• last week
Russia and North Korea vow to “immediately provide military assistance” in the case of an attack on one of them, according to the newly released text of a treaty signed by leaders Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. “In the event that either party falls into a state of war due to armed aggression from an individual state or multiple states, the other party shall immediately provide military and other assistance by all means available,” Article 4 of the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership states, according to the text carried by the Korean Central News Agency. How does all this fit in with Iran and the Middle East? Good question! On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Middle East is sitting on a razor’s edge right now, but that edge is not confined to just the Middle East. Russia, who already has a military defense agreement with Iran and China, has now added North Korea to the mix. This is the ‘Axis of Evil’ for the 21st century, and man, oh, man, it’s a doozy. Overnight in the Middle East, Hezbollah pulled off an incredible drone strike on the Jews in Israel, killing 4 people and wounding many more. The IDF has still not launched a reprisal strike on Iran for what they did last week. The war in Ukraine has now killed over one million people, with no signs of stopping or even slowing down. Wars and rumours of everywhere you looks, it is the beginning of sorrows! All this and more on today’s Prophecy News Podcast!


00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast
00:00:04with your host and Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:07Rightly divided, dispensationally correct,
00:00:11and standing on the authority of the King James Holy Bible.
00:00:15This program is brought to you by NowTheNBegins.com.
00:00:20And good afternoon, happy Monday, everybody,
00:00:23and welcome to this edition
00:00:24of the Prophecy News Podcast today.
00:00:27Russia and North Korea vow to act together
00:00:30to defend against acts of aggression
00:00:33against either country.
00:00:34Does this include Iran also?
00:00:36Russia and North Korea vow to, quote,
00:00:39immediately provide military assistance, end quote,
00:00:43in the case of an attack on one of them,
00:00:46according to a newly released text of a treaty signed
00:00:49by leaders Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un back in June.
00:00:54The treaty goes on to say,
00:00:56in the event that either party falls into a state of war
00:00:59due to armed aggression from an individual state
00:01:03or multiple states,
00:01:04the other party shall immediately provide military
00:01:08and other assistance by all means available.
00:01:11Article four of the Treaty
00:01:13on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership states,
00:01:16according to the text carried
00:01:18by the Korean Central News Agency.
00:01:21Now, how does all of this fit in
00:01:23with Iran and the Middle East?
00:01:25That's a good question.
00:01:27Luke 21, verse nine.
00:01:30But when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars,
00:01:33no, that's Matthew 24,
00:01:35but when ye shall hear of wars and commotions,
00:01:39be not terrified,
00:01:40for all these things must first come to pass,
00:01:43but the end is not by and by.
00:01:46The Middle East is sitting on a razor's edge right now,
00:01:48but that edge is not confined to just the Middle East.
00:01:53Russia, who already has a military defense agreement
00:01:56with Iran and China,
00:01:58has now added North Korea to the mix.
00:02:01This is the axis of evil for the 21st century,
00:02:05and man, oh man, it's a doozy.
00:02:08Overnight in the Middle East over the weekend,
00:02:10Hezbollah pulled off an incredible drone strike
00:02:14on the Jews in Israel,
00:02:15killing four people and wounding many more.
00:02:18The IDF has still not launched a reprisal strike on Iran
00:02:22for what they did last week.
00:02:24The war in Ukraine has now killed over 1 million people
00:02:28with no signs of stopping or even slowing down.
00:02:32Wars and rumors of wars everywhere you look,
00:02:36it is the beginning of sorrows.
00:02:40All this and much more today on this Prophecy News podcast.
00:02:45Heavenly Father, we thank you, God,
00:02:47for your goodness and your mercy.
00:02:49We thank you, Lord, for fixing all the problems
00:02:52that we've had with this podcasting setup and software,
00:02:56and we couldn't do the Bible study last night.
00:02:59We crashed and burned trying to do the podcast today,
00:03:03but Lord, you got it up and working,
00:03:06and we're glad and we're grateful,
00:03:08and we commit this time to you, Father God,
00:03:10and we pray for lost souls.
00:03:13Jason, please add my brother Nicholas to the list.
00:03:17Daniel Rye, please pray for my parents, Ray and Bernie,
00:03:20as well as my brother and sister and their children.
00:03:24Ronnie Hogan, please add my lost family,
00:03:26Crystal Trent and Kennedy.
00:03:29Jessica Trent, please pray for my husband,
00:03:31Jesse, for salvation,
00:03:33and for my brother and sister-in-law for salvation as well.
00:03:37Kimberly McClintock, please pray
00:03:38for my two adult daughters, E and J.
00:03:42Shayla Clark's husband, Glenn.
00:03:44In Jeanette's family, Cheyenne, Bridget, Tony,
00:03:47Matthew, Samuel, Dion, and two great grandbabies.
00:03:51Tara, Ted, Shauna, and George, Trevor.
00:03:55Derek, Adam, and Rolling Carrier and their families.
00:03:58My three brothers, John, Jimmy, and David.
00:04:01Daughter, Christy, niece, Melissa,
00:04:03and sister-in-law, Dale, for salvation.
00:04:06Jesse and his mom, Rachel's dad, Ralph.
00:04:08Jordan Shapiro, David Peck.
00:04:11In the Wears Bickey family, daughters Valerie and Marie,
00:04:15husband, Greg Senior, and son, Greg Junior.
00:04:19Jeffrey's children, Tyler, Tevin, daughter-in-law, Caitlin,
00:04:22and grandsons, Logan, Ronnie, and Russell.
00:04:25And Rita in Colorado is asking salvation prayer
00:04:29for her son, Dan.
00:04:32People who need a healing today.
00:04:34Pastor James Knox has stage four prostate cancer,
00:04:38and we're praying for a full healing for him.
00:04:41We were praying for Craig,
00:04:43who had a surgical procedure on Friday,
00:04:46and I spoke with him earlier today,
00:04:48and he said, praise the Lord, everything went well,
00:04:51and thank you for praying.
00:04:53Liz Kine, broken twisted back,
00:04:56need two knees and two new shoulders.
00:05:00Marilyn has a compressed disc and a pinched nerve.
00:05:03Curtis Schmidt having heart problems.
00:05:05Sandy, she's been having shoulder issues,
00:05:08and we've been praying for her,
00:05:10and her husband, Richard, had a heart attack on Friday.
00:05:14He seems to be stable and doing well.
00:05:17Please pray for Sandy and her husband, Richard,
00:05:21for a full healing for both of them.
00:05:24M. Campbell, please pray for my sister, Michelle,
00:05:27diagnosed with breast cancer.
00:05:29Mike Fleming, diagnosed with liver cancer
00:05:32and is in hospice, given six months to live.
00:05:35Please pray for Mike and his wife, Nancy.
00:05:39Kim Harden, please pray for Charlie Harvey
00:05:42with degenerative spine disease.
00:05:45Amanda Ward has been battling cervical cancer,
00:05:48and we're praying for her and for her husband, Jeff.
00:05:53Ladies who are expecting,
00:05:57CJ's daughter-in-law, Emily,
00:05:59Debra Mack's friend, Gwen, Lauren,
00:06:02Lindsey White, Kylie Thompson,
00:06:05Shanna Rumpel, Paige, and Madison Kettlecamp.
00:06:12Please pray for all the moms and the dads
00:06:14and the doctors and nurses that will be standing by
00:06:19to bring those precious souls into the world.
00:06:24Joan, you can take Mary off the prayer list.
00:06:27She is finished with chemo and radiation.
00:06:30Thank God, and thank you all for your prayers.
00:06:35She won't have to go in for a checkup until March of 2025,
00:06:39and we do love a good praise report.
00:06:42Thank you, Joan, for that.
00:06:44Jimmy Hudson, praise report.
00:06:46I know I said yesterday, but one year ago,
00:06:50I quit drinking.
00:06:51Thanks to God, my wife, and all of your prayers.
00:06:54Thank you, NTEB family.
00:06:57Congratulations, brother, and remember,
00:06:59it is one day at a time.
00:07:02Lulu, please pray for Linda Pippin.
00:07:05She is not feeling well.
00:07:07Michigan Girl, I have a spoken request.
00:07:10I need prayers desperately as work is extremely toxic.
00:07:15I need to find a new job ASAP.
00:07:18Teresa S., I have a praise report.
00:07:21After radiation and thoracic surgery on my lungs,
00:07:25I am cancer-free.
00:07:26Thank you for your prayers.
00:07:28Heath, please keep me in your prayer.
00:07:31The enemy has been kicking me around, and I'm tired of it.
00:07:36The Bible says to stand firm,
00:07:38and that's what we need to do.
00:07:40Jeanette, continued prayer for my new caregiver company
00:07:44to find new caregivers,
00:07:46and we're happy to pray for that as well.
00:07:51Heavenly Father, for all these prayers
00:07:54and for the unspoken prayers of our hearts,
00:07:57we ask you to work and move in a mighty way
00:07:59as only you can.
00:08:01And Lord, from every prayer,
00:08:06from an animal, a beloved pet that's not doing well,
00:08:11and Karen's beloved dog has been having leg problems
00:08:16and hip problems, please pray for Karen's dog
00:08:21that she would get a full recovery.
00:08:23And our pets are so important to us,
00:08:26and they are gifts from God.
00:08:28And Father God, for all of these prayers,
00:08:31from an animal to an aneurysm to a heart attack
00:08:34to cancer to accidents, finances, jobs,
00:08:38and everything in between,
00:08:40we ask you, God, to work and move as only you can.
00:08:44And we commit all this to you, God, in Jesus' name, amen.
00:08:51Well, welcome, everybody.
00:08:53We're glad to have you here today.
00:08:56I don't like it when software goes bad,
00:09:00and we had huge problems with the software last night,
00:09:05and I thought I had it fixed.
00:09:06I stayed up for two hours after the start
00:09:11of the Bible study that never got off the ground,
00:09:15and I thought I had it fixed last night,
00:09:18and I turned it on this morning,
00:09:20and I thought it was gonna work, but it didn't work.
00:09:24But this is why.
00:09:26This is why we commit these things to the Lord.
00:09:30And I was telling Lori that I was so mad,
00:09:33and I was so frustrated.
00:09:35Curse words were on the very edge of my tongue,
00:09:39about to come out.
00:09:41Thank God they did not.
00:09:44But look, we are all flesh,
00:09:48and we are all as grass, the Bible says.
00:09:51And every once in a while,
00:09:53something will get us so mad and so upset
00:09:56that we just want to explode.
00:10:00But you know what Paul says,
00:10:02and I had to remind myself of this
00:10:05at the height of my frustration, Philippians 4.4.
00:10:10Rejoice in the Lord all way, and again, I say rejoice.
00:10:14I thought about that verse through gritted teeth.
00:10:18I was so angry.
00:10:19I was so mad.
00:10:20My blood pressure was so high.
00:10:23Paul says, let your moderation be known unto all men.
00:10:26The Lord is at hand.
00:10:28Be careful for nothing, but in everything,
00:10:32by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
00:10:36Let your praise be made known unto God,
00:10:38and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
00:10:42shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
00:10:47So we praise the Lord today
00:10:49for His unspeakable gift of salvation.
00:10:53We thank Him for never turning His back on us,
00:10:58never wandering away,
00:11:02always being there for us,
00:11:04whether our need is small or great.
00:11:08Deborah Mack says, please pray for my cousin Bob
00:11:10that he reads the Bible that I just sent him, amen.
00:11:14And we are living in trying times.
00:11:20And Daniel says that the Antichrist will seek
00:11:23to wear out the saints.
00:11:25And we feel that here in the church age.
00:11:29Daniel wasn't talking about the church age,
00:11:32but we feel it when we feel that frustration.
00:11:36And you know what I had to do?
00:11:40Instead of smashing my monitors
00:11:42or making a big scene or throwing something across the room
00:11:46or yelling at the dog or yelling at my wife
00:11:49or doing anything like that,
00:11:52I had to do exactly what I counsel you guys to do.
00:11:57I had to put it in the Lord's hands,
00:11:59ask Him to take it off of me
00:12:02and ask Him to work it and resolve it
00:12:04for His glory and for my good.
00:12:07And that's just real life.
00:12:11Everyday real life.
00:12:14And the Bible is a very, very practical book.
00:12:18Very practical book.
00:12:20And you should spend some time in Philippians chapter four.
00:12:25In fact, the entire book of Philippians
00:12:28gives you a lot of really good practical biblical counsel
00:12:34for what to do when the world, the flesh and the devil
00:12:38just wears you out and brings you to the breaking point.
00:12:45And I tell you a half hour ago,
00:12:47I thought that my chest was going to explode.
00:12:50I was so mad and I was so frustrated
00:12:53and my temples were pounding
00:12:55and it felt like somebody was squeezing my neck
00:12:58and I just wanted to smash my computer monitor.
00:13:02Why is this not working?
00:13:06And then I gave it all to the Lord
00:13:10and the tension began to subside
00:13:15and the peace of God which passeth all understanding
00:13:19began to rule and reign in my heart once again.
00:13:24And this is what the Bible is there for.
00:13:28Yes, to point the way to salvation, absolutely.
00:13:33But once you get saved, what do you do?
00:13:36Well, the Bible is filled with instruction
00:13:38of what you should do and how you should live your life
00:13:42on a daily basis.
00:13:45And Philippians chapter four, verses four through eight
00:13:48are some of the greatest verses that I know
00:13:53of what to do when you're up against it
00:13:56and the devil is bearing down hard.
00:13:59That's what we have to do and that's what I did
00:14:03and praise the Lord, we are up and running
00:14:06and we got a lot to talk about today
00:14:09and I see the chat room,
00:14:10some people are coming back to the chat room
00:14:13and what a blessing our NTEB family is.
00:14:17You guys are absolutely the best
00:14:20and we appreciate and love you so very, very much.
00:14:25In just a little bit, I'm gonna have some updates
00:14:29on the aftermath of Hurricane Helene,
00:14:32what's going on in Nashville,
00:14:34what's going on in the West Coast of Florida,
00:14:36what's going on with Suncoast Baptist Church
00:14:39and the Soul Trap people over there
00:14:41and we have a lot to talk about today.
00:14:43But first, I wanna talk about the drums of war
00:14:51that are right now as I speak to you,
00:14:55ramping up incessantly
00:15:00and the drums of war are louder than they have ever been
00:15:06and right now, they are absolutely screaming.
00:15:11That's what these drums of war are doing right now
00:15:15and the number one hotspot that we need to pay attention to
00:15:21is what is going on with Russia and North Korea.
00:15:27Now, I've told you many, many times
00:15:33that the very first story that we posted
00:15:37back on March of 2020,
00:15:43the very first story that we posted was an article
00:15:48about the joint war games between Iran, Russia
00:15:55and the nation of China
00:15:59and that was the very, very first article
00:16:02that we posted January 1st, 2020,
00:16:05that unbelievable year that kicked off the pandemic,
00:16:09kicked off the lockdown and set in motion
00:16:13a series of events that are still playing themselves
00:16:18out and let's see what day it is today.
00:16:23How many days is it since March 16th of 2020?
00:16:29Today is day 1,673 of 15 days to flatten the curve
00:16:37and back on January 1st of 2020, we published this article.
00:16:43After joint war games with Russia and China conclude,
00:16:48Iran tells the United States
00:16:50that their days of Middle East dominance are over.
00:16:56Rear Admiral Hossein Kanzandi told reporters in Iran Sunday
00:17:02that the four day exercise in the Indian Ocean
00:17:05and the Gulf of Oman dubbed Marine Security Belt
00:17:09was a signal to US forces operating in the region.
00:17:13Quote, today the era of American free action
00:17:18in the region of the Middle East is over.
00:17:21They must leave the region gradually
00:17:25and so on January 1st of 2020,
00:17:29we told you about an axis of evil that was taking place
00:17:35between Russia, China and Iran
00:17:39and here we are in October of 2024
00:17:45and the number one hotspot
00:17:48is happening between Russia and North Korea.
00:17:52Take a listen to this.
00:17:55General, this one's a strange one.
00:17:57I know we have strange bedfellows
00:17:59but this is raising a lot of eyebrows.
00:18:01In Ukraine, it's now highly likely
00:18:04that North Korean soldiers are fighting for Russia,
00:18:07South Korea's defence minister says.
00:18:09Last week, Ukrainian missiles struck Donetsk.
00:18:12The attack killed a few soldiers
00:18:14but here's the catch, they weren't Russians.
00:18:17In fact, new reports suggest
00:18:18that they were North Korean soldiers.
00:18:21What were they doing in Ukraine?
00:18:22The former Home Affairs Secretary says
00:18:24Australia is undermining the threat posed
00:18:27by the growing alliance between China,
00:18:29Russia, Iran and North Korea.
00:18:31He alleges the escalations of conflict in the Middle East
00:18:34in conjunction with the war in Ukraine
00:18:36and China's aggression in the Indo-Pacific
00:18:39indicates a new era of dictatorship alliances.
00:18:42On October 3rd, Ukraine struck Donetsk.
00:18:46Seoul says the missile strike
00:18:48may have killed six North Korean officers.
00:18:51Ukrainian media has also reported the same.
00:18:57So the partnership is going to new levels.
00:18:59Now Taiwan's defence ministry has said
00:19:01that it has detected 24 PLA aircraft
00:19:03and 10 PLAN vessels operating around the island.
00:19:07But 22 of them crossed the median line
00:19:09and reportedly entered
00:19:10into Taiwan's air defence identification zone.
00:19:12The strongest partnership deal we are told
00:19:15since the Cold War, Russia's Vladimir Putin,
00:19:18North Korea's Kim Jong-un, best buds
00:19:21and signing an aggression pact
00:19:25to avoid aggression from the rest of the world.
00:19:28The extension of a military pact
00:19:30that Moscow and Pyongyang signed
00:19:32in the month of June this year.
00:19:33They pledged to extend military ties.
00:19:36North Korean weapons are already being used
00:19:37in Ukraine by the Russians.
00:19:39Look, this is pretty significant when you think about it.
00:19:41It's the first time that Putin's been back to North Korea
00:19:44in over two decades.
00:19:46The Israeli military displayed on Sunday
00:19:48thousands of weapons and equipment
00:19:50it said were seized from Hamas.
00:19:53Ahead of the one-year anniversary
00:19:54of Hamas' October 7th attack,
00:19:56the Israeli army showed thousands of weapons
00:19:59it said were seized from the militant group
00:20:01which were used in Israel during the onslaught
00:20:03as well as others taken during the past year
00:20:06of operations inside Gaza and Lebanon.
00:20:09The military, which created the display
00:20:11at a sprawling army base south of Tel Aviv,
00:20:14said it has retrieved more than 5,000 AK-47 assault rifles
00:20:19from Gaza and destroyed double that number,
00:20:21as well as seized thousands of other items
00:20:23including drones, explosives, RPGs, scuba equipment,
00:20:28machine guns, sniper rifles, anti-tank missiles,
00:20:32and weapons manufactured both inside Gaza
00:20:35as well as in Iran, Russia, and North Korea.
00:20:38Between Iran with its nuclear program
00:20:41and nuclear-armed Israel,
00:20:44the rhetoric from North Korea's Kim Jong-un
00:20:47is getting less international attention.
00:20:50This week, he repeated a warning.
00:20:52If South Korea used armed forces against his country,
00:20:56North Korea would, without hesitation,
00:20:58use all its attack capabilities.
00:21:01And he said, the use of nuclear weapons is not ruled out,
00:21:06though he later said,
00:21:07we have no intention of attacking South Korea.
00:21:11This week saw a massive annual military parade
00:21:14in South Korea, including a US bomber.
00:21:17What Korea gets out of it,
00:21:19it kind of reduces their isolationism in the region
00:21:22and it solidified this axis of evil,
00:21:26the axis of China and Iran and North Korea and Russia.
00:21:30North Korea's army says it's moving
00:21:32to permanently shut off and block the border
00:21:34with South Korea.
00:21:36It said it had informed the US military
00:21:38to prevent an accidental clash.
00:21:41North Korea is permanently blocking its territory
00:21:43from South Korea by cutting off all roads and railways.
00:21:47Pyongyang says the measures are in response
00:21:49to what it considers provocations by South Korea
00:21:52and the US, citing joint military exercises.
00:21:55According to the country's state-run news agency,
00:21:58the North's military believes, quote,
00:22:00the acute military situation prevailing
00:22:02on the Korean peninsula requires the armed forces
00:22:05of the DPRK to take a more resolute and stronger measure
00:22:08in order to more credibly defend the national security.
00:22:11But officials in Seoul say Pyongyang has been building up
00:22:14its side of the border for months
00:22:16with anti-tank barriers and mines.
00:22:19And they warn this latest move
00:22:20will only further isolate the North.
00:22:23Beijing responded to the decision
00:22:24with another call for restraint.
00:22:29We believe that maintaining peace and stability
00:22:32on the Korean peninsula and promoting political solution
00:22:35to the peninsula issue is in the common interests
00:22:37of all parties.
00:22:38Last month, he was pictured visiting centrifuges
00:22:42that can produce fuel for nuclear bombs.
00:22:45Last year, he brought his daughter to inspect missiles.
00:22:48This is my honor.
00:22:49The years when Kim Jong-un was prepared
00:22:52to meet with President Trump
00:22:54and perhaps negotiate are a memory now.
00:22:58The next president may have to deal
00:23:00with a very different North Korea.
00:23:03Tom, the relationship between President Putin
00:23:05and Kim Jong-un is not new.
00:23:07President Putin knew Kim Jong-un's father, Kim Jong-il.
00:23:11But the closeness between the two men
00:23:14and the two countries, that is increasingly unusual.
00:23:18U.S. intelligence estimates
00:23:19that North Korea shipped 16,000 crates of munitions
00:23:24to Russia in the past year.
00:23:27And Russia says it is helping North Korea
00:23:30with its space program.
00:23:32There are tensions too between China and North Korea,
00:23:35between China.
00:23:37So as you can see from all the events
00:23:40that are taking place in the news
00:23:42and all that stuff took place in the last couple of weeks,
00:23:46you can see very, very clearly
00:23:48that the drumbeats of war
00:23:51are not just ramping up in Ukraine.
00:23:55They are not just ramping up in the Middle East,
00:23:58but they are ramping up in Europe,
00:24:01in Asia, in the Middle East,
00:24:04and literally all over the place.
00:24:07And this is exactly where things were standing four years ago
00:24:13when we told you about the military pact
00:24:18between the nations of Iran, Russia, and China.
00:24:23China and Russia and Iran,
00:24:25that may be an opportunity for a future administration.
00:24:29North Korea is returning the favor too.
00:24:33Its weapons are already playing a big role
00:24:35in the Ukraine war.
00:24:37Growing evidence suggests
00:24:38that Russia has been deploying North Korean missiles
00:24:40in Ukraine,
00:24:41and now it looks like it's also using Pyongyang soldiers.
00:24:46Which brings us to the question,
00:24:48how far does this no-holds-barred friendship go?
00:24:52Well, there's nothing organic about this comradeship.
00:24:55It may look like these two are BFFs,
00:24:58but it's based on common enmity towards the US.
00:25:02And it's based on the fact that
00:25:03but it's based on common enmity towards the US.
00:25:07However, there's also a lot to gain.
00:25:10For Putin, it's a new ally,
00:25:12a steady supplier of military weapons,
00:25:14and now even soldiers.
00:25:16Yu also warns of an alliance brewing between China,
00:25:20Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
00:25:22They're working together, that's for sure,
00:25:23whether that's on Axis.
00:25:25So the news clips that you're listening to,
00:25:28as I told you,
00:25:30are all news clips from last week
00:25:34and the week before.
00:25:35This is all breaking news that's taking place right now.
00:25:38And yet, when we go back four and a half years ago
00:25:44to March of 2020,
00:25:47and the very first article that we did
00:25:49was about joint war games between Russia, China, and Iran,
00:25:54things have been escalating the entire time.
00:25:58And now it is bringing us to the place
00:26:02where we have Israel about to go head to head with Iran.
00:26:07And we have a lot of updates on the war
00:26:10that Israel's been fighting with Hezbollah
00:26:12over the last couple of weeks.
00:26:14Israel took a big hit last night.
00:26:17Four people were died, dozens were injured
00:26:20in a incredible drone strike
00:26:23that slipped through Israeli security.
00:26:26And we're gonna talk about that as well.
00:26:30But when you look at the history of World War I
00:26:34and the history of World War II,
00:26:37there were flashpoints
00:26:42at every step along the way
00:26:44that connected these nations together.
00:26:47And that's what turned it into a world war.
00:26:52Just to take a very complex topic
00:26:54and make it as simple as possible,
00:26:57there were multiple events
00:26:59that were all firing at the same time,
00:27:01which brought about a world conflict of nations
00:27:06back in 1914.
00:27:08And when you get to World War II,
00:27:10there are all these different
00:27:14and multiple flashpoints that are triggering.
00:27:20You have Germany with Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland.
00:27:26You have Chamberlain waving his document,
00:27:31peace in our time.
00:27:33You have the nation of Japan
00:27:38getting ready to bomb Pearl Harbor.
00:27:41And all these different things were happening regionally
00:27:47and then they all connected to happen globally.
00:27:51Well, in much the same way,
00:27:54that's where we stand right now.
00:27:56Russia and Ukraine is a regional conflict
00:28:00that's been going on for about two years.
00:28:03What's happening with Israel and Hamas in Gaza,
00:28:07Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran,
00:28:10that is a regional conflict, but with global implications.
00:28:16And now you have North Korea and Russia joining together
00:28:22and my question is,
00:28:26this new alliance between Russia and North Korea,
00:28:31how does that impact the existing alliance
00:28:35between Russia, Iran and China?
00:28:40Are all those nations going to come together
00:28:42so if Israel attacks Iran,
00:28:48is China, Russia and North Korea
00:28:53going to step in to defend Iran?
00:28:57That's where your World War III comes from.
00:29:00This is an alliance, but there are symptoms,
00:29:03signs that they're working together.
00:29:05The Taiwan's defense ministry has said
00:29:06that it has detected 24 PLA aircraft
00:29:09and 10 PLAN vessels operating around the island.
00:29:13The 22 of them crossed the median line
00:29:14and reportedly entered
00:29:16into Taiwan's air defense identification zone.
00:29:18Now this comes after the US Secretary of State,
00:29:20Anthony Blinken reinforced Washington's commitment
00:29:23to Taiwan's sovereignty,
00:29:24adding that it is critical to US interests.
00:29:27After attending the East Asia Summit
00:29:29that was hosted in Laos,
00:29:31now Blinken said that all Southeast Asian nations
00:29:34want to see stability and security across the Taiwan Strait.
00:29:37He further said that the region affects
00:29:39arguably every country in the world,
00:29:41as it is the world's main producer
00:29:43of high-end semiconductors.
00:29:45It goes to the importance of
00:29:49preserving peace and stability in general,
00:29:53but it also goes to something that I think affects
00:29:55the lives, the livelihoods and the future
00:29:58of every country in the region
00:29:59and arguably every country in the world.
00:30:0050% of commercial container traffic
00:30:02goes through the Taiwan Strait every day.
00:30:05More than 70% of the high-end semiconductors
00:30:07that the world needs are produced on Taiwan.
00:30:10So there's a strong interest around the world
00:30:13on maintaining peace and stability,
00:30:14preserving the status quo, avoiding...
00:30:18So when you talk about why China
00:30:22wants to take over the nation of Taiwan,
00:30:26it has very little to do with
00:30:28Chinese imperialism or colonialism.
00:30:32And it has everything to do
00:30:35with the semiconductor company that exists in Taiwan,
00:30:41which is one of the most sophisticated
00:30:46semiconductor companies on the face of the earth.
00:30:51And one thing that China does not have,
00:30:55they like to brag about the technology that they have.
00:31:02They like to brag about their computer savvy,
00:31:08but guess what?
00:31:11The microchips that China uses
00:31:15are really kind of last generation microchips
00:31:21compared to what is being produced in the nation of Taiwan.
00:31:28And I'm looking for an article.
00:31:31I can't pull it up right away.
00:31:33The next time I play a sound clip,
00:31:35I'll see if I can find this article.
00:31:37But this is why,
00:31:41because we did a podcast on this about six months ago.
00:31:47We did a podcast about this semiconductor company in Taiwan,
00:31:52and I'll see if I can find that link
00:31:54and we'll talk about that.
00:31:56But that's the real reason why China
00:31:59wants so badly to take over Taiwan.
00:32:05They want that technology.
00:32:08And they can't get to where they want to be militarily
00:32:14without those microchips that are produced in Taiwan.
00:32:17So nothing is as it seems.
00:32:23Any kind of conflict that could disrupt things
00:32:25that are so essential to the global economy.
00:32:28And tensions between China and our neighbor, the Philippines
00:32:31are reaching boiling point at the ASEAN Summit in Laos.
00:32:35President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has gone as far
00:32:38as to accuse Beijing of harassment and intimidation,
00:32:42with Marcos pressing Southeast Asian leaders
00:32:44to urgently speed up negotiations on a code of conduct
00:32:47for the South China Sea.
00:32:49Why do you think China is being increasingly aggressive
00:32:52and aiming that aggression towards your ships?
00:32:55Well, we see really a pattern of expansionism
00:32:58in the West Philippine Sea and the whole South China Sea.
00:33:02China's aggression in the past few days
00:33:05has not been limited to the Philippines.
00:33:08They are attempting to assert their control
00:33:13over the 10-line boundaries in order to give meat
00:33:19to their unreasonable narrative or illegal narrative
00:33:24that everything within those lines
00:33:26are part of the sovereign territory of China.
00:33:32And I believe it's an attempt to redraw
00:33:35or redefine international law.
00:33:38Iran's been supplying Russia with drones.
00:33:40Both China and Russia are almost certainly supporting Iran
00:33:44in terms of its ongoing struggle with Israel.
00:33:47And of course, North Korea's got the potential
00:33:51to also attack in South Korea.
00:33:53I think the Americans are very focused
00:33:55on that entire ring of fire, if you like, of strategic fire
00:34:00from Russia and Ukraine through the Middle East,
00:34:03through not forgetting the prospect of conflict
00:34:06between China and India,
00:34:07and then coming up through the South China Sea
00:34:09all the way up to Japan.
00:34:12So there you have about 10 minutes worth of news headlines
00:34:17from just the last couple of weeks.
00:34:20And they're all saying the same thing.
00:34:22They're all screaming the same thing.
00:34:24And they are warning us about these regional conflicts
00:34:30connecting to each other.
00:34:32And when we talk about World War III,
00:34:36that's what we're talking about.
00:34:37We're talking about the Axis powers,
00:34:40and we're talking about the Allied powers.
00:34:43In World War II, the Axis powers were Japan,
00:34:48Germany, and Italy.
00:34:53The Allies, obviously, were the United States,
00:34:57the United Kingdom,
00:34:59and a host of other smaller European countries.
00:35:05So in 2024, if World War III was to break out today,
00:35:11the Axis powers would be Russia, China, Iran,
00:35:17and North Korea.
00:35:18That's the four main nations that will form
00:35:24the Axis powers in World War III.
00:35:28Now, speaking of regional conflicts
00:35:32and these things breaking out
00:35:34and having all these different problems,
00:35:36last night, huge problem in the nation of Israel.
00:35:43A Hezbollah drone was able to break through the IDF defenses
00:35:49and it caused a lot of damage.
00:35:52Take a listen to what happened in Israel yesterday.
00:35:57Hezbollah drone attack killing four Israeli soldiers
00:36:00and wounding dozens of others
00:36:02in the deadliest strike by the Iranian Bacteria Group
00:36:04since Israel launched its ground invasion
00:36:06into Lebanon nearly two weeks ago.
00:36:08We gotta get more on this.
00:36:10And welcome to a brand new hour of America's Newsroom.
00:36:12I'm Dana Perino, good morning again.
00:36:13To you, yeah, I'm Bill Hemmer.
00:36:15Good morning, a lot of worry now
00:36:17about what happens next in the Middle East.
00:36:19The deadly drone attack coming as Israeli troops
00:36:21move deeper in the Southern Lebanon,
00:36:23fighting to end Hezbollah's ability
00:36:25to target Northern Israel
00:36:27and allow tens of thousands of Israeli evacuees to go home.
00:36:30They haven't been there in a year.
00:36:31Sunday's drone attack came the same day
00:36:34the U.S. said it would send Israel a new air defense system
00:36:37to try and increase protection from those missiles.
00:36:40General Jack Keane last hour
00:36:42describing the system's advanced capabilities.
00:36:45Obviously helped the Israelis
00:36:47in the last two Iranian attacks
00:36:49from the air and also from the sea,
00:36:52and they want to complement their own air defense systems
00:36:55with this rather sophisticated and advanced system
00:36:58that the United States has.
00:36:59The radar can see and track a missile launch 1,800 miles away
00:37:06and that's pretty significant
00:37:07because Iran is 1,100 miles away.
00:37:10And Trey Yinks is live in Haifa, Israel,
00:37:12where there's activity this morning,
00:37:15and afternoon, I should say.
00:37:17Good morning and afternoon to you, Trey.
00:37:21Yeah, Dana, good morning.
00:37:22A lot of rocket fire targeting Northern Israel today,
00:37:25and yesterday's attack was the deadliest drone attack
00:37:28against Israel since the war began.
00:37:31Four Israeli soldiers killed and 51 injured
00:37:34when a Hezbollah attack drone slammed into a dining hall
00:37:37at a military base north of Tel Aviv.
00:37:40Today, Israel's chief of staff, Herzelevi,
00:37:42and the country's defense minister,
00:37:44Yoav Galand, visiting the site,
00:37:46and officials saying this is yet another reason
00:37:48why Israeli forces have to continue their ground operation
00:37:52against Hezbollah.
00:37:53We join those.
00:37:54So, this attack that took place over the weekend
00:37:59didn't kill a large amount of people,
00:38:03but it got through the IDF defenses.
00:38:09And that's a really, really bad sign.
00:38:11So, the question that we're asking,
00:38:16did Hezbollah find a crack in Israel's defense system,
00:38:21or was this a one-off lucky hit?
00:38:25That's the question that we wanna answer.
00:38:27Join those forces over the weekend
00:38:29for a firsthand look at the ongoing war.
00:38:34Right now, we're with Israel's 91st Division
00:38:37under Northern command, headed to a Shia village
00:38:40in the southern part of Lebanon.
00:38:43Arriving nearly two miles from the border with Israel,
00:38:46these soldiers are on high alert.
00:38:49The battle against Hezbollah rages on in the distance.
00:38:54Much of the group's former stronghold
00:38:56is being reduced to rubble.
00:38:58Twisted metal and mountains of concrete
00:39:00mark where buildings once stood.
00:39:03We see these bulldozers here, like this one behind me.
00:39:06A lot of destruction to civilian homes.
00:39:10Why did this have to happen in this village?
00:39:12Well, as you've seen in your own eyes,
00:39:14some of the homes that we've visited here
00:39:17are an enemy outpost hidden within civilian population,
00:39:20within some urban area.
00:39:21Inside some of those homes, an arsenal of weapons,
00:39:25with sniper rifles, grenades, and anti-tank missiles.
00:39:28There are questions about
00:39:29where all of this equipment came from,
00:39:31and what it was going to be used for.
00:39:34Weapons storage, it's literally blow my mind.
00:39:39Brand new.
00:39:41Okay, AK-47, more missiles.
00:39:44That's what we are going to do,
00:39:46is to clear all these weapons,
00:39:48all this ammunition from here,
00:39:49and get our civilians, go back to their home.
00:39:53And then Lebanese civilians
00:39:54will be allowed to return to this village?
00:39:56Of course.
00:39:58Despite promises from the IDF
00:40:00that civilians will be able to return home,
00:40:02further down the border,
00:40:03Israeli forces were seen on a video posted to social media
00:40:07raising the Israeli flag,
00:40:09while officials talk of building a buffer zone
00:40:11between the two countries.
00:40:14This, while Lebanese civilians like Fatima
00:40:17and her new baby, Rita,
00:40:18two of more than 1.2 million displaced,
00:40:21wait to return home.
00:40:23The situation got very bad, Fatima explains.
00:40:26They began hitting our village,
00:40:28and said we had to leave the village, so we fled.
00:40:34Israeli strikes continuing against southern Lebanon.
00:40:36The IDF is still striking Gaza.
00:40:38Overnight, they hit the Al-Aqsa Hospital
00:40:40in the city of Deir al-Bala.
00:40:42A horrific fire erupted afterwards,
00:40:45and a possible secondary explosion.
00:40:47The Israelis say they were targeting
00:40:49a command center for Hamas,
00:40:51and local media says that multiple civilians were killed.
00:40:54We are still gathering details
00:40:56following that event in Gaza overnight.
00:40:59So Netanyahu says,
00:41:02quote, I want to make it clear
00:41:05that we will continue to hit Hezbollah mercilessly
00:41:10in all parts of Lebanon, also in Beirut.
00:41:15And this article that I'm reading today
00:41:17from the Jerusalem Post says,
00:41:21the IDF will continue to strike Hezbollah in Beirut
00:41:24and anywhere in Lebanon,
00:41:26Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said amid reports
00:41:30that Israel had ceded to a U.S. request
00:41:33to constrain aerial attacks in Lebanon's capital.
00:41:38And that quote that I just gave you from Netanyahu,
00:41:41he says, we will not stop attacking Hezbollah.
00:41:47And he says, such strikes will take place
00:41:50according to operational considerations.
00:41:52We have proven this in the past period,
00:41:55and we will continue to prove it
00:41:57in the incoming days as well.
00:42:01And the Post article goes on to say,
00:42:04his statement followed two briefings
00:42:05from senior Israeli sources
00:42:07that dismissed multiple media reports
00:42:09about a U.S. request that Israel stop attacking
00:42:13Hezbollah targets in Beirut.
00:42:18So the nation of Israel is in an uproar today,
00:42:22and they have been really targeting Hezbollah
00:42:25very effectively over the past couple of weeks.
00:42:29And here we have this kink in their armor,
00:42:33and we hope that that's a one-off situation
00:42:36and not something that is a flaw that they've discovered
00:42:41in the IDF defense system.
00:42:44Now, the second thing that I wanna tell you about,
00:42:49very important to know, and this has never been done before.
00:42:56America is sending THAAD missile batteries
00:43:01and 100 boots-on-the-ground troops to operate that system.
00:43:09That has never been done, as far as I know, ever before.
00:43:17And if you're not familiar with what the THAAD,
00:43:20T-H-A-A-D system is,
00:43:23it stands for Terminal High Altitude Area Defense,
00:43:27and it comes from the Lockheed Martin Company.
00:43:31And it's a mobile surface-to-air interceptor
00:43:36that can shoot down incoming ballistic and cruise missiles.
00:43:41It works for short, medium,
00:43:43and intermediate-range interceptors
00:43:45that can strike incoming targets
00:43:48both within and above the Earth's atmosphere.
00:43:53So take a listen to this clip.
00:43:55The U.S. sends THAAD to Israel.
00:44:00We are following breaking news out of the Middle East.
00:44:02At least four Israeli soldiers have been killed,
00:44:04dozens more injured,
00:44:06after Hezbollah drones hit an Israeli army base near Haifa.
00:44:09The drone attack is one of the bloodiest
00:44:11since the war started last October.
00:44:14Hezbollah has claimed responsibility.
00:44:16Let's go down to CNN's Nick Robertson,
00:44:18who is in Tel Aviv and joins us now live.
00:44:21Nick, this seems like a major moment to mark.
00:44:28It is.
00:44:30The IDF has confirmed that this was a military base
00:44:33that was struck, that four soldiers are dead,
00:44:35seven are critically injured.
00:44:37Medics on the scene describe it
00:44:39as a very difficult situation.
00:44:42More than 60 casualties, they said,
00:44:44evacuated to eight different hospitals
00:44:46by ambulance and by helicopter.
00:44:49But just, you have to stress here
00:44:52that this base is 40 miles from the border with Lebanon.
00:44:56That's a long way.
00:44:57It's closer to here in Tel Aviv
00:44:59than it is to the actual fighting at the war front.
00:45:02So this is very significant,
00:45:04and it absolutely does seem to be
00:45:06perhaps the bloodiest incident,
00:45:09targeting and hitting IDF forces
00:45:13away from the front lines since October the 7th last year.
00:45:17The IDF chief spokesman has been to the site tonight,
00:45:22describing what has happened.
00:45:24He's described that Hezbollah managed
00:45:26to get a drone into the base,
00:45:30that it came across the northern border from Lebanon
00:45:33around about 7 p.m.
00:45:34He said the situation is now under IDF control,
00:45:38but what he describes is a scenario
00:45:41that requires investigation
00:45:43and reveals that they've come up short on defenses.
00:45:46And he says the defenses need improving, too.
00:45:51We are now busy contacting their families.
00:45:54All of the soldiers at the base were instructed to call home
00:45:58and update their families that they are okay.
00:46:01We are managing the incident.
00:46:03We will learn from and investigate the incident,
00:46:06how a UAV entered without an alert at the base.
00:46:11The threat of UAVs is a threat we are dealing with.
00:46:16So that's the real question that Israel is trying
00:46:19very, very hard and very, very quickly
00:46:22to try to figure out what the problem is.
00:46:25How did that UAV make it through
00:46:28the very formidable IDF early warning defense system?
00:46:35I'm looking at this article here from the Times of Israel.
00:46:39U.S. confirms it's sending missile battery
00:46:42and 100 troops to operate it to Israel.
00:46:47The Pentagon says deployment of THAAD system,
00:46:51associated crew of U.S. military personnel,
00:46:54will help bolster Israel's air defenses
00:46:57following Iran's unprecedented ballistic missile attacks.
00:47:03So now you have the United States
00:47:06being pulled in even deeper.
00:47:09If you remember, we've already had a lot of fighter jets
00:47:15and warships and airstrike carrier attack groups
00:47:21already stationed in the Mediterranean.
00:47:24But now we're putting U.S. troops on the ground in Israel.
00:47:30And bit by bit, the United States gets pulled deeper
00:47:34and deeper into whatever the conflict between Israel
00:47:39and Iran is ultimately going to be.
00:47:42The beginning of the war.
00:47:44We need an improvement to our defense.
00:47:49So Hezbollah over recent days has been threatening
00:47:52to target bases and collections of Israeli troops
00:47:58away from the border.
00:47:59This is something that has been threatening to do.
00:48:01Now, after this strike tonight,
00:48:03they claimed that this was the act of a suicide drone.
00:48:07And Hezbollah describes a scenario
00:48:09where they appear to have tried to cheat it
00:48:12or fool the air defense systems here in Israel.
00:48:16They fired, they say, lots of rockets,
00:48:19dozens of rockets into northern Israel.
00:48:21And then after that, with the intention, they say,
00:48:24of confusing the air defense systems,
00:48:26and then sent a squad of suicide drones to target the base.
00:48:31Now, that may be an overstatement of what they did,
00:48:35but it clearly shows that Hezbollah has been trying to find
00:48:39over recent weeks a way to get around
00:48:41the air defense systems here,
00:48:43which until now have been pretty effective.
00:48:45On Friday, a Hezbollah drone managed to get
00:48:49within a few miles of Tel Aviv
00:48:50and hit a nursing home not far away.
00:48:53And that was after intercept efforts.
00:48:55So Hezbollah seems to be refining their tactics here.
00:48:59And as you heard from the IDF spokesman there,
00:49:02they absolutely need to improve.
00:49:04This is a very, very deadly and bloody day for the IDF today.
00:49:09Yeah, it certainly is.
00:49:10I also want to ask you about this other major development.
00:49:14The US now saying it's going to send
00:49:15an advanced anti-missile system to Israel,
00:49:18along with about 100 US troops to operate it.
00:49:21How significant is that?
00:49:26It's very significant.
00:49:28It's very significant.
00:49:29This system, the THAAD,
00:49:31the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Missile System,
00:49:37is designed to intercept ballistic missiles.
00:49:39And it's ballistic missiles that Iran fired at Israel
00:49:43two weeks ago, more than 180 of them.
00:49:46Some of them got through to bases
00:49:49and other sites in Israel, military bases.
00:49:52So with this THAAD system,
00:49:55it should give Israel more protection
00:49:57if Iran strikes them again with ballistic missiles.
00:50:00The Houthis in Yemen, the Hezbollah to the north in Lebanon
00:50:04have also been firing ballistic missiles here.
00:50:06So the main thing that we still don't know
00:50:10is why is Israel going so slowly with their strike on Iran
00:50:17after they sent those 120 ballistic missiles on Israel
00:50:23about a week to a week and a half ago.
00:50:26And Israel is really taking its time.
00:50:30Maybe they know that there are some holes in their armor,
00:50:35that maybe they don't have enough systems in place.
00:50:41Maybe Iron Dome is being pushed
00:50:43to the limits of its capability.
00:50:45I don't know.
00:50:47I honestly don't know.
00:50:48But I know this.
00:50:50I know that if David Sling and Iron Dome
00:50:55were doing what they were supposed to be doing,
00:50:58there wouldn't be any reason for the United States
00:51:01to send a THAAD system with a hundred troops to operate it.
00:51:06So something is getting through and Israel,
00:51:12they just might be in big trouble.
00:51:15I don't know.
00:51:16I honestly don't know.
00:51:18But these are the questions that we're asking here today
00:51:22on day 1,673 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
00:51:28All right, let's see what else we have going on here.
00:51:32Let me give you an update.
00:51:35Let's switch gears for a moment
00:51:37and let me give you an update on the NTEB relief convoy
00:51:43that took about a week to put together.
00:51:50Charlton, as you know,
00:51:55he devoted Sunday through Friday of last week
00:52:01to be boots on the ground and to get into his truck
00:52:06and to go pick up Bibles for us in Johnson City, Tennessee,
00:52:11and to bring those Bibles all the way to Ekron, Kentucky,
00:52:16to Grace Baptist Church.
00:52:18And once they were there,
00:52:20Charlton joined up with about 13 other men
00:52:24who loaded up six trucks and trailers
00:52:29worth of nearly 100,000 pounds of relief supplies
00:52:34for the people in Asheville, North Carolina.
00:52:38We sent them 44,000 pounds of bottled water,
00:52:4335,000 pounds of personal supplies,
00:52:50food, clothing, diapers, things of that nature,
00:52:53and all sorts of other stuff,
00:52:55including cases of John and Romans scripture portions
00:53:01and King James Bibles and Spanish Bibles,
00:53:051,000 Bibles in all.
00:53:08And we did an article about that on Friday night.
00:53:12The convoy got there around sundown,
00:53:17and we were so excited to be able to bring all that aid
00:53:22and all that relief,
00:53:25and we delivered it to Bible Baptist Church
00:53:28in Asheville, North Carolina.
00:53:31Pastor Andrew Sluder is up there,
00:53:33and he reached out to me and told me how grateful
00:53:36that everybody is for what NTEB and Grace Baptist Church,
00:53:42and I think First Baptist of Hammond,
00:53:45everybody got together to really go above and beyond,
00:53:51above and beyond.
00:53:53And there are needs that are popping up all over the place.
00:53:58Over on the West Coast of Florida in Bradenton,
00:54:02they had huge amounts of damage.
00:54:05They took a direct hit,
00:54:07and Pastor Joel Tillis from Suncoast Baptist Church,
00:54:11he had, he lost his offices.
00:54:15The Soul Trap Studios got wiped out in the flood,
00:54:19and that's a real problem.
00:54:22And a lot of the families
00:54:24that attend Suncoast Baptist Church,
00:54:28they have a lot of needs as well.
00:54:31So I would love to be able to send them a financial gift
00:54:37to help them to purchase the supplies that they need
00:54:41for their church members.
00:54:43If you would like to help us to do that,
00:54:46if you'd like to help us to raise some funds
00:54:49that we can send to Suncoast Baptist Church,
00:54:53just go to any of the donate links on our website.
00:54:57That's nowtheendbegins.com.
00:55:01That's nowtheendbegins.com.
00:55:04And if God has prospered you,
00:55:07make a donation to help us.
00:55:09We would love to help the people at Suncoast Baptist.
00:55:14Pastor Joel and Brother Kevin and Brother Rich
00:55:17have been such a help to me personally,
00:55:22to Now The End Begins, to our ministry, to our bookstore.
00:55:26We have done a lot of episodes of The Soul Trap together,
00:55:31and we just have a real bond and a real connection
00:55:35with everybody over at Suncoast Baptist Church.
00:55:38So if you'd like to help us to send some relief
00:55:44to the Suncoast Baptist Church family,
00:55:46please go to nowtheendbegins.com
00:55:49and click on any of the donate links.
00:55:52And if God has prospered you,
00:55:55please send us a donation so that we can help them
00:55:59with food and gas and propane and water
00:56:03and whatever else that they need
00:56:05over on the West Coast of Florida.
00:56:08And thank you so very much for your prayer,
00:56:10for your support.
00:56:12Without you guys, we wouldn't be able to do this.
00:56:16And the NTEB Relief Convoy,
00:56:20it's an amazing thing that God has raised up.
00:56:24So if you'd like to help us to help Suncoast Baptist Church,
00:56:28just go to nowtheendbegins.com
00:56:31and click on any of the donate links,
00:56:33and we are going to be helping them
00:56:36as much as we possibly can.
00:56:40Now, let me play this clip for you.
00:56:44I get a lot of clips from Jason A.'s excellent channel
00:56:49over on YouTube, and he has a very important ministry
00:56:53that he does.
00:56:55And he puts together sound bites and audio headlines
00:57:01so that he kind of puts it all in one place.
00:57:06Well, I want to play for you a clip
00:57:09that he put together over the weekend.
00:57:12I think our generation needs to know
00:57:16that the beast of the event is here.
00:57:20And it's coming.
00:57:22And whether it's terrorism, this pandemic, or other shocks,
00:57:27we have to fight it when it comes,
00:57:29with what it has of profoundly unexpected, implacable.
00:57:36As we know, the French president is often compared to Jupiter.
00:57:40So you probably don't speak French.
00:57:44I don't speak French.
00:57:46And you just heard Emmanuel Macron talking to you in French.
00:57:54So I want to tell you exactly what he just said.
00:58:05Give me one second.
00:58:06He said this.
00:58:09I believe our generation has to know
00:58:13that the beast of events is here, and it's coming.
00:58:18And be it terrorism, or this great pandemic,
00:58:21or other crises, we have to fight it when it comes
00:58:25with all it has that is deeply unexpected and relentless.
00:58:33And what was he talking about?
00:58:36Emmanuel Macron is talking about the new world order.
00:58:42But the question that I have for you
00:58:45is why did Jason A just one day ago
00:58:50make a brand new video
00:58:52about Emmanuel Macron being the Antichrist?
00:58:58Do you think that he spends time going to Now The End Begins
00:59:02to check out the articles that we've done
00:59:04about Emmanuel Macron?
00:59:06The Roman god, in part for his kind of distance
00:59:10from journalists and from the people,
00:59:11well, now he has descended from Mount Olympus.
00:59:14Look at the front page of Libération.
00:59:15Must admit, they got very creative today.
00:59:17You can see, this one you have to understand a little bit.
00:59:20Essentially, lots of papers,
00:59:21and Macron himself have compared Macron
00:59:24to the king of all gods, Jupiter.
00:59:26And so what you can see here is it's Manuel Jupiter,
00:59:29so Manupiter, they coined a new word there.
00:59:31Another portmanteau.
00:59:32It's a very good portmanteau and a very good drawing there.
00:59:36Jupiter with his tridents there,
00:59:38I don't know, bolts of lightning, ready to get things done.
00:59:41But Libé is worried about this Jupiterian president,
00:59:45worried that public debate will be atrophied
00:59:47while Macron is building this myth
00:59:50of a new savior of France.
00:59:52Discussing his latest book,
00:59:55The Last President of Europe,
00:59:59Emmanuel Macron's race to revive France
01:00:02and save the world.
01:00:04And likewise, we have to build a new international order.
01:00:07And this is the biggest challenge of our time.
01:00:11We need a single global order.
01:00:15He's the choice of a country desperate for change,
01:00:17a politician who's neither left nor right,
01:00:20part of the French establishment yet never before elected,
01:00:24a fresh face who served in the outgoing government.
01:00:28So who is Emmanuel Macron?
01:00:30Exudes an air of youthful optimism.
01:00:33At 44, you are the senior leader of Europe.
01:00:41So the question that I have for Jason A
01:00:45is why did he make a brand new video
01:00:50about Emmanuel Macron being the biblical man of sin?
01:00:56That is something that we have said many, many times
01:01:00over the last seven years.
01:01:04He first came on our radar back in 2017
01:01:09and we checked him out.
01:01:11We checked him out.
01:01:13And you know what we found when we checked him out?
01:01:17We found out that he has, on his father's side,
01:01:22he has DNA ties to the Roman Empire.
01:01:30And on his mother's side, he has Jewish ancestry.
01:01:37That's what we found out about Emmanuel Macron.
01:01:41And so for the past number of years,
01:01:44we have been saying, and this is just our opinion,
01:01:49you can believe it or not believe it,
01:01:52but for the past number of years,
01:01:54we've been telling you that Emmanuel Jean
01:01:56Michel Frédéric Macron, in our opinion,
01:02:03is the biblical man of sin.
01:02:07That's the position that we have held firmly
01:02:12for the past seven, nearly eight years now.
01:02:15For the past seven, nearly eight years now.
01:02:19And that is the position that we continue to hold.
01:02:25And everything that he has said
01:02:27and everything that he has done since 2017
01:02:31only serves to strengthen the case that we have made
01:02:38that he just might be the biblical man of sin.
01:02:42And he has done nothing.
01:02:44He has said nothing to make me think otherwise.
01:02:48And so we will continue to monitor him
01:02:52and we'll keep you informed with all his latest
01:02:59proclamations that he is fond of making.
01:03:03Kamala Harris had this to say back in 2021
01:03:09about Columbus Day.
01:03:11Happy Columbus Day, by the way.
01:03:13This is what Kamala Harris said
01:03:15about Columbus Day three years ago.
01:03:18It is an honor, of course, to be with you this week
01:03:21as we celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day,
01:03:25as we speak truth about our nation's history.
01:03:30Since 1934, every October, the United States
01:03:35has recognized the voyage of the European explorers
01:03:39who first landed on the shores of the Americas.
01:03:43But that is not the whole story.
01:03:46That has never been the whole story.
01:03:50Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation
01:03:54for tribal nations, perpetrating violence,
01:03:58stealing land, and spreading disease.
01:04:02We must not shy away from this shameful past
01:04:07and we must shed light on it and do everything we can
01:04:12to address the impact of the past
01:04:15on Native communities today.
01:04:22So there's Kamala Harris,
01:04:24the Democratic nominee, candidate,
01:04:29for President of the United States.
01:04:31That's how she feels about Christopher Columbus.
01:04:34That's how she feels about white people.
01:04:38So you have to ask yourself,
01:04:39what type of president would she make?
01:04:43And you just better pray to God
01:04:45that we never have to find out
01:04:50what type of president that Kamala Harris would make
01:04:53because it would be really, really, really bad.
01:04:58Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax bill.
01:05:01And on day one, I will repeal that tax bill.
01:05:03Joe Biden and I are about to work
01:05:05to get rid of that tax cut.
01:05:07Joe and I are about to get rid of that tax bill.
01:05:10Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax cut.
01:05:13Everything from a 70 to 80% tax rate.
01:05:15I think that's fantastic.
01:05:16We've got to increase the corporate tax rate.
01:05:19Part of that is gonna be about repealing that tax bill
01:05:21that they just passed.
01:05:23And also looking at estate taxes are gonna have to go up.
01:05:25We will tax capital gains.
01:05:27But we're gonna have to raise corporate taxes.
01:05:30It's just a new way of looking at things
01:05:31to say, we're gonna tax what you don't have.
01:05:34That's a sore point and it's a big deal.
01:05:36Is that something you think she firmly believes in?
01:05:38I think it's part of the proposals of the campaign.
01:05:41Taxing unrealized gains just doesn't seem fair
01:05:44in any sense of the word.
01:05:45I think that this reaction to unrealized gains
01:05:47is a little funny given that I bet
01:05:49that the majority of people watching right now
01:05:51are already paying a tax on unrealized gains.
01:05:53It's called a property tax.
01:05:54When the value of your home goes up.
01:05:56That's an old.
01:05:57It's a used tax.
01:05:58When the value of your home goes up,
01:05:59you pay higher taxes even if you don't sell your home.
01:06:02Your value of your home never moves
01:06:03the way the stock moves,
01:06:05the way something else moves.
01:06:06That's always the go-to answer.
01:06:07Under my plan, there will also be a carbon fee.
01:06:10There has to be some connection
01:06:12between the fee and bad behaviors.
01:06:14And there has to be, in that we have to monitor
01:06:17whether it's gonna be passed on to consumers.
01:06:19But I'm gonna tell you that should never be the reason
01:06:21not to actually put a fee in, in particular a carbon fee.
01:06:26If you're thinking about not voting in this election,
01:06:33we urge you to think again.
01:06:36This is not the time to be making
01:06:40an ideological stand about voting.
01:06:45America hangs in the balance with this election.
01:06:50Do not sit it out.
01:06:52Do not sit on the sidelines.
01:06:55Go and cast your vote if for no other reason
01:06:59than to put your thumb into the eye of the new world order.
01:07:03But whatever you do, if you're an American citizen,
01:07:08you need to vote in this election coming up.
01:07:13It is the most consequential election
01:07:17that has ever been held.
01:07:19And I think that that's a very, very safe statement to make.
01:07:27Don't sit this one out.
01:07:31Make sure that you get to the polls, vote.
01:07:34If you have early voting in your state,
01:07:36go and vote right now.
01:07:42Do not let Kamala Harris become president.
01:07:46It will be really, really bad.
01:07:49All right, I said about an hour ago that I would,
01:07:53and for whatever reason, I can't find the article.
01:07:56I know that I wrote about it,
01:07:58but the article's not coming up for me.
01:08:01But talking about why China
01:08:05wants to take over the nation of Taiwan.
01:08:09And the reason for that is
01:08:13that Taiwan has become a global silicon superpower.
01:08:19And there is a company in Taiwan and it is called TSMC.
01:08:33And this is the world's most powerful
01:08:38and most productive silicon and semiconductor
01:08:43and microchip company in the world.
01:08:47It produces 57% of all the world's chips
01:08:55and about 90% of all the world's
01:09:00most advanced semiconductors.
01:09:03And you know what you have to have
01:09:06to have this great computing power?
01:09:12You have to have microchips and semiconductor chips.
01:09:17The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company,
01:09:21otherwise known as TSMC,
01:09:23is the world's premier
01:09:28semiconductor and microchip company.
01:09:32This is why China desperately wants to take over
01:09:36the nation of Taiwan.
01:09:39Because if they do,
01:09:41they will get their hands on those chips.
01:09:44Right now, Taiwan does not sell
01:09:47any of the chips that they make to China.
01:09:51And because these chips are the world's most advanced chips,
01:09:57China can never get their technology
01:10:01on a par with nations like the United Kingdom,
01:10:07the United States, Israel, Germany.
01:10:12China will never get to that level
01:10:14without getting their hands on these microchips
01:10:19and semiconductor chips that are made in Taiwan.
01:10:23And that's what the battle has always been about.
01:10:28And that's what the battle is going to be about.
01:10:34In the day and age that we live in,
01:10:36information is the currency.
01:10:42Data is the new gold.
01:10:47And whoever controls the data,
01:10:50whoever controls the microchips and the semiconductors,
01:10:55controls the entire world.
01:10:58And with that, we have come to the end of our time for today.
01:11:03Thank you for being patient with us
01:11:05and getting this podcast up and running.
01:11:08And thank you for the people
01:11:10who were able to come back into the chat room.
01:11:13We so very much appreciate the support.
01:11:16And Lord willing, we'll see you back here tomorrow,
01:11:197 p.m. Eastern time, for part three in our series,
01:11:23Israel and the Beginning of Sorrows.
01:11:28Have a great day, everybody.
01:11:30♪ When peace like a river unattended my way ♪
01:11:51♪ When peace like a river unattended my way ♪
01:11:59♪ When sorrow like sea bellows me ♪
01:12:13♪ Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say ♪
01:12:19♪ Thou has taught me to say it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:12:41♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:12:49♪ With my soul, with my soul ♪
01:12:56♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:13:13♪ And the sin of all of us, is not a sin of us alone ♪
01:13:18♪ Thou, this glorious thought, my sin not in part, but the whole ♪
01:13:41♪ Is nailed to the cross, is nailed to the cross ♪
01:13:48♪ And I'm buried no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord oh my soul ♪
01:14:10♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:14:19♪ With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:14:41♪ Oh Lord, haste the day, when my faith shall be found ♪
01:14:48♪ And my faith shall be sound ♪
01:14:55♪ And the clouds be bowed high, as the scrolls ♪
01:15:09♪ And the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall rise again ♪
01:15:18♪ And the Lord shall listen, even so, it is well with my soul ♪
01:15:38♪ It is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:15:48♪ With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:16:08♪ With my soul, with my soul, with my soul, with my soul ♪
01:16:18♪ With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
01:16:48♪ With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul ♪
