Aventuras bíblicas 7. A rainha Ester

  • 22 hours ago


00:27Well, my noble princes of Persia, what do you think of the riches and wonders of my glorious kingdom and excellent majesty?
00:35Ah, Majesty, you are the all-powerful of India and Ethiopia. You have a good taste for food and drink, and a light for beauty.
00:44Speaking of beauty, how is the beautiful Queen Vashti?
00:47Our eyes will have the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of Queen Vashti.
00:51Ah, yes. Yes, of course. Now you will have a feast for the eyes.
00:56Go, go get Queen Vashti. Bring her here so that my guests may appreciate her.
01:02Immediately, Majesty.
01:13Well, no, gentlemen, what is it?
01:15Majesty, His Royal Highness King Asuero wishes your presence in the Grand Salon. It will be our pleasure to accompany you.
01:23My lords, you will not have this pleasure. I do not want to go.
01:29But, but, Your Highness orders that...
01:32I will not be a spectacle to all that pleb. If the king wants to see me, let him come here.
01:39I will inform the king of your refusal.
01:48Forgive me, Majesty, but the queen refuses to come.
01:52What? She refuses to come?
01:54I said it would not be a spectacle for this pleb.
02:02What should I do with Queen Vashti? She refused a request of mine.
02:06She insulted not only Your Majesty, but also all the princes and all the men of the city.
02:13When the women of the kingdom learn of this, they will not have any respect or obedience for their husbands.
02:18If it pleases the king, write a royal decree for Queen Vashti to be banished for disobedience.
02:24And then choose another queen better than her.
02:28Oh, yes, yes, that's what should be done.
02:32Order officers from all the provinces to gather all the young and beautiful ladies in the palace.
02:38And make the lady who pleases the queen the queen of Vashti.
02:43Very well, my love.
02:45I have appointed Lord Aman above all the princes.
02:49He will fulfill my wishes.
02:51Everyone must respect him and respect him.
02:54Now make Queen Vashti banished from Susa.
02:57And begin the search for the new queen.
03:02The lady who pleases the king the most will be the queen.
03:05Esther, I'm sure the officers will include you when they bring the ladies together.
03:09And with your beauty, you must be chosen.
03:12But cousin Mardeki, how could I be the queen?
03:15The king is Persian and I am Jewish.
03:17As the queen could have great influence for our people.
03:20The king does not need to know that he is Jewish.
03:23Esther, my dear, if the king chooses you for the queen, it will be for a good purpose.
03:31Go and find the most beautiful ladies of the royal city.
03:35Come here so that the king may choose his new queen.
04:01Open to the officer of King Azuero.
04:08We are recruiting the most beautiful young women of the kingdom.
04:11One of which will be chosen to be the queen.
04:14I think a young woman of great beauty lives here.
04:17Yes, I'll get her for you.
04:23This is my cousin Esther.
04:27This is my cousin Esther.
04:38Yes, she is a competitor.
04:40Come to the carriage.
04:42If the king does not choose you, you will be brought back.
04:57I will accompany you to the throne room, where each will be analyzed by the king.
05:01Do not approach His Majesty without being called.
05:04And if he points the royal scepter to you, you must touch the tip of the scepter.
05:09If you do not, by law, you must be sentenced to death.
05:24You must be sentenced to death.
05:36If he does not choose that girl, Esther, you will be next.
05:46Now, Esther.
05:55What is your name, young man?
05:57Esther, Your Majesty.
06:00Your voice is like music.
06:02It is very gentle, Your Highness.
06:05Now look into my eyes.
06:13Soft as a dove.
06:20I do not need to see any more.
06:22Esther will be my queen.
06:26Your Majesty, King Azuero, I have the pleasure of introducing your new queen.
06:31Queen Esther!
06:32Long live Queen Esther! Long live Queen Esther!
06:35Long live Queen Esther! Long live Queen Esther!
06:38Long live Queen Esther! Long live Queen Esther!
06:41The days of celebration have begun.
06:45Tares, during the celebration, the king and the guards will be dressed in wine.
06:50We can kill him for banishing Queen Esther.
06:53That's right. It will be a good time.
07:03Your cousin Martin Key says he needs to talk to you immediately.
07:08Excuse me, sir. I need to talk to my lady of company.
07:12Do not delay, my dear.
07:16Esther, you have to talk to the king. His life is in danger.
07:25Esther, my queen, you look worried. What happened?
07:29I just heard from your guard Martin Key that his two knights, Big Tan and Tares,
07:34plan to assassinate him during the celebration.
07:37I had foreseen your growing disloyalty.
07:40Well, a stab in the back would ruin the party.
07:43But this assassination will not happen.
07:48Your Majesty.
07:49Have the guards search the palace.
07:51Find Tares and Big Tan.
07:53Arrest them and prepare them for execution.
07:56Immediately, Your Majesty.
08:08Martin Key, do not revere me again.
08:11I am the second in authority after the king.
08:14Everyone must revere me, even you.
08:17Aman, I am a Jew.
08:19And I will not revere you.
08:21Be careful, Martin Key.
08:23Since you do not have respect for the king,
08:26you will not be able to do so.
08:28You will not be able to do so.
08:30You will not be able to do so.
08:32You will not be able to do so.
08:34Martin Key, since you do not have respect for me,
08:38perhaps you show some respect for the seal.
08:46My king, there are certain people infiltrated in your countries
08:50who obey their own laws instead of yours.
08:53They even resist paying taxes
08:56and will cause problems throughout your kingdom.
08:58And one of them, called Martin Key,
09:00works in his own garden as a porter.
09:05Create a law for these people to be killed.
09:09I myself will pay the taxes for it.
09:11Yes, issue a decree to kill these troublemakers
09:14and put my seal on them. It will be a new law.
09:24All Jews from the city of Susa and the provinces of King Asuero
09:28must be found and killed in the fortress
09:31under the orders of Amman, under the authority of King Asuero.
09:34My God, this is not possible. This is not possible.
09:46What happened, my friends?
09:48Read this. We are lost.
09:55I have caused this evil to my people
09:57through the hatred that Amman feels for me.
09:59I am going to take off my clothes,
10:01put on my shoes, and weep with you.
10:14I don't know where Martin Key is.
10:16He always comes under this window every night
10:19and I haven't seen him for days.
10:23Something is wrong.
10:25It seems that nothing is happening in the city
10:28and there are strange sounds.
10:30What could it be?
10:32If you allow me, Your Highness,
10:34but the sound you hear is people
10:36lamenting and crying for the city,
10:38dressed in frog clothes
10:40and putting ashes on their heads.
10:42And your cousin Martin Key, the doorman, is one of them.
10:45Esther, what do you think is wrong?
10:48I don't know.
10:50I'm going to send him new clothes.
10:52Maybe that will cheer him up.
10:54Yes, take my cousin some new clothes
10:57Immediately, Your Highness.
11:10Your Highness, Martin Key, the doorman,
11:12refused to wear the new clothes
11:14and is still wearing the frog clothes.
11:16I'm going to send the knight to attack Martin Key
11:18and find out what's going on.
11:26Attack, my friend.
11:28The hatred of Amman for me
11:30made the king give the order
11:32for me and my people to be killed.
11:35You must take this to Queen Esther.
11:38Tell her to go to the king
11:40and beg for the lives of his people.
11:42No one can approach the king without being called.
11:45Under death penalty, even the queen.
11:47This is the law.
11:49If she remains silent,
11:51the king will be killed.
11:54If she remains silent now,
11:56she and all her people will be destroyed.
12:08Tell Martin Key to gather our people
12:10and fast for three days and three nights.
12:13I will do the same.
12:15And then I'll talk to the king about the law.
12:19But, Your Highness,
12:21it's too late.
12:22The king can sentence you to death.
12:25I have to do it.
12:27And if I fail,
12:29it doesn't matter.
12:34Let me help you.
12:52Your Highness,
12:53no one can enter the council room
12:55without being called.
12:57But I am the queen of this kingdom.
13:05Your Highness,
13:06she was not called.
13:08She will die.
13:16Your Highness,
13:17forgive me.
13:19Your Highness,
13:20forgive me.
13:21I couldn't wait to be called.
13:23I need to talk to you.
13:26Come, my dear.
13:28What do you have to tell me
13:30that would risk your life?
13:32Your Highness,
13:33I want you and Prince Yaman
13:35to come to my residence tomorrow night
13:37for a banquet.
13:39Then I will make my request.
13:41A banquet?
13:44Did you hear?
13:45A banquet.
13:49You are the most beautiful and courageous woman
13:51in my kingdom.
13:53We'll be there,
13:54won't we, Yaman?
13:55I must inform my wife
13:56and ruler of this great honor.
14:02the star of your husband rises.
14:04Tomorrow night,
14:05the queen will prepare a banquet
14:06in her residence
14:07just for the king and me.
14:09I will hang the despicable Mar de Quay
14:12and start the extermination of his people.
14:14Prepare my best clothes.
14:17What a great event!
14:23Margot, I'm worried.
14:25Esther, it will work.
14:27It will.
14:28Open the wings for the king.
14:31I'll stay in the other room.
14:40please sit down.
14:43A banquet for the king.
14:48What a wonderful night, my dear.
14:52what is your request?
14:54Even if it is my kingdom,
14:55it will be granted.
14:57If I see grace and favor
14:58before your eyes
14:59and great affection,
15:00may the king and Yaman
15:01return to another banquet
15:03that I will prepare tomorrow.
15:04Then I will make my request.
15:07Very well, Queen Esther.
15:09Tomorrow, your banquet
15:10and your request.
15:14Only the king and I
15:15will go to the queen's banquet,
15:16and tomorrow I will be again
15:17invited by the king
15:18to another queen's banquet.
15:20But that means absolutely nothing
15:23if Mar de Quay is still at the gate.
15:26You must prepare a fork
15:28and tomorrow talk to the king
15:30about this Mar de Quay.
15:32Then go unpretentiously
15:34to the banquet
15:35the next morning.
15:37Of course.
15:39The king won't even remember.
15:53Bring me my book of records
15:54so I can read the notes.
15:56At once, Your Majesty.
16:01Who warned Queen Esther
16:03that Big Dan and Tares
16:04were planning to kill me?
16:10Ah, Mar de Quay.
16:12What a heart-wrenching
16:14was given to Mar de Quay
16:15for his loyalty.
16:17Nothing was done for him, Your Majesty.
16:19Call Lord Yaman now.
16:23You say the king
16:24wants my presence immediately?
16:26He probably wants to congratulate me
16:28for taking care of that detestable Mar de Quay
16:31and the problem with the Jews.
16:34Lord Yaman,
16:35what must be done
16:36with the one
16:37the king wants to honor?
16:38Ah, well, Your Majesty.
16:40Let the honored one
16:41wear a royal robe,
16:43mount a royal horse,
16:45with a royal crown on his head.
16:47Have one of your noble princes
16:49walk around the city
16:50and proclaim to all
16:51what is done
16:52to the one
16:53who is honored by the king.
16:55Yes, Yaman.
16:56You are a noble prince.
16:58I order that you
17:00honor the king.
17:02Yes, Yaman.
17:03I order that you
17:05put a royal crown on Mar de Quay's head.
17:11And allow him
17:12to mount my horse
17:13and that you guide him
17:14around the city
17:16all the honors
17:17granted by the king.
17:20People of Susa,
17:21this man
17:23was decorated by the king
17:25and today he receives these tributes.
17:29Enjoy now, Mar de Quay,
17:31because at the end of this week
17:33you will be on leave.
17:39Another wonderful dinner, my dear.
17:42Now, what is your request?
17:44If I still see grace and favor
17:46in your eyes, my king,
17:48and if you like it,
17:49save my life.
17:51Your life?
17:53It is the life of my cousin, Mar de Quay.
17:56It is the life of my cousin, Mar de Quay.
17:58It is the life of all my people.
18:01We were not sold as slaves,
18:03but we are about to be killed.
18:05Who would dare
18:06to threaten the life of my queen Esther?
18:08Who is he?
18:09Where is he?
18:10It was him,
18:11Lord Yaman.
18:12Because of your hatred for Mar de Quay.
18:15Mar de Quay?
18:16The man I honored?
18:18The man who saved me
18:19from the plan of murder?
18:27Please, Your Highness.
18:31would you dishonor my queen
18:33inside my house?
18:35Your Majesty,
18:36if I could explain...
18:39will Mar de Quay be hanged tomorrow?
18:42Your Majesty...
18:44Answer me!
18:46Yes, but I...
18:47I didn't want to...
18:48There will be a change.
18:50You will take Mar de Quay's place in the hangar
18:53and he will take yours.
18:57Take Lord Yaman to be hanged tomorrow
19:00and bring Mar de Quay to me.
19:03He will be honored by my kingdom.
19:06But, Your Majesty,
19:07I didn't know the queen was Jewish,
19:10or I wouldn't have...
19:12My dear queen,
19:14nothing or no one should make you sad.
19:18I will send messages throughout the kingdom
19:21so that the Jews are not killed
19:23or attacked,
19:24so that they can defend themselves.
19:26My dear queen,
19:28your love and bravery saved your people.
19:34Tomorrow and every year,
19:36on the same day,
19:37there will be parties and celebrations
19:39for your people,
19:40in honor of you.
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