Princess with Twenty Skirts Story in English _ Stories for Teenagers _ @EnglishFairyTales

  • 2 days ago
Princess with Twenty Skirts Story in English | Story | English Story | Fairy Tales in English | Stories for Teenagers | Fairy Tales | ‪@EnglishFairyTales‬

Parental Guidance: Some material of this video may not be suitable for children below 13 years of age.


00:00The Princess with Twenty Skirts
00:30The Princess was lovely to look at, and that she knew very well.
00:36So among all of the people of the land who loved to look at her pretty face,
00:41she loved to look at it herself the most.
00:45In those days, there were no mirrors or medals,
00:48so the Princess would head into the woods,
00:51go by the lake, and regale at her gorgeous reflection in the water.
01:01Then so great was her love for nature and the woods
01:05that she would play in the mud all day,
01:08run around with the animals every morning and evening,
01:11so that by the time she returned to the palace,
01:14her hair would be as tangled as a bird's nest.
01:19Oh, my dear Princess, how am I ever to get rid of those tangles in your hair?
01:26I don't know. That is your job.
01:30Please, do come and sit and let me comb your hair.
01:33This might hurt a bit.
01:39Oh, can't you do anything right?
01:42You are such an oruck!
01:50An oruck?
01:53Your Majesty called me akin to a buffalo.
01:57That is so rude, Princess.
02:01Learn to comb my hair well, and then we shall speak of rudeness.
02:09Ah! This water is so hot.
02:11Can't anyone do anything right around here?
02:16As you may have noticed,
02:18the Princess's behavior was nearly not as lovely as her face.
02:24Playing with the creatures of the forest and getting her hair tangled was fine,
02:29but insulting her helpers, many of them much older than her,
02:34that too, when they were trying to do their best for her, was just not done.
02:41The Queen spoke of the Princess's petulance to the King.
02:45The King loved his daughter dearly and could not bear to think of punishing her.
02:50He only assured the Queen.
02:53Well, our daughter is not all bad, my dear.
02:58She shares my love for animals and trees and things of the forest.
03:03See how tenderly she cares for the little calf she found injured in the forest once,
03:09and birds flock to her whenever she is out in the garden.
03:16While the King drew solace from the Princess's kindness to animals,
03:20he was worried about the kind of queen she would make.
03:24So he took the worries in his heart and carried them to his favorite spot in the forest.
03:31The spot where his friend, the Great Oak, had once stood.
03:37It was many, many years ago when the King was but a boy of ten.
03:42He had seen some woodcutters come to chop down the oak.
03:47I shall not let you cut this tree!
03:50Prince, we need the wood!
03:54Then go and find a dead tree, but I shall not let you kill this one,
03:59or else drive your axe through me before the blade touches the tree!
04:04So the woodcutters had no option but to leave the big old oak alone.
04:09The Prince insisted that a royal guard be placed in the forest
04:13so that no one could cut a healthy tree and cut wood only from already dead ones.
04:20No one was allowed to hunt any animal or catch any bird from the forest.
04:26On another day, when the young Prince was playing in the forest…
04:32Where is that sound coming from? Sounds like an animal is in pain!
04:37The young Prince searched everywhere in the shrubs and shoots and bushes,
04:42and found a baby auric.
04:45The auric was in terrible pain, as its leg had been hurt and the wound was deep.
04:51The King took the auric to the palace and tended to it day and night,
04:56until finally it was well enough to bound away into the woods again.
05:02When the young Prince had become older, now a youth of twenty years,
05:06he had visited his old friend, the oak, again, to find the poor tree dying.
05:14My oak! My beloved oak! What has become of you?
05:19Why do you look so withered, my friend?
05:22I must go fetch a doctor, a gardener, whoever might know how to save you.
05:28It is of no use, young Prince, for the time has come for my spirit to leave this world.
05:35You have been kind to me, and you saved my life on several occasions.
05:41Now it is time for me to return the favor.
05:46And for me too!
05:53You! My dear auric! You too look so tired and worn!
05:59The oak and I are brothers.
06:01We had been cursed to live as a tree and as an animal,
06:06and now the duration of the curse is nearing its end.
06:10It is time for us to return to our land in the stars.
06:16But before we go, O noble Prince,
06:20we wish to bless your land with untold prosperity and happiness,
06:25for your kindness surely deserves it.
06:30When I am dead, take one of my horns and fashion a comb out of it
06:35for a daughter you will someday have.
06:40And when I have fallen, cut my bark into staves.
06:45When your daughter turns seventeen, join the staves to make a skirt for her
06:50and make her wear it whenever she misbehaves.
06:55Then one day she will find a purple flower
06:59at the exact spot where my brother now stands as the oak.
07:04Let the women of the land spin from the stalk of the flower.
07:10And before you know it, this dark forest shall become a vibrant field
07:16full of such flowers which your people will spin
07:20into the finest, softest fabric ever discovered by man,
07:25and your kingdom will become one of the most prosperous ones in the world.
07:32Today, so many years later as the king stood in the wood,
07:36he remembered what his old friends the oak and the orc had said.
07:40His worried heart saw a ray of hope,
07:43and thanking them in his mind, the king rushed to the palace.
07:48He had a skirt made of the staves of the oak
07:51and a comb out of the horn of the orc.
07:54Our daughter has once again made the governess cry with her rudeness.
07:59Call her here.
08:01The princess was called for when she arrived.
08:06I hear you have been misbehaving again.
08:10Father, you're all so useless.
08:16And now, I will make you pay for this.
08:20You're so useless.
08:24Henceforth, you shall comb your hair with this.
08:30And from now on, whenever you are rude, you shall wear this.
08:38Father, but I...
08:40No questions, no discussion.
08:43Wear this now.
08:45And so it came to be.
08:48Whenever the princess was rude or badly behaved,
08:52she was made to wear the wooden skirt.
08:55The princess did not like it at all,
08:58and her behavior soon started to become better.
09:03Every time the princess had her hair combed with the comb made from orc's horn,
09:08the princess's manners improved greatly.
09:12I do so love the feel of this comb.
09:15It is so soft.
09:19But your hair are so tangled, your majesty.
09:22It might hurt.
09:24Yes, it might.
09:26Don't worry, dear governess.
09:27I shall be very still.
09:33Are you all right?
09:36I'm sorry.
09:38So very, very sorry, your majesty.
09:42As long as you are okay, it is fine.
09:44Don't worry.
09:45Anyone can slip like that.
09:49Everyone was amazed at the wonderful change
09:51that had come over the once arrogant, rude, and selfish princess.
09:56Soon her manners were as beautiful as her face.
09:59She no longer needed to wear the wooden skirt
10:02and was the kindest, sweetest person in the kingdom.
10:07One day, as she went into the woods as usual,
10:10she reached the spot where the old oak had once been
10:13and she saw the prettiest, daintiest flower there ever was.
10:18She took the flower to the palace
10:20and showed it to her mother and her aunt who had come visiting.
10:25Mother! Aunt!
10:27See what I have found in the forest today.
10:31What a strange, beautiful flower.
10:35That is no ordinary flower, dear.
10:37This is flax.
10:40Flax? What is that?
10:43Soon, the aunt shows the ladies in the palace how to roast the stalk
10:48and extract the flax from the flower
10:50and spin it into soft, beautiful linen.
10:54Before long, the entire forest had become a huge field of the flax flowers
11:00and everyone in the kingdom was spinning the flax into soft linen.
11:05The tailors made wonderful shirts for the men
11:08and skirts for the ladies.
11:10The princess loved the linen so much that one day…
11:15The skirt feels so soft.
11:18Bring me another.
11:20Look at the flair it gives me.
11:22Bring me one more.
11:25Ah! The more I rub, the more gorgeous it looks.
11:29Get me one more.
11:32The princess wore twenty skirts in all
11:35and walked with such elan in the palace
11:38that all the ladies thought that twenty skirts
11:41was the number of those beautiful skirts to wear.
11:44The fashion spread all around the kingdom
11:47and every girl, every woman and every bride
11:50had to have twenty skirts around her.
11:53And to this day, the fashion which the princess had begun
11:57stays in the land of Holland among the Dutch people.
12:01The fashion that was brought by the princess who wore twenty skirts.
12:06More importantly, we must note that this was the same princess
12:11who had to wear a skirt made out of wood.
12:14And now she could wear soft linen that felt comfortable
12:17even when twenty skirts were wrapped around her.
12:21When we are willing to accept our faults and work on them,
12:25we become light-hearted and joyful.
12:28Then, people feel comfortable around us
12:31and celebrate whatever we do.
12:34Once the princess became polite and loving,
12:37nobody talked of her rudeness anymore
12:40because when we ourselves give up our bad habits,
12:43others naturally forgive us.
12:46That is the true way of the world.
12:55© transcript Emily Beynon
