• last year

Indian Roller name in different languages: This Bird Is Nature’s Masterpiece. The Indian Roller, also known as Coracias benghalensis, is truly a sight to behold. Its mesmerizing wing colors and stunning flight patterns make it one of nature's most captivating birds. In this video, we take you on a visual journey to discover the incredible beauty of this avian wonder, showcasing its vibrant feathers in slow motion. Known by different names across the globe, like "Blue Jay" in English or "Neelkanth" in Hindi, the Indian Roller holds a special place in many cultures due to its symbolic significance. Watch as we explore its habitats, behaviors, and the breathtaking display of colors that have fascinated birdwatchers for generations. Whether you're a bird enthusiast or simply someone who loves nature, this video will leave you in awe of the Indian Roller's natural elegance. Don't miss out on the chance to witness this spectacular bird in action!


Other Names:
Arabic: الشقراق الهندي
Bulgarian: Бенгалска синявица
Bengali: বাংলা নীলকণ্ঠ
Catalan: Gaig blau de l'Índia
Czech: mandelík indický
Danish: Blåkronet Ellekrage
German: Bengalenracke, Hinduracke
Greek: Ινδική Χαλκοκουρούνα
English: Indian Roller, Indian Roller (Indian), Indian Roller [Northern], Northern Roller
English, HBW: Indian Roller
English (IOC): Indian Roller, Indian Roller (Indian)
English (United States): Indian Roller
Spanish: Carraca India
Spanish (Spain): Carraca india, Carraca India (benghalensis/indicus)
Estonian: india siniraag
Persian: سبزقبای هندی
Finnish: intiansininärhi
French: Rollier indien, Rollier indien (benghalensis/indicus), Rollier indien [benghalensis ou indicus], Rollier indien [benghalensis]
Hebrew: כחל הודי
Hindi: Pal kuruvi
Croatian: indijska zlatovrana
Hungarian: bengál szalakóta
Icelandic: Hindhrani
Italian: Ghiandaia marina indiana
Japanese (romaji): indo buppōsō, indobuppousou, indobuppousou (benghalensis/indicus)
Japanese: インドブッポウソウ, インドブッポウソウ (benghalensis/indicus)
Japanese (Kanji): インド仏法僧
Scientific: Coracias benghalensis, Coracias benghalensis [benghalensis], Coracias benghalensis benghalensis, Coracias benghalensis benghalensis/indicus, Corvus benghalensis
Lithuanian: Bengalinis žalvarnis (benghalensis/indicus), Indijinis žalvarnis
Latvian: Indijas zilvārna
Malayalam: പനംകക്ക, പനങ്കാക്ക
Marathi: नीलपंख
Malay: Burung Tiong Gajah
Nepali: ठेउवा
Dutch: Indische Scharrelaar
Norwegian: Bengalråke, bengalråke (benghalensis/indicus), Brednebbråke
Polish: kraska orientalna
Pinyin: zōng-xiōng fó-fǎ-sēng
Portuguese: Rolieiro-indiano
Russian: Бенгальская сизоворонка
Northern Sami: Indiaalitguovssat
Sinhalese (Transliteration): Dumbonna
Slovak: krakľa hnedastá
Slovenian: indijska zlatovranka
Serbian: Indijska modrovrana, Indijska modrovrana (benghalensis/indicus)
Swedish: Indisk blåkråka
Tamil: Panangadai
Thai: นกตะขา


