(Adnkronos) - "Nel campo dell'ematologia si è fatto tanto, le terapie sono varie e il paziente può anche sceglierne una personalizzata, che risponda alle sue esigenze e al suo stile di vita, insieme al medico." Così Maria Francesca Mansueto, psicologa e psicoterapeuta, esperta di emofilia e piastrinopenia immune (Itp), durante la seconda tappa del roadshow del progetto “Blood Inclusivity” ideato da Sobi Italia.
00:00What are the changes?
00:04The requirements have changed, but also the way of communicating has changed.
00:10The relationship between doctor and patient has grown, and once it has grown and consolidated,
00:17the requirements are clearly different.
00:21In the field of hematology, of rare diseases,
00:25especially hemophilia, a lot has been done and a lot must be done,
00:30but the therapies are quite varied,
00:34and the patient can also choose, together with their doctor, the personalized therapy.
00:43And this is an important aspect, also for other diseases.
00:47However, scientific research has gone quite far,
00:50so now there is the tendency of the patient to be part of the decision.
00:55So we are talking about patience and engagement in the choice of the most appropriate treatment,
01:02which also combines and responds to the requests and to the lifestyle of the patients.