• last week
00:00Hi! So glad you're here.
00:04It's me, Wyatt!
00:13Welcome to Storybook Village, where all our fairy tale friends live!
00:21Whoa! Princess Peach has got a brand new kitten!
00:26Let's go!
00:31Hello there!
00:36Hi, Wyatt!
00:39Meet my kitten!
00:41Hey there, kitty!
00:47She sure likes you, Wyatt!
00:50I like her too.
00:52I think we're friends.
00:54Right, kitty?
00:57Oh my! Come back, kitty!
01:00She ran all the way up the tree!
01:03Maybe I can reach her.
01:10Splitpea! We can't get her down!
01:13This is terrible!
01:15How, oh how, will I ever get my kitten down?
01:20This is a super big problem!
01:23And a super big problem needs us, the Super Readers!
01:28We need to call the rest of the Super Readers!
01:31Call them with me!
01:33Say, calling all Super Readers!
01:36Calling all Super Readers!
01:39To the book club!
01:41To the book club!
01:44Come on! To the book club!
01:55Wyatt here!
01:59P is for pig!
02:05Red Riding Hood rolling in!
02:12Princess Pea at your service!
02:20And you, say your name!
02:24Great! We're all here!
02:26And together we will solve Princess Pea's problem!
02:29Let's go!
02:44OK, Princess Pea, state your problem!
02:48My kitten ran up the tree!
02:51My kitten ran up the tree, and now she's stuck!
02:55Oh no!
02:58How, oh how, will I get my kitten down from the tree?
03:02Good question!
03:04When we have a question, we look!
03:07In a book!
03:09What book should we look in?
03:13Peas and carrots, carrots and peas!
03:18Book, come out, please, please, please!
03:26Let's read the title of this book.
03:32We know what to do.
03:34We need to jump into this book
03:37and find the answer to Princess Pea's question.
03:41First, we look for super letters.
03:45And then, put them in our super-duper computer!
03:53Super-duper computer, how many super letters do we need?
04:01Oh, looks like in this story, we'll need eight super letters.
04:07And then we'll get our super story answer!
04:15It's time to transform!
04:22Arms in!
04:24Put your arm in!
04:30Super readers, to the rescue!
04:36Alphabet, with alphabet power!
04:44Wonder Red, with word power!
04:52Princess Presto, with spelling power!
05:03Super Y, with the power to read!
05:08And Super U, with the power to help!
05:16Together we are...
05:18The Super Readers!
05:25We're ready to fly into this book!
05:31Super readers, to the rescue!
05:38It's time to fly with the Super Readers
05:43because we've got a problem to solve!
05:46Super readers, to the rescue!
05:51Super readers, working together
05:55with powers to read!
05:58Into books we'll fly
06:01to find the super story answer!
06:05It's Super Y!
06:09Super readers, to the rescue!
06:17Presto! We're in the Repuzzle Book!
06:25Let's read!
06:29Y-Writer, highlight!
06:32Read with me!
06:35A princess named Rapunzel lived in a tall castle.
06:46The prince rode to the castle on his horse.
06:57Rapunzel was stuck at the top of the castle
07:00and could not come down.
07:02What will I do?
07:05Rapunzel is stuck at the top of the castle
07:09just like my kitten is stuck at the top of the tree!
07:14And that, Super Readers, is why we are in this book.
07:18The kitten and Rapunzel are both stuck.
07:24Let's go find out how Rapunzel gets down from the castle.
07:33Oh, my peas!
07:35There are so many trees!
07:38I can't see the castle anymore!
07:41But if we can't see the castle,
07:43we won't be able to find Rapunzel.
07:46What should we do?
07:50Alpha Pig, to the rescue!
07:57With my amazing alphabet tools,
08:00I can help us find the letters in the word CASTLE.
08:04And then we will find the castle!
08:08I'll just need my lucky letter lasso!
08:14OK, the word CASTLE starts with the letter C.
08:20Where is the C?
08:30There's that C.
08:32Lucky letter lasso!
08:41Now we need to find an A.
08:44Do you see an A?
08:50Right there!
08:52That's the A.
08:54Lucky letter lasso, go!
09:04Now where's the S?
09:10Right there!
09:13There's that S.
09:20OK, now the T.
09:24Do you see the T?
09:33There's the T.
09:35Lucky letter lasso!
09:40And now the letter L.
09:43Where is the L?
09:52That's the L.
09:57One more letter.
10:00Where's that E?
10:06Over there!
10:08There's the E.
10:17Lickety letters!
10:19We found all the letters in the word CASTLE.
10:23Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up!
10:31Taking off to the castle!
10:38Be sure to look out for super letters!
10:42Super letters!
10:45You see super letters?
10:48What letters did you find?
10:57Ooh, W and T!
11:00We need to put them into our super duper...
11:13Six more super letters and then we'll get...
11:16our super story answer!
11:26Hello down there, super readers!
11:29You came just in time!
11:32The prince is coming to play!
11:36But wait!
11:38How can you play with the prince if you're stuck in a tall castle?
11:44Well, I just simply let down my long hair...
11:49and the prince will climb up it!
11:52The prince will climb up your hair?
11:55Yes, I've been growing it so long!
12:04Why, my hair is not long!
12:08It's short!
12:11The prince can't climb up my short hair!
12:15I need long hair!
12:17What will I do?
12:21Cue the sparkle!
12:23Cue the music!
12:25Princess Presto to the rescue!
12:30With my magic spelling wand, I can spell the word grow...
12:34and make Rapunzel's hair grow long!
12:38Will you help me spell the word grow?
12:43Wands up!
12:45Spell with me!
12:47What letter makes the sound g-g?
12:56A G!
12:58Write a G with me!
13:07Now, what letter makes the sound r-r?
13:17An R!
13:19Write an R with me!
13:30What letter makes the sound o-o?
13:40O! An O!
13:43Let's write the O!
13:49What a lovely O!
13:53Now the last letter.
13:55What makes the sound w-w-w?
14:07Let's write the W like this!
14:19G-R-O-W! Grow!
14:24Say it with me!
14:26Grow, grow, grow!
14:36Spectacular spelling!
14:38We made Rapunzel's hair grow by spelling the word grow!
14:43Let's take a bow!
14:46My hair!
14:48So long!
14:50Now the prince can climb up my long hair!
14:57Super letters!
14:59Do you see super letters?
15:08What letters did you find?
15:19A, O, K?
15:23Now let's put them in our super duper...
15:36Three more super letters and then we'll get our super story answer!
15:42Super job, super readers!
15:48Oh, Rapunzel!
15:51She's here! The prince is here!
15:56Hurry is right!
15:58No, silly!
16:01I am so happy to see you!
16:04Most happy to see you, too!
16:06Now why don't you come down so we can play?
16:09I can't! I'm stuck at the top of this castle!
16:13You're supposed to get me down!
16:16I am? Oh yes, I am!
16:19Not a problem!
16:22Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!
16:30Your hair is so long!
16:34Now what do I do?
16:37Climb up my long hair!
16:41Really? Climb up your hair? Won't that hurt?
16:48Okay, here I come!
16:55Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!
17:02If I can't climb up your hair, how will you get down from the castle?
17:08Maybe you can let down something else for the prince to climb.
17:12I can't let something else down. My story says...
17:16Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!
17:20See? What else can I do?
17:25Superwide to the rescue!
17:28With the power to read, I can change the story and save the day!
17:36Let's change the word hair in the sentence.
17:41Ready, set, zap!
17:46Why writer, write!
17:50Super readers, which word will help Rapunzel get down from the castle?
17:56Bed, book, or ladder?
18:03Let's try bed.
18:06Which word is bed?
18:08It ends with a D.
18:18There's the word bed!
18:23Let's zap it into our sentence.
18:26Ready, set, zap!
18:30Let's read.
18:33Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your bed!
18:46I am a little sleepy.
18:51Maybe I'll just take a short nap.
18:56Did that help Rapunzel get down?
19:04The word bed didn't help.
19:09What else can get her down?
19:13Bed, book, or ladder?
19:20How about ladder?
19:23Where's the word ladder?
19:26Hmm, it has two D's in it.
19:39There's the word ladder!
19:43Let's zap it.
19:45Ready, set, zap!
19:49All right, here goes.
19:51Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your ladder!
20:04Can a ladder help Rapunzel get down?
20:14Super job, super readers!
20:16We changed the story!
20:19I can come get you now.
20:21Wait, you don't have to come up.
20:24I can climb down.
20:27Oh my!
20:29I can't do this alone.
20:31I think I need help to be safe.
20:34I can help, Rapunzel.
20:37Me too!
20:39Me too!
20:44Will you help too?
20:47Let's go!
20:50Let's hold the ladder so Rapunzel can get down.
20:54Put your arms out in front, like this.
20:58We have the ladder.
21:00Okay, climbing down now.
21:05You're almost there, Rapunzel.
21:08Only a few more steps to go.
21:14Great work, super readers!
21:17Together, we helped the ladder and helped Rapunzel come down.
21:21Thank you ever so much, super readers.
21:24I couldn't have gotten down the ladder without your help.
21:28And now we can play!
21:36Super letters!
21:40You see super letters?
21:42Which ones?
21:47R, E, M!
21:54We need to put them into our super...duper...
22:06We did it!
22:08We found all of our super letters.
22:10Now we can get our super story answer.
22:17My, it is hot with all this hair.
22:22We can spell cut and give you a haircut.
22:26C, U, T!
22:37Much better.
22:39And so stylish.
22:43Bye, super readers!
22:45See you! Have fun!
22:51The Wildflyers!
22:54Back to the book club!
23:00Super story answer with Superfly!
23:19Super duper computer!
23:22Give us our super story answer.
23:33Read the letters with me.
23:35T, E, A, M, W, O, R, K.
23:51Our super story answer is teamwork.
24:02But why?
24:05Because we use teamwork to help Rapunzel down from the castle.
24:09We all help to hold the ladder.
24:14So my question is, how will I get my kitten down from the tree?
24:20The answer is teamwork.
24:24Oh, we can use teamwork to get my kitten down from the tree.
24:29Will you all help me?
24:31Yeah, teamwork, teamwork!
24:35Let's go!
24:41We're coming, kitty.
24:43We're going to use teamwork to help you down.
24:46We need something for you to climb.
24:50That's stepstool.
24:56Okay, now for the teamwork.
24:59Everyone put your arms out and hold on tight to the stepstool.
25:05We're holding the stepstool.
25:08Are you holding the stepstool too?
25:12Okay, here I go.
25:15Almost there.
25:18I've got you, kitty.
25:26We did it!
25:29My kitten is safe and sound.
25:32Aren't you, kitten?
25:34Yes, you are.
25:38Hip hip hooray!
25:40The Super Readers saved the day!
25:46Hip hip hooray!
25:49The Super Readers saved the day!
25:54We changed the story.
25:56We solved the problem.
25:58We worked together, so hip hip hooray!
26:03Hip hip hooray!
26:06The Super Readers saved the day!
26:11Hip hip hooray!
26:14The Super Readers saved the day!
26:19Hey, look who it is!
26:22It's the Cat in the Hat!
26:24It's the Cat in the Hat on PBS Kids!
26:27Get ready to take off.
26:29Look straight ahead!
26:31Dive down.
26:32Dive, dive!
26:35Even shrink!
26:36So much fun!
26:39To see what bees, lions, and hummingbirds are really up to.
26:44Just don't get stuck in any goo.
26:48The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that.
26:50Weekdays, only on PBS Kids.
26:53Hi there, Dot here.
26:55Creative kids just like you have been making cool things at pbskids.org.
27:00Take a look.
27:01Olivia, a kid just like you sent in this story with these great pictures.
27:06You can do it too, but first let's see what Olivia made.
27:10Did you know that I was born on President's Day?
27:14When I grow up, I will be a famous president.
27:17Hip hip hooray!
27:19Three cheers for Olivia!
27:21That was fun.
27:22You can do great things too at pbskids.org.
27:28Ready, guys?
27:29Who's ready for more Clifford?
27:34I thought so.
27:35He's your favorite.
27:36Clifford's ready for you.
27:38Weekdays on PBS Kids or watch anytime you want at pbskids.org.
27:43Superwise funded by a cooperative agreement of the U.S. Department of Education
27:49and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's Ready to Learn Grant.
27:53And by PBS viewers like you.
28:00Chuck E. Cheese's.
28:03Proud supporter of PBS Kids.
28:07Helping children discover the fun of developing their bodies and their minds.
28:14PBS Kids, where a kid can be a kid.
28:19The Super Readers love to figure things out.
28:22Can you help me figure out which animal doesn't belong?
28:26We have a dog, a donkey, a tiger, and a dolphin.
28:32Which one doesn't belong?
28:34The tiger!
28:36The tiger starts with the letter T.
28:39All the other animal names start with the letter D.
28:42You can play more games like this with Superwise at pbskids.org.
