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#mansfieldpark #byron #bethfreed25 https://dailymotion.com/bethfreed25
Here, farmer Jack Ridd lives with his wife Sarah, son John, and two daughters. The only shadow over their simple life is cast by the notorious outlaw family the Doones. The aristocratic Doones were banished from their ancestral lands and now live through looting, theft, and murder. Their brutality is legendary...
00:00:02You alright?
00:00:07What will you do?
00:00:08Kill the Dunes that murdered my father.
00:00:09Who did this to you?
00:00:10It was the Dunes.
00:00:11Did the Fog give me these bruises then?
00:00:12You have no evidence, Master Happyback.
00:00:13If you lay a finger on me, you'll regret it.
00:00:14Don't you know me?
00:00:15No, no.
00:00:17Because I'm a Dune.
00:00:18I'm a Dune.
00:00:19I'm a Dune.
00:00:20I'm a Dune.
00:00:21I'm a Dune.
00:00:22I'm a Dune.
00:00:23I'm a Dune.
00:00:24I'm a Dune.
00:00:25I'm a Dune.
00:00:26I'm a Dune.
00:00:27I'm a Dune.
00:00:28I'm a Dune.
00:00:30Why would I ever kill you?
00:00:32Because I'm a Dune.
00:00:34Early on your marriage to Lorna.
00:00:38Will my family be able to reclaim its inheritance?
00:00:41This is my inheritance!
00:00:43When must we leave?
00:00:44Tomorrow morning.
00:00:45Well, Judge Jefferies isn't a man to be kept waiting.
00:00:48See, there is treason in the air, John.
00:00:52Ensa will not live much longer.
00:00:55We will be married the day after his death.
00:00:57This ring is my promise.
00:01:00I'll never leave you alone again.
00:01:02Sir Ensaw Dune is dead.
00:01:05Does anyone challenge Carver Dune's right to be our lord?
00:01:13How many?
00:01:15Farmer John Ring.
00:01:18You are welcome in my house, Lord.
00:01:20What are you planning to do?
00:01:21Take back what belongs to me.
00:02:09There's Carver.
00:02:13Let's get him.
00:02:16Wait for it.
00:02:18Kill every man and child.
00:02:20And burn the damn place to the ground.
00:02:22Go on, do it!
00:02:24Come on, Stuart.
00:02:26For it.
00:02:28For it.
00:02:43Not bad for a woman.
00:02:45Better than most men, in fact.
00:02:53Get her!
00:03:06Not rich!
00:03:08Show yourself, you coward!
00:03:10Ready, John.
00:03:14One, two, three!
00:03:41Get out of my way!
00:03:44Does he move?
00:03:46Get out of the way!
00:03:54Get off!
00:03:56Get out!
00:03:57Those are blocks, Ami!
00:04:01Come in!
00:04:02Get out!
00:04:04Don't let me go!
00:04:05I said, come here!
00:04:07Get out of my way!
00:04:19Come on, let's get out of here!
00:04:29Leave him.
00:04:30Let him go.
00:04:31Give me that gun, Scott.
00:04:44Where is she, Ritz?
00:05:10John, no!
00:05:13No, John!
00:05:18Leave him!
00:05:24Get out!
00:05:25Get out of the way!
00:05:40Am I going to die?
00:05:42Not yet.
00:05:43You have Miss Huckabuck to thank for that.
00:05:45It was a clean wound, Captain Stickles.
00:05:47There is no infection.
00:05:49That's like hell.
00:05:54Now, drink this.
00:05:59It will help you sleep.
00:06:11John, John.
00:06:12Here you go.
00:06:20I'm sorry, John.
00:06:24There's only a barn.
00:06:26We can build it again.
00:06:47You should have let me kill him.
00:06:48If I had, you'd be no better than him.
00:06:50A cold-blooded murderer.
00:06:52You sure that's the only reason?
00:06:54What do you mean?
00:07:00You tell me that all you want is to be free of him.
00:07:06When the chance comes, you stop me.
00:07:09Now, I have to ask myself, why?
00:07:11What hold does he have over you?
00:07:13What is it you're accusing me of?
00:07:15Something you're not telling me.
00:07:16I've told you everything.
00:07:18Have you?
00:07:20So why does Carver care so much for a woman who hates him?
00:07:24There was a time when I thought I could love him.
00:07:28He imagines I still have feelings for him.
00:07:30Do you?
00:07:31How dare you stand there and ask me that?
00:07:33Do you love him?
00:07:34If you don't know the answer to that by now,
00:07:36then nothing I say will make any difference.
00:08:01Come with me.
00:08:07If I can't have you,
00:08:09then no one else will.
00:08:12No, please.
00:08:16I will never, ever give you up.
00:08:38Was it him?
00:08:42It's all right.
00:08:45It's all right.
00:08:54And so it would be a shame if you made a mistake.
00:09:06You underestimated them.
00:09:08It won't happen again.
00:09:10What will you do now?
00:09:11Take 20 men.
00:09:12Finish the job properly.
00:09:15What do you suggest?
00:09:20If we lose Lorna, we lose everything.
00:09:23They haven't lost her yet.
00:09:36You saved my life.
00:09:39I suppose I should thank you.
00:09:41There's no need.
00:09:44If you weren't a doom,
00:09:46I could almost like you.
00:09:56Is that all right?
00:09:57I'll take it.
00:09:58You're so fussy, Lizzie.
00:10:10That's beautiful.
00:10:11I've never seen you wearing them before.
00:10:14It was my mother's.
00:10:15Have you any idea what it's worth?
00:10:20In the world's terms, very little, I think.
00:10:28Lock the door, someone.
00:10:29Quiet, Lizzie.
00:10:31This setting is magnificent.
00:10:35I'd love to know where this came from.
00:10:37I told you, it was my mother's.
00:10:39These are the finest gems I've ever seen.
00:10:43If you sold this for 1,000 pounds,
00:10:45it would be too little.
00:10:49If I took this to London,
00:10:50I could discover its history for certain.
00:10:54What, don't you trust me?
00:10:55The most notorious highwayman in the West Country.
00:10:58Of course we do.
00:10:59Reformed highwayman, Sarah.
00:11:02Draw Tom a picture, Lizzie.
00:11:04All right.
00:11:06You can take that to London.
00:11:13What is it, Annie?
00:11:18Only, once you're on the road again...
00:11:20I might slip and fall.
00:11:22No, you won't.
00:11:23You won't?
00:11:24No, you won't.
00:11:25No, you won't.
00:11:26No, you won't.
00:11:27No, you won't.
00:11:28No, you won't.
00:11:29No, you won't.
00:11:30I might slip back into my old bad habits.
00:11:34Those days are over.
00:11:35I swear it.
00:11:37You are my life now.
00:11:40I won't do anything to risk losing that.
00:11:46Come on, Winnie.
00:11:47Come on.
00:12:01If I had known about this attack, I would have stopped it.
00:12:04It was hasty and ill-advised.
00:12:09And I'm sorry for it.
00:12:11There should be no more bad blood between our families.
00:12:14It's time we brought this quarrel to an end.
00:12:16The quarrel was not of our making.
00:12:18Perhaps not.
00:12:20But we must think of the future now.
00:12:24Won't you kiss your uncle, Lorna?
00:12:27I hope you will at least agree I have some say in her future.
00:12:31I am her guardian, after all.
00:12:35As the oldest surviving son of Sir Ensor Dune,
00:12:38who else should fill the role but me?
00:12:45I stand in place of your father, Lorna,
00:12:47and as such, I am here to give my full consent
00:12:50to your marriage with John Ridd.
00:12:52I'm not going to marry him.
00:12:54I'm here to give my full consent to your marriage with John Ridd.
00:12:59Oh, John!
00:13:02All I ask for in return is that you shall make your future home
00:13:05in the Dune Valley,
00:13:09where Lorna rightfully belongs.
00:13:11My son has been brought up an honest man.
00:13:14Not the best preparation for life among the Dunes, I grant you.
00:13:18I'd rather die than join your gang of murderers.
00:13:21And you?
00:13:23I'll never come back.
00:13:25I had hoped for some small gesture of thanks in return for my blessing.
00:13:30I might be grateful, if I didn't know you better.
00:13:34Now you insult me.
00:13:43Well, I do not hold it against you.
00:13:45You are young and impulsive.
00:13:49Like my son, Carver.
00:13:54There is one more thing you should know.
00:14:00It pains me to be the bearer of this news.
00:14:07There is a secret that binds the two of you together more closely than you think.
00:14:12Go on, Counselor.
00:14:14It is simply this.
00:14:17Your father's killed each other at Porlock.
00:14:21He's lying.
00:14:23Of course, there is no reason why you should let this come between you.
00:14:28I do not presume to ask your forgiveness for the past, Mistress.
00:14:33But I may at least hope for a better future between us.
00:14:36I'm sure my family shares that hope.
00:14:41It is late to begin my journey.
00:14:45In the spirit of our new understanding,
00:14:47would it be too much to ask for a bed for the night?
00:14:52Follow me, sir.
00:15:05I can still see it as though it was yesterday.
00:15:10They surrounded him.
00:15:13And then there was a shot. I don't know who from.
00:15:18I held him in my arms as he died.
00:15:22He could be telling the truth.
00:15:24But he isn't. The truth means nothing to him.
00:15:29You don't know Counselor's lies and scheming like I do.
00:15:37I hardly slept a wink last night knowing that man was in the house.
00:15:40When did he go?
00:15:42First light, thank God.
00:15:44Good riddance.
00:15:46Good riddance.
00:15:49Whatever happened in the past is done with now.
00:15:58It's gone. My necklace.
00:16:01I left it on the table by my bed last night.
00:16:12You finished yet?
00:16:13Cabbage for us and a couple of worms for Captain Sickles.
00:16:16Oh, nice.
00:16:17If he ever wakes up, that is.
00:16:32I didn't know better. I might think you had ideas about my sister, Sergeant.
00:16:39Well, I mean to say, she's a lovely girl and...
00:16:45Don't worry.
00:16:47You can have her.
00:16:49I'll even throw in a cow if you like.
00:16:55Oh, Winnie.
00:17:00Oh, it's been so long.
00:17:04John, I need to speak to you alone.
00:17:08In the bar and now.
00:17:14I showed this to an old friend of mine.
00:17:17Some villain or other.
00:17:19A villain perhaps, but he knows the history of every important jewel in England.
00:17:23He recognised it instantly.
00:17:27The necklace is even more valuable than I thought.
00:17:30It belonged to the last Countess of Dougal.
00:17:35I'm sure never a right filly belonged to the dunes.
00:17:37I wish it was that simple.
00:17:39The Countess was heir to Lord Lorne.
00:17:42She married and had two children, a boy and a girl.
00:17:45But her husband died of a fever on the continent.
00:17:48She made her way home with the rest of her family.
00:17:54From Plymouth, she set out for the family estate in Scotland.
00:18:00But she never arrived.
00:18:06Give me that!
00:18:14The boy was murdered.
00:18:16The Countess was found alive, but died of her wounds a few days later.
00:18:22Though not before a terrible story of slaughter and kidnap had become notorious.
00:18:28And the little girl?
00:18:30She was never seen again.
00:18:35Lorne Dune is no dune at all.
00:18:41She's the rightful heiress to one of the largest fortunes in the land.
00:18:54There was nothing coincidental about the ambush.
00:18:57Ensor was a cousin of Lord Lorne.
00:18:59There was a dispute between them over a bequest of land,
00:19:02so he brought his family to Wexmore and plotted his revenge.
00:19:08Ensor knew that if one of his family would have married the only living descendant of Lord Lorne...
00:19:14You mean Lorna?
00:19:16He would regain the land that once belonged to him.
00:19:19He would regain the land that once belonged to him.
00:19:32So what do we do now?
00:19:35Well, we tell her, of course.
00:19:37Tell her what? Tell her what?
00:19:42The man that she loved as her grandfather murdered her mother and her brother.
00:19:50And if she really is this grand lady, what...
00:19:54She'll have to go away, won't she?
00:19:56She's happy here with us.
00:20:00Why disturb everything again now?
00:20:03She has the right to know who she is.
00:20:14And Ensor Dune, whom Lorne had always thought of as her grandfather,
00:20:18had in fact kidnapped her.
00:20:22So that's how it is, Lorna.
00:20:24Ensor stole you from your rightful place.
00:20:26There was never a word of truth in anything that Dune said.
00:20:30I told you Counsellor was lying about our fathers.
00:20:35Aren't you glad?
00:20:37Of course.
00:20:39But what about your inheritance?
00:20:42That means nothing to me.
00:20:44Perhaps you don't understand, Lorna.
00:20:46I mean, my lady...
00:20:48Don't call me that.
00:20:50I am Lorna, just as I was a minute ago.
00:20:53In London you would keep company with kings and queens.
00:20:56Think of that, miss.
00:20:57Then I won't go to London.
00:21:00Aren't you happy, Lizzie?
00:21:03You can love me as a sister now, can't you?
00:21:09Tell them how ridiculous they're being.
00:21:11You don't understand, Lorna.
00:21:14The Ryds are ordinary people, farmers.
00:21:19We can't just pretend this never happened.
00:21:21That's exactly what we'll do.
00:21:27For the first time in my life, I am truly happy.
00:21:32I'm loved for who I am,
00:21:34and not for any selfish reason.
00:21:38I have the right to live my life in any way I want.
00:21:44It's my decision.
00:21:49No, it isn't.
00:21:51You don't know how famous you are.
00:21:54The lost daughter of the Countess of Dougal
00:21:57was made a ward of the Chancery Court.
00:21:59The king himself is your legal guardian.
00:22:03Until you come into your inheritance,
00:22:05your future is not yours to decide.
00:22:10It can't be true.
00:22:11I'm sorry, my lady,
00:22:12but I have no option but to take you back with me.
00:22:39You know I'm not much good with words, but I...
00:22:43You love me and you think we ought to get married
00:22:46when you get your commission.
00:22:50I agree.
00:22:53You can kiss me if you like.
00:23:06Are you right to me?
00:23:09Every day.
00:23:11I promise I'll come back as soon as I can.
00:23:18Can you say that now?
00:23:24You're far above me in the world.
00:23:27I know.
00:23:29I'm sorry.
00:23:31You're far above me in the world.
00:23:34I love you.
00:23:36Wherever I go, whatever happens to me,
00:23:40it will never change.
00:23:45As long as you still want me,
00:23:48I will be yours.
00:24:00I hope you don't miss this.
00:25:12Well, these are my letters.
00:25:17These are my letters!
00:25:22She sent them back.
00:25:25Are you sure they're ready?
00:25:27Oh, they're ready.
00:25:30Leave us.
00:25:31Yes, sir.
00:25:55We need to talk...
00:25:57about your attack on the Ridd farm.
00:26:00With respect, sir,
00:26:02it was disastrous.
00:26:04I mean unfortunate, of course.
00:26:07But my contacts at court warned me
00:26:09the consequences could be severe.
00:26:11Why would the government care about our business
00:26:14with that farmer?
00:26:15You shot Judge Geoffrey's men.
00:26:18We had no choice.
00:26:20We had no choice.
00:26:22You shot Judge Geoffrey's men.
00:26:24We had no idea he was there.
00:26:26Perhaps not, but Geoffrey's doesn't know that.
00:26:28The Dunes have no quarrel with the King.
00:26:30You have it whether you want it or not.
00:26:33Geoffrey's already had his suspicions.
00:26:35After this, he'll be certain you are rebels.
00:26:39Your only hope now...
00:26:41is the Duke of Monmouth.
00:26:43The moment Charles dies,
00:26:45Monmouth will land and declare himself
00:26:47the rightful King of England.
00:26:49The Catholic traitor James from the throne.
00:26:51Suppose Monmouth's rebellion fails?
00:26:53It won't.
00:26:55He is already strong, and with your support,
00:26:57he will be stronger.
00:26:59And when he's King, you can be sure
00:27:01he will be generous to his allies.
00:27:04I can guarantee nothing, of course.
00:27:08But I'm sure that Monmouth will look kindly
00:27:11on the return of your ancient Scottish lands.
00:27:15With Monmouth King,
00:27:17we should no longer depend on Lorna for our future.
00:27:20Lorna belongs to me,
00:27:22and I will have her.
00:27:24I think the poor boy's in love.
00:27:30Mock me at your peril, old man.
00:27:32I could snap you like a twig.
00:27:36Put him down.
00:27:39My son has listened to your advice,
00:27:41and he will give his answer
00:27:43in good time.
00:27:58We'd better get going before Tom changes his mind.
00:28:02I'm sorry.
00:28:04We'd better get going before Tom changes his mind.
00:28:13You look beautiful.
00:28:18Come on.
00:28:20You too.
00:28:25Come on!
00:28:34Come on!
00:29:05Come on, Mother.
00:29:11You next, boy.
00:29:15You need two people to make a marriage, uncle.
00:29:18Take it from me.
00:29:20Someone very close to you just waiting to be asked.
00:29:22I wouldn't call London close.
00:29:24I'm talking about here.
00:29:26Only a very known.
00:29:29She loves you, boy.
00:29:31Any fool can see that.
00:29:34Just get over there, and you ask her to dance.
00:29:36Go on.
00:29:42Why not?
00:29:45What are you dancing with?
00:29:47Are you going to dance?
00:30:05You should visit more often, Ruth.
00:30:07We don't see you enough.
00:30:11You know, I...
00:30:14I have a high regard for you.
00:30:16I thought your regard was reserved for another.
00:30:20I'm under no obligation to anyone.
00:30:22I was talking of love, not obligation.
00:30:24Whatever you've heard's not true.
00:30:28I'm a free man.
00:30:30Free to love anyone I want.
00:30:34What about you?
00:30:38Do you love anyone?
00:30:40There is someone I hold above all others in my affections.
00:30:45Then he's a lucky man.
00:30:49And does he feel the same way about you?
00:30:52He knows nothing of my feelings for him.
00:30:56Perhaps he knows a little.
00:30:59Perhaps he knows more than you think.
00:31:02That is for him to say.
00:31:20Ruth, I'm sorry.
00:31:25Forgive me.
00:31:28Forgive me.
00:31:38Come on now.
00:31:39Come here and give me a kiss.
00:31:43Where are we? Walk on.
00:31:45Be sure to take care of my sister.
00:31:47Bye, Annie. Take care.
00:31:49Bye, Annie. Bye, Tom.
00:31:53She might have married a more stable sort.
00:31:56Well, family life will settle him.
00:32:07Is this how you think a leader should behave?
00:32:09Getting drunk at all hours of the day?
00:32:11No way.
00:32:12You have responsibilities. It's time you started taking them seriously.
00:32:15What responsibilities?
00:32:17You know what they are.
00:32:18It's just you would rather wallow in self-pity over Lorna.
00:32:21Don't talk to me about her.
00:32:23I'm trying to let go.
00:32:24Take another woman if you want one so badly.
00:32:28Leave me alone, both of you.
00:32:35Put your mind to it.
00:32:38You can achieve anything.
00:32:40You have greatness in you.
00:32:43Your men would walk through fire for you.
00:32:47Don't let them down.
00:32:49What is it you want, father?
00:32:51We must pledge our allegiance to Monmouth before it's too late.
00:32:56We can go home to our lands in glory.
00:33:03Or we can stay here and rot.
00:33:09That is your choice.
00:33:21Eternal home
00:33:26Beneath the shadow of thy throne
00:33:34Thy saints have dwelt
00:33:38King Charles is dead. Poisoned by the Papists.
00:33:41But Monmouth has landed at Lyme Regis to claim the throne
00:33:44and every man in Dorset and Somerset is joining his army.
00:33:49Who says King Charles was poisoned?
00:33:52Well, I heard it in a tavern from a man
00:33:56who knows a cousin of the Queen's chambermaid.
00:34:00He said that Monmouth had won great battles in Axminster and Bridport
00:34:05and marches on London within the week.
00:34:07Get on with James and potpourri!
00:34:11Don't be such damn fools.
00:34:15If you have any sense, you stay out of this.
00:34:19I never took you for a Papist before, John Ridd.
00:34:24Even if I was, my religion is my own affair.
00:34:31As it should be every man's.
00:34:34A Protestant king for a Protestant country.
00:34:38Why should we care who sits on the throne?
00:34:41Why should we care who sits on the throne?
00:34:44What do they have to do with us?
00:34:47Does the king harvest your crops, Sam?
00:34:51Or milk your cows?
00:34:53Does he bring in the sheep from the moors in the bad weather?
00:34:59Let the rich and the powerful fight their battles if they must
00:35:04but leave us out of it!
00:35:07Yes, John.
00:35:09The Dunes are pledged to support Monmouth.
00:35:15Is that the kind of company you want to keep?
00:35:22Many men will die in this adventure.
00:35:30But none from this parish, if I can help it,
00:35:37will die in this parish.
00:35:41Go. Go on!
00:35:45If you really want to.
00:36:00What is it? What's the matter?
00:36:02It's Tommy.
00:36:04He's off with Monmouth and the rebels.
00:36:08You have to go after him.
00:36:12He's been drinking more and more.
00:36:16I'm talking about the old days when he was a highwayman.
00:36:20Here, Annie, drink this.
00:36:24Because he was getting bored with farming.
00:36:26Why Monmouth?
00:36:28I think he'd have joined up with the Turkish army if they'd been passing by.
00:36:31He was scared he'd come to no good one day.
00:36:33Don't say anything against him, Mother. I won't hear it.
00:36:40My baby can't be fatherless before it's born.
00:36:48Bring him back to me, John.
00:36:54You don't have to do this.
00:36:57Why should you risk your life for him?
00:37:01Because he'd do the same for me.
00:37:32If I don't come back,
00:37:35you tell Lorna.
00:37:41It doesn't matter.
00:38:46Soldier, where are you?
00:38:57Behind you!
00:39:01Behind you!
00:39:15Where's Monmouth's army?
00:39:17Monmouth is finished. Everyone's for the king now.
00:39:20I'm looking for Tom Fagas.
00:39:22He's dead. All dead.
00:40:32Damn you, Tom!
00:40:45Come on.
00:41:02It's all right.
00:41:09You know I prefer Brandy.
00:41:16It's me. Come on.
00:41:18Put me on Winnie's back.
00:41:20We'll die together.
00:41:22You are not gonna die.
00:41:25Alive or dead, she'll take me back to Annie.
00:41:27You should never have left her.
00:41:29All things considered, I agree.
00:41:31Come on.
00:41:38Stand here, Winnie. Stand here.
00:41:41Come on. Come on.
00:41:44Come on. Come on.
00:41:47Move it. Move.
00:41:49Move it. Move it.
00:41:51Damn it. Damn it.
00:42:00Get him.
00:42:02Damn Tom.
00:42:04Oh, no, I won't. Get me now.
00:42:06I'll follow you as soon as I can.
00:42:08Go. Go.
00:42:13Hold hard there.
00:42:58God save the king.
00:43:03Down from your horse, rebel.
00:43:05I'm a faithful servant of King James.
00:43:08Then drink his health with us.
00:43:14The king.
00:43:23How much ransom would your mother pay for you, rebel?
00:43:26I told you I'm no rebel.
00:43:29I'm an honest farmer.
00:43:31A farmer?
00:43:33Well, then, come to our barren tree and make it fruitful.
00:43:37I have the right to a fair hearing.
00:43:40Traitors have no rights.
00:43:42Come here. Come on.
00:43:45Shoot him, you idiot.
00:43:47Hold your fire.
00:43:49What is the meaning of this?
00:43:51I can vouch for this man. He's honest and loyal.
00:43:53In which case, why was he riding away from the battlefield?
00:43:56No doubt he has some good reason.
00:43:58All prisoners must answer to the Lord Chief Justice.
00:44:01He will. I promise.
00:44:03I'm going to kill him.
00:44:05I'm going to kill him.
00:44:07I'm going to kill him.
00:44:09I'm going to kill him.
00:44:11I'm going to kill him.
00:44:13He will. I promise.
00:44:15I hold you personally answerable, Captain Stickles.
00:44:23Thank God you came.
00:44:26You saved my life once, John.
00:44:29Honoured to return the favour.
00:44:31Don't leave it quite so late next time.
00:44:34I wish I could set you free.
00:44:37If I turn you loose, you'll be branded an outlaw and hunted down.
00:44:43So where are we going?
00:45:05Find your bags!
00:45:07Find your bags!
00:45:09Find your bags!
00:45:12Find your bags!
00:45:14Find your bags!
00:45:16Find your bags!
00:45:41We lost ten men at Sedgmore,
00:45:43and another six after that leaves barely more than 30 fit to fight.
00:45:46It's enough. One well-armed man could hold the Dune Gate against an army of 10,000.
00:45:50We can't defend this place forever.
00:45:52They're hanging anyone who fought with Monmouth.
00:45:54If we stay here, they'll kill us all in the end.
00:45:56We should think about leaving.
00:45:58This is Duneland. I will never give it up.
00:46:01We will stand or fall here.
00:46:03I listened to you before, and look what happened.
00:46:07When Lorna comes home,
00:46:10she'll find me here waiting for her.
00:46:13For heaven's sake, forget about her now! You've lost her!
00:46:21Thomas Carter, rebel.
00:46:25Guilty death by hanging.
00:46:30Septimus Pope, rebel.
00:46:36Christopher Belton, rebel.
00:46:43My lord, I'm innocent!
00:46:45My dear fellow, if you were innocent, you wouldn't be here.
00:46:54John Ridd, rebel.
00:47:01My lord!
00:47:05This man has done good service to the crown.
00:47:08John Ridd, I remember you well.
00:47:13I fear you took little heed of my advice.
00:47:16I've done nothing wrong.
00:47:18I think you gambled at politics and backed the losing side,
00:47:21while you must pay your debt.
00:47:23It's pity.
00:47:25My lord, I'm certain he is loyal to the king.
00:47:29Is he proof of this?
00:47:31No, but with your indulgence, he may yet produce it.
00:47:35Captain, you have five seconds to explain your riddles before I hang you too.
00:47:40It is well known that the Dunes were among Monmouth's closest allies.
00:47:44No one knows their ways better than this man.
00:47:47Let him be your instrument in their destruction.
00:47:50Do I need a rebel farmer's help to rid King James of his enemies?
00:47:53Of course not, my lord, but the Dunes' stronghold is well protected.
00:47:57My lord, give me a few well-trained men and I can finish the job once and for all.
00:48:04Very well.
00:48:06Succeed against the Dunes and your loyalty will be well rewarded.
00:48:10Fail and you'll join them on the scaffold.
00:48:15Give him what he needs.
00:48:18Come on, John.
00:48:20Stand aside!
00:48:22Uncuff this man.
00:48:25Guilty death by hanging?
00:48:27They've grinds.
00:48:32Hang him to a witch house.
00:48:37There's something I need to do before we go.
00:48:41I take it you're talking about Lorna.
00:48:46I have to see her.
00:48:48It won't be easy.
00:48:51There's nothing of the farm girl left now.
00:48:55Lady Dougal's wealth and beauty are the toast of society.
00:48:59She's said to be a favourite of Queen Mary herself.
00:49:06She attends mass each week at Whitehall with the king and his court.
00:49:10We leave at dawn on Monday.
00:49:13You can go and have a look tomorrow, if you want.
00:50:50John Rhys.
00:51:12My lady Dougal.
00:51:15Won't you call me Lorna?
00:51:18If you command it.
00:51:39There is no place for commands between old friends.
00:51:44I had thought we were a little more than friends once.
00:51:51No more so than me.
00:51:55Perhaps we were both mistaken.
00:51:58So it seems.
00:52:07Well, I see you have a fine house now.
00:52:14It belongs to my uncle, Earl Brandy.
00:52:18Why did you send for me?
00:52:25I thought you might want to see me again.
00:52:34There was a time when I would have given anything to be by your side.
00:52:40And now?
00:52:42Why wish for something that can only cause me pain?
00:52:48If my presence so offends you, maybe you should leave.
00:53:09John, how can you be so cruel?
00:53:13You break my heart and accuse me of cruelty.
00:53:16I waited so long for some answer to my letters.
00:53:19All those terrible days and months and not a single word from you.
00:53:25You wrote to me?
00:53:26Dozens of times.
00:53:29Nothing ever came.
00:53:31And all my letters to you were returned.
00:53:33What letters?
00:53:40You sent these to me?
00:53:47Then what happened?
00:53:54Gwennie, tell me you sent my letters.
00:53:57You couldn't be some common farmer's wife.
00:54:01What, now you're a fine lady?
00:54:04It's the way of the world. High don't mix with low.
00:54:08Do you know how much pain you've caused?
00:54:10I only did it for the best.
00:54:12Leave us. I'll decide what to do with you later.
00:54:23You should have known I could never do such a thing to you.
00:54:27I didn't know what to think.
00:54:33Will you never see how much I love you?
00:54:42I have a death sentence hanging over me.
00:54:45I'm going to kill you.
00:54:48I'm going to kill you.
00:54:51I'm going to kill you.
00:54:53I'm going to kill you.
00:54:56And even if Geoffrey doesn't kill me,
00:55:00the dooms probably will.
00:55:02You'll be safe. I know it.
00:55:05In any case, we both know the king will never let you marry a man
00:55:09without status or title.
00:55:12I'm sure fate will provide for us somehow.
00:55:36I've missed you.
00:55:54I've missed you.
00:56:02Is Tom?
00:56:04He's safe.
00:56:07Where is he?
00:56:09Oh, don't worry.
00:56:11I'm here to bring the dunes to justice.
00:56:13No one else.
00:56:15He is close by.
00:56:17You mean...
00:56:19She means here.
00:56:24Oh, wow!
00:56:29You should be in hiding.
00:56:31You'll hang with the other rebels if Geoffrey's men get hold of you.
00:56:35I wanted to see my son.
00:56:42If I'm given another chance,
00:56:44I won't make the same mistake again.
00:56:49When will you attack the dunes?
00:56:51Tomorrow, at dawn.
00:57:21I want more men at the top!
00:57:52We told you there'd be guard in the front.
00:57:54No, we need to get nearer.
00:57:56You and you, follow me.
00:57:58Come on.
00:58:07We'll have to take the cemetery and this tower...
00:58:10before we can get to the meeting hall from the trees.
00:58:15We'll have to take the cemetery and this tower...
00:58:17before we can get to the meeting hall from the trees.
00:58:22Soldier, give me a musket.
00:58:39Who was that?
00:58:43Everybody get back!
00:58:51Oh, my God!
00:59:21Oh, my God!
00:59:51Oh, my God!
01:00:22Fire away!
01:00:24Fire away!
01:00:50Some look out!
01:00:54Some look out!
01:01:25Some look out!
01:01:36Who fired the shot that killed my father?
01:01:40Tell me.
01:02:06Any sign of Carver?
01:02:16Captain Stieglitz has told me of your good service to the Crown.
01:02:21In recognition...
01:02:23I've decided to be merciful.
01:02:27You'll still be hanged, of course,
01:02:29but I'll spare you the drawing and the quartering.
01:02:36It was a joke.
01:02:47Well, the King is well pleased with you.
01:02:50You may return home without a stain on your reputation.
01:02:54Against my advice, I might say,
01:02:58he has also...
01:03:01offered you a reward of 50 gold sovereigns.
01:03:10You're not pleased?
01:03:12Of course, my Lord. Only...
01:03:15There's one thing that money can't buy me.
01:03:19I take it you're referring to Lady Lorna Dougal.
01:03:24You presume a great deal.
01:03:28I know that.
01:03:33Well, I'll speak to His Majesty.
01:03:35The Queen is of a romantic disposition.
01:03:38Such a marriage might appeal to her.
01:03:40But then again, you see, Lady...
01:03:42Lorna cannot marry a commoner.
01:03:47So, I suppose...
01:03:49I'll have to persuade His Majesty,
01:03:53and it won't be easy...
01:03:57to, um...
01:03:59give you a knighthood.
01:04:04Thank you, my Lord.
01:04:06Thank you, my Lord.
01:04:23What is it now?
01:04:25There's one more thing, Your Honour.
01:04:27God, spit it out, man.
01:04:30A pardon for Tom Faggis.
01:04:32The man is a renegade. You test my patience, John.
01:04:34He fought with equal bravery against the Dunes.
01:04:50I hear his name mentioned again, I hang him on principle.
01:04:54Get out, before I change my mind.
01:05:04Come on.
01:05:21Does anyone know, of any reason,
01:05:24why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony?
01:05:30Speak now, or forever hold your peace.
01:05:41Do you, Sir John Ryd,
01:05:44take Lorna, Lady Dougal,
01:05:46to be thy lawful wedded wife?
01:05:50I do.
01:05:53Do you, Lorna,
01:05:55take Sir John Ryd
01:05:57to be thy lawful wedded husband?
01:06:01I do.
01:06:04The ring.
01:06:20Then I now pronounce you man and wife.
01:06:25That which God hath joined together,
01:06:28let no man put asunder.
01:11:57Where is she?
01:12:48Is she still warm?
01:12:51She is alive.
01:12:54I've removed the shot and dressed the wound.
01:12:59If she survives the night,
01:13:01she has a chance.
01:13:40I dreamt I was in a strange, dark place.
01:13:48Carver was there.
01:13:51He told me I had to stay with him as his queen.
01:13:55You're home now.
01:13:58He will never have you.
01:14:20I love you.
01:14:50She's all right.
01:14:52She's all right.
01:14:54You have the luck.
01:15:20Come on.
01:15:50I love you.
