The Pastor_s Daughters _ Full Drama Movie

  • 2 days ago
The Pastor_s Daughters _ Full Drama Movie
00:00:00Copy that, I'm on my way out.
00:00:25Oh God, Sierra, you made it, thank God.
00:00:47How was your flight?
00:00:50It was okay, but what's going on here, man?
00:00:53What happened to Daddy, where's Mom?
00:00:55We don't know, they're monitoring him.
00:00:57They said it was a massive heart attack.
00:00:59Try to stay calm.
00:01:00Oh, I can't, that's my Daddy.
00:01:03I gotta go see him.
00:01:04Sierra, try to keep it together.
00:01:06We don't want to upset these people.
00:01:07They are taking care of Daddy.
00:01:09Okay, you're right, you're right, you're right.
00:01:11Oh, you're right.
00:01:14I'm texting Mom now to let her know that you're here.
00:01:17She'll come out so you can go in.
00:01:19I know they said no cell phones, but she'll be checking her phone.
00:01:23Oh, why is this happening?
00:01:26I wish I had the answer to that.
00:01:28You want some coffee?
00:01:29No, I don't want no coffee.
00:01:30I want to see my Dad.
00:01:32He could be in there dying.
00:01:34Don't speak that on him.
00:01:35You watch your little mouth.
00:01:39Don't start with me right now, please.
00:01:41Every time with you is drama.
00:01:43This is not the time for you to be a hall monitor.
00:01:46Listen, little missy, while you were out there in this world with your little fast friends in the streets, I was here.
00:01:50I was here helping Daddy with the church, doing the right thing.
00:01:53You, on the other hand, were out there partying and rebelling.
00:01:56Mom, I thought that you were stuck in the house being little Miss Perfect, Daddy's little pet.
00:02:00Oh, Daddy's little pet?
00:02:02Yeah, man, I had to find myself.
00:02:04Oh, yeah, you found yourself and a few dozen men along the way.
00:02:08I have been here with Daddy, helping him doing the right thing.
00:02:11I have been steadfast in his word.
00:02:14And I am making spiritual progress.
00:02:16You're making spiritual excuses.
00:02:18Let me text Mama myself.
00:02:20I don't want to sit here.
00:02:22Suit yourself.
00:02:29Oh, my God.
00:02:31He got so many tools in him.
00:02:33I can't watch.
00:02:34What are they saying?
00:02:36Well, they're still running tests right now.
00:02:38They just need to see how bad the damage is.
00:02:41I just can't say right now.
00:02:43All this technology in the world, they still can't say?
00:02:45That is unacceptable.
00:02:47Cheryl, please, stop trying to control everything and everyone.
00:02:50It's in the Lord's hands now.
00:02:56Tiara, fine time for you to show up.
00:03:00Good to see you, Jesus.
00:03:02No, you had Daddy worrying all these nights while you were out there in the streets.
00:03:06He didn't even know where you were or who you were with.
00:03:09He was just so prepared for you.
00:03:11Daddy knew I was fine.
00:03:13Look, you could have at least called.
00:03:15I mean, you worried him half to death.
00:03:17He was worried, staying up late.
00:03:19I wonder if he was going to get a horrible call in the middle of the night.
00:03:22Why am I being attacked?
00:03:24I'm just here to see my Daddy, and y'all won't stop.
00:03:28Now, look, I'm sorry, okay?
00:03:30I know I came off just a little strong, but come on now.
00:03:32You know we just worry about you.
00:03:34I don't want anybody to worry about me.
00:03:36I actually take care of myself.
00:03:38You take care of yourself and all the men in the streets, too.
00:03:42You know what? You are so judgmental.
00:03:44You need to repent.
00:03:46Somebody has to tell you, it might as well be me.
00:03:49What? I'm just stating facts.
00:03:51Here you go again.
00:03:53You know what? I'm out. I'm gone.
00:03:56I can't stand to be here ever again.
00:03:57Tiara, the girl needs to hear the truth.
00:03:59You know what? You are just a no-good, malicious hermit.
00:04:02You're just a sideline commentator trying to be in everybody's business
00:04:06because you don't have any business of your own.
00:04:08You need to start worrying about what I need to do,
00:04:10and you need to start paying attention to what's going on in your own house.
00:04:14What? Excuse me?
00:04:16Yeah, I said it.
00:04:17You think I don't have eyes?
00:04:19You think I don't have ears?
00:04:21I was raised by the same woman as you, and I ain't no fool.
00:04:24But he is a good man.
00:04:27You seem to worry about yourself and don't worry about what's going on with us.
00:04:30Yeah, really?
00:04:32Looks like we have another person involved in this little equation.
00:04:35You are so cold.
00:04:37You need to learn how to start standing up for yourself
00:04:39instead of letting some no-good man treat you like a floor mat.
00:04:43You know what? Look, I've had enough of this.
00:04:45I'm going to go take a walk.
00:04:47Yeah, go ahead and run away from your problems and see if they don't follow you.
00:04:50You people are weak. You have no backbone.
00:04:53You stand for nothing.
00:04:55I speak the truth.
00:05:00Okay, man, as soon as I heard the news, baby.
00:05:05How's he doing?
00:05:06They're monitoring him now. We still don't know.
00:05:09Well, can we at least go and see him?
00:05:11Well, you can go in with Tashira and Tierra guns out.
00:05:14He's saying only two at a time.
00:05:20Are you sure it was a heart attack?
00:05:22I mean, me, that man, and my pops, we just went hunting last month in Oxford.
00:05:26I mean, he was healthy as a horse.
00:05:28This man picks up a log the size of northeast Dallas in those attempt, but...
00:05:32I know, but they say it was two blocked arteries.
00:05:37Hell, my daddy got four, and he at the strip club right now, making it rain.
00:05:44I do not need a visual on that.
00:05:46I just see that man do some things with those old young 20-somethings, let me tell you.
00:05:51A social security check goes a long way on a college campus.
00:05:54Like I said, I do not want a visual.
00:05:59Look, you know what? I've heard all the stories about your father.
00:06:02I mean, my dad has told me everything.
00:06:05But there's one thing that sticks out.
00:06:07Your daddy wasn't always a pastor, you know.
00:06:11Him and my dad, I mean, they got into some stuff way back then.
00:06:14Oh, God, yes, I've heard.
00:06:15I mean, from selling drugs to running numbers.
00:06:18I mean, they pretty much did anything for a fast buck.
00:06:21Which is how your daddy got his nickname.
00:06:23Fast buck?
00:06:24I've heard, I've heard a hundred times.
00:06:26No, wait, that's a hundred and one.
00:06:31But God sure did come down that last time they got caught.
00:06:34I mean, your dad was facing some serious time.
00:06:37Showed him favor with that judge.
00:06:40And ever since then, your daddy vowed to serve the Lord for the rest of his life.
00:06:45Yes, I bet he did.
00:06:48He sure did.
00:06:49And God blessed him.
00:06:50Blessed him with a beautiful wife.
00:06:52Blessed him with a TV ministry.
00:06:55A huge congregation.
00:06:58And three beautiful daughters.
00:07:02Well, one beautiful daughter and two slightly above average daughters.
00:07:12You know, my dad, he wasn't like that.
00:07:15I mean, my dad was more of a street cat.
00:07:18And he didn't have no time to listen to no God.
00:07:22But then that day, he gets shot in the back.
00:07:27Doctors telling him that he's never going to walk again.
00:07:30And then your daddy actually advised him, do not make that drop in Texas.
00:07:35It's too dangerous.
00:07:37Did he listen?
00:07:39Eighteen days.
00:07:42Eighteen days he lay up in the hospital bed.
00:07:45Can't move his legs.
00:07:47Your daddy walks him to the hospital room.
00:07:50I remember it like it was yesterday.
00:07:51I was sitting right there.
00:07:52Came in there with his Bible.
00:07:54Speaking with authority.
00:07:58Rise up and walk, you child of God.
00:08:01So he gets up.
00:08:04It was a miracle.
00:08:07Changed his life.
00:08:09And from that point on, he was a believer.
00:08:11I was a believer.
00:08:13Oh, God.
00:08:15Oh, man.
00:08:16You know, hey, give a look, girl.
00:08:17This is time to celebrate.
00:08:18Come on, girl.
00:08:19Oh, we haven't seen you in so long.
00:08:28I mean, ever since you was wearing the high school uniform.
00:08:30Girl, where you been?
00:08:32I've been around.
00:08:33Around the block.
00:08:36Let me tell you something, girl.
00:08:38You know what?
00:08:39You know that your father wasn't always a pastor, you know?
00:08:41I think I heard this before.
00:08:44You didn't hear this story?
00:08:46I can't believe this is happening to Daddy.
00:08:50Listen, Daddy's a fighter.
00:08:52I know everything will be okay.
00:08:54No, but it's so hard.
00:08:57Listen, look.
00:08:59Remember when we were little kids and we were about seven.
00:09:04You were a little older.
00:09:05Actually, you were a lot older.
00:09:08Anyway, Tierra was just a baby.
00:09:12And remember we took a road trip down to North Carolina?
00:09:15Oh, I remember, yeah.
00:09:18We drove in Dad's old beat up Volkswagen Bug.
00:09:22Remember that?
00:09:23How could I forget?
00:09:24You could see the smoke coming before you even saw the car.
00:09:27I know.
00:09:28You know how bad I got teased at school for that old hoopty?
00:09:31Well, it broke down and Dad got out and he tried to fix it for hours.
00:09:36It was so hot out there.
00:09:38Oh, my God, it was so hot.
00:09:40Ever since then, I've been two shades darker.
00:09:42Girl, we the same color.
00:09:46Anyway, he got out and he finally screamed,
00:09:50My God is bigger than this problem.
00:09:53Then he kicked that old bug and that son of a gun actually started up.
00:09:57Remember that?
00:09:59Yeah, I mean, it's just like it was a miracle.
00:10:03I'll never forget what he said.
00:10:06He said,
00:10:09Don't talk to God about how big your problems are.
00:10:14Talk to your problems about how big your God is.
00:10:21So let's have some faith, okay?
00:10:24Yeah, you're right.
00:10:26But you know I'm still mad at you, right?
00:10:29But life and death are in the power of the tongue.
00:10:31And baby, no, your tongue is deadly, okay?
00:10:34The truth shall set you free.
00:10:36Whatever, Cheryl.
00:10:38Look, I'm going to go check on Daddy.
00:10:39You coming?
00:10:40No, I'm going to let everybody else go since they said two at a time.
00:10:44You go ahead.
00:10:53Hey, Cheryl, I came as soon as I got the text.
00:10:56Where is he?
00:10:58And where's Tashir?
00:11:00They're saying only two at a time, and he's not doing too good.
00:11:03But you know all about that, huh, Gordon?
00:11:05Not doing too good.
00:11:06Being as though that's how you treat my sister.
00:11:09Excuse me?
00:11:11Look, I came to check on my father-in-law.
00:11:13Not to be attacked by you.
00:11:15Oh, I haven't attacked you yet, trust me.
00:11:17Now she's not going to be able to hold me back much longer.
00:11:20Look, you need to stay in your lane.
00:11:22No, you need to stay out of those skirts that don't belong to your wife.
00:11:25Don't say it.
00:11:31No need to spread nasty rumors, especially if they're not true.
00:11:35And I would appreciate it if you do not perpetuate nasty gossip.
00:11:41And by the way, that is a sin, Mother Teresa.
00:11:46Take the log out of your own eye, says the word.
00:11:49Adultery is a sin that God hates, and you are playing around with fire.
00:11:54Not spiritually, but physically.
00:12:00You don't want me to introduce you to 357 Magnum Lane, do you?
00:12:05You know, you're a crazy little bitch.
00:12:07Hey, Gordon.
00:12:08Man, so good to see you.
00:12:10Man, I got over here quick as I could.
00:12:11Yeah, it's good seeing you, man.
00:12:12Where you from?
00:12:13No, no, no, man.
00:12:14I was at the, I had a board meeting.
00:12:16This late?
00:12:18Man, you guys are working pretty late over there at the firm, huh?
00:12:20Yeah, a big personal injury.
00:12:23Personal injury, my behind.
00:12:25Looks like I'm going to go take me another coffee break.
00:12:27You know what? I'm pretty thirsty myself.
00:12:29How do you take it?
00:12:30Two sugars, cream.
00:12:32Done deal.
00:12:38I know you've got some secrets under that little chastity belt that you need to go to the hotel.
00:12:43What are you talking about?
00:12:45Time will tell.
00:12:54Is Mr. Campbell okay? Gordon texted me and said there was an emergency.
00:12:58Where's Gordon?
00:13:00You know, you've got some nerve showing your face up in here.
00:13:05You are not a part of this family.
00:13:07Look, Ms. Lane, I'm here to support Gordon and Gordon only.
00:13:11I can care less about what you think about me.
00:13:13You shouldn't care about what I think about you.
00:13:16You shouldn't be worried about what God says.
00:13:18You know, what's done in the dark will come to light.
00:13:23I'm so sick and tired of hearing what people have to say.
00:13:27Evil doers didn't hear the word and they perished.
00:13:31I'm not going to stand here and let you start cursing me.
00:13:34Just tell Gordon I came by.
00:13:36Good idea. Can't wait to see him.
00:13:39I'm going to go get my coffee.
00:13:41I'm going to go get my coffee.
00:13:43I'm going to go get my coffee.
00:13:45Just tell Gordon I came by.
00:13:47Good idea. Can't believe he even thought of it.
00:13:50I hope that your father gets it in.
00:13:55And I hope that your soul gets right.
00:13:58God will take care of my daddy.
00:14:00He don't need you bringing that curse up in here.
00:14:05I just stopped by to check on your father.
00:14:07Gordon texted me.
00:14:08He texted you, huh?
00:14:10Yeah, you know, with our work phones.
00:14:12Oh, work phones, huh?
00:14:13So how is it working with my husband?
00:14:16He's an excellent boss.
00:14:18He's wonderful.
00:14:20Oh, he's wonderful, huh?
00:14:22Yeah, he's very productive and knows exactly what he wants to get done.
00:14:26Very precise.
00:14:28So, you guys have been productive together?
00:14:32Yes, we have.
00:14:36Please tell your husband that I stopped by.
00:14:39He told me to call him.
00:14:42Tashira, please give me the word.
00:14:45I will stomp her.
00:14:48She says they're productive together.
00:14:51Please, Tashira, just give me the word.
00:14:54I mean, she just doesn't know.
00:14:55I will reach down and I will smite her for her iniquities.
00:15:03I can't take this, Lord.
00:15:06Come sit down, Mom.
00:15:08Stay strong. God will see us through.
00:15:10My husband is all I have.
00:15:14No, Mama, you got us.
00:15:17You still got us.
00:15:20He's such a good man.
00:15:22He's a good husband.
00:15:24He's a good father.
00:15:25He's a good leader.
00:15:26I just, I can't believe it.
00:15:28God will take him now.
00:15:31Thomas, thank you so much for coming.
00:15:34This is so hard.
00:15:36I see that man making through some things.
00:15:44Good to have you here with your family.
00:15:48Yes, ma'am.
00:15:55Hey, baby.
00:15:57Oh, my baby, my baby.
00:15:59Oh, God, thank you so much.
00:16:01Oh, God, that's a prayer.
00:16:04I just don't know how much it means to have all of my family home.
00:16:09We are going to see you through it.
00:16:15Baby, you look so skinny.
00:16:18Oh, my God, have you been eating?
00:16:20Yes, just pilates.
00:16:24Pilates is my behind.
00:16:25You need to be eating some pulled chives.
00:16:27That's good.
00:16:28Oh, my God.
00:16:30You need to be eating some pulled chives.
00:16:32That's good.
00:16:33I'm never, ever eating that.
00:16:35She's already been getting a lot of sausages out there.
00:16:40I call a spade a spade.
00:16:41I call a big mouth a big mouth.
00:16:42Now, shut it.
00:16:43You girls know I did not raise you to fight like this.
00:16:50Hey, don't make me have to tell you.
00:16:53Yes, ma'am.
00:16:56You need to cherish your assistant.
00:17:07Now, you just do your best to hold it together.
00:17:10We're going to use our faith to get us through this.
00:17:17Amen, Mama.
00:17:21Don't you apologize?
00:17:23Don't you apologize?
00:17:24But, Mama, she had it coming.
00:17:29The word says go to your brother.
00:17:32I'm going.
00:17:33You better.
00:17:37That woman is like a firecracker.
00:17:38Thomas, what are you looking at?
00:17:42You're a little old for firecrackers, aren't you?
00:17:45Anyway, I'm going to grab me a cup of coffee.
00:17:48Anybody want some, Gordon?
00:17:51All right.
00:17:56Lord, let me go check on my husband.
00:17:59These girls are going to give me another heart attack.
00:18:03Lord, please do not take this aggravating man out of my life.
00:18:06Please, God, do not take him out of my life.
00:18:15Every time, every time I come home, it's drama with her.
00:18:18And my mom repeats everything she says.
00:18:20Dude, I'm crying.
00:18:22I know.
00:18:23I mean, I just hate that every time we get together that we have to meet up like this.
00:18:27That's why I'm crying.
00:18:29Lord, Lord, have mercy.
00:18:32They're trying to take my brother from me.
00:18:34Lord, help me.
00:18:36Lord, I'm not their mother.
00:18:38Oh, put me up.
00:18:39You see my leg getting weak.
00:18:40Oh, Lord.
00:18:45Oh, they're trying to take my brother.
00:18:50Child, I was in that line at the Wally World.
00:18:55About to get my last minute shopping for my Christmas dinner.
00:18:59I got the call.
00:19:02I was in the line.
00:19:04They said 10 ounces or less, but I had 15.
00:19:07But everybody know meat and milk don't count.
00:19:09Because everybody need meat and milk.
00:19:11They was just going to have to understand that.
00:19:14I was about to swipe my food stamp card with not mine, but my nephew's.
00:19:18Because I maxed mine out.
00:19:19And I sold a few last month.
00:19:22But at any rate, as soon as I got the call, I rushed right on over here, child.
00:19:29I left that bucket right there.
00:19:31Even though them Tombstone pizzas was on sale for $10.
00:19:34Oh, Lord.
00:19:35Yes, Lord.
00:19:36And you know I had four minutes to go.
00:19:38My brother and I left them Tombstone pizzas.
00:19:40But nonetheless, Lord.
00:19:42I'm here.
00:19:43Oh, I got to take care of my brother.
00:19:46Oh, y'all help me.
00:19:48Baby, thank you.
00:19:50Oh, Lord.
00:19:51I said, thank you.
00:19:54Oh, thank you.
00:20:00Where's Thomas?
00:20:03Thomas is here.
00:20:05Thomas is?
00:20:06And he's big and strong.
00:20:08He's got a big belly.
00:20:09Oh, wow.
00:20:11Child, I remember when you was first born.
00:20:14Oh, Lord.
00:20:15We thought you weren't going to never be able to get no man.
00:20:17Not with that big old snout that you had.
00:20:19Looking like a toucan from the ghetto.
00:20:22Imported from the Caribbean.
00:20:24A freak of nature.
00:20:25That's what you was.
00:20:26Yes, you was.
00:20:27A little big old self.
00:20:28Honey, relatives used to come from everywhere just to look at that nose.
00:20:33They didn't even believe it was real.
00:20:35Well, I told your mama she needs to stop doing that.
00:20:39She wouldn't listen.
00:20:42But I tell you one thing, though.
00:20:44That's how your mama paid for your college.
00:20:48My little big nose, niece.
00:20:50Me honor of Sabrina Norris.
00:20:54Yes, Lord.
00:20:55Your little big nose.
00:20:56But thank the Lord we shaped your nose.
00:20:59We shaped it.
00:21:00And you grew into it.
00:21:01See, that's what black folk do.
00:21:03We shape your nose, baby.
00:21:04We shape you.
00:21:05Oh, we grew into it.
00:21:07I love you.
00:21:08I love you, too.
00:21:13Hey, Patrice.
00:21:14How you been?
00:21:16Don't you Patrice me, Little Thomas.
00:21:18The last time I seen you, I was looking at the taillights of your Cadillac.
00:21:22What did you expect me to do?
00:21:24I expected you to be like your daddy and have my back.
00:21:28Look, no disrespect, y'all.
00:21:30But your aunt is crazy.
00:21:32Okay, look.
00:21:33She called me the other week and tells me, hey, let's go out and have a drink.
00:21:36Okay, fine.
00:21:37This fool takes me to...
00:21:39You better watch your mouth.
00:21:40It's Auntie Patty, boo-boo.
00:21:41All right.
00:21:42Auntie Patty takes me to O-Bar.
00:21:44Y'all know the Jackson Street?
00:21:45What you doing at O-Bar?
00:21:46I go there.
00:21:47What are y'all doing here?
00:21:49Okay, we get there.
00:21:50She picks up two college students, all right?
00:21:52She picks up two college students.
00:21:53They decide to have a drinking contest, right?
00:21:56Poor college students get hauled off in an ambulance.
00:21:59She's steady drinking.
00:22:00They could hang with Auntie Patty.
00:22:02That sounds like Auntie Patty.
00:22:04Then she takes my keys, hops in my car because she wants to go to Old Creek Mills Bar, right?
00:22:10We're headed down I-10 going 110 miles an hour.
00:22:14I'm screaming.
00:22:15I'm screaming, screaming for my life, right?
00:22:17I'm crying for my grandma.
00:22:19A grown man sitting there crying for my grandma.
00:22:22When we finally get there, we run into Hell's Backyard Angels, right?
00:22:26Vroom, vroom, vroom.
00:22:28And guess what Aunt Patty wants to do?
00:22:31She wants to drink and she wants to gamble.
00:22:34I'm like, what are you doing?
00:22:36Then she gets into a fight with all the biker girls.
00:22:38I mean, I'm just so horrified.
00:22:40I'm like, what's going on?
00:22:42That was cheap.
00:22:44Them dice was loaded, loaded.
00:22:46You hear what I'm saying?
00:22:47The dice was loaded.
00:22:48But I bet your Aunt Patty dealt with them busters.
00:22:51Okay, but then what happened?
00:22:53Look, I am just horrified, scared to my life.
00:22:57I'm sitting there getting beat the hell up.
00:22:59I tell Aunt Patty, let's run.
00:23:01But she refuses to.
00:23:04Patrice Wilkins don't run for nobody.
00:23:06I'm Patrice Wilkins.
00:23:07You know your Aunt Patty don't run for nobody?
00:23:11I'm like, oh my God.
00:23:13Anyway, I'm just, look, you know what?
00:23:16I'm scared and I'm just horrified.
00:23:18I'm scared.
00:23:20I need to go call myself.
00:23:21I need to call my grandma.
00:23:22And I need to go home.
00:23:25I forgive you, little Thomas.
00:23:28It ain't your fault.
00:23:31You ain't nothing like your dad.
00:23:33I should have known you weren't about that life.
00:23:36I need to call my grandma.
00:23:38Tell her I got PTSD.
00:23:40Oh, excuse me.
00:23:42What did you mean?
00:23:44Come on, get it right.
00:23:45I'm glad to see you relaxed enough, Patty.
00:23:50Excuse me?
00:23:53You say you scared to see I'm relaxing.
00:23:57No, ma'am.
00:23:58Aunt Patty relaxing?
00:23:59No, ma'am.
00:24:00That's what I'm doing, relaxing.
00:24:03Don't play with me, little girl,
00:24:04because I will knock the spit out of your saliva
00:24:08if you ever play with me.
00:24:10Yes, ma'am.
00:24:11You know what I'm saying?
00:24:12Now, the reason why I'm relaxing,
00:24:14you want to know the reason why I'm relaxing?
00:24:18I say, do you, too, want to know the reason why I'm relaxing?
00:24:24Well, I'm going to tell you.
00:24:26I'm relaxing because I bled the blood of Jesus
00:24:30over my brother all the way over here
00:24:33as I was riding in my car.
00:24:35You understand what I'm saying?
00:24:37I'm relaxing because my head can hit the pillar
00:24:41knowing the fact that my God is able.
00:24:45He is a provider, and he is a healer,
00:24:48and his will be done, whether it's what we want
00:24:52or what he wants, because his will is always perfect.
00:24:56And Jesus, the Lamb of God, will heal.
00:25:01He will heal my brother,
00:25:04but if he decides that he wants to take his faithful servant
00:25:08on up into heaven with him,
00:25:10you know what he gonna do?
00:25:13I say, do you know what he gonna do?
00:25:18I've been waiting on you.
00:25:20I've been waiting on you.
00:25:22I've been waiting on you.
00:25:25I've been waiting until the Lamb of God.
00:25:29Well, he gonna say, welcome.
00:25:32Welcome, my faithful servant.
00:25:34Come to the life that you always desire to live.
00:25:38Sit on the right hand of the Father
00:25:40and the left hand of the Son
00:25:42and the Holy of the Holy,
00:25:44because we've been waiting on you.
00:25:46We've been waiting on you, Pastor.
00:25:48We've been waiting on you.
00:25:52Muy gracias.
00:25:53Y usted.
00:25:54Muy gracias.
00:25:55Y usted.
00:25:56Muy gracias.
00:25:58Y usted.
00:26:19How'd you not get the nurse?
00:26:20How'd you not get the nurse?
00:26:21How'd you not get the nurse?
00:26:23She was supposed to be here.
00:26:25I need everybody back there.
00:26:27I need everyone back there.
00:26:29I wanna see her!
00:26:30Cheryl, get back, please!
00:26:32Cheryl, Cheryl, calm down.
00:26:34Give her air.
00:26:36Cheryl, wake up.
00:26:38I was just giving you a hard time.
00:26:40I need you back there.
00:26:42Mama, what's wrong with her?
00:26:44Back up, everybody. Back up.
00:26:46Please, everybody. Cheryl, calm down.
00:26:48Take him in the waiting room, please.
00:26:50Now, please.
00:26:52Cheryl, get up. Come on.
00:26:54Help her, help her.
00:26:56Help her, help her.
00:27:00She's not dead. She's not dead.
00:27:02She was in the hospital for three months.
00:27:04She almost lost her kidneys.
00:27:06Don't worry, ma'am. We're going to take care of you, okay?
00:27:08Oh, no, you're not eating.
00:27:18Battle B!
00:27:20What up, homie?
00:27:22I rocked with you!
00:27:24Battle Street, baby!
00:27:26Daddy sent you.
00:27:30What? You don't recognize your fam?
00:27:32Where's Tierra?
00:27:34Don't look at me.
00:27:36Let me get my autograph.
00:27:38I don't listen to rap. Do you know Jesus?
00:27:40Battle B!
00:27:48Don't let me find out she no groupie.
00:27:50Mr. B.
00:27:52Battle B.
00:27:54Let's get to work here.
00:27:58Watch your back, fool!
00:28:00Southside representin'!
00:28:04Sit your church behind down.
00:28:14If there's anything that I can do,
00:28:16I mean, anything,
00:28:18please let me know.
00:28:20As a matter of fact,
00:28:22Little Thomas, there is something.
00:28:26You know you are like a son to me, right?
00:28:30Stop doing what you're doing.
00:28:52What are you doing here?
00:28:54I thought you had a show.
00:28:56The hospital called me
00:28:58and told me you passed out.
00:29:00So I'm here.
00:29:02They already paid you.
00:29:04What are you doing here?
00:29:06Don't worry about that.
00:29:08I'm here for you.
00:29:10I'm here for you.
00:29:12I'm here for you.
00:29:14I'm here for you.
00:29:16I'm here for you.
00:29:18I'm here for you.
00:29:20I'm here for you.
00:29:22Don't worry about that.
00:29:24I don't need to breathe right now.
00:29:26You're so sweet.
00:29:30I'm fine.
00:29:32I just had another episode.
00:29:34I haven't been taking my shots.
00:29:36You haven't been taking your shots?
00:29:40You want to die or something?
00:29:44It's just been so stressful
00:29:46with everything going on.
00:29:48I didn't want anybody to see me.
00:29:50I don't want them to know.
00:29:52I don't want them to stress more.
00:29:54I'm fine.
00:29:56You didn't have to come.
00:29:58But thank you.
00:30:00I love you.
00:30:02I love you more.
00:30:12Wait a minute.
00:30:14I need you to go back to the car.
00:30:18Her father's outside.
00:30:20Her family's outside.
00:30:22I need you to go back inside.
00:30:24We can't do this right now.
00:30:26It's not the time or place.
00:30:28But they know I work for you.
00:30:30That's the problem.
00:30:32It's not the time or place.
00:30:34Just come on.
00:30:36Miss Elizabeth?
00:30:38Miss Elizabeth?
00:30:42Come on now.
00:30:44Don't cry.
00:30:46Come on, Miss Elizabeth.
00:30:48All those years I put up with him.
00:30:50It's just not fair.
00:30:52Come on now.
00:30:54It's going to be okay.
00:30:56You just never know
00:30:58when you're going to realize
00:31:00what you've done.
00:31:02It's not fair.
00:31:04You just never know
00:31:06when you're going to run out of time.
00:31:08You've got to appreciate what you have now.
00:31:18And you'll do anything
00:31:20just for more time.
00:31:30You know what?
00:31:32I haven't done right myself,
00:31:34Miss Elizabeth.
00:31:38I know, son.
00:31:40I know.
00:31:42But you've got time.
00:31:44You've got time.
00:31:50You are the captain
00:31:52of your household.
00:31:54God entrusted your house
00:31:56to you to lead it.
00:31:58So you take it back.
00:32:00You get control, son.
00:32:02You get control.
00:32:04Yes, ma'am.
00:32:08I'm just staying.
00:32:12I see you're not wearing a ring I bought you.
00:32:26Don't touch me.
00:32:30Peace off.
00:32:32Take it.
00:32:40Come here.
00:32:42Don't move.
00:32:54There's no easy way to say this.
00:32:56So I'm going to just come out
00:32:58and say it.
00:33:00I let you down.
00:33:02And I'm sorry.
00:33:10So that's it?
00:33:14You just think it's that easy?
00:33:16I hurt you?
00:33:18Oh, by the way, I'm sorry?
00:33:20I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:33:28But you did.
00:33:30I mean,
00:33:32once again.
00:33:34You have the knack,
00:33:36the talent,
00:33:38the gift to hurt
00:33:40the people closest to you.
00:33:44I mean,
00:33:46I've been a good wife to you.
00:33:48I don't deserve this.
00:33:56You know, I pack my things and I'll be gone in the morning
00:33:58if that's what you want.
00:34:02Just you.
00:34:04Look at me.
00:34:06Look at me, baby.
00:34:08Hey, look at me.
00:34:10I love you.
00:34:12And I will do whatever it takes
00:34:14to make it work again.
00:34:16I wouldn't have done it.
00:34:18I was a fool.
00:34:22Just don't touch me.
00:34:24Get away from me.
00:34:26I just need time to think about this.
00:34:30I've been a good wife to you.
00:34:32I've held you down
00:34:34through thick and thin.
00:34:36I mean, this is not even about her.
00:34:38It's about you
00:34:40and your selfish self.
00:34:48You still here?
00:34:54I'm sorry.
00:35:18Hello, I'm Dr. Turner
00:35:20and I came to give you an update
00:35:22on Clarence's condition.
00:35:26Her test results show
00:35:28that her insulin levels
00:35:30are normal.
00:35:32They are back to normal.
00:35:34Yes, everything's fine. She will be okay.
00:35:36And I can't release her to you all
00:35:38but someone
00:35:40has to make sure that she takes her insulin.
00:35:42It's imperative
00:35:44that she takes her medicine every day.
00:35:46We'll see to it that she takes it.
00:35:50You are aware that she does have diabetes?
00:35:54Some of you look like
00:35:56you didn't know that she had.
00:35:58We didn't.
00:36:00She does have type 2 diabetes.
00:36:02I didn't even know she had diabetes.
00:36:06I was told not to say anything.
00:36:08By who?
00:36:10The wife that you don't sleep with?
00:36:16I knew, doctor.
00:36:18She does have type 2 diabetes.
00:36:20She's had it for quite a while.
00:36:22She gets it from me, sweetie.
00:36:24The good thing is that she will
00:36:26be okay as long as she takes her medicine.
00:36:28She knows how serious this is?
00:36:30Yes, and
00:36:32diabetic episodes like these
00:36:34are very dangerous.
00:36:36She could go into a coma,
00:36:38a diabetic coma,
00:36:40so the stress...
00:36:42Yes, the stress that's going on
00:36:44with your father right now
00:36:46can activate something like that.
00:36:48It's so important that she takes her medicine.
00:36:50Just know that she's going to be okay.
00:36:52Put all your focus
00:36:54and your prayers on the pastor.
00:36:56Thank you, doctor.
00:36:58You're so welcome.
00:37:00Take care.
00:37:02She should have told us.
00:37:04She needs to get her life together
00:37:06and start taking care of herself.
00:37:08She didn't want you all to worry.
00:37:10She didn't want us to worry
00:37:12or you didn't want us to worry?
00:37:14She didn't want you all to worry.
00:37:16I mean, you're already judgmental.
00:37:18You already talk about her lifestyle.
00:37:20She ain't gonna die. The devil is alive.
00:37:22I've lived with it.
00:37:24Your grandmothers lived with it.
00:37:26I mean, it's manageable.
00:37:28Your sister just has to manage it.
00:37:32She just has to do better.
00:37:34She has to eat better.
00:37:36She has to rest better.
00:37:38She has to do everything better.
00:37:40We all have to do everything better.
00:37:42That's it.
00:38:06So what did you mean
00:38:08earlier by...
00:38:10that you want me to stop doing what I'm doing?
00:38:14Thomas Junior,
00:38:16I am not stupid.
00:38:18Don't play me for a fool.
00:38:20I figured out what was
00:38:22going on a long time ago.
00:38:24I just didn't have the proof to confront you
00:38:26or to tell my husband about it.
00:38:28You know what? I wish you would just go ahead
00:38:30and tell me what it is that you're talking about
00:38:32because right now I don't have a clue.
00:38:36your inappropriate behavior.
00:38:38Inappropriate behavior?
00:38:42Hey guys.
00:38:46What's going on? Y'all look troubled.
00:38:48What's wrong with her?
00:38:50What was that all about?
00:38:52Oh, she knows.
00:38:54She knows what?
00:38:56Oh, she knows about us.
00:38:58She knows everything.
00:39:00She can't know.
00:39:02Oh, she does.
00:39:04We need to talk about this.
00:39:06Oh, here you are, Mom.
00:39:08I've been looking for you.
00:39:10I got you some coffee.
00:39:12Thank you, sweetie.
00:39:14How are you?
00:39:16I'm fine. I just...
00:39:18I had to get away from everything
00:39:20and just think for a minute.
00:39:22We're going to have to figure out
00:39:24what to tell everyone.
00:39:26But how? That's going to be so difficult.
00:39:28Sometimes you have to have
00:39:30the tough conversations, baby girl.
00:39:32I don't know how. I just know...
00:39:34I mean, why would God put us here?
00:39:36I mean, billions of galaxies,
00:39:38all of these stars.
00:39:40Why would he put us here
00:39:42just to love each other and then to lose each other?
00:39:46Baby girl, you and I
00:39:48are like those galaxies out there
00:39:50who are just passing through.
00:39:52We're not meant to stay.
00:39:56Yeah, I know that's real.
00:39:58I love you, Mom.
00:40:00Oh, sweetheart, I love you too.
00:40:02It's okay.
00:40:04It has to be okay.
00:40:24I can't believe she knows.
00:40:26She can't know. This could ruin...
00:40:28It could ruin everything.
00:40:30If Daddy finds out...
00:40:32What am I talking about?
00:40:34Daddy may not even make it.
00:40:36Baby, look, honey.
00:40:38Everything is going to be okay.
00:40:40All right?
00:40:42Your Daddy's going to make it through.
00:40:46Now, don't...
00:40:48Now, I need you to have more faith.
00:40:50And I need you
00:40:52not to doubt, right?
00:40:54Your father was the one
00:40:56that taught us that fear and faith
00:40:58cannot remain in the same place.
00:41:00You're right.
00:41:02I mean, Daddy wouldn't want us to be fearful
00:41:04of anything, no matter what.
00:41:08Not even me loving you.
00:41:10See what I mean?
00:41:16Now, I must admit,
00:41:18I'm a little concerned about your mother.
00:41:20I mean, that look she gave me,
00:41:22that was kind of dangerous.
00:41:24Don't be worried about my mom.
00:41:26She has a few skeletons of her own, you know.
00:41:30Let's get out of here.
00:41:36Okay, you go first.
00:41:56Hello, Liz.
00:41:58Rostein, thank you so much
00:42:00for coming so soon.
00:42:02Oh, yes. I rushed right over after Christmas Eve service.
00:42:04I appreciate it.
00:42:06It's so weird not having him there.
00:42:08I know. This was his favorite time of year.
00:42:10I miss him.
00:42:12Well, you know he's a church member.
00:42:14But he's also Daddy's attorney.
00:42:16You know, we were praising and thanking God
00:42:18in advance for Pastor's full recovery.
00:42:20He's a good man.
00:42:22I know.
00:42:24In advance for Pastor's full recovery.
00:42:26How is he?
00:42:28Things are still very uncertain.
00:42:30We're just
00:42:32thanking and believing God for healing.
00:42:36Thank you for bringing these over.
00:42:38No problem.
00:42:40I, uh, can't stay.
00:42:42Mrs. is waiting for me to finish wrapping presents.
00:42:44I understand.
00:42:46I understand. Thank you again.
00:42:48Okay, Pastor, my prayers.
00:43:10I wanted to make sure that things were in order
00:43:12in the event I lose your mom.
00:43:14Ugh, Mama, don't talk like that.
00:43:16Please. What things, Mama?
00:43:18Well, you girls are going to find out soon enough anyway.
00:43:20We had to make some changes
00:43:22to the distribution plan for your trusts.
00:43:24Well, this seems to be a
00:43:26family matter. I'm going to go ahead and
00:43:28excuse myself.
00:43:34What changes, Mama?
00:43:36Your dad and I
00:43:38discussed some things and due to the financial
00:43:40shifting of funds in the family
00:43:42and the church,
00:43:44we had to make some adjustments to make sure
00:43:46that all three of you
00:43:48were taken care of properly.
00:43:50Everything was distributed properly.
00:43:52I'm sure it's not that big a deal.
00:43:54Daddy told us a long time ago that we don't
00:43:56ever have to worry about money.
00:43:58So whatever is in there,
00:44:00I'm sure it reflects that.
00:44:02Well, not exactly.
00:44:04But because of the stock market
00:44:08and fluctuations, some of your
00:44:10portfolios have decreased in value.
00:44:12You've got to be kidding me.
00:44:14Let me see that.
00:44:17What is this?
00:44:19I don't even understand this.
00:44:21Let me see that.
00:44:26It says here that
00:44:28we aren't even getting the same amounts in our
00:44:30trusts anymore. What?
00:44:32And that, Mama, you're going to control it
00:44:34until we're 40? 40?
00:44:3640, Mama?
00:44:38Oh no, we have to discuss this.
00:44:40Your father and I
00:44:42discussed it and it is
00:44:44what it is.
00:44:46Look at you.
00:44:48You all have already
00:44:50shown us that you are not responsible
00:44:52to handle what we have for you.
00:44:54Not yet. Wait a minute, Mama.
00:44:56What is this all about?
00:44:58Well, maybe Daddy just realizes that you're just going to
00:45:00blow through your money anyway.
00:45:02What is all this noise about?
00:45:04Mama thinks we can't handle our own money.
00:45:06Is this true, Lizzie?
00:45:08You ain't trying to cheat these girls out of
00:45:10what's theirs, are you?
00:45:12Not that it is any
00:45:14of your business, sweetie, but
00:45:16nobody is trying
00:45:18to cheat anybody.
00:45:20You're probably getting most of the money anyway.
00:45:22Why would you go and say something like that?
00:45:24Because you know it's true. Stop fussing.
00:45:26We can't raise you all like this.
00:45:28Oh my God. Fussing and fighting over the material
00:45:30things of this world?
00:45:32Your souls are what's important.
00:45:34Righteousness is what's important.
00:45:36You're not even perfect yourself.
00:45:38You don't talk to Mama like that.
00:45:40I got this. I got this.
00:45:42It has been a long day
00:45:44and I've had just about all
00:45:46I am going to take from you.
00:45:48Now you need to sit yourself down
00:45:50and shut up before I
00:45:52turn you down. No, Mama!
00:45:56I would not sit down and I would not shut up.
00:45:58You're always preaching to us.
00:46:00Got me thinking I'm some kind of perfect person
00:46:02for you and Daddy. Making me think I'm
00:46:04some kind of perfect person putting up some kind of front.
00:46:06But you're not even perfect yourself.
00:46:08You know what?
00:46:10Your father and I
00:46:12taught you.
00:46:14Girl, I will knock you. Knock me out, Mama!
00:46:16Knock me out!
00:46:18Sit down.
00:46:20I am not in the mood.
00:46:22There may be a father
00:46:24but that's my husband.
00:46:26I don't care. You acting like some kind of
00:46:28perfect person and you've been hitting the bottle.
00:46:30Wait a minute.
00:46:32No, Mama. Not again.
00:46:36What are y'all talking about?
00:46:38A long time ago
00:46:40me and Mom went for a ride
00:46:42and you two were already in church
00:46:44and Daddy was at work.
00:46:46Mom made a stop
00:46:48real quick and
00:46:50she thought she was going to a store
00:46:52and she went in and she came out
00:46:54and it wasn't until
00:46:56I got older that I realized she made a
00:46:58stop at the neighborhood bar.
00:47:00And when she came out
00:47:02I mean, just something wasn't
00:47:04right. Just in her eyes
00:47:06I just see
00:47:08something wasn't right.
00:47:10And I got in the car
00:47:12and I put the music on
00:47:16and it felt so good.
00:47:20I was just in the moment
00:47:22and the music
00:47:24was going and I was
00:47:26driving and I got to
00:47:28a yellow light and I
00:47:30thought I could make it.
00:47:34And the car I hit
00:47:36had a child
00:47:38the same age as my baby.
00:47:44we were fine.
00:47:46We were fine.
00:47:48But that child
00:47:50couldn't have a mommy.
00:47:54And the car that I hit
00:47:56had a baby the same age
00:47:58as her.
00:48:00And we were fine.
00:48:02But that child
00:48:04couldn't walk anymore.
00:48:10Mom, I didn't know about any accident.
00:48:14We got a new car
00:48:16and I went on an
00:48:18extended vacation.
00:48:20So vacation
00:48:22was rehab.
00:48:24And now
00:48:26out of that accident
00:48:28I have chronic back pain.
00:48:34lesson learned, I don't
00:48:36drink and drive anymore.
00:48:38I drink at home.
00:48:40Because it's the only way I can deal with
00:48:42the pain.
00:48:44So before
00:48:46you judge me
00:48:48you understand me.
00:48:52So now
00:48:54we have this perfect
00:48:58We prosper.
00:49:00But I have to live
00:49:02with the fact that
00:49:04because of me, a person
00:49:06can't walk
00:49:08or run or have
00:49:10a normal life.
00:49:12And maybe, just maybe
00:49:14all of this, that is
00:49:16my fault for what I did.
00:49:18Maybe it's my fault.
00:49:22I'm not judging you.
00:49:24But the drinking is all
00:49:26against you.
00:49:28I need help.
00:49:32Yes, you do.
00:49:34You do need help.
00:49:36I mean, oh my
00:49:38God, you're not just drinking
00:49:40to mask the pain.
00:49:42Mom, you're drinking
00:49:44because you're carrying around all that
00:49:48I mean, come on, God is already forgiving
00:49:50you. You have got to do what you have
00:49:52to do. You have got to
00:49:54forgive yourself.
00:49:56You heard anything good?
00:49:58No, nothing. We're just having a
00:50:00family discussion.
00:50:02Since we're having this what's done in the dark
00:50:04is coming into the light discussion,
00:50:06why are you sleeping
00:50:08with little Thomas? What?
00:50:10Man, all this time y'all
00:50:12making me seem like the messed up one
00:50:14and y'all got all these issues. Shut up!
00:50:16This is none of your business.
00:50:18Excuse me?
00:50:20None of whose business? Theirs,
00:50:22Mama. Theirs. But I was
00:50:24the one that was talking to you, baby.
00:50:26Baby, so y'all
00:50:28two really all sleeping together?
00:50:30Disgusting. Damn!
00:50:32We used to take baths together.
00:50:34Big girl, big boy baths.
00:50:36He is your father's best friend's
00:50:38oldest son.
00:50:40He was around the house
00:50:42playing with you girls. I mean, growing
00:50:44up and you think that's okay.
00:50:46I mean, you say that my husband
00:50:48is the reason why your life turned around
00:50:50and you think it's okay. Seriously?
00:50:52I'm mad. It's out of order.
00:50:54Yeah, he's like a brother to us
00:50:56and it's kind of weird because
00:50:58it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible
00:51:00that they spent
00:51:02time together.
00:51:04Don't try to use the Bible to justify
00:51:06this. They're both grown now.
00:51:08I mean, what were you doing? Just sitting around
00:51:10peeping around the corner waiting on her to get old enough
00:51:12so I wouldn't put your butt
00:51:14in jail?
00:51:16Nasty self.
00:51:18I'm going to have you
00:51:20out of the way.
00:51:22Mama, let's just talk about this.
00:51:24I'll take her money, Mama.
00:51:26She don't deserve it.
00:51:28Calm down.
00:51:30Calm down.
00:51:32I don't want to talk.
00:51:34There's nothing to talk about.
00:51:36I'm going to go take a walk.
00:51:38Me too.
00:51:52you can't be playing with them girls'
00:51:54coins like that.
00:51:58no one is playing with their coins.
00:52:00Walton, I made a decision
00:52:02and they are not
00:52:04responsible and I cannot
00:52:06have them owe them both.
00:52:08I can't do it.
00:52:10Can I get you ladies
00:52:12some water?
00:52:14You ain't acting like no rapper.
00:52:16Where rappers can't be concerned and have manners?
00:52:18You right.
00:52:20My bad.
00:52:22You dating my niece or what?
00:52:28Alright then.
00:52:30It's just that
00:52:32I've been so tied up
00:52:34into things that it's just been
00:52:36keeping me away from you, Lord.
00:52:38Father, please
00:52:40don't hold that against me.
00:52:42You know we're not perfect
00:52:44because you made us.
00:52:46You made us, Lord.
00:52:50It is not my desire
00:52:52to hurt you or the wife that you
00:52:54entrusted in me.
00:52:56But it's my desire
00:52:58to make her whole.
00:53:00Not for her to be broken by me.
00:53:04We need you, Lord.
00:53:06We need you.
00:53:08For I know you are the only
00:53:10one that can make us whole.
00:53:12So Father, I'm asking
00:53:14you to come into our marriage
00:53:16and make us whole again.
00:53:18So we can be one again.
00:53:22Give me the favor
00:53:24in her heart, Lord.
00:53:28I love you.
00:53:30I just want to be better.
00:53:32A reflection
00:53:34of your love to her.
00:53:45What are you doing?
00:53:52I can't remember the last time
00:53:54I even heard you pray.
00:53:56I can't remember the last time I even
00:53:58got you to go to church with me.
00:54:00Yeah, well, I need to work on that.
00:54:02Gordon, what happened to the person
00:54:04that I knew? I mean,
00:54:06the person that used to be a man of God.
00:54:10I don't know.
00:54:12It's like I got so tied up in the work,
00:54:14I mean,
00:54:16I skipped a few Sundays.
00:54:18Next thing I knew, I was having
00:54:20meetings on Sundays.
00:54:22You know, traveling and such.
00:54:24Not to even realize
00:54:26that it was just
00:54:28pulling me away from the church, you know?
00:54:30I'm just as much to blame as I feel
00:54:32in marriage as you are.
00:54:34I mean, I sat by and watched you make
00:54:36bad decision after bad decision
00:54:38and I did nothing.
00:54:40I didn't even say anything.
00:54:42I just sat there silent.
00:54:44And I just figured that
00:54:46after a while, you would change.
00:54:48But then I just came to the
00:54:50conclusion that you don't even
00:54:52care about fixing us anymore.
00:54:56I always care.
00:54:58Those vows that
00:55:00we took
00:55:02were serious to me.
00:55:04Gordon, I don't want to do this right now.
00:55:06I can't.
00:55:08I'm not letting you go.
00:55:10I'm gonna hold on to you
00:55:12with everything inside
00:55:14of me.
00:55:16I'm not letting you go.
00:55:18But please,
00:55:22We may be able to get to the other side, but we may not be together.
00:55:24No! Hey, don't say that!
00:55:28To death do us part,
00:55:32Wait a minute, you broke those vows!
00:55:34You're the one that broke those vows,
00:55:36not me. Don't go throwing that in my face.
00:55:38No, you assumed that I broke those vows. You did!
00:55:40Oh, I assumed. Okay.
00:55:42So let's not assume.
00:55:44How about that, Gordon?
00:55:46How about I just come out and ask you?
00:55:48Have you cheated on me?
00:55:50Huh? Have you?
00:56:00This is no surprise.
00:56:02Not at all.
00:56:04This is like a confirmation.
00:56:08So now, what do you expect me to do with that?
00:56:12Forgive me.
00:56:20Look, baby, I'm not gonna lie to you
00:56:22and tell you that she didn't mean anything.
00:56:26I'm not gonna do that.
00:56:28I lied enough.
00:56:30But I can say
00:56:34and no one is worth losing you.
00:56:38You understand?
00:56:44Who was it?
00:56:46Who doesn't matter?
00:56:48Who was it?
00:56:52Was it Mona?
00:57:02Everybody hates me.
00:57:06I'm gonna go and eat myself some worms.
00:57:14Nobody loves me.
00:57:18Everybody hates me.
00:57:24I'm gonna go and eat myself some worms.
00:57:26Everybody hates me.
00:57:32This is the longest Christmas Eve ever.
00:57:36It is a big difference in when we were kids.
00:57:38Believing in Santa Claus.
00:57:40Yeah, we had the hardest time
00:57:42with you.
00:57:44Because she was always the killing moon.
00:57:46You're funny.
00:57:48I still don't know how you believe
00:57:50that one day Santa was all over the world
00:57:52and one day why would people
00:57:54It's not about life, it's about believing in the magic.
00:58:00Nobody can play God.
00:58:02Oh, I feel a deliverance.
00:58:05Oh, I feel a deliverance.
00:58:08Oh, he's using those doctors as the instrument.
00:58:12They're just his tools because he is the healer.
00:58:16And he's delivering my brother right now in the name of Jesus.
00:58:20Yes he is.
00:58:21Feliz Navidad.
00:58:22Somebody get a packet of water, please.
00:58:24Get some water.
00:58:26Agua por favor.
00:58:30Hi, everyone.
00:58:31Why are you back here?
00:58:33Well, Gordon told me he was still here, so I figured he must be hungry.
00:58:37I was baking some Christmas cookies, and I decided to bring it over.
00:58:40And I brought some burgers, too.
00:58:42Nobody wants your cookies. Keep them to yourself.
00:58:44Speak for yourself. I'm hungry. Bring that over here, boo-boo.
00:58:49The cookies, too.
00:58:51Whose side are you on, auntie?
00:58:53What you doing?
00:58:56Don't worry about how he's doing. It's none of your business.
00:58:59I love you, Cheryl.
00:59:02Yes, T'Challa?
00:59:04You need to leave.
00:59:05I'm not leaving. I just got here.
00:59:07You need to let go of your insecurities.
00:59:09Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:59:10If she say you need to leave, you gotta go.
00:59:14Hey, hey.
00:59:18Why are you back here?
00:59:20I told y'all I'd talk to you later.
00:59:24You don't need to be worried about him or my daddy.
00:59:28You need to be worried about us laying hands on you up in here.
00:59:30Cheryl, please.
00:59:33Look, things are too complicated.
00:59:36You have to leave.
00:59:39Because I'm about that life.
00:59:41I'll just see you in the office tomorrow.
00:59:45You will not see me in the office tomorrow.
00:59:49I have your things sent to your house.
00:59:51Mom, we can't work here anymore.
00:59:55You fired me?
00:59:59I just worked here and now I have to leave.
01:00:01So what are you really saying?
01:00:02That you wasn't firing me last night at my house?
01:00:06Hold on, hold on, hold on.
01:00:08Y'all, I'll just check up.
01:00:10Mom, isn't it too hard on you?
01:00:15See that young man over there?
01:00:17That's my son-in-law.
01:00:19I believe he told you that you needed to leave.
01:00:23Now I know you didn't really think that you were going to come up in this place
01:00:27and disrespect my daughter in front of her family
01:00:31while my husband and her father are back there fighting for his life.
01:00:37Now what you need to do is dig real deep down in there.
01:00:43Because I don't know where.
01:00:44Find you some dignity.
01:00:46And you need to leave now.
01:00:48Like he told you.
01:00:50Or I will lay some hands on you.
01:00:52And it won't be to break.
01:00:54Yeah, because I'm about that life.
01:00:56And I'm going to get you to the count of three to leave up out of here.
01:00:59And I'm already on two.
01:01:02I don't need this.
01:01:04And Gordon, you'll be in for my attorney.
01:01:08One-eight-hundred-dollar hoes.
01:01:11Come on, family dollar, genie dollar.
01:01:13All right, mom.
01:01:14All right, now.
01:01:15About time.
01:01:17Y'all finally got a backbone.
01:01:21Good job, Gordon.
01:01:22When it comes to my babies, I'm about that life, too.
01:01:25That's my mom.
01:01:28Give me something, Lizzie.
01:01:30Look, everyone.
01:01:31I'm sorry about everything.
01:01:35It's all right.
01:01:40I don't know.
01:01:41I'm not sure.
01:01:43I know you guys probably shouldn't mind, but I'm not sure.
01:01:47I don't know what to do yet.
01:01:49I know you wouldn't, Gordon.
01:01:51I know you wouldn't.
01:02:11Daddy's gonna be okay, right?
01:02:14Yes, he is.
01:02:16I mean, come on.
01:02:17Daddy's the strongest man I know.
01:02:20I know.
01:02:21I just don't understand.
01:02:24Last time I saw him, he was fine.
01:02:28You know, Daddy never went to the doctor.
01:02:30I mean, he probably been having symptoms, but he just ignored them.
01:02:35Yeah, he probably didn't.
01:02:37We all need to start taking better care of ourselves.
01:02:42I'm so glad to hear you say that.
01:02:45I'm glad you were safe.
01:02:47I know.
01:02:58So, how are things at work?
01:03:02I mean, I don't know.
01:03:04I mean, I've just put up with his stuff for so long.
01:03:08I know.
01:03:10But he has a good heart.
01:03:11It's his.
01:03:14Don't give up on him yet.
01:03:17I know.
01:03:19I mean, honestly, I still love him.
01:03:22But is love even enough?
01:03:25I don't know.
01:03:27I don't know.
01:03:28I still love him.
01:03:29But is love even enough?
01:03:33Daddy always said that love is all we need.
01:03:37I mean, if you have love, then everything else follows, right?
01:03:44I love you, sis.
01:03:46I love you, too.
01:03:52Hey, let's go talk for a second.
01:03:56You want to walk up here?
01:03:58No, we'll just go right here.
01:03:59Because I just want to be right here when you come out of surgery.
01:04:07What's up?
01:04:10I just want to thank you for what you did earlier with Mama.
01:04:14No need to thank me.
01:04:16That's something I should have done a long time ago.
01:04:18Well, thank you anyway.
01:04:20I mean, for a moment, I kind of felt like I was still important to you.
01:04:27Listen, I'm sorry for making you feel less than the most important thing to me in this world.
01:04:37Look, I can't make any promises, but if you're willing to,
01:04:41I mean, I'm willing to give us another shot and try it again.
01:04:47If I'm willing to, huh?
01:05:04Lord Jesus, I guess we can give it another try.
01:05:07Oh, Lord.
01:05:47Man, this is taking way too long.
01:05:57Well, the surgeon is still operating.
01:06:00I came out to tell you that there were some unexpected complications
01:06:04and that further blockage was found in his heart.
01:06:09You know, this is taking longer than planned because now
01:06:11they have to go deeper into the heart than previously expected.
01:06:15What are you saying? Is he going to make it?
01:06:18Well, it is uncertain at this time.
01:06:20I mean, the procedure is complicated as it is
01:06:23and your father's heart is weaker than we anticipated.
01:06:27There is a possibility that he may not make it through the procedure.
01:06:34Listen, now I have to head back to the observatory,
01:06:37but I will keep you informed, okay?
01:06:41Excuse me.
01:06:59Come on, everybody. Come on.
01:07:00Come on. Let's all hold it together.
01:07:03Remember, this is a night of celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.
01:07:09He was born this very day so that we could call on Him in times of need.
01:07:14He is the same Jesus that walked this earth 2,000 years ago
01:07:20healing the sick and He is the same Jesus that can heal the sick today.
01:07:27He said, ask in His Father's name and it shall be granted.
01:07:32Now, let's all join hands right now. Stop all this crying and let's pray.
01:07:38Father God, we come to You, Lord,
01:07:43standing here before You on behalf of my brother, Your faithful servant, Jesus.
01:07:49Father God, we are asking in Your name, Lord, for a real Christmas miracle, Lord.
01:07:55A true Christmas miracle, Lord.
01:07:58One that only You can bring, God.
01:08:01And we are resting right now, Lord,
01:08:04knowing that You are going to give us that Christmas miracle, Lord.
01:08:07In the name of Jesus, we pray, Lord.
01:08:10Feliz Navidad. Feliz cumpleaños, Jesus Cristo.
01:08:22Oh, I'm a family baby.
01:08:24Oh, yes.
01:08:29Can I talk to you for a moment? Please?
01:08:35Excuse me.
01:08:43Look, I know that this is a lot on all of us, alright?
01:08:46And I know that you don't approve of me and your daughter's relationship.
01:08:49Oh, God.
01:08:51I don't want to talk about this.
01:08:53Just hear me out. All I'm asking is just for another opportunity
01:08:57to where we can discuss it with my father's best friend
01:09:00at a later date whenever he's better and stronger.
01:09:06You're right. You're right.
01:09:09If he pulls through this, if he wanted to be strong, I will...
01:09:14Okay. I will.
01:09:17Thank you. That's all I'm asking. Thank you.
01:09:31The surgery was a success.
01:09:34Thank you, Lord! Thank you! Thank you!
01:09:38He's actually being moved to recovery now and you can see him in about 30 minutes.
01:09:42Looks like he's going to pull through.
01:09:59Thank you, Lord! Thank you!
01:10:01Thank you!
01:10:11Hi, Daddy!
01:10:14Hey, baby, don't you ever scare me like that again.
01:10:19I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
01:10:24God is good.
01:10:26Yes, he is.
01:10:28Don't worry, miss. You got a lot of years to be stuck with me.
01:10:33I'm not checking out no time soon.
01:10:37So glad you're okay, Daddy. You know, you gave us a really big scare.
01:10:41I'm sorry, sweetheart. I never even knew I had heart trouble.
01:10:46It's because you're too stubborn to go to the doctor.
01:10:50Well, let's make a deal, baby. I'll go to the doctor regularly if you agree to go back to rehab.
01:10:59I know that you've been drinking again.
01:11:02I'm sorry, Walter.
01:11:04Just promise you'll get help again.
01:11:07I promise.
01:11:09Is that young Thomas over there in the corner?
01:11:12Glad to see that you made it through this one, old man.
01:11:15Who you calling old?
01:11:20Where do you think you're going dressed like that?
01:11:22Mi hermano! Estos vivos!
01:11:28Thank you for coming.
01:11:30Te amo, mi hermano.
01:11:33Hey, Daddy.
01:11:36I love you, Daddy.
01:11:38I love you, too, baby.
01:11:43Hey, Pop. I'm glad you're doing all right, man.
01:11:46Thanks for coming.
01:11:50Hey, Daddy.
01:11:53Hey, baby girl.
01:11:55I'm glad you're okay.
01:11:59I'm glad you made the decision to come home for Christmas.
01:12:03Where else would I be? I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
01:12:09Want to introduce you to somebody?
01:12:11Daddy, this is Byron.
01:12:14Byron, this is my dad.
01:12:16You look like that rapper, Battle B.
01:12:21Sarah, that's me.
01:12:23I heard your music.
01:12:25You're using the church.
01:12:27They keep me up to date.
01:12:29Are you dating my daughter?
01:12:32Well, I hope we won't be for long.
01:12:38Daddy, you're going to do this in front of my family? Are you serious?
01:12:43I got something for Christmas.
01:12:47Let's stop dating and get married.
01:12:56I'm getting married!
01:13:02Congratulations, baby.
01:13:06It's all right.
01:13:08Let's see that ring.
01:13:11What do you think, Daddy?
01:13:13That's nice.
01:13:17If Daddy improves.
01:13:21I love you, baby.
01:13:23I'm glad you're okay.
01:13:26Thank you for coming.
01:13:30I love you, Walter.
01:13:32Feliz Navidad.
01:13:35That's good.
01:14:08I love you.
01:14:38I love you.
