• last week
This episode, we review the first ever WCW Halloween Havoc!


00:00It's spooky time.
00:27You know, I should have done this when we dressed up for a Halloween episode.
00:31However, we're not doing that till late in October and I want to get this out as soon
00:34as possible.
00:35This is our Halloween episode and I wanted to review with you WCW Halloween Havoc 1989,
00:42the very first ever Halloween Havoc.
00:45And we, I know you came to a couple of them with us, Joe, I'm pretty sure.
00:50Craig and I have a long history with Halloween Havoc in Vegas when WCW, four years in a row,
00:54we went five years, uh, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 2000.
00:58We went to Vegas all five years of Halloween Havoc.
01:01So I bet 2000 means a lot to us.
01:04So this is the very first one though, 1989.
01:14And uh, Dave, before I go, I will do the, the oppositions champions.
01:20The WWF heavyweight champion was Hulk Hogan here in October of 1989.
01:26Uh, the intercontinental champion was the ultimate warrior.
01:29Uh, the WWF tag team champions were demolition.
01:33God damn.
01:34That's just my childhood served right up like on a plate right there.
01:37That's where we were here.
01:39So why were they number two, Jess?
01:40Well, I just said three, three of the biggest names like in wrestling history, the Hogan,
01:45the warrior and demolition.
01:47Like so there's, there's that.
01:48There's a lot more.
01:49I don't know the flip side, like, yeah, like, well, we'll talk about the champions that
01:55were, uh, going into this, like those were big names too.
01:59They were.
02:00That's a good point.
02:01That's a good point.
02:03Huge sides.
02:04I mean, I think we talked about this pre, pre, uh, pre going, uh, recording, but like
02:09I think it was Dave that said like the amount of talent that is on this pay-per-view is
02:17The tagline is setting, settling the score.
02:21Uh, Jim Ross and Bob Cuddle, our commentary, Gordon Sully and Chris, um, yeah, our interview
02:28with Gary competitive is our ring announcer.
02:31Uh, we opened up the Sully and Cruz, they let us know who they're going to be.
02:37This was weird.
02:38They kind of told us who they're going to be interviewing through pay-per-view, which
02:41I don't know if that was normal.
02:42Should we tell him?
02:44Who are we?
02:46We're going to be, I mean, this person, this, yeah, they tell him like, we're going to be
02:49in Ric Flair in a couple minutes.
02:52All right.
02:53He is Jim WWF never told you shit.
02:55They're like, all of a sudden they came in the interview and they were bash or whatever.
03:00They didn't tell you shit.
03:01But in this paper, he's like, we're going to interview this person, this person, this
03:06I was like, Oh, okay.
03:07Well, thanks for the lack of surprise.
03:09Um, just, just, you want to, you want me to, are you?
03:16You want to go down the match?
03:17No, go ahead.
03:18Do your.
03:19All right.
03:20So match number one, uh, we go right to the ring where they're already in the ring.
03:24Tom's Inc.
03:25Uh, the Z man defeated Mike Rotunda in just over 13 minutes.
03:30I gave it a C plus.
03:31It was a decent opener for 1989.
03:33Um, it was a nice little reversal finish, uh, Rotunda having zinc, uh, check for baby
03:39oil in the beginning of the match kind of made me laugh a little bit.
03:41I don't know if you got caught that.
03:42He's like, check them.
03:43The referee went and wiped his chest down.
03:49I was like, what is happening right now?
03:50I gave it.
03:51Is it 1989?
03:52Is that what this is?
03:53That's a psychology that's lost in today's sport.
03:5420 minute time limit.
03:56Z man's got him.
03:57Can he hold him down?
03:58One, two, three.
03:59Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, the Z man.
04:00The Z man.
04:01The Z man.
04:02The Z man.
04:03The Z man.
04:04The Z man.
04:05The Z man.
04:06The Z man.
04:07The Z man.
04:08The Z man.
04:09The Z man.
04:10The Z man.
04:11The Z man.
04:12The Z man.
04:13Boy, you're talking about a gut check and he passed it with flying colors, Bob.
04:20I think I gave him a C. I gave him the C plus.
04:23It was just like the match itself was fine.
04:26Like it was fine.
04:27Anything wrong?
04:28There wasn't anything wrong with it.
04:29It's like it was just kind of a blah.
04:31Like nobody gives a shit about a match.
04:32Like like how excited can you be about Tom's Inc.
04:37At the time when it happened, I was I was actually a big Mike Rotunda fan.
04:41I like watching his matches, but like, but he's daddy, bro.
04:46There was no nothing, whatever.
04:48Like solid match did get him out of their seats, you know.
04:53I wouldn't.
04:54I just wouldn't put Mike Rotunda in an opening match.
04:57He doesn't wrestle that way.
04:59Like Mike Rotunda has never been a get him up off the ground.
05:04He's kind of a cooler.
05:05He's kind of a cool.
05:07And then if you're going to if you're going to smother zinc and then let him get the hope
05:10spots like, you know, zinc better do some shit that we've never seen before, like really
05:14high flying stuff.
05:15So a lot of it wasn't that it was like zinc trying to out wrestle him.
05:18I'm like, you're not going to do that.
05:19And yeah, I gave it a C plus as well in short, like because I was just like, I mean, it was
05:23fine for the opener.
05:24And then zinc, when he broke in one and roll outside the ring, spit the grossest loogie
05:29that stuck on the side of his face.
05:30And I was like, my God, like I was just irritated.
05:33I'm like, Jesus, like I give you the only I give it a C and then I see this.
05:39I gave it a C like both in their own right.
05:41But even Mike Rotunda is not like ring commander here either.
05:45Got it.
05:46He sweats so much.
05:47Mike Rotunda like anything on this on this card.
05:51I would probably put like the the the tag team championship matches the opener like free
05:59That'd be all right.
06:00I do.
06:03Bruno San Martino gets an interview about refereeing the Thunderdome match.
06:06Why do you make me watch boring, trying to keep K-Fave?
06:09He is the worst.
06:10I really I hate.
06:11I hate Vince McMahon.
06:12I hate the WWF.
06:13This is the best wrestling.
06:14I hate Vince.
06:15I keep it impartial.
06:16We'll go to be verified.
06:17He says that they're going in the fucking Thundercage match, which is electrified and
06:25fucking whatever.
06:26He's like, what do you wait?
06:27Wait till we get there.
06:29What are you supposed to be doing?
06:31He's like, well, I'm going to make sure that Gary Hart and all the others and don't put
06:36any weapons in there.
06:37And I'm going to.
06:38And it's like, don't fucking think so.
06:39Weapon, dude.
06:40They're in a fucking cage.
06:41It's a little weapons match.
06:42You don't need you don't need to be prepared that I'm going to give my worst Ric Flair match
06:49grade ever.
06:50This fucking P.L.E.
06:51I'm just going to tell you, right.
06:52Maybe the worst grade ever player.
06:54And I feel really bad about it.
06:55I feel really bad.
06:56But anyway, I don't know what I'm going to miss, but I'll find out.
07:02We didn't have electrified matches.
07:04And, you know, the weapon, I don't know who has to say nobody cared in eighty nine.
07:16How many matches?
07:17How many matches?
07:18Well, pause.
07:19How many matches did Bruno San Martino wrestle in the W.A.
07:24slash WCW?
07:27What the fuck is that, man?
07:28Like, why is this?
07:29Because I don't like the guy.
07:30I don't like Vince.
07:31Only because he had a fucking lawsuit against Vince.
07:34One hundred percent.
07:35Sounds about right.
07:37Match number two, the Samoan SWAT team and the Samoan Savage Shamu with Dink defeated
07:43the Midnight Express, Bobby Eden and Stan Lee, along with Steve Dr. Jeff Williams and
07:48Jim Cornette in 16 minutes and 23 seconds.
07:52Did they get a permit for those torches?
07:55In the opening set, that seemed pretty dangerous to me.
07:59And I don't think they can do that.
08:00I don't know.
08:01I gave it a C.
08:03It would really get going with Dr. Jeff on those.
08:07And Eden, we've talked about Eden so much in the past couple of weeks, especially about
08:10how underrated he was, kind of showed him for like a decade or two or three.
08:15And he was actually really good in there.
08:17But there was very sloppy exchanges and a bad fit in that match, to me.
08:23So what really sucks on the fucking network, because when I first rented this tape or this
08:29event, it was on VHS tape that I would rent, you know, went from a hole in the wall video
08:34And the Samoan SWAT team used to come out to the fucking Halloween theme.
08:38And it was like one of my favorite.
08:39Oh, really?
08:40Oh, shit!
08:41And you can't fucking.
08:42It was the best fucking entrance.
08:43Yeah, they won't fucking play it on the network.
08:45And it's like, goddamn.
08:46So they were playing the Halloween theme when they were doing the torches and shit.
08:49It was awesome.
08:50I loved the Samoan Savages, the Samoan SWAT team.
08:52There was awesome.
08:53And Pauly was a little weird manager, but it got him into the mainstream a little bit
08:57and kind of got Pauly on television.
09:00But yeah, like the Dr. Death and fucking Midnight Express was a weird pairing.
09:05I gave it a C plus too.
09:07Like when they got going in there, when Dr. Death got going, that shit was good.
09:11Like, you know, and Eaton's awesome with selling and all that stuff.
09:15Stan Lane is just fucking, he makes me laugh because like he would just get in there and
09:19every time he got a hot tag, it was like, just like, he's throwing kicks and shit and
09:23they look fine.
09:24It was just, Stan Lane was just always kicking the shit out of somebody with literal kicks.
09:28I feel like he didn't know where to go.
09:30Yeah, he's just fucking everywhere like on there.
09:32So it was, it was good.
09:33Like, you know, I liked it.
09:34I didn't, I'm not a big fan of the Midnight Express's faces, but at the same time, like
09:40it's fine.
09:41Like Jim Cornette was a face anyway here.
09:43And so it kind of all made sense.
09:44And which was really weird.
09:45That was all weird to me.
09:47Well, this was really getting unorthodox.
09:48Karate kick by Stan Lane.
09:49Lane on top.
09:50It's broken loose, Jim.
09:51All six are in.
09:52Cornette just popped Pumpernick.
09:53And from behind, Stan Lane, he knocked Cornette off the apron.
09:54And the Samoans are going to win it.
09:55But the interesting thing, I never made the connection, like the Pauly early bloodline.
10:17It's kind of cool.
10:18There's a lot to say.
10:20Um, match number three, Tommy Rich defeated the Cuban assassinated admin.
10:26I said, why?
10:27I gave it a D minus.
10:28I think it was being generous.
10:29He's an assassin, Dave.
10:33So bad.
10:34Like, I, you know, I can't say, I can't say Vince never did it, but I remember WCW always
10:40doing like enhancement matches, like on pre, like, and I know that Tommy Rich was a mid
10:44Carter, but come on, like, why the fuck do I have to watch this on a pay-per-view?
10:48Come on.
10:49Like, who wants to see Tommy Wildfire Rich against a Cuban assassin?
10:52No one fucking cares.
10:53And now Wildfire taking back over.
10:54This one's been very evilly contested thus far, Bob.
10:56And so many times in a professional match.
10:57Nobody home on that move.
10:58The decision is going to turn on him a stunt that he may hear.
10:59There's a fast press.
11:00That's his move.
11:01One, two, three.
11:02Tommy Rich has won this one.
11:03You wouldn't see this on Saturday night.
11:24You'd see this on Sunday.
11:27This is a, this is a shitty Sunday at 3 0 5 p.m.
11:34The opening match of fucking, uh, you know, like championship wrestling at WCW Worldwide.
11:39Not on a fucking, yeah, like WCW Worldwide, that's not on fucking pay-per-view.
11:43Come on.
11:45It's bullshit.
11:46It's awful.
11:47Uh, get off my television scuba.
11:50The free birds interviewed, uh, the bit that I, the thing I got from it, that many women
11:57Um, it's what they had said, um, pretty basic match number four.
12:04The free birds defeated, uh, the dynamic dudes in 11 minutes and 28 seconds.
12:10Uh, my lot, my wife laughed out loud when she heard it's the dynamic dudes.
12:15Uh, then, uh, free birds were champions, right?
12:18They only had one fucking title.
12:20What are they doing?
12:21The free birds retain their titles here.
12:23Uh, those dynamic dudes with the skateboards and everything.
12:26Um, I just got to say Shane Douglas certainly came a long way.
12:31Uh, I gave it a B minus.
12:32Skateboards and everything.
12:33That was very funny.
12:36I gave it a B minus.
12:37I think it deserves a C plus, but I gave it a B minus because I laughed so hard every
12:42I don't know why I laughed every time the dynamic dudes counted and they tried to do
12:44the white meat baby face comeback and everyone's all boo, like angry, so bad.
12:50Get the fuck off.
12:51Like they're just mad.
12:53You see some people in the crowd were shut the fuck up.
12:55Like they were just mad.
12:56Like, and I was like, it was awesome.
12:57Like, and I was just laughing and I, it was the first time you saw like, like a Sina,
13:02like, like, like a white meat baby face getting the fucking shit boot out of them.
13:07Like the fans were just like, no, we don't want that.
13:09We don't want this.
13:11This shit to WWE.
13:12Fuck off.
13:13And, uh, I, and the free birds, like, look, I know they're kind of polarizing the free
13:17birds and I know a lot of people weren't fans of the Jimmy Garvin Hayes connection.
13:21Everybody remembers Roberts and Gordy, but, um, I loved like Jimmy and Michael together
13:26and the crowd fucking loved them.
13:29And, uh, I don't know why they only brought one tag belt down there.
13:31I think they won the tag belts and it hadn't aired yet or some bullshit.
13:35WCW used to always fuck up their, their pre-tape shit versus their live pay-per-view.
13:40So it was weird.
13:41I was for the tag titles, but they only brought one tag belt down in a bottle and then, um,
13:46but I loved the ending when they went for the wipeout and then one guy got tripped and
13:50fucking Garvin fell on top of that place.
13:53Fucking popped loud.
13:54That was an awesome finisher.
13:55I thought.
13:56And, uh, it looked like the dudes were going to take it and then they rolled on the outside
13:59of the ring and Garvin had the belt and he's all, yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:03And you just see Michael Hayes come in the frame and he goes, and then it goes back out
14:07and it was the fucking best.
14:08Like, I was like, it was just the free birds.
14:10I loved it.
14:11Like I loved all the theatrics in this match.
14:20I think Garvin's the legal man, if I'm not mistaken.
14:23Here they go for the wipeout.
14:25But Hayes pulled Johnny's foot.
14:28Garvin's on top.
14:29And the Bears retain the world title.
14:35Ladies and gentlemen, the Bears and still world tag team champions.
14:41The beverage free birds.
14:46It was a little quirky.
14:48Um, but then the match number five and a bit of a surprise, the doom defeats the Steiner
14:53brothers in a 15 and a half minute match.
14:56Um, I gave it a B. I loved how snug the work was here.
15:00Um, and, and the heel finish woman was also doing a great job.
15:04I got really pissed at WCW production value here.
15:07How do you not, how do you not get the frame correct to catch the fucking Frankensteiner?
15:15How do you do that?
15:16How do you fuck that up?
15:18Because you're WCW.
15:19Like I get, I was so mad.
15:22I was like, you missed it.
15:23You missed it.
15:24Oh God.
15:25What do you mean?
15:26We were right here looking at it.
15:27It's like, no.
15:28The camera, Bob.
15:32I don't, I don't think that it's not the camera work.
15:33It's the production work.
15:35They had the camera angle.
15:36Someone just didn't go to it.
15:37That's the problem.
15:38That's the issue.
15:39Someone in the truck needs to get fired.
15:40But, um, I, I've said this, I think I run on this pod.
15:41It says doom was amazing.
15:42And I, we, we all love doom.
15:43Great tactics.
15:44Wasn't even their stride.
15:45This was doom part one.
15:46I love it.
15:47I love it.
15:48I love it.
15:49I love it.
15:50I love it.
15:51I love it.
15:52I love it.
15:53I love it.
15:54I love it.
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15:56I love it.
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18:21I love it.
18:22I love it.
18:23I love it.
18:24I love it.
18:25I love it.
18:26I love it.
18:27I love it.
18:28I love it.
18:29I love it.
18:45Bob, we have to look back!
18:50I don't think that any of us appreciated Pelman.
18:52I know I did not.
18:56because he was told as like this white meat baby face with like this like his bangle panties and like
19:02you know like he's gonna like
19:04You know, he's an all-american i'm gonna be a good guy in my like
19:07Fucking permed hair and shit like that and he was noticeably smaller like he was a cruiserweight and he was noticeably taller
19:14but like
19:15but like I mean
19:16I graded this I mean a solid b plus but like
19:19Even a borderline a minus like to me. This is probably one of luber's best matches in his whole career
19:25You know
19:26By the way on the clash of the champions review the the one with the funk and flair I quit match that we reviewed or whatever
19:31We all thought the pillman and luger match like stole the show there, too
19:35Because we were just I slept on this feud. I gave it an a-minus. I love this match and uh,
19:40I love the stun gun at the end. The finish was so awesome
19:44The end was kind of out of out of nowhere and kind of unexpected and like he didn't rack him
19:49He didn't do like any of his stuff. It was just like an accident. It was like oh
19:53But I know also it was like it really helped pillman because like it made pillman look like he was a viable challenger
19:59And luger looked awesome with the u.s. Title
20:01This is like the dominant part of luger. That was just like the u.s. Title was synonymous with him back here
20:07Right, I think luger. I think luger in this match looks the best that he is this hair. I loved his hair here everything
20:17His hair is straight, it's not wavy. Yeah, like
20:20It's it's a little bit longer he's
20:23He's straight like 280 he's huge
20:27They call him 275 and it's like he's all that he was I think he was bigger than that
20:33I give it a solid b. Uh, and yeah, I also agree with like I guess maybe we don't give luger enough respect for matches like
20:40This and or maybe that's just the greatness of brian pillman. I like the other match better, but this was still great
20:45So, I mean if you're going to give 16 to 18 minutes match don't give it to those cuban assassin
20:50This is the match you give it to. Yeah
20:53I like it
20:54Uh, the road warriors because they're they claim to be underdogs. I don't really believe that
21:00They also say they will reduce whale
21:04The skyscrapers to rubble
21:06Who makes skyscrapers men who tears them down men? That's right
21:13Don't forget to show the triceps before you
21:16Um because they always did and they did there too. So match number seven the road warriors
21:22Defeat the skyscrapers by disqualification. You know my rule. It's an automatic f
21:28If we had a real finish
21:30I would do that in 89 with this these two teams. I would but i'm telling you right now
21:35I get it if if I if it was a real finish i'm
21:38It's the highest grade on the entire card by the way
21:42I don't know if you noticed when they were whipping each other into the ropes
21:45They were moving that ring around a couple
21:48Time in each direction like there was so much weight and mass
21:51In that ring and they were pummeling each other
21:54It was absolutely brutal and I have no idea why match of all match
21:58Couldn't have entered in a real finish where they could have gone and moved on. It's like best of seven a best of three
22:03I don't care. I love these
22:05It was very entertaining and I was having a good time
22:08Um, by the way, everyone is dead in that match except for spivey at this point. I just want to point that out
22:12um, it's unfortunate
22:15The these guys were tearing each other's heads off very entertaining. I was pissed at the shitty like
22:22Where it was supposed to be a heel finish, but it wasn't it wasn't hidden enough and it was qualification
22:28I don't like it when great matches in that way, especially on a pay-per-view. I just have a serious. I don't care what
22:34At this point at this point in wcw like the skyscrapers were brand new they were still trying to protect them
22:41They were trying to build this like this new huge
22:44Like heel tag team that was gonna beat the shit out of everybody
22:49That we're gonna like compete with the warriors
22:52Though the rogue warriors obviously aren't gonna lose
22:56At all because that was just
22:58They were they were the original like that doesn't work for me brother
23:02Like yeah, that's not gonna happen
23:18Walk in there with spivey said vicious with animal but I think spivey
23:46Let's let's run through the last of it here and to our finals because uh, flair and sting had their interview was whatever it is
23:53but then
23:55Where was he cool?
23:57It was cool
23:59It was cool. Uh, but flaring seeing uh defeat funk and the great mood
24:03match 24 minutes plus
24:06Um, all right. I'm about ready. Is it called a fun? It was called a thunderdome cage. Was it not called a thunderdome match and
24:13Uh, they had their thunderdome enforcers that would throw in the towel when they felt their people had too much going on
24:20Okay, it's a c-minus c-fucking-minus and i'm probably being generous. So bruno bruno was bruno
24:25Me bruno was the ref
24:27And then oly was in the corner of flair and sting with their towel
24:31And then uh, gary hart was in the corner of funk and uh muta
24:35The whole thing sucks. The whole premise of it is terrible. Had you had you seen it before david?
24:42No, i've never seen it. I'm so angry about it
24:44I'm, so mad that we've probably seen this match like the three of us like a billion times like it just oh my god
24:50So many times on tape, why would you why would you watch it after you watch it the first time?
24:55Why would you do that to yourself? Why it seemed like a good idea at the time?
25:00Wcw was always so big at like
25:03Like vince happening vince getting out of control is like i'm gonna put blue bars on the steel cage
25:09That was vince being crazy like wcw always tried thunderdome shit and like always tried weird stuff
25:16To try to compete with vince. It was weird. Like they always did stuff like this
25:20but like I think
25:22I graded better only because of the physicality like first of all, I think it's safe to say
25:28The only reason why flair's like I agree to do a program with you in 1999 funk is to chop the shit out of him
25:35Like that's the only reason why flair chopped the shit out of I mean he didn't always match
25:39But the shit out of him like his chest is bleeding
25:43I love their entrances like I love the the entrance at a big match feel like
25:47Flair got a big ovation sting was so fucking young and popular. It was ridiculous
25:51Like he was so the future was trying to fight the crowd. Oh god
25:54I was laughing so fucking hard like because every time he's trying to hit him with the towel and shit
25:59Like he's just irritated strong like oh, I loved him
26:01I love funk and uh and muda was awesome. Like he's so fucking young and it was great and uh,
26:07I know what spot craig will talk about i'm not going to cover it but uh craig could talk about it
26:10but um
26:11I gave it just for the physicality just because like I mean and I love jim ross and like
26:16You could tell jim ross was just fucking full-on into the physicalness of it and all that stuff
26:20so I give it a b-minus, but the rules were mindless and like they
26:25I I
26:27But the the top being electrified to dave's point
26:30It's like I mean, why would you climb up there at all ever like if you know, it's electrified
26:34So why if you made the cage itself electrified and one guy got whipped into it?
26:39They could oh like they could back off. That's fine
26:41Like you could build drama off that but it was like just the top was electrified and then that was it and I was like
26:47Well, why would you ever do anything up top?
26:50Are you are you are you a firefly sting did some cool shit like swinging from the thing?
26:54I mean obviously that was set there
26:55But that was to show sting's athleticism and all that was not cool him and muda
26:59I think wanted to have a better interaction up top
27:01I think they wanted to do a lot more athletic things with muda and sting up there
27:05Uh, and it just didn't like there were some things that just didn't hatch
27:08Like properly, but I mean overall like the intensity, uh, san martino annoys me. It's shitty ref
27:14Uh, but like yeah
27:14I love the entrances just a feud of funk and flair like the intensity you can see it
27:19And uh, and then the youngness of muda and sting like I just really like the dynamic
27:23It was a clusterfuck, but that was wcw I guess like they were just going for it's halloween. It's frightening
27:29It's goo spooky. Like I don't know but yeah, it was it was a it was a lot to take in
27:34So like it I thought this was I thought this was the best kind of clusterfuck and I thought no
27:40I see what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah
27:42I thought dave was on board and we were all on board with like loving this match, uh from history. Um
27:50Mark locked in so deeply. There's only anisa. There's a towel what the towel, you know
28:04The match is over
28:26It's so funny younger younger me would have given this an a minus or a b plus for sure
28:31And I don't think i'm still far off from my grade
28:33I'd still be minus but I mean like yeah
28:36There's a lot of silliness like that come into play and the more times I do watch it
28:40I'm just like I mean it could have done without that
28:42Yeah, or it could have just been like a regular fucking cage match
28:44Like I don't know why you had to like you could have bled like a lot like, you know
28:48Uh, which did flare bleed at all. I don't think flare bled in this at all
28:52Which is shocking bleeding. Yeah, which is shocking
28:55They thought there was blood. It was muda's
28:58I give it a I give it a b plus. Um
29:02I don't yeah
29:03I it's just
29:05to see these
29:07things all together in one kind of scenario of muda spitting out the fire of the
29:13Yeah, things swinging across the rope like that cross body
29:17Off the off the cage like all those moments
29:20It's still kind of weird but intense and like now that mood is retired and things retired
29:25it's like i'm still gonna hold this in my heart and say like
29:28Regardless of what a clusterfuck it is. These guys turned up and fucking made up they made the best out of it
29:33Oh, yeah, like for sure like they they were just like if we're gonna be putting this
29:36We're not gonna stave away from it
29:38Like a lot of other big names would like i'm not gonna do anything with the cage
29:41Then I don't know why they put this here like stinging mood
29:44We're like we're gonna jump off it and we're gonna do stuff and yeah
29:46That was of course wgw made it awkward
29:48The cage like was too far back like hell in a cell and it only bent in at the very top
29:52So you can't do anything with the fucking cage
29:54Anyway, yeah, if you have ropes and you're swinging like i'm probably completely untested like they had like ideas. Yeah, exactly
30:01That was probably I guarantee you they might have walked it earlier in the day
30:04but who knows if it was even on the ground like during the day knowing wcw like
30:08They're probably like all right when it gets in here
30:09We'll just figure out how to fucking climb the thing and then flair is like well when it all if it all fails
30:15I'm gonna chop you so much terry and he's like got it
30:17Like, you know, it's like that. I need you out the ring. We are putting up the barbed wire in the hay
30:22That will not be flammable. Yeah, like everybody
30:25I know you're calling spots
30:32yeah, so I mean overall I think I give it a c only because like
30:35Nothing ever got out of first gear for the longest time and then the road warriors match kind of got my blood pumping
30:40And the luger and uh pillman match was awesome and the cage just with the physicality got my blood pumping
30:46But really like yeah
30:47Like there was nothing besides me belly laughing at the diamond dynamic dudes for getting booed and their dream getting crushed
30:53like these were two guys that were hoping their gimmick would get over and when they heard the booze you could see their faces like
30:58This fucking sucks. Like we're not over like
31:02God damn it. Like it's the best
31:05It was really really good. But uh, well, thank you guys for watching this with me. Um,
31:09The skate the skateboards are gonna get you over guys the skateboards gonna work
31:12Halloween have it usually always did in the 80s like it worked for the ninja turtles kind of oh, no
31:15That was more pizza I guess than anything. Um, thank you for joining us here on daily motion join us again exclusive content
31:22I as you can see i'm playing videos and I can't do that on youtube because they pull my shit off
31:26So, uh, thanks again, dave joe jess and craig
31:30daily motion uncensored fuck you
31:35You have to cut a little bit
31:41Ow ow wrestling podcast
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