Met Office Tuesday evening weather forecast 04/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
June 04 - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there. Welcome to your weather update from the Met Office. It remains
00:04fairly cool through the next few days. The air is coming in from the northwest
00:09with low pressure sitting towards the north of the country allowing for a lot
00:14of showers. But notice towards the west high pressure just sits here. The air is
00:19warmer and occasionally we'll see just a filament of that high pressure affecting
00:24more southern areas keeping things a little bit more settled here. However
00:28further north always the risk of showers which could be heavy and
00:31feeling cold in that wind. Now through Tuesday evening you can see where the
00:36rain is the Midlands, East Anglia, the southwest but it is clearing towards
00:40the low countries. At the same time a rash of showers across Scotland as well
00:45as Northern Ireland. Running in across the Irish Sea coast towards the far
00:49north of Wales and northwest England they'll be scattered here. Inland clearer
00:53skies and temperatures really will plummet overnight. It's going to feel a
00:57lot colder than the last few nights even with a touch of rural grass frost
01:02as temperatures dip to single figures. However always the chance of showers as
01:08we start the day on Wednesday across northern, western and central parts of
01:12Scotland. Northern Ireland particularly the north coast and running in across
01:15Cumbria, Lancashire, Gwynedd down towards Flintshire. Now elsewhere it's a fine
01:20start to the day with some sunshine but the cloud will build and we could see
01:24one or two showers developing across the Midlands, East Anglia, northern
01:28parts of England through the afternoon and some of these showers
01:31particularly across Scotland will be heavy with a blustery breeze as well. The
01:35risk of some small hail even the odd rumble of thunder and across the tops of
01:39the mountains across the far north of Scotland you could even see some snow.
01:44Temperatures then struggling here 11 or 12 degrees Celsius. Further south with
01:49more in the way of sunshine 16 to 18. So the situation on Thursday is very
01:54similar. We find that these showers will cluster together as they move down
01:58across the country. Again this cold pool of air remains in place. Slight warmth
02:03just wafting up from the south and again this high-pressure system just keeping
02:07things a little bit more settled here. Even so we'll always be under the
02:11influence into Friday of that low pressure towards the north. So on
02:16Wednesday through the evening time we can see where the showers are yet again
02:20it's the north and the west exposed to that wind. A lighter breeze further south
02:24some clearer skies a bit of a chilly night as we head into Thursday morning
02:28but at least we'll see some clearer skies as well and a lovely sunrise to
02:32start the day on Thursday. Further showers likely through the day on
02:36Thursday with a strong wind coming in particularly across the far northwest of
02:40Scotland and showers will be more scattered through the day but they could
02:44turn heavy. A cluster of showers also just running in across North Wales
02:47towards northwest England and northern parts of the Midlands. Through the next
02:51few days fresh winds in the north that's where we'll see the heaviest showers but
02:54some quieter weather in the south and things try and set it down from the
02:57southwest into the weekend. See you later.
