Salone Csr, Poggesi (Ippr): “Con ‘Plastica seconda vita’ un passo avanti verso la sostenibilità”

  • 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Come associazione mettiamo a disposizione lo strumenti ‘Plastica seconda vita’, una certificazione sul contenuto di riciclato sotto accreditamento. Diamo questo piccolo contributo perché le aziende possano fare un passo in più verso una produzione sempre più sostenibile”. Così Maria Cristina Poggesi, direttore Ippr - Istituto per la Promozione delle Plastiche da Riciclo, a margine del panel ‘Sostenibilità e plastica: buone pratiche ed esempi di Economia Circolare’, tenutosi nel corso della seconda giornata della dodicesima edizione del Salone della Csr e dell’Innovazione sociale, all’università Bocconi di Milano.


00:00The plastic materials are immersed in contradictions, especially as far as their real sustainability is concerned and what is perceived by the general public.
00:18There is this dichotomy that must be tackled and that we try to overturn. We try to overturn this negative perception of plastic materials by looking for synergies.
00:30We are an institute that brings together recyclers, plastic materials transformers and other associations, entities, etc.
00:39We try to create solutions, starting from the sharing of problems, their capacities and their means, so that we can find a solution to those that are perceived as problems or that are technical problems.
00:57It is important that each company has its own path of sustainability, but it is also important to realize that you are part of a network and that if you participate in the common life of an association, you can actually get further, maybe more easily and more quickly, also in terms of the sustainability of your company.
01:23We, as an association, provide companies with a tool called Plastica Seconda Vita, which is a certification on the content of recycling under accreditation, so it offers all the guarantees of objectivity, versatility and transparency required, for example, by the Greenwashing Directive.
01:39We make this small contribution so that companies can take a step further towards increasingly sustainable production.
