Coronation Street 14th October 2024

  • 9 hours ago
Coronation Street 14th October 2024


00:13Morning. Oh, it came, did it? I was looking for that.
00:17The Gazette. Is there anything in there on Joel?
00:20We'd know before then.
00:21Ha! Yeah, suppose you would.
00:24We'd be in a state if we got our leads from the B, you know.
00:27So, what is it? Sports pages, then?
00:29Oh, a jumbo crossword on a Monday.
00:31No, no! Don't fill that in.
00:34I've already done it. I know that.
00:36Me and Daisy have to fight Glenda for it most weeks.
00:39Wouldn't have had you down as the type.
00:41I solve puzzles for a living.
00:43Oh, yeah.
00:4415 across, what's happened to Dee Dee's fiancé?
00:51This might be a clue.
00:58PC Tinker in the house.
01:06Which station?
01:08Oh, come on! Girls!
01:11No, not girls. Ruby's already gone.
01:13Has she?
01:17She did well to remember that.
01:19Look, I know you think I went too far.
01:23But she did nearly burn the house down.
01:25Look, you've got to be out of this house in, like, nine minutes flat.
01:29And first day after your suspension.
01:31Come on, you do not want to be late.
01:35I'll take that sideboard to the tip.
01:37Oh, and that tin of old batteries, do you know where that is?
01:42Just saying, you know, the tin of old batteries...
01:44She's not well.
01:46What? She's all hot and clammy.
01:48You go have the medicine. I think it's by the kettle.
01:56Was it you? Hold on a second.
01:58Was it you?
02:00Was what me? Did you take that money?
02:02What money? What money?
02:04Damon's. Oh, no, Harry's pocket money.
02:06What other money do you think I'm talking about? Have we met?
02:09Well, it's gone. It's gone from the lock-up. It must have been you.
02:12Case closed, then. Well, who else did you tell about it?
02:14I'm sorry? Who else did you tell?
02:16Would I go barging into you...
02:18You told me not to touch you with a barge pole, right?
02:21And then my mum comes along, she saves the day, and you think, ooh!
02:24I want nothing to do with that grubby little man's stolen cash.
02:27I told you, if you take that money to the bank,
02:29you'll be in handcuffs before he can say good morning.
02:31How did he find out it was missing?
02:33His friend told him.
02:35He trusts him 100%.
02:37You do realise all this honour among thieves stuff is an old wives' tale?
02:40Who else knew about it? How am I supposed to know?
02:42Did you tell anyone?
02:44Only Daniel. Only Daniel!
02:46Daniel did not steal your boyfriend's money.
02:48I was the only one to listen to that voice message, OK?
02:51And I deleted it before I told you.
02:53Everyone seems to think he's beyond suspicion.
02:55What, cos he's read a few books?
02:57Sit down. Take a breather.
02:59You're not thinking straight.
03:03Do you blame me? No, of course I don't blame you.
03:06But come on, think it through.
03:08Is Daniel some master criminal who stole that cash
03:10and is off spending on sweeties for Bertie
03:12despite sitting on the proceeds of his mother's house?
03:15Or is Damon's pal a weasel?
03:26Not yet.
03:30Sorry, should you be watching this?
03:33Who found it?
03:39Top secret, is it?
03:41There was nothing on the public highway
03:43so I told Craig to check every car park in a ten mile radius.
03:46His car was parked at Mossford station.
03:52Right, I'm going to check on every other cars parked there.
03:55Craig's been on it all morning.
03:57Well, I wouldn't hold your breath.
04:03Who's this?
04:08That's a woman.
04:14Who's that?
04:20It's him.
04:22It could be.
04:24Just keep looking, yeah?
04:34Guess who parks there every day?
04:36Or has done for the past two weeks anyway?
04:38Kardashian. Who told you?
04:40Who what?
04:42Angus Dearing.
04:44His dad? Keep scrolling.
04:48What does she want?
04:50Good question.
04:52Still taking an active interest in the case.
04:54Are you going to snitch on her?
04:56Maybe. Or steal the dinner money.
04:58Right, wait.
05:00Too big.
05:02Just keep going.
05:08It's him.
05:12Get his home address.
05:16Way to go, Henry Tinkler!
05:18Lisa Rowan.
05:20Rowan's pleading not guilty to blackmail and fraud, so it's going to be a trial.
05:23Oh, well.
05:25You'll wriggle and squirm till the end, boy.
05:27I'd probably do the same, to be fair.
05:29Yeah, you probably would.
05:34Don't look now.
05:36There's a woman at 12 o'clock.
05:38Got the whole sphere.
05:43Fancy's, yeah?
05:49I can see you.
05:51You awake?
05:53Yeah, I am now.
05:55Got you some magazines.
05:57A chitchat? Are you taking the Mickey?
05:59Well, I just picked them up from the salon.
06:02Just put them there.
06:04How you feeling?
06:06Like a million dollars.
06:08Have you managed to eat anything?
06:12What's the latest out there?
06:14Everyone sends the best.
06:16I bet everyone in the Rovers is loving this.
06:18Darling, I told you, nobody is loving it.
06:21Oh, you got some more cards.
06:25Oh, Eileen Georgian-Tard.
06:28Oh, that's nice, isn't it?
06:31Has Daniel been in?
06:33Don't talk to me about Daniel.
06:35What? Why?
06:37What did the social workers say?
06:39They found me somewhere.
06:43How many times have I been to that inn?
06:45How many times have I been to that international market
06:47and the bloke still calls me Jeff?
06:49I keep saying to him, that was her ex-partner.
06:51You know, he's as bad as Eileen Grimshaw.
06:57Er, it's near my old house.
06:59Erm, well, obviously, if I go to Canal Way, I can avoid my brothers.
07:04Mason's found somewhere.
07:06Oh, erm, the windows have been done.
07:08Ed did a very good job.
07:10Copy that.
07:12So where is it?
07:14He says he won't bump into his brothers if he goes via the canal.
07:18Well, he should never have come to this.
07:22Don't feel bad.
07:25Hey, Bailey boys, no whispering,
07:27unless you want to share with the whole class.
07:29Oh, look, Miss Marty Pants, you been at work?
07:32Yeah, for what it's worth.
07:34I can't say that, Little Miss Marty Pants.
07:36No, I can't. Big miss to patronise.
07:38She has always been my little miss.
07:40She always will be.
07:42How's it been?
07:44Er, yeah, OK.
07:46A bit hard to concentrate.
07:48Any developments?
07:53Well, that's good, isn't it?
07:55Is it?
07:57Isn't it?
08:00Come on, you choose. We'll pay.
08:02You'll pay.
08:07How much?
08:12He put 15,000 in the locker.
08:15And what did you do with it?
08:17I did what he told me.
08:19I paid for a year's rent up front.
08:22He was going off-grid?
08:25Something like that.
08:28And where is this flat?
08:32We're going to need an address.
08:36When did he ask you to do all this?
08:39A couple of days before he's going to be in court.
08:42Then what?
08:44Well, then I got the keys.
08:47Put them in the locker.
08:49You've seen me do it.
08:51But I've not seen him come back to get them.
08:56I've seen you return to that locker many times.
09:00Checking to see if they're gone.
09:04The tape.
09:08You were last seen there at six o'clock this morning.
09:12My colleague retrieved those keys an hour ago.
09:23Look, I didn't want to get involved.
09:26My wife doesn't know anything about it.
09:29She's going out of her mind.
09:31She's going out of her mind, as you can imagine.
09:35Despite everything, he's still our boy.
09:37He parts with 15 grand.
09:40The keys to the safe house are sitting in that locker.
09:43Yet two weeks go by, two weeks and counting.
09:46I've told you everything.
09:48If you're going to arrest me, do it now.
09:53Where do you suppose he is?
09:58You're the copper.
10:00You're the copper?
10:30What's that?
11:05Hadn't you better go and pack?
11:07Yeah, I'm going. I just wanted to finish off the inventory.
11:11No, I am.
11:13I'm sorry they still call you Geoff at the cash and carry.
11:17Yeah, well, I'm sorry if I ever act like him.
11:23You know, I'm still a bit cross.
11:25Yeah, you made that very clear.
11:27Maybe a few days with Eliza will help.
11:30Really? Yeah.
11:32Well, maybe...
11:34it's goodbye.
11:39Yeah, um, Tom said I could stay a bit longer.
11:43He reckons he can get me a job
11:46with his girlfriend's brother at the depot.
11:50And it's something I've thought about, too.
11:53You... you didn't...
11:55You... you didn't think to share that thought with me?
12:01Would it have upset you if I did?
12:05And no.
12:10Maybe we should have talked more.
12:13Yeah, but I'm not very good at talking.
12:16Now's your chance.
12:20I... I miss my old company.
12:26I mean, you know,
12:28if you think I've been cooped up all that time, I'd be sick of it, but...
12:32Look, I didn't... I didn't mean that as a criticism.
12:36You are the single best thing that's ever happened to me.
12:42But, you know, I'm running out of years.
12:45We both are.
12:47And, to be honest, I sense your heart isn't in it.
12:51My fault.
12:53No, no, I don't mean that either.
12:56I'm making a mess of this.
12:58You've only got 90 days. You'll have to come back.
13:02Yeah, yeah, true, but...
13:04I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
13:10We should have a drink before you go.
13:13Well, one for the air.
13:17I'd like us to part on good terms.
13:22If that is indeed what we're doing.
13:27Your passport's on the kitchen counter.
13:31And I've left you some old euros.
13:34Yeah, that's all.
13:41Oh, how is she?
13:43Not so good. What can I get you?
13:46A glass of wine. And have one yourself, Jenny.
13:48What happened?
13:50What did she say?
13:52It was all her doing.
13:54Pretty much.
13:56She's not even sure she dumped you.
13:58She did. I think.
14:01Is there nothing to do with the state that she's in?
14:05Well, yeah, it's got everything to do with the state she's in.
14:08She doesn't think I should be lumbered with her.
14:10Is that what she said?
14:12Words to that effect, yeah. Who wants a girlfriend with a stoma?
14:15It's like that Smith song, girlfriend in a coma.
14:18And do you want a girlfriend with a stoma?
14:25Of course I do.
14:27I want Bethany, whatever her condition.
14:32So it's nothing to do with you-know-who?
14:37You can look me in the eye when you tell me that.
14:39I am looking you in the eye and telling you that.
14:41Well, look, some people might say that it falls very nicely into place for you and her.
14:46They can say what they like.
14:48Bethany needs you.
14:51Even though it pains you to say it.
14:54Yeah, I've had my doubts about the two of you,
14:56but please, come on, Daniel, you're going to have to forget what I said in Turkey.
14:59It's my job to look out for her.
15:03Keep trying.
15:07Hey, finished for this?
15:10Still no sign?
15:12Stuck on a train. Signal failure.
15:13Yeah, if I bring you a third coffee, you won't sleep for a month.
15:16I didn't want you to think I'd been stood up.
15:19How fragile is my ego?
15:21Well, I just order.
15:23Does the sourdough toastie have my name on it?
15:26Oh, if your name's mozzarella, then...
15:31You are Nick of us.
15:40How did he get you to do it?
15:42Did you buy that jacket with the cash she gave you to try and kill my baby?
15:45He lied to me. Don't you think I feel terrible?
15:48Well, she's not a mind reader, is she?
15:50I'm sorry. OK?
15:52Betsy! Get in here, Betsy!
15:58So they've definitely split up?
16:00I think so.
16:02I mean, it sounds like Bethany did the dumping before he did,
16:05if you get my drift.
16:06I mean, that's what Sarah was suggesting, but I only caught bits.
16:09Daniel wouldn't give her the shove.
16:11He tried to make a joke about a Smith song. Girlfriend in a coma.
16:15Never lie to Smiths.
16:17Say that again.
16:19What? I've never lied to Smiths. It's not a crime.
16:22Yes, it is! All that moaning and swooning.
16:24She asked him about you.
16:26Sarah did?
16:28Mm-hm. She said that this has all played out very nicely for you both.
16:32What's she dragging me into it for?
16:35I wonder.
16:37I resent the accusation.
16:39You know, you're single, and now he's single, Jenny.
16:43All I'm saying is, you know, there was a time,
16:46a little while ago, that you'd have been right in there.
16:49A load of women wouldn't hesitate.
16:51Like who?
16:53Sarah Platt, for one. Your mother, Tracy Baller.
16:56She's got no moral fibre whatsoever.
16:59I've got to go to the hospital.
17:01Make sure Bethany hasn't got the wrong idea.
17:03You're in the middle of a shift. Call Glenda.
17:05She's at Little Big Wigs.
17:07She's another one. She'd take advantage.
17:09Glenda's good as gold.
17:11No, when it comes to blokes, she's not.
17:13No, she'd trample over me and you.
17:15Right, there's a bus in eight minutes. I won't be long.
17:20I don't even know what a software engineer does.
17:22My job's a conversation killer. I know that much.
17:25OK, so if you could be anything, what would you be?
17:28Probably a penguin.
17:30I meant job-wise.
17:32Oh, I see.
17:34A penguin?
17:36I'm all huddled together, waddling about, swimming.
17:39I don't like the cold.
17:41An agony ant. I'd be really good at that.
17:43Do they still exist?
17:45Sorting out other people's problems.
17:49Yeah, I could do one of those full-time.
17:51Well, let me know when you're advertised.
17:57You know, I couldn't find that pocket phrase book you bought me.
18:01I put it in your suitcase.
18:03In the zip pocket.
18:05You can practise a few phrases while you're on the fly.
18:09Did you pack your toiletries?
18:11Yeah, yeah, I did.
18:13I've left you the shampoo.
18:15I'm sure they've got some I can borrow.
18:17Any more?
18:19No, I'd better not.
18:21Now, is that half full or half empty?
18:23Either way, I'll have another.
18:30Will you keep in touch?
18:32Tell me what you're doing.
18:34Of course I will.
18:37Look, I... I won't go around saying goodbye,
18:40so perhaps you could fill them in.
18:47You know, I... I owe you so much.
18:51No, I do. I do.
18:53You know, I couldn't even apply for a passport without your help
18:57or book any flights.
18:59These things became complicated.
19:01While you were away.
19:05I dread to think how I would have coped without you.
19:08All your support.
19:10Most blokes never get it when they're spat back out into the world like I was.
19:14I think you stand a fighting chance.
19:18Despite all our ups and downs, I'm proud of you.
19:21To be honest, it just feels like chaos at the minute, you know?
19:25I walk in in the morning and Nick's there on the couch.
19:28It's like Piccadilly Gardens.
19:30He's seen a place.
19:32Yeah, so he says. Sooner he moves out, the better.
19:35Oh, don't be tight.
19:37Were you having him on your sofa?
19:39I need to go. Well, you're all going to have to move out when Mum sells.
19:43That's if she sells.
19:45Nick have anything else to say?
19:47No, just... Oh, there was a customer in the bistro giving him the gladi before.
19:51She's quite fit, actually. Oh.
19:53That's all he needs.
19:55I think he'd do world of good.
19:57You're joking? The gladi's what got him in trouble in the first place.
20:00Says you, gangster's mum.
20:02Oh, please. I am like the normal one in the Addams family.
20:07Look, you just, um...
20:09Just keep an eye on Mum.
20:11She's very happy and it's unnerving.
20:14Yeah. You know what she's like, though.
20:16She gets giddy and puts all her eggs in one basket.
20:19Well, let's hope she doesn't drop it.
20:28Chit-chat. You taking the mickey?
20:30They're from Audrey's. What are you doing here?
20:33I heard you weren't doing so good.
20:35Oh, really? What gave it away?
20:37Was it the botched cosmetic surgery or the 50 grand flight home?
20:41Look, I didn't bring flowers or grapes or a card,
20:45but I do think we need to have a chit-chat of our own.
20:51You went all the way to Flynn?
20:55Bottle of milk in the fridge and a tub of frozen yoghurt in the freezer.
20:58I'd say his dad put it there. Milk's ten days out of date.
21:01So Joel dropped off the cash but never took the keys.
21:04Then his dad put his favourite pudding in the freezer
21:07because he's his dad and he still loves him.
21:09Blah, blah, blah.
21:11But Joel disappears into thin air.
21:13Slash somewhere with no extradition treater.
21:15Slash a cottage in the Highlands
21:17where a crofter's wife tips him the wink.
21:2139 steps.
21:23All-time favourite mover.
21:31Those keys that Joel never came back for,
21:35I think we've got a good reason why.
21:39We found him.
21:41We found him.
22:01Yeah, well, I bet you couldn't concentrate on anything.
22:04Took half the morning just to clear my desk.
22:11Do you see dreams?
22:13I think you both better sit down.
22:17Thank you so much.
22:19Make sure that she stays where she is for a while.
22:21Chest infections can be nasty.
22:23Will the chemist still be open?
22:25Ours should be, otherwise it'd be Grenadier Lane.
22:28So is it all connected to her vaping?
22:30Of course it's connected to her vaping.
22:32The amount of respiratory problems we see these days.
22:35There's wretched things, whatever anybody says.
22:38Take care.
22:41Whatever happened between me and Ryan, I want you to know
22:44I was not trying to take Daniel off you.
22:47So you tell somebody else's boyfriend that you love them,
22:50but that's not you trying to stick your claws in.
22:53That doesn't make any sense.
22:55Sounds bad.
22:57I can't really defend myself, so let me put it this way.
23:00If Daniel is now single, and so am I...
23:02We're going to have a nice life together.
23:04Why would I be here trying to convince you you're making a mistake?
23:07He's mad about you.
23:09Even if that was the case, he's going to get pretty tired
23:12about this arrangement, isn't he? It's not very sexy.
23:15I'd be lying if I said I was jealous,
23:17but he won't stop loving you.
23:21He had his eye on me when Sinead was ill.
23:23Sinead was dying. He was exhausted.
23:25You were there for him, and he got all mixed up.
23:28He fancied me, plain and simple, and then he fancied you.
23:32You've got some nerve, you know.
23:34I'm not pushing him away because of you.
23:36I'm pushing him away because of this.
23:38Nobody wants a girlfriend with a stoma,
23:40and before you make a joke about the Smiths...
23:42I wasn't going to.
23:44Daniel loves the Smiths.
23:49Look, some people would take advantage of this situation,
23:53and I'm telling you I won't.
23:56Call him.
23:58Tell him you've made a mistake and see how fast he gets here.
24:04And they're absolutely sure?
24:06Fingerprints, dental records, positive ID from a relative.
24:10Mum or Dad?
24:12I saw him, too.
24:17But I was so sure he got away.
24:23He got his old man to rent him a flat.
24:26Somewhere to keep his head down.
24:28Paid 15 grand up front for the year.
24:3015 grand?
24:32Oh, Eddie.
24:35Our wedding money.
24:41Joel never picked up the keys.
24:46Decided to kill himself instead.
24:49Don't pity him, do you, Dee?
24:51It's hard not to. Is it?
24:54Maybe it's just pity for myself.
24:56No. Don't do that, either.
24:59Listen to me.
25:01You can't hurt us now.
25:05Can't you?
25:16Is this all my fault?
25:19Well, I don't blame her, after what my brother did.
25:23Yeah, well, nobody lights a brick through the winter.
25:29You know, you're good in that kitchen.
25:32Many a miscreant
25:34has found their purpose in life among the pots and pans.
25:37Me included.
25:38Well, I enjoy it.
25:40That's great.
25:41Cos if you could find something you enjoy in this world
25:44and someone will pay you for doing it,
25:46well, you're halfway there.
25:48On the house.
25:49Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing, you know,
25:51nothing's private in this place.
25:53Well, cheers.
25:55Good luck.
25:58You look like you've been hard at it over here.
26:00My mum used to beg me to do my own work.
26:02Is it your son?
26:04He's engaged.
26:06To Leanne.
26:07She'd come home to his place, but she's not my mother.
26:11Everything all right?
26:14I'm being warned off, I think.
26:16Not that I was trying to...
26:18Shall I grab that bill?
26:24Shall I grab that bill?
26:28And Sarah thought it was me.
26:30I spoke to her earlier. She never mentioned it.
26:32She'd calmed down by then. I told her she was mad.
26:35As if I'd want some low-life's dirty loot.
26:38Tell me about it.
26:41He's furious.
26:42Why not?
26:46You two just fist-bumped.
26:48It was him, not me.
26:50I tried to cheer him up.
26:52Oh, yeah?
26:53Rejected by a plat.
26:54Talk about bottom at food, you know.
26:56We've all been there.
26:57Sarah was calling you all names under the sun this morning.
27:00She told you about the money, then?
27:02No, woman.
27:05I'd be happy if I never heard that bloke's name ever again.
27:07Tell me about it.
27:08Where do you think we are? Florida State Penitentiary?
27:13It's Bethany.
27:15She wants me to go and see her.
27:19You got your passport?
27:21And your phrasebook?
27:24You are?
27:27Well, I suppose this is it.
27:31I suppose it is.
27:34Take care, yeah?
28:15How you doing?
28:17Yeah, a bit better, I suppose.
28:19It was a nice surprise.
28:21I was missing you.
28:24It's only been a day.
28:27What's the matter?
28:28There no fit blokes in here or something?
28:30Actually, the guy who brings my breakfast is pretty fit.
28:33Oh, is he?
28:35Well, where is he? I'll have to break his neck.
28:37He actually brought me an extra slice of toast today.
28:39Right, that's it.
28:41Going to have to challenge him to a duel, aren't I?
28:43Have it out in the corridor.
28:44I'll get Adam to be my second.
28:46Swords or pistols?
28:47Did you miss me?
28:49What do you think?
28:51So you're not happy to be single, then?
28:55Is that what I am?
28:57I wasn't sure.
28:59Me neither.
29:01Even though Daisy's on the shelf.
29:03She came to see me,
29:05said that I shouldn't let you go,
29:07and I think she meant it.
29:11I think she probably did.
29:17Let's not do this again.
29:29You should be in bed.
29:31I haven't finished my geography.
29:33You can do that on the bus tomorrow.
29:37I saw, um,
29:39a really nice couple of flats.
29:42One had a steady nook on the landing.
29:44I thought it'd be perfect for you.
29:49So, uh, what's it this evening?
29:52Oxbow Lakes.
29:58You don't need to explain.
30:00I'm not going to explain.
30:02I'm not going to explain.
30:04Listen... You don't need to explain.
30:06We don't need to have a chat.
30:08Being friendly's part of my job.
30:10Leanne's too.
30:12I need people to feel comfortable and welcome.
30:15She fancied you. Can you blame her?
30:20I just want you and Leanne to make friends.
30:23We're not engaged.
30:25Yeah, I know you're not. We're not getting back together.
30:27How can you be sure?
30:29Because you need stability, OK?
30:31And I've failed.
30:40I miss my mum.
30:46Yeah, yeah. I know you do, buddy.
30:49I know.
30:54Time, please, ladies and gentlemen!
30:59It worked. What?
31:01Daniel. He just texted.
31:03Well, that's good, isn't it?
31:07She looks like she's got the old street blues.
31:10Shall we...?
31:12Er, that's not your writing.
31:14Ah, Kit.
31:16Did you not tell him not to do the jumbo?
31:18No, it's too late!
31:20Kaleidoscopic. There's a word.
31:22What's it written underneath it?
31:27You having another one?
31:29I think you've heard the news.
31:33What's this?
31:35They pulled Joel Dearing out of the river. Dead.
31:37What is it? Suicide, then?
31:39We'll see and find out.
31:41I'll see you.
31:51You are amazing, Miss Bailey.
31:53I love you.
31:55You're my future.
31:57I love you, too.
32:42What do you want?
32:44So I don't keep you in the loop.
32:57Do you know what a post-mortem is, Lauren?
33:02Well, obviously I do.
33:04We did Joel's overnight.
33:06I say we. The pathologist did it.
33:09I've just been to see her.
33:11Pathologists can tell how someone died.
33:13Doesn't take a genius, does it?
33:15We left a suicide note and turned up in the river,
33:17so it'd rule out the car crash.
33:19You'd be right to rule that out.
33:21Yeah, well, it'd rule out natural causes and all.
33:23Keep going.
33:25I'd say you drowned.
33:29You'd think so.
33:31But that's why we had pathologists.
33:35There was no water in his lungs.
33:39He was dead before he went in.
33:45This is a murder investigation.
33:52Ah, he rises.
33:54Am I still dreaming?
33:57You letting in?
33:59Dinner not a done.
34:01Your mum said she'd give me a key, but there's no rush.
34:05You're in it now?
34:07I've got 25 minutes, haven't I?
34:09Ooh, his master's voice.
34:11As long as you didn't spend the night.
34:13No, I didn't spend the night,
34:15but I did promise breakfast in bed.
34:17Oh, yeah?
34:19What is it? Fried parrot?
34:23Poached eggs on toast, actually.
34:25What did happen at the bird?
34:27It flew away.
34:29Oh, yeah? Artistic differences, was it?
34:31Lie in, was it?
34:35I've only got one head today.
34:37Half 12.
34:39This is Pendragon, so I can fuck...
34:41Why am I explaining myself to you?
34:43Because I think you'll find I'm already part of the family.
34:46For starters, you're not.
34:48And for Maine, more fool you.
34:50Well, you'd better get used to it,
34:52because she is the answer to my prayers.
34:55Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
34:57She's underappreciated.
34:59Scraps off Eileen's plate.
35:01Talking of keys,
35:03I've got my new pad.
35:05I'm moving in today.
35:07Oh, yeah? Where is it?
35:09Oak Hill. Oak Hill?
35:11All right, for someone who's going through a divorce.
35:14I said Oak Hill, not Beverly Hills.
35:16But I do plan to upgrade when my ship comes in.
35:19Well, let's hope it's not a dinghy.
35:22Oh, she seems a bit better this morning.
35:25I did a vape sweep.
35:29Nada, but I did find this.
35:31Oh, is it one of my earrings?
35:33No, it's Vera's.
35:37She used to wear them all the time.
35:41In her ears.
35:43Where in the house?
35:45Oh, in the airing cupboard.
35:47All right, let's keep that to ourselves.
35:50Do you think Hope has learnt her lesson?
35:52I don't know.
35:54Does anybody ever?
35:56Whack her some toast on, will you, love?
35:58We need some butter, if you fancy going to Dev's.
36:06Did you think it'd be this hard?
36:09What, life?
36:11I'm glad I'm not going through it on my own.
36:14Sometimes I can't wait until they're 18.
36:17What, do you think we'll be rid of them then?
36:19Watch the telly? Kids can't afford to leave home.
36:22We are stuck with that pair for life.
36:30Ten o'clock?
36:32Joe's neighbourhood, banging in the flat.
36:35Yeah, well, like I said, I'd have still been at Max's house.
36:41Look, do I need a solicitor?
36:43What for? It's just a chat.
36:45Will you write down my answers?
36:48You were there all night? Yeah.
36:51You've got a good memory.
36:53It was two weeks ago.
36:55Yeah, well, like you said, it was the night Joe's airing won it.
36:59That was the 27th.
37:01Funnily enough, the events that day kind of lodged in my mind.
37:05Because he failed to show?
37:07Because I was supposed to get justice.
37:10Do you remember anything else about that day?
37:16I was worried.
37:18Worried that he might have snuck into the hospital to steal Frankie,
37:21but worried about that constantly.
37:23Did you share them concerns with anybody else?
37:29Anything else?
37:31Worried that he'd turned up to the caf.
37:33Who, Joe? Drunk.
37:35Yeah, me and Max checked in on him before we went back to his.
37:38His? Be Max Turner's house, number eight coronation street?
37:42I don't know what number it is.
37:46Right, yeah. It does ring a bell.
37:51Look, his dad was there, not for long, but he made us some tea.
37:55Matt's complained, saying that the pasta was quite hard,
37:58you know when you don't cook it properly.
38:00Al dente?
38:04I think it's supposed to be like that.
38:10Yeah, well, there was a noise outside in the garden.
38:12I thought he went out.
38:15For a minute,
38:17I thought it were him coming and getting me.
38:22Every night I dream about him.
38:26And every night he gets there.
38:29Well, he won't be doing that any more.
38:31Look, I have to ask you these questions.
38:34I'm not suggesting you did it.
38:36I mean, you'd be crazy to.
38:38Especially this little one to look after.
39:02All right.
39:10I have decided to quit.
39:17I can work my shift today,
39:19if you want me to.
39:21You can't afford to give your notice in.
39:24Well, I've found another job.
39:28Yeah, yeah. Garden centre.
39:30Saw an advert last night.
39:32How convenient.
39:34Struck a lot.
39:36Money's better, too, so...
39:38It's not difficult. We paid what we could.
39:41Yeah, and I appreciate that I did.
39:43Thank you for giving me another chance.
39:46It's all him.
39:48Well, either way, you didn't have to, did you?
39:54I wish you the best of luck.
39:56I wish you the best of luck.
40:07The 27th.
40:09It was the night of Joe Darin's hearing, if that helps.
40:12When he was a no-show?
40:14Yeah, she stayed here.
40:16For the night?
40:20I made him something to eat, a pair of them, and then left him to it.
40:24What did you make him to eat?
40:26Weeks ago.
40:28It's not important.
40:30I thought he drowned, anyway.
40:32Well, that's what we're trying to work out.
40:34And everyone's cooperation is appreciated.
40:38I made him pasta.
40:40Yeah, because I remember he said I'd not cooked it for long enough.
40:43And I said it's al dente, but he was right, I hadn't.
40:46I told him he could shut his face and he could make it his own next time.
40:50And you stand by that statement in the court of law?
40:53About pasta?
40:55You definitely saw her in the morning?
40:57Well, my brother's been sleeping on the couch cos...
41:00Well, he has.
41:02And I told him he's going to have to ship off cos she needed it.
41:05Nick, this is... Yeah.
41:07His missus has kicked him out, so he's been staying here.
41:11And is there anything else about the 27th?
41:18Not really.
41:22Well, just let me know if anything springs to mind.
41:30Oh, I thought I was going to die. Where was it?
41:32Bathroom floor.
41:36What's the latest?
41:38Well, he's still dead.
41:42They think it was murder.
41:45You said he drowned himself.
41:48I might be wrong.
41:51I need to get back to work.
41:53I'm glad he's dead.
41:55He won't be the only one.
41:57I'll see you back at the ranch, kiddo.
42:04Hello, darling.
42:06Hey. How are you feeling?
42:08Well, I've slept on it.
42:10Don't you go shedding any more tears.
42:13I'm guessing you haven't heard.
42:15It was...
42:24No water on his lungs, apparently.
42:27Liam spoke to Lauren first thing.
42:30He'll want to speak to me at some point.
42:32Well, I can't think you had anything to do with it.
42:35What a humiliated fiancé.
42:37I held Ben on revenge.
42:39In all seriousness, did he, hun?
42:41He's just doing his job.
42:43It's fine. They've got to rule people out.
42:45But you've been the one leading the trip.
42:47Ben will cooperate.
42:49Look, just, um...
42:51I get to stand here.
42:55Just give me a sec.
43:03What are we going to do?
43:05We're going to keep our mouths shut.
43:07They don't catch up with us.
43:09You don't tell us all.
43:11Neither do I.
43:13They'll find out.
43:15They won't unless you tell them.
43:17Now pull yourself together before she comes back.
43:21That copper lives upstairs.
43:23Now stay nice and frosty.