Tuesday afternoon forecast 31/05/22

  • 2 days ago
31 May – National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin


00:00Welcome to your National Weather Forecast, another day where there's a bit of blue sky.
00:05But there's also plenty of showers around, all thanks to low pressure.
00:10Pressure pattern tells the story quite nicely, a big area of low pressure sitting right over the UK.
00:15Not many isobars, which means it's not very windy, which means the showers are not moving very fast,
00:20just milling around that area of low pressure.
00:23Not everywhere catching the showers so far this morning, but we've seen some sunny spells,
00:28mainly for Wales, southwest England, the showers fading here.
00:31And so most places here will be dry this afternoon.
00:34But a lot of cloud coming into Northern Ireland with some outbreaks of rain.
00:38And it's across southeast Scotland, northeast England, down towards Lincolnshire in this zone
00:43where we're going to see some slow moving heavy downpours with the risk of thunder.
00:47Elsewhere, the showers will be hit and miss, but be prepared for a downpour almost wherever you are.
00:54Temperatures, well, staying below average for the time of year 13, 14 for most places,
00:59feeling cooler than that when the showers come along.
01:01The highest temperatures probably in the southwest.
01:03Obviously, if we see some lengthy spells of sunshine here this afternoon,
01:06temperatures getting up to 17, 18, maybe 19 Celsius, shouldn't feel too bad at all.
01:11Still plenty of showers through this evening, steadily fading across eastern areas.
01:16But in the west, this zone of cloud and rain will work from Northern Ireland into Wales overnight.
01:21Parts of northwest England also turning fairly soggy.
01:24Some bright colours in there, so some heavy bursts of rain.
01:27Elsewhere, under largely clear skies, not a warm day, so temperatures will drop off overnight.
01:33Well down into single figures, a fresh start again to Wednesday.
01:37A sunny start for quite a few, but this zone of cloudier weather over the Midlands,
01:42parts of Wales, northwest England, bringing some outbreaks of rain.
01:45That'll work eastwards and we'll see showers breaking out once more.
01:49So that from, well, late morning onwards,
01:52it's another showery run across these eastern parts of England, northern England too.
01:56Wales should brighten up through the day.
01:58Most of Scotland, Northern Ireland looking dry, not many showers here.
02:02And again, southwest England also doing OK for dry weather and sunny weather.
02:06And again, that's where we'll see the top temperatures, 18, 19 degrees.
02:09But again, these showers over eastern England come the afternoon, likely to be heavy.
02:13But temperatures are just ticking up a little bit.
02:15Not as many showers around through the evening.
02:18They will tend to fade away.
02:20So as we head towards the big long weekend, the weather is going in the right direction.
02:26If you have to find sunny weather, there is a weather front behind me, you'll notice,
02:30and that will bring some cloud and showery rain on Thursday to Northern Ireland.
02:34But the area of high pressure we saw earlier out to the west is moving in and getting rid of that low pressure.
02:40However, this weather front dips southwards and another one comes up from the south.
02:45And how those two interact is a source for uncertainty into the weekend.
02:50And that is likely to bring some showers across the south on Saturday and or Sunday.
02:56But all the while, high pressure dominating further north.
02:58So it looks like this weekend, a lot of fine weather for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
03:02It's actually compared to the early part of this week, a lot drier and brighter for all of us.
03:06There will be sunny spells. It will feel warmer in the June sunshine.
03:10It's looking a lot drier, but there will still be showers.
03:14So there's question marks about exactly where those showers are, particularly on Saturday and Sunday across the south.
03:19So stay up to date with the very latest. The weather is improving for most of us.
03:24But as I said, there are those showers in places.
03:26The best way to stay up to date, of course, is to follow us right across social media.
