Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 16

  • 9 hours ago
Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 16


00:00It's in-laws week!
00:03When we come to communicating, it's boom! loved ones scrutinised marriages...
00:08Look at me in the eyes and say,
00:09I don't really want to work with those things.
00:11..for Polly and Adam, there were unexpected benefits.
00:14Never seen you grin that hard, ever!
00:16Your girl got what she wanted.
00:18But for Emma...
00:19I'd never fancied curvy women.
00:20Oh, no, no, no.
00:21..Casper's honesty...
00:22That was poor delivery. You can't say that.
00:25..prompted a brutal verdict.
00:27I don't think he's the man for you.
00:30And a friend's questioning...
00:32Is this all a facade?
00:34Are you trying to be famous?
00:35..sparked conflict for Rochelle and Orson.
00:38You just can't say my shit.
00:40I'm too old for this nonsense.
00:42The experiment's newlyweds...
00:44Oh, God!
00:45..embarked on the next stage of married life.
00:48This was a dream honeymoon.
00:50But a break in trust...
00:51Do you want to talk about all the shit we've said up front with her?
00:54Don't you dare go down that route.
00:55..caused Hannah and Stephen's marriage to implode.
00:58I don't know whether we ought to move on from this.
01:00I'm done with this shit.
01:07What? There's another one?
01:08..the three new couples make their debut.
01:11These two look freaking good.
01:13I've got good energies from you.
01:15For Holly...
01:16Can we chat tonight?
01:18..three's a crowd.
01:19I'm your wife. Give me the time of day.
01:22What the...
01:23I just want attention.
01:25But they aren't the only couple.
01:27You're not talking to me.
01:28What's the point of this shit?
01:29..suffering a communication breakdown...
01:32See you then.
01:33..and the honesty box provokes judgement...
01:35You probably aren't the man I need.
01:38..and frustration.
01:39I struggle to relate to you as a person.
01:41Around your sister, there was more fragility there.
01:44I cried at the...side of them.
01:46I wouldn't say that that is me.
01:48Emma hasn't taken on board any changes
01:50she has to make about herself.
01:52I'm running out of energy for her.
01:54I need to see some sort of sign
01:56that she might change.
01:57Oh, for...
01:58It's not
02:08Well, it's nice to see you with the hoover, Kieran.
02:13At the apartments...
02:14It's kind of a co, isn't it?
02:16..the couples are getting ready for the third dinner party.
02:19What do you think?
02:21That's nice.
02:23Hot stuff.
02:24Unaware that three more newlywed couples are moving in.
02:29Oh, wow!
02:30There she is.
02:31Amy and Luke!
02:33I'm glad my name's on top.
02:34Maybe it's a sign of things to come.
02:36Oh, look, it's cute!
02:38We've got a microwave, anyway, that's a good one.
02:40Yeah, it's a Bobby Dazzler, that.
02:42A what?
02:43A Bobby Dazzler.
02:44This is where we sleep, where we test it.
02:49One minute, get my DIY out.
02:51Oh, look at this.
02:55That's a nice one.
02:56We did it, huh?
02:59Would you like a coffee or something?
03:01And christened, not christened, like...
03:03It starts with a coffee?
03:16Feels like a lifetime ago.
03:20Those two people are not who we are now.
03:22It feels quite awkward and a bit forced.
03:24He's so shut down, like, he's not giving me anything to work with.
03:27You're on the floor, I'm in the bed.
03:29I'll take the sofa.
03:32We spent the last three nights apart.
03:34There's just so much tension in the air.
03:36Hannah's got rottweiler energy.
03:38Anything I say, it just turns into a massive argument.
03:41So it's been difficult.
03:44How do you feel like everyone's going to be tonight?
03:47Do you think that they'll be able to see that there's a difference?
03:50I'll just be honest with them.
03:52After that last commitment ceremony,
03:54I've realised that I need to give you 100%,
03:56so that's what I'm doing now.
03:58I'm letting you cuddle me and kiss me.
04:00Let's just say the last time me and Adam were intimate was...
04:05..this morning.
04:07So I had a great start to the day.
04:10It is a good step in the right direction.
04:12I feel like you definitely got the kick up the arse that you needed.
04:15And, yeah, I got what I wanted.
04:24Waking up this morning after In-Laws Week,
04:27I'm feeling just a little bit...
04:29I don't know what to say.
04:31I don't know what to say.
04:33Waking up this morning after In-Laws Week,
04:36I'm feeling just a little bit, like...
04:41This is a pressure cooker.
04:43I don't need the arguments.
04:45I don't need the drama. I'm not here for this.
04:48Probably in the worst place that we've been
04:51throughout this whole, like, process.
04:54I don't want to be, like, how we are right now.
04:57Like, one of the things me and you spoke about was, like, having fun.
05:01This ain't fun.
05:03This ain't fun at all, so...
05:08..I don't know.
05:10I'm kind of, let's just get through the next couple of days
05:13and see where we're at.
05:23So, In-Laws Week, my sister and my best friend came.
05:26They made me question a lot about what's happening in our relationship,
05:29and it's made me think that there's a real long road ahead
05:32for Casper and I.
05:33Do you feel like we've made progress...
05:37..since you've moved in?
05:43Rehashing the honeymoon is always going to get in my head.
05:46These feelings are all from there.
05:49I think this should be the last time that what happened
05:52on the honeymoon is going to be brought up in a major way.
05:55Emma says she's forgiven me.
05:57I want to leave it in the past cos I can't see it being a positive for us.
06:01But I think we've still got a long way to go
06:04in terms of really feeling like any sort of relationship.
06:09There are things Emma could do, I think, to let some of her walls down
06:13that could make getting to a deeper and stronger relationship.
06:17Neither of us are happy with where we're at.
06:28Someone's at the door, honey.
06:31Hi! Hello.
06:33We're your new neighbours. We're your new neighbours.
06:35Come in, come in, come in. They're watching!
06:38I mean, it is a massive surprise.
06:40A new couple.
06:41So, what's the vibes? How's everything going? What's it like?
06:44Great. Everyone's just dead friendly, dead bubbly, dead welcoming.
06:47Oh, I'm so glad. Ours has been a bit of a rollercoaster.
06:50We've had a bit of a rollercoaster. Our wedding was incredible.
06:53Yeah, our wedding day was class. But we crashed hard.
06:56And we're still not really back on track. No?
06:58Are you guys coming to the dinner party? Yeah. Yeah.
07:00I think we're ready for people.
07:02A bit of different interaction.
07:07What do you do for work? I own a gym.
07:09OK, OK, yeah, yeah, yeah. You clearly go to the gym.
07:14We should probably go and get ready, though, I guess.
07:16It's good to meet you. Pleasure to meet you, bro.
07:18So nice to meet you. Lovely to meet you.
07:20We'll see you tonight.
07:23That was crazy. Literally.
07:26She's nice and that, but I don't know
07:28if there's going to be clashes in the group.
07:30What, clashes with her and the other girls?
07:34The new couple coming in might rock the boat a bit
07:37and turn a few heads, but who wants to live a boring life anyway?
07:44What's the feeling going into tonight's dinner party then, darling?
07:47Do you know what? I'm feeling good. You've got your right arm back.
07:50Yeah. Yeah, I'm excited.
07:53Look at that.
07:57I think we've got a bit more work to do
07:59to become what we're looking for.
08:01We're in the bubble, we're enjoying the bubble.
08:04We've got to take it day by day, Casper.
08:09I feel like tonight's going to be fun.
08:11Taking your time on the wine. Mm-hm.
08:13Good girl. Yep. That's what we need.
08:21Hannah's a pretty girl, though.
08:23Her and Stephen are not in the best place at the moment.
08:26Do you feel like they'll bring any drama to the group?
08:29I don't know.
08:31I really, I really don't know.
08:37I don't want to be in the same room as Hannah.
08:42I've never, ever felt more unsupported.
08:51Here we are, third dinner party.
08:54And, of course, this week we're introducing three new couples.
08:58It's going to have an interesting impact on the group.
09:04Oh, wow. Ooh, we're the first in.
09:07Holly and Adam. This is fun.
09:09It's good to see the two of them
09:11looking quite at ease with each other physically.
09:14A little bit more than they have been before.
09:16It starts to change, doesn't it,
09:18when, obviously, people see friends and family?
09:20Because, obviously, your thoughts change,
09:22it's different having your family's opinions.
09:24Yeah, and they could see that there was something there.
09:29Makes you go all shy. Does it? That's good, though.
09:32I feel, like, very secure now.
09:34Wow. I mean, that's a big call from Polly, isn't it?
09:37It's so clear that she's really, really into Adam.
09:42Oi, oi. Hello!
09:44You all right? You all right?
09:46You all right? Ooh, sexy Lacey.
09:49And Nathan. And Nathan.
09:52Lovely. You too.
09:54Well, it's great to see Lacey back at the dinner party again.
09:57Of course, we missed her last week.
09:59I wasn't very well for the last dinner party.
10:01So you got your girl back.
10:05Hello. Hi, guys.
10:08It appears as though Alex and Holly are doing well.
10:11They're entering in a positive way,
10:13and one of the things we know about this couple
10:15is it can turn on a dime.
10:17We've actually got something to tell you.
10:20Go on.
10:22There's a new couple coming tonight.
10:24What? Are you joking?
10:26They're really nice. What are their names?
10:28So it's Hannah and Stephen.
10:30What does she look like?
10:32She's nice, she's a big personality.
10:34But what does she look like?
10:38Brown hair, slim, small, she owns a gym.
10:43Why are you looking at me?
10:45You don't need a small brunette coming in.
10:48Oh, Polly.
10:50Polly is describing what Polly would perceive
10:53as Adam's perfect woman.
10:55But she's not even trying to hide
10:57the fact that she's feeling threatened
10:59by this new woman coming into the group.
11:01They're on rocky grounds as well.
11:03They started bad.
11:05Yeah, but that's not good if they're on rocky grounds,
11:07like she's Adam's type.
11:10Adam, you better watch yourself.
11:16Hello! Hello!
11:18Emma and Casper have come in looking quite happy.
11:21I think we've had a good week,
11:23but Casper has said he doesn't feel like we have.
11:26Really? Yeah.
11:28Look, I've moved back in, and we got through in-laws.
11:31Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:33But we're struggling to build that friendship you guys have.
11:36Yeah, that banter and that sort of thing.
11:38Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:40I normally relate to women who need care, love and attention,
11:43cos that's something I've got too often.
11:45I actually saw a more fragile side of Emma,
11:47you know, which I quite like.
11:49Rather than ultra positivity all the time.
11:51He's saying, I want to get to know the softer side,
11:54I want to see that vulnerability that he's craving,
11:56and she hasn't been showing him that.
11:58We've got to a place where,
12:00if I've got to change massive things about myself,
12:02yeah, and Emma's got to stay exactly the same,
12:04and that's where we're going to be.
12:14Oh, here's our first new couple of the night,
12:16Devon and Hannah.
12:18Fresh meat!
12:20Walking in without holding hands.
12:23And Polly's face is a picture.
12:29You all look small.
12:31Adam, I'm going to go for a hug.
12:33Adam, nice to meet you. Adam, nice to meet you.
12:35Polly's watching Hannah like a whore.
12:38Did you get along?
12:40At first. Oh, OK, interesting.
12:42Of course Polly wants to find out,
12:44is there trouble in paradise?
12:46Because if there is,
12:48then is Hannah a threat to my husband?
12:50That's right.
12:52It started great, the wedding was great,
12:54and then it was just plummeted.
12:56Hello, it was a rollercoaster.
13:00Not really.
13:02Oh, wow. Look at that.
13:04So both Hannah and Stephen are saying to the group,
13:06things are not going well.
13:08It's making me wonder what's going on within this relationship.
13:10Has something happened?
13:12This is Adam.
13:14This is my husband.
13:16Very handsome.
13:20So not only is Polly marking her territory
13:22and saying, this is my husband,
13:24she's making it very clear to the group that he's very handsome.
13:28I'm annoyed that I let my walls drop really fast.
13:30I feel like I was like, oh, my God, this is it.
13:32I'm so happy, I'm so excited.
13:34Even just today, walking in there,
13:36I was dead nervous. I'm not a nervous person.
13:38I feel like I can't be myself,
13:40and I feel like I've got to walk on eggshells a little bit.
13:42This is really tough for Hannah.
13:44She's saying to the girls,
13:46she's let her walls down.
13:48She's shown some vulnerability to Stephen.
13:50This is just going to be chipping away at her self-esteem.
13:54Look how quiet them two are talking.
13:56It's what them two are talking about.
13:58Probably you. I hope not mine.
14:00I'm going to tell you now,
14:02Adam isn't one bit phased by her.
14:04Oh, no, I know. I know.
14:06He's not. He actually isn't.
14:08I feel like now you've had six months,
14:10it's more affectionate.
14:14Oh, wow.
14:16This is progress.
14:18Pony must be happy.
14:20I thought you had a spring in your fucking step.
14:22I don't know if it was the red lipstick
14:24or the monochrome red wig.
14:28Hey, guys!
14:30How are we?
14:32Kieran and Christina, going from strength to strength,
14:34they really look comfortable with each other.
14:36Hello, what's your name?
14:38Hi, Hannah. What's your name, darling?
14:40Christina. Christina, hello.
14:42So do you. How are you?
14:44Hello, I'm here. What's your name?
14:46Stephen. Stephen, I'm Kieran. Nice to meet you.
14:54And here's Ross and Sesha looking really strong together.
14:56It's great to see.
15:00I've not seen your face before. What's your name?
15:02Stephen. Nice to meet you.
15:04I'm Hannah. So nice to meet you.
15:06What's your name? Hannah.
15:08You and Ross, you're ready to get a dog,
15:10you be a fucking step-mom and get a mortgage.
15:12I've already said I'll get to Manchester.
15:14See you around.
15:18That's big.
15:20Sesha's already said she would move for Ross.
15:24Hey, I'm fine, yeah.
15:26Everyone's so lovely.
15:28Yeah, honestly.
15:30You two do look like a really nice, good-looking couple.
15:32Yeah, you do much, don't you?
15:38Hannah is literally reaching out to him.
15:40She's doing all of the right things.
15:42But he is giving nothing back.
15:44Not even eye contact.
15:50Awesome, Risha.
15:52Nice to see them holding hands and walking in quite confidently.
15:54You're lucky.
15:56Yeah, man.
15:58They let go quite quickly, too,
16:00so I wonder if that's a sign
16:02that maybe something isn't quite right here.
16:04When we good, we good.
16:06Yeah, but when it's bad, it's bad.
16:08When it's bad,
16:10call the fucking riot police.
16:14I remember, like, Awesome's an actor,
16:16so, of course, like, I'm going to have questions.
16:18Rachelle is so focused
16:20on the idea of Awesome being an actor.
16:22I think she's reading into that,
16:24that it means perhaps his intentions are not pure,
16:26he's here for a different reason.
16:28She's not trusting what he's saying.
16:30Awesome isn't an actor
16:32as his main profession.
16:34He's an engineer.
16:36I want a man who is an independent thinker
16:38and a leader.
16:40So you want a strong man?
16:42A very strong man.
16:44Yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:46Rachelle basically said,
16:48Awesome's not a strong man.
16:50It's difficult.
16:52Yeah. Really difficult.
16:54Partly what's in my head, actually,
16:56is something that happened on my honeymoon.
16:58I told her something, like,
17:00probably the most special thing
17:02about what I've done in my life.
17:04I told her in confidence, cos it had gone so well.
17:06And we had a massive argument.
17:08I said something that she said off camera
17:10about Hannah having her own way,
17:12but her response was,
17:14if you want to talk about things that were spoken off camera,
17:16she was about to use it as ammunition.
17:18Even though she says she wasn't going to say it.
17:20Yeah. It's quite obvious that Stephen
17:22has chosen to confide in Hannah.
17:24He's opened up and shared this deep secret.
17:26And she's threatened to use it against him.
17:28So maybe this is where
17:30the trust is broken.
17:36I'm very nervous.
17:40It's a lot going into a victory
17:42for people who already know each other.
17:44They're not expecting us either.
17:52Our next new couple,
17:54Ryan and Shannon.
17:56New faces.
17:58Holding hands,
18:00looking super comfortable with one another.
18:02I cannot wait to see
18:04how their relationship has progressed.
18:06How are you?
18:10We're new too!
18:12I love this moment where the new couples
18:14realise that someone else is new as well.
18:16You're like us!
18:18Can I just, like, for one second...
18:22I don't know how you guys feel,
18:24but genuinely, from the bottom of my heart,
18:26thank you so much for making us all feel so welcome.
18:30Cos I genuinely...
18:32I was walking in here, like, so nervous
18:34and I feel completely like I'm back to myself again.
18:36Oh, good.
18:40Carry on.
18:42I don't see that Stephen's
18:44I don't see that Stephen's
18:46making any real effort to be civil.
18:48It's just not very nice for Hannah.
18:54Sorry if I'm a little bit, like...
18:56That's fine, I've given you a...
18:58I'm stressed.
19:00I don't want you to be too wound up.
19:04We're going to go into the party with passion.
19:06Me and Amy feel really strong together.
19:08We don't know if other couples
19:10have gone so well, but we are happy
19:12and we're not going to be apologetic about it.
19:22There's another one?
19:24Oh, my God!
19:26What the fuck?!
19:28Are they newbies?
19:30Are they newbies?
19:32Are they new?
19:34Fuck me, Barbie and Kenneth come through the door.
19:36What's going on?
19:42Oh, my God!
19:50There's another one?
19:52Oh, my God!
19:54This is my wife, Amy.
19:56I'm Luke.
19:58Nice to meet you.
20:00These two look freaking good.
20:04Wait, are they new or not?
20:06They're new!
20:08I'm Holly, I'm Holly.
20:10Three new couples today!
20:13You two are a gorgeous couple, very gorgeous couple.
20:15Aw, thanks. Oh, yeah.
20:20I feel like we're, like, two schoolboys back here.
20:23She looks stunning.
20:25OK, boys, put your tongues back in your mouths.
20:27Come on.
20:28Are you happy? You good?
20:29Oh, I'm the lucky one. Just have a look.
20:30She's stunning. I know, I know.
20:31You've done well there, haven't you?
20:32I'm Champions League. I'm playing in the Champions League.
20:34So there's, like...
20:36We've got a looker. We've got a looker.
20:38What do you mean, we've got a looker?
20:40Good-looking lad, isn't he?
20:42You know what I mean?
20:43This is really telling about how Polly's feeling
20:45from a security perspective. Yeah.
20:47I don't want to feel like I'm being rude, but this is, like, a lot.
20:50I'm just shaking like a leaf in the corner.
20:53Girls, are we all OK?
20:55Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed.
20:57I'm very overwhelmed.
20:59I feel like I'm going to vomit.
21:01It's definitely going to change the dynamic,
21:03having three new couples. I'm not ready for this.
21:09Oh, look at this!
21:11Oh, here we go!
21:13Where are we, this sweet darling?
21:15Oh, there you are. Yay!
21:17Oh! Oh! Adam! Sorry.
21:19Hi, guys. Hello.
21:21Nice meeting you here.
21:23Guys, Sasha's just a little bit poorly,
21:25so Ross has taken her home, but she is OK,
21:27so, unfortunately, they won't be joining us tonight.
21:39Sorry, everyone. Oh, hello.
21:41Hello there.
21:43I just want to say a few words on behalf of me
21:45and obviously my wife, Amy,
21:47but I don't know what to say in these occasions
21:49because, frankly, I've never been married before,
21:51and I don't intend to do so again.
21:55They say we all got married to strangers,
21:57but I never really liked that term
21:59because I think when you look at it,
22:01every single best friend, every single wife and husband
22:03started off as a stranger,
22:05so I say we make a toast to our future
22:07because every future was a stranger.
22:11Enjoy. Cheers. Cheers.
22:13Cheers. Cheers.
22:19Yeah, you? You look beautiful.
22:23Thank you very much.
22:25More of that, please.
22:27Checking in, reinforcing each other.
22:29A little affection. We love it.
22:31We've not had, like, a single awkward moment yet, have we?
22:33No dramas. No drama.
22:35No, we've not.
22:37I've got you more than ever.
22:39One million per cent.
22:43Why do you think you've been matched?
22:45Both quite individual spirits.
22:47We both have a great work ethic,
22:49so that means we want to try.
22:53But Casper's found the whole process really challenging.
22:57He doesn't really find me attractive.
23:01He's struggling with a certain type of woman
23:03that he usually goes for,
23:05and that's not me.
23:11I'm super positive.
23:13I'm also quite independent
23:15and I can make my feelings be shown
23:17and I won't let anyone fall over me.
23:19At the moment,
23:21Casper's faced so many challenges,
23:23we can meet in the middle,
23:25and I can't pull him back without me pulling him back.
23:27I don't think Emma
23:29currently has the ability to open up
23:31and consider
23:33how she behaves and how she is
23:35is an issue in any relationship
23:37that she's in.
23:39It can't all be my fault.
23:45So when was your last relationship?
23:47About two years.
23:49What happened?
23:51I ended it.
23:53It wasn't a very nice relationship?
23:59You're chatty tonight, darling.
24:01You're mingling tonight.
24:03Yeah, yeah, I'm chatting to none of you guys.
24:05You good?
24:13Stephen and Hannah have not spoken a word
24:15to each other. A word.
24:17Their characters already,
24:19from what I can tell, are very different.
24:21She's more like...
24:23She's more like...
24:25She's more like you, basically.
24:31How was your wedding day? Was it good?
24:33The wedding was unreal. Yeah? Amazing.
24:35Honeymoon, all good? Two days of it.
24:37Full of shit.
24:41He's OK, though? No.
24:45Can you talk? He doesn't speak to me.
24:49You know what? I can actually
24:51feel the ice.
24:55I feel like Hannah is trying
24:57to get Stephen's attention
24:59by reminding him of how great
25:01the wedding was, but he is
25:03not having any of that.
25:05He hears her clearly. Yeah.
25:07But he is choosing to ignore her
25:09to make a statement.
25:11What were you talking about?
25:13Ask him.
25:15Hannah's saying,
25:17I'm not taking any responsibility.
25:19You ask him, because he
25:21is to blame. We're going to go for dinner.
25:25And then Hannah was like, I don't want to go for dinner yet.
25:27Hang on, wait, stop a minute. That's not what I said.
25:29You said, I'm not overly hungry.
25:31I'm not doing this now. Do you fancy getting a drink instead?
25:37I feel bad for Hannah, because she felt rejected from it,
25:39and it wasn't a rejection. Like, it really wasn't a rejection.
25:41Do you think you can be together?
25:43I hope so, yeah.
25:47Um, if I get the guy back that I married,
25:49not the one now.
25:51You've never said any of this to me.
25:53Like, you've even just sat here and said,
25:55I do see how she's been rejected,
25:57and I don't want her to feel like that.
25:59But you've never actually said that to my face.
26:01I have, though.
26:03You have? 100% have.
26:05What's the fucking point of this shoot?
26:07I'm not going to sit here in front of someone
26:09that can't look at me.
26:15I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.
26:17Fucking see you then.
26:29What's the fucking point of this shoot?
26:31I'm not going to sit here in front of someone
26:33that can't look at me.
26:35I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall.
26:37Fucking see you then.
26:39You've literally just sat there
26:41and said,
26:43I do see how she feels rejected,
26:45and I do feel really bad about that.
26:47You've never looked me in the eye and said,
26:49I'm really sorry that you feel that way.
26:53The hardest thing for me,
26:55is that you've never said,
26:57I'm sorry that you feel that way.
26:59You've never said,
27:01I'm sorry that you feel that way.
27:05The hardest thing for me,
27:07very early on we said to each other,
27:09we need to just support each other
27:11and be like best friends.
27:13And the second shit hit the fan,
27:15he was like, right, I'm staying on my own
27:17and you fuck yourself up.
27:19Her feelings are first always.
27:21Like when she goes,
27:23I was struggling with it, the whole thing.
27:25Like, same.
27:27So was I.
27:29You OK?
27:37You all right, Hannah?
27:39Yeah, yeah, all good, thank you.
27:45It's all right.
27:47He's not having a good time, but I say.
27:55Did you hear this?
27:57I wonder who will wear the trousers
27:59in our household. She was like me.
28:01I've already got them on.
28:03Oh, wow.
28:05I like that.
28:07Between us, I like that.
28:09Look at my face.
28:11In my household, I'm like, no.
28:13In my household, there's music in the air.
28:21I just want to have a good time tonight.
28:23It's not a good time, is it?
28:25You're not trying.
28:27I get it,
28:29and I understand that we need to get help and stuff,
28:31but I also don't feel like you can sit here and say you're trying really hard.
28:33I'm trying to have a good night.
28:35But you're not trying to have a good night with me.
28:37Because you're not talking to me.
28:39You must have one word to me.
28:41So who the fuck am I meant to talk to?
28:43Because every time we've spoken, it's just been that.
28:45You can see Stephen feels as if he can't even get his points out.
28:47And he can't defend his points either.
28:49So I literally think he needs us
28:51to referee a conversation
28:53with his wife.
28:55Why have you not been able to do this for five days?
28:57Because I've been in a hole with it,
28:59of, like, just mental exhaustion.
29:01It's been a fucking difficult five days.
29:05To be honest,
29:07you have kind of, like,
29:09shelled me in a little bit.
29:11That makes me sound like I'm almost, like, controlling
29:13and manipulating something.
29:15I don't think you've been manipulative,
29:17but I think you have made me feel like I need to be quiet
29:19and chilled.
29:21I'm going to have a conversation with the experts.
29:25Because it will get me going.
29:27OK, but let's not ruin it.
29:29Because we've actually had a really good conversation.
29:31I see it as a bit of a cop-out, actually,
29:33Stephen saying, wait until we get in front of the experts.
29:35Because he's saying,
29:37I'm not prepared to put some emotional skin
29:39in the game here
29:41and try and resolve this situation.
29:43I'm going to put the responsibility
29:45onto someone outside the relationship.
29:49I'm going to have a conversation with you,
29:51but he's not giving her that opportunity.
29:55Don't let that one comment, like, ruin the conversation.
29:57I've got more out of you in the last two minutes
29:59than I have in five days.
30:01And I actually really appreciate everything you've just said to me.
30:03Because that's all I've wanted for the last five days.
30:05We'll draw the line there.
30:15From when you got in, I got good energies from you.
30:17Thank you for, like,
30:19being so welcoming and nice.
30:21You're welcome, man. Nice to meet you.
30:23I feel like us as couples
30:25are going to really get on.
30:27Yeah, yeah, yeah, most definitely.
30:37Alex is spending a lot of time
30:39speaking to Amy
30:41and is fully unaware
30:43that his wife is looking really uncomfortable.
30:45It's clear that Holly
30:47does not trust Alex.
30:49So your honeymoon
30:51was just plain sailing.
31:03Who knows it?
31:05The kids will be chatting tonight.
31:07But there's new people.
31:09I mean, it's nice to see you mingling for once.
31:11It's nice to see you mingling.
31:13That's what I'm saying.
31:15No, you're not. You're saying that,
31:17but you're not saying that.
31:19You can see that there's some humour in this.
31:21But at the end of the day,
31:23Holly is screaming out loud
31:25that I have low self-esteem.
31:27And I'm scared.
31:29So how have you been getting on?
31:31Been getting on well?
31:33Be honest.
31:35Yeah, I've had a bit of a rocky start.
31:39So we've bumped heads a lot,
31:41but we're having a good week so far.
31:47Slow the fuck down.
31:51It's you.
31:53She first night on me embarrassing herself tonight.
31:55Honestly, I'm really good.
31:57I can drink a lot before I'm drunk.
31:59Really? Yeah.
32:05I mean...
32:11What the fuck?
32:13Just give me the time of day.
32:15I'm your wife.
32:17Are you all right?
32:27Is she OK?
32:31Well, this feeds into Holly's insecurity, doesn't it?
32:33Because her worst fear
32:35is being played out right in front of her.
32:37So hopefully her walking out
32:39is a real sign for him
32:41that actually she's not very happy.
32:43He's literally sat there and talked to her all night
32:45and not even talked to me.
32:47Oh, no. Is that what you were fucked up about?
32:49Yeah. Just sat fucking right next to her.
32:51Have you noticed?
32:53Yeah, like, and his back's turned as well.
32:55Do you know what I mean?
32:57It's not really what you want to see, is it?
32:59Is she called Holly, your partner?
33:01Yeah. Has she gone in there?
33:03With whom? I don't know.
33:05If that was Nathan, what would you do?
33:07Yeah, I would be fucked off. I would.
33:11So, um...
33:13Yeah, I think maybe she's thinking,
33:15like, he's just sitting,
33:17chatting to her, hasn't spoken to me.
33:19You know what I'm saying?
33:21What the fuck could I be doing, bro?
33:23You're not going to chat her up?
33:25My wife, her husband's there,
33:27but, bro...
33:29Some people get very jealous.
33:31I'm not used to this shit, man.
33:33I'm really not used to this shit.
33:35They're coming back? Yeah.
33:37Fucking just want to...
33:39Fucking attention, man.
33:41No point is Alex acknowledging that
33:43his behaviour could have had a negative impact on her.
33:45Right. It's, I've done nothing wrong,
33:47what's her problem? And the defences go up.
33:49You all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
33:51Yeah. Lee, I know you were there.
33:53Thanks, Pete.
33:55I'm all right. Sure?
33:59It's moving, it's hot in here.
34:05so where's your heads at?
34:09Look, I'm not going to lie, I've questioned why,
34:11you know, what I'm fighting for here.
34:13I want to give it everything.
34:15You want to, or are you?
34:17We have moved in.
34:19The problem is, is I don't shine as myself
34:21when Emma and I are around each other.
34:23Because he's scared
34:25to be himself. I don't know why.
34:27Not sure if scared
34:29is the word I'd use, but there is definitely
34:31a part of me that holds back when I'm around Emma.
34:33They need Charlene. I think Kasper
34:35would be scared at that. Are you two going to smash?
34:39Not at the moment, Rochelle.
34:41Charlene is going to bring out the best of both of you.
34:45For me, sex isn't something I have to see
34:47if it makes things better. Sex is an act
34:49that you do when you feel affection for someone.
34:51It's not where me and Emma are.
34:53I'm not doing it.
34:57I've never met a girl in me life
34:59who's like you, Christina. You're a one-off.
35:01Thank you. Honestly. Thank you.
35:09Oh, God.
35:19I'm sick of this shit, man.
35:23No, I mean, even just, I know everyone's
35:25looking at us going in here.
35:31I just feel like
35:33certain things are annoying me.
35:35And as a partner, I feel like
35:37I can't always defend
35:39my argument with you.
35:41Why are you choosing to bring it up now?
35:43Because it's only, in a way, at me.
35:45But why do you have to bring it up at a dinner party?
35:47We know Alex is a very private guy.
35:49So for him, the idea that
35:51Holly has exposed them like this
35:53is probably a bit embarrassing for him
35:55and he's probably feeling pretty uncomfortable.
35:57Because I didn't want to dampen
35:59the mood, like, I feel like... Were you dampening it now?
36:01At the worst possible time? At the dinner party?
36:03OK, well, we don't have to discuss it then.
36:07This is a problem that we see with Holly and Alex,
36:09like the inability to resolve conflict
36:11in a healthy way.
36:15I just want to speak to Alex
36:17like an adult, and I really thought
36:19he respected me enough to listen.
36:43Can I talk to you?
36:45I just want to communicate with you.
36:49This was the whole point, that we learned to communicate.
36:51You already know what you're doing, man.
36:53You already know what you're doing. You're doing bad things for the cameras.
36:55I'm not doing anything. Listen, stop talking.
36:57I'm asking you.
36:59Look, let me finish my...
37:01Can you please stop talking to me?
37:03I'm asking you nicely. Please don't talk to me right now.
37:05That's it. That's it.
37:07I need you to respect what I've asked you.
37:09But we both agreed if there was an issue, we'd talk between us.
37:11You're acting up for cameras.
37:13Are you joking me?
37:15Why are you assuming that's the case?
37:17I've asked you to start speaking to me.
37:19But I want to sort this out if I'm feeling like something's bothering me.
37:21I've asked you to start speaking.
37:23You're my husband and I should be able to talk to you.
37:25I've asked you to start speaking to me.
37:27You notice with Alex, he just repeats a phrase.
37:29He shuts her down with his language.
37:33I just wanted to explain that there's a reason I haven't addressed it.
37:35Because you wanted cameras?
37:39It's not to do with that.
37:41OK, so if that's the case, we'll talk when there's no cameras.
37:43OK, so can we agree to have a conversation later, please?
37:45Off camera, yeah.
37:47OK, cool.
37:49Can I have a hug?
37:51I'm not there yet, to be honest.
37:57We're doing OK, aren't we?
37:59We're OK.
38:01I just want to be next to you by your fire, please.
38:05I mean, man, this is a romantic guy.
38:07He's got bars.
38:17Ah, we've got a box!
38:19We've got a box, guys!
38:23Go, Ryan!
38:27What are your hopes for our marriage going forward?
38:31Honestly, like, it just keeps going how it's been.
38:35Like, I've not had any complaints so far,
38:37apart from your snorting.
38:39That's the only thing.
38:41Like, I think if we just keep going at the pace we're going,
38:43getting on how we're getting on,
38:45I honestly don't think
38:47we're going to have any worries.
38:51Oh, no!
39:01Oh, Jesus Christ.
39:09do you think
39:11I am the man
39:13that you need?
39:21I think
39:23that you probably
39:27the man that I need.
39:33Purely because I need somebody
39:35who is grounded
39:37in integrity and honesty.
39:39At times
39:41I question
39:43if you are that.
39:45I also
39:47really need a man
39:49who's a natural
39:53I want to look up
39:55to the man that I'm with
39:57and at times
39:59I'm not sure if that's
40:01what I get.
40:05Well, Rochelle's not pulling any punches.
40:07I mean, ultimately, what Rochelle is saying
40:09is that I don't respect you.
40:11Or trust you.
40:13I mean, I wonder if part of the reason
40:15Rochelle has spoken with such passion
40:17about what he isn't
40:19is because she wants Orson to come back
40:21with a bit of fight.
40:25Pass it over.
40:31Fucking hell.
40:33I know my integrity is in the right place.
40:35At the end of the day, I'm comfortable
40:37with who I am and why.
40:39Orson may be
40:41a natural leader
40:43to a 25-year-old
40:45but to a 48-year-old
40:47he's not sufficient.
40:55Polly, please ask Adam
40:57are we out of the friend zone?
41:15I'm a man of many words.
41:21That was easy.
41:23This is what Polly wanted to hear.
41:25I'm just hopeful
41:27that Adam continues to make effort
41:29to make this relationship move forward.
41:31Here we go.
41:33Here we go.
41:35Oh no, I ain't ready.
41:37To both Kieran and Christina.
41:39Not including
41:41yourselves, name the strongest couple
41:43and the weakest couple at the table.
41:49I think the strongest
41:51couple at the table
41:55is Nathan and Lacey.
41:57All day.
41:59All day long.
42:03And your turn.
42:07So at the table, I'm really sorry guys.
42:09This is obviously face value
42:11and what I've personally seen
42:13this evening.
42:21I'm afraid Hannah and Stephen.
42:25I'm really sorry.
42:27To know that we're actually the worst couple
42:29in the relationship.
42:31But hopefully we can pull this back.
42:33Because I do want to pull it back.
42:41What would make our communication
42:43more successful?
42:47I feel like
42:49because of how it started
42:51the arguments were fiery,
42:53wasn't there?
42:55Give me time
42:57to have a voice.
42:59Please just give me time, like just listen to me.
43:03Sometimes I feel like I can't speak to you
43:05because when I try speaking to you,
43:07you just do stuff like this, like frowning,
43:09pulling faces.
43:11And I think, oh God,
43:13he's going to blow up.
43:15I think it's clear that Alex
43:17is completely unaware of his impact.
43:19Particularly of his non-verbal
43:21communication on Holly here.
43:23I wonder if on some level
43:25he believes that because he's not verbally saying
43:27anything, he's not actually doing anything
43:31Hear my voice.
43:33Whenever not that you have a voice.
43:37When I go to have a voice
43:39you just like that, like frowning.
43:41It's like, I'm better not saying it.
43:45What is she talking about? I don't know.
43:47Why is she coming here, trying to play the victim?
43:49She's getting in front of the group.
43:51Using all this language that's
43:53just not painting a good narrative.
43:59You're not going to like that!
44:03I know what it's going to be.
44:05How close are you to falling for me?
44:09Just be honest, man.
44:17It's going very well.
44:19I definitely have a lot of love for you already.
44:21Go on.
44:23And yeah, it's growing.
44:25Go on!
44:27Go on!
44:29That's my boy!
44:35What's great with Nathan
44:37is he doesn't say something unless
44:39he means it, and you can see how much
44:41that meant to Lacey.
44:45What do I
44:47need to do to get our marriage
44:49back on track?
44:55Around your sister
44:57and your best friend,
45:01you're a lot more
45:03a person that I found attractive
45:05than generally around
45:07the group.
45:09Where always
45:13the person that's
45:15having a great time and that sort of thing.
45:19I struggle
45:21to believe it's true.
45:23And when you saw your sister and
45:25Heidi, you were more
45:29I cried at the fucking sight of them.
45:31Yeah, but there was more
45:33fragility there that I saw
45:35in you for really the first time
45:37in the whole of our relationship
45:39and that for me was
45:43that I could really relate to.
45:45A lot of the time I struggle to
45:47relate to you as a person
45:51because we just are very different people.
45:55I get a sense that Kasper
45:57feels he sometimes sees
45:59the more performative side of Emma
46:01that she's wearing her mask, her social mask.
46:03And when they were with her sister and her friend
46:05he saw more of that authentic
46:07deeper side of Emma and I think
46:09what he's starting to realise is
46:11he wants to see more of that himself.
46:13He's missing out.
46:15I think that was probably the most vulnerable
46:17and emotional day I've had.
46:21I wouldn't say that that is me
46:25I think that's Emma
46:27really missing her friends and wanting
46:29advice from her best friends on
46:31the marriage. Like, please
46:33help me.
46:37So sorry Kasper
46:39if that's not the answer
46:41that is needed.
46:46Emma shut him down a little bit.
46:48And they won't be in a real relationship
46:50until they can be emotionally intimate.
46:52And that requires vulnerability
46:54and the reception of that vulnerability
46:56on both parts.
46:58I don't want to shout down your...
47:00Emma, Emma, Emma.
47:05I said my truth, I said what I asked for
47:07and she said it's not happening.
47:09It's not possible.
47:12I feel like
47:14I'm the one who's been asked to make all the changes.
47:16I'm here to learn, I'm here to grow.
47:18But Emma
47:20hasn't taken on board any changes
47:22that she has to make about herself.
47:24And I'm running out of energy for it.
47:35What's he doing?
47:37He's just turning off.
47:41Fucking bullshit.
47:43I've had enough of it.
47:45I need to see some sort of fucking sign
47:47that she might fucking change.
47:49One mistake, one fucking mistake
47:51and the whole
47:53fucking drama.
47:55It's not just fucking me.
47:59Next time.
48:01That's what we're here for.
48:03The commitment ceremony marks a fresh chapter
48:05for some.
48:07It feels like a relationship now.
48:09But leads to disaster for others.
48:11You're letting it out at the most
48:13embarrassing times?
48:15At dinner parties?
48:17It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks.
48:19This is some bullshit.
48:21I'm not convinced we have a future.
48:23Yes, I can be more vulnerable.
48:25Well, that's not me.
48:27Things are down to the wire now.
48:29It's make or break.
48:31And despite an attempt to resolve past mistakes...
48:33I'm so sorry.
48:35Do you believe me?
48:37No, I don't.
48:39Hannah and Stephen's marriage hangs in the balance.
48:41I'm full of resentment.
48:43There were four.