Austin City Limits: Jess Glynne

  • 4 days ago
Jess Glynne talks with Sean at Austin City Limits.
00:00Keep listening to Mix 94.7 as we broadcast from the Live Graystar Lounge at ACL Music Fest.
00:08Sean Mack broadcasting live from the Live Graystar Lounge, ACL Music Fest, Day 3. Jess Glynn is here.
00:15How are you?
00:16I'm good. How are you?
00:17Good. When was the last time you were in Texas?
00:19The last time was in 2019, I think.
00:21And have you been prepared for this heat? Probably not.
00:26No. Do you know what? I have been making sure that everything that I brought with me to this part of my tour, that I was like, you're going to be hot.
00:34So just make sure you've got some air.
00:36Breathable fabrics.
00:37Breathable fabrics. And yeah, keeping it cute.
00:40Cool. Since you've been here, have you had a chance to have any local delicacies? Anything you had to eat?
00:45Do you know what? I arrived quite late last night, so I haven't had a chance, but I will.
00:50What's on your list? Is there anything you're like, ooh, Texas, I should have this.
00:53I feel like barbecue is a thing, right?
00:57The only thing is, I don't eat red meat, so I'd have to just do the chicken.
01:01Yeah, I could do that.
01:02That's fine. We also have tacos that are non-meat.
01:04I know, tacos are good, right?
01:05We do veggie tacos and stuff like that.
01:06The hotel I'm staying in actually does have a Mexican taco situation going on.
01:11Yes, always good.
01:12So there you go.
01:13Congrats on the new album, Jess.
01:14Thank you so much.
01:15First third album. First one in a little while.
01:18Is this kind of like a new beginning for you in a way?
01:21It's just, you know, it's not a new beginning. I think everything's a chapter.
01:25Do you know what I mean? I look at it as like, this album came at a time that it needed to come,
01:29and it serves a purpose for right now, and I'm so proud of it.
01:32And it took me a little bit longer to make than anticipated.
01:37However, like, it feels super special, and it's like super exciting being back in the U.S. touring,
01:44and like with the new music and the way that people are reacting.
01:48Yeah, I think it's just this chapter, and it feels super exciting.
01:51Great. And the tour has just started, right? Literally this week?
01:53Pretty much, yeah.
01:54Like three shows in, like now we're doing this, and then we're going to Florida.
01:57So, yeah, it's exciting.
01:58Actually, is it kind of like riding a bike where, you know, you haven't been out in the U.S. tour in a minute?
02:02Is it more nerves than usual because it's been a while?
02:06I think it's like definitely nerves, yeah, always.
02:09Like I'm a nervous performer, I think, and you always want to like, you know, show up.
02:14And obviously for me, not being here for a while, like the fear of people not being there is always going to be.
02:21But they have, and they've been showing up, and they've been like incredibly packed venues, and just like it's been going off.
02:27They've been freaking amazing. I'm like so stoked.
02:29That's awesome. And, of course, I always heard, you know, nervous energy is good. That just means that you care.
02:33Yeah, I care so much. Oh, my God.
02:35Absolutely. I want to talk to you about your hair looks amazing.
02:40Fenty hair, of course.
02:41Fenty hair, I know.
02:42Talk to me about how this collaboration came about.
02:44Does Rihanna just call you up and be like, girl, I love your hair. Let's do something.
02:48Yeah, I mean, yeah, their team reached out and like, you know, being with rock and stuff.
02:52And I guess she just, yeah, loved the vibe of like my look, my hair and was like, can you do the campaign?
02:59And I was like, obviously. I mean, I was just so grateful to be asked to do that, you know, and to be like a part.
03:06Like she's just so, I mean, amazing in everything that she's done in her music, in her like business.
03:12And I think hair is such an important thing to me. Like it's always been my thing.
03:17And I think like there's not many of us redheads out there, especially like curly big, you know, it's a part of me and my personality.
03:25And I think I've always wanted to be a part of a hair campaign.
03:27And that's just the beginning, you know, making a cameo in that and then like onto others, you know.
03:32And I'm so proud to like be standing next to such an incredible, you know, talented boss woman.
03:38Like, yeah, that's where we're at.
03:40Awesome. We look forward to see what happens with that in the future.
03:42One more thing before I let you go. I have a really good friend.
03:45And I when I told him that you were going to be here, he was like, oh, he's the biggest Spice Girls fan ever.
03:49He's like, could you please ask her about touring with the Spice Girls if she has any special memories?
03:54It was amazing. It was freaking dope. Like one of my favorite tours I've ever done.
03:59Like they were I mean, as a kid, like, you know, they were my idols.
04:04Like I grew up obsessed, super fan.
04:07And then to be like full circle moment supporting the Spice Girls on their like final freaking.
04:12Well, they didn't say it was their final.
04:14Maybe. Hopefully not.
04:15Hopefully not. But like on their huge freaking stadium tour, like, yeah, it was absolutely incredible.
04:22Like wild.
04:23Yeah. Like this.
04:24It took out my life kind of thing.
04:26Yeah, it took out me, but it was incredible.
04:28It was amazing.
04:29Jessalyn, thank you so much for being here.
04:31Thank you so much for having me.
04:32We're so happy to have you back.
04:33Thank you. Thank you.
04:34Don't be a stranger this time, as we say in Texas.
04:36I'll be back. I'll be back. Don't you worry.
04:38This is Jessalyn. I'm Sean Mack. It's Mix 94.7.
