Ancient man a carnivore? || Acharya Prashant, on Veganism (2019)

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Link: Killing to eat flesh, you call yourself human? || Acharya Prashant, on Veganism (2019)

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Video Information: Interview Session, 04.11.19, Bengaluru, India

Why should one turn vegan?
What is the relationship between veganism and spirituality?
How veganism is related to compassion?
Why veganism is necessary for today's generation?
What is the relation between veganism and climate change?
How could veganism change the world?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00There are a few myths that need to be dispelled.
00:20Yes, man has had the inclination and the capacity to eat meat since a very, very long
00:45time. But even when man was in the jungle, he was primarily a herbivore. And this is
01:02borne out by scientific analysis of the fossils being dug out and many other kinds of equally
01:25rigorous scientific evidences. It is obvious that for the inhabitant of the jungle, the
01:41hunter-gatherer, it is far easier to pluck a fruit than to chase and catch an animal
01:54and then kill it and then eat it. So it is a myth that our ancient, ancient forefathers
02:07were all carnivores. They did have meat when it was probably available and that is likely
02:27to have been quite sporadic. So man comes actually from a primarily vegetarian, herbivore
02:42background. The argument that man has always been a meat-eater needs to be studied and
02:55refuted. The current splurge in meat-eating is not more than 200 years old. It came along
03:22with industrialization and the popularization of thought that it is meat alone that can
03:40provide for protein or calcium or many other important nutrients to the body. It was obviously
03:54a highly unscientific belief but it got popularized. Now since the last 30, 40, 50 years as we
04:15are progressing, there is tons of scientific data to conclusively prove that not only
04:35are we not historically prolific meat-eaters but also that meat-eating or milk consumption
04:44has a highly deleterious effect on the human body. But then this data is now fighting against
05:00a huge mountain of habit and vested financial interests. You know of the size of the global
05:15meat industry. You know of the size of animal agriculture. They are one of the biggest industries
05:24on the face of this planet. So now even as it becomes known that probably mankind took
05:34a wrong dietary turn quite recently, just around 200 years back, in opting for a primarily
05:46meat-based diet, yet the momentum of the last two centuries is making it difficult
05:58for most people to correct their mistake. And of course, added to that is the heft of
06:09the meat industry, the financial power, the political power they possess, the kind of
06:19control over media that they have, and all the levers that they can pull.
