Saturday morning forecast 01/05/21

  • 2 days ago
1 May - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello. Welcome along to your latest update from the Met Office. A three day weekend and
00:05the weather's going to stay fairly mixed. Again, we'll have sunshine and showers on
00:10Saturday and the whole weekend will stay on the chilly side with morning frosts likely.
00:15On Sunday, well, again, there will be sunshine and showers, but probably not as many showers
00:20around. A better chance of staying completely dry. Whereas for Monday, although there's
00:25still quite a bit of uncertainty about the timing of the rain and the extent of the rain
00:29and how strong the winds are, it does look as if we will see a spell of wet and windy
00:34swinging across the country this Bank Holiday Monday. That is going to come courtesy of
00:39an area of low pressure, which is brewing up nicely out in the Atlantic. But ahead of
00:44that, well, it's a pretty slack flow, as we say, where the isobars are very spaced out,
00:49meaning the winds are light and no weather fronts to be seen. That has allowed showers
00:54to develop through the day and those slow moving showers still rumbling on in places
00:58through Friday evening. But they're tending to fade out overnight. So many places will
01:02become dry and the air is still pretty cold. So again, with light winds, clear skies, we
01:08are going to see some pockets of frost, certainly many rural areas down to or below freezing
01:13and towns and cities not far off zero as we start the weekend. Now, we will start with
01:18a few showers around the coast of northeast Scotland, the odd one down the eastern side
01:22of England. But for many, it'll be a bright, sunny start to Saturday. However, look at
01:27this. The clouds will bubble up through the morning quite quickly and then the showers
01:31will get going really from late to mid morning onwards and through the afternoon, those showers
01:37scattered up and down the land. Again, they'll be quite slow moving. It's not one of those
01:41days where the weather is just going to be chopping and changing. It'll be one of those
01:44days where some places stay pretty dry, whereas others see quite a bit of heavy shower activity.
01:52Many of the coasts will be dry and bright and we'll see some sunshine at times, but
01:57temperatures are going to struggle after that cold starts. We're looking at highs still
02:01below average for early May at 13 to 14 at best across the south, 11 or 12 further north
02:07and a bit fresher on some of the coasts. Again, it's going to turn pretty fresh pretty quickly
02:13on Saturday evening. The showers will keep going for a time inland, but they do again
02:17fade out and again hints of blue on the chart there, suggesting again in rural spots we'll
02:23start with a frost on Sunday. But again, many will start Sunday with some sunshine. Now,
02:29again, the showers will get going through the day, but I suspect perhaps not as many
02:33as on Saturday. Far from completely dry everywhere, but there's a better chance that your day
02:38will be drier across parts of Wales, southwest England, maybe western Scotland as well. There
02:43will be a bit more cloud perhaps across the far northwest, but many places will again,
02:48at least for some time during the day, see some sunshine. And when the sun's out, temperatures
02:53again creeping up into the teens, perhaps a little higher compared to Friday's values
02:57on Saturday and Sunday, 13, 14 in the south, 10 or 11 further north. With light winds in
03:03the sunshine, it shouldn't feel too bad. But again, these values are below average for
03:07this time of year. That weak area of high pressure tends to disappear as you go through
03:13Sunday night. And that low pressure that we saw earlier starts to wind itself off and
03:18spread its way across the UK. It's going to be accompanied by some very strong winds,
03:24unusually windy for the time of year. And the weather will provide outbreaks of rain.
03:27But this is a developing system and there's some uncertainty about the exact track. It
03:31could be a little further south. It could be a little further north. So in terms of
03:35detail of when it will start to rain and how gusty the winds will be, you need to stay
03:41up to date for that. We'll have more details over the next couple of days. But a spell
03:44of wet and windy weather is likely for all of us at some point on Bank Holiday Monday.
03:49So if you've got plans, as I said, stay tuned to the updates. Make sure you keep across
03:54the Met Office. And the best way to do that is to follow us on social media.
