Emmerdale 14th October 2024

  • 8 hours ago
Emmerdale 14th October 2024


00:30Oh, charming. What, I need a reason to talk to my husband now, do I? Yeah, um, does Yvonne
00:40want one of these?
00:41No, she's already gone, Mum.
00:42Yeah. Oh, Cain's on the phone. Do you want to say hi?
00:45Hiya, Cain. Mum, I said I do.
00:46Yeah, he doesn't even want his mum to make him a bacon butty. Are you driving? No, kids
00:54haven't been to school, no. Oh, OK. Well, look, make sure you give Debbie and Zak my
01:01love, yeah? All right, Dad, I love you. Bye.
01:06Everything all right, Mum?
01:08Yeah, just get some bread battered.
01:11All right. Isaac was nattering on about the tablet again earlier. I said we'd have another
01:16look for it later.
01:17Mum? Mum?
01:24Ow, are you all right?
01:26I've got you, it's OK, it's OK. Let's get you down there. Let's get you sat down. Are
01:29you OK?
01:30Yeah, yeah.
01:31We'll just get you some water.
01:32We could go down to the stream and then it'd be a nature walk.
01:39Yeah, we could. Or you could go back inside and do the worksheet that your teacher sent
01:45you. Look, Lucas is doing this.
01:48Remy, will you please come inside and do your work?
01:51Will you stop leaving this door open?
01:54Do you know how much it costs to heat this house?
02:00Why is everything so difficult?
02:03I'll talk to her later, OK?
02:10Bad time?
02:11Well, I've got a land stew here looking for a home.
02:13Well, you didn't need to do that.
02:15I know how tough it can be with a little one.
02:17That's when...
02:19I don't know you're coping.
02:21You think we're coping?
02:24That's a real help.
02:26Come in.
02:28Do you want any painkillers, Mum?
02:29Look, it's fine. I barely touched it.
02:34For God's sake, just see it.
02:35You were right and I was wrong.
02:37I can't be trusted.
02:38Mum, don't be like that.
02:40Why? It's the truth.
02:44Look, you can finish off your own breakfast.
02:46I'm going to go for a lie down.
02:48I assume you think I'm capable of doing that.
03:00Er, yeah, sorry, yeah.
03:02That's me.
03:18I said I was going to treat you.
03:20Well, I arrived first, so it's on me.
03:28I thought you said it were getting better.
03:30It's going to take a while.
03:33But it helps, knowing that I've got you by my side.
03:37You know, you are pretty amazing,
03:40putting up with all my baggage.
03:43And the accusations.
03:44False accusations, Tom.
03:46Why can't people just mind their own business?
03:48If only.
03:50But, you know, let's forget about that.
03:51Let's just focus on us.
03:53I feel like we need a bit of a reset.
03:57a start over.
03:59With me taking you out on a proper date.
04:02Pick you up at lunchtime, say...
04:05Yeah, OK, great.
04:07I'll take somewhere special.
04:09And then we can go pick up Esther
04:11and spend the afternoon together.
04:15You don't actually have to sit here waiting on me.
04:18Look, someone needs to be here. We agreed, remember?
04:25That was the hospital that called earlier.
04:27There's been a cancellation for the op.
04:29Oh, wow, and when for?
04:34They want me to do a pre-op first thing and...
04:37well, pretty much straight away, assuming I pass.
04:40Wow, that's brilliant, Mum.
04:42It's scary, too, obviously,
04:44but it's great news.
04:46Aye. For you and Mackenzie, maybe.
04:48No more babysitting.
04:49No, for you.
04:51And, look, it's got to be better than waiting months.
04:54And your surgeon, she knows what she's doing.
04:57And she knows all the risks.
04:59And made sure I knew them too.
05:01Well, she still thinks you should have it done, though.
05:04Perhaps she doesn't like me as much as I thought.
05:09I'm scared, Matty.
05:11I know.
05:14Have you, er... have you spoken to Cain?
05:17No, there's no point.
05:20They just say,
05:21go ahead, the sooner the better.
05:24He doesn't want to accept that there could be problems, not really.
05:27Mum, he... he loves you.
05:30He just wants what's best for you, like... like me.
05:33What's with the sudden doubts?
05:35I suppose it was easier when it was months away.
05:39It's like when you arrange a night out,
05:41but when it comes to it, you'd rather stop in instead of the sofa.
05:46This isn't a joke, Mum.
05:52Come walk with me.
05:55No, please.
05:56It'll help me explain.
05:58Come on.
06:02Aye, it's all right for you,
06:03but you're not next to the bathroom listening to it drip all night.
06:07And it won't get any better for being ignored.
06:09No, no, I imagine not.
06:10Now, in fact, in my experience, once one washer goes...
06:13Yeah, I hear you, Bear. I will call a plumber.
06:16A plumber for a few washers?
06:18Well, obviously, unless you want to step in.
06:19Oh, no, no, no, slippery slope.
06:21Never get involved with other people's waterworks.
06:24Yes, such wise words.
06:26Now, what you need is an adjustable spanner,
06:28a screwdriver or maybe an Allen key.
06:30Well, I could just call Sam.
06:33I'm sure he wouldn't mind messing with my waterworks.
06:36Might take his mind off Sampson, too.
06:37Aye, right enough.
06:39Toot sweet, though, Liam.
06:41Toot sweet.
06:43Hey, Billy.
06:46How's he getting on?
06:47Yeah, yeah, he's good, thanks.
06:50Oh, better than dead.
06:52It's just a work thing, box size.
06:54I'm glad I'm a doctor.
07:01I was actually going to come and see you.
07:03You were right about the car.
07:05How bad?
07:06Vinnie gave me 200.
07:08I'm also out of pay, I reckon.
07:09Yeah, sorry.
07:11I'll keep my eyes peeled.
07:13And I know that the budget's not great,
07:15but as soon as everything's healed up for you,
07:17we'll get you some work up at the farm.
07:18It's not going to be enough.
07:19Yeah, but it's a start.
07:21And it's a heck of a lot better than doing something really, really stupid.
07:24Oh, terrific.
07:26What, I have to?
07:27No, you really don't.
07:29Because whatever they're paying you, it's not worth it.
07:31It's for me, not the money.
07:34Forget about it, it's nothing.
07:35I've got to get everything on.
07:49It's always so peaceful here.
07:51Yeah, it's beautiful.
07:54I just wish it didn't exist.
07:59She was so full of life, wasn't she?
08:02I mean, we should be jetting off to Rome or New York
08:04to see her latest exhibition.
08:07Colonising, causing havoc at all the award ceremonies.
08:12She was so happy.
08:15She'd gone through all the pain and horror
08:17and she had this whole world of opportunity right in front of her.
08:21Then it was over.
08:23Gone, just like that.
08:26That's how fragile life is.
08:29This is different, Mum.
08:32It's not, though.
08:34With this operation, everything can change in a heartbeat.
08:38And I can't let my kids be without their mum.
08:41I'd let Holly down
08:42and I don't want to let the rest of you down either.
08:46I know what it's like, losing your mum,
08:48even if she was useless.
08:50We've all been through enough.
08:52You're not going to die, Mum.
08:54I ain't.
08:55And you didn't even let Holly down.
08:57Not even close.
08:59You weren't there, son.
09:02I know how much she loved you.
09:04How much she'd be rooting for you.
09:06It's not that simple.
09:08It is, though.
09:10If Holly was here now, Mum,
09:12she'd want you to do everything you can to get better.
09:16You've never stopped on the sofa when a big night out's on offer,
09:19so don't start now.
09:23We should be getting back.
09:25Just a...
09:26Just a few more minutes.
09:44You know I'm a terrible patient, right?
09:46Non-stop moaning and full of self-pity for weeks.
09:50Well, if that's a yes, you can moan as much as you want, Mum.
09:56You don't have to knock.
09:58That would be a place for you here.
10:00Well, if I've got out to do it.
10:02Although Kim is trying to...
10:04I'm not interested in whatever you and Kim are rowing about.
10:06Is she in?
10:08How's the kids?
10:09I'm not here for a catch-up.
10:10Can you just tell her that I came round?
10:12You don't actually want to spend time with her, do you?
10:14You do know what she did to me.
10:16This is not some petty falling out.
10:18It is, compared to what Evan's going through.
10:20Why? What's happened?
10:22No, nothing. I just...
10:23I meant his illness. Nothing new.
10:25Oh, good. So long as he's no worse.
10:28Can you ask her to phone me?
10:30Oh, fine. I'll do it myself.
10:32What is it that you need? Maybe I can help.
10:35You're my daughter.
10:37I will always do whatever I can for you and the kids.
10:41At least let me help them.
10:46Things are a bit tight.
10:48It's just we've got to keep the house warm.
10:50For Evan.
10:53It's just having a knock-on effect on stuff.
10:55Why didn't you say?
10:57Why do you think?
10:59I can't keep pretending it's going to be OK,
11:01not with Martel dropping off casseroles.
11:03I won't be complaining about that.
11:05She'll get him to drop one off here.
11:09Look, I'll get you the cash.
11:11What do you need? A couple of grand?
11:15I'll pay you back.
11:17It's for a car.
11:19I'll sort it, I promise.
11:29Right, we'll have a brew,
11:31and then we'll check that you've got everything.
11:33What time do we need to be at the hospital tomorrow?
11:35Not till the morning, 7am.
11:37Right, fine. I'll see if Amy can take the day off,
11:39unless she wanted Carla and Isaac to come with us.
11:41What? No!
11:43I don't even want them to know about it yet.
11:46Mum, you can't keep it quiet.
11:48You're going to be in hospital for, what, like a week?
11:50A few days. Look, can you just slow down?
11:58Look, I'm sorry, Mum, but you just...
12:01You do need to talk to them.
12:05They'll only fuss and worry,
12:07and you're doing enough of that for the three of you.
12:09Besides, if I tell them,
12:11Kyle will be straight on to Cain.
12:13Oh, you're not serious?
12:15Well, I'm not telling them over the phone.
12:17He's racing down here from Aberdeen,
12:19and he'd probably put himself in a ditch while he's at it.
12:21Mum... It's not up for discussion, Matty.
12:23Right, and what about Mackenzie?
12:25Or is that a stupid question?
12:27No-one needs to know until it's done.
12:29Look, you can drop me at the hospital
12:31and be back here in time to do the breakfast
12:33and the PE kits and whatever else is needed.
12:36Mum, I'm not just dumping you and running.
12:38Well, I won't be going at all if you keep being difficult.
12:40Right, OK, fine.
12:42Well, I'm telling Amy because, unlike you and Cain,
12:44we don't do secrets.
12:46No secrets of these, then?
12:48Ha-ha! Aye!
12:50You did.
13:05Right, well, it's a good job you called.
13:07The robot perished.
13:09I'll, er, sort the kitchen one out and we'll be done.
13:13I thought it was just the, er...
13:15The bathroom was the problem.
13:17Yeah, Bear's right, though. Once one goes...
13:19Oh, don't tell him that.
13:21You know, erm...
13:23I meant what I said yesterday
13:25about you being a good dad.
13:31And I'm sure Samson will soon go into the swing of things
13:33and start opening up to you.
13:35No offence, Doc, but do you know about being inside?
13:41I wish I didn't either.
13:43Then I could fool myself into thinking everything's going to be all right.
13:46I mean, perhaps it will.
13:49But you're right, you're right, it's not exactly my, er, specialist subject.
13:54Do you fancy a cuppa?
13:55I actually remembered to fill up the kettle before we started.
13:57No, I'm all right.
14:01It feels like, er...
14:04..he's building these walls, shutting me out.
14:08Or maybe just learning to cope.
14:10He doesn't want anything to do with me.
14:13And I don't blame him.
14:15Who'd want this as a dad?
14:19Sam, I'm sorry.
14:20I've left my wrench upstairs.
14:22Come on, then, what have I missed?
14:24Well, it's here now, Mum.
14:25What's the problem?
14:26There isn't one.
14:28Can you just leave me to do things, please, Matty?
14:31I just want a bit of normality.
14:33Right, come on, you're getting me worried now.
14:35Look, Mum's, er, got...
14:38..she's got a burn on her arm.
14:41Yeah, I just had another absinthe seizure.
14:44Yeah, while she was cooking.
14:46Yeah, but I'm fine, look, it's nothing.
14:48Anyway, how come you're here?
14:50When I spoke to you earlier, you were in Aberdeen, so...
14:53Well, I was on my way down, I wanted to surprise you.
14:56As if I'm not confused enough.
14:58Oh, sorry, I wasn't thinking.
15:01Anyway, Dad's doing a lot better.
15:04Up with the larks this morning, driving our Debs nuts.
15:08Practically bullied me into coming home.
15:10Oh, and you listened.
15:12That's good.
15:15Can you go and check on the cars?
15:17The cars?
15:19You know what I mean, just...
15:21Can you just give us a bit of space?
15:29Stop arguing with me, I'm buying you a drink.
15:32Two pints, please, beer. I'll get these.
15:34No, thanks.
15:35How's them grandkids of mine?
15:37This is a bad idea. I'm going home.
15:39No, no, it's all right. I'm done now, anyway.
15:42You stay, you deserve a break.
15:44Been in the scrap?
15:46Accident at work.
15:49Well, go on, I'll bring your pints over.
15:55You can go into Leeds if you like.
15:57I just feel like it's way more special here.
15:59What's the point in showing you off in a place full of strangers?
16:02Look, Tom, I'm not a prize pony.
16:04Anyway, we're in here all the time.
16:06You're right, I'm sorry.
16:08I just wanted to do something nice for you.
16:10But I got up thinking that the more time we spend in here,
16:14the more normal it will be for everyone.
16:16And that way, people will be used to the fact that we're a couple,
16:19whether they like it or not.
16:22There you go, lad.
16:28So when is it, the big fight?
16:31You're not going to try and talk me out of it, then?
16:33I would if I thought you'd listen.
16:36But if you want me to keep my mouth shut around dawn,
16:39then I need to know what's going on.
16:41I'm serious, Billy.
16:42Like, you're not in the right headspace, and it could get way worse.
16:45So what if it does?
16:47Look, at least I'm actually doing something.
16:50What does that mean?
16:51I feel useless.
16:53I just want to be a good dad, like the best I can be.
16:55But with Evan being so ill, I can't even help my boy.
16:59So you're punishing yourself?
17:01That's not what it is.
17:03It's a way for me to escape reality, I guess.
17:06It's the only thing I have control over.
17:08Surely that would depend on who you were fighting.
17:11No, it doesn't matter.
17:12Because I'm the one who's stepping up, getting in the ring.
17:17And when I'm in there, there's nothing else I can think about.
17:22This is helping me deal with the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
17:26So I'm begging you, please, just keep this to yourself.
17:40You found it.
17:41Sorry, the box was...
17:44Shouldn't have been looking.
17:45No, it's only a toolbox.
17:48None of this is your fault, you know.
17:51Samson's just going to have to find the best way he can of getting through it.
17:54As long as you know he is a good lad, and that's down to you.
17:57Don't know about that.
17:59Well, I do.
18:01Right then, kitchen tap.
18:06And forget the tea, I'm buying you a pint as soon as we're finished.
18:10Thanks, Doc, but I'm going to take our bell snaring.
18:15Yeah, I was thinking about it upstairs.
18:17She's never been before, as far as I'm aware.
18:19As soon as I can't do out for Samson,
18:21at least I can help her take her mind off everything.
18:24I'd still owe you a pint, though.
18:26I could see you down the pub later, after you're done snaring.
18:31You're on.
18:38You know, Kale and Isaac are going to be so excited to see you.
18:41They've really missed you.
18:42Really missed you.
18:43Well, I've not been gone that long. I've spoke to them plenty.
18:46So what's going on between you and Matty?
18:49Well, we're just...
18:50We're getting on each other's nerves, you know.
18:52I mean, it's not his fault.
18:55I don't like someone hovering over me all the time.
18:57Well, you've got no choice.
18:59Not until you have the operation.
19:03Um, about that...
19:05Don't say you've changed your mind again.
19:08No, it's just a bit overwhelming, you know, thinking about it.
19:11Then don't.
19:12Not if he's stressing you out.
19:14Let's cross bridges when we get to him.
19:18You'll be OK on your own while I go and have a shower.
19:20Yeah, sure.
19:34Hey, Debbie.
19:35Yeah, your dad got back home safely, but it's just...
19:40What is it? What's wrong?
19:46He's napping again.
19:48How was he on his walk?
19:49Slept through that, too.
19:51But Jenny did say that he'd be tired,
19:53so let's try not to...try not to worry.
19:57I know I've been horrible to live with recently.
20:00Yeah, well, we've both been shattered.
20:02Oh, right, so you're not denying it, then?
20:05I don't have. I've not been myself either, so...
20:09Well, we should be pulling together.
20:11Not sniping at each other.
20:13Not sleeping in separate rooms.
20:17Door was open.
20:18Didn't want to disturb sleeping babies.
20:20Or parents.
20:22I wish.
20:33Stop looking so worried.
20:34I've thought it all through.
20:38And I get it.
20:39Not the fighting part, but the feeling powerless bit.
20:43It's exactly how I felt when Ruben was sick.
20:45I mean, it's not exactly the same, obviously.
20:48So you're not going to say anything?
20:52But I'm not letting you do this on your own.
20:55Especially not after last time.
20:57You need someone looking out for you.
20:59And for keeping you in shape.
21:01You'll be spitting nails, kid.
21:03You'll be eating lightning and...
21:06What? You've never seen Rocky?
21:09Okay. We've got a lot of work to do, then.
21:16That's better.
21:17Didn't feel like having one this morning.
21:22What's up?
21:24Come on, let me in now.
21:26Do you not have another seizure?
21:27No, it's not me. It's...
21:30Debbie phoned.
21:33I'm so sorry, darling, but...
21:37He's died.
21:41I'm so sorry.
22:02Next year, Coronation Street.