The Buccaneers | BBC TV Drama Romance Miniseries Episode 04 | Subtitles

  • 15 hours ago
#byron #mansfieldpark #bethfreed25
Nan and Julius separate, and gossips thrive; Col. St. George's fortunes rise; Virginia redeems her jewellery. Idrina commits suicide; Nan runs off with Guy after she finds Julius in bed with a man; Julius sues for divorce.
00:46Agreed to let you stay in London see your parents now that they have gone back to America. It is time for you to come home
00:56Still you refuse
01:00I don't wish to discuss the situation or your feelings Annabelle. I merely insist you play by the rules
01:06What are the rules?
01:09I really spell them out
01:14Very well
01:17You must spend at least a third of your year at longlands
01:21You must perform your various duties there as you've done so up until now in a perfectly satisfactory manner
01:27so long as you do that and
01:30so long as you're at least
01:32Formally in residence in town and not camping out like a gypsy. I shall turn a blind eye to
01:38Whatever you do when you're in London
01:44And these matters discretion is all
01:47If on the other hand you create a public scandal I shall divorce you
01:51I shall of course name your lover and cite him as correspondent, which would ruin any chance
01:56he has
01:58of political success
02:02Everything is permissible so long as one is not found out everything and nothing is permissible
02:14To make love to another man's wife is an error of taste to make him look ridiculous in public is criminal
02:22You don't seem to realize how generous these terms are
02:27You have not yet produced an heir
02:29And I have to tell my mother recommends that I return you to longlands by force
02:33Then why don't you because I am not a monster. Do you understand me? I am not a monster
03:18The duchess of Trevenic asked to see you the duchess is here
03:24Show her up. She won't come up, sir
03:39You're going back
03:42Forgive me you came off of julius and you thought no
03:50It has nothing to do with julius
03:53I'm not going back to julius
03:57What then oh god, it's it's as if i've woken from a childish dream
04:06I must go home and make peace with my household guards. Can you understand that?
04:14I I don't want a life of lies and hypocrisy
04:17I I couldn't bear to live like that. I'm sorry. I I don't understand but
04:23Do you mean gossip?
04:25Is that what worries you?
04:26Not that no
04:30It's just
04:32At longlands I
04:34I know what my role is
04:38It has substance
04:40and honor
04:42Can't that be enough to make up for my unhappiness?
04:45Are you trying to tell me you enjoy being a duchess too much? I thought you were braver than that
04:52Do you imagine it doesn't take courage to go back of a narrow self-defeating sort perhaps please
04:59Please don't
05:01Please don't say harsh things
05:03Yet i'll remember when i'm alone. Well, if you're alone whose fault is that?
05:21I won't let you go
05:24I won't let you go unless you tell me you don't love me say it
05:30Look at me and say you don't care for me. I can't you know, I can't
05:37I can't
05:40But don't you see i'm afraid of having nothing to live up for my passions
05:50I must go home
06:46It goes without saying julius how happy I am that annabelle is safely back home at last
06:54Gertrude leave us
07:10Two points my dear
07:13Firstly you should naturally leave annabelle in peace for six months. We must be quite certain. She is not carrying another man's child
07:21I'm sure unfortunately a father can never be sure
07:25It will provide you with an excellent opportunity to begin again. And that is my second point my dear
07:33You really must learn to be a lover
07:38You must woo annabelle
07:44Mother annabelle and I have been married
07:47For nearly two years not very successfully and i'm sure we can't lay all the blame on annabelle
08:03My dear annabelle
08:07A small token of my esteem to mark our second wedding anniversary
08:37Good afternoon children
08:42Are you all ready? Yes
09:05And so stay all of us
09:31Nice to see you
09:36No babies yet. Oh
09:40Oh, he's gonna move on you must have babes young red disappearing fast
09:45Soon, there'll be none of us left
09:47You have three grandchildren and two of them are boys
09:50Boys cannot be relied on boys go to the bad
09:54Boys get killed the wars
09:57No, you must have girls
10:00Regiments for girls. Don't listen to him annabelle. He's turning into a morbid
10:05rude old man
10:13Excuse me
10:16What is it
10:19Edina has committed suicide she has drowned herself
10:26They found her last night her body was caught under the jetty. Oh, oh, it's horrible poor edina
10:36I'm so sorry my fault I feel
10:43You know that edina and I isn't there someone else as a matter of fact no there isn't
10:51And not anymore
10:57I've been quite happy here, you know in my way
11:02Without you
11:07I've ruined everything. I know
11:14So much stupid suffering
11:20I'm sorry
11:32I scarcely have the right to ask but I want to come back virginia. Will you have me?
12:11Good boy
12:15I see london has dyed you the usual disagreeable gray
12:20But we'll soon get some color back into you and clear your head of that radical london fug, eh
12:29Let's test that anything
12:33Yes, i've had the pleasure of mr. Tess valley's company quite often just recently
12:42Mr. S valley's
13:10Mr. Dwight, sir
13:13Why thomas
13:15Message from the duke
13:17I've just come up from borden. It's grace. Once you're down there the first opportunity. Did you say why?
13:22The constituency's feeling rather neglected, sir
13:26news gets about
13:29In speech, mr. Thwaite on the small matter of the abolition of the house of laws
13:37They're all in a bit of a lather about it down at warden, sir. Yes, I might have known
13:41Can you represent the people of horton you represent me you represent?
13:44The families of people you've known since you were a boy not a few of whom have members in the upper house
13:48But when I stood for election, I made no bounds about my opinion
13:51Well, if I may say you no one remembers you had plans to wipe the house of laws off the map
13:56What for obvious reasons have been a curious issue to raise with me
14:01This conversation will get us nowhere. You're as stubborn as the devil. You always were
14:11Oh julius, you totally misunderstand
14:21Thomas come here a minute, will you?
14:26And you are not to be representing american-style interest in this constituent
14:33Exactly my point
14:37House of lords is the bedrock of the institution of this country. Well, well, that is just my opinion julius quite frankly
14:42I question the sincerity of your opinion
14:45A man who kowtows to the masses. There's no mind of his own
14:49And freedom to act on principle
14:52It's the end of politics as an honorable profession honor, of course may not be your first concern
14:58Well, we hardly have the masses to worry about just yet
15:01But you will have you will
15:04You tell me if you wanted to find a violent dull-witted drunkard in this constituency
15:07Where would you look? Huh? The top or the bottom and that's a matter of opinion julius
15:12Would you just listen to me
15:15Danger isn't from democracy. That is just old-fashioned blanket nonsense
15:19The danger comes from hostility between the classes and from the quite frightening increase in the political power of sheer wealth
15:28There's no need to get on your soapbox with me
15:33Don't be such a pompous little ass
15:40You are a very ambitious man, but you've only one foot in the stirrup and you've a long way to go yet
15:44I could knock your foot out of that stirrup any time I please and don't you damn well forget it
15:56I'm disappointed
15:59Your arguments third race, they're the arguments of a political adventurer
16:05What was that
16:07You say that again to my face I called you a political adventurer or should I just say adventurer
16:30We've all been waiting for you
16:40Do hope you'll join us
16:44The children have been rehearsing all week
16:50You can't refuse the duchess besides she has holidarities in order don't you think
18:06When they talk of someone dying of love this is what they mean this is what happens
18:12It is being given a glimpse of paradise
18:14And then being denied it
18:16So that your life turns to ashes in your mouth
18:20What do you expect me to do nan
18:23Behave as if you meant nothing to me
18:26I might as well dig a hole in the ground and bury myself alive
18:32I remember your hand
18:34small and strong
18:35Like a little animal with the life of its own stopping my mouth as we stood in front of the collegios
18:42I remember when you came to london
18:44We stood one day looking at the river and you said
18:48I should like to close my eyes
18:51Have my life end now
18:55And that night I had a dream in which I was searching for you somewhere by the sea amongst sand dunes at twilight
19:01But I couldn't find you
19:03Only hear your faint sigh like someone's last breath
19:08And just as I was about to give up
19:10You reached out and drew me down to where you were hiding
19:14You laughed and called me your darling
19:18Words I can never hope to hear in reality
19:23You called the other life lies and hypocrisy, but what do you call this nan
21:43Mr. Laszlo's two painters in the rafael room annabelle against the flemish tapestries
21:51I always knew you'd be able to carry off these excrescences
21:55No one would ever guess you weren't born to the part
21:58Thank you
22:00Well, don't be too long annabelle. The great man is a stickler for starting on time
22:04Julius I
22:06I uh
22:08I heard gertrude crying last night
22:12Wallace came to see me yesterday to ask for her hand. I sent him packing
22:16Gertrude is in love with mr. Wallace
22:19The man is universally acknowledged to be a bad lot
22:23Gertrude has a title. She has money in her own right. Her place is here with our mother
23:00How much longer do you expect
23:49Dear val I have let you down so badly. Oh annabelle
23:55Annabelle if you only knew the number of times i've i've rewritten the past
23:59Putting in all the things I should have said and should have done to prevent your marriage
24:05What am I gonna do
24:08It isn't too late for me, is it
24:12Sometimes I feel like my life is over like like all of my mistakes are closing in on me like a jail
24:43Lovely to see you
25:01Come along then come along
25:13Annabelle I think you should know guy is here
25:23He arrived this morning with his father first thing for the fate
25:27I suppose he's here to see felicia
25:30Darling, I don't know
25:32But as mp for horden, he wouldn't actually want to of course, of course
25:38He should marry felicia
25:41Felicia would make him a perfect wife
25:46I should go annabelle. Wait, please wait. Should I tell guy that you're here?
25:56Go quickly val before I lose heart
26:27Thank you so much
26:35All right, i'm very glad to hear it
27:21Annabelle I didn't know you were here. Why don't you come up to the house?
28:54Come on
29:52You've known all along
29:55You've been that go between him
29:58Yes, I knew but
30:00Well until today i've said nothing
30:02Little american you started my son
30:05Annabelle's marriage was a terrible mistake
30:08A mistake that I colluded in
30:14Well mistakes on that scale have to be lived with
30:20I suppose you mean that annabelle was unhappy
30:24Do you think all marriages are happy
30:28Do you think my own marriage was happy I didn't love my wife but she
30:36Brought out the best in me
30:38Did she
30:40Or did she only allow you to play safe
30:44At least your son has the courage of his convictions
30:47Well, I thank god i've been saved from mine
30:52I mean what in god's name did you think you were doing is self-destruction your idea of courage?
31:04Can a woman never be free to choose her life?
31:09To love
31:10to have her own free will
31:17What makes you think you haven't a free will miss tess valley surely you just exercised it
32:13Stand stand
33:00If you do not divorce
33:02You cannot remarry
33:05It is your duty to remarry
33:11You you cannot expect me to accept that the travenic line ends with you
33:19Not when I remember everything I went through
33:25There was no question that I could ever escape my duty
33:35After all my kindness
34:41Maybe he won't do anything
34:47We really should talk about this, you know, I know
34:58I'm no lawyer, but
35:01I know you could sue julius for divorce on grounds of his homosexuality and win
35:07We marriage might even be annulled
35:10He'd have everyone's sympathy as a woman more sinned against than sinning
35:16My political career would be virtually untouched
35:23In the eyes of the world my darling adultery is one thing
35:27Running off with the wife of an unknown man is ill-advised but forgivable
35:33Being named as the co-respondent in a sensational divorce case is not
35:41But for me to divorce julius
35:46I would have to prove my case
35:49Certainly that'd have to be proof
35:53It's intolerable
35:57I have no illusions, but I could never do something so ugly as to expose him
36:08Don't mean he'd never mention this again
36:18This says that the crystal palace is the favorite resort of the people on their great annual holiday, I think we should take the boys
36:28Too young nonsense, they're nearly three. It looks wonderful. Here it is lizzie. Listen
36:37The 12th duke of travenic is suing his wife the american heiress annabelle st
36:43George for divorce on the grounds of her adultery
36:48Lordy lordy
36:50With mr. Guy thwaite liberal mp for horden
36:55There's one blessing at least he's not a tory
36:59Horton and son of sir helmsley thwaite. This is the first time scandal has rocked this illustrious family
37:06Since henry the seventh created the first duke of travenic in 1505
37:15Surely he won't dare show his face in the house this afternoon
37:37Good morning, sir. I take it you're going ahead as planned, sir, of course
37:50Yes political power in this country is bestowed by mere accident of birth
37:59More than 4 million acres of england are in the hands of just 12 individuals
38:09All 12 are members of the upper house
38:13Is it surprising therefore?
38:15That his lordships deny justice and delay reform
38:22I call upon this house
38:25To introduce as soon as practicable during the present parliament
38:30A measure to abolish the house of lords as an hereditary upper chamber
38:43The lords
38:44May keep their rank and titles their stars and garters
38:49Indeed, they may keep anything and everything that is rightly theirs is a duke's wife not rightly his
39:06The honorable gentleman for bath has made an improper and unparliamentary remark
39:13I will now ask him to express regret to the house
39:18The remark is one I unreservedly withdraw
39:23I repeat
39:25The lords may keep all their inherited privileges bar one
39:30They're presumed right to control the way in which we govern ourselves
39:39Honorable member for ordon has spoken with passion on a subject
39:45Dear to his heart
39:47One on which I beg to suggest passion has clouded his understanding
39:56The house of lords is not a bastion of privilege
40:01It is the people's last line of defense against the tyranny of the single chamber
40:10in that case
40:12In that case, sir
40:14The people have a clear right to ask through me one of their elected representatives
40:19What else his lordships do to justify the vast incomes they draw from their estates?
40:27Incomes which in the majority of cases are unearned
40:33Our british constitution has been compared to a hive of bees
40:38The queen bee is honored and revered by all her subjects
40:43Beneath her come the drones then there are the working bees
40:50Now the drones lead an idle
40:53Parasitic life feeding on the fruits of others labors. I've no doubt they think themselves the finest of insects
41:02At around this time of the year their dream ends in tragedy
41:06For the working bees grown suddenly intolerant of this burden on their resources
41:11drive the drones
41:13from the hive
42:41Dickie dickie, what on earth's the matter, huh? Everyone's going without us
42:47Darling you must pull yourself together. All right
42:55Thank you fisher i'm sure lord richard will be all right now
43:02it is
43:04I thought
43:06He'd leave me a note or something. I thought he'd have
43:11Something to say to me
43:13There's nothing absolutely nothing
43:20Nothing at all
43:24Here darling here drink
43:39You know when I was a child
43:44I actually look forward to going back to school each term
43:59Don't think father actively disliked his children, but
44:06You know, he honestly couldn't tell the girls apart
44:12And he could never damn well remember my name
44:17All right, darling, can you believe it
44:24Boy used to call me
44:28Old boy
44:31Old chap
44:43You never knew who the hell I was
46:43Darling man, oh my darling man
46:50I'm sure everything you ever thought of me was true and worse, but I never deserved a friend
46:57I had to say goodbye
47:07Put this on the grave for me
48:01Shall I go with the dowager with your mother with mother
48:18Old brittlesy
49:11Well, I have to hand it to you you're either a very brave man or a complete fool to turn up here
49:16Father there are certain things I must say to you
49:19I don't believe you've read any of my letters besides
49:24Well, I could hardly go away without saying goodbye
49:29I'm going to south africa as an engineer again
49:34The south africa company is building a rail link between the cape and durban
49:39Damn good idea best place for you under the circumstances
49:43I'm desperately sorry to have let everyone down
49:47But you father
49:49You especially guy
49:51Go to africa if you must but go alone break off this insane liaison. That is something i'm not prepared to talk about
49:58You'll lose honors love I promise you that
50:03And what in god's name does that achieve for either of us
50:06Well bearing in mind your opinion of inherited wealth. It has a certain ironic justice
50:09It has
50:11Well, if that's the way you wish to say it father at least you'll not bring that woman here
50:16That woman will soon be the mother of your first grandchild
50:22That was the second thing I came to tell you
50:28You need not have taken the trouble it gives me no pleasure
50:37I've called yellenden tomorrow to redraft my will he won't like to do it. Well, damn the man
50:41It's not up to him to like or dislike
50:44In one suicidal move you've destroyed everything I ever hoped for you
50:49No, no for yourself father not for me
50:57I believe I love this place every bit as much as you do sir
51:07Actually, I agree with you
51:15One way or another you have tried to disinherit me for as long as I can remember
51:21I don't believe that's putting it too strongly the legacy from mother the hilliard miniatures the titian
51:30Clearly love isn't everything
51:36You've always said you look to me to make up for your own shortcomings
51:41It's become sort of a joke between us
51:44As if I could be old before my time while you could carry on being a child forever
51:51But I have my own life to lead as best I can
51:54Now if you choose to see nothing but dishonor in what i've done
51:58And so be it
51:59But it was shabby of you to blame miss test valley
52:03How dare you how dare you?
52:06Get out
52:08To hell with you just get the hell out of here
52:12Annabelle and I will be married in cape town. Our child will be born there. I intend to make a success of it
52:25I need your blessing
52:56Well, I should be very much in demand now
52:58Every decent family in the land will know me as the governess who facilitates elopements
53:04Not quite the danger i'd anticipated for you
53:11When I called our girls the buccaneers I couldn't imagine piracy on such a scale
53:18Well, you know one's best creations just have a life of their own i'm proud of each of them
53:29Thank you for taking me in I won't embarrass you by staying on
53:35What will you do my dear
53:41Oh, i'll think of something
53:44Well, i've earned my own living since I was 17
53:49And i've lived without love for 40 years
53:54I shall probably manage for another 40
53:58on the same terms
54:04You know jackie when I saw nan and guy run away together I nearly screamed out loud
54:14I don't know if it was envy
54:18Or fear
54:21But it was like
54:24It was like seeing them take a leap into space
55:13I could not love
