Mr. and Mrs. North (TV-1954) HAND PAINTED MURDER

  • 2 days ago


00:00Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
00:30I'm eating.
00:46Bonjour and hello, Thurston.
00:49Be careful you do not take a bite out of the telephone.
00:52Not only would you find it low in vitamins, but...
00:54What do you want, Newcastle?
00:55My coffee's getting cold.
00:56You're in your usual good mood this morning.
00:58I'm giving a little gathering in my studio around six this evening.
01:03It's a preview of my newest painting of Sylvia.
01:05You will come?
01:08Very well, Newcastle.
01:09I'll be there.
01:12I'm awake.
01:13How can anybody sleep with you clomping around?
01:29I'm sorry, but it's quite late, and I wanted to talk with you before I left.
01:36What's the matter?
01:37Nothing, really.
01:38Only, well, Newcastle called, and I told him we'd be at his studio at six.
01:44What for?
01:45He showed me his latest portrait of Sylvia, and...
01:47So that's it.
01:48Well, now, if you'd just let me finish...
01:49The glamour of Sylvia, New York's most sought-after model.
01:50Are you still chasing her?
01:51You know I'm not.
01:52Now, calm down.
01:53Calm down.
01:54Do I have to remind you that your ex-wife, the glamour of Sylvia, has taken you for every
01:55dime you ever made?
01:56You knew what you were getting into when you married me.
01:57I made no secret of the financial settlement made in my divorce from Sylvia.
01:58Well, one thing I know.
01:59I'm not going to get dressed up in my own clothes.
02:00I'm not going to get married.
02:01I'm not going to get married.
02:02I'm not going to get married.
02:03I'm not going to get married.
02:04I'm not going to get married.
02:05I'm not going to get married.
02:06I'm not going to get married.
02:07I'm not going to get married.
02:08I'm not going to get married.
02:09I'm not going to get married.
02:10I'm not going to get married.
02:11I'm not going to get married.
02:12I'm not going to get married.
02:13I'm not going to get married.
02:14I'm not going to get married.
02:15I'm not going to get married.
02:16I'm not going to get married.
02:17I'm not going to get married.
02:18I'm not going to get married.
02:19I'm not going to get married.
02:20I'm not going to get married.
02:21I'm not going to get married.
02:22I'm not going to get married.
02:23I'm not going to get married.
02:24I'm not going to get married.
02:25I'm not going to get married.
02:26We'll discuss it later.
02:27Goodbye, dear.
02:50Dr. Martin's office, Dr. Martin speaking.
02:52Marty D. This is Gwen Thurston.
02:55Are you going to Picasso's party?
02:59I thought maybe we might see each other there.
03:02Are you going?
03:04Possibly, if I can rearrange my appointments.
03:08You'll rearrange them.
03:10After all, Sylvia will be there.
03:22That does it for today.
03:42You may change now, Sylvia.
03:45All right, I was telling you about this man, remember?
03:48Your first New York boyfriend?
03:50He said to me, dull face, I never write letters to women.
03:53They save them and it can cost a guy a lot of dough later on.
03:56I always send telegrams. He said they're much cheaper in the long run.
04:00I learned a lot from him.
04:03I'll bet you did.
04:06Was that you, Jerry?
04:08Hello, darling.
04:11Oh, will you get it, please, Jerry? My hand.
04:13Oh, of course.
04:18Hello, I would like to speak to Mrs. North, please.
04:21Oh, well, I'm sorry, she's busy right now.
04:24Who is this?
04:25I'm her husband. Who are you?
04:27Ah, Mr. North. I am Bucasso.
04:30I would like for you and your wife to come to my studio this evening for cocktails
04:34and to view my new portrait of Sylvia.
04:36Oh, well, that's very kind of you, but I'm sorry, I'm afraid we...
04:40Who is it?
04:43Picasso, your art instructor wants us to come to some party or something.
04:46Oh, wonderful. Tell him we'll come.
04:48Hold the phone a minute, please.
04:51Pam, I am not going to any party. I have business to attend to and there are millions of...
04:55I don't believe you two have met. My husband, Miss Graham.
04:58Hello, Mr. North.
05:00Hello, Miss Graham.
05:01Sylvia is one of Bucasso's most famous models.
05:03She'll be at the party, too.
05:05That'll be nice. Excuse me.
05:09Hello, Mr. Bucasso.
05:11Well, thanks again for the invitation and we'll see you later, then.
05:15Yes, thank you.
05:18Well, I accepted the invitation. We really should...
05:22Where's, uh, where's Miss Graham?
05:24Oh, she had to go.
05:28Pam, I must say I like this much better than the bowls of fruit and vases full of flowers.
05:34Are you complimenting me on my improved technique or my choice of subject matter?
05:39That's all right, dear. There's no loss looking at a beautiful woman.
05:43Ah, such an understanding wife.
05:46And at Bucasso's party this afternoon, you may do all the looking you wish.
05:49In fact, I'll go to your heart's content.
05:52Just remember one thing.
05:53What's that, dear?
05:54I'm going to be looking at you.
05:57Very carefully, and don't you forget it.
06:01Sure, the picture will probably be very beautiful.
06:04Ah, my favorite pupil.
06:08Bonjour, hello, and greetings.
06:10Thank you. I'd like you to know my husband.
06:12Mr. Bucasso.
06:13How do you do?
06:16Have no fear, Mr. North. I will pour you a drink in just a moment.
06:19Oh, but I...
06:20Please, no apologies are necessary.
06:22Come, I want you to meet my friends.
06:28Mr. and Mrs. North, Dr. Lewis Martin, the famous surgeon.
06:32How do you do?
06:33Glad that I am.
06:38Where did you get these two, Bucasso?
06:40They look almost normal.
06:41Alan Thurston.
06:43Once he was a very promising young writer.
06:45Now he's just a middle-aged commercial hack.
06:48Mr. and Mrs. North, Alan Thurston.
06:50How do you do?
06:51Bucasso is only truthful when the truth is an insult.
06:55Will you excuse me?
06:58Gwen Thurston.
07:00Alan's second wife.
07:02A beautiful girl, still rather dull when compared to her predecessor.
07:07Gwen, my lovely, Mr. and Mrs. North.
07:10How do you do?
07:12You're pretty, Mr. North.
07:16Are you one of the wealthy Norths from Sands Point?
07:19No, he's one of the poverty-stricken Norths from Greenwich Village, and he's married to me.
07:25How dull.
07:27Yes, isn't it?
07:29Pam, isn't this someone we know over here?
07:34Well, I'm glad to see you here.
07:36I was wondering when you were going to notice me.
07:38Oh, I saw you the minute we came in. It was just that...
07:41Oh, yes, we're both famous for our 2020 vision.
07:43As a matter of fact, we were talking about it this morning, weren't we, dear?
07:48Now that you've met all these charming people, I can proceed with the business at hand.
07:52Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, if you please.
07:58We come now to a most important moment in the history of art.
08:02I have chosen to call it my Sylvia period.
08:05It is over. Finished.
08:07Just what is this, Emil?
08:10Are you amused, Alan?
08:12You're not much of a man now, but I can wipe out what little is left.
08:15Don't tempt me.
08:17Oh, now, is this really necessary? After all...
08:20Sylvia, leave him alone. Haven't you done enough to the poor guy?
08:23It's nice of you to feel sorry for him, Doctor,
08:25but I have the impression that you were beginning to feel sorry for yourself.
08:29Well, Mr. Picasso, if you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving now.
08:32Oh, no, no, you cannot leave.
08:34No one must leave until I have unveiled my masterpiece.
08:39Sylvia, come. It's time.
08:44I'm paying you, darling. Remember?
08:57Well, she showed you up for what you are, didn't she, dear?
08:59Gwen, please.
09:01Don't you touch me.
09:08Oh, if you'll excuse me, I must check to the hospital.
09:13Oh, listen, darling, I can think of at least 40 places I'd rather be,
09:16and most of them are spelled H-O-M-E. Now, how about it?
09:19H-O-M-E. Home. Oh, dear, you don't want to go yet, do you?
09:22Right now.
09:23But we haven't seen the painting of Sylvia.
09:25Well, then, we'll just have to get along without seeing. Now, come on.
09:28You are alone? Where are the Thurston's and Dr. Martin?
09:31We thought they were with you.
09:32I have not seen them. Come, everything is ready.
09:44Oh, how did you hurt your hand, Mr. Thurston?
09:46Oh, I broke her glass while mixing this. I guess I'm just clumsy.
09:49Want me to have a look at it?
09:50No, no, it's nothing, really.
09:57The moment is now.
09:59I, who was once a painter of true and living art, will become so again.
10:04With this painting you are about to see, I have purged myself,
10:09and I'm sure that the vitality which was once my special genius shall emerge again.
10:23The blindness falls from my eyes, and I am free.
10:28And now, the original, the inspiration for this uninspired work.
10:42Amazing, no?
10:47All right, Sylvia, the comedy is over.
10:53All right, Sylvia, that's enough.
11:00What's the matter? Has she faded? Is she all right?
11:07She's dead.
11:09Gathered with a piece of picture wire.
11:17What a perfect ending!
11:19Mr. North, you're a literary man, a publisher.
11:22Have you ever encountered a more fitting climax?
11:26Excuse me.
11:29Lieutenant Wigan, please. It's most urgent.
11:35The medical examiner found a piece of picture wire wound tightly around her neck.
11:39Tightly enough to have been there before her death.
11:42However, he...
11:43However what?
11:44The medical examiner says she was poisoned and that she was dead before the attempt was made to strangle her.
11:50Now, what do you two know about any possible motives or opportunity?
11:53Oh, everything. And nothing.
11:57I beg your pardon?
11:58Well, Pam means judging by the insults exchanged earlier this evening, none of this crew is going to weep for Sylvia.
12:04And everyone had some opportunity to poison her or strangle her or whatever.
12:08Oh, that's great.
12:10Well, who would you say had the best opportunity?
12:12Bucasso, I suppose. But there's...
12:14Right. I'll start with him.
12:18Excuse me.
12:27Mr. Bucasso, about these materials you're using here.
12:31Yes, yes.
12:32Are any of them poisonous?
12:34No doubt they are to a greater or lesser degree.
12:37However, one does not eat this inspector.
12:40One paints with it like this.
12:44Please, would you mind stepping back?
12:47I do not wish to splash paint on that rather depressing looking suit.
12:52Now look, Bucasso, I want you to answer some questions.
12:55When I have finished with this painting, not before.
12:57I see. And that'll be?
12:59An hour a week, a year. Who can tell?
13:02I can.
13:04Yes, Lieutenant.
13:05Take this man down to headquarters and hold him for interrogation. Then report back.
13:08If he gives you any trouble, throw him in the tank.
13:10With the drunks.
13:22Are the others like him?
13:23Some are even more obnoxious.
13:25Let's go.
13:27Bill, there's one thing I'd like...
13:28Later, Pam.
13:41I know you want to question me and I'm most willing to cooperate.
13:44But I have a patient in the hospital and I should be there now.
13:48All right, Dr. Martin, you can go.
13:51Yes, you can all go. But don't disappear. I'll want to see you later.
14:00I have some theories, Bill.
14:01I'm sure you have.
14:02Well, after all, Sylvia worked for me and my theories are very sound.
14:05Now, I don't think Bucasso's guilty.
14:07In fact, I...
14:08Save it, Pam. Bill gets paid for theories. You don't.
14:11Very well, I'm leaving.
14:13Oh, now, wait a minute.
14:14Now, let her go, Jerry.
14:15But she...
14:16Now, let's give her a chance to cool off.
14:18I don't think Bucasso's guilty either, but the other three don't have to know that.
14:22They'll be watched. I want to know what they're going to do next.
14:25Well, what do you figure?
14:26Well, the medical examiner checked Dr. Martin's bag for me.
14:29One vial had been emptied.
14:31Perhaps it contained the poison that kills Sylvia Graham. We're going to find that out.
14:35I see. Well, what about the others?
14:37Mrs. Thurston?
14:39I don't know.
14:40But her husband cut his hand, and he says it was on a broken glass.
14:44So, there was something which looked like blood on the free ends of that picture wire.
14:48Now, it wasn't Miss Graham's.
14:50Maybe it's Thurston's.
14:51We'll know when the lab reports on a comparative blood test.
14:54Okay, what now?
14:55Let's see if Pam's still around.
14:57I'll soothe her ruffled feelings, then I'll give you a lift home, huh?
15:01Excuse me, I've got to use the phone.
15:05Come on.
15:21Jerry. Jerry, come on.
15:35Come on.
16:05Come on.
16:36Put that down.
16:38Why, Dr. Martin, what are you doing here?
16:40That's a very good question.
16:42It's the same one I was about to ask you.
16:45Well, I was just bringing back poor Sylvia's things, and I...
16:48I noticed these letters scattered around as though someone was searching the...
16:53It was you, wasn't it?
16:54A brilliant deduction.
16:56Now, just give me that letter.
16:58Why? What do you want with it?
17:00Destroy it, if it's the one I've been looking for.
17:04Mrs. North, I was in love with Sylvia, madly in love.
17:08I wrote some incriminating letters.
17:11How incriminating?
17:13I recently sent a letter,
17:15one which could prove very damaging in view of what's happened.
17:19Have it. I need it.
17:22I think we'd better let the police decide about that, Dr. Martin.
17:25I can't give...
17:26Mrs. North, let's dispense with the formalities.
17:29Just give me the letter.
17:31But I need it, if it proves a theory I have.
17:34I said, give me that letter.
17:43Now, this is as far as you go, Doctor.
17:45Oh, dear, am I glad to see you.
17:47Nice work, my man.
17:48Say, what were you doing here?
17:49I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't let me.
17:52Sylvia was always feeding me bits of her philosophy when she modeled for me.
17:56One of the big things in her life
17:58was getting and saving letters from her boyfriends.
18:01I must have been out of my mind when I wrote that.
18:03Well, there are worse things than writing incriminating letters, Doctor.
18:06For example, committing a murder.
18:09Take them downtown, hold them on suspicion, keep them under 24-hour guard.
18:12Right, Lieutenant.
18:18Well, most of the returns are in,
18:21but I'd still like to hear from the outlying precincts.
18:24The Thurston's?
18:25Yeah, the Thurston's.
18:27The Thurston's.
18:58Come on.
19:22Oh, that's terrible.
19:24Well, he'd been acting strangely all day,
19:26but I still can't believe it.
19:28He killed Sylvia, and then he couldn't face it.
19:31He left a note confessing everything.
19:34What shall I do?
19:36What can I do?
19:38Don't do anything.
19:39Don't touch anything.
19:41I'll call Lieutenant Wigan, and we'll be right over.
19:46Who's on the phone, darling?
19:47Gwen Thurston.
19:49Her husband, he...
19:51He's taken poison.
19:53He's dead.
19:57I told her I'd call Bill Wigan.
20:04Was this the way you found him, Mrs. Thurston?
20:09And you say you hadn't touched him or touched anything else in this room since then?
20:13Just the telephone.
20:21Well, it seems clear enough.
20:23He confesses to the murder of Sylvia Graham
20:25and says he's going to take his own life with the same poison,
20:27a poison he says he stole from Dr. Martin.
20:30You know, there's only one thing I don't quite understand, Mrs. Thurston.
20:34You said you hadn't touched anything in this room except that phone, right?
20:39That's right.
20:40Then how'd you know so much about your husband's suicide note when you phoned Mrs. North?
20:44The note was completely hidden by his body.
20:47Well, I must have forgotten what I did.
20:50It's a shock.
20:52Are you sure you aren't forgetting something else?
20:54Like writing that note?
20:58Well, just to be sure, I think we'd better go downtown and talk this all over.
21:01You're arresting me?
21:02No, not unless I have to.
21:05Well, I can't go anywhere dressed like this.
21:09Well, no, I guess you can't.
21:12You can change in there as long as you keep the door open.
21:15And what does the accused murderess wear this season?
21:18Why, Lieutenant Wigan hasn't accused you of anything.
21:21Then he only wants the door open because he's a peeping tom.
21:28Excuse me.
21:42Wigan speaking.
21:44Send a medical examiner to 1479 Haven Street.
21:48Apartment 802.
21:51It's a homicide.
21:56I can tell you're not married if you think she should be dressed by now.
21:59Go and see what's keeping her if you like.
22:06Bill, Jerry, she's gone!
22:12Mrs. Thurston, come back here!
22:21Come back here! You'll never make it around that corner!
22:24This wind will whip you off this ledge like a rag doll!
22:30Watch your step, Bill.
22:31Bill, Jerry, be careful.
23:08Leave me alone!
23:10I don't want you to save me.
23:12Easy, Mrs. Thurston.
23:15I'm going to put my hand over yours now.
23:19All right.
23:21Now we're going back.
23:26I've got you. You're safe.
23:28I killed Sylvia.
23:30And now I don't want to be safe in the electric chair.
23:35It's going to be all right.
23:40I hated her.
23:41I hated her.
23:43She took little Martin from me and I...
23:48We've almost done it big, Mrs. Thurston.
23:54You hang on here while I...
23:56while I get anchored inside.
23:59You risked Dr. Martin for Sylvia's murder.
24:03I had to kill Alan and right that now.
24:10Oh, she's fainted.
24:12Maybe if I could find her a drink or something.
24:14If you can, make it three, Pam.
24:20Hold still, Jerry, and I'll paint you.
24:22Hold still now.
24:24Don't worry.
24:25I think I've frozen into this position.
24:29Oh, you poor, sweet, patient thing.
24:33Well, you said you were going to paint me.
24:36And I don't mind a bit.
24:51Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Lou Reed.
24:55Mr. and Mrs. North,
24:57Mr. and Mrs. North,
24:59Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Lou Landers.
25:03Produced by John W. Loveton.
25:06A John W. Loveton Production.
25:09Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:12Featuring Frances DeSales.
25:25This has been a film presentation.
25:28© BF-WATCH TV 2021
