Snowy Night - Timeless Love (2024) Episode 6

  • 15 hours ago
Snowy Night - Timeless Love (2024) Episode 6
01:00StSq3 3.30 (-0.77)"
01:04LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
01:30StSq3 3.30 (-0.70)"
01:35LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
01:40StSq3 3.30 (-0.70)"
01:45LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
01:50StSq3 3.30 (-0.50)"
01:55LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
02:00LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
02:05LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
02:11StSq3 3.30 (-0.50)"
02:14LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
02:32LSp4 2.70 (-0.50)"
02:36I should just wait and see what happens.
02:38You're really hot-tempered.
02:47Master Xue.
02:48Lady Shuang Hong.
02:52Master Xue,
02:54although we're not that close,
02:56you've saved me.
02:58I'm really grateful.
03:00If you need anything from me,
03:02I'll be at your service.
03:04少自作多情,我救你,不过是顺手的事。 Don't flatter yourself. It's just a matter of luck that I saved you.
03:09你要能这么说,我心里就舒坦多了。 If you can put it that way, I feel much more at ease.
03:13虽然是顺手的事,可我还是救了你,枕巾你得补上。 Although it's a matter of luck, I still saved you, and you have to pay for the treatment.
03:18你喝了两杯毒药,那便是两条命,二十万枕巾。 You took two doses of poison, that's two lives, and that's 200,000 gold.
03:27我的命这么值钱的吗? Is my life worth that much?
03:29不是你的命值钱,而是我的医术值钱。 It's not your life, but my medical skills.
03:35你们谷主还真是风趣啊。 Your chief is really funny.
03:43行,只是我这一时半会儿也拿不出这么多钱。 Okay, it's just that I can't get that much money in such a short time.
03:48要不等墨儿的病治好之后,我慢慢地将枕巾还给你,你看行吗? How about I slowly return the money to you after Moer's illness is cured?
03:53花言巧语无用,我要的是真金白银。 It's useless to say fancy words. What I want is real gold and silver.
03:57你... You...
04:01薛谷主,你该不会是没去过中原吧? Chief Xue, you haven't been to the Central Plains, have you?
04:04不知道顶剑阁的霍七公子,除了人长得周正,剑法好以外,这新人更是有口皆碑的呀。 I didn't know that Mr. Huo Qi of Dingjian Pavilion is not only good at swordsmanship, but also has a good reputation.
04:12莫非是中毒太深,伤了脑子? Could it be that he was poisoned too deeply and hurt his brain?
04:17双虹。 Shuang Hong.
04:19知道了,谷主。 Got it, Chief.
04:23双虹,知道什么了? Shuang Hong, what did you find out?
04:35薛谷主,你的医术还真是金贵啊。 Chief Xue, your medical skills are really exquisite.
04:43但是贵是有贵的道理的,因为你的医术的确是好啊。 But there is a reason for being expensive, because your medical skills are really good.
04:56我也知道你要嫁高,是因为要养活谷中的人。 I also know that you want to get married because you want to feed the people in the valley.
05:01这谷里的侍女想必也都是孤儿吧。 The maids in this valley must be orphans.
05:10我还知道你虽然对江湖中的大豪们收取十万的真金,但平日里你也给周围村子的百姓们送药治病,我说得没错吧。 I also know that although you receive hundreds of thousands of money from the nobles in the world, but you also give medicine to the people in the village on weekdays. Am I right?
05:20你从哪里听来的这些鬼话? Where did you hear these nonsense?
05:24我上回离开药食谷的时候亲眼看见的。 I saw it with my own eyes when I left the Valley of Medicine.
05:27我知道你这个人虽然又凶又爱钱,但其实你也是…… I know you are fierce and greedy for money, but actually you are also...
05:33其实我跟看起来一样,就是又凶又爱钱。 Actually, I look the same. I am fierce and greedy for money.
05:39别以为你恭维我几句,我就可以少收你一些钱。 Don't think that I can give you less money just because you give me a few compliments.
05:44谷主,喝些酒去取寒。 Master, drink some wine to get rid of the cold.
05:56双红姑娘,这酒闻起来不像之前那种啊,感觉更加香醇。 Miss Shuanghong, this wine doesn't smell like the previous one. It smells more fragrant.
06:11这是…… This is...
06:13此酒名叫笑红尘,是我们药食谷的独门佳酿,非一般的酒可以比的。 This wine is called Laugh Red Dust, which is a unique wine from our Valley of Medicine. It can't be compared with other wines.
06:21既如此,不如也给我来一杯呗。 In that case, why don't you give me a cup?
06:24记在账上。 Write it on the bill.
06:29谷主,我去备些下酒点金。 Master, I'll go prepare some wine.
06:37这酒也不是一般人能喝的。 This wine is not for ordinary people.
06:41我不是一般人啊。再说了,我不喝。简直两口。 I'm not an ordinary person. Besides, I don't drink. Just a few sips.
06:45简直两口。 Just a few sips.
06:49这酒中配有人参、海马、鹿茸都是大补大热之物,你刚刚身中火毒身上又有伤,我奉劝你最好不要找死。 This wine has ginseng, seahorse, and deer antlers. They are all very nutritious and warm. You just got poisoned by fire and got hurt. I advise you not to risk your life.
07:01薛谷主,你怕是不够了解我吧。我这个人呢,向来是以酒养气。简直两口,伤好一大半。狂喝极梦,伤就好了。 Master Xue, I'm afraid you don't know me well enough. I'm a person who has always been in the mood for wine. Just a few sips, and I'll be fine.
07:16有些顽疾是养不好的,更何况酒气伤身。恐怕。。。恐怕什么?恐怕要绝后呢。 Some ailments can't be cured, let alone the wine. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of what? I'm afraid I'm going to die.
07:30薛谷主,我这大病除愈,没必要跟我开玩笑吧。更何况,对于眼下的我来说,喝得畅快才最重要。我打算喝完这杯酒啊,便出发寻下一味药。 After I finish this wine, I'm going to look for the next medicine.
07:49你刚醒就要走? You're leaving as soon as you wake up?
07:51没错,眼下我身体也无余了,早一日拿到药,末日便能早一日痊愈。 That's right. I'm not feeling well right now. As soon as I get the medicine, I'll be cured.
08:00恐怕你还未去到下一味药的所在之处,便已毒发身亡。 I'm afraid you haven't gone to where the next medicine is yet, and you've already died of poisoning.
08:06什么意思? What do you mean?
08:08你自觉身体无余,但是你体内余毒尚存,若不好好清除,定会半路毒发。 You think you're not feeling well, but there's still poison left in your body. If you don't get rid of it, you'll be poisoned.
08:16那按照你的意思需要几日呢?三日还是五日? Then how many days do you think it will take? Three days or five days?
08:22你不应该先问问治好你需要花多少诊金吗? Shouldn't you ask how much money it will cost to cure you first?
08:28你也知道眼下我身无分文嘛。 You know I'm not feeling well right now.
08:33我看你腰间的那块玉佩成色不错,你整日戴在身上,定是价值不菲。 I think the jade pendant on your waist looks good. You must be wearing it all day. It must be very valuable.
08:40这玉佩对我来说极为重要,断不能离身,更不能拿来抵账的。 This jade pendant is very important to me. I can't leave it, and I can't use it to pay for it.
08:47那也可以换个办法来偿还。 Then you can find another way to pay for it.
08:53什么办法? What way?
08:54什么办法? What way?
09:16站好了,你可是来还债的。 Stand still, you are here to pay the debt.
09:24人的身上呢,一共有409个穴位。而这409个穴位当中,有108个要害穴。在这108个要害穴当中,又有36个致命穴,也就是俗称的死穴。这36个死穴分别为软麻、昏眩、轻和重死穴。 In human body, there are 409 acupoints, and in 409 acupoints, there are 108 deadly acupoints. In 108 deadly acupoints, there are 36 deadly acupoints, also known as dead acupoints. These 36 dead acupoints are called soft numbness, dizziness, light and heavy death.
09:51平日里,让你们在铜人身上施针找穴,可那铜人毕竟是死的,未免死罢。好在今日有霍七公子这个大活人在,让你们瞧个真切。 In daily life, when you are looking for acupoints on the bronze man, but the bronze man is dead after all, so you might as well die. Fortunately, there is Mr.Huo Qi here today to show you the real thing.
10:08若是痛了痒了,霍公子承受不住,喊出来便是,我自会清醒。 If you feel pain or itch, or Mr.Huo Qi can't bear it, just shout it out, and I will wake up.
10:16习武之人,有什么受不住的? What can't a martial artist bear?
10:19此处便是肩颈穴,若病者虚弱之症,便针刺肩颈穴,会有痛痒之感。 Mr.Huo Qi, how do you feel?
10:24痒是痒了点儿,就像挠痒痒一样而已。 It's just a little itch, just like itching.
10:28好,那我便开始说第二个穴位了,这第二个穴位便是玄机穴。 Ok, then I will start talking about the second acupoint. The second acupoint is Xuanji acupoint.
10:36这第二个穴位,便是玄机穴。 This second acupoint is Xuanji acupoint.
10:39这第二个穴位,便是玄机穴。 This second acupoint is Xuanji acupoint.
10:41那我便开始说第二个穴位了,这第二个穴位便是玄机穴。 Ok, then I will start talking about the second acupoint. The second acupoint is Xuanji acupoint.
10:49这个便是玄机穴,若病者有胸痛气喘之感,针刺玄机穴便会有酸软麻痹之感。 This is Xuanji acupoint. If a patient has a chest pain or breathlessness, the acupoint will feel numb and sore.
10:58若病者有胸痛气喘之感,针刺玄机穴便会有酸软麻痹之感。 If a patient has a chest pain or breathlessness, the acupoint will feel numb and sore.
11:04霍公子还好吗? Mr. Huo, how are you feeling?
11:06刚刚只是脚底板有点痒,别的什么感觉也没有。 I just felt a little itch on my feet. I don't feel anything else.
11:11这可就麻烦了,什么感觉都没有,这便是失心疯的前兆。 This is a problem. You don't feel anything. This is a sign of losing your mind.
11:17失心疯?失心疯?失心疯吗? Are you crazy? Are you crazy?
11:24这第三个穴位呢,便是环跳穴。 这恐怕就要委屈一下霍气公子了。 The third acupoint is the jumping acupoint. I'm afraid Mr. Huo will have to suffer a little.
11:32因为这环跳穴位于髋骨。 Because this jumping acupoint is located in the backbone.
11:43不知霍公子是否愿意? Mr. Huo, are you willing to do this?
11:46薛谷主这是借教学之名故意占我便宜的吧? Master Xue, are you taking advantage of the teaching to take advantage of me?
11:48我药师骨从不赊账,如此偿还,已是便宜你了。 I never take advantage of anyone. It's already taking advantage of you.
11:54你这是假公济私,公报私仇。 You're taking revenge on me.
11:57我若是真的要报复霍公子,断不会如此心慈手软。 If I really want to take revenge on Mr. Huo, I won't be so soft-hearted.
12:04算了,既然霍公子不愿意,那我便换一个穴位吧。 Forget it. Since Mr. Huo doesn't want to, I'll change to another acupoint.
12:11你想怎么样? What do you want?
12:13这个是臂中穴,针刺臂中穴连同方才两个穴位一起施针。 This is the Bidong acupoint. The Bidong acupoint is connected to the two acupoints just now.
12:20不仅能定人,还能治养,专治那些啰嗦多动之人。 It can not only calm people down, but also nourish them, especially those who talk too much.
12:28怎么,霍公子想要说话吗? What? Does Mr. Huo want to talk?
12:32莫急,一个时辰之后,穴位自动便会解开。 Don't worry, the acupoint will be released in two hours.
12:38大家学会了吗? Did you all learn it?
12:40那就赶紧去练习吧。 Let's go practice.
12:42是,公主。 Yes, Your Highness.
12:46还不快去。 Let's go.
13:00方才你说我假公济私,公报私仇,这才是公报私仇。 Just now you said that I pretend to be a priest and avenge my personal grudge. This is avenging my personal grudge.
13:13哼。 Hum.
13:26方才那三个穴位,在下学会了。多谢穴谷主。 I have learned the three acupoints just now. Thank you, Master Xue.
13:33还好在下内力甚厚,早早破了穴,那咱们俩之间的仗是不是就一笔勾销了。 Fortunately, I broke the acupoint without you. Then the grudge between us will be cleared.
13:43怎么不说话了。 Why don't you speak?
13:46穴谷主果然大度啊。对了,你刚刚说这个穴位多久才能解来着。 Master Xue is really generous. By the way, you just said that how long will it take to solve this acupoint?
13:52得一个时辰呢。 It will take an hour.
13:57你的身子骨这么弱,面色又苍白的,就该晒晒太阳。 Your body is so weak, your face is pale. You should bask in the sun.
14:12我这毒刚解,身子也弱,就陪你晒会儿吧。 I just solved the acupoint, my body is weak, so I will bask in the sun with you.
14:43真舒服啊。真舒服啊。 You are so comfortable.
14:50以后也得多晒晒啊,穴谷主。 You should bask in the sun more in the future, Master Xue.
15:12你药物失败,药王罚你观日三个时辰才可离开。 You failed to solve the acupoint, the King of Medicine will punish you to observe the sun for three hours before you can leave.
15:33妙风阻止你完成药物是为什么呀?你会恨他吗? Why did Miao Feng stop you from finishing the medicine? Do you hate him?
15:53难受吗?你活该。 Do you feel bad? You deserve it.
16:03呵呵呵呵呵。 Hehehehe.
16:33我知道你身上蕴藏着强大的力量,但若不加以控制,你便会被他支配。 I know you have a strong power, but if you don't control it, you will be controlled by him.
16:53所以在你走出修柔场之前,我会教会你控制瞳术的功法,把眼睛闭上。 So before you leave, I will teach you how to control your eyes.
17:04明神定气,你能回想起什么? I can't remember anything.
17:14东,为了你好,我将你痛苦的那一部分记忆抹去了。 Dong, for your own good, I erased some of your painful memories.
17:21记住,你是被所有人遗弃的孩子,这份记忆对你来说毫无意义,不如忘记。 Remember, you were abandoned by everyone. This memory is meaningless to you. It's better to forget it.
17:39不,不,我不是被遗弃的人。 No, no, I wasn't abandoned.
17:46你是。 You were.
17:47我不是。 I wasn't.
17:48你为什么会被关在这暗无天日的牢房里? 你为什么会被关在这暗无天日的牢房里? 你为什么会被关在这暗无天日的牢房里?
17:52记住,记住这份愤怒。 记住,记住这份愤怒。
18:02你要学会控制这份恨意,用你的眼睛杀死所有遗弃你的人。 你要学会控制这份恨意,用你的眼睛杀死所有遗弃你的人。
18:49药王棋高一招,属下认输。 The King of Medicine, Qi Gao, lost.
18:58方,这些年来你一直同我下棋,棋艺却不见长进。 Feng, you've been playing chess with me all these years, but your chess skills haven't improved.
19:07是属下愚笨。 It's because I'm stupid.
19:11若是愚笨,怎会与我对弈几十回合? If you were stupid, how could you play with me for dozens of rounds?
19:16可若是聪慧,为何又是每每错在最后几步? But if you were smart, why did you always make mistakes in the last few rounds?
19:23除非…… Unless...
19:29你与那药石谷谷主薛子叶下棋,是否也让棋? You were playing chess with the owner of the Valley of Medicine, Xue Ziye. Did you also give up?
19:37驾王息怒 The King of Medicine, please calm down.
19:39我不是愤怒,我就是失望。 I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.
19:46你是我最信赖的孩子,我却从别人口中得知你出宫之后的事情。 You are the child I trust the most, but I heard about you after you left the palace from someone else.
19:55看来,你与我之间确实是生疏了。 It seems that you and I are really estranged.
19:59属下不敢,属下任凭责罚。 I wouldn't dare to do that. I'm willing to be punished.
20:03那就撤掉你这个月冰残之毒的解药吧。 Then just remove the antidote for your poison.
20:13也许只有这样,你才会知道谁才是你最重要的人。 Maybe only in this way will you know who is the most important person to you.
20:21谢教皇 Thank you, Your Majesty.
20:33谢教皇 Thanks, Your Majesty.
20:56是桑国的王族时刻,可怜的孩子。 As a prince of Sangu Kingdom.
20:59救我,救我! Save me!
21:00Poor child, you want me to save your life, then are you willing to go with me?
21:07If you are willing to give me everything you have, then I will give you everything.
21:13I will teach you martial arts.
21:16This method is called Mu Chunfeng.
21:18Combined with my Iron Horse Ice Box, it is called Yin and Yang.
21:21It is the strongest martial arts recorded in the ancient books of Kunlun.
21:24My Iron Horse Ice Box has the effect of being unbreakable and immortal.
21:27And Mu Chunfeng can dispel all the coldness in the world,
21:31and greatly increase one's martial arts.
21:33It can help my Iron Horse Ice Box,
21:35and can also make you the strongest secret martial arts.
21:38What makes me impatient is that those who practice this art
21:41require a warm and peaceful heart,
21:43without any emotional fluctuation.
21:45If you want to reincarnate,
21:47you have to endure thousands of miles of heartache every month.
21:52Miao Fengshi, how are you?
21:54Are you feeling better?
21:56I care about you so much.
21:58Come and take a look.
22:00The poison of the ice silkworm is acting up.
22:02It's like thousands of miles of heartache.
22:04It's so painful.
22:06You even have a smile on your face.
22:08It's really amazing.
22:11But Miao Fengshi,
22:13I'm so curious.
22:15Have you ever had any emotional fluctuation?
22:25If your chess friend,
22:28the doctor Xue Ziyan,
22:30knew that you killed so many people,
22:33and you were such a person,
22:35would he still play chess with you?
22:42Calm down, Miao Fengshi.
22:44As far as I know,
22:46those who practice Mu Chunfeng
22:48must have a calm mind like death.
22:51If there is a slight fluctuation,
22:52you will lose.
22:55Then you have to be careful, Miao Fengshi.
22:58Don't let Mu Chunfeng die like this.
23:04But I'm looking forward to
23:07seeing no smile on your face.
23:22I'm sorry.
23:52I'm sorry.
24:25what are you going to do so late?
24:27My silver hairpin is missing.
24:29Why is it missing?
24:31Maybe I lost it
24:33when I was fighting Wu Genshui this morning.
24:35Xue Huai gave me that hairpin.
24:38He has never left my body for so many years.
24:41I'll send someone to find it.
24:43No need.
24:45I can go by myself.
24:47Then I'll go with you.
24:49Master Xue,
24:50I'm here to say goodbye to you.
24:52I'm going to find the medicine tomorrow.
24:59Is she really angry?
25:09Master, let me do it.
25:20Let me do it.
25:50I'm sorry.
26:21Master, the candle is almost out.
26:24Why don't we go back today
26:26and look for it tomorrow?
26:35Oh, no.
26:36It's too urgent.
26:37I didn't bring a spare candle.
26:39What should I do?
26:41I don't know.
26:43I'll go with you.
26:45I'll go with you.
26:47I'll go with you.
26:48I'll go with you.
26:50I'll go with you.
26:55Let's go back first.
26:57We'll look for it tomorrow.
27:01Let's follow the moonlight
27:02and walk back.
27:05Master, no need.
27:06It's warmer this way.
27:20Master, look.
27:27That's great.
27:28Now we can see clearly.
27:32who put the lantern here?
27:40Let's go back.
27:50Let's go.
28:11I came to the Apothecary Valley
28:12and lost everything.
28:14Even the most powerful poison cicada
28:15was broken by my sister.
28:18But the book is in my sister's hand.
28:21I'm convinced.
28:23Are you going to develop
28:24a new poison when you go back?
28:26Of course.
28:27One day,
28:28I'll win it back.
28:35You don't have to send me down the mountain.
28:36We can meet here.
28:40I have something important
28:41that I can't leave.
28:42It's inconvenient to send you.
28:44I'll let Mr. Huo
28:46send you off.
28:51Are you willing to let Mr. Huo Qi send me off?
28:53Why not?
28:55Mr. Huo lives in my valley for nothing.
28:57He has to do something to pay the debt.
29:01he happens to go down the mountain
29:02to be on the same path as my sister.
29:04Why did I hear
29:05that someone is ruining my reputation?
29:07I will pay the debt
29:08in the future.
29:09Besides, I will send you off
29:10without your permission.
29:12I have to thank Master Jing
29:13for giving the book to me.
29:16Then I will respect you.
29:18I won't disobey you.
29:25You must take good care of yourself.
29:27Don't forget
29:28what I told you.
29:34By the way,
29:35you must remember
29:37what you promised me.
29:39Of course.
29:48Let's go.
30:09Master Jing.
30:13I haven't had time
30:14to apologize to you.
30:15I was rude last time.
30:17I have to thank you this time.
30:19If you Shiyue Sect
30:20need my help in the future,
30:21I will do my best to help you.
30:24You are welcome, Mr. Huo Qi.
30:28By the way,
30:29I haven't had time
30:30to tell you one more thing.
30:31I wasn't the only one
30:33who broke into the Holy Lake that day.
30:35There was another person
30:36who was very good at martial arts.
30:38I couldn't tell which sect he was from.
30:40He had a draw with me.
30:44That's normal.
30:45There are many people
30:46who are eager to steal the Holy Knowledge.
30:48After I stole the Holy Knowledge,
30:50that person was still chasing me.
30:52It seemed that he was determined to get the Holy Knowledge.
30:54Then he disappeared
30:55for no reason.
30:58If it weren't for this mechanism
30:59in the Apothecary Valley,
31:00no one could break in.
31:01I was worried that
31:02after you and I left,
31:03he would break into the valley
31:04to steal the Holy Knowledge.
31:07The Holy Knowledge has been used.
31:08Even if he comes to steal it now,
31:10it will be in vain.
31:16You said the Holy Knowledge has been used?
31:21Where is it used?
31:23Such a precious medicine
31:25is naturally used
31:26on my sister's lover.
31:54Didn't Young Master Huo Qi leave?
31:56Why did he go to the Cold Spring?
31:59Oh, no.
32:15Young Master Huo Qi
32:16Young Master Huo Qi
32:17Young Master Huo Qi
32:18Young Master Huo Qi
32:19Young Master Huo Qi
32:20Young Master Huo Qi
32:21Young Master Huo Qi
32:22Young Master Huo Qi
32:23Young Master Huo Qi
32:24Young Master Huo Qi
32:25Young Master Huo Qi
32:26Young Master Huo Qi
32:27Young Master Huo Qi
32:28Young Master Huo Qi
32:29Young Master Huo Qi
32:30Young Master Huo Qi
32:31Young Master Huo Qi
32:32Young Master Huo Qi
32:33Young Master Huo Qi
32:34Young Master Huo Qi
32:35Young Master Huo Qi
32:36Young Master Huo Qi
32:37Young Master Huo Qi
32:38Young Master Huo Qi
32:39Young Master Huo Qi
32:40Young Master Huo Qi
32:41Young Master Huo Qi
32:42Young Master Huo Qi
32:43Young Master Huo Qi
32:44Young Master Huo Qi
32:45Young Master Huo Qi
32:46Young Master Huo Qi
32:47Young Master Huo Qi
32:48Young Master Huo Qi
32:49Young Master Huo Qi
32:50Young Master Huo Qi
32:51Young Master Huo Qi
32:52Young Master Huo Qi
32:53Young Master Huo Qi
32:54Young Master Huo Qi
32:55Young Master Huo Qi
32:56Young Master Huo Qi
32:57Young Master Huo Qi
32:58Young Master Huo Qi
32:59Young Master Huo Qi
33:00Young Master Huo Qi
33:01Young Master Huo Qi
33:02Young Master Huo Qi
33:03Young Master Huo Qi
33:04Young Master Huo Qi
33:05Young Master Huo Qi
33:06Young Master Huo Qi
33:07Young Master Huo Qi
33:08Young Master Huo Qi
33:09Young Master Huo Qi
33:10Young Master Huo Qi
33:11Young Master Huo Qi
33:12Young Master Huo Qi
33:13Young Master Huo Qi
33:14Young Master Huo Qi
33:15Young Master Huo Qi
33:16Young Master Hui
33:17Young Masters
33:18Young Master Huo Qi
33:19Young Master Huo qui
33:37The destination iscode.
33:39Why did you
33:41trespass into this place?
33:43May I ask, Master Xue, where is the Seven-leaf Cluster that I've been looking for?
33:48Please leave this place immediately.
33:51I just want to ask Master Xue to take me to see the Seven-leaf Cluster.
33:53That way, all my problems can be solved.
33:55Seventh Young Master Huo, you trespassed into the forbidden area.
33:57It means that you are already suspicious of me.
33:59Since that's the case, why must I say more?
34:04Return the Sky-Returning Order tomorrow.
34:06I won't treat this illness anymore.
34:09Why didn't you tell me where the Seven-leaf Cluster is?
34:15Did you use the Seven-leaf Cluster to save this dying person?
34:23What did you say?
34:26I said...
34:27Shut up! Get out!
34:33Okay, I can leave, but you must answer my question.
34:37Get out!
35:07Get out!
35:38Didn't you leave already?
35:40This is a forbidden area. How dare you trespass?
35:49Master, what's wrong?
35:51I'm fine.
35:53I just want you to return the Seven-leaf Cluster, even if it's just a part of it.
35:57Please tell me where the Seven-leaf Cluster is.
36:02Then feed the dog.
36:05Drive this person out of the valley immediately.
36:12So you think that I used the Seven-leaf Cluster?
36:14I used the Seven-leaf Cluster to save Mo'er.
36:17But you used it to save His Majesty's dying person. How could I not be anxious?
36:20What did you say?
36:23I said...
36:24The Palace Master said that you must leave the valley immediately.
36:32Palace Master...
36:48What else do you want to do?
36:50You really don't know what's good for you.
36:52Miss Feng Li, what do you mean by this?
36:55You only have one Heavenly Order.
36:57This Heavenly Order is used to heal Mo'er's illness.
37:00You used the Seven-leaf Cluster to poison her.
37:02Our Palace Master didn't...
37:03Don't stop me!
37:05Our Palace Master didn't ask you for the Heavenly Order and 100,000 gold needles.
37:08He also cured your illness.
37:09Yet you treat him like this?
37:10Feng Li, stop talking.
37:11Why won't you say anything?
37:13Why didn't the Palace Master let him know where the Seven-leaf Cluster is used?
37:16We didn't steal it or rob it.
37:17He doesn't know, but he keeps suspecting others.
37:20Why should our Palace Master suffer this injustice?
37:22But the Seven-leaf Cluster is...
37:23Shut up!
37:24I'll take you to a place.
37:25Feng Li!
37:30Feng Li!
37:36The snow here is moist and the environment is special.
37:38It can preserve the vitality of the medicinal herbs.
37:40The Palace Master especially asked us to place the Seven-leaf Cluster here.
37:44Mo'er's medicine hasn't been collected yet.
37:46It can't be processed.
37:50Who used the missing piece of the Seven-leaf Cluster?
37:52Didn't the Palace Master say that he fed the dog with that piece?
37:56That day, you were poisoned by the poison of cicada sand.
37:58Your life was in danger.
37:59It's all thanks to our Palace Master.
38:05It's too late.
38:06Shuang Hong.
38:08Right now, only the Seven-leaf Cluster can cure this poison.
38:10Quickly go and get a leaf of the Seven-leaf Cluster.
38:12Apply it to the human body and boil it into medicine.
38:14But the Palace Master...
38:15Hurry and go.
38:16If the Palace Master doesn't tell you,
38:17he must be afraid that you'll feel guilty for using the medicine I gave Mo'er.
38:26I was too reckless.
38:28I even used that kind of tone towards her.
38:30Not only that,
38:31you kept reminding the Palace Master that Young Master Xue Huai was already dead.
38:34Isn't that stabbing someone in the heart?
38:36But that person was sealed in the ice. He was indeed already...
38:38That person...
38:40was indeed already dead.
38:42Why must you say it in front of him?
38:51I've long heard that there's a granny in the valley
38:53who used to follow the Valley Master of the Three Generations of Apothecary Valley.
38:55It must be you.
38:58Greetings, Granny.
39:02Do you think that the people around Ziye don't know about this matter?
39:07But have you ever thought about
39:09why no one has ever dared to say in front of him that the person sealed in the ice is already dead?
39:15That year,
39:17Ziye learned medicine just to save Young Master Xue Huai's life.
39:21He felt that as long as he was skilled enough in his medicine,
39:24he would be able to awaken Xue Huai in the ice.
39:27For so many years,
39:29he tried all kinds of methods.
39:31The danger in them
39:33was unimaginable.
39:36Why must you do this?
40:05Do you want to use your own body to feel the sensation of Xue Huai
40:08and test the medicine for him?
40:10This method...
40:12won't work, right?
40:14I'll go to the Library to investigate the medical books again.
40:16No need.
40:18Teacher, are you going to persuade me to give up again?
40:20I've already said that...
40:21I've already found a way to cure Xue Huai.
40:27Many years ago,
40:29when I was still young,
40:32many years ago, there was a magical tree on Mount Kunlun.
40:35This was the only dry branch left.
40:37Its soft teeth were the medicine to cure Xue Huai.
40:42It's just that
40:43I need you to personally collect the rootless water every day
40:46and water it,
40:48so that it can sprout.
40:51Thank you, Teacher.
40:56I just hope that you will discover the secret behind it soon.
40:59Discover the secret behind it soon?
41:19No wonder he collects the rootless water every day.
41:23It turns out that there are people who want to save
41:25but can't save
41:27but can't save.
41:29Ziyan should also know
41:31that Xue Huai can't be cured.
41:35he doesn't want to face it himself,
41:37so why does he need someone else
41:39to enlighten him?
41:43I'll apologize to Chief Xue now.
41:45Young Master Huo Qi,
41:49you should go back first.
41:53I did misunderstand him.
41:54I should apologize to him.
41:55What's the use of apologizing?
41:57You should leave the valley
41:58and return the Apothecary Valley to me.
42:01That's right.
42:02Young Master Huo Qi,
42:03you should go and look for the second medicine.
42:04When you come back,
42:05Chief will be relieved.
42:06That's right.
42:07Chief is angry now.
42:08If you go to him now,
42:09won't he be fine?
42:11Do you have to let Chief see you again
42:12and be angry again?
42:13Feng Lyu.
42:14He is in a critical condition.
42:16In order to save a person
42:17who can't be saved at all,
42:19he is willing to suffer from frostbite.
42:22In the eyes of outsiders,
42:24this kind of persistence and waiting
42:26may be a kind of torture.
42:29The guardian
42:30is looking forward to Xue Huai's awakening.
42:34he doesn't know
42:35how to face it himself.
42:36He doesn't know
42:37how to face it himself.
42:38He doesn't know
42:39how to face it himself.
42:40He doesn't know
42:41how to face it himself.
42:42In the future,
42:44maybe this is the hope
42:47and belief in my heart.
43:09Chief Xue.
43:10What are you looking for?
43:11What else do you want to do?
43:13Since I can't apologize in person,
43:15why don't I do something for her
43:17as an apology?
43:41Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
44:11Farewell in the original wilderness
44:17Only with blood and sweat can it be completed
44:23Life is like a fire
44:26Blood is like me
44:29Nothing but brilliance
44:34Lost cause, lost country, lost world
44:36Lost wish, lost fate, entangled
44:40The past life is like a dream, I can't see it in this life
44:43I shouldn't be alone
44:46How many battles in the palace?
44:49How many snowfalls?
44:52The past life is like the night
44:58Life is like a fire
45:00Blood is like me
45:02Nothing but brilliance
45:04Little by little, year after year
45:07The past life is like a movie
45:10Sadness, sadness, life is like a dream
45:16Looking back, the past life is like a dream
45:21Nothing but brilliance
45:37Looking back, the past life is like a dream
45:45Looking back, the past life is like a dream
