Learn Programming Technique C to Master Skills - Multiple Selection Program (Flow chart)

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hello everyone, today I'm going to explain program of multiple selection, okay.
00:11And in a multiple selection, we are going to take decision for more than one times,
00:18so this is the program to display grade on basis of average marks, okay.
00:25If every marks is between 80 to 100, then the grade which is going to display that is
00:33what honors, if the average marks that is between 60 to 79 in the first division, if
00:40the average marks between 50 to 59, second division, between 40 to 49, third division
00:47and between 0 to 39, that is less than 40, then what, fail.
00:57It's very easy program, I have to take only a single variable, so I have taken one variable
01:02AB for the average marks, I'm going to input the average marks here, suppose I input what
01:0790, so according to the question, I have placed here the disease, I have placed the condition
01:17inside the decision box, if AB greater than equals to 80, yes, 90 is greater than 80,
01:26so what's going to display, it's going to display what honors, okay.
01:31Now, if and then the program is going to stop and if I again run the program with some another
01:38value, suppose the average marks is what 65, so if 65 greater than 80, here the condition
01:46will get false, it will come to the no part, if 65 greater than 60, yes, the condition
01:52is true, it will come to the yes part and going to display what, first division.
01:58The same way, if I input what 55, so here the condition will get false, it will come
02:05to this if part, 55 greater than 60, here the condition will get false, here the condition
02:11will get true, as the average marks is between 50 and 60, okay, so 55 greater than 50, come
02:20to the yes part and then it's going to what display, second division.
02:25The same way, if the marks is what 40, so 40 greater than 80, condition false, 40 greater
02:32than 60, condition false, if 40 greater than 50, condition false, here if 40 equals to
02:3840, here the condition true, it's going to display third division and then stop.
02:44Then if I input what less than 40, so here the condition will get false, it will come
02:50to no part, here the condition will get false, it will come to the no part, here the condition
02:57will also get false and here also as the 33 greater than 40 condition false, it will come
03:02to the no part and going to display what, fail and then stop.
03:08So multiple times use of if, else if, else if like that, okay, in the next video I am
03:15going to make the program of it, thanks.
