
  • 2 days ago
00:00:00Long ago, humans and dragons lived in perfect harmony.
00:00:07But the humans became greedy and began to take over the world, consuming everything in their path.
00:00:16The dragons pleaded with the humans to stop this selfish quest, but instead of listening, the humans declared war.
00:00:27An evil alchemist, Petrosius, created a dragon-killing monster and named it Nettlebrand.
00:00:35But Petrosius could not control the monster and was killed by his own creation.
00:00:42Nettlebrand began hunting the dragons all over the world.
00:00:48The dragons scattered helplessly, unable to counter Nettlebrand's immunity to their fire.
00:00:57After losing their tracks, Nettlebrand retreated to his creator's castle, obsessed with his desire to devour.
00:01:07Centuries passed. The humans took over the world, forgetting all about special creatures.
00:01:15The remaining dragons had no choice but to hide, keeping their existence a secret from the rest of the world.
00:01:23But not the humans.
00:01:54I'm ready to sail.
00:02:00I hope we can get into trouble for this.
00:02:08Get away, you big lump!
00:02:13And remember, fire is the last resort. It should be used for protection only.
00:02:20Order! Order! Let's have some order here.
00:02:23Listen up. This is a serious matter. Fire is a weapon, not a toy. No fire, no fly.
00:02:34Fire, Drake.
00:02:35Sorry. My bad.
00:02:39What are you doing up there?
00:02:41I just...
00:02:42Spare me the details. Don't you have anything better to do than creeping around?
00:02:47Like what?
00:02:48Uh, well, we've got loads to do here. Like, uh...
00:02:51Guessing what shape the next clown will be?
00:02:55I think he won't like this with your tales.
00:02:58Look, no one's saying you can't have fun. Just keep it quiet, you two.
00:03:03I want to be a proper dragon, like the dragons in Slatebeard's stories.
00:03:07Oh, give me strength. Stay out of trouble. Stay out of sight. That's an order!
00:03:14Where's the fun in hiding all the time? Bottleneck doesn't allow us to do anything.
00:03:19But we're safe here. Isn't that more important?
00:03:22Who can hurt us? Sprites? Gnomes?
00:03:27My mum will, if I'm not home for dinner.
00:03:32See you tomorrow.
00:03:49Feast your eyes on this, ladies.
00:03:56Horny warts! He thinks he's a real dragon. What's his name?
00:04:13That's a name I won't forget in a hurry. He's not a real dragon.
00:04:18The Rim of Heaven. Ah, that's where the real dragons live.
00:04:23Hey, Slatebeard! You telling your crazy tales again, old man?
00:04:28Old man? I'll give you old man.
00:04:32He's got a nerve. What's his name?
00:04:36You were saying, the Rim of Heaven.
00:04:39How do you know the Rim of Heaven?
00:04:42Uh, you just said it.
00:04:44Have you been there?
00:04:49Dragon is so annoying. What's his name?
00:04:53Tell me more about the Rim of Heaven.
00:04:55Ah, yes. A paradise for dragons, where the moonflowers shine.
00:05:04Where is it?
00:05:06It's, uh...
00:05:10In a faraway mountain range.
00:05:14Oh, Slatebeard, don't nap now.
00:05:16On the other side of the world.
00:05:22Paradise for dragons.
00:05:27Where is this place?
00:05:29You said it was in a faraway mountain range on the other side of the world.
00:05:34We called it Paradise for Dragons.
00:05:39Paradise for dragons? That's good for you, then.
00:05:43Oh, brownies are welcome, too.
00:05:45How do you know? Maybe they barbecue brownies there.
00:05:54All I'm saying is, it sounds like my kind of place.
00:05:58My dad says the world outside of this valley is a scary place.
00:06:03Well, we're stuck here.
00:06:20We have to tell the others.
00:06:24What will they do when they find us?
00:06:26What they always do when they want something.
00:06:28Attack first, ask questions later.
00:06:30It wasn't always like this.
00:06:33Back in the days of the great dragon kings,
00:06:36humans and dragons even flew together.
00:06:39Until the humans wanted to have it all their own way.
00:06:43We lay low and wait for the humans to come.
00:06:47Until the humans wanted to have it all their own way.
00:06:51We lay low and wait for the humans to pass us by.
00:06:55I say we take the fight to the end.
00:06:57It's about time we show them who's boss.
00:07:01Fighting is not our way.
00:07:03What's so noble about fighting?
00:07:06If the humans advance further in this direction,
00:07:09they'll be on us by the next full moon.
00:07:12Yes, boss?
00:07:13Prepare the hire.
00:07:16Where abouts are we left at?
00:07:17We could go there.
00:07:18Yeah, right.
00:07:19How are you planning to get there?
00:07:21I've got wings, haven't I?
00:07:23We'll find a route, come back, and lead everyone to safety.
00:07:26That's insane.
00:07:27You've never been outside of the battle.
00:07:32I'm coming, mom!
00:07:33Come on!
00:07:44There we go.
00:07:45This should keep us going for the foreseeable.
00:07:49Those awful humans.
00:07:51Think the world belongs to them.
00:07:53As I have always told you, they're the worst.
00:07:56We should run away.
00:07:57Leave the valley.
00:07:58Find a new home.
00:08:00My dear Sorrel,
00:08:02if I knew of somewhere we could go,
00:08:04we'd be out of here in a jiffy.
00:08:30I'll come back.
00:08:32I promise.
00:08:36Come on.
00:08:50All right.
00:08:56What are you doing here?
00:08:57What do you think?
00:08:59Come on, before I change my mind.
00:09:04Here we go.
00:09:06If you know what you're doing,
00:09:08you've never flown before.
00:09:35So, genius, where do we start?
00:09:43Sorrel, are you all right?
00:09:45I'm still alive.
00:09:49Wow, look at that.
00:09:53What is that?
00:09:54It looks amazing.
00:09:56Should we go down there?
00:09:58Are you crazy?
00:09:59That's where the humans live.
00:10:01Even though...
00:10:04A pixie I know once told me about this all-knowing oracle that lives there.
00:10:10Maybe it can help us find the River of Heaven.
00:10:14What's it called?
00:10:15They call it...
00:10:17the Internet.
00:10:19The Internet?
00:10:21Okay, let's go ask the Internet.
00:10:24I guess we don't really have a better choice.
00:10:28No, no, it is way too dangerous to go flying down there.
00:10:31Oh, come on, Sorrel.
00:10:33Gotta try.
00:10:53You won't get away this time!
00:10:57Watch out!
00:11:03Watch out!
00:11:10I've got you, kiddo!
00:11:22I gotcha!
00:11:24It's a girl.
00:11:25There, that's him!
00:11:27Stop him!
00:11:37That's mine!
00:11:38What do you think you're doing?
00:11:54Okay, I'm the little brown thing, you're the giant wingy thing.
00:11:58I go find the Internet, you hide in there.
00:12:29Back in the days of the great Dragon Kings,
00:12:32humans and dragons even flew together.
00:13:09Yeah, yeah, very good, very good.
00:13:11That, my friend, is a pretty awesome costume.
00:13:14You're with the movie, right?
00:13:16Come on, little guy, where are you?
00:13:21I don't feel as dragon-like.
00:13:28Okay, now, stay cool.
00:13:30It's just a dragon.
00:13:33A walking dragon!
00:13:36Uh, uh.
00:13:39Oh, you're him.
00:13:42Yeah, I'm, uh, him.
00:13:45I'm a dragon rider.
00:13:49A dragon rider.
00:13:51What's a dragon rider?
00:13:53Uh, it's like a horse whisperer, but with dragons.
00:13:57It's a psychic thing.
00:13:59That's amazing.
00:14:01Can you help us find the Rim of Heaven?
00:14:03Uh, maybe I should check my diary.
00:14:05This is a very busy time in the dragon rider calendar.
00:14:08I looked all over and I couldn't find...
00:14:10Oh, a human!
00:14:12Stay back!
00:14:13What did I tell you about mingling with the enemy?
00:14:15No, no, you don't understand.
00:14:17He's a dragon rider.
00:14:19He can help us find the Rim of Heaven.
00:14:21Please, don't fall for his tricks.
00:14:23The human is a liar and a cheat.
00:14:26How do you know that?
00:14:27All humans are liars and cheats.
00:14:28They're the worst.
00:14:30But this one's different.
00:14:31He has special talents.
00:14:32Talents? What talents?
00:14:34I can read your mind.
00:14:36Then you'll know what I'm thinking.
00:14:38He's not coming with us.
00:14:41Ah, uh, so, how about we find that thing of heaven?
00:14:45You betcha.
00:14:46I'm a lord, dragon rider.
00:14:48No, no, I am not lying with a human.
00:14:50Ah, we need to be fast.
00:14:52Zorl, come on!
00:14:55This way.
00:15:06Stay behind the wall.
00:15:08It sounds like this is the one.
00:15:16Gonna fly!
00:15:25There should be us up there.
00:15:28I know a free ride when I see a free ride,
00:15:31and he is a free ride.
00:15:33You don't like dragons, do you?
00:15:35You've probably never even met one.
00:15:37No, and I wouldn't want to.
00:15:39Well, where's the sense in that?
00:15:41So, compared to the next dragon rider,
00:15:43the one that crossed the border
00:15:45was a more normal dragon rider
00:15:47to the other side of the border.
00:15:49One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
00:16:20Well, goodbye.
00:16:22Or should I say, until we meet again?
00:16:24It's goodbye.
00:16:26Let us know if you change your mind.
00:16:29Good riddance.
00:16:33This place is spine-tingling.
00:16:36Look at my spines.
00:16:38They are literally tingling.
00:16:40Dragons? Brownies?
00:16:42What the heck is going on?
00:16:45Tickling, tickling.
00:16:53Someone's coming.
00:16:55Get your fat back out of sight.
00:16:59You want some of this?
00:17:01I'm so ready to strike you.
00:17:03Who right there?
00:17:05Who are you?
00:17:07We are three dwarves.
00:17:09This is Stonebeard.
00:17:11This is Gravelbeard.
00:17:14Overjoyed to meet you.
00:17:16Well, there must be something around here.
00:17:19I haven't scalped and prickled like this
00:17:21since the last time I saw it.
00:17:23Oh, is that what I think it is?
00:17:27A dragon.
00:17:29A silver dragon.
00:17:31We haven't seen one of these around these parts.
00:17:34No, never.
00:17:38You're a joy to behold.
00:17:40He certainly is.
00:17:42Oh, jinx.
00:17:44I left my flask of cheeky water at the mine.
00:17:47Carry on without me.
00:17:49And off he goes.
00:17:51Disgraceful manners.
00:17:54Where travel you two dragon?
00:17:57We seek the rim of heaven.
00:17:59The rim of heaven, you say?
00:18:02Where east meets west, the story says.
00:18:06Did you know, according to legend,
00:18:08the day the rim of heaven is discovered,
00:18:11silver will be worth more than gold.
00:18:14Silver and gold?
00:18:16I'd never have to steal again.
00:18:18We're not interested in silver or gold.
00:18:21We just need to find a way to get there.
00:18:23As you say.
00:18:25Anyway, this coal needs a good, warm fire.
00:18:28If you'll allow me to request...
00:18:32That's it.
00:18:33We'll follow the rising sun.
00:18:35Where east meets west.
00:18:38Oh, no.
00:18:39You're coming with us?
00:18:41All the way to the ding of heaven.
00:18:47You're a fake. You're a phony.
00:18:49You're not a dragonrider.
00:18:51Guys, guys, guys.
00:18:53If I'm not a dragonrider, what do you call this?
00:18:56My dragonrider card.
00:19:01Was that...?
00:19:03My pants, yes.
00:19:05I rest my case.
00:19:06You wouldn't know a dragon if it burnt a hole in your sock.
00:19:09I most certainly would.
00:19:11This is definitely a male dragon.
00:19:13You are a male dragon, right?
00:19:15You're not coming with us.
00:19:17I'm warning you, don't make me use my dragonrider powers.
00:19:20What powers? You don't have any powers.
00:19:30Oh, you're going to love this.
00:19:37Oh, no.
00:19:47Yes, master?
00:19:49Do something, you puny human killers.
00:19:52I'm bored out of my mind.
00:19:54Um, have you heard of something called
00:20:02Your chance to find love.
00:20:05Are you wasting my time, you worthless slave?
00:20:09No, master.
00:20:11I just need your profile.
00:20:17What about me?
00:20:19Tell them who you are.
00:20:21Oh, that's easy.
00:20:24A 500-year-old draconoid.
00:20:26Violent, vicious.
00:20:28He hates his creator.
00:20:30Perhaps a little finessing.
00:20:33What about mature, sensitive type with healthy appetite?
00:20:38Fine, let's go with that.
00:20:40Would like to meet like-minded form.
00:20:46I said fun.
00:20:48Pay attention, stickman, or I'll do for you
00:20:50as I did for your 11 brothers and sisters.
00:20:56Not eating dragons.
00:21:00Eating dragons.
00:21:01Oh, and golf.
00:21:03And feeling the soft summer breeze on my face.
00:21:07And eating dragons!
00:21:12Shall we?
00:21:14Hugs, master.
00:21:19How do I look?
00:21:20Like a woman.
00:21:22Like a weird savage freak.
00:21:24Which is not what you are.
00:21:27Okay, let's summon those victims.
00:21:30Matches, come flooding in.
00:21:32Yo, Nethelra, have I got news for you.
00:21:38Up in the hill, I just saw Havages.
00:21:41Do I have to?
00:21:43Um, a shooting star.
00:21:45Oh, we can do better than that.
00:21:47Um, a sheep.
00:21:49A rhino.
00:21:51Tell me!
00:21:52I'll give you a clue.
00:21:59What is that?
00:22:00An opera singer.
00:22:02What? Do me a favor.
00:22:04It's only a ripe, juicy dragon.
00:22:07A dragon?
00:22:08Not just any dragon.
00:22:10A silver dragon.
00:22:12And a wolf at the back of the bed.
00:22:14A silver dragon.
00:22:16I have never heard of a silver dragon.
00:22:19Then for a silver dragon,
00:22:21I hunger for a silver dragon.
00:22:24Show me this silver dragon!
00:22:26Daddy, I'm talking right now.
00:22:38Sorry about that.
00:22:40I've got youngest brownie syndrome.
00:22:44No hard feelings.
00:22:50No hard feelings.
00:23:03I can see the silver dragon.
00:23:10Uh, guys?
00:23:16Where's the dragon rider?
00:23:18Oh, he took off.
00:23:21Well, I guess he chickened out.
00:23:23Now it's back to you and me.
00:23:29Dragon rider!
00:23:33Never expected this.
00:23:35She pushed me off the mountain.
00:23:38I can smell the silver dragon.
00:23:43Let's get out of here.
00:23:57Where's he gone?
00:24:05Oh, my, Roa.
00:24:07You, Roa.
00:24:08Look at us both.
00:24:09We're both roaring.
00:24:11Shut up, shut up, shut up!
00:24:13I must know where they're going.
00:24:20Go after them.
00:24:21But, Master,
00:24:23I've lived in your cellar for 500 years.
00:24:26I know nothing of the world beyond.
00:24:28How will I communicate with you?
00:24:30Skype me.
00:24:35That just leaves you and me,
00:24:37two merciless giants of nature.
00:24:40What do you say?
00:24:41Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:24:43I'm thinking
00:24:45I'm in urgent need of a new slave.
00:24:48Let's not say slave.
00:24:50Let's say partner.
00:25:03Iron Drake!
00:25:06Where are you, lad?
00:25:08Did you find him?
00:25:11Right, you two, stop it!
00:25:19My baby girl!
00:25:21She's missing!
00:25:33Okay, so...
00:25:35Okay, so...
00:25:37How about a fire-breathing demo?
00:25:42We're not allowed to play around with that.
00:25:44Fire is a weapon, not a toy.
00:25:46Come on, there's no one here.
00:25:54Here we go.
00:26:01This isn't good.
00:26:03This isn't good at all.
00:26:05Don't worry, Sorrel.
00:26:07We've got the Dragon Rider to guide us through all this.
00:26:10Uh... right.
00:27:20Nice hair.
00:27:32Where's Fire?
00:27:34Where's Fire?
00:27:36I was going to ask you the same thing.
00:27:40Uh, hey!
00:28:18Fire Drake!
00:28:24He's still breathing.
00:28:32I'm going to wait outside.
00:28:38What was that?
00:28:40I don't know, and I don't want to know.
00:28:42All sorts of things attract such dragons.
00:28:52Emergency call on line one.
00:28:54Dragon Rider?
00:28:56You can't scare us.
00:28:58We've got a dragon.
00:29:02Go on, Scales. Torch him!
00:29:08Not good.
00:29:10He can't breathe fire.
00:29:32Do something!
00:29:52Good boy. Good boy.
00:29:56That's a good thing I was around. Who knows what would have happened otherwise.
00:30:00Allow me to introduce myself.
00:30:04My name is Professor Barnabas Greenwood. You've killed him!
00:30:08Typical human setting upon a poor defenseless... thing.
00:30:12No, he's not dead. He's simply stunned.
00:30:16He'll be out for a week or so, but he'll be alright. Look at him. He's definitely
00:30:24Whoa! A silver dragon.
00:30:28Exceptional. Oh, he's exceptional, right?
00:30:32He can't breathe fire.
00:30:36What have you done? Fire Drake!
00:30:40This dragon is one of a kind. We'd better go find him. Great.
00:30:44Fire Drake, where are you?
00:30:48Here, dragon dragon!
00:30:52He didn't mean it!
00:31:12So, how come no show in the flame department?
00:31:16I open my mouth, but nothing ever happens.
00:31:20The other dragons call me Lame Flame. Ouch.
00:31:24What's the point of being a dragon if you can't breathe fire?
00:31:28Other dragons? I'm such a fake.
00:31:32Not what I seem to be at all. You wouldn't understand.
00:31:40We should get back to the others.
00:31:44Give me a second chance, Dragonrider. I have to find the Rim of Heaven.
00:31:48What's the big fuss about the Rim of Heaven?
00:31:52It's the only place that we can be safe. Humans are destroying our valley, so
00:31:56I promise to find it and return before the next full moon.
00:32:00No pressure, huh?
00:32:04Listen, humans do bad things, but good things too. Not all humans are bad.
00:32:08You're a good human, right?
00:32:12Uh, right.
00:32:16So, you're still gonna help us?
00:32:20Well, I've come this far, haven't I?
00:32:24Thank you, thank you, thank you! I won't let you down again.
00:32:28Hey! Right, let's head back to my camp and get some rest.
00:32:32You've been through a lot.
00:32:36By the way,
00:32:40you were attacked. Like that. In the ruin.
00:32:44And right at Chipmunk. You were a tiger.
00:32:58So, where are you heading to?
00:33:02We're flying to the Rim of Heaven. Or, at least we were before I crashed.
00:33:06No, no, no. You crashed because you were affected by the presence of another rare,
00:33:10special creature. It wasn't your fault.
00:33:14That nasty chicken thing in the cave?
00:33:18The basilisk is a rare and beautiful specimen. Maybe only 20 of its kind in the world.
00:33:22I'm taking him to my reserve, where he'll get all the care and attention he needs.
00:33:26Woof! Woof!
00:33:30Woof! Woof!
00:33:34I run the reserve with my wife and daughter. She's about your age.
00:33:38We hope to collect, catalogue, and cultivate
00:33:42every rare and special creature on the planet.
00:33:46I came from basil!
00:33:50Basilisk! And I found a silver dragon!
00:33:54Woof! Woof!
00:33:58As I thought.
00:34:02I'll now be very careful with that one.
00:34:06What's in it? Oh, that's my tea.
00:34:10Right. You seek the Rim of Heaven.
00:34:14Now, if I'm not mistaken, it should lie somewhere in the Himalayas.
00:34:18But even my friend, the famous Dracologist, Subisha Gulab, doesn't know exactly where it is.
00:34:22And she knows everything there is to know about dragons.
00:34:26Hey, wait a minute. I know who you can ask.
00:34:30The Djinn with a Thousand Eyes! He lives in the ravine here.
00:34:34He has the power to answer any question in the world.
00:34:38But be warned, he's got some rather anti-social habits.
00:34:42Now, your route will be perilous. So whatever you do,
00:34:46avoid the angry giant. Somewhere around here.
00:34:50And the nasty elves and the Caesar.
00:34:54Is that all? And the rock bird in the mountains here.
00:34:58Beware these three things. That's four things, idiot!
00:35:14Anything else?
00:35:18Yes. Get some rest. You can stay here tonight.
00:35:22I'll get your supplies for your journey in the morning.
00:35:26I think you might need something a little more comfortable.
00:35:50Now, it may lack the comfort of home, but it's better than sleeping rough.
00:35:56OK, go on.
00:36:19I forgot to say, there are some fresh clothes in here.
00:36:52Couple killed in car crash?
00:37:04Are you a fan of prison movies?
00:37:11You have a sensitive side.
00:37:14Nothing to be ashamed of.
00:37:16Let me give you a little word of advice.
00:37:20If you're looking for some lovely...
00:37:22Oh no you don't!
00:37:26Freedom means keep up kids.
00:37:28They love that.
00:37:32I know where the dragon is going.
00:37:34A place called the Rim of Heaven.
00:37:36The Rim of Heaven?
00:37:38This is better than I imagined.
00:37:40First, they must seek out the Thousand-Eyed Djinn.
00:37:42No, no, the Djinn will destroy them.
00:37:45Stay with them.
00:37:46But the raven has deserted me, master.
00:37:48How can I follow them?
00:37:50Don't think of something.
00:37:52I must follow them to the Djinn.
00:37:55It's getting more evil by the minute.
00:37:57So, we haven't actually worked out the terms of our partnership.
00:38:02You're my slave.
00:38:03Those are the terms.
00:38:08The Supersubmersible.
00:38:11What a beauty.
00:38:14What's a Supersubmersible?
00:38:16I can take it to anywhere in the world.
00:38:18It was built by the human who made me and that wretched Twigleg.
00:38:25What are you doing?
00:38:26A promise.
00:38:27When you go, I go.
00:38:56Where is it?
00:38:58Hey, got a moment?
00:39:01Help me lay him onto the Djinn.
00:39:04So, should I call you Dragonrider or do you have another name?
00:39:11I've got a female on the reservation.
00:39:14I'm hoping they'll start a family.
00:39:18You got a family?
00:39:20You must be a long way from home.
00:39:23I do fine on my own.
00:39:28Oh, by the way, does this belong to you?
00:39:33You like crosswords?
00:39:39You know, I could do with a little help on the reservation.
00:39:43Here, if you're ever in my part of the world, you can look me up.
00:39:47My wife and daughter would be delighted to meet you.
00:39:51Accept the past and move on.
00:39:59Six down.
00:40:10My name is Ben.
00:40:14Okay, Ben.
00:40:19You're always welcome.
00:40:33Next stop, the mighty Djinn.
00:40:36Good luck. Let me know if you find the rib of heaven.
00:40:39Thank you, Professor. We will.
00:40:44Goodbye, Professor.
00:40:48All right, Scales, you handle the flying. I'll do the navigating.
00:40:54What a job!
00:41:17I could face it with you by my side
00:41:22Something's waiting beyond the horizon
00:41:27At the dawn of a brand new day
00:41:32Together we're stronger than ever
00:41:37And nothing can take that away
00:41:41Take my hand
00:41:44Don't miss a thing that's up ahead
00:41:49We can do this together wherever we go
00:41:54The journey will show us the way
00:42:01When shadows keep on rising
00:42:06There is nothing we couldn't take
00:42:11No matter how hard or surprising
00:42:16I could make it as long as you're there
00:42:21Take my hand
00:42:24Don't miss a thing that's up ahead
00:42:29We can do this together wherever we go
00:42:34The journey will show us the way
00:42:41Let's go.
00:42:45That was the worst excuse for navigation I've ever seen.
00:42:48Come on, it wasn't that bad. At least we avoided that rook bird.
00:42:53Oh, come on, give me a break.
00:42:55Coral, hold on.
00:43:12Hold on, Coral.
00:43:29Come on.
00:43:51No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:44:06Sorrel, are you all right?
00:44:08I'm okay. That was intense.
00:44:10You really had me worried there for a second.
00:44:14You did it!
00:44:17You breathed fire!
00:44:19For real?
00:44:20A blue flame, didn't you see?
00:44:38Oh, my God.
00:45:09The Jinn's Ravine.
00:45:30What fresh air is this?
00:45:33What fresh air is this?
00:46:16Any sign of that Jinn?
00:46:19Help me.
00:46:22Come on.
00:46:34Help me.
00:46:38Have a question for the mighty Jinn?
00:46:41Ask me anything you wish, but I warn you,
00:46:45if it is a question I have heard before...
00:46:53Ask your question.
00:46:56You heard what the Jinn said.
00:46:58If it's a question he's heard before, he's going to zap another tree.
00:47:03We have to ask the Jinn where the Rim of Heaven is.
00:47:05I'm pretty sure he'll have heard that before.
00:47:07It's a chance we have to take.
00:47:09Leave this with me.
00:47:11No, no!
00:47:13Where is the Rim of Heaven not?
00:47:17Where is the Rim of Heaven not?
00:47:22What kind of question is that?
00:47:24You want to know where it isn't?
00:47:27Uh, yeah.
00:47:29Pole to pole, north and south, and everywhere in between?
00:47:34Yeah, right.
00:47:36Every blade of grass, every stone, every grain of sand,
00:47:41every place the Rim of Heaven isn't.
00:47:44That will take an eternity.
00:47:47I cannot do it.
00:47:49Then answer the question as you know it.
00:47:51You owe us that.
00:48:21Oh, no!
00:48:23Do you have another question for the mighty kid?
00:48:26Yeah. How do we get out of here?
00:48:28Ha, ha, ha, fools!
00:48:30A question I have heard many times before.
00:48:34Zorro, what have you done?
00:48:36No one escapes the Jinn alive!
00:48:40Dragon rider!
00:48:49I suggest we mess with the wrong dragon.
00:48:51I'll show you fire.
00:48:55Not again!
00:49:04Silver dragon.
00:49:21Why isn't it working?
00:49:23Dragon rider. It all makes sense.
00:49:26What are you talking about?
00:49:27I can only breathe fire when the dragon rider is sitting on my back.
00:49:30That's crazy. What makes you think that?
00:49:42He's indestructible.
00:49:47We have to get him out of there.
00:49:57Dragon rider.
00:50:03Dragon rider, come back to us.
00:50:06What's wrong with him?
00:50:08I don't know.
00:50:09I kind of like him better this way.
00:50:11Dragon rider.
00:50:14Oh, this is all my fault.
00:50:16This has nothing to do with you.
00:50:18He's been trouble since the beginning.
00:50:20I say we leave him here and forget we ever met him.
00:50:23Are you out of your mind?
00:50:24We can't desert the dragon rider.
00:50:26You really have to stop being so judgmental.
00:50:30I don't have any pumpkins.
00:50:35Okay, okay.
00:50:45This must be where the professor's front lives.
00:50:48I can't believe I'm actually saying this,
00:50:50but maybe she'll be able to help us.
00:50:54Sora, you're a genius.
00:50:56We'll see about that.
00:50:58By the way...
00:51:01Way too much gin.
00:51:07Ah, that kid'll know better than to mess with us next time.
00:51:10Listen to me. If you don't stop talking...
00:51:14Ah, don't be so modest.
00:51:16It's not like I did all the work alone.
00:51:18So, where to next, partner?
00:51:20Some more butt-kicking?
00:51:22We wait until that pathetic insect twig-leg reports back.
00:51:27Oh, I hate waiting.
00:51:29Hey, what about that dating thing?
00:51:31Got any hits, lover boy?
00:51:33I once dated a three-headed Cerberus.
00:51:35You know she had six...
00:51:52Oh, my God.
00:52:02Giant Red!
00:52:07Giant Red!
00:52:13You know what I think?
00:52:15The humans have taken them.
00:52:23They're still on a high bottleneck.
00:52:26Those humans have gone too far.
00:52:30This means war!
00:52:53Where are we?
00:52:55Dragonrider, you're back!
00:53:02Who are you?
00:53:04Hello, my name is Fire Drake.
00:53:06This is Zorro, and this here is the Dragonrider.
00:53:11I'm the Avatar!
00:53:17I'm the Dragonrider!
00:53:19I'm the Dragonrider!
00:53:21The Dragonrider!
00:53:23I'm the Dragonrider!
00:53:28We just did see Dragonrider.
00:53:30Take my parents!
00:53:32My parents!
00:53:34I'm the Dragonrider!
00:53:41We're looking for the Dracologist, Supesha Gula.
00:53:44Put him in the special Dragonrider gel!
00:53:49Come, come.
00:53:59This doesn't make any sense.
00:54:01I may be wrong.
00:54:07You will never believe this!
00:54:09Shut up, demon!
00:54:11How many times do I have to tell you not to shout so much?
00:54:14Can this be true?
00:54:18The Dragonrider has returned!
00:54:22I found him.
00:54:24It's me, I did.
00:54:28The Dragonrider?
00:54:32Professor Greenbloom told us about you.
00:54:35We were hoping you could help us.
00:54:38Of course, you can come with me this way.
00:54:41Come, come, come.
00:54:44Only 3,000 steps.
00:54:46What are you doing?
00:54:48I do this every day.
00:54:49I don't work out.
00:54:50I don't need to work out.
00:54:51Not with a physique like this.
00:54:57Welcome to the temple of the Dragonrider.
00:55:01What is your business here?
00:55:03We seek the Rim of Heaven.
00:55:06No one knows where it is.
00:55:08It's hidden from the world, protected by powerful magic.
00:55:12Is there anything more you can tell us?
00:55:15This temple is the resting place of Varin,
00:55:18the only human ever to ride a dragon.
00:55:22Varin led the dragons to the Rim of Heaven when they were in retreat.
00:55:27He sealed them there with a special key,
00:55:29keeping them safe inside.
00:55:32The monster we saw in the ravine!
00:55:35Varin ventured to find the other dragons,
00:55:38but the monster tracked him down,
00:55:40savaged him, and stole the key.
00:55:43As he lay dying, he set down his claws...
00:55:48Who's hungry?
00:55:49Dibak, now's not the time for treats and refreshments.
00:55:51I'm trying to be mystical.
00:55:53Oh, they have flown halfway around the world.
00:55:56I need something to eat.
00:55:57Look at the Dragonrider.
00:55:58He's starving.
00:55:59Leave it here, Dibak.
00:56:00I will finish telling the story first.
00:56:02You can't tell me what to do.
00:56:03I will leave the treats and refreshments here,
00:56:05and let you get all mystical for my own free will.
00:56:08What's taking you so long?
00:56:10Have you gone mad?
00:56:11I told you not to take so long.
00:56:13The monster's come.
00:56:19Forgive my husband.
00:56:20He is a good man, but he's also a pain in the...
00:56:24Where were we?
00:56:25Ah, yes.
00:56:27The prophecy.
00:56:29The day the Rim of Heaven is discovered,
00:56:32silver will be worth more than gold.
00:56:35Just what the dwarves said on the mountain.
00:56:39Many have searched.
00:56:41By the way, there's also Rajmahal and Abhigyan.
00:56:44Smell this, Dibak.
00:56:45Can you smell it?
00:56:48I'm not done yet, you idiot.
00:56:50You always take so long telling the bad stories.
00:56:53Dragons were locked away.
00:56:54Nobody knows where they are.
00:56:56Go away, Dibak.
00:56:57The frog.
00:56:58No, I won't.
00:56:59I'll eat it myself.
00:57:01It was an arranged marriage.
00:57:04Many have searched,
00:57:05but no one has found the Rim of Heaven.
00:57:08Are there still dragons in the Rim of Heaven?
00:57:10I have no reason to believe otherwise.
00:57:13This monster, does he have a name?
00:57:17They call the monster...
00:57:28Put me down! Put me down!
00:57:30Who are you?
00:57:31My name is Twi'lek.
00:57:32What are you doing here?
00:57:35You know what we do with spies.
00:57:37We scratch their eyes out.
00:57:39I mean you no harm.
00:57:40I didn't want to be Nettlebrand's spy.
00:57:43You've been spying for this monster, Nettlebrand.
00:57:46I say we get rid of him.
00:57:47No, please, spare me.
00:57:49I hate being a spy.
00:57:50I'm terrible with secrets.
00:57:52I find it all so stressful.
00:57:55What does Nettlebrand want?
00:57:57He means for you to lead him to the Rim of Heaven.
00:58:00You're going to pay for this.
00:58:01No, no, no, I can help you.
00:58:03How can you help us, wretched little man?
00:58:08It's him, my master Nettlebrand.
00:58:10Now what?
00:58:12If I prove my worth, will you let me live?
00:58:15How can you do that?
00:58:17I'll throw him off the scent.
00:58:19Send him on a wild goose chase.
00:58:21Okay, one chance, but slip up and it's the end for you.
00:58:28Twi'lek, what have you been doing?
00:58:29Oh, master, I'm going to tell you everything.
00:58:33We're almost at the Rim of Heaven.
00:58:35Where is it? Tell me!
00:58:37It's in the North Pole.
00:58:40We're on our way there as I speak.
00:58:42Why the North Pole?
00:58:45Because it's at the top of the world.
00:58:49It makes sense when you think about it.
00:58:52So far away?
00:58:54Oh, yes.
00:58:55It will still take us many days to get there.
00:58:58Perhaps as many as...
00:59:0318 days.
00:59:0518 days?
00:59:07Yes, which is why you must hurry.
00:59:09You have no time to lose.
00:59:11Where are you now?
00:59:15An igloo.
00:59:17Surprisingly good work, Twi'lek.
00:59:20I'll travel to the North Pole right away.
00:59:23Thank you, master.
00:59:24I'll meet you in 18 days' time.
00:59:2718 days?
00:59:29Until then...
00:59:35Who is that?
00:59:38You are in India!
00:59:39You lied to me!
00:59:41You paid for this!
00:59:42Twi'lek, you traitor!
00:59:44He knows we're here!
00:59:45We must escape at once!
00:59:46I'm not afraid.
00:59:47You should be!
00:59:48You have no chance against him!
00:59:50You must find the Rim of Heaven before he finds you.
00:59:53But we still don't know where to look.
00:59:55Dragonrider, what did you see in the Djinn's eyes?
00:59:58I... I don't remember.
01:00:00Oh, come on! Think hard!
01:00:03Maybe I can help.
01:00:05Come here, my child.
01:00:14Get me out of this thing!
01:00:16As the first!
01:00:17Sorry, but...
01:00:26Think they can make a fool out of me!
01:00:44I see a mountain shaped like a crescent.
01:00:46The ground peak!
01:00:47Quickly, quickly!
01:00:48Bring me your map.
01:00:52This is the mountain.
01:00:53You must continue your search there.
01:00:55We'll head there right away.
01:00:57Whatever you do, this map must not fall into enemy hands.
01:01:09The raven will take the map to Netherbrand!
01:01:12We have to find our way without the map!
01:01:14And what about the key?
01:01:15Where are we supposed to get that?
01:01:17We will find a way.
01:01:18The dragons who live there are in danger now because of us.
01:01:22The ground peak is in that direction.
01:01:24The dragon rider will show you the way.
01:01:26But... I don't know.
01:01:29You are much more than you think you are.
01:01:31Follow your heart and the truth will come to you.
01:01:34Now hurry.
01:01:35The fate of the dragons lies in your hands.
01:01:38First, for the dragon rider.
01:01:41The mountains will be gold.
01:01:46Get the dragons to live in heaven.
01:01:48Grab the gold and silver and forget about all this madness.
01:01:52Are you going to leave me here?
01:01:54If Netherbrand catches me, he'll kill me.
01:01:59He does know Netherbrand better than anyone.
01:02:01I say we take him with us.
01:02:04I was afraid you were going to say that.
01:02:06You can ride up top, little guy.
01:02:13I will pray for your safe return.
01:02:23They're going to get you by day or day.
01:02:25They're going to get you by day or day.
01:02:45Gather the troops.
01:02:56Which way?
01:02:57I... I... I don't know.
01:03:00Try hard, dragon rider.
01:03:02We believe in you.
01:03:13Over there!
01:03:26What's he doing through there?
01:03:55That way!
01:03:58That way!
01:04:09Where are we?
01:04:13Better to be in here than out there.
01:04:17Good enough?
01:04:26Up there!
01:04:41It's Netherbrand!
01:04:42He's here!
01:04:44Are you sure?
01:04:46Who is?
01:04:48I just saw him, Isolde.
01:05:14Come on, talk about it!
01:05:26Come on!
01:05:31Oh, boy.
01:06:06Wait, wait!
01:06:19Down there!
01:06:26You made it.
01:06:30Well, I'll be damned.
01:06:37I doubted you.
01:06:39You actually got us here.
01:06:41Well done, dragon rider.
01:06:46Oh, hey, sorry I pushed you off that mountain.
01:06:51That's all right.
01:06:52What's waiting behind that door is way more important.
01:07:03All right, come on.
01:07:30What is this place?
01:07:38Where's the dragon paradise?
01:07:49Is this the rim of heaven?
01:07:52Where to now, dragon rider?
01:07:55I don't know.
01:07:57This place is all I've seen in the vision.
01:08:00We've come so far.
01:08:02This can't be it.
01:08:07This is the rim of heaven?
01:08:09A bunch of drawings in a cave?
01:08:12Come on.
01:08:13Come on.
01:08:14There must be more.
01:08:15Dragon rider, is there something we're missing?
01:08:18It's just a stupid old story.
01:08:23Come on.
01:08:31Come on.
01:08:32We need to go.
01:08:33I'm not leaving.
01:08:34Not until we find the rim of heaven.
01:08:36It doesn't exist.
01:08:37Get it?
01:08:38We've got to get out of here.
01:08:39We can't just give up.
01:08:42If you want to stay here and face that freak, go ahead.
01:08:44I'm gone.
01:08:45You can't just leave.
01:08:47Watch me.
01:08:50Dragon rider?
01:08:53Sorry, scales.
01:09:07I should have just stayed in this city.
01:09:10Dragon rider, what was I thinking?
01:09:15I'm not your master.
01:09:16I'm my own master.
01:09:18Yeah, and I do pretty fine on my own.
01:09:23Look out!
01:09:38I know that smell.
01:09:41That is old homunculus.
01:09:46Look at that.
01:10:09The prophecy!
01:10:13It's like my dad said.
01:10:14Never, ever trust a human.
01:10:17You're right, Soram.
01:10:18You were right all along.
01:10:20I should have listened to you.
01:10:22Come to the shining stone, dragon.
01:10:26I know you're here somewhere.
01:10:28Oh no!
01:10:31We've got to find another way out.
01:10:34No more running.
01:10:36We're going to stay and fight in the name of all dragons.
01:10:39Once and for all.
01:10:45Oh, silver dragon.
01:10:47You have no idea how long I've been waiting.
01:10:51I'm waiting.
01:11:13I'm here, Nettlebran.
01:11:17I'm stopping one.
01:11:27You're no match for me.
01:11:30Pardon me.
01:11:32If you want to get to him, you'll have to go through me first.
01:11:37Pardon me.
01:11:46Is that all you've got?
01:11:51I wonder what you taste like, silver dragon.
01:12:06That's a good seed.
01:12:14What are you doing here?
01:12:16I figured it out.
01:12:18The prophecy!
01:12:20When the rim of heaven is discovered, silver will be worth more than gold.
01:12:24He's gold, you're silver.
01:12:26You can beat this guy now.
01:12:28Good point.
01:12:30You're a dragon.
01:12:31Use your fire.
01:12:33I can't.
01:12:35He thinks he can only breathe fire when you're sitting on his back.
01:12:39That's not true.
01:12:40I know.
01:12:41I was trying to tell him.
01:12:44You don't need me to breathe fire.
01:12:51Let it go!
01:13:08Well, well.
01:13:10You will make a tasty appetizer, human.
01:13:17Would you please excuse me for one moment?
01:13:20I'll lie.
01:13:23Randomly enough.
01:13:29You don't need me to breathe fire.
01:13:32Yes, I do.
01:13:33Soram was right.
01:13:34I'm a fake.
01:13:35I'm a phony.
01:13:36I came along because I wanted to be rich.
01:13:38You can breathe fire all by yourself.
01:13:42Listen to me.
01:13:43My name is Ben.
01:13:44I'm not a dragonrider.
01:13:45I'm just some kid off the street.
01:13:47I lied to you.
01:14:05The last thing you're going to see is me eating your precious rider.
01:14:10Come on, fire tree!
01:14:11You're much more than you think you are!
01:14:13Forget about lame flame!
01:14:15Lame flame?
01:14:17Lame flame!
01:14:20That's hilarious!
01:14:22Lame flame!
01:14:24Oh, that's a good one!
01:14:26Did you make it up?
01:14:27Go ahead and eat me, but you'll never beat fire tree!
01:14:31He'll burn you to a crisp!
01:14:33Don't you get it, boy?
01:14:36Fire can't hurt me!
01:14:40Bon appetit.
01:14:41No, fire tree!
01:15:24There, there, boy.
01:15:25Take it easy now.
01:15:28No for the man-event!
01:15:33Maybe not!
01:15:39Hey, Drake!
01:15:40Are you all right?
01:15:43Are you all right?
01:15:46That's for deserting us!
01:15:51He's dead!
01:15:53He's finally dead!
01:15:55Fire Drake, that was incredible!
01:15:58You did it, Scales!
01:16:00The prophecy was right!
01:16:04There's no rim of heaven.
01:16:11Thank you for coming back.
01:16:15That's for my 11 brothers and sisters!
01:16:19Oh, shrine!
01:16:24Wait a minute!
01:16:41Icarus King?
01:17:23No rim of heaven.
01:17:37These must be the moonflowers from Sleipnir's stories.
01:17:46They're flying free!
01:18:55Not all humans are bad humans.
01:18:59Sixth Hour.
01:19:01Accept the past and move on.
01:19:06I think I might drop by Professor Greenblooms
01:19:10to see if he needs any help with the resort.
01:19:15What about me?
01:19:17You can come too.
01:19:19I'm sure the professor would be happy to meet you.
01:19:22What about me?
01:19:24You can come too.
01:19:26I'm sure the professor would be happy to meet you.
01:19:30The moon is almost full.
01:19:32We have to get back to the valley before it's too late.
01:19:35Come on.
01:19:47Okay, you asked for it!
01:19:49Don't say I didn't warn you!
01:19:51Hey, get back here!
01:19:53Come on!
01:20:02Dragons, for many moons we have been hiding from the humans,
01:20:07watching them take over the world.
01:20:09For many moons, we kept running whenever they came too close,
01:20:13hoping they'd let us live in peace.
01:20:16But human greed has no end!
01:20:19We've sacrificed our dignity,
01:20:22we've sacrificed our freedom,
01:20:25and we've even sacrificed our joy.
01:20:29But we will take this no more!
01:20:32We are dragons!
01:20:34And it is time for the humans to feel the wrath of our flames!
01:20:43This is very bad.
01:20:45Very, very bad.
01:20:49Tonight, we reclaim our honor!
01:20:52Fire Dragon!
01:20:54The humans are going to pay for their crime!
01:21:05She's mine!
01:21:11Fire Dragon!
01:21:12Zorro, you're alive!
01:21:19Baby, there you are, lad.
01:21:22I knew you'd come back.
01:21:26Where have you been?
01:21:28Okay, don't get mad.
01:21:30We went to look for the Rim of Heaven.
01:21:33It's just a myth.
01:21:35Did you find it?
01:21:38I sure did.
01:21:40And it is beautiful.
01:21:42Look at that!
01:21:46Hey, we're still going to the battle, right?
01:21:51I don't know what to say.
01:21:53We thought that the humans had killed you.
01:21:56Not all humans are bad humans.
01:22:00We'll tell you all about it on the way.
01:22:13I didn't trust him at all, either.
01:22:15Because he was a human, he couldn't be good.
01:22:17But the men came through for us in the end.
01:22:19He showed up, and Zorro, he said, called for the rest of us.
01:22:26We'll be watching.
