Lucha Underground Season 2 Episode 09

  • 2 days ago


00:00I don't know what to do.
00:30I don't even know why you're here.
00:37You never received an invitation to compete in Aztec warfare.
00:42You lost your privilege the moment you put your hands on me.
00:47You don't scare me, not even a thousand deaths.
00:54And you're not going to tell me what I have to do.
01:00I only listen to one person, and that person is my master.
01:09The only reason you have zero fear is because you don't know true fear.
01:29As for you, Phoenix, last week you barely survived.
01:35Tonight you will take your last breath, and Milt will take his title back.
02:05Hello, everybody, and welcome.
02:28This is Lucha Underground.
02:29I'm Matt Stryker, alongside the living Lucha legend Vampiro, and it's Battlefield Boyle
02:36Heights, Los Angeles, Aztec Warfare 2, and this year there is a wrinkle in the fight.
02:43This is something very different for us.
02:45Tonight, for the first time ever, the Lucha Underground Heavyweight Championship will
02:49be defended tonight in Aztec Warfare for the first time.
02:53Here are the rules.
02:54Two fighters will enter.
02:56Every 90 seconds, another fighter enters.
02:58As the pool increases, the only way to be eliminated is pinfall or submission.
03:04Ladies and gentlemen, this is Aztec Warfare.
03:07Anything goes, and whomever survives will be the Lucha Underground champion.
03:15And now, not to stir the pot, from what I understand, all the invitations have been
03:20handed out.
03:21Pentagon Jr. was not invited to be a part of Aztec Warfare.
03:25Dude, that is straight up whacked.
03:28You know it, and I know it, but hey, it is what it is.
03:32Let the drums of war beat, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for Aztec Warfare.
03:37The following Lucha is Aztec Warfare, and it's for the Lucha Underground Championship.
03:51Introducing the first participant, from Mexico City, Mexico, he is the Lucha Underground
03:59champion, Venus!
04:03Ladies and gentlemen, the awe-inspiring flow and majesty of this fighter's style is underscored
04:11only by the powerful beat of his heart.
04:14If ever a warrior embodied the word champion, it is this man here.
04:20Into his week-long reign as Lucha Underground champion, Venus enters Aztec Warfare at number
04:28Matt, we have seen him get beat down, come back, so anything goes.
04:33That's the guy right there.
04:34That's the guy we want.
04:35That's our guy.
04:36Is that famous beat?
04:39He barely survived Mil Muertes.
04:41How is Venus going to survive 19 other competitors?
04:46Let's also remember, last year's Aztec Warfare, this man drew number one, almost made it to
04:53the end.
04:54You have to believe that Venus will build off of that experience.
04:56No doubt about it.
04:58You've got a building full of people on your side, it's a different game.
05:02Adrenaline is at 100,000, man.
05:04Put your money on Venus, might be a good bet, who knows.
05:08Let's find out who drew number two.
05:10And the second entrance, by random draw, from San Diego, California, Ray Mysterio Jr.
05:25Oh my God.
05:28The king, the king of Lucha Libre is in the temple.
05:33Ray Mysterio is here in Lucha Underground.
05:38I got goosebumps, I don't know what's going on.
05:42If ever Lucha Libre had a face, if ever Lucha Libre had a heart and a soul, it's this man
05:48right here.
05:49Known around the world, Ray Mysterio is finally home here in Lucha Underground.
06:04Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no, Lucha no.
06:13As the believers rise to their feet for the king of Lucha Libre, Ray Mysterio steps foot
06:20in a Lucha Underground ring for the first time ever.
06:23The respect from Phoenix and the adulation of the world upon that man.
06:30That was, look, he's been a champion a week, but what a professional.
06:36Step back, let Ray take it.
06:39Every luchador has to thank this man for their career.
06:43Every single member of the locker room is watching, and they wouldn't be here if not
06:49for the influence of Ray Mysterio.
06:51I can tell you right now, back in the day when Vampiro was starting out, so was little
06:54Ray Ray, and I'm telling you, I almost grew up in this business with him.
06:57I've been with him since day one.
06:59I couldn't be prouder sitting here watching him come home.
07:02That's what it's all about.
07:04Well, this is going to be great.
07:06Classic Lucha Libre here.
07:08We'll see a perfect blend of speed as well as athleticism.
07:13If you need to know what Lucha Libre is about, we are about to show you.
07:18Lucha Libre is about respect, honor, and tradition, but once the bell rings, it's going to be
07:23all about what Phoenix holds in his hand right there, the Lucha Underground Championship.
07:28Once that bell rings, it's going to be all about what those fans are screaming over and
07:31over, Lucha, Lucha, Aztec Warfare.
07:34Here we go.
07:35Referee Marty Elias will show the prize to the believers and to the world.
07:39Animo, Animo, Animo, Animo, Animo, Animo, Animo.
07:46Animo, Animo, Animo.
07:47That's the cry of the warrior in Mexico.
07:49Let me tell you something, Matt.
07:50Animo is a battle cry.
07:53Lucha Libre, Lucha Libre.
07:59War has been declared.
08:01Here we go.
08:04Vamp, what can we expect here between Rey Mysterio and Phoenix early on?
08:08Matt, the only way I can say it is just like this, Lucha Libre.
08:12In answering your question, you are going to see what it's all about, history.
08:16A guy with over 20 years making a mark worldwide for this great sport of ours against a newcomer
08:20who is now the face.
08:22You're going to see something what we would call a classical.
08:25Rey Mysterio in the black, Phoenix in the gold.
08:27Leapfrog now.
08:28Roll through.
08:29This is the speed and quickness that we've come to know from both of these luchadores.
08:32Tilt the world back through.
08:34Look at the lucha of Rey Mysterio.
08:43Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
08:45Signature maneuver coming here.
08:50I was going to say the student is in school.
08:52Lesson well learned.
08:53He paid attention.
08:55Phoenix now using the ropes for momentum.
08:58Nice inside out arm drag.
09:00Shoulders are down just to one.
09:02Remember, pinfall submissions will eliminate the field, and that's what Phoenix is trying to do early on.
09:09Nicely done there by Phoenix to evade the chop.
09:12Kick to the gut, doubles over the champion.
09:14Mysterio now with the win.
09:16Phoenix inside out.
09:1890 seconds winding down.
09:20Who's coming in?
09:23Nice arm drag there.
09:25But now this fight goes from one-on-one to, oh, boy.
09:29Very early in the fight enters the hunter.
09:33King Cuerno enters the fray.
09:36Matt, let me ask you something really quick.
09:38Is there a bigger prize in the world for a hunter than Rey Mysterio?
09:42Is there?
09:43Absolutely not.
09:44But the Lucha Underground Championship is the prize that these fighters are going after.
09:49Cuerno and Phoenix have an extensive bitter history.
09:53Bro, Bruce Lee in the flesh knocked his teeth out.
09:59An eye for an eye, a boot for a boot.
10:01Boots create space now.
10:02And that is normally Rey Mysterio's friend.
10:05But Cuerno pulls the arrow from the quiver.
10:09Here we go, here we go.
10:10The bow is outstretched.
10:13The arrow from the depths of hell coming for Phoenix.
10:17Coming to Aztec Warfare.
10:29These are the fans that have made it possible.
10:32Thank God for them. God bless them.
10:36Here we go, countdown.
10:37Great dated Cuerno.
10:38Who's coming next?
10:405, 4, 3, 2, 1.
10:46Oh, look at that.
10:50The name translates to he of great whiteness, great purity.
10:54We haven't seen Arrhenes in the temple in quite some time.
10:57Let's see what Arrhenes brings to Aztec Warfare.
11:01Wow, bro. You said it, man.
11:05Remember, Phoenix in from number 1
11:07and hasn't shied away from the fight.
11:10Perfect thrust kick.
11:11Phoenix is down, rolls over, gets his shoulders off the mat.
11:16The extension on that kick.
11:19Lots of first-time match-ups here.
11:25Nope. No, no, no.
11:27Making a name for himself. Quick.
11:30What a feather in the cap it would be
11:31for whomever eliminates Rey Mysterio.
11:35Misdirection there sends Cuerno to the floor.
11:37Arrhenes face first. Hang on.
11:39Here we go.
11:40Here it comes. Signature maneuver.
11:45Little Rey Rey going up.
11:48Followed by the frog splash.
11:50The homage to Eddie Guerrero.
11:52Arrhenes has been eliminated.
11:55Has been eliminated.
11:58Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
12:01Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!
12:05Well, the action happens in the ring.
12:07Phoenix death-defying.
12:09Who's coming out next?
12:13Damn, Hollywood rock and roll.
12:15There he is, Johnny Mundo.
12:18Johnny Mundo, who fancies himself the face of Lucha Libre,
12:22is about to enter Aztec Warfare.
12:24When we come back, things could get ugly.
12:30Welcome back. This is Aztec Warfare.
12:33Johnny Mundo has drawn in, if you're just joining us,
12:36Rey Mysterio came in at number two.
12:39And now these two stand face to face here in the temple.
12:43Love him or hate him, the fans are going nuts for Johnny Mundo.
12:46I think he is a specialist of taking advantage of this type of match.
12:50Johnny has drawn number five.
12:51Fighting with Rey Mysterio has drawn number two.
12:54Phoenix was number one, still in this,
12:56as well as Guerno at number three.
13:00Mysterio in, up and over.
13:02Oh, my God. Wow!
13:07Keep your eye on the champion, Phoenix.
13:10Essentially defending his title against 19 other fighters.
13:14Yeah, well, I hope Johnny has more than 19 feats,
13:16because Phoenix just knocked one straight out.
13:24Oh, Phoenix floated over into a cover of his own.
13:27Hey, this is unique.
13:28They're trading lateral presses.
13:30Nicely done.
13:32I think a little wise that Guerno is just taking his time,
13:35letting them weather each other out.
13:36Do you think, Matt?
13:38Look at him stalking, just like a cat.
13:40Hang on here, Double Leg Nelson.
13:41Shoulders are down.
13:42No, who's coming out next?
13:44Number six.
13:47Oh, the cold sore on the lip of Lucha Underground.
13:52Squeezy Joey Ryan oozes into the temple.
14:09Of course, Joey won his spot in Aztec Warfare
14:12by winning a qualifying match.
14:14What's he got on him?
14:16Got handcuffs.
14:20He may be the smartest guy in professional wrestling.
14:23What is this?
14:24What the hell is he doing?
14:27Joey Ryan has handcuffed himself.
14:33Listen, I get it.
14:35Joey can't be pinned while he's out there.
14:37It's a wise strategy,
14:39but how can he eliminate anyone when he's handcuffed?
14:42Dude, what do you call a baby cat?
14:44Exactly, it starts with a P.
14:46Joey Ryan.
14:48Back to the action in the ring.
14:49Cover here.
14:50Shoulders are down.
14:51That is Phoenix.
14:53Let's see who's gonna be number seven here.
14:55Lucky seven, perhaps.
14:56Brother Famous B is on his game.
14:58He knows how to get clients.
14:59He's taking advantage of it.
15:04Some would say that we would not be here today,
15:07if not for the sacrifices of this fighter,
15:10the heart and soul of Lucha Underground.
15:12Prince Puma enters at number seven this year,
15:17just as he did last year.
15:19Hell yeah, man.
15:20But let me tell you something,
15:21Prince Puma, this is a hometown boy.
15:23His fingerprints, his DNA are here in this building.
15:26Puma won this thing last year,
15:28certainly knows what it takes.
15:30A little bit more wise for the weary.
15:32Put his time in.
15:33Experienced, here he goes.
15:41Excuse me while I kiss the sky, Prince Puma.
15:50Our fans speak three languages.
15:53Now Puma and Cuerno.
15:55Cuerno came in at number three.
15:59Nice counter there by Cuerno.
16:02As Undo and Puma fight on the outside.
16:07Great perch high.
16:09Nicely done there.
16:11Oh, big armbar submission.
16:15King Cuerno has been eliminated.
16:18As the brass Jack Evans has entered.
16:21Did Cuerno submit?
16:22Cuerno got submitted by Rey Mysterio in an armbar.
16:26All right, if you're keeping score,
16:27King Cuerno has been eliminated along with Argenis.
16:31Jack Evans new to the fight.
16:34Oh, he's getting a boost.
16:38And now all of Mexico stomping Jack Evans.
16:41Johnny Mundo getting in on the action.
16:43One of these things is not like the other.
16:46And the fans saying it in Spanish,
16:48por pendejo means way to go, Jack.
16:51Nice try, kid, but not enough.
16:53And now Phoenix and Rey Mysterio working together here.
16:57Wow, look at this.
16:58Shades of Jimmy Snuka and Andre the Giant.
17:01Only one place for Rey to go,
17:03and that is down upon Jack Evans.
17:09Johnny trying to pull his fellow gringo to safety, it seems.
17:20All right, let's see who's coming in at number nine.
17:28Straight from Canada, via Mexico,
17:31this girl has put in her time.
17:32I remember when she got there and trained hard.
17:35She wanted this more than anybody.
17:38Now she's here in Lucha Underground
17:40and made her point, I'm in love.
17:42Taya makes her way down.
17:44The sides have been evened up here
17:46as Taya and Johnny Mundo have a very,
17:49very public working relationship.
17:51Straight up, she is a piece of the puzzle.
17:54The three Rudos line up with the three Tecnicos.
18:00There we go.
18:01Boom to the lower abdomen section.
18:04Taya attacking Phoenix.
18:06Mundo with Mysterio, Evans with Puma.
18:09Evans sent in, holds on, very smart.
18:13Puma goes out.
18:15Uh-oh, uh-oh.
18:16Puma may have tweaked a knee.
18:18Rey Mysterio came in at number two,
18:21absorbing a lot of punishment.
18:24And obviously, the plan is to draw and quarter Rey Mysterio.
18:29You have to believe with Johnny's ego,
18:31he would love to be the one to eliminate Rey Mysterio.
18:34But entrant number 10 is coming.
18:41Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
18:44Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
18:47Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
18:49If anyone is ready to become Lucha Underground champion,
18:52it's the one you see before you.
18:54He is the Power Man and the Iron Fist,
18:57the Lucha Destroyer,
18:58the Machine Cage is wreaking havoc.
19:04Aztec Warfare continues.
19:08Welcome back to Aztec Warfare.
19:10That machine there, Cage,
19:11has been annihilating the battlefield the entire time.
19:15What is she doing? What is she doing?
19:17Stay away from it.
19:18Taya out to Johnny's aid, of course.
19:20Taya and Cage have a history.
19:23Mundo and Cage have a bitter rivalry.
19:27Oh, my God.
19:28Too bad for Taya.
19:29Why not?
19:32Cage still on his feet.
19:34Mundo using the ring.
19:37Damn, brother.
19:38The environmentalist Johnny Mundo.
19:40Get famous. Call me.
19:414, 2, 3. Get famed.
19:43Hang on here. What's Johnny doing here?
19:45Oh, shit!
19:47Holy shit, dude.
19:49Number 11, who's it gonna be?
19:53Call him a paragraph,
19:55because he's too short to be an essay.
19:57Do you want to play rough?
19:59Say hello to my little friend.
20:01Masquerita Sikorada is waging war!
20:05And I wonder what John and Ashton of Twi...
20:08Wow, doing their live reactions right now
20:11have to say about Masquerita Sikorada.
20:13They're saying that this is our version of 2 1⁄2 Men.
20:20Johnny doing some light curls.
20:22Oh, my God.
20:25Hang on. Look behind him.
20:27Cage has emerged.
20:31Cage. Oh, my God.
20:35Cage is impervious to glass.
20:39Weapon X on the floor.
20:48What are you gonna do, man?
20:50When Cage made me...
20:52To bring some organization here.
20:55Nicely done.
20:57Johnny's been eliminated.
20:59That's big.
21:00How the hell can you dare to ask me
21:02about this place being organized, man?
21:04This is Aztec Warfare, brother.
21:05Just like last year, Puma eliminates Mundo again,
21:09and the fight continues.
21:11Who's coming in at number 12?
21:15Well, the Believers appoint this man the Creepy Bastard.
21:19The annoyance that is Marty the Moth
21:22flies into Aztec Warfare.
21:24You think we should have a title belt for Joey Ryan
21:27and Marty to see who can be the most creepiest?
21:30Bam, this group fighting, multiple-opponent dynamic,
21:34what type of fighting style would you use?
21:37Uh, drink six Jagermeisters,
21:39close your eyes, and swing for the fence.
21:42This contained riot that is Aztec Warfare.
21:46Marty the Moth Martinez is doing quite well for himself.
21:50Okay, I'm asking you, so go.
21:55Masquerita sagrada.
21:58I wouldn't piss off Masquerita sagrada.
22:01He does have a short tempo.
22:03Oh, man.
22:04I'm sorry, I'm looking at something.
22:06What are you talking about?
22:09Did you expect Johnny Muno to be out so soon?
22:12Not at all.
22:13No, not at all.
22:14I almost pegged him for the winner
22:16in this whole thing, to be honest.
22:18Jack Evans now into the body scissors.
22:20Marty with a beautiful counter, man.
22:22He knocked the vein right out of Jack's forehead.
22:25Listen, you can say what you want
22:27about Marty the Moth Martinez,
22:29but he is the biggest guy in this fight right now
22:33other than Cage.
22:37All right.
22:45The man with the soul and the spirit of the dragon
22:48goes to Aztec Warfare.
22:50When we come back, fire will rain on the temple.
22:53We'll be right back with more Aztec Warfare.
23:01We are back here, Aztec Warfare.
23:03Jack Evans flying to the floor.
23:05Drago meets him on the kick.
23:08The champion, Phoenix, came in at number one.
23:11He is still in this match.
23:13Rey Mysterio debuts at number two.
23:16Still in this match.
23:18So he tried to hit Jack. Missed Jack, hit Joey.
23:21Oh, Drago amongst the believers.
23:25Fighting in the crowd, fighting in the ring,
23:27fighting on the floor. Matt, I love this, Matt.
23:29It's like a bar fight, prison riot all in one.
23:31This is only here at Lucha Underground.
23:33Aztec Warfare.
23:34Back to the ring now.
23:35Rey Mysterio, perched high.
23:38Ooh, nicely done.
23:40Shoulders are down, double pin.
23:43The Mach Martinez has been eliminated.
23:47That's our guy.
23:49Famous B seems to be impressed with that.
23:52Oh, wow, dude.
23:54So much carnal carnage here.
23:57Who's coming out? Number 14.
24:01Some men are just bred to fight.
24:04Built for violence, built tough.
24:06Mac tough as the Mac enters Aztec Warfare.
24:11This is his kind of match,
24:12because it's going on all over the building,
24:14and because his eyes are kind of crazy
24:16and they look in different directions at the same time,
24:18he's got an advantage.
24:20Hang on, the Mac just laid eyes on Mario North.
24:23Stunner, stunner!
24:29All the personal rivalries mix in with the ultimate goal
24:33of becoming Lucha Underground champion.
24:36Now we got a big heavyweight fight in the ring here.
24:42Shades of Ultima Lucha here.
24:44These two have history, Cage and the Mac.
24:48Whip in now, Mac sent in.
24:50That's the clothesline.
24:52Oh, fine knee strike.
24:54Let's not forget about this. It's going on.
24:56This is like a violent thing happening.
25:02Phoenix has Masquerita Sagrada in a bad way.
25:06Joey Ryan is still handcuffed to the railing.
25:13Number 15, who's it gonna be?
25:16Oh, the most desperate, vile,
25:18and narcissistic type of fighter we have,
25:21and perhaps the most dangerous,
25:23from the famous Lucha Guerrero familia,
25:26Chavo Guerrero...
25:28You forgot to say.
25:29...throws his neck into Aztec Warfare.
25:31Mac, I'm sorry to cut you off, but you forgot to say,
25:34the most devious and experienced.
25:36Don't forget about that.
25:38It just got power-bombed on the steps.
25:47Chavo taking advantage of the weakest link in this match.
25:52Hey, man, why are you saying that?
25:54He's a warrior. He's like anybody else.
25:56There it is, the Camo Crutch, submission hold.
25:59Well, hey, man, that's not called the Camo Crutch.
26:01That's the caballo, made famous by his grandfather.
26:04But let me tell you something.
26:06You can call it a horse or a Camo Crutch,
26:08being that it's that little guy.
26:09It's like a pony clutch.
26:12Masquerita Sagrana has been eliminated.
26:19And now Ray has Kate set up.
26:21Will we see it again?
26:23Taya with the assist, and now...
26:25Johnny, is that a cinder block?
26:30Oh, man. Holy shit.
26:33Number 16, who's it going to be?
26:36Cage has been eliminated.
26:38I don't know, but that's a whole new meaning
26:40for the word block there.
26:43Jump! Oh!
26:45Hang on, shoulders down.
26:47Taya has been eliminated.
26:49The hybrid creature, the one that lives on the edge,
26:52tempting fate every day.
26:54Let's see what destiny has in store for P.J. Black.
26:58What's he doing?
26:59Brother, he's taking Drago right on the...
27:04You have to be nasty.
27:06You have to be vicious to survive war.
27:09You got to be intelligent, do it.
27:11Take advantage of your enemy when he's down.
27:13Am I right or am I wrong, man?
27:15There you go.
27:16Would you do it any different?
27:21Drago's fighting back.
27:27Oh, my God.
27:28Out of this action going on on the floor.
27:31Let's not forget, it's pinfalls or submissions,
27:34and those need to happen in the ring.
27:38Oh, Joey.
27:39This is awesome!
27:41This is awesome!
27:43Look at the back of Jack Evans,
27:45busted open, scar tissue forming as we speak.
27:49Phoenix down, P.J. Black down.
27:52Joey Ryan hanging on for life.
27:54And Mack, number 17.
28:01Arrowstar returns from the cosmos
28:04to the temple here for Aztec Warfare.
28:07Arrowstar! Arrowstar! Arrowstar!
28:11Arrowstar! Arrowstar! Arrowstar!
28:15The Believers welcoming Arrowstar back,
28:17and Arrowstar welcoming Jack and Black.
28:20Eliminate him! Eliminate him!
28:22Arrowstar ducks the line.
28:24Kick to the gut, doubles over P.J. Black.
28:26This is crazy.
28:27Black's head in, reverses.
28:29Arrowstar gets caught by Jack's elbow.
28:33Is that an elbow or is that a kick?
28:35I think it was so fast, I couldn't tell.
28:40Meanwhile, Drago has...
28:42Actually, it looks like P.J. Black has Drago.
28:46What's going on?
28:49Brother, he's dead.
28:50Oh, hang on a second.
28:51Full eliminations.
28:53Drago and Jack Evans have both been eliminated.
28:57Brother, he's dead.
28:59Oh, my God.
29:00Drago and Jack Evans have both been eliminated.
29:02Brother, he put Jack's head through the sole of his shoes.
29:05Number 18.
29:10Oh, my God.
29:11I know that mask.
29:14Azteca, that's right.
29:16Let me tell you something.
29:17On the Sacrificial Pyramid
29:18in Teotihuacan, which is the city of death in Mexico City,
29:21when the sun goes down,
29:22a dragon slowly makes its way down.
29:25I'm telling you, there is history behind this.
29:30We have been told that's Dragon Azteca Jr.
29:33Let's see what this fighter can bring to Aztec Warfare.
29:37And they're now with P.J. Black.
29:39Kicks the clothesline, spins Black around.
29:41Ducks another clothesline.
29:42Strike, strike, kick.
29:44Very fast here from Dragon Azteca.
29:47Rewind, then Zaguri sends P.J. Black down.
29:50I feel like I'm playing a video game,
29:52and it's the most awesome game on the planet.
29:54I'm so proud to be a part of this.
29:56Mac gets dumped to the floor, but lands on his feet.
29:58Nicely done.
29:59Narana puts the Mac down to the floor.
30:05Brother, it does look like this kid belongs here,
30:07Lucha Underground.
30:09Welcome to Lucha Underground.
30:14That's the blue-collar brawler, Tejano.
30:22Aztec Warfare continues next.
30:30Welcome back to Aztec Warfare
30:31as the blue-collar brawler, Tejano,
30:34enters the fray and flies!
30:37It's like a heavyweight truck going off the bridge.
30:41Lucha, Lucha, Lucha, Lucha, Lucha!
30:45And if I'm doing my quick math correctly,
30:47with all the eliminations,
30:48there's only one more person to enter this fray.
30:52Hang on.
30:53No, and we know who that will be.
30:55Of course, we're talking about Bill Muertes.
30:58Hey, man, let's just not say about the intelligence here.
31:01The guys outside taking a little bit of a break.
31:03Oh, there's the powerbomb.
31:07P.J. Black has been eliminated.
31:09P.J. Black got schooled.
31:11Trying to keep track of who's left here.
31:13Phoenix came in at number one.
31:15Chavo, Arrowstar, Puma, Tejano,
31:17Rey Mysterio came in at number two.
31:20Joey Ryan still handcuffed to the railing.
31:24Willie Mack, Dragon Azteca Jr.
31:27Can I say that Mr. Tejano
31:29is showing no love for Rey Mysterio?
31:31And now the former champion,
31:34the dangerous precipitation,
31:36the reign of terror,
31:38Bill Muertes led by Katrina.
31:40And you know Bill Muertes is hell-bent
31:43on becoming Lucha Underground champion.
31:48Coming through the crowd, that's Pentagon Jr.,
31:50who is not a part of this match.
31:54And Pentagon is attacking Bill Muertes.
31:58And it was that woman right there,
32:00that conniving, underhanded, nefarious tart
32:03known as Katrina that kept Pentagon out of this match.
32:08I'm not even getting involved.
32:11And the believers have come to respect Pentagon.
32:15I'm not even getting involved.
32:19And the believers have come to respect Pentagon.
32:29Mills been eliminated.
32:33That was not a part of Katrina's plans.
32:37She is pissed.
32:39Katrina is pissed off.
32:41Her plans have unraveled.
32:44Get the hell over here!
32:47Get over here!
32:58Why is the clock still going?
33:00That's a technical difficulty here.
33:02Let's stay with this.
33:08Hold on!
33:10That's Dario Cueto.
33:13We haven't seen Dario Cueto this year at all
33:16here in the temple.
33:17This is the man that started this whole thing.
33:20My name is Dario Cueto.
33:26And this is my temple!
33:34We can make him famous, too.
33:37Which means that I'm in charge now.
33:41I'm the jefe!
33:44I'm the boss!
33:48So now I announce there's one more entrant
33:52in tonight's Aztec Warfare.
33:56My brother!
34:02The monster, Matanza Cueto!
34:09A 21st entrant?
34:12Dario Cueto's brother?
34:17What in God's name is making its way
34:21into the hallowed grounds of our temple?
34:30Fighters in the ring don't know what to make of it.
34:34And now we have this to deal with.
34:36You know what that looks like, Matt?
34:39That looks like somebody coming to do some serious business.
34:43This is awesome!
34:46This is awesome!
34:49This is awesome!
34:52Well, you're here to fight.
34:54Let's see what he can do.
34:56All the fighters now ganging up on this.
34:58Can I hear it?
35:02The monster, Matanza Cueto, is what we are calling him.
35:06Oh, God.
35:11Phoenix has been eliminated.
35:13We are now guaranteed to have a new Lucha Underground champion,
35:17as Phoenix, the champion, has just been pinned.
35:21And Matt will try his hand.
35:23Stunner to no avail.
35:26Oh, German suplex!
35:29Bye-bye, Matt.
35:32And now...
35:38The heavenly body, Aerostar,
35:40just claws lined out of midair.
35:43And now this monster with another German suplex.
35:49Three eliminations in a row.
35:51You want to talk about making a first impression?
35:54How about scaring the living Jesus out of somebody?
35:57Tejano, someone that's at least close to this monster's size,
36:00with the bull rope, it's all legal.
36:02Whoa. Wow. How powerful.
36:10One, two, three.
36:12Tejano has been eliminated.
36:14An atomic bomb has just been dropped on the temple.
36:19What's he doing, man? He's not all there, bro.
36:22Brother, what the hell would you do, Matt?
36:24I'm sitting here, bud.
36:27Come on! Come on!
36:33This monster has just spied Joey Ryan.
36:37Don't get eaten, Joey!
36:41Oh, man.
36:43That guy just bent steel.
36:45Oh, my God.
36:47That's one way to get Joey back in the ring.
36:52This is awesome!
36:54This is awesome!
36:56This is awesome!
37:01The monster holds on.
37:04Another one.
37:08The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
37:11as this monster lays waste to Joey Ryan.
37:15Another elimination.
37:17Joey Ryan has been eliminated.
37:19The guys on the outside don't know what to do,
37:21and I wouldn't say the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
37:23It's a little bit more like an upside-down cross.
37:25This guy is evil, Matt.
37:29A little ray-ray trying to direct traffic there.
37:31And so is Chavo Guerrero.
37:34Maybe coming up with some technical plans.
37:36Chavo Guerrero.
37:38Rather than face Matanza on the inside,
37:40Chavo's attacking everyone on the outside.
37:43Rey Mysterio came in at number two,
37:46but now El Dragon Azteca is in there with this monster.
37:49Here we go. Tucks the line.
37:51Mattanza trying to take away this monster's base forearms.
37:54This isn't gonna work.
37:58Dips out.
38:00Dragon is quick. We see this already.
38:03Matanza still not off of his feet.
38:07Electric chair. This could be it.
38:10No, this monster is just too damn strong.
38:13Even the sunset flip won't take him off his feet.
38:15Oh, boy.
38:18Dragon Azteca now using the ropes for momentum.
38:21Gets caught right by the gullet.
38:27One, two, three.
38:31El Dragon Azteca Jr. has been eliminated.
38:35You can just feel the whole world watching.
38:39The whole world's shaking, man. What are you talking about?
38:41That was awesome.
38:43Chavo trying to make some kind of unholy alliance
38:46here with Dario Guido.
38:48Dario's used to dealing with rats.
38:54If Chavo can make an alliance here with this monster,
38:57that bodes very well for Chavo's chances
38:59here in Aztec Warfare.
39:03Or not.
39:06Wow! Where'd that come from?
39:10Chavo Guerrero has been eliminated.
39:12This monster has single-handedly eliminated
39:15half a dozen fighters.
39:18So now we have this monster, Matanza,
39:21our first-ever Lucha Underground champion, Prince Puma,
39:24and our surprise debut of Rey Mysterio.
39:27Three men, one of them will become
39:30the new Lucha Underground champion.
39:32Here we go. Wow.
39:34Looks like Puma and Rey working together, Vamp.
39:36There's no other way to go. They got to work together.
39:38You're exactly right, man.
39:41Now we'll see how much this treaty of Versailles
39:44can take apart this monster,
39:47leave him powerless.
39:50Or not.
39:52Oh, like a rag doll.
39:57Oh, man.
40:00That hurt so bad.
40:04Brother, that's a former champion.
40:06He made an impact that caused an earthquake here in Berlin.
40:09Oh, man. There's the German suplex again.
40:12Prince Puma has been eliminated.
40:16And it comes down now
40:19to our two newest faces here in Lucha Underground,
40:23Rey Mysterio or this monster of a champion,
40:27Prince Puma.
40:30Rey Mysterio or this monster,
40:33Matanza Cueto.
40:36Rey's been there against the biggest and the best,
40:39but Rey has never done it inside of the temple.
40:42As the chance of yes, we can rain down,
40:45Rey Mysterio has to ask himself
40:48after his entire career,
40:50does he have what it takes to take out this monster?
40:54Yeah, taking his time, man.
40:56I would do the same thing.
40:59Drums of war, thunder.
41:03Here we go.
41:08Based on what we've seen,
41:10Rey is going to have the speed advantage,
41:12but this monster is going to have the power advantage.
41:15Like a master at war, just stalking,
41:17watching the movements, looking at his breathing patterns,
41:20maybe just feeling it out, waiting for the crowd,
41:22or feeling for some more adrenaline,
41:24because he needs it, brother.
41:25He's going up against a beast, a monster,
41:27Matanza Cueto.
41:30Yeah, yeah, yeah, not enough.
41:33There's Rey's speed.
41:34Rey almost baited the monster in,
41:36but giant clothesline doubles over Rey Mysterio.
41:41It's kind of like that mask so he can't bite you.
41:50Oh, Rey Mysterio fighting back.
41:53Chopping down the tree, chopping down the tree.
41:55A noble spirit embiggens even the smallest man.
41:58Rey Mysterio slides through, uses his speed.
42:01Kick. Has this monster rocked?
42:04If anyone can do it, it's Rey Mysterio.
42:08Ooh! There it is!
42:14619, and the monster caught him!
42:17He blocked it.
42:20Rey slips out from behind!
42:22Here we go! Here we go!
42:24Dial it up!
42:25Booyaka, booyaka, 619!
42:30And there's only one thing left.
42:32Rey Mysterio is about to become
42:35Lucha Underground champion!
42:54Absolute shock and awe.
42:57Dario Cueto has a brother who has come here to the temple
43:01and has laid waste to a Lucha Libre hero.
43:05And now this is a day that will live in infamy
43:09as that monster is now
43:12the new Lucha Underground champion.
43:26Here is the new Lucha Underground champion,
43:32my brother,
43:35the monster Matanza Cueto!
43:44Aztec warfare has come to an end,
43:48and this monster, Matanza Cueto,
43:51is the Lucha Underground champion.
43:54For Vampiro, I'm Matt Stryker.
43:57Good night, everybody.
