आलू और आलू से बनी चीजें स्वाद तो पूरा देती हैं लेकिन सेहत का फैसला इस बात से होता है कि आप इसे किस तरह पकाकर खा रहे हैं. जी हां, भूनकर, मसलकर, काटकर, तलकर या उबालकर कैसे?
Potatoes and potato products are delicious but their health is determined by the way you cook and eat them. Yes, by roasting, mashing, cutting, frying or boiling them.
Potatoes and potato products are delicious but their health is determined by the way you cook and eat them. Yes, by roasting, mashing, cutting, frying or boiling them.