Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1953) SALT IN HIS BLOOD

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Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1953) SALT IN HIS BLOOD

Step back in time to the golden age of television with the captivating episode "Salt in His Blood" from the classic TV series "Mr. and Mrs. North." This 1953 gem is a perfect blend of mystery, drama, and romance, featuring the charming duo of Richard Denning and Barbara Britton as Jerry and Pamela North, a married couple with a knack for solving crimes that baffle the police.

In "Salt in His Blood," we dive into a thrilling narrative where Chuck Walker, a friend of the Norths, finds himself in a dire situation. Discharged from the Navy for being underage and planning to rejoin under a new identity, Chuck's journey takes a dark turn when he's entangled in a bar fight leading to a robbery and a subsequent death. Accused of murder, the plot thickens, and it's up to the astute Mr. and Mrs. North to clear his name.

This episode is not just a crime-solving adventure; it's a snapshot of the era's cultural landscape, reflecting the post-war society's values and challenges. It's a story that resonates with the timeless themes of honor, friendship, and the pursuit of justice. The Norths are not just characters; they are the embodiment of the everyday hero, proving that with wit and determination, any mystery can be unraveled.

For those who appreciate the classics, "Salt in His Blood" is a must-watch. It's a testament to the enduring appeal of Mr. and Mrs. North, a series that continues to captivate audiences with its sophisticated wit and engaging storytelling. So why not take a nostalgic trip down memory lane and experience the intrigue and charm of "Mr. and Mrs. North"? You can find this episode available for viewing on various platforms. Don't miss out on this piece of television history!


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:45Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:07Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:27Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:47Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:57Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:07Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:17Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:27Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:37Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:47Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
02:57Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:07Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:17Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:27Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:37Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
03:47Hello, Mom.
04:01What's the matter, dear? Aren't you hungry?
04:05I guess not.
04:07But, Charles, I fixed everything you always liked.
04:10And after that Navy food, Navy char is good.
04:14So is the Navy.
04:17Charles, dear, I know you're upset.
04:19But isn't there anything your mother can do?
04:23Yeah, yeah, Mom.
04:26Just leave me alone for a while.
04:29I'm going to go out.
04:31All right, dear.
04:33Probably Dorothy would like to see you.
04:36What for?
04:38I look just like any other civilian, don't I?
04:52Chuck, we've been coming here since we were kids.
04:58And that's what they still think I am.
05:08I think you're my man.
05:15I kissed a girl in Frisco.
05:20I guess sailors are all alike.
05:24Was she pretty?
05:32Divorced, too.
05:34That's too bad.
05:35I don't believe in divorce.
05:40I wish we were on the beach at Coney Island.
05:42I was there last month.
05:44It was wonderful.
05:47I was at Wonsum.
05:49Where's that?
05:51Oh, up by Ching Kao.
05:54Northeastern Sungu.
05:56You know, Korea.
06:00Then I was at Formosan.
06:02In Hong Kong.
06:04A lot of other places girls wouldn't know about.
06:07I guess there are a lot of things this girl wouldn't know about.
06:11For instance, whether you love me or not.
06:17Oh, sure, Dotty.
06:19Sure I do.
06:22Only I shouldn't tell you.
06:25Because I'm going to go back?
06:26Oh, no, Chuck.
06:27Look, I've got it all figured out.
06:29With $150, I can get to the West Coast and enlist under a different name.
06:32Oh, no, you can't.
06:34At least not right away.
06:35You just got home.
06:36Look, Dot.
06:38I belong in the Navy.
06:40I have to go.
06:43Try and understand.
06:46Try and understand.
06:51I guess there's no use.
06:56$150 is a lot of money.
07:01I have $27 saved up you can use.
07:05Thanks, but I'll get the money somehow.
07:10Don't worry about that.
07:29Hello there, folks.
07:40Where did you dock?
07:42And I'm dry docked.
07:44No kidding.
07:46What happened?
07:47Oh, that's a long story to tell on Memorial Day.
07:49Let's have a root beer, folks.
07:51Coming up.
07:52Root beer.
07:55Say, mate, didn't I see you in Yokosuka?
07:59Sure, I remember you.
08:02I was on the tin can right next to yours.
08:04How much liberty you got?
08:09Hiya, boy.
08:11You still got that anchor?
08:12Sure have, Needle.
08:13You did a real good job.
08:17Come over to the shop sometime.
08:19I'll fix up the other line.
08:21Not too much foam on that, folks.
08:27Hey, folks.
08:29Let's have another round.
08:31That's the way, honey.
08:32You're a real sport.
08:35I can afford to be.
08:41See, I can buy drinks for everybody.
08:46In fact, the better reason I think I will.
08:49Hey, Eddie.
08:50Take care of it for me, will you?
08:55I'll pay for the drinks, Needles.
08:58Will you?
08:59Ain't it pretty?
09:01Someday you'll go too far, Sloan.
09:03Take it easy.
09:04Not tonight.
09:05I'm celebrating.
09:06I just took over a nice little business all for myself.
09:10Take it out.
09:14Have a drink on me, Junior.
09:16Don't call me Junior.
09:20Come on, kid.
09:22Come on.
09:23Have a drink with Sloan.
09:24What do you say?
09:25Let's put some muscles in that, huh?
09:27Shut up, Mr.
09:29None of that.
09:46Oh, Pam Jerry, come in, please.
10:15You look tired, Andy Walker.
10:17Oh, I'm all right, dear.
10:18I just didn't sleep.
10:20Shall we sit down, Mrs. Walker?
10:26Mrs. Walker, where's Chuck?
10:29He isn't home.
10:31Was he home at all last night?
10:33No, he wasn't.
10:35That's why I didn't sleep.
10:36I worried and worried.
10:37Andy Walker, Jerry has something to tell you.
10:43Well, you know how much we both think of you and Chuck.
10:46So try not to take this too hard because we're going to help you.
10:50What is it, Jerry?
10:51What is it?
10:52Well, I got a phone call from Bill Wigand this morning.
10:55He's a friend of ours and a police officer.
11:01Well, Bill knows we're very good friends of Chuck's.
11:03So, well, there's a charge of robbery and assault.
11:08And Bill has a warrant for Chuck's arrest.
11:12Oh, no.
11:17Lieutenant, you're wasting your time.
11:19My son wouldn't do a thing like that.
11:23Where is he, Mrs. Walker?
11:26I don't know.
11:27Would you tell me if you did?
11:31He's guilty, Mrs. Walker.
11:33The facts are obvious.
11:34I don't know about the facts.
11:37I know Charles.
11:38Do you, Mrs. Walker?
11:40Is that why he left home before?
11:43You're trying to hurt me, so I'll say something I don't mean.
11:46I understand, Lieutenant, but it won't do you any good.
11:48I don't know where he is.
11:50It won't do you any good to hurt me.
11:52Bill, you are saddest.
11:54I'm only doing my job, Pam.
11:58Bill, I think the kid is innocent.
12:01Well, now, how in the world do you figure that, Jerry?
12:03Just look at the facts.
12:05According to Miss Lane's story, he was desperate for money.
12:07I didn't say he was desperate.
12:09He just said he'd get the money.
12:12It's the same thing.
12:14Now, look, he had motive.
12:16He saw Sloan's roll of money, and it was all he needed.
12:19And then he had the opportunity.
12:21All the witnesses agree that he's the one Sloan started the fight with.
12:24Bill, I've known Chuck since he was so high.
12:27That's a long time, but it doesn't prove anything.
12:29Yes, it does.
12:30He didn't do it.
12:31No, he just isn't the type.
12:33He just isn't the type.
12:34Well, he isn't.
12:35And I won't...
12:36Now, stop right there.
12:37I don't care what else you think, but don't start playing detective.
12:40Now, you heard me, Pam.
12:42You two stay out of this case.
12:44And that's an order.
12:49Mrs. Walker, I hope you realize that if this man Sloan dies,
12:53your son will be held for murder.
13:00What am I going to do, Boats?
13:01What am I going to do?
13:03Now, stop worrying, Chuck.
13:04We'll think of something.
13:06I know, but if they catch me, I'll get booked.
13:08They'll have a police record and the Navy will never take me back in.
13:11But they're not going to catch you.
13:13You'll be back at sea before we know it.
13:16I wish my mother was more for it.
13:18She still thinks I'm a baby.
13:20Age doesn't matter, lad.
13:23It's the call of the sea.
13:26The air made strong medicine.
13:28I know.
13:29I was 14 when it got me.
13:34I used to play hook and go down to the docks
13:36just to watch the ships in the smelly ocean.
13:40I know.
13:41Kind of funny magic that happens to certain men.
13:44And when it happens,
13:46nothing on God's earth can stop that man from going to sea.
13:53Better get out.
14:05Oh, good morning.
14:07Good morning.
14:09Looks like we're opening your place.
14:11Well, as a matter of fact, you are.
14:18We've closed a lot of places.
14:21When will it be?
14:23A root beer.
14:24Uh, two root beers.
14:26Two root beers.
14:29What's the pitch?
14:33Come on, now.
14:35Nobody comes in here at this time of the morning
14:37just for a couple of root beers.
14:39Are you Mr. Erickson?
14:41Yes, I am.
14:42I'm the owner of this place.
14:44I'm the owner of this place.
14:46I'm the owner of this place.
14:48I'm the owner of this place.
14:50I'm the owner of this place.
14:52I'm the owner of this place.
14:54I'm the owner of this place.
14:56Are you Mr. Erickson?
14:58Not Mr.
15:00Just Boats.
15:02I'm Jerry North.
15:04My wife Pam.
15:05How do you do?
15:06How do you do?
15:07Uh, we'd like to talk to you about that fight last night.
15:12So talk.
15:15Well, the police think that Chuck Walker
15:17assaulted and robbed that man Sloan.
15:19Do they?
15:21Well, you were here. Do you think so?
15:23Opinions get a man in trouble.
15:26Come on, you can put that away,
15:28because I'm not selling them either.
15:30Look, we're friends of that boy.
15:32We're only trying to help him.
15:34Well, why didn't you say that first?
15:38The answer's no.
15:40I don't think the kid cracked Sloan's skull,
15:42but if he did, he deserves a medal.
15:45Oh, you don't like Sloan, huh?
15:47Nobody likes Sloan.
15:49He's second rate all the way down the line.
15:52Last night, what really did happen?
15:55Well, it all started when Sloan flashed a big wad of dough.
15:58Then he began spouting off about taking over some business.
16:04They were fighting all around here,
16:06and then all of a sudden everybody scattered.
16:08Later, Bunny, that's Sloan's girlfriend,
16:12she went looking for him.
16:13She found him with his head bashed in
16:16and his pockets empty.
16:19And no one saw Chuck after the fight?
16:22No, no, no one.
16:24And you don't remember what happened during the fight?
16:26I'm afraid not.
16:27You'll have to ask Needles.
16:28He was there when I got clipped.
16:31Yeah, he has a tattoo shop next door.
16:33Opens up about six.
16:37Needles, huh?
16:42Needles, just what did you know about Sloan?
16:45Oh, nothing much.
16:47Only that I...
16:49I hated him just like everybody else.
16:51Well, that's wonderful.
16:53Beautiful work.
16:54That's a perfect likeness.
16:56If you'll leave this sketch with me, Mrs. North,
16:58I'll frame it for you.
17:01Oh, no charge at all.
17:04I'll have it ready for you later this evening.
17:08Thank you very much.
17:10You're very welcome.
17:11Well, we'll see you later.
17:12Not you will.
17:18They're such nice people.
17:29It sure doesn't look good, does it?
17:32No, it doesn't.
17:40Jerry, look what I found.
17:42A ring.
17:43No, it's not a ring, darling.
17:45It's a pharaoh.
17:46A what?
17:48It's a metal band off a cane or a fishing rod,
17:50something like this.
17:56Low charge, eh?
17:58You must have made a big hit with Needles.
18:00He's usually pretty close with a buck.
18:05Did you learn anything?
18:10you said that Sloan was bragging about
18:12taking over a business.
18:14Maybe he was working with someone,
18:16someone he'd just double-crossed.
18:18Could be.
18:20But if he had a partner,
18:22that's him right over there.
18:25Eddie Pink.
18:26He's the closest thing to a friend that Sloan has.
18:30And that's not very much.
18:32The dame with him is Sloan's girlfriend, Bunny.
18:36Cozy pair.
18:37Yeah, I know.
18:39But he wouldn't dare move in on her when Sloan was around.
18:44seems as Eddie Pink has lots of little secrets.
18:47Shall we?
18:51From now on, Bunny, it's just you and me.
18:58Oh, don't go.
18:59Hey, what is this?
19:01Just like to ask you a few questions, Eddie.
19:04About you and Sloan.
19:05You don't mind, do you?
19:07Why should I mind? I ain't got nothing to hide.
19:09Pretty nice for you now with Sloan out of the way, isn't it?
19:12You oughtn't to talk like that. Sloan and me was friends.
19:14Yeah, and partners until he aced you out of his smuggling racket.
19:18I didn't have nothing to do with that.
19:19The way you have nothing to do with his girlfriend?
19:22Bunny and me is just good friends.
19:24You're a real friendly guy.
19:26Sure, sure. That's the way it is.
19:27I make friends with lots of people.
19:29Good for you.
19:30When did you and Sloan first become partners?
19:32We didn't. I told you...
19:33But you did know about his smuggling racket, didn't you, Eddie?
19:36No, I didn't know nothing about that, I swear.
19:38Strange. Everyone else did, Eddie.
19:40It's common gossip.
19:41You're his closest friend.
19:46Now talk, Eddie.
19:47Talk or I'll wring you out like a wet wash.
19:49No. I knew about Sloan's smuggling, sure.
19:51But I wasn't in with him, I swear.
19:53Then who was?
19:54I don't know.
19:55He was bringing in industrial diamonds for some guy that was furnishing the dough and the contacts, but...
19:59That's all I know.
20:01I'm clean. Let me go.
20:09Oh, Chuck!
20:14I've been sitting here for hours hoping you might come.
20:16Look, Doc, the police are watching my house, so will you tell Mom that I'm all right and not to worry?
20:21Of course.
20:22But, Chuck, you've got to give yourself up.
20:25I'm not going to jail for something I didn't do.
20:27I'm leaving for the West Coast tonight.
20:29Tonight? But you can't. You haven't any money or anything.
20:32I haven't?
20:34What's this?
20:36Oh, no.
20:39What is this, a stick-up?
20:40We want you, Chuck.
20:42I didn't steal that money.
20:44Sloan died an hour ago. The charge now is murder.
20:52I wanted to tell you, Mr. North, but for Chuck's sake, I didn't dare trust anybody I'd just met.
20:58So when you two were gone, I gave him the dough and hustled him out.
21:01Then you gave him the money.
21:03Well, it was only $150, Mr. North.
21:07The kid was broke and wanted to get out to the West Coast.
21:10Well, it was very nice of you both.
21:13Well, I just like the kids.
21:15Why, sure, we all do.
21:17Let's see if we can't figure out somebody who might have had a real motive.
21:25Hurry up, boats!
21:30Give me a shot.
21:31A shot?
21:33Yeah, a double.
21:37What are you celebrating?
21:42Nothing at all.
21:48Would it be that Sloan is dead?
21:52Who wouldn't be happy about a man like that being dead?
21:55Everybody hated him.
21:57Me in particular.
21:59He was always making fun of me.
22:02Well, he'll never laugh at me again.
22:07Oh, excuse me, Mrs. North.
22:09I didn't see you.
22:11Your sketch is all framed.
22:13I'll go over to my shop and get it for you.
22:16Oh, not at all. I'll go with you. I'll be right back, Jerry.
22:20Here we are, Mrs. North.
22:23Oh, it's lovely. And I know just where I'm going to hang it.
22:26I'm glad you're pleased with it.
22:28I'll wrap it up for you.
22:33Needles, you like chalk?
22:35Why, yes, of course.
22:37Wouldn't you like to join us in helping him?
22:40Well, naturally.
22:42Well, I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't.
22:45Wouldn't you like to join us in helping him?
22:48Well, naturally, if I could.
22:56So that's where it came from.
23:00Well, this ferrule. It's off the end of your cane.
23:03And I found it in that space over there where Sloan was killed.
23:06Oh, you couldn't have, Mrs. North. I've never been there.
23:09But you must have been there. That's where I found it.
23:12Oh, well, what I meant, it must have dropped off recently.
23:16Maybe weeks ago.
23:18It couldn't have dropped off weeks ago.
23:20It was only in the last couple of days because the end of your cane is hardly worn.
23:24Oh, Mrs. North, that still doesn't prove anything.
23:27Unless you used it as a weapon.
23:31Of course, that's it. The ferrule dropped off when you hit Sloan.
23:34Oh, no, Mrs. North. You're making a terrible mistake.
23:37Well, if I am, the lab tests on the cane will prove it.
23:42Oh, please, Mrs. North. Please.
23:45That money was mine.
23:47Sloan stole it from me.
23:49Please, don't turn me in.
23:52He was a treacherous, horrible man.
23:55He deserved to die.
23:57Please, Mrs. North. Please!
24:01Tell me, are you all right?
24:05Don't let him get away.
24:21Let it settle, Charles.
24:23You stay home till your next birthday,
24:25and I'll sign the papers so you can enlist properly.
24:28Oh, that's a deal. Thanks, Mom.
24:31You know, I was just thinking of Needles.
24:34He's such a strange little old man.
24:37And with so much talent, really.
24:39Yeah, we won't forget him for a while.
24:41I'm sure Chuck never will.
24:45Go ahead. Show him.
24:47Oh, no. No, I don't want to.
24:49Come on. Unfurl the mainsail.
24:56Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
25:00A John W. Loveton production.
25:03Produced by Federal Telefilms.
25:06Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:09Featuring Francis DeSales.
25:24This has been a film presentation.
25:39© BF-WATCH TV 2021
