Emma Chamberlain | Pop Quiz | Marie Claire

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Emma Chamberlain reveals all in a game of 'Pop Quiz,' including the advice she'd give to her younger self, the best gift she's ever received and much more.
00:00I feel weird that I did that, but you asked for it.
00:04Did I eat it?
00:09Hi, I'm Emma Chamberlain, and we're going to be playing Pop Quiz.
00:13Let's see. Let's start here.
00:18That was so loud.
00:20What is the best gift you've received?
00:23The real gift is other people's presence in your life.
00:28But if I had to choose a material gift, I would say a vintage Napoleon Dynamite
00:35zip-up sweatshirt.
00:38You just can't buy that stuff anymore.
00:40It's such a thoughtful gift.
00:42So probably that.
00:47Last text you sent?
00:50It was probably to one of my parents, and it was probably just me being like,
00:53how are you?
00:54Like, I text my parents, how are you, 10 times a day.
00:58They're like, good.
01:00I'm still good.
01:01I was good an hour ago.
01:02I'm still good.
01:03I love my parents, and I check up on them every hour.
01:07Okay, I lost the pin.
01:16Word your friends would use to describe you?
01:20You know what?
01:22I don't know.
01:23I feel like I'm just random.
01:25My friends actually back there.
01:26Jared, would you agree that I'm random?
01:29Okay, random.
01:33Last song you got stuck in your head?
01:36Ooh, this is like super vulnerable.
01:39I don't know the answer.
01:40I can't remember yet, but whatever the answer is, just know that this is vulnerable.
01:45Last song, probably Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo.
01:49That shit is good.
01:52Word that makes you cringe?
01:57I'm not one of those people that's like, oh, don't say moist.
02:00Like moist for me is actually like appetizing.
02:03Because when somebody says moist, I think of like a moist banana bread or like a moist dessert.
02:08So that one doesn't bother me.
02:11Oh, the word cluster does make me nauseous.
02:16Like for some reason, I can handle it.
02:19I mean, I just said it, but it definitely isn't.
02:22I don't prefer it.
02:25Last book you read?
02:26Ooh, this is embarrassing.
02:27It's been a long time.
02:30I was going through a big reading phase for probably a year.
02:35And then I just stopped.
02:37I've been trying to read Crime and Punishment for literally over a year.
02:43And I'll read a chapter and be like, this is not for me right now.
02:47And then I retire it for a few months.
02:49And then I try to read another chapter.
02:51I will finish it one day.
02:53So we'll say it's the last book I read.
02:55But you know, I haven't finished it yet.
02:57I'll get back to you in like 2030 when I finish it.
03:00And I'll totally let you know what I think.
03:04Favorite dance move?
03:05Show us.
03:07So silly, you guys.
03:10What is my favorite dance move?
03:13Like that.
03:14But just like head down.
03:17You know what I mean?
03:18I hate that you guys made me do that.
03:20Don't ever make me do that again.
03:25How did you make your first dollar?
03:29I know.
03:30I used to collect these tiny little erasers.
03:34But they weren't like any eraser.
03:37They were little erasers shaped like average objects.
03:40You know, there was a little dog eraser,
03:44a little pig shaped eraser, a little car eraser.
03:48And they were incredible.
03:50I mean, they were really cool.
03:51Like you could take them apart and put them back together.
03:54Like they were full little sculptures, but they were erasers.
03:58But I got word somehow that these erasers were selling for big bucks.
04:04So probably around third grade, I started selling off my collection
04:08to kids at school and they would bring money.
04:11And I would sell my little erasers that my mom bought me, right?
04:15So like my mom invested in me as an entrepreneur and bought me these erasers.
04:22I then went to school and sold them, pocketed the cash, didn't tell mom.
04:28First dollar.
04:31What should every woman try at least once in her life?
04:37I don't know.
04:43Probably Cool Ranch Doritos, at least once.
04:46They are so...
04:47Like when I think about what's like a once in a lifetime experience,
04:52I don't know.
04:52Like if you haven't tried Cool Ranch Doritos, go out and try it.
04:55But I'll tell you that's universal.
04:57That's not just...
04:57That's for everybody.
04:59I don't know what should...
05:01I'm gonna try to give a serious answer.
05:02Although not that that's not serious, because that actually is true.
05:05Like if you've never tried them, you should right now.
05:08I don't know.
05:08That's too hard.
05:10Can I come back to it?
05:15Guilty pleasure watch on TV or streamer.
05:20I have kind of a bad habit where I like to re-watch my two favorite movies,
05:26Napoleon Dynamite and Coraline.
05:28And it's at a point now where it's like I've seen them so many times.
05:33It's not cute anymore.
05:34It's not like, oh, that's your favorite movie.
05:36You're watching it again.
05:37Emma, you have to watch something else.
05:40Like you have to watch something else.
05:42It's unhealthy now.
05:44It's also like I haven't even seen that many other movies.
05:48I'm not super into movies.
05:50I'm into my two movies that I like and I just keep re-watching them.
05:55And I don't explore new things, which is not good.
05:58So Napoleon Dynamite and Coraline.
05:59Best movies on the planet.
06:04Do you have any secret talents?
06:07Show us.
06:09To be honest, I am pretty boring.
06:13I mean, I used to be a cheerleader so I can kind of lift my leg up.
06:16And I'll try it for you.
06:18But let's see if the flexibility is still there.
06:20It definitely isn't.
06:21But like, you know, I can lift a leg up.
06:25Oh, I'm hitting the mic.
06:27Like, is that impressive?
06:28I mean, I'm kind of like I'm no more flexible than like
06:33your friend that goes to yoga at this point.
06:35I've lost all flexibility.
06:37I used to be very flexible though.
06:39I feel weird that I did that.
06:41But you asked for it.
06:44Go-to late night snack.
06:47I do love something salty and crunchy at night.
06:51Like I love a flavored pistachio.
06:56Like a salt and vinegar pistachio, chili lime pistachio.
07:02Pistachio, like a yummy cracker.
07:06Oh, Mary's Gone Crackers, best crackers.
07:08They're so good.
07:09Sometimes randomly like a Popsicle.
07:12It's like, ooh, wait, that actually sounds great.
07:15And like watching TV with a little Popsicle.
07:17But I think my dream late night snack,
07:20if I always had it in stock at home, would be a white cheddar Cheez-It.
07:23That's like, that would hit the spot.
07:25But you would have to brush again because that will ruin.
07:29That will ruin everything that you had going on here.
07:32What makes you feel most powerful and confident?
07:40I think it's a combination of feeling like I'm providing value
07:44in some way to other people while still taking care of myself.
07:47When I have that balance, it is magical what can happen.
07:52It's not an easy balance to strike, but it is worth the eternal challenge.
07:59What advice would you give to your younger self?
08:02To be patient with the process of growing into yourself.
08:08You know, my younger self was a young kid.
08:13Like I, I'm just now arriving to a point where I'm an adult
08:18and I'm kind of solidifying who I am as a person.
08:22But prior to literally right now, I was a child.
08:25I was a child and there's so many growing pains
08:29when you're growing into yourself as an adult.
08:32And I think I tried to force the process, like force moving things forward.
08:38And it was so uncomfortable and it was so unnatural.
08:43And the reason why I did that was because I didn't trust the natural process.
08:48And I think I could have just gone with the flow a little bit more
08:52and trusted the fact that things will come together.
08:57I guess I would just tell my younger self not to rush growing up,
09:01not to feel any pressure to have things figured out.
09:07It all takes patience.
09:10And I had none of it.
09:12And it was uncomfortable.
09:15What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
09:19I'm not one of those people who need to go skydiving.
09:22I don't want to go skydiving.
09:24I don't want to climb Mount Everest.
09:26Those types of things don't excite me.
09:28I think number one thing on my bucket list, like, I don't know, maybe have a kid.
09:34Kind of boring.
09:36Like, I really do think it'd be cute to have a little.
09:40But like, maybe I won't even want that.
09:42Like, I don't know.
09:44I'll regret that bucket list item.
09:46When my kid is like two and is like throwing up in my car.
09:50Last one.
09:51This better be so juicy.
09:54This better be the juiciest one.
10:00Should I eat it?
10:02I just thought about eating it.
10:04I was like, that would totally be funny, but I won't do it.
10:07Most starstruck moment was probably towards the beginning of my career.
10:15When I first started meeting the YouTubers that I watch or watched at the time.
10:22Like I got to meet Cody Ko and Rhett and Link too.
10:28I grew up watching YouTube.
10:30My superstars were YouTubers.
10:33And that was honestly the most starstruck I ever felt.
10:36Because I think from that point forward, I was like, wait, everybody's pretty normal.
10:41I don't really get starstruck.
10:44Maybe that moment is yet to come.
10:47If I met Napoleon Dynamite, yes, I would be starstruck.
10:51Waiting for that day to come.
10:54That was Pop Quiz with Marie Claire.
10:55Thanks for watching.
