Hilirisasi Mesin Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Baru RI

  • 13 hours ago
Presiden Joko Widodo yang kembali menegaskan, hilirisasi termasuk di sektor pertambangan dan sumber daya alam lainnya menjadi kunci dalam meningkatkan ekonomi nasional. Bahkan, kebijakan hilirisasi nikel terbukti telah membawa lonjakan besar bagi penerimaan negara. Dimana pada 2015, ekspor nikel Indonesia hanya bernilai Rp45 triliun, namun setelah kebijakan hilirisasi diterapkan nilai tersebut melonjak menjadi Rp520 triliun pada 2023.

Sementara itu, Presiden Joko Widodo telah meresmikan 3 smelter mineral di akhir bulan September lalu. Ke tiga smelter tersebut antara lain, smelter tembaga milik PT Freeport Indonesia di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Smelter tembaga milik PT Amman Mineral Internasional Tbk di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Dan smelter bauksit milik PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia di Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat.

Kehadiran dan operasional ketiga proyek smelter ini dinilai menjadi momentum penting bagi Indonesia, dalam menunjang program hilirisasi di sektor pertambangan. Terlebih nilai investasi ketiga proyek yang sangat besar, dimana proyek smelter Freeport Indonesia menelan investasi sebesar Rp56 triliun. Kemudian proyek smelter milik Amman Mineral mencapai Rp21 triliun, dan SGAR Mempawah milik Borneo Alumina Indonesia sebesar Rp16 triliun.


00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:30Indonesia's Economic Movement Issues.
00:32You can watch our live streaming on www.idxnl.com
00:35And now, let's start the market review.
00:48The government has been focused on promoting hillarization
00:52as Indonesia's new economic growth engine.
00:55Hillarization has been proven.
00:57One of the mineral mining communities has made a contribution to the country's welfare.
01:08Hillarization is the key.
01:11Let's take a look at the nickel issue.
01:17The nickel issue that I often talk about.
01:20Because this is indeed our success in increasing the added value of nickel
01:26from raw materials, such as nickel ore, to NPI, to nickel pig iron,
01:34to nickel matte, and then to stainless steel.
01:44And it has been passed on to the next generations,
01:49such as the stainless steel, the iron, and hundreds of other generations.
01:54All of these are still in the process.
01:57But at least now we have reached the stainless steel.
02:03This is the statement of President Joko Widodo,
02:06who once again affirmed that hillarization in the mining sector,
02:09including nickel and other natural resources,
02:11is the key to improving the national economy.
02:14In fact, the proven hillarization policy has brought a big leap for the country's welfare.
02:20In 2015, Indonesia's nickel export was only worth 45 trillion rupiah.
02:25But after the hillarization policy was implemented,
02:28the value jumped to 520 trillion rupiah in 2023.
02:33Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo has inaugurated three mineral smelters
02:37at the end of last September.
02:39Among the three smelters,
02:41the smelter owned by PT Freeport Indonesia in Gresik, East Java,
02:45the smelter owned by PT Aman Mineral Internasional TBK in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara,
02:50and the smelter owned by PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia in Mempawah, West Kalimantan.
02:56The presence and operation of these three smelter projects
02:59is considered to be an important moment for Indonesia
03:01in supporting the hillarization program in the mining sector.
03:04Moreover, the value of the investment of the three projects is very large,
03:07where PT Freeport Indonesia's smelter project is worth 56 trillion rupiah,
03:12PT Aman Mineral's smelter is worth 21 trillion rupiah,
03:16and PT Borneo Alumina Indonesia's smelter in Mempawah is worth 16 trillion rupiah.
03:22Jakarta Tim Liputan, IDX Channel.
03:28Our topic today is hillarization as Indonesia's new economic engine.
03:35We are connected through Zoom with Angga Wira,
03:38General Chairman of the Association for Energy, Minerals, and Coal of Indonesia, or ASPE Bindo.
03:43Good morning, Angga.
03:45Good morning, Pras. How are you?
03:47I'm good. How are you? Thank you for the opportunity.
03:51Angga, please give us a review of ASPE Bindo.
03:53What do you think about the mining activities in Indonesia so far?
03:58Well, if we look at the movement on the stock market,
04:03mining emittance, especially the mining of minerals,
04:09is now rising, right?
04:14It keeps rising, right?
04:15And this is also related to what was said earlier,
04:22the government's policy on hillarization is already on the track.
04:29It has increased our export value, the trade surplus that we feel lately.
04:38But of course, the PR is not stopped there, right?
04:43Of course, as Mr. Jokowi said earlier,
04:47Mr. President, we have to push to the end product.
04:53We talked about stainless steel earlier,
04:55there must be a lot of products coming down.
05:00If we can create even bigger products,
05:07if the industry is created,
05:08it will definitely open up a lot of jobs.
05:13And if I look at it, in the last three years,
05:16it's already on the track,
05:18there are a lot of emittance smelters that have been built,
05:23both private and state-owned enterprises.
05:27And this is one of the strong foundations that Indonesia
05:33no longer becomes a country that exports raw materials.
05:38For hundreds of years, maybe since the colonial era,
05:43we have been used to exporting raw materials.
05:50But it seems that we have been able to build an industrial base in the country.
05:59President Jokowi has also emphasized that hillarization,
06:03including the hillarization of minerals and other resources,
06:09is the key to improving the national economy.
06:11What do you think?
06:13Yes, of course.
06:14Of course it is the key, the foundation.
06:18And this is a strategic and initial step.
06:24The roadmap that I know has been arranged by the Ministry of Investment,
06:30hillarization of various products,
06:33not just minerals,
06:36but agro-based products have also been arranged.
06:40So we have to focus.
06:42For example, seaweed, our shrimp products,
06:47have a very good competitive value and are popular with the global market.
06:54The only thing left is the task of sewing the industry,
07:00of course with innovations,
07:04and of course encouraging global players to invest in Indonesia.
07:12So that it can be a technology wave too.
07:17As we can see in the battery ecosystem,
07:20there are already some big companies,
07:24the pioneers, who are aggressively investing in the country.
07:30And we have to encourage that in other products too.
07:35Okay, but on the other hand,
07:38when the implementation,
07:39then the output from the hillarization program itself,
07:42which is expected to be a new economic engine,
07:45what do you think the output is like?
07:49Actually, the numbers have shown,
07:52just don't stop at just one step.
08:02You have to enter the industry.
08:05If you enter the industry,
08:07you will definitely need more involved parties.
08:16Of course, those who are advanced,
08:19maybe from outside,
08:21we can attract to enter the country,
08:25with various kinds of incentives that we can make.
08:30Because we are also competing with our neighboring countries,
08:35which is what I see is more aggressive,
08:38such as Vietnam, Malaysia,
08:41in various sectors, such as semiconductors.
08:46This means we have to be able to have steps that can precede their steps.
09:01So that's what we have to do.
09:03We also have to think about the availability of energy,
09:06affordable energy,
09:08the availability of energy that may be clean energy,
09:12green energy,
09:13that can be our driving force.
09:16Because we actually have that source.
09:19We can optimize it.
09:22For example, PLN can also have the right strategy,
09:26can accelerate the use of renewable energy.
09:31This is a factor that we must continue to run.
09:39How about the readiness of the entrepreneurs themselves
09:41to be able to push the mining sector to become a new economic environment?
09:46We will discuss this in the next segment.
09:48We will take a short break.
09:49And viewers, make sure you are still with us.
10:08Thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
10:11And viewers, here we present data
10:13related to one of the successful examples of hillarization
10:17that has been done by the government in the last 10 years.
10:19This nickel community can be an option.
10:23Where we know in 2015,
10:25the export value was around 45 trillion rupiah.
10:29However, we see that its development has jumped significantly.
10:33In 2023, it has become 520 trillion rupiah.
10:38This is the result of the hillarization of nickel from the export value.
10:42And the following is the form of state revenue
10:45from the hillarization of nickel and other commodities
10:50in the form of corporate tax, then there is employee tax,
10:53export tax, then also foreign tax and state revenue,
10:57not tax or PNBP.
11:00And next, there are some new smelters,
11:03as mentioned earlier.
11:05There is a steel smelter, PT Aman Mineral Internasional TBK
11:08in Sumbawa West NTB, the investment value is 21 trillion rupiah.
11:13Then Freeport Indonesia in Gresik, East Java, 56 trillion rupiah.
11:18Then the Great Alumina Refinery smelter, Phase 1,
11:22from Borneo Alumina Indonesia in Mempawah, West Kalimantan,
11:26reached 16 trillion rupiah.
11:29We will continue the discussion with Angga Wiran,
11:32General Director of the Association of Mineral Energy Inclusion
11:35and Batubara Indonesia, ASP Bindo.
11:37Angga, we will continue again based on the data that has been delivered,
11:40the hillarization has given real proof
11:43to become one of Indonesia's new economic machines.
11:47What about the readiness of the entrepreneurs themselves
11:50when they see the hillarization program
11:52which is also the focus of the government?
11:55Yes, of course, this is actually an opportunity.
11:57Especially if we look at the industry in the country.
12:01And in fact, the government in this matter,
12:05the Ministry of Primary Industries,
12:07in the last few times,
12:09we have also seen that it has been very,
12:13it can be said that it has made various breakthroughs,
12:17related to our ease of access in terms of permitting,
12:23although we know together,
12:26there are several previous legal cases,
12:31and if we look at it, the minister has already had a replacement.
12:37Minister Pak Bahlil has been around for about a month and a half
12:41and there is already a new director
12:44who has just been appointed, if I'm not mistaken,
12:47about two weeks ago.
12:50I think this is one of the early steps
12:54to consolidate the main stakeholders in Minerba
13:00in order to encourage or make it easier for us entrepreneurs
13:08to be able to help the programs that we have arranged.
13:18Okay, and we know that last September,
13:20President Jokowi has inaugurated three mineral smelters,
13:24namely the Tembaga smelter owned by PT Freeport in Gresik,
13:27then there is the Tembaga smelter from Aman Mineral Internasional in Sumbawa,
13:32and the Boksit smelter from Borneo Alumina Indonesia.
13:35Is this finally a fresh wind too,
13:38for the development of national hilly recession?
13:42Yes, it means that the supply chain is already connected,
13:47from the previous side, the mining business,
13:53then in the midstream, we just talked about hilly recession,
13:57it's actually in the midstream.
14:01And later, of course, the industrialization will be downstream.
14:07So maybe like Mr. Jokowi said,
14:11including Mr. President, now for example, the NPI has just arrived,
14:16Nickel-plated iron, but in the future,
14:19the hope is that it can be processed into a lot of products.
14:28And indeed, all kinds of industries need those materials.
14:37So if possible, this is one of the attractiveness that can attract investors,
14:44because we have a lot of raw materials,
14:49and from the logistic side, maybe it can be more efficient.
14:52And maybe also with the trade war between China and America,
14:59there are a lot of companies in China that have to relocate their investments.
15:07Indonesia can be one of the main locations to develop its products.
15:16So the ecosystem, then the market forces have actually started to form,
15:20if we talk about the hilly recession efforts from the past to the present.
15:27Yes, the market forces, both domestically and abroad.
15:33But once again, it can't be done in the short term.
15:39I think it has to be arranged in the long term,
15:45with the consistency that has to be done.
15:51But in the last 5 or 10 years, when raw materials have been stopped for export,
16:03it has been proven that there are a lot of smelters that have been built.
16:09Not only smelters from Freeport, but in various places,
16:15such as Inalum, Aman Minerals, both domestic and abroad,
16:20have realized their smelters.
16:23It means that there is concrete evidence that what has been done has yielded results.
16:31What other mining communities should be the focus of the government
16:36to enter the national hilly recession program?
16:38We will discuss it in the next segment.
16:41Mr. Mirsa, we will be right back after the break.
17:01You are still watching Market Review.
17:03Mr. Mirsa, we will continue our discussion with Mr. Angga Wira,
17:07the Chairperson of ASP Bindo.
17:09Mr. Angga, what other mining communities should be the focus of the government
17:16to enter the national hilly recession program?
17:20We are rich in mineral resources and there are a lot of them.
17:25So if we look at it in the context of priorities,
17:29there are actually a lot of things that we can encourage,
17:31such as timber commodities, sand, and many more.
17:39But maybe step by step.
17:41I see that timber can also be our main player
17:45because our resources are quite large.
17:48And if we look at it, in recent times,
17:54there have been quite a lot of cases of illegal timber trading.
18:06It means that in terms of capacity,
18:09we are already able to do it,
18:11it's just a matter of management and purification.
18:16And it means that the stakeholders,
18:18if possible, not only from the BUMN,
18:20but also from the private sector that can participate in the ecosystem.
18:30Such as sand mining for solar panels.
18:36We also see that the ceramic industry also needs a lot of minerals.
18:42And Indonesia, as far as I know,
18:45is one of the countries that has the potential
18:48because some industries, for example in China,
18:51also do relocation.
18:54So I think it doesn't need too high technology.
19:00We can already do that.
19:03And the market is very large, Mr. Pras.
19:06Related to policy or incentives,
19:09it is expected from entrepreneurs to be able to push further
19:12the hillarization program in the mining sector,
19:15what is it that is expected?
19:17Actually, if we look at it,
19:18the government has already given a sweetener,
19:20such as tax holiday, tax allowance.
19:22Even though there is a policy on global minimum tax.
19:28The government must be able to investigate it.
19:32But if I look further,
19:35in the context of hillarization or purification,
19:38the main need is on the energy side, right?
19:42We have to have the right strategy
19:46related to energy supply.
19:48Because some also want green energy, Mr. Pras.
19:53So if we can provide green energy,
19:57I think it can attract investors to join us, Mr. Pras.
20:07Lastly, Mr. Angga, your optimism about the hillarization program
20:11will be a new source of enlightenment.
20:13Yes, in the new government,
20:15continue what has been built,
20:18just make improvements.
20:20And of course, we must be brave,
20:23think out of the box.
20:26And once again, the government must create a business ecosystem that is pro-business, Mr. Pras.
20:31Okay, but still optimistic that this can be a new economic engine
20:36for our national economy.
20:38Of course, Mr. Pras.
20:39And we have to connect it to the industry, Mr. Pras.
20:42Okay, Mr. Angga, thank you very much for your time, sharing,
20:45and also the insights that have been conveyed.
20:47Thank you, see you again.
20:48Salam sejahtera.
20:49Yes, viewers, don't leave your seat
20:51because we will be back in a moment
20:53with the interesting topic of the next session.
21:06For more information, visit www.fema.gov
