• 2 months ago
Presiden Prabowo Subianto menargetkan kemandirian atau swasembada energi Indonesia tercapai dalam waktu tidak lama. Kepala negara mengatakan swasembada energi itu akan terlihat dalam kurun lima tahun, di mana pemerintah tak lagi mengimpor Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM).

Prabowo menyampaikan keyakinannya itu saat meresmikan 37 proyek strategis ketenagalistrikan nasional, yang mencakup 26 pembangkit listrik dan 11 transmisi serta gardu induk di 18 Provinsi. Peresmian dipusatkan di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Jatigede, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat.

Adapun Prabowo yakin Indonesia tidak akan impor BBM dalam waktu lima tahun ke depan seiring dengan upaya Pemerintah mewujudkan swasembada energi. Salah satunya dengan dibangunnya puluhan proyek PLTA tersebut. Proyek ini diklaim akan menghasilkan energi sebesar 3,2 gigawatt listrik.


00:00Indonesia will stop importing BBMs
00:13President Prabowo Subianto is confident that Indonesia will stop importing BBMs in the next five years.
00:22He is confident that North Korea will focus on the energy transition with the potential of a large natural resource.
00:31Prabowo said that Indonesia can be one of the most advanced countries in the world in the field of energy transformation into renewable energy.
00:41And to achieve this target, President Prabowo Subianto inaugurated 37 National Electricity Strategic Projects
00:48which include 26 power plants with a total capacity of 3.2 gigawatts and 11 transmission networks and 18 provinces.
01:01Indeed, we must focus on renewable energy and our target is 100% renewable energy.
01:12I believe that in a short time, we will not import BBMs from abroad.
01:20I am confident that in five years, we will not import BBMs again.
02:00President Prabowo, what are your plans for the next five years for Indonesia to stop importing BBMs?
02:08First of all, please update us on the condition of our gas sector at the beginning of 2025.
02:15We are talking about BBMs.
02:23BBMs in Indonesia now produce more than 1.6 million barrels per day.
02:33On the one hand, what is the supply like?
02:37Our gas production is active at around 800,000 barrels per day.
02:45Maybe now there will be an addition, RDMP Balikpapan has started on-stream.
02:52There will be an addition, but it is not much, around 150,000 barrels per day.
02:59So there is still a gap.
03:01On the other hand, the oil field is still importing raw oil.
03:07The import is around 330,000 barrels of oil per day from abroad.
03:19This gap must be filled with BBM imports and crude imports.
03:29Meanwhile, our crude production averages around 580 BOPD and continues to decline.
03:38We hope this year it will increase, but the increase cannot be drastic.
03:47So the gap is extremely large.
03:50For example, RDMP Balikpapan, the cost of increasing the capacity plus the quality of the BBM
04:00is around USD 4-5 billion, only for 150 BOPD, barrels per day.
04:08So the cost is extraordinary.
04:11How can we reduce imports?
04:16There are several ways.
04:18First, we have to increase the national production capacity.
04:23Investments in oil fields, which we have been looking for investors for decades, are also difficult.
04:32Also, investments to increase our Hulunigas production are also very difficult
04:39because the production continues to decline.
04:41So there must be an intention, there must be a revolution.
04:45I say revolution, not change.
04:47Revolution of our Hulunigas production.
04:50On the other hand, we also have to see that there is an effort from the government to convert to biofields.
04:58We produce oil very well.
05:01We are number one in the world in oil production.
05:04Now from B30 to B40.
05:07But it's not something that changes in a few days.
05:16It takes a long time.
05:18From B20 to B30, B30 to B40, it takes a long time.
05:23On the other hand, the quality of our biofields is also not very good.
05:34Why? Because for the industry it is not very suitable.
05:39Because there is a problem with the humidity and so on.
05:44So we still have solar.
05:46To convert 100% to biofuel is amazing.
05:51The investment, the time, and so on.
05:54There is one more thing to reduce imports is to reduce our demand.
05:58Reduce our demand, okay.
06:01There is electrification, which is done by PLN.
06:04There is an increase in our electrification capacity.
06:07Then there is electric vehicle.
06:09But we also see that the development of electric vehicles is very slow.
06:14For example, in 2023, the sales of electric vehicles is only around Rp16,000-Rp18,000.
06:21While the total sales of cars is Rp2 million.
06:26Rp2 million more than motor vehicles.
06:30So only 0.8% of total sales in 2023.
06:37Maybe in 2024 it will increase a little.
06:40So it's still too late for us to convert everything to electricity.
06:46So that's the challenge.
06:51There are some notes that we have summarized.
06:55Let's go to Mr. Ferry Hasiman.
06:58How about the government's plan to target independence or renewable energy
07:03in less than 5 years?
07:06Do you see this as a very optimistic thing?
07:10Do we need extra effort?
07:13As Mr. Moshe Rizal said,
07:17we need a revolutionary policy.
07:21So the gap is too far.
07:24For BBM itself, our current demand is already above Rp1.6 million per day.
07:31While we have a production capacity of Rp580,000-Rp610,000 per day.
07:39Then our electricity capacity is also very low, only Rp800,000 per day.
07:44So the gap is too far.
07:45So if we want to stop BBM imports in the next 5 years,
07:51I am very pessimistic about the statement of the President.
07:57Because the situation on the ground is very different from what the government stated.
08:03So for example, if we really want to reduce BBM imports,
08:09we must be able to reduce the demand in the electricity sector.
08:17So that means the PLN must make policies outside the BBM sector for electricity.
08:26Now the PLN still hopes for the highest coal in the 57-60% range.
08:33And below it there is BBM, gas, followed by renewable energy.
08:37But I see in some activities, the exploration carried out by the PLN,
08:43especially for the rise of global heat energy electricity, is still very far.
08:48In some places there are still many rejections made by the local community
08:53because of the lack of cultural and anthropological closeness
08:57with the situation in the local community.
09:01And this requires cooperation between the central government,
09:04the provincial government, and the regional government.
09:07And I see that there is no synchronization of policies between the central government and the local community.
09:15As a result, the rise of global heat energy electricity,
09:18which is expected to reduce BBM imports a little,
09:22has not been implemented until now.
09:24Added with a large cost, large investment,
09:26then banks that do not want to give credit to do energy transition,
09:35it makes it difficult for the development of our energy in the future.
09:39And for example, the population is already very large, up to 270 million people.
09:48Of course, our BBM demand is also very high in the future.
09:51So if we want to reduce BBM imports,
09:53if it's zero, I'm not sure.
09:56I'm not sure at all, because our gap is too far.
10:00Then the oil exploration in the energy sector is still,
10:06now the ROKAN block that we hope to increase,
10:09there are a few points, almost 200 points that have been borne,
10:12but the production capacity is still in the range of 160 to 200 million barrels per day.
10:19As well as the block that has Exxon Mobil in Bojonegoro,
10:25it hasn't been lifted yet.
10:29So if we do drilling in the deep sea,
10:36like what was done in Makassar Strait,
10:38there are a lot of investors who have already hung up.
10:41For example, Cefron in Indonesia Deepwater in Makassar Strait,
10:45it has been hung up for several years.
10:46Then the Masela block has not yet done drilling for the addition of permanent LNG capacity.
10:56So a lot of policies that the government is doing are counterproductive
11:01to the situation in the field experienced by the KKKS in the coal mining sector.
11:06That's it, Mr. Padi.
11:08What strategies do you think need to be done by the government
11:12as well as entrepreneurs to be able to support?
11:15Earlier we talked about national energy.
11:17In the next few years, we will discuss it in the next segment.
11:20We will take a short break.
11:22We will be back after the break.
11:24Stay tuned.
11:42Thank you for staying with us on MarketTV.
11:45We will continue this interesting discussion with Mr. Moshe Rizal.
11:49He is the Chairperson of Asper Megas Investment Committee.
11:51We also have Mr. Ferdy Hasiman, Minister of Coal and Energy.
11:55Mr. Moshe, we know that the government has just launched 37 National Electricity Strategy Projects
12:01which include 26 power plants, 11 transmission lines, and 18 provinces.
12:093.2 gigawatts of electricity will be generated.
12:13What do you think about the government's efforts?
12:15Will they be able to keep up with our Megas target lifting?
12:22On the one hand, EBT, and on the other hand, fossil energy can run side by side
12:27so that at one point we can be independent in terms of energy
12:31and focus on renewable energy, Mr. Moshe.
12:37So, all of that must be done together and not chosen.
12:46So, we have to keep on electrifying.
12:52We have to keep pushing.
12:54PLN has done an amazing job
12:57to increase our electricity, our capacity, and so on.
13:07But on the other hand,
13:10the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
13:14is also trying to increase our Megas production
13:18to reach the target of 1 million barrels.
13:22We are still questioning that, because the production continues to decline.
13:29So, all of that has to be done together.
13:32We can't just choose.
13:34For example, we have to renew our electricity first, and then we can't do that with EV.
13:39We have to keep on doing that.
13:41We have to keep on electrifying with energy efficiency.
13:45On the other hand, our Megas also have to keep on supporting our electricity and energy.
13:55Because if we look at a country, we always focus on three elements.
14:00Energy security, energy affordability, and then energy transition.
14:04Energy transition must always be placed at the bottom.
14:11I repeat, there are three elements.
14:14The first one, which is the most important, is security.
14:17The second one is affordability.
14:19Transition will come later.
14:22I don't mean later.
14:24Let's ignore it.
14:26But the priority is the third one.
14:29Why? Because security is the most important.
14:31If we look at Western countries, such as Australia, Germany,
14:36America, California, Japan, etc.
14:41They have a lot of emissions.
14:43Transition is important, but it has to be placed at the third element.
14:49What's important is security and affordability.
14:52For security, everyone has to be able to enjoy energy.
14:56The second one is affordability.
14:57Everyone has to be able to enjoy energy in an affordable way.
15:02It's good for the individual and also good for our business.
15:06Because our business has to compete.
15:08Compete in the country and also compete abroad.
15:12So these two are the most important.
15:15The country always has to prioritize these two.
15:18This has to be secured first.
15:20In transition, we also run electrification, electric vehicles,
15:25renewable energy, geothermal energy.
15:30But all of these require money.
15:32All of these require investment.
15:35If we just look at it, the government only targets,
15:40provides extraordinary targets.
15:44But they don't always think about how to achieve that target.
15:48How to do it, not only from the technical side,
15:52but also from the investment side.
15:56What is the risk?
15:59The risk for the country, the risk for the investor must also be considered.
16:02It's interesting, right?
16:04If it's not interesting, the investor won't go in.
16:07Big countries like Japan, America, European countries,
16:13all need investors.
16:15Not only from within the country, but also from abroad.
16:18So we have to be able to look at it in a comprehensive way.
16:23If we set a target,
16:27that's what we always see, it doesn't match what you said,
16:32it doesn't match with reality.
16:34Mr. Ferdinand, so what are the strategies that need to be done?
16:38So that there is no synchronization or mismatch
16:42between fossil energy development,
16:44renewable energy development,
16:48to reach the target that in 5 years or in the next few years,
16:52we can really not import BBM,
16:56to be able to fulfill it all freely in the country.
17:00Of course, the most important thing is the roadmap,
17:04the policy design of the central government.
17:06What do we want to do in the next year?
17:10What do we want to do in the coal sector, for example?
17:12Then in the gas sector, for example.
17:14Then in the coal sector.
17:16Don't just talk about it all the time.
17:18So the RDPMP, the coal youth,
17:21has been going on since 2014.
17:24But until now, some of the coal sectors
17:27haven't been running at all.
17:29There are some investors, for example,
17:31who are interested in some of the coal sectors.
17:33For example, Saudi Aramco is interested in the Chilacap coal sector.
17:36We heard information that
17:39the proposal from the Ministry of Finance and Government
17:42was rejected by a partnership
17:46to build with the Chilacap coal sector.
17:48Then there are also some coal sectors
17:50that the investors failed to enter.
17:52So in terms of this readiness,
17:55the central government does not seem ready.
18:00Then Indonesia, which needs to be noted,
18:03is the largest population,
18:06almost 270 million people.
18:08Of course, our energy resilience,
18:10our energy security
18:12will be very important
18:14for the next few years.
18:16Because such a large population
18:18requires a lot of demand
18:20in the BBM and energy sectors.
18:23We see that the situation on the ground
18:26is different.
18:28Investments in the Hulumi gas sector
18:30are now running,
18:32but the jumbo-jumbo investments
18:34are now not BBM, not oil,
18:36but gas.
18:37Some investments in the Hulumi gas sector
18:39are also gas.
18:41For example, in Natuna too.
18:43Because the CO2 content is too high.
18:46Until now, for example,
18:48Pertamina has not yet found
18:50their partners
18:52who will build the Natuna block.
18:54Until now, it hasn't worked yet.
18:56So things like this
18:58need to be noticed.
19:00So the process that is so long
19:02to take policy from the government
19:04also weighs down our energy sector.
19:05So we can say
19:07that we will
19:09zero BBM energy imports
19:11in the future.
19:13But our readiness to go there,
19:15what is it?
19:17Policy, policy,
19:19route map, policy,
19:21what do we go there for?
19:23What are the steps taken by entrepreneurs?
19:25I'm sure entrepreneurs
19:27are now very ready
19:29to invest
19:31in the gas sector.
19:33If the policies
19:35made by the government and the DPR
19:37run synchronously.
19:39One example, for example,
19:41if we want to introduce energy transition.
19:43So the DPR and the government
19:46until now have not yet
19:48passed the new renewable energy law.
19:51It is still in the process
19:53in the DPR.
19:55There are still 365 DIM
19:57problematic investments
19:59that have been identified.
20:01But there are still many more
20:03that have not been identified properly.
20:05So if we want to do energy transition
20:07while our readiness
20:09from the regulatory side
20:11and the law is not yet ready,
20:13it certainly raises legal uncertainty
20:15in the eyes of investors.
20:17For investors, Indonesia is not ready
20:19to do that.
20:21Yes, that's it.
20:23What is needed from Indonesia
20:25is certainty and also certainty
20:27for the continuation of business
20:29and how the rules or policies
20:31in the sector or the gas industry
20:35For example, the Indonesian company
20:37is planning to invest
20:3910 billion dollars
20:41or 155 trillion dollars
20:43in the gas sector in Aceh.
20:45Do you see the potential
20:47that we are still quite sexy
20:49in the eyes of global investors
20:51when it comes to the gas sector?
20:53Yes, I do.
20:55I hear the news.
20:57It's just that the DPR
20:59has not yet made
21:01an official statement.
21:03What I see
21:05is that the DPR
21:07has already signed a contract.
21:09Not yet.
21:11It's still being reviewed.
21:13How big will they invest
21:15and what will be their chances.
21:17There is still a lot of potential.
21:19I don't see this as
21:23that we are not rich anymore.
21:25We are still rich.
21:27We still have a lot of potential.
21:29As Mr. Ferdy said,
21:31most of our discoveries
21:33are related to gas.
21:35Let's imagine
21:37that 15 years ago,
21:39Mr. Ella
21:41was already on-stream.
21:43Imagine the value
21:45of our sales opportunity
21:47from Indonesia
21:49that we can get
21:51when the war in China happened.
21:53Where the price of LNG
21:55jumped far above.
21:57The profit was amazing.
21:59We missed that opportunity.
22:01Why? Because of our ego.
22:03Why? Because of politicization.
22:05Because of nationalization issues.
22:08We missed that opportunity.
22:10Don't let that happen again.
22:12Investors see
22:16has a risk
22:18like this.
22:21Those who have the intention,
22:23have the POD,
22:25can be revoked again.
22:27Can be revoked again.
22:30Can be re-discussed again.
22:32A long debate
22:33for years.
22:35That can happen.
22:37And that's what investors see.
22:39It makes investors
22:41not sure.
22:43There is a problem of regulation,
22:45uncertainty, etc.
22:47But this is more crucial.
22:50The execution.
22:54Negotiation, for example,
22:56with oil investment
22:58in Indonesia.
23:00We see it ourselves.
23:01As Ferdy said,
23:11In the end,
23:12it's not fair.
23:14What's the problem?
23:16And it's not a matter of regulation.
23:18Regulation can be done,
23:19if there is no problem.
23:20It's not that problem.
23:22There is a problem where
23:24we don't want to let go.
23:27With investors,
23:28we have to win.
23:29We can't win alone.
23:32Pertamina needs help.
23:34Pertamina can't do it alone.
23:36To manage so many assets,
23:38from Uruh to Hilir,
23:40it needs help.
23:42What kind of help?
23:43From the capital side,
23:44but also from the risk side.
23:46It can't all be covered
23:47by Pertamina.
23:48The risk.
23:49Because it's huge.
23:51If it's gone like yesterday,
23:52it's gone to the fire.
23:53Wow, isn't the risk amazing?
23:55That's what we have to think about.
23:59If the government sets a target,
24:01I see it's always short-term.
24:025 years, 5 years.
24:04Every time,
24:05in the end,
24:06it's a political year.
24:12it should be longer-term.
24:14We have to look at
24:15what the long-term looks like.
24:17There should be investment
24:18from the government itself.
24:20To manage the investment
24:21in a better way.
24:24It means we need
24:25a revolutionary policy
24:27that has a vision
24:28for the future.
24:30Not just short-term
24:31with various efforts.
24:33We need to implement
24:34or execute it on the ground.
24:36That's what gives us
24:37legal certainty,
24:39policy certainty,
24:40and investment certainty
24:42for the companies
24:44that invest
24:46in the gas sector in Indonesia
24:47while we keep trying
24:49to reach
24:50the national energy
24:53Thank you so much
24:54for your time
24:55and sharing
24:56and updates.
24:57Mr. Berdi,
24:58thank you for the analysis
24:59that has been delivered
25:00to the audience.
25:01Good luck with your activities.
25:02Stay healthy.
25:03See you again.
25:05Thank you, Mr. Bas.
25:06Mr. Berdi.
25:08Thank you, Mr. Bas.
25:09The audience has been with you
25:10for an hour
25:11in Market Review
25:12and keep sharing your information
25:13only on IDX Channel,
25:14your trustworthy
25:15and comprehensive
25:16investment reference.
25:17Because the future
25:18has to move forward.
25:19I am Investor Saham.
25:21Yes, I am the Vice President
25:22of Wibowo
25:23as well as all
25:24the employees
25:25on behalf of Wibowo.
25:27See you again.
