:09friends in Mascapai is still very high
27:11right now from the flight costs,
27:13then also the logistics,
27:15and also a few things that are
27:17can be said fixed,
27:19in the form of import policy,
27:21such as for spare parts and so on,
27:23which I have mentioned on previous occasions.
27:25However, here again,
27:27to the point I mentioned,
27:29opening up space for airlines to innovate
27:31in difficult conditions,
27:33this will continue
27:35for a long time,
27:37especially for Mascapai players
27:39or scheduled flights
27:41or airlines in the country.
27:43However, we also need to study
27:46what resolutions must be there,
27:49and this must also involve stakeholders,
27:51regulators or the government
27:53to see what policies
27:55can give room for breath
27:57for friends in Mascapai.
27:59What kind of policy is expected?
28:01Or should it be given by the government?
28:03Besides earlier,
28:05this ticket is still a fundamental challenge.
28:09That's right.
28:11If in detail,
28:13maybe it's not my place,
28:15but I can imagine various incentives
28:17or for example prevention
28:19from the fiscal burden faced
28:21by friends in Mascapai,
28:23such as the import policy,
28:25we can't avoid
28:27that between the export
28:29and income from Mascapai,
28:31especially for domestic flights,
28:33it's still a different course.
28:35The export is in US dollars,
28:37the income is in Indonesian rupiah.
28:39We can't avoid this.
28:41However, there are several regulatory doors
28:43I think we can explore,
28:45so we can give room for breath
28:47as I said earlier,
28:49friends in the airlines.
28:51Okay, related to the ticket issue,
28:53are you going to sit together or what?
28:55That's right.
28:57But we've talked about sitting together
28:59maybe before the pandemic in 2019,
29:01in the end, we faced
29:03the high ticket price.
29:05But as I said
29:07on previous occasions,
29:09this also needs to be
29:13What are the burdens
29:15that have a great impact on friends in Mascapai
29:17that may be essential
29:19but excessive?
29:21First, if it involves
29:23suppliers or service providers
29:25or products of the third party
29:27where they use services
29:29such as brokers
29:31or the second or third supplier
29:33which may be
29:35mitigated and minimized.
29:37Lastly, Mas Yusof,
29:39are you still optimistic about the aviation industry
29:41until the end of the year and maybe
29:43the continuation in the next year?
29:45I'm still optimistic
29:47because of the presence of new players,
29:49this also rejuvenates
29:51the dynamics
29:53of the old players
29:55of course,
29:57to compete.
29:59Because we can't now
30:01divide the spectrum between LCC
30:03and full-service carriers anymore.
30:05Now it's all hybrid,
30:07it's really a market
30:09that's very
30:13the competition.
30:15So I think this is good for the market dynamics,
30:17of course,
30:19the consumer must be patient
30:21to be able to expect
30:23that the price will drop significantly.
30:25That's it,
30:27it's a challenge,
30:29but the important thing is
30:31as you said, customer experience
30:33is what needs to be emphasized
30:35even more from the side
30:37maybe they board the airport,
30:39the services provided,
30:41then the immigration officer,
30:43and when they are in the air
30:45as soon as they use the plane.
30:47Mas Ifah, thank you very much
30:49for the time, sharing, and analysis
30:51that you have delivered to the audience today.
30:53Congratulations on continuing your activities again.
30:55Greetings, Mas Ifah, thank you very much.
30:57Thank you for the time, Mas Ifah.
30:59Okay, audience,
31:01don't leave your seat because
31:03we will be back with another interesting topic
31:05related to the Halal Industry,
31:07Indonesia's Economic Supporter.
