• 16 hours ago
00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:30Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
01:00Careful, huh?
02:0015.7 degrees Celsius. Heart rate is once every 68 minutes.
02:20You seem to be having trouble.
02:23Oh? But Dr. Kasuminome, Pao is conditioned as entirely as it should be.
02:27I'm speaking of the girl who is said to have escaped. There's been no word of her capture.
02:34Sir, that girl has strange powers. Sophine is probably having a great deal of trouble controlling her.
02:40It's because of those unique powers that the organization needs her.
02:45Perhaps Sophine should not be a member of Dores if a nine-year-old girl can elude her.
02:51Who enters without permission? The girl!
02:54The girl!
02:57I'm sorry. It's my fault for assuming she was nothing but a child.
03:02Come on, Sumire. Our little walk is over. Let's go back to the passenger car. It's snack time!
03:10I will not report this to the organization. Take her away, now!
03:17Come on, Sumire!
03:18That door was secured. It could not be unlocked. But she opened it without any trouble at all.
03:25So that's it. She read the Dores combination.
03:30Now I see why the organization wants to harness her abilities for use in intelligence activities.
03:42Water's leaking from the capsule! That valve! Close that valve!
03:47Yes, sir.
03:49There isn't enough water. Add more!
03:52Yes, sir.
04:06Hold it down! Hold down on this!
04:09We're all facing disaster!
04:11Did you close that valve, as I said?
04:41I am... I am...
04:50I am... I am...
05:12Oh, my God! Lock that door! We must not let it get out of this freight car!
05:17Catch it!
05:24You little brat! You've uncoupled the cars!
06:01Stop him! Don't let Bo get away!
06:11This is awful! We've awakened Bo's terrible power!
06:15A massive power which unless controlled poses a threat to the entire world!
06:20Doctor, he's going to jump!
06:22We've no choice. We can't let Bo be seen by the outside world.
06:26In his present state, we should be able to kill him. Shoot him!
06:39Bo must be stopped!
06:41Bo must be stopped!
07:12Well? Do you remember anything?
07:15A couple are coming undone, straining a freight car on the rails.
07:19Subsequent schedule's messed up.
07:21That's what all the papers are saying.
07:23And not only that, they've covered up the discovery of the body on the tracks.
07:29Want some?
07:34No, thanks.
07:36I'm not hungry.
07:37Want some?
07:44Why are they after us?
07:46What do you think they want?
07:48Just like I told you, the name of their organization is Dureth.
07:53I don't know why, but all they do are these creepy experiments.
07:58You really don't remember anything, Ikuro?
08:07Let's go.
08:26You said your name was Sumire, didn't you?
08:29Not very original, wouldn't you say?
08:31One of the orphanage ladies just stuck it on me because I didn't have a name.
08:36Oh, didn't I tell you? I was raised in an orphanage all my life.
08:40The orphanage garden was full of violets, and of course, Sumire means violet.
08:46But how did you get from living in an orphanage to a place like Dureth's?
08:50Well, the director of the orphanage gladly sent me to them,
08:54saying I could live in a better place than the orphanage.
08:57Oh, and they gave me some spending money, too.
09:10Whoa, what's wrong?
09:15It's happening! Again!
09:21The directive is to liquidate the boy and dispose of the corpse within 24 hours.
09:28Target confirmed!
09:34Oh, yeah, now I remember. That's what those guys on the train were calling you, Ikuro.
09:44They say I have special powers.
09:47That's why Dureth's took me away from the orphanage.
09:50They're close by. Ikuro?
09:59Oh, no! Ikuro!
10:02Ikuro! Look out!
10:10Come on, Natsuo!
10:21Your bike!
10:25Give me your bike!
10:29Your bike!
10:36Sumire, get on, now!
10:42Hey, hey, hey!
10:44That's my...
10:48Oh, come on!
10:53Damn it!
10:59Damn it!
11:06I don't care if the girl is with him. If she interferes with your mission completion, kill her, too.
11:13You're not paying attention. He's already survived high voltage electric train current.
11:18No one can predict what he'll do next.
11:20You must eliminate Bao before he goes through the first armed phenomenon.
11:24When you've killed him, burn the corpse to ashes.
11:27Total cremation, eh?
11:29You're the boss, Colonel.
11:37Colonel Dordo, can that one man handle the execution of Ikuro by himself?
11:42No problem. Number 22 is our top operative in the field of seek-and-destroy missions.
11:47He has never missed a target.
11:49Rest assured, he'll fulfill the contract in the allotted time.
11:53This is truly pathetic.
11:54To think we have lost our newly completed Bao en route to headquarters.
11:59Well, in order to protect our secret, if capture is impossible, we'll just have to destroy him.
12:04Kasuminome, never mind the escape boy now.
12:08The reason we are here is to inspect your project, Doctor.
12:11Please proceed with your demonstration of Bao.
12:21Is that dog also Bao?
12:24Remove the water from the tank!
12:29I created Bao by accelerating evolution under controlled conditions.
12:34It is still in the experimental stage, but if we are able to develop this life form as we desire,
12:39we could be in a preeminent position in the world, medically as well as militarily.
12:43Doctor, that is exactly why we are providing Doros with research capital.
12:48The boy Ikuro Hashizawa became Bao only two days ago,
12:53but it has been one month since this dog became Bao for experimental purposes.
12:58What's the difference?
13:00As time passes, Bao's power becomes greater.
13:03You can't see it because of the fur, but there are abnormalities in the skin.
13:07I imagine by this time that the boy's hands, feet and face are breaking out in sores.
13:12The secret of Bao lies in its secretions, and the secretions' effects.
13:16Look! The dog has awakened!
13:25Open hatch E13!
13:28Yes, sir. Opening hatch.
13:45Open hatch.
14:13What is this?
14:15I can't do anything without the slightest resistance.
14:18Please, observe carefully.
14:20Bao exerts its greatest destructive power when an attack is made on the host party.
14:40Bao's arm phenomenon, the armament transformation, is about to occur.
15:02What a relief.
15:04Oh, Natsuo. Watch that tail of yours.
15:08You still have money?
15:11This is all I've got.
15:13Oh, this will be plenty.
15:15Ikuro, your stomach, how is it?
15:22It's almost gone.
15:35Hello, anybody here? We'd like some gas.
16:03Oh, no!
16:09No, bitch!
16:14You, why?
16:19Burn the body and that's it, huh?
16:22This job is a piece of cake.
17:04No way.
17:26This phenomenon is known as Bao's transformation of armament.
17:57This, this can't...
18:02Oh, no!
18:19Come on!
19:13Gordo is a true marksman.
19:15He can blow the brains out of a target with one shot.
19:18This is the first step in eliminating Bao, destroying the brain.
19:24And then...
19:27Burn it!
19:44I see now.
19:46If we were able to use the power of Bao as we wished,
19:49there is little doubt that we would be in a position of advantage over any political power in existence.
19:54Now, honored guests, it's finally going to emerge. Please watch closely.
19:58What? What's going to emerge?
20:21That, gentlemen, is Bao, the parasitic worm that was living off that dog's brain.
20:27That awesome power was created by a worm?
20:33That is Bao.
20:35The only way to eliminate Bao is to burn it.
20:38The Bao within the brain of Ikuro Hashizawa, the boy who escaped from the train, is still alive.
20:44But when it becomes mature, its power will be beyond imagination.
20:48For that reason, we must find and incinerate the boy at once
20:52in order to protect the secret of the biological weapon we have brought forth.
21:08Episode 1
21:27There's smoke everywhere.
21:30The gas station just had its own fire.
21:33What is happening to me?
21:35What have I done?
21:38Episode 2
21:46Number 22 has been killed, sir.
21:51It appears that Bao's first transformation of armament has manifested within Ikuro.
21:58Colonel Dordo, the responsibility for failing to eliminate it is tremendous.
22:03Walken, can you see where Ikuro Hashizawa and the girl are presently hiding?
22:10I can. I see an old abandoned building.
22:16They will be there.
22:19Colonel Dordo, I could give you a hand.
22:22No, this is my section's assignment. I will not accept any outside intervention.
22:27Then maybe we should take a look at your future.
22:33Ugh, tepid. It's cooling off.
22:36The only way to drink coffee is hot.
22:56Episode 3
23:18Dr. Kasumi Nome, I've found the patient you're looking for.
23:22It was a traffic accident. The parents are hopeless, but the boy can be saved.
23:29Young flesh is most preferable for the Bao experiment.
23:33I will now inject the Bao larva into this boy's arm.
23:37The larva will travel to the boy's brain via the blood vessels, where it will insinuate itself and grow to maturity.
23:52Ikuro, what is it?
23:55I remembered a little bit. I don't recall much, but I do remember some.
24:00Oh yeah?
24:02But in your case, the things you don't want to remember probably outnumber the things you do want to.
24:15Suppose I guessed your age. 17, huh?
24:1817, huh?
24:26Not much different from me. You know, I'm almost 10.
24:38It keeps getting worse.
24:45Sumire, what is it?
24:55I can see it! It's coming from everywhere!
25:01They're coming to kill us, Ikuro! They're not far!
25:06Lock and load!
25:13Move out!
25:18Ikuro, let's run! If we go now, we can make it!
25:24Let's go somewhere far away, just the two of us!
25:28Keep it spread!
25:31Don't let them warp! Blow his stinking brains out!
25:45Blast them!
25:48Blast them!
26:05Is he hit?
26:07One round clearly went through his head. On top of that, a fall from this height. There's no way he could have survived.
26:15That's strange. I can only see the girl down there.
26:18No problem. He won't be far from her.
26:21Let's find him and roast him.
26:39Lots of power!
26:44Take this!
27:14Take this!
27:44Is this... Could this be... me?
28:04Ikuro Hashizaki.
28:05I'm glad you're alive.
28:07I'm glad you're alive.
28:08I'm glad you're alive.
28:09I'm glad you're alive.
28:10I'm glad you're alive.
28:12Ikuro Hashizawa. I have been ordered to deliver you to Dores.
28:18Or would you like to see this little girl's head shattered like a watermelon?
28:42You'll come after me, Bao. The scent of this girl's fear will draw you like a magnet. I'll be waiting.
28:49Ikuro Hashizawa.
29:11This is Sector K2-E7. We've had no visuals of the subject on this side.
29:22This is Sector K2-E7. We've had no visuals of the subject on this side.
29:29Roger that. We're in Sector CR3. No sign of the boy here either. We're going to circle around towards C2. Over.
29:38It's been 60 hours since we lost Ikuro Hashizawa.
29:43Dores' agents still haven't managed to locate him.
29:46But he'll come. Mark my words, he'll come.
29:49The reason being...
29:53That she will call in.
30:16Dr. Kasumi Nome, the diagnosis I've received is that the girl's life is in danger.
30:21She hasn't had a drop of water for almost two days. Shall we continue with the cacophonic torture?
30:26Of course! Bao, the bastard, should be picking up the scent of her distress.
30:31And like a shark, catching the scent of blood from kilometers away, he will come here.
30:35You may be sure of that.
30:44I can feel it. I sense her fear.
30:47Right now, Serena's fighting desperately... for... me.
30:53Ikuro Hashizawa sighted. He's here. The boy is here.
30:57He's here? So where is he coming from?
31:00You're not going to believe this, sir, but we think he came through the underground caves beneath the laboratory.
31:06So he's already within the grounds of the laboratory. Sophie, notify Wakan.
31:11Yes, sir.
31:19At last, Bao. I'll have this explosive round teach you a lesson.
31:25The tip is fitted with an explosive easily capable of destroying an entire troop carrier.
31:32With a weapon like this, they'll be scraping you off the side of that cliff for years to come.
31:38Target mode on.
31:44You're dead, Bao.
31:55Explosive shell!
32:02Bao's new transformation of armament. He's actually generating electricity.
32:08And at a power level on a par with high voltage current.
32:32Doctor, he's coming down on the elevator. Basement level 3. Level 4. Level 5.
32:39So Bao is tracking the girl's scent, as predicted.
32:43Basement level 7.
33:05Welcome, young visitor.
33:09I am Wakan, a warrior who thrives on carnage and destruction.
33:22Doctor Kasumi Nome, Wakan's...
33:26He's ripping his chest!
33:31Wakan is the last surviving member of the Skurn tribe of American Indians.
33:39That blood marking denotes that he has won respect and honor, and a totem of death to his enemy.
33:49The sign signifies that Wakan has recognized Bao as a true warrior.
33:54The most powerful psychic on Earth? Wakan?
33:57Prepare yourself, Bao.
34:00Molecular air motion wave!
34:18Forget it. You don't have a chance, Bao. I will crush your toys into nothing but fine dust.
34:26Molecular seismic wave!
34:49Wakan has Bao entrapped. Now the bastard's electrical energy will be absorbed by the iron within the wall.
35:05Boy, it seems that those who possess more power than they need must unfortunately suffer.
35:12This is the fate of monstrosities such as you and I.
35:16I will submerge your pain within the far reaches of darkness by my own hand.
35:35This is nothing!
35:54Wakan! Wakan's been defeated!
35:56Bao, my beautiful creation, you have done well to fight and survive this far.
36:02But we Dores will simply not allow ourselves to be annihilated with you.
36:07Men, in fifteen minutes we will destroy this laboratory.
36:11We will blow Bao and this facility to kingdom come.
36:15We must if we are to bury this monster. Sophine!
36:18Yes, sir.
36:19Abandon your posts and evacuate at once to be out of radius of one kilometer. I wish you all the best.
37:04It's you, isn't it, Iguro? I knew you'd come for me!
37:19Iguro! Stay away!
38:24Four minutes into countdown. Cutting down power to section eight.
38:36Wakan! He's alive!
38:43Ten minutes, twenty seconds to detonation.
38:49Ten minutes.
39:06Oh no! The bandana's come off!
39:09The bandana that regulates Wakan's tremendous psychic ability! He's out of control!
39:31Bao! I will annihilate him! I will crush him! I will destroy him!
40:02Dr. Kasumi Nome! What are these tremors?
40:08I can only conclude that he survived Bao's attack. Hurry!
40:19I have you, Bao! I will sink you in the darkness of the underground!
40:50Where are we?
40:56In the caves.
40:57Wakan's uncontrolled psychic power has also smashed through the bedrock.
41:31What do you mean? Are you telling me that that's the way out of here?
41:42Iguro, I don't want to be away from you!
42:25It's Bao!
42:31Bao has a laser cannon!
42:33But even if he has a laser cannon, he would need a great deal of electricity!
42:37There is! That source of power is contained within Bao!
42:46Bao Breakdark Thunder!
43:05My creation! My Bao! My great work of art!
43:10You are the perfect ultimate weapon!
43:42The explosion got very little press coverage for a major disaster.
43:45Six people dead, two injured. Cause?
43:48Inadequate maintenance of explosive materials at a pharmaceutical company.
43:52That was how it was officially reported.
43:54Naturally, Duras's name wasn't made public.
44:00I'll be waiting.
44:03Iguro's going to come back to me one day.
45:46And surely we're not so far away
46:12After all, I had a vision
46:14A vision of Ikaro, sleeping quietly at the bottom of the lake in the underground caves
46:19He'll awaken, I'm sure of it
46:24It'll be when I turn 17