Met Office Friday afternoon weather forecast 14/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
14 June - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there. Low pressure will dominate the weather across the UK over the next few days. Frequent
00:05and heavy downpours are expected. On the plus side, some pretty cloudscapes are likely as
00:10well with some beefy cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds soaring into the skies. And in between
00:17the showers, there will be some sunshine as you can see for parts of Wales, for example,
00:21Northern England, the Midlands, but some areas will see a lot of showers. For example, along
00:28the south-west of England, parts of Wales, some of those showers could band together
00:31in lines to give downpour after downpour. And for Northern Scotland, perhaps more prolonged
00:37rain at times along with a gusty wind, that wind also evident across the south-west. And
00:42where we do have the showers, there's the chance of some hail and thunder thrown in
00:47for good measure. So, an unsettled day. But as I said, it's not going to rain everywhere
00:51all the time. There will be some sunshine coming through. However, it's going to feel
00:55on the cool side, particularly in that gusty wind that we're going to see across the south,
01:00the west and the far north. Now, the more persistent rain for the northern parts of
01:04Scotland will continue into the evening on and off and then fade through the early hours.
01:11Another band of rain sweeps into Northern Ireland during the early hours of Saturday.
01:15Parts of Wales and the south-west again with the gusty wind. In between, there will be
01:20some clear spells, some drier interludes overnight and where we get the winds falling light,
01:25temperatures will drop away into the mid-single figures. So, a bit of a chill in the air for
01:30parts of central Scotland, for example, into northern England, the Midlands, but actually
01:35where we've got the cloudy spots and the showers and the breeze, it's not going to be as cool
01:40as nights have been for much of June so far. Now, Saturday starts with very mixed conditions.
01:46Some areas will see some sunshine, central and parts of northern mainland Scotland, eastern
01:51England as well, but through the day we're going to see areas of rain or showers rotating
01:57around an area of low pressure that is by this stage sitting somewhere close to Scotland.
02:03Some longer spells of rain, most likely northern England, southern Scotland, more showery conditions
02:09elsewhere and again some heavy downpours out there with the chance of some thunderstorms
02:14and some hail mixed in. Another cool day with that gusty breeze continuing across some south-western
02:19shores, 17 or 18 Celsius, or in the north 13 to 16 degrees. Now, Saturday evening we'll
02:28see a continuation of those downpours, but for the far north-east of Scotland a band
02:32of more persistent rain starts to sink south and that's going to become a feature across
02:39much of Scotland into Sunday as an area of low pressure to the north-east of Scotland
02:45sends an occluded front south. Another low, dumbbelling around this initial low, will
02:51also continue to bring showery rain or heavy downpours to many other spots. So, Sunday
02:57starts off with some wet weather creeping south across Scotland into then northern England
03:02by late morning, northern Ireland as well. It tends to break up into showers by the afternoon
03:07although some spots across northern England could again see a damp day. Further bands
03:12of rain also affecting the far north of Scotland by this stage, but across the Midlands, East
03:17Anglia, southern England, parts of Wales, I think fewer showers compared with Saturday
03:22afternoon, a better chance of some sunshine coming through and with lighter winds it may
03:26just feel a little warmer. And actually that improvement, albeit gradual, will continue
03:34into the start of next week. The south looks drier with the better chance of some sunshine
03:39and fewer showers. Still the showers keep going in the north, but even they fade away
03:44during Tuesday and perhaps into Wednesday as well.
