• last year

The Indian Robin (Copsychus fulicatus) is a small, lively bird native to South Asia. Known for its distinctive appearance and energetic behavior, it has a glossy black or dark brown plumage in males, with a prominent white patch on the shoulder and a reddish-orange patch under the tail. Females are generally brownish with a lighter underbelly, lacking the males' vibrant shoulder patch.

Indian Robins are commonly found in open scrublands, gardens, farmlands, and near human habitation. They are highly adaptable, often seen hopping on the ground or perched on low branches. Their diet includes insects, small invertebrates, and occasionally berries, making them helpful for pest control in their habitats.

These birds are known for their beautiful, melodious song, which males often use to mark territory or attract mates. They are active and curious, frequently seen foraging on the ground with their tails cocked up. Indian Robins are monogamous and become particularly territorial during breeding season, with males defending nesting areas vigorously.

Indian Robins are a delight to observe, with their bold behavior and characteristic tail-up posture, adding charm to many rural and urban landscapes across the region.

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