Met Office Sunday evening weather forecast 07/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
7 July - National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vautrey.
00:00Hello there, good evening, hope you enjoyed your weekend. Whilst the search for some properly
00:05summery weather continues, unfortunately this forthcoming week is unlikely to provide it
00:09for many of us. We've already got this area of cloud out in the Atlantic that is building
00:14and that is associated with an area of low pressure that is very steadily progressing
00:18its way towards us for the start of this new working week. But today though on Sunday it
00:22has been more about this mixture of sunshine and shower, some of those with rumbles of
00:26thunder and hail in the mixture. They'll be gradually easing their way off as we head
00:31to this overnight period. Many of us actually seeing some clear skies and underneath those
00:36starry scenes there could be a few mist and fog patches. Temperatures will also be dropping
00:41off quite a bit. Towns and cities still around 9 to 11 degrees Celsius but rural spots even
00:46chillier than that, 3 to 5 degrees Celsius in places. So quite a nippy start to Monday
00:52particularly considering it is the start of July. Despite that though the clear skies
00:57mean there'll be a decent amount of sunshine for many of us to kick off the new working
01:00week. There's a bit more cloud around the Northern Isles and the Western Isles that
01:04we'll just have to watch out for but inland areas of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern
01:08England seeing quite a fine start just with those showers developing later on in the day.
01:12For the South though it is that frontal system we saw earlier that is going to be pushing
01:15its way in, mostly with light rain for the daytime but it is going to be turning cloudier
01:20quite widely here and feeling quite cool underneath that persistent cloud. Temperatures only around
01:2515 to 17 degrees Celsius at best. Further north where you do see that sunshine it is
01:31going to be feeling that bit warmer though 19 to 21 degrees Celsius in there so hopefully
01:36a brief glimpse of summer before this frontal system arrives for yourselves later on because
01:41it is going to be pushing its way northwards then as we head for that Monday evening and
01:46into the overnight period. Some quite low cloud around, some heavy pulses of rain now
01:50developing over the South West so if you're travelling home later on on Monday do watch
01:54out for that. Some quite gusty winds developing around coastal districts as well will eventually
01:59spread into Wales, Central England, Northern England and Northern Ireland as well as we
02:03head towards dawn on Tuesday. Continuing to push its way northwards still with those heavy
02:08pulses for that morning rush hour to watch out for. Into Tuesday itself we could again
02:13see another pulse pushing into southeastern areas this with the potential for further
02:16rumbles of thunder in there as well. It is going to be feeling quite humid though and
02:21amongst all this cloud and rain we'll start to see those winds coming in from the south
02:27so temperatures around 20 to 21 degrees Celsius which is what we'd expect for the time of
02:32year but where you're stuck underneath the most persistent cloud and rain it is obviously
02:36still not going to feel like the most pleasant day in the world. While slightly cooler the
02:40best conditions really probably across the northern half of Scotland into the Highlands,
02:45the Western Isles and the Northern Isles seeing the best of the sunshine throughout the day
02:49and so do make the most of it if you are here. We'll start to see though that rain continuing
02:54to move its way up northwards throughout Wednesday as well. That low pressure is staying with
02:59us so remaining unsettled for the middle part of the week but towards the end of the week
03:03our attention turns to a ridge of high pressure that looks like it wants to build its way
03:07in from the Atlantic so hopefully signs of things turning a little bit drier and more
03:12settled for us but we'll have further details on all of that as we head over the next few
03:16days so subscribe to the YouTube channel and we'll see you again here very soon. Bye bye.
