Libano, i tunnel di Hezbollah a pochi metri dalla base Unifil - Video

  • yesterday
(Adnkronos) - Una botola di ingresso a uno dei tunnel che portano alla rete sotterranea scavata da Hezbollah in Libano si trova a pochi metri dalla base della missione Onu. A mostrarla in video sono i militari israeliani che da giorni assediano l'area presidiata dai 'caschi blu'.
00:00This is what it looks like.
00:02An underground tunnel of Hezbollah.
00:04Below, a wall.
00:06A golden wall below.
00:08From there, to the interrogation rooms,
00:10to the underground bunkers.
00:12A lot of military equipment that was captured there.
00:14And, look at what there is.
00:16Only a few tens of meters from us.
00:18The UN headquarters of UNIFIL.
00:22And a full inventory of UNIFIL forces.
00:26All this is really
00:28less than 100 meters from the positions here.
00:32And all this barren area,
00:34which is now completely destroyed and dug up,
00:36was a Hezbollah operation,
00:38full of military equipment.
