• yesterday
00:01It feels good to be back in my temple.
00:04I will start an all-new...
00:06They advance!
00:07...Trios tournament!
00:09They have to be the favorites!
00:11The Trios tournament has just picked up speed!
00:15I'm giving you a buy straight to the finals.
00:18You'll be in a four-team elimination match
00:20with the winners becoming the new Trios champions.
00:24Mundo and Cage have a bitter rivalry.
00:27Cage is impervious.
00:30Sario, as you scheduled in an Aztec medallion match...
00:33Who's my unlucky opponent?
00:36It's Cage match.
00:37Cage in a cage.
01:00Come on!
01:01Light the candle!
01:02With the Colombian Cumbia!
01:04With the Solidera Cumbia!
01:05If you feel the motion, let us know
01:08We plant the seeds so you can grow
01:10We're here when you come to the show
01:13So here we go, here we go
01:16Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
01:19Hey everybody, I'm Brad Peral with the sexiest man in pro wrestling
01:23Matt Striker here at Lucha Underground in the temple in Boyle Heights
01:26and I would like to thank Bang Dada for schooling it.
01:29Here we go, Matt, what's up, brother?
01:31Well, a quick update, ladies and gentlemen,
01:33on Mil Muertes and the Lucha Underground.
01:36He's a great guy.
01:37He's a great guy.
01:38He's a great guy.
01:39He's a great guy.
01:40He's a great guy.
01:41He's a great guy.
01:42He's a great guy.
01:43He's a great guy.
01:44He's a great guy.
01:45And the Lucha Underground champion, Matanza Cueto
01:48after they went crashing through Dario Cueto's roof.
01:52Both men will return to action soon,
01:55but that's not the only story.
01:57Bro, we got a hell of action tonight.
01:59It's the conclusion of the Trios Tournament
02:02and this is the Lucha Underground temple.
02:04You never know, there might be a new champion's crown, bro.
02:07Yeah, special, new, different.
02:10That's what we bring you.
02:11And right now, ladies and gentlemen,
02:13steel surrounds the ring.
02:15It's steel cage match time here on Lucha Underground.
02:24The following Lucha is a steel cage match
02:27and it's for one of the seven ancient Aztec medallions.
02:32Introducing first, from the 559,
02:37they call him Cage.
02:40I'm a machine!
02:42Here comes a man or a machine.
02:45Call him what you will,
02:46but Cage has set the entire wrestling world on fire
02:51with his power, with his determination,
02:53and with his penchant for violence.
02:56Throughout history in professional wrestling,
02:59in Lucha Libre,
03:00the steel cage match was designed
03:01to keep the fighters in and keep everyone else out.
03:06It usually has finality.
03:08Finality usually signals the end.
03:11But for whom is the question?
03:14Wow, man, I didn't know that,
03:15because when I was wrestling,
03:16I just wanted to use it to hurt somebody.
03:18And his opponent, to be accompanied by Taya,
03:22from Los Angeles, California,
03:25Johnny Mundo!
03:29For everything Cage stands for,
03:31for every thought in your mind when you look at Cage,
03:34think the opposite when you see this man emerge.
03:37On the left is Johnny Mundo.
03:39On the right is Taya.
03:40And these two have shown utter disrespect for the temple
03:44as well as for the sport of Lucha Libre.
03:47Johnny Mundo! Johnny Mundo!
03:51A quick little side note
03:52to all of our athletes and competitors out there.
03:54If you have a experience in a particular type of match or game,
03:59it usually lends itself to your advantage,
04:03playoff experience, if you will.
04:05A little bit of Lucha Underground history.
04:07The only steel cage match in Lucha Underground history
04:10was won by Johnny Mundo.
04:12This man knows exactly what to do
04:14inside this violent temple,
04:16inside that steel structure,
04:19that satanic surrounding.
04:21Well, I just hope that Johnny doesn't turn into a biatch
04:24and start running away from Cage, you know?
04:26This is his moment.
04:27Hey, he's standing up against the machine.
04:29Look at that.
04:30Tormentator-like stare that Cage has.
04:32He wants to kill Johnny Mundo.
04:34I said it, and that's, hey, it is what it is.
04:36Now let's talk about the seven Aztec medallions
04:40that are on the line here.
04:42One medallion here.
04:44Look it.
04:45Back over 1,000, close to 2,000 years ago,
04:48that's where history and tradition
04:49kind of gets obscure in Mexico and their history
04:52because they were rammed by violent, wild tribes
04:55that spent most of their time doing human sacrifices.
04:58So even though it's the gift of the gods, you know,
05:00tearing off the heart, cutting off the head,
05:02living in blood, that's a different thing.
05:03So it is based on violence.
05:05Yeah, vamp reference, gift of the gods.
05:07Once seven luchadores earn the medallions,
05:09they place them in the gift of the gods title,
05:11which activates the championship opportunity.
05:13Step one happens right here for one of these two fighters.
05:16Here we go.
05:18Well, I said it a million times.
05:19You're gonna chop down a tree.
05:20You go for the legs, right?
05:21But, hey, the Cage is not a tree.
05:23Cage is a machine.
05:27Now let me lean on you and your experience here.
05:30Is there a different strategy in a Cage match?
05:32Or do you approach it as you would
05:33a standard wrestling match?
05:34I do. I think so.
05:35I think you're gonna come in there mentally saying,
05:37look, I can't use all my tricks that I got up my sleeve
05:40by running out of the ring and hiding behind the people.
05:43I gotta face facts.
05:44I'm gonna take a beating.
05:45I'm gonna get hurt.
05:46And I gotta be willing to cross the line
05:48because the guy facing me
05:49is probably willing to do that, right?
05:51Well, of course.
05:52And Cage's power is obvious.
05:53But if you've never seen Johnny Mundo before,
05:55as Johnny tries to escape very quickly
05:57the ways to win pinfall submission
06:00or escape the Cage,
06:01both feet must touch the floor.
06:03Now, to the point, though,
06:04Johnny likes to use the ring apron and the ropes as well,
06:07but there's limited space here.
06:09Does Johnny have to change up his style?
06:13Again, it goes back to my point.
06:14What are you gonna change when you're cornered
06:18by a monster who's got one thing on his mind?
06:21That's revenge, that's hatred,
06:22that's he wants to hurt you,
06:23and he wants to continue on in the tournament.
06:27Cage now.
06:29Johnny set face first.
06:31And those movie star good looks compromised by the steel.
06:35No, I'm good.
06:36Oh, what are you talking about?
06:41The thing I like about this
06:43is it's rough and as violent as it gets.
06:46The fans and Lucha Underground just eat this up.
06:49Different breed.
06:50You're talking about a different breed.
06:52Well, we got him here, Matt.
06:53And the fans also understand the significance of history.
06:55Of course, great Cage matches immediately come to mind.
06:58Names like Jimmy Snuka, Don Morocco,
07:01Tommy Ridge, Buzz Sawyer.
07:03All of those matches, very violent, very destructive.
07:07Vampiro Sting, Vampiro Chest Man,
07:09Vampiro and his ex-wife.
07:14There's no covers by Cage.
07:16Cage really wants to hurt Johnny Mundo,
07:18and there are things in this match
07:20that already there are things I haven't seen.
07:22Here's the first cover.
07:25I'm surprised at Cage
07:26when he does that type of cover.
07:28He's not even going for the leg.
07:29But even though I trained jujitsu years ago,
07:31I'm looking, he's in the perfect spot
07:33to clamp onto Kimura's armbar
07:35and rip his shoulder off.
07:36I don't know if he knows that.
07:39Double wrist lock, chicken wing,
07:40Kimura, call it what you will.
07:42But if Cage isn't aware of the move set,
07:44you can't expect him to hit it.
07:45But what Cage is aware of
07:47is how to inflict damage using all of his gifts.
07:51And now the strength.
07:57Have you noticed that Cage
07:58isn't even trying to win the match?
08:00He wants to do damage.
08:01I called it.
08:03Well, you know, if Johnny submits here,
08:05it is over.
08:06Pinfall submission or escaping the cage
08:08are three ways to win.
08:10You know what this reminds me of?
08:11Maybe I'm way off base here.
08:13Who, you?
08:14Yeah, strange as it may sound.
08:16You know when those divers go in the ocean
08:17and they sit in those little cages
08:18and they provoke the sharks?
08:19Shark cage?
08:20It's almost like, yeah,
08:21one of the sharks actually got in the cage
08:22and the diver's trying to run away.
08:25I don't know where that came from,
08:26but hey, sounded good at the time
08:28and it was going through my mind.
08:29It's the meds, brother.
08:30The imageries in the mind of Vampiro
08:33cannot rival the violence that we have
08:35the potential of seeing here.
08:38He gave Cage what you would call a camel toe.
08:44And now the machine and the egomaniac.
08:47A tiny strike from Johnny.
08:48Cage had nowhere to go.
08:50The back of Cage's head bounces off the cage.
08:57Well, hey, it's not very often
08:59you see the machine off his feet like that.
09:01And we go back to Johnny's experience
09:02in cage matches here in the temple.
09:04Johnny utilizing that minimal amount of room
09:08between the cage and the ropes,
09:09that small ring apron.
09:11Johnny's used that to his advantage here.
09:15Johnny now climbing.
09:17And Vamp, it pops into my head here, you know,
09:19Johnny is perhaps one of, if not the best high flyers
09:24here in Lucha Underground.
09:25That's a bold statement, pal.
09:26What if Johnny was able to use the cage
09:29as Taya, who took off her belt,
09:31starts to scale the cage
09:33and is whipping at Cage's hand
09:35so that Cage does not have the balance needed.
09:38Wow, this is...
09:40Oh, standing single Spanish fly off the top.
09:50I think you answered your own question, Arnold.
09:52That was probably close to 500 pounds total
09:55coming off of a high distance like that,
09:58spinning in the air,
09:59picking up momentum,
10:00driving Cage's face through the ring.
10:03Hey, man, Johnny seems to be kind of
10:06rocking the big boat here.
10:10There you go.
10:11I'm on fire, brother.
10:12Some World War II references
10:13from my friend Vampiro in Lucha Underground.
10:16I've been a hero.
10:17Yes, you have.
10:19I've been alive for a thousand years, brother.
10:21They write books about me.
10:25You fat, stupid, mean head!
10:29How's my poop taste?
10:33A little play on a rather common taunt
10:36that men give one another.
10:43Catch and release there by Cage.
10:44Hey, man, you said that Johnny's
10:46probably one of the best high flyers.
10:47Is there another pro wrestler in the world
10:50as strong as Cage?
10:52I don't think so.
10:53I don't know.
10:54I only watch Lucha Underground.
11:02That's a lot of weight.
11:03That's a big distance to the bottom, man.
11:05You fall on your back from there,
11:06you're going to get your lungs
11:07knocked out of your ears.
11:08Hang on a second.
11:09Going for Moonlight Drive
11:10from the top rope.
11:15I was going to say that
11:16I got to give Taya credit
11:17for positioning herself
11:19right to the spot.
11:20Hang on, cover here.
11:23To where Cage was trying
11:24to escape from the cage.
11:25It made Cage pause for just a second
11:28and Johnny saw the clouds part
11:30and Moonlight Drive was upon us.
11:32Thank God Cage bench presses,
11:34buses, and eats baby cows
11:37to have those traps
11:38to protect his neck from that distance.
11:40And as we marvel at the things
11:42found under the ring,
11:43Taya has a kendo stick
11:44and she will insert it
11:45into Johnny's hands.
11:58Cage tried to get the kendo stick,
11:59was not quick enough.
12:02But still very powerful.
12:04The machine.
12:07Not only did he suplex him,
12:08he suplexed him so hard
12:10he did a basketball
12:11and bounced over 360 degrees,
12:13landed on his face.
12:19Powerbomb into the buckle now.
12:21Cage closes the distance,
12:22brings his opponent
12:23to the middle of the ring.
12:26Brother, you better not bust the cage
12:27or wipe out that whole front row.
12:32Not only the impact
12:33of Johnny's head on the steel,
12:35but then Johnny slid down that cage
12:38like a cartoon character.
12:40But there's nothing funny here.
12:42No Saturday mornings.
12:43Cage on top,
12:44Taya with the stick.
12:50Those short, stiff strikes
12:51to the back of the machine's head.
12:54And now the kendo stick,
12:55which is legal,
12:56has been introduced.
12:59You have no idea
13:01how much that stings.
13:02That kendo stick's opened up
13:04so when it makes impact,
13:05it grabs your skin
13:06and pinches and pulls.
13:08That hurts so much.
13:10Cover here.
13:11A lock would hurt even more,
13:12but no,
13:13the machine
13:14still has some fight left.
13:16The gears are still grinding.
13:18What does the machine
13:19need to do
13:20to capture one of the seven
13:22ancient Aztec medallions,
13:24one of them on the line
13:25here in this match?
13:28Uta! Uta! Uta!
13:30Uta! Uta! Uta!
13:37Trying to find the move,
13:38uses the ropes for momentum,
13:39cuts himself short,
13:40and evades the swings.
13:59And now,
14:00nowhere to run,
14:01nowhere to hide,
14:02revenge is a dish
14:03best served cold,
14:04and it's about to get chilly
14:05in the temple.
14:18Oh, my God.
14:20Bro, that's bamboo.
14:22One, two, three!
14:25Say what you want about Mundo.
14:27He's a tough son of a bitch, no?
14:28Look at the scar tissue
14:29forming on Johnny's back.
14:31It's starting to show.
14:32He's not getting beaten up.
14:34He's getting destroyed.
14:37Nice knee strike there.
14:39Thrust kick to the jaw.
14:41It's the machine
14:42still on his feet.
14:43Discus Lariat
14:45as Taya...
14:46Hang on, cover!
14:48All the while,
14:49this is going.
14:50Taya scaling the cage
14:54like Peter Parker
14:55trapped by the Fantastic Four.
14:57Weapon X hooked up.
14:58Now Johnny rolls through.
14:59Nicely done.
15:00Shoulders down.
15:02Oh, she is climbing
15:04with a chair.
15:07Insult to injury.
15:11And Johnny Mundo
15:13has captured...
15:17No way.
15:19No way.
15:20No way.
15:24He's got his bell rung, man.
15:25Kendo sticks,
15:26cinder blocks,
15:30you name it.
15:32Lead pipes.
15:35Dario Cueto's window.
15:40These are all things
15:41that have crashed upon the head
15:43of the machine called Cage.
15:47And now Johnny Mundo.
15:52What is he doing?
15:54No way.
15:59See, that's the problem
16:00with Johnny Mundo.
16:01He never, ever, ever
16:03takes the ball
16:04and scores a touchdown.
16:05Makes a nice run.
16:06Made these plans
16:07for the Cardinals.
16:08I don't know.
16:11What is Johnny...
16:14Johnny took way too long.
16:16A high-risk maneuver.
16:17Cage was able
16:18to roll out of the way,
16:19but if you notice
16:20in the corner of your screen,
16:21Taya's beginning
16:22to scale the cage now.
16:23And how something so beautiful
16:25can find its way
16:26into something so ugly
16:28is beyond me.
16:29But this young lady
16:30is about to fly!
16:32Brother, he did
16:33the end of the world.
16:34That might have been
16:35the end of his world.
16:36Things are getting crazy
16:37and this is awesome.
16:38I love this,
16:39but it's just stupid
16:40why he didn't finally
16:41go for the win.
16:42I don't get it.
16:43Important to point out,
16:44no disqualifications here,
16:45so all of this,
16:46not only legal,
16:47but encouraged
16:48by Dario Cueta.
16:51Well, she's telling him.
16:52It looks like she wears
16:53the pants literally
16:55in the family here.
16:58Modified Magic Killer there.
16:59Both float over.
17:01Both cover.
17:03And Cage still
17:04kicks out!
17:08Ooh, bad move.
17:12You've been in many
17:13of fights, I'm sure,
17:14in your day, Matt.
17:15Getting slapped in the face
17:16no matter where you are,
17:17getting your ass kicked
17:18or you're on top.
17:19What's Taya doing here?
17:20Oh, she's...
17:21Of course she has
17:22handcuffs on her!
17:23Why wouldn't she?
17:24My kind of girl.
17:26But, I mean,
17:27start to let your mind
17:29figure out
17:30where these two
17:31are going here.
17:32Well, this is how
17:33they're gonna screw him,
17:34I'm hoping.
17:38I mean,
17:39you don't need me
17:40to tell you.
17:41And she can't escape
17:42if you're handcuffed
17:43to the rope.
17:47Well, Cage switches it around
17:48and now Taya is handcuffed!
17:50And as hot as that may be
17:51on some nights,
17:53that is not bode well
17:54for Johnny Mundo!
17:56Oh, Taya!
18:02And now that Cage
18:03has neutralized Taya,
18:05it can finally be
18:06a fair fight!
18:07Cage can finally
18:08get his redemption
18:09right here,
18:10right now!
18:12Redemption or revenge,
18:20Here's your winner,
18:21the golden
18:25Oh, shit!
18:27Cage has perhaps
18:29finally settled
18:30the score
18:31and is now
18:32finally settled
18:33the score
18:34with Johnny Mundo
18:35and Taya.
18:36And in the process,
18:37the machine has earned
18:38one of the coveted
18:39ancient Aztec medallions.
18:42are we looking
18:43at the next
18:44Gift of the Gods champion?
18:46Only time will tell.
18:49the time
18:50has now come
18:51for the Trios Tournament
18:53to arrive at its end.
18:54It's a four-way
18:56elimination match
18:57for the Trios title.
18:59And wow!
19:00It's next!
19:17The following lucha
19:18is the final round
19:19in the Trios Tournament
19:20and it's an elimination match
19:22for the Lucha
19:23New Round Trios championship.
19:26Introducing first,
19:29Introducing first...
19:31Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!
19:40Before we kick off the Trios Finals, I have some breaking news.
19:46We want Lucha!
19:49We want Lucha!
19:52We want Lucha!
19:54We want Lucha!
19:57I don't have all the details, but Angelico has had an unfortunate accident.
20:05I assure you we will get to the bottom of it, but he has to be rushed to the hospital.
20:11However, the match will go on!
20:18Ibelis and Son of Havok will defend their belts for their team.
20:25I wish them the best of luck.
20:28They really gonna need it.
20:31Wow, so things just keep on getting more and more interesting here in the temple.
20:37Introducing first, the team of Phoenix, Jack Evans and the Darewolf PJ Black!
20:48Well there you see Jack Evans in the front, the Darewolf PJ Black in the middle.
20:52These two have seemed to become as thick as thieves.
20:55PJ Black, who is normally a fan's favorite, had respect for Lucha Libre, had respect for wrestling.
21:01All of a sudden he's been spending all this time with the angry young man.
21:04Although very skilled and athletic, PJ Black has accidentally turned his back on all things Lucha Libre.
21:12While Jack and PJ have become friends, this is their partner Phoenix.
21:16He's a former Lucha Underground champion.
21:18Well, it's interesting to the audience how the fans feel about him. They're off their feet.
21:25You are not gonna be associated with my greatness!
21:32Next, the team of Cortez Castro, Mr. Sisko and Joey Ryan!
21:43Well as we've begun to learn about this trio here, Cortez, Sisko and Joey Ryan,
21:49we used the term dysfunctional last year for Son of Havoc, Ivelisse and Angelico.
21:54I think this label can now be applied to this trio.
22:00Man, I just feel like I need to take a shower, a bath and get disinfected every time I see him come in the ring.
22:06You're talking about Joey?
22:07Yeah, he kind of freaks me out. He's all oiled up.
22:11Next, the team of Prince Puma and Raon Azteca Jr. and Rey Mysterio Jr.!
22:23Ladies and gentlemen, the trio's tournament promises to give you high-flying, post-pounding action.
22:29And that man right there will bring it.
22:32Rey Mysterio leads El Dragon Azteca and the first ever Lucha Underground champion, Prince Puma, into war.
22:40No doubt about it, but let's not forget something.
22:42Rey Mysterio made his professional debut at the tender age of 14.
22:46You are seeing history.
22:48Rey Mysterio Jr. was the first of this generation of men who influenced every single guy in this ring right now.
22:55There is greatness in the temple.
22:57Nowhere else in the world are you going to see this type of talent at the same time, in the same place, for the same reason.
23:03When you talk about championship experience, Rey Mysterio has been tag team champions with names like
23:09Billy Kidman, Conan, Edge, RVD, Eddie Guerrero and Batista.
23:14Rey Mysterio also was once a trios champion with Octagon and Super Muñeco.
23:20Finally, they are the Lucha Underground trios champions, Ivelisse and Son of Havoc!
23:30So now Ivelisse and Son of Havoc, forced to be a tag team in a trios match.
23:37Vamp, disadvantage or advantage?
23:39Well, I'm glad you asked me that, because I was thinking about that just now.
23:42And you know what? Maybe if they're smart and they got a strategy, they could use these numbers to their advantage.
23:48But let's not forget a very important detail.
23:51Not only is she mega hot, but she has something very important going for her.
23:55She has the word evil in her name.
23:58Well, she also has the name ease in her name, but that's left to be decided.
24:02As Son of Havoc and Ivelisse make their way to the ring, as soon as we come back,
24:07trios finals tournaments begin here on Lucha Underground.
24:11Don't go away.
24:18Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
24:20This is the finals in the trios tournament.
24:22There you see senior official Marty Elias holding up the Lucha Underground trios titles.
24:27Those titles belong to Son of Havoc, Ivelisse and the injured Angelico, who is not here tonight.
24:33Son of Havoc and Ivelisse are in tandem against three other trios that have earned their way into this match.
24:41Well, not only is the big question is what the hell happened to Angelico, but don't forget,
24:46it's not just they're facing everybody, it's everybody against everybody here.
24:50So that might work to their advantage.
24:51Like I said, if they're smart enough, they can have a strategy, maybe turn these against each other,
24:56maybe get somebody eliminated. You never know.
24:58Now, speaking of eliminations, this is an elimination match.
25:01As soon as one member of a team is eliminated, the entire team is eliminated from the match.
25:06What is Vampiro doing this match?
25:08Well, if it was one of the teams going for the belts, obviously you got to go after Havoc or Evie.
25:14If I was Evie or if I was Son of Havoc or anybody else, I would try to get the dirty players out of there
25:18because they're going to pull out the bad tricks.
25:20Rey Mysterio, Puma, you know what?
25:22They're a little bit more sportsmanlike, so maybe you can wear them down over time.
25:26Who knows? I don't know.
25:27All right.
25:28Members of each team are in the ring at the same time, thus it is a four-way with tags.
25:34Here we go.
25:37Double covers.
25:41Ivelisse sweeps Rey while Phoenix sweeps Cisco.
25:46Evie not backing down for Rey-Rey.
25:50She's motivated.
25:52Well, Ivelisse knows what it takes to win these matches.
25:55Son of Havoc and Angelico won the first ever Trios tournament last year.
26:02Oh, whoa.
26:04Hey, man, it is what it is.
26:06Cisco on the move, redirecting Phoenix.
26:07Phoenix ducks the clothesline, uses the ropes.
26:09Wow, that's a big power slam.
26:11Cisco has really become a fan's favorite over the past few months here.
26:17Yeah, how about that?
26:19It says a lot.
26:20When this guy first came here, the believers absolutely loathed him.
26:24But people do change.
26:26So I'm told.
26:28The believers, the fans, they are essentially the fifth man in this match.
26:32Good point.
26:34Very, very good point.
26:35We've always stressed how important is the adrenaline rush that you get from the support from the fans, how important.
26:42That determines the outcome of so many matches here in the temple.
26:46Darewolf, PJ Black, matched up with Son of Havoc right there.
26:53I like how Rey Mysterio gives the luchadors room to do their thing.
27:06Zam, you and I are sitting here with our mouths wide open.
27:08How do we call this?
27:09So fast-paced, but we'll give it our shot.
27:12Cortez gets the boots to the face from Puma.
27:14Son of Havoc with the standing shooting.
27:17Star, not enough.
27:19Zam, take over, please.
27:21What the hell are we looking at?
27:26Bro, I feel like I'm in a discotheque with strobe lights going off.
27:29I don't even know which way to look.
27:31Who says discotheque anymore?
27:34I do.
27:36Son of Havoc in there with Cortez Castro.
27:38Blind tag made by Mr. Sisko.
27:39Marty Elias sees it, only because they have the same haircut.
27:43Backbreaker there.
27:44Now Sisko and Cortez working well.
27:47Cover here.
27:49Is it enough?
27:51That's the first time we've actually seen a team work as a team.
27:55Now Sisko picking Havoc up by the head and neck.
27:58Tags in Cortez.
28:00Opens up the midsection.
28:01Now Havoc up by the head and neck.
28:03Tags in Cortez.
28:05Opens up the midsection and Cortez goes to work.
28:07What happened to Bale?
28:08Do you remember that guy?
28:10What happened to that dude?
28:11I'm not sure.
28:12People come and go in the temple all the time.
28:14Cortez is taking his eyes off of Havoc and Havoc is unfair.
28:17Yeah, what's he doing?
28:19Dragon must have pissed him off somehow.
28:21Yeah, but stupidity rules here.
28:23He didn't go for the win.
28:26PJ Black, fat on his back.
28:28El Dragon Azteca in now.
28:31I believe Cortez is legal.
28:34Remember, four in at a time.
28:41Vamp, what can you tell us about El Dragon Azteca Jr.?
28:44He just rocked.
28:46I can tell you that.
28:48That mask, dude.
28:50That mask means so much.
28:53I'm trying to tell you, brother.
28:58Big pick up there.
28:59The crew working in tandem offense.
29:01Nice there sit-out X-Factor.
29:03And now Cortez with a unique pin.
29:17And I would venture a dollar bet that Azteca, Puma, and Rey Mysterio are the crowd favorites here.
29:24Although the Lucha Underground believers are certainly a fickle bunch.
29:29Nice athleticism by the Lucha Underground Trios champs.
29:32Son of Hattie makes a tag to Ivelisse.
29:34Big, big mistake not to pin Havoc when they had him down.
29:37EE's on fire.
29:38She's fired up.
29:40What's he doing?
29:41Joey just baited Ivelisse.
29:43Ivelisse is known to have a hot temper.
29:45And Joey just baited her onto the outside.
29:48Let's not forget, Ivelisse does have a history of injuries with the broken ankle in the past.
29:53As such, we'll keep an eye on Ivelisse as the match rolls on.
29:58Look at Jack Evans just kind of taking in the scene here.
30:02See everyone making eyes with each other.
30:04Phoenix, a former Lucha Underground champion, has enjoyed success here in the temple.
30:14Now, PJ Black with an assist from Puma.
30:18Inadvertent, albeit.
30:20And now, the first ever Lucha Underground champion, Prince Puma, from right here in Boyle Heights, was just on the move.
30:27Jack Evans came in, held Dragon Azteca, had something for Jack.
30:31Back to Puma now.
30:33Dragon on the move.
30:35Oh, man.
30:38This is Lucha Underground, folks.
30:40Straight up and down at 6 o'clock.
30:43And now, Prince Puma with the exclamation point.
30:47Hometown kid got schooled.
30:52That little push-button senton there.
30:55And now, Rey Mysterio, about to fly!
31:02Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
31:07Prince Puma used the momentum of the ropes that he was hung up upon and turned defense into offense.
31:13The fans are on their feet.
31:15Son of Heaven's fired up.
31:17He's overcome losing streaks, bad breakups, and life's everyday adversities.
31:22Son of Havoc stands tall here in Lucha Underground.
31:26The fans are on their feet. The energy is explosive. And here comes Ivelisse.
31:34The self-proclaimed baddest bitch in the building.
31:37Oh, yeah.
31:38Always has something to prove.
31:44Yeah, the happy trail can stop anyone, huh?
31:51Joey has his fingers in Ivelisse's mouth.
31:54Oh, nice. Alita de era, Ivelisse.
31:56Very cool.
31:57Using a classic Lucha Libre move.
31:59Oh, man. She rocked him, dude.
32:04Oh, shit.
32:12Giant suplex by the baddest bitch in Lucha Underground.
32:18He made the tag. He saved his ass.
32:22There's Joey Ryan's partner, Cortez Castro.
32:27Pound for pound, he may be one of the best wrestling wrestlers that we have here,
32:31but we don't get to see it a lot.
32:33Because Cortez chooses to use underhanded tactics,
32:36but that brain buster right there...
32:40Havoc's got to help out Ivelisse. He's got to do what he's got to do.
32:43Joey Ryan playing dirty.
32:44He sees Ivelisse down. He wants revenge.
32:46He's calling for the tag.
32:48Joey's bleeding to be tagged in,
32:50but Ivelisse convalesces here.
32:52Roll up!
32:55Mr. Sisko, Cortez Castro, and Joey Ryan have been eliminated.
33:03All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're down to three teams left.
33:07When we come back, this Trios Title Tournament Final continues here on Lucha Underground.
33:18Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
33:20This, the Trios Title Tournament.
33:22Vamp, what's up?
33:24Sarah Havoc has got to help out Ivelisse.
33:26Here we go.
33:27He's got to give her a break.
33:30This is crazy.
33:31Just to break it down, if you're just joining us,
33:33the teams are Prince Puma, El Dragon Azteca, and Rey Mysterio Jr.
33:36Jack Evans, PJ Black, and Phoenix,
33:38and Son of Havoc and Ivelisse.
33:40You heard me correctly.
33:42There's only two members of the Son of Havoc Ivelisse team
33:45because Angelico has been injured and is not in this match.
33:48This is crazy. They're feeling it out.
33:51You know what? I told you if they had a strategy.
33:53That one there was by luck.
33:54Hopefully it continues for the team of Ivelisse and Son of Havoc.
33:59And now arguably two of the most popular luchadores
34:02here in Lucha Underground, Son of Havoc and Prince Puma,
34:05trading blows in the middle of the ring.
34:07Stiff, stiff shots.
34:11Puma sent in.
34:12Havoc creates space, gets a head of steam.
34:14How about that?
34:15In and out.
34:16Havoc onto the apron.
34:17Big kick sends Puma back.
34:19What does Son of Havoc have in mind?
34:21Ooh, nice double stomp.
34:22Oh, beautifully done.
34:25Double stomp.
34:26Standing moonsault.
34:27Not enough to pin Prince Puma.
34:30Almost took out the hometown hero quick.
34:35Vamp, is there any significance?
34:37I know you're into the dark arts,
34:38and the temple has a lot of that.
34:41The number three throughout history.
34:43I know the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
34:45I know the Illuminati, the triangle, the three points.
34:47Anything to this number three?
34:51Glad I set you up for that one.
34:53See you in hell, buddy.
34:54Yes, sir.
34:55Been there, seen it, done it.
34:56Pay your rent.
35:02She actually thinks she's the baddest bitch in the building.
35:06But everybody knows I am the baddest bitch in the building.
35:11The Illuminati, the triangle, the three points.
35:13Anything to this number three?
35:15Yeah, no doubt about it.
35:16Put him in the shamrock, 666, baby.
35:20Did Jack just call himself the biggest bitch in the building?
35:23He's showing no love to evil deeds, none.
35:26But hey, man, you got to give it to Evie.
35:29She's standing up to everybody.
35:33Boots for Prince Puma on his way in.
35:35And Jack is smart, very wise right there to throw Puma out.
35:39But then again, I guess a fool can throw a stone in a pond
35:42and a hundred wise men couldn't get it out.
35:44So let's see if wisdom matters here.
35:49Evie! Evie! Evie! Evie!
35:54Push kick by Ivelisse.
35:56Evie's on fire, baby.
35:58Yeah, I notice Ivelisse doesn't even look to make a tag to Son of Havoc.
36:02Phoenix knew what Havoc was going for there.
36:06If you have to give an MVP to this match,
36:08I think right now you give it to Ivelisse.
36:12Powerbomb, Code Red, shoulders are down.
36:14Where is Marty?
36:16Ooh, PJ Black.
36:21Ivelisse and Son of Havoc have been eliminated.
36:25Vamp, I can guarantee you one thing.
36:28We're going to have new Trios champions.
36:31Lucha Underground continues next.
36:37Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
36:39The final two teams in this Trios tournament final are here right now.
36:45They are Phoenix, Jack Evans, and PJ Black
36:48against El Dragon Azteca in the ring,
36:50Prince Puma, and Rey Mysterio Jr.
36:53It almost seems like the dark side of Phoenix is coming out here,
36:57playing a little bit of dirty pool,
36:59trying to fit in with Jack and PJ Black.
37:02But he's going up against Dragon Azteca,
37:04who has one of the older masks in the tribes of Mexico,
37:07going back centuries.
37:11New champ!
37:17El Dragon Azteca reverses the whip.
37:19Phoenix now holds on to the ropes to avoid the momentum.
37:21Pass by El Dragon Azteca, nicely done.
37:23Spins into the Body Scissors.
37:25But Phoenix back and forth.
37:27These two go.
37:29Man, well-versed in the Lucha Libre style,
37:31and it's on display here.
37:33Give me another Chloe.
37:35I want this video game to keep going.
37:38Planted, Phoenix, right on the beam.
37:45Went for it again, but not enough.
37:47Oh, my God.
37:49Both luchadores down.
37:51And that was probably one of the most awesomest things
37:55I've ever seen.
38:00As the believers begin to rumble
38:02and shake the foundation of the temple,
38:04El Dragon Azteca rides on one side,
38:06Phoenix on the other.
38:07Tag made to P.J. Black.
38:08Tag made!
38:09It's Puma!
38:11Puma now in there with Phoenix and P.J. Black.
38:14Big kick turns Phoenix around.
38:16And now Jack Evans gets the bridging northern lights.
38:19This is it. This is it.
38:20Holds on.
38:23This is it!
38:24The springboard strength of Prince Puma.
38:25Puma has momentum on his side here.
38:28Fireman's carry.
38:29What's he going for there?
38:31Modified go to sleep, beautifully done.
38:34By Prince Puma.
38:40This is pretty intense.
38:41This is world class.
38:42This is...
38:43The hometown boys got the fans on their feet.
38:52Oh, the 630 crashing down on P.J. Black.
38:59Oh, oh, oh, oh.
39:02Not sure if the camera caught it.
39:04We saw it here, but Jack Evans came in
39:06and hit Prince Puma right in the plumbers.
39:09Right in the balls.
39:13Tag made to Jack Evans.
39:15And if it ends like this,
39:16it's got to leave a bad taste in some fans' mouths.
39:19Yeah, no doubt about it.
39:20I hate that.
39:21But it is pro wrestling.
39:22When all else fails,
39:23poke him in the eye or kick him in the balls, man.
39:25That's the way it's got to be.
39:26It is what it is, baby.
39:27What if you kicked him in the eye and poked him...
39:29All right, never mind.
39:31This is what real Lucha Libre looks like!
39:33What the hell is going on?
39:35Jack is being Jack.
39:39Jack Evans demanded that P.J. and Phoenix hold Puma.
39:43He waited too long.
39:44Puma got out of the way,
39:45and Jack caught Phoenix right in the back of the head.
39:48And now, here we go!
39:49Rey Mysterio, a classic Lucha Libre,
39:52tilt-the-wall head scissors,
39:53sends P.J. Black down.
39:54Rey now using the ropes for momentum,
39:56ducks the line from Jack Evans,
39:57springboard crossbody!
39:59If there is anybody who can carry the torch right now
40:03who has nothing but championship experience,
40:06it is the one and only, the king,
40:08the original, Rey Mysterio Jr.
40:15Here we go!
40:16Here we go!
40:17Dial it up!
40:23Jack Evans on Queer Street.
40:25El Dragon has Tecca in now.
40:26All three members of Team Mysterio.
40:34Oh, my God, bro.
40:36What the hell was that?
40:38That is Lucha Underground,
40:40and that Asterio dives to the floor!
40:48One, two, three!
40:50New champions!
40:53And new Lucha Underground trio champions,
40:56Prince Kuma, El Dragon, and Tecca Jr.,
41:01and Rey Mysterio Jr.
41:06As the believers rise to their feet,
41:09the star of Bethlehem has led these three wise men
41:12to their destiny.
41:13Thus, the first part of the prophecy has been fulfilled,
41:16and now the question remains,
41:18is it salvation or the beginning
41:21of a dark and brutal end?
41:23Any way you look at it,
41:25tonight, Rey Mysterio, El Dragon, and Tecca Jr.,
41:29and Prince Kuma are the new
41:32Lucha Underground trios champions.
42:30Get up.
42:54Get up.
43:15Get up!
43:16Get up!
43:17Get up!
43:18Get up!
43:37You're weak.
44:08Get up!
44:09Get up!
44:10Get up!
44:11Get up!
44:12Get up!
44:13Get up!
44:14Get up!
44:15Get up!
44:16Get up!
44:17Get up!
44:18Get up!
44:19Get up!
44:20Get up!
44:21Get up!
44:22Get up!
44:23Get up!
44:24Get up!
44:25Get up!
44:26Get up!
44:27Get up!
44:28Get up!
44:29Get up!
44:30Get up!
44:31Get up!
44:32Get up!
44:33Get up!
44:34Get up!
44:35Get up!
44:36Get up!
